CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

House Bill 1689

Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1689 By the Committee on Tourism and Representatives Barreiro, Livingston, Culp, Melvin, Harrington and D. Prewitt 1 A bill to be entitled 2 An act relating to historic preservation 3 boards; repealing parts II, IV, V, VI, VII and 4 VIII of chapter 266, F.S.; eliminating the 5 Historic St. Augustine Preservation Board of 6 Trustees, the Historic Tallahassee Preservation 7 Board of Trustees, the Historic Florida Keys 8 Preservation Board of Trustees, the Historic 9 Palm Beach County Preservation Board of 10 Trustees, the Historic Tampa-Hillsborough 11 Preservation Board of Trustees, the Ybor City 12 Historic District, the Barrio Latino 13 Commission, and the Historic Broward County 14 Preservation Board of Trustees; redesignating 15 part III of chapter 266, F.S., the Historic 16 Pensacola Preservation Board of Trustees as 17 part II of said chapter; amending s. 267.061, 18 F.S., relating to state policy and 19 responsibilities with respect to historic 20 properties; providing that the Division of 21 Historical Resources of the Department of State 22 shall establish regional offices for the 23 purpose of assisting in the delivery of 24 historic preservation services; providing 25 locations at which regional offices are to be 26 established; providing for the establishment of 27 citizen support organizations; requiring the 28 Department of State to contract with the City 29 of St. Augustine for the management of 30 state-owned properties managed by the Historic 31 St. Augustine Preservation Board of Trustees; 1 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1689 177-227A-97 1 providing for use of proceeds from the 2 management of state-owned properties by the 3 City of St. Augustine; providing for the 4 transfer of specified funds to the City of St. 5 Augustine; providing for transfer of ownership 6 and responsibility of specified items to assist 7 in the transition of management; requiring the 8 Department of State to contract with specified 9 nonprofit corporations for the purpose of 10 continuing work performed by specified historic 11 preservation boards; providing for use of 12 proceeds from the management of state-owned 13 properties by such corporations; providing for 14 the transfer of specified funds to such 15 corporations; providing legislative intent with 16 respect to the 1997-1998 General Appropriations 17 Act; providing an effective date. 18 19 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 20 21 Section 1. Part II of chapter 266, Florida Statutes, 22 consisting of sections 266.0001, 266.0002, 266.0005, 266.0006, 23 and 266.0007, Florida Statutes, sections 266.003 and 266.004, 24 Florida Statutes, as amended by chapter 95-148, Laws of 25 Florida, and section 266.0008, Florida Statutes, as amended by 26 chapters 95-125, 95-148, and 96-406, Laws of Florida, is 27 repealed. 28 Section 2. Part IV of chapter 266, Florida Statutes, 29 consisting of sections 266.0021, 266.0022, 266.0025, 266.0026, 30 and 266.0027, Florida Statutes, sections 266.0023, 266.0024, 31 and 266.00275, Florida Statutes, as amended by chapter 95-148, 2 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1689 177-227A-97 1 Laws of Florida, and section 266.0028, Florida Statutes, as 2 amended by chapters 95-125, 95-148, and 96-406, Laws of 3 Florida, is repealed. 4 Section 3. Part V of chapter 266, Florida Statutes, 5 consisting of sections 266.0031, 266.0032, 266.0035, 6 266.00355, 266.0036, and 266.0037, Florida Statutes, sections 7 266.0033 and 266.0034, Florida Statutes, as amended by chapter 8 95-148, Laws of Florida, and section 266.0038, Florida 9 Statutes, as amended by chapters 95-125, 95-148, and 96-406, 10 Laws of Florida, is repealed. 11 Section 4. Part VI of chapter 266, Florida Statutes, 12 consisting of sections 266.0041, 266.0042, 266.0045, 266.0046, 13 266.0047, and 266.00475, Florida Statutes, sections 266.0043 14 and 266.0044, Florida Statutes, as amended by chapter 95-148, 15 Laws of Florida, and section 266.0048, Florida Statutes, as 16 amended by chapters 95-125, 95-148, and 96-406, Laws of 17 Florida, is repealed. 18 Section 5. Part VII of chapter 266, Florida Statutes, 19 consisting of: 20 (1) Sections 266.0051, 266.0052, 266.0055, 266.0056, 21 266.0057, and 266.00575, Florida Statutes, sections 266.0053 22 and 266.0054, Florida Statutes, as amended by chapter 95-148, 23 Laws of Florida, and section 266.0058, Florida Statutes, as 24 amended by chapters 95-125, 95-148, and 96-406, Laws of 25 Florida, is repealed. 26 (2) Section 266.00572, Florida Statutes, is repealed 27 December 31, 1997. 28 Section 6. Part VIII of chapter 266, Florida Statutes, 29 consisting of sections 266.0061, 266.0062, 266.0065, and 30 266.0066, Florida Statutes, sections 266.0063 and 266.0064, 31 Florida Statutes, as amended by chapter 95-148, Laws of 3 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1689 177-227A-97 1 Florida, and section 266.0068, Florida Statutes, as amended by 2 chapters 95-125, 95-148, and 96-406, Laws of Florida, is 3 repealed. 4 Section 7. Part III of chapter 266, Florida Statutes, 5 is redesignated as part II of said chapter. 6 Section 8. Paragraph (o) is added to subsection (3) of 7 section 267.061, Florida Statutes, 1996 Supplement, to read: 8 267.061 Historic properties; state policy, 9 responsibilities.-- 10 (3) DIVISION RESPONSIBILITY.--It is the responsibility 11 of the division to: 12 (o) Establish regional offices for the purpose of 13 assisting the division in the delivery of historic 14 preservation services to the counties and municipalities of 15 the state and to the citizens of the State of Florida. 16 Historic preservation regional offices shall be established in 17 St. Augustine, Tampa, Palm Beach County, and in other areas of 18 the state which the division deems appropriate. For each 19 regional office established, the division shall establish a 20 citizen support organization in accordance with s. 267.17. The 21 board of directors of each citizen support organization shall 22 be appointed by the Secretary of State. 23 Section 9. The Barrio Latino Commission created by s. 24 266.00572, Florida Statutes, shall continue in existence until 25 its scheduled repeal on December 31, 1997, as provided for in 26 section 5 of this act, in order to allow a sufficient period 27 of time for the enactment of local ordinances which will 28 continue the existence of the commission. 29 Section 10. The Department of State shall contract 30 with the City of St. Augustine for the management of the 31 various state-owned properties presently managed by the 4 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1689 177-227A-97 1 Historic St. Augustine Preservation Board of Trustees. The 2 contract shall provide that the City of St. Augustine may use 3 all proceeds derived from the management of state-owned 4 properties for the purpose of maintaining the state-owned 5 buildings and advancing historic preservation in the City of 6 St. Augustine. Additionally, the department may appropriate 7 all remaining funds in the Historic St. Augustine Preservation 8 Board Operating Trust Fund to the City of St. Augustine for 9 maintenance of the state-owned buildings and advancing 10 historic preservation in the City of St. Augustine. The 11 Department of State may transfer ownership of and 12 responsibility for any artifacts, documents, equipment, and 13 other forms of tangible personal property to the City of St. 14 Augustine to assist in the City's transition of the management 15 of the state-owned properties. 16 Section 11. In order to continue the work performed by 17 the Historic Tallahassee Preservation Board of Trustees and 18 the Historic Florida Keys Preservation Board of Trustees, the 19 Department of State shall contract with not-for-profit 20 corporations established for the purpose of advancing historic 21 preservation in these areas to manage the various state-owned 22 properties presently managed by the Historic Tallahassee 23 Preservation Board of Trustees and the Historic Florida Keys 24 Preservation Board of Trustees. The contract shall provide 25 that the not-for-profit corporations may use all proceeds 26 derived from the management of state-owned properties for the 27 purpose of maintaining the state-owned buildings and for the 28 purpose of advancing historic preservation in their areas. 29 Additionally, the department may appropriate all remaining 30 funds in the Historic Florida Keys Preservation Board 31 Operating Trust Fund and the Historic Tallahassee Preservation 5 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1689 177-227A-97 1 Board Operating Trust Fund to the not-for-profit corporations 2 for their use. 3 Section 12. (1) Language shall be included in the 4 1997-1998 General Appropriations Act which will ensure the 5 continuation of sufficient funding to allow the Department of 6 State to complete the transition of the management of 7 state-owned properties specified in this act to the 8 not-for-profit corporations designated for such purpose, as 9 specified in this act. 10 (2) Language shall be included in the 1997-1998 11 General Appropriations Act which will ensure the continuation 12 of sufficient funding to allow the Department of State to 13 complete the transition of the management of state-owned 14 properties specified in this act to the City of St. Augustine. 15 Section 13. This act shall take effect upon becoming a 16 law. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 6 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1689 177-227A-97 1 ***************************************** 2 HOUSE SUMMARY 3 Repeals parts II, IV, V, VI, VII, and VIII of chapter 4 266, F.S., relating to historic preservation boards, for the purpose of eliminating the Historic St. Augustine 5 Preservation Board of Trustees, the Historic Tallahassee Preservation Board of Trustees, the Historic Florida Keys 6 Preservation Board of Trustees, the Historic Palm Beach County Preservation Board of Trustees, the Historic 7 Tampa-Hillsborough Preservation Board of Trustees, the Ybor City Historic District, and the Historic Broward 8 County Preservation Board of Trustees. 9 Provides that the Barrio Latino Commission shall continue 10 in existence until December 31, 1997, to allow a sufficient period of time for the enactment of local 11 ordinances which will enable the continued existence of the commission. 12 13 Provides that the Division of Historical Resources of the Department of State shall be responsible for the 14 establishment of regional offices for the purpose of assisting in the delivery of historic preservation 15 services within the state. Provides that such regional offices shall be established in St. Augustine, Tampa, 16 Palm Beach County, and other areas of the state the division deems appropriate. Provides for the 17 establishment of citizen support organizations for each regional office. Provides for the appointment by the 18 Secretary of State of a board of directors for each citizen support organization. 19 20 Requires the Department of State to contract with the City of St. Augustine for the management of state-owned 21 properties presently managed by the Historic St. Augustine Preservation Board of Trustees, and with 22 specified nonprofit corporations for the purpose of continuing work presently performed by the Historic 23 Tallahassee Preservation Board of Trustees and the Historic Florida Keys Preservation Board of Trustees. 24 Authorizes the City of St. Augustine and the nonprofit corporations to use all proceeds derived from the 25 management of such state-owned properties for the purpose of maintaining state-owned buildings and advancing 26 historic preservation in their respective areas. Provides that the department may appropriate all 27 remaining funds in the operating trust funds of the respective preservation boards to the City of St. 28 Augustine and the nonprofit corporations. 29 Provides legislative intent with respect to the 1997-1998 30 General Appropriations Act to ensure the continuation of sufficient funding for the Department of State to 31 complete the transition of the management of state-owned properties to the nonprofit corporations provided for by 7 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1689 177-227A-97 1 the act and to the City of St. Augustine. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 8