CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

House Bill 1687

Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1687 By Representative Villalobos 1 A bill to be entitled 2 An act relating to protection against domestic 3 violence; amending s. 44.102, F.S.; providing 4 that a case is not referable to family 5 mediation if the court finds there has been a 6 history of domestic violence; amending s. 7 61.13, F.S., relating to child custody and 8 support; providing for creation of a rebuttable 9 presumption of detriment to a child upon 10 evidence of a parent's conviction of a felony 11 involving domestic violence; providing for 12 evidence of spousal or child abuse to be 13 considered by the court as evidence of 14 detriment to the child; amending s. 741.28, 15 F.S.; redefining "domestic violence" to include 16 kidnapping and false imprisonment and other 17 specified criminal offenses resulting in 18 physical injury or death of one family or 19 household member by another, regardless of 20 whether the perpetrator was or is residing in 21 the same dwelling unit; amending s. 741.30, 22 F.S.; providing for court orders to protect the 23 children of the domestic violence victim's 24 minor children; revising the period during 25 which injunctive relief remains effective; 26 providing for motion to modify or dissolve 27 injunction by either party; providing for 28 indication of specified information on the face 29 of a temporary or final judgment for protection 30 against domestic violence; amending s. 741.31, 31 F.S.; defining the offense of willfully 1 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1687 509-147A-97 1 violating a foreign protection order accorded 2 full faith and credit by specified acts; 3 providing penalties; creating s. 741.315, F.S.; 4 requiring that an injunction for protection 5 against domestic violence issued by a "court of 6 a foreign state," as defined, be accorded full 7 faith and credit; providing exceptions; 8 providing for availability of a registration 9 procedure to protected persons; providing 10 duties of the Florida Department of Law 11 Enforcement and sheriffs and other local law 12 enforcement officers with respect to 13 registration and enforcement of foreign 14 protection order; providing certain immunity 15 from civil and criminal liability to law 16 enforcement officer and officer's employing 17 agency; defining the offense of intentionally 18 providing a law enforcement officer with a copy 19 of protection order known to be invalid or 20 denying having been served with protection 21 order when served; providing penalties; 22 amending s. 784.046, F.S., relating to action 23 by victim of repeat violence for protective 24 injunction; providing certain immunity from 25 civil and criminal liability to law enforcement 26 officer and officer's employing agency; 27 revising period of duration of injunctive 28 relief; amending s. 784.047, F.S., relating to 29 penalties for violating protective injunction 30 against repeat violators; defining offenses of 31 willfully violating a foreign protection order 2 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1687 509-147A-97 1 accorded full faith and credit by committing 2 specified acts; providing penalties; amending 3 s. 901.15, F.S., relating to circumstances when 4 arrest by officer without warrant is lawful; 5 providing conforming terminology and cross 6 references; providing certain immunity from 7 civil liability to law enforcement officer; 8 providing an effective date. 9 10 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 11 12 Section 1. Paragraph (b) of subsection (2) of section 13 44.102, Florida Statutes, 1996 Supplement, is amended to read: 14 44.102 Court-ordered mediation.-- 15 (2) A court, under rules adopted by the Supreme Court: 16 (b) In circuits in which a family mediation program 17 has been established and upon a court finding of a dispute, 18 shall refer to mediation all or part of custody, visitation, 19 or other parental responsibility issues as defined in s. 20 61.13. A court shall not refer any case to mediation if it 21 finds there has been a significant history of domestic 22 violence abuse that would compromise the mediation process. 23 Section 2. Paragraph (b) of subsection (2) of section 24 61.13, Florida Statutes, 1996 Supplement, is amended to read: 25 61.13 Custody and support of children; visitation 26 rights; power of court in making orders.-- 27 (2) 28 (b)1. The court shall determine all matters relating 29 to custody of each minor child of the parties in accordance 30 with the best interests of the child and in accordance with 31 the Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction Act. It is the public 3 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1687 509-147A-97 1 policy of this state to assure that each minor child has 2 frequent and continuing contact with both parents after the 3 parents separate or the marriage of the parties is dissolved 4 and to encourage parents to share the rights and 5 responsibilities, and joys, of childrearing. After considering 6 all relevant facts, the father of the child shall be given the 7 same consideration as the mother in determining the primary 8 residence of a child irrespective of the age or sex of the 9 child. 10 2. The court shall order that the parental 11 responsibility for a minor child be shared by both parents 12 unless the court finds that shared parental responsibility 13 would be detrimental to the child. The court shall consider 14 evidence of spousal or child abuse as evidence of detriment to 15 the child. The court shall consider Evidence that a parent has 16 been convicted of a felony of the third second degree or 17 higher involving domestic violence, as defined in s. 741.28 18 and chapter 775, creates as a rebuttable presumption of 19 detriment to the child. If the presumption is not rebutted, 20 shared parental responsibility, including visitation, 21 residence of the child, and decisions made regarding the 22 child, shall not be granted to the convicted parent. However, 23 the convicted parent shall not be relieved of any obligation 24 to provide financial support. If the court determines that 25 shared parental responsibility would be detrimental to the 26 child, it may order sole parental responsibility and make such 27 arrangements for visitation as will best protect the child or 28 abused spouse from further harm. Irrespective of a conviction 29 of any offense or the existence of an injunction for 30 protection against domestic violence, the court shall consider 31 4 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1687 509-147A-97 1 evidence of spousal or child abuse as evidence of detriment to 2 the child. 3 a. In ordering shared parental responsibility, the 4 court may consider the expressed desires of the parents and 5 may grant to one party the ultimate responsibility over 6 specific aspects of the child's welfare or may divide those 7 responsibilities between the parties based on the best 8 interests of the child. Areas of responsibility may include 9 primary residence, education, medical and dental care, and any 10 other responsibilities which the court finds unique to a 11 particular family. 12 b. The court shall order "sole parental 13 responsibility, with or without visitation rights, to the 14 other parent when it is in the best interests of" the minor 15 child. 16 c. The court may award the grandparents visitation 17 rights of a minor child if it is in the child's best interest. 18 Grandparents shall have legal standing to seek judicial 19 enforcement of such an award. Nothing in this section shall 20 require that grandparents be made parties or given notice of 21 dissolution pleadings or proceedings, nor shall grandparents 22 have legal standing as "contestants" as defined in s. 61.1306. 23 No court shall order that a child be kept within the state or 24 jurisdiction of the court solely for the purpose of permitting 25 visitation by the grandparents. 26 3. Access to records and information pertaining to a 27 minor child, including, but not limited to, medical, dental, 28 and school records, shall not be denied to a parent because 29 such parent is not the child's primary residential parent. 30 Section 3. Subsection (1) of section 741.28, Florida 31 Statutes, is amended to read: 5 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1687 509-147A-97 1 741.28 Domestic violence; definitions.--As used in ss. 2 741.28-741.31: 3 (1) "Domestic violence" means any assault, aggravated 4 assault, battery, aggravated battery, sexual assault, sexual 5 battery, stalking, aggravated stalking, kidnapping, false 6 imprisonment, or any criminal offense resulting in physical 7 injury or death of one family or household member by another 8 who is or was residing in the same single dwelling unit. 9 Section 4. Paragraphs (a), (b), and (c) of subsection 10 (6) of section 741.30, Florida Statutes, 1996 Supplement, are 11 amended to read: 12 741.30 Domestic violence; injunction; powers and 13 duties of court and clerk; petition; notice and hearing; 14 temporary injunction; issuance of injunction; statewide 15 verification system; enforcement.-- 16 (6)(a) Upon notice and hearing, the court may grant 17 such relief as the court deems proper, including an 18 injunction: 19 1. Restraining the respondent from committing any acts 20 of domestic violence. 21 2. Awarding to the petitioner the exclusive use and 22 possession of the dwelling that the parties share or excluding 23 the respondent from the residence of the petitioner. 24 3. On the same basis as provided in chapter 61, 25 awarding temporary custody of, or temporary visitation rights 26 with regard to, a minor child or children of the parties. 27 4. On the same basis as provided in chapter 61, 28 establishing temporary support for a minor child or children 29 or the petitioner. 30 5. Ordering the respondent to participate in 31 treatment, intervention, or counseling services. 6 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1687 509-147A-97 1 6. Ordering such other relief as the court deems 2 necessary for the protection of a victim of domestic violence, 3 or any minor children of the victim, including injunctions or 4 directives to law enforcement agencies, as provided in this 5 section. 6 (b) Any relief granted by the injunction is effective 7 for a term of not less than 1 year and until further order of 8 the court. shall be granted for a fixed period not to exceed 1 9 year, unless upon petition of the victim the court extends the 10 injunction for successive fixed periods not to exceed 1 year. 11 Broad discretion resides with the court to grant an extension 12 after considering the circumstances. Either party may move at 13 any time to modify or dissolve the injunction. No specific 14 allegations are required. Such relief may be granted in 15 addition to other civil or criminal remedies. 16 (c) A temporary or final judgment on injunction for 17 protection against domestic violence entered pursuant to this 18 section shall, on its face, indicate that: 19 1. The injunction is valid and enforceable in all 20 counties of the State of Florida. 21 2. Law enforcement officers may use their arrest 22 powers pursuant to s. 901.15(6) to enforce the terms of the 23 injunction. 24 3. The court had jurisdiction over the parties and 25 matter under the laws of Florida and that reasonable notice 26 and opportunity to be heard was given to the person against 27 whom the order is sought sufficient to protect that person's 28 right to due process. 29 4. The date respondent was served with the temporary 30 or final order, if obtainable. 31 7 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1687 509-147A-97 1 Section 5. Subsection (4) of section 741.31, Florida 2 Statutes, 1996 Supplement, is amended to read: 3 741.31 Violation of an injunction for protection 4 against domestic violence.-- 5 (4) A person who willfully violates an injunction for 6 protection against domestic violence, issued pursuant to s. 7 741.30, or a foreign protection order accorded full faith and 8 credit pursuant to s. 741.305, by: 9 (a) Refusing to vacate the dwelling that the parties 10 share; 11 (b) Going to the petitioner's residence, school, place 12 of employment, or a specified place frequented regularly by 13 the petitioner and any named family or household member; 14 (c) Committing an act of domestic violence against the 15 petitioner; 16 (d) Committing any other violation of the injunction 17 through an intentional unlawful threat, word, or act to do 18 violence to the petitioner; or 19 (e) Telephoning, contacting, or otherwise 20 communicating with the petitioner directly or indirectly, 21 unless the injunction specifically allows indirect contact 22 through a third party 23 24 is guilty of a misdemeanor of the first degree, punishable as 25 provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083. 26 Section 6. Section 741.315, Florida Statutes, is 27 created to read: 28 741.315 Recognition of foreign protection orders.-- 29 (1) As used in this section, the term "court of a 30 foreign state" means a court of competent jurisdiction of a 31 state of the United States, other than Florida; the District 8 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1687 509-147A-97 1 of Columbia; an Indian tribe; or a commonwealth, territory, or 2 possession of the United States. 3 (2) Pursuant to 18 U.S.C. s. 2265, an injunction for 4 protection against domestic violence issued by a court of a 5 foreign state must be accorded full faith and credit by the 6 courts of this state and enforced by a law enforcement agency 7 as if it were the order of a Florida court issued under s. 8 741.30, s. 741.31, s. 784.046, s. 784.047, or s. 9 901.15(6)-(8). Ex parte foreign injunctions for protection are 10 not eligible for enforcement under this section unless notice 11 and opportunity to be heard have been provided within the time 12 required by the foreign state or tribal law, and in any event 13 within a reasonable time after the order is issued, sufficient 14 to protect the respondent's due process rights. 15 (3) Notwithstanding s. 55.505 or any other provision 16 to the contrary, neither residence in this state nor 17 registration of foreign injunctions for protection shall be 18 required for enforcement of this order by this state and 19 failure to register the foreign order shall not be an 20 impediment to its enforcement. However, in order to assist law 21 enforcement and the courts in enforcement of foreign 22 injunctions for protection, the following registration 23 procedure shall be available to protected persons who hold 24 orders from a court of a foreign state. 25 (a) A protected person may present a certified copy of 26 a foreign order of protection to any sheriff in this state and 27 request that the same be registered in the injunction 28 registry. It is not necessary that the protected person 29 register the foreign order in the protected person's county of 30 residence. Venue is proper throughout the state. The protected 31 person must swear by affidavit, that to the best of the 9 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1687 509-147A-97 1 protected person's knowledge and belief, the attached 2 certified copy of the foreign order, docket number 3 ................, issued in the state of ........ on 4 ............ is currently in effect as written and has not 5 been superseded by any other order. 6 (b) The sheriff shall examine the certified copy of 7 the foreign order and register the order in the injunction 8 registry, noting that it is a foreign order of protection. If 9 not apparent from the face of the certified copy of the 10 foreign order, the sheriff shall use best efforts to ascertain 11 whether the order was served on the respondent. The Florida 12 Department of Law Enforcement shall develop a special notation 13 for foreign orders of protection. The sheriff shall assign a 14 case number and give the protected person a receipt showing 15 registration of the foreign order in this state. There shall 16 be no fee for registration of a foreign order. 17 (c) The foreign order may also be registered by local 18 law enforcement agencies upon receipt of the foreign order and 19 any accompanying affidavits in the same manner described in 20 paragraphs (a) and (b). 21 (d) Law enforcement, the judiciary, and the clerks of 22 court are prohibited from disclosing the location of a 23 petitioner seeking to enforce or register a foreign order. 24 (4)(a) Law enforcement officers shall enforce foreign 25 orders of protection as if they were entered by a court of 26 this state. Upon presentation of a foreign protection order by 27 a protected person, a law enforcement officer shall assist in 28 enforcement of all of its terms, pursuant to federal law, 29 except matters related to child custody, visitation, and 30 support. As to those provisions only, enforcement may be 31 obtained upon domestication of the foreign order pursuant to 10 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1687 509-147A-97 1 ss. 55.501-55.509 unless the foreign order is a "pickup order" 2 or "order of bodily attachment" requiring the immediate return 3 of a child. 4 (b) Before enforcing a foreign protection order, a law 5 enforcement officer should confirm the identity of the parties 6 present and review the order to determine that, on its face, 7 it has not expired. Presentation of a certified or true copy 8 of the protection order shall not be required as a condition 9 of enforcement, provided that a conflicting certified copy is 10 not presented by the respondent or the individual against whom 11 enforcement is sought. 12 (c) A law enforcement officer shall use reasonable 13 efforts to verify service of process. 14 (d) In order to assist enforcement, service may be 15 verified as follows: 16 1. By petitioner: Petitioner may swear that to the 17 best of petitioner's knowledge, respondent was served with the 18 order of protection because petitioner was present at time of 19 service; respondent told petitioner he was served; another 20 named person told petitioner respondent was served; or 21 respondent told petitioner he knows of the content of the 22 order and date of the return hearing. 23 2. By respondent: Respondent swears that he was or 24 was not served with the order. 25 (e) Enforcement and arrest for violation of a foreign 26 protection order shall be consistent with the enforcement of 27 orders issued in this state. 28 (f) A law enforcement officer acting in good faith 29 under this section and the officer's employing agency shall be 30 immune from all liability, civil or criminal, that might 31 otherwise be incurred or imposed by reason of the officer's or 11 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1687 509-147A-97 1 agency's actions in carrying out the provisions of this 2 section. 3 (g) Law enforcement shall not require petitioner to 4 sign a registration affidavit as a condition of enforcement. 5 (h) A foreign order of protection shall remain in 6 effect until the date of expiration on its face; or, if there 7 is no expiration date on its face, a foreign order of 8 protection shall remain in effect until expiration. If the 9 order of protection states on its face that it is a permanent 10 order, then there is no date of expiration. 11 (5) Any person who acts under this section and 12 intentionally provides a law enforcement officer with a copy 13 of an order of protection known by that person to be false or 14 invalid, or who denies having been served with an order of 15 protection when that person has been served with such order, 16 commits a misdemeanor of the first degree, punishable as 17 provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083. 18 (6) In the event 18 U.S.C. s. 2265 is held to be 19 unconstitutional, this section shall be null and void. 20 Section 7. Subsection (7) of section 784.046, Florida 21 Statutes, is amended, and subsection (11) is added to said 22 section, to read: 23 784.046 Action by victim of repeat violence for 24 protective injunction; powers and duties of court and clerk of 25 court; filing and form of petition; notice and hearing; 26 temporary injunction; issuance; statewide verification system; 27 enforcement.-- 28 (7) Upon notice and hearing, the court may grant such 29 relief as the court deems proper, including an injunction: 30 (a) Enjoining the respondent from committing any acts 31 of violence. 12 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1687 509-147A-97 1 (b) Ordering such other relief as the court deems 2 necessary for the protection of the petitioner, including 3 injunctions or directives to law enforcement agencies, as 4 provided in this section. 5 6 (c) Any relief granted by the injunction is effective for a 7 term of not less than 1 year and until further order of the 8 court shall be granted for a fixed period not to exceed 1 9 year, unless upon petition of the victim the court extends the 10 injunction for successive fixed periods not to exceed 1 year. 11 Such relief may be granted in addition to other civil or 12 criminal remedies. 13 (c) A temporary or final judgment on injunction for 14 protection against repeat violence entered pursuant to this 15 section shall, on its face, indicate that: 16 1. The injunction is valid and enforceable in all 17 counties of the State of Florida. 18 2. Law enforcement officers may use their arrest 19 powers pursuant to s. 901.15(6) to enforce the terms of the 20 injunction. 21 (11) A law enforcement officer acting in good faith 22 under this section and the officer's employing agency shall be 23 immune from all liability, civil or criminal, that might 24 otherwise be incurred or imposed by reason of the officer's or 25 agency's actions in carrying out the provisions of this 26 section. 27 Section 8. Section 784.047, Florida Statutes, is 28 amended to read: 29 784.047 Penalties for violating protective injunction 30 against repeat violators.--A person who willfully violates an 31 injunction for protection against repeat violence, or a 13 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1687 509-147A-97 1 foreign protection order accorded full faith and credit, 2 issued pursuant to s. 784.046, by: 3 (1) Refusing to vacate the dwelling that the parties 4 share; 5 (2) Going to the petitioner's residence, school, place 6 of employment, or a specified place frequented regularly by 7 the petitioner and any named family or household member; 8 (3) Committing an act of repeat violence against the 9 petitioner; 10 (4) Committing any other violation of the injunction 11 through an intentional unlawful threat, word, or act to do 12 violence to the petitioner; or 13 (5) Telephoning, contacting, or otherwise 14 communicating with the petitioner directly or indirectly, 15 unless the injunction specifically allows indirect contact 16 through a third party; 17 18 commits is guilty of a misdemeanor of the first degree, 19 punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083. 20 Section 9. Subsections (6), (7), and (8) of section 21 901.15, Florida Statutes, 1996 Supplement, are amended to 22 read: 23 901.15 When arrest by officer without warrant is 24 lawful.--A law enforcement officer may arrest a person without 25 a warrant when: 26 (6) There is probable cause to believe that the person 27 has committed a criminal act according to s. 741.31 or s. 28 784.047 which violates an injunction for protection entered, 29 or a foreign protection order accorded full faith and credit, 30 pursuant to s. 741.30 or s. 784.046, over the objection of the 31 petitioner, if necessary. 14 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1687 509-147A-97 1 (7) There is probable cause to believe that the person 2 has committed: 3 (a) An act of domestic violence, as defined in s. 4 741.28; 5 (b) Child abuse, as defined in s. 827.04(2) and (3); 6 or 7 (c) Any battery upon another person, as defined in s. 8 784.03. 9 10 With respect to an arrest for an act of domestic violence, the 11 decision to arrest shall not require consent of the victim or 12 consideration of the relationship of the parties. A law 13 enforcement officer who acts in good faith and exercises due 14 care in making an arrest under this subsection, under s. 15 741.31(4) or s. 784.047, or pursuant to a foreign order of 16 protection is immune from civil liability that otherwise might 17 result by reason of his or her action. 18 (8) He has probable cause to believe that the person 19 has knowingly committed an act of repeat violence in violation 20 of an injunction for protection from repeat violence entered, 21 or a foreign protection order accorded full faith and credit, 22 pursuant to s. 784.046. 23 Section 10. This act shall take effect October 1, 24 1997. 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 15 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1687 509-147A-97 1 ***************************************** 2 HOUSE SUMMARY 3 Provides that a case is not referable to family mediation 4 if the court finds there has been a history of domestic violence. Provides for creation of a rebuttable 5 presumption of detriment to a child upon evidence of a parent's conviction of a felony involving domestic 6 violence. Provides for evidence of spousal or child abuse as evidence to be considered by the court as evidence of 7 detriment to the child. 8 Redefines "domestic violence" to include kidnapping and 9 false imprisonment and other specified criminal offenses resulting in physical injury or death of one family or 10 household member by another, regardless of whether the perpetrator was or is residing in the same dwelling unit. 11 Provides for court orders to protect the children of the domestic violence victim's minor children. Revises the 12 period during which injunctive relief remains effective. Provides for motion to modify or dissolve injunction by 13 either party. Provides for indication of specified information on the face of a temporary or final judgment 14 for protection against domestic violence. Defines the offense of willfully violating a foreign protection order 15 accorded full faith and credit by committing specified acts. Provides penalties. Requires that an injunction for 16 protection against domestic violence issued by a "court of a foreign state," as defined, be accorded full faith 17 and credit. Provides exceptions. Provides for availability of a registration procedure to protected 18 persons. Provides duties of the Florida Department of Law Enforcement and sheriffs and other local law enforcement 19 officers with respect to registration and enforcement of foreign protection order. Provides certain immunity from 20 civil and criminal liability to law enforcement officer and officer's employing agency. Defines the offense of 21 intentionally providing a law enforcement officer with a copy of protection order known to be invalid or denying 22 having been served with protection order when served. Provides penalties. 23 24 Revises specified provisions relating to action by victim of repeat violence for protective injunction. Defines 25 offenses of willfully violating a foreign protection order accorded full faith and credit by committing 26 specified acts. Provides penalties. Provides certain immunity from civil and criminal liability to law 27 enforcement officer and officer's employing agency. Revises period of duration of injunctive relief. 28 29 Revises provisions relating to circumstances when arrest by officer without warrant is lawful to provide 30 conforming terminology and cross references. Provides certain immunity from civil liability to law enforcement 31 officer. 16