Senate Bill 1704

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    Florida Senate - 1998                                  SB 1704

    By Senators Bronson, Silver, Holzendorf, Meadows, Turner and


  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to telecommunications

  3         companies' use of roads and rights-of-way;

  4         creating s. 337.4011, F.S.; providing for the

  5         regulation of the use of roads and

  6         rights-of-way; providing for limitations on

  7         fees; defining the term "administrative cost";

  8         limiting the amounts of fees that a

  9         municipality may impose as a condition for

10         issuing certain permits; prohibiting in-kind

11         compensation in lieu of prescribed fees;

12         prohibiting local governments from using their

13         authority over the placement of

14         telecommunications facilities as a basis for

15         regulating matters that are within the

16         jurisdiction of the Florida Public Service

17         Commission or the Federal Communications

18         Commission; providing that a telecommunications

19         company that has permission to occupy or is

20         occupying municipal roads or rights-of-way on a

21         specified date need not obtain additional

22         consent to continue such occupation; providing

23         applicability; repealing s. 337.401(3), (4),

24         F.S., relating to municipalities' regulation of

25         the use of municipal streets by telephone

26         companies and municipalities' entering into

27         agreements with entities providing

28         telecommunications services to allow those

29         entities to use municipal streets, alleys, or

30         other public ways; providing an effective date.



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    Florida Senate - 1998                                  SB 1704

  1         WHEREAS, the Legislature finds that the public roads

  2  and rights-of-way in this state are owned by the people of

  3  this state and held in trust on a nonproprietary basis by

  4  local governmental entities for public uses including the

  5  provision of telecommunications services, and

  6         WHEREAS, since the passage of chapter 95-403, Laws of

  7  Florida, and the enactment of the federal Telecommunications

  8  Act of 1996, municipalities have been considering and adopting

  9  ordinances that impose upon telecommunications companies

10  regulations and fees that exceed the limits set by law, and

11         WHEREAS, the Legislature finds that the fees imposed on

12  telecommunications companies by local governmental entities

13  relating to roads and rights-of-way should not exceed the cost

14  to the municipality of administering the occupancy of roads

15  and rights-of-way by telecommunications companies, and

16         WHEREAS, the Legislature finds it necessary to clarify

17  the authority of local governmental entities over the

18  operations of telecommunications companies and their occupancy

19  of roads and rights-of-way, NOW, THEREFORE,


21  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


23         Section 1.  Section 337.4011, Florida Statutes, is

24  created to read:

25         337.4011  Use of roads and rights-of-way by

26  telecommunications companies subject to regulation; limitation

27  on fees.--

28         (1)  Definitions.--As used in this section, the term

29  "administrative cost" means the actual costs a municipality

30  incurs which are directly attributable to the activities of

31  issuing and processing rights-of-way permits, inspecting job


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    Florida Senate - 1998                                  SB 1704

  1  sites and restoration projects, determining the adequacy of

  2  rights-of-way restoration, and restoring inadequately

  3  performed work after providing notice and the opportunity to

  4  correct the work.

  5         (2)  A municipality may require a telecommunications

  6  company as defined in s. 364.02 to pay a fee as a condition to

  7  issuing a permit to install, locate, or relocate

  8  telecommunications facilities in the roads and rights-of-way

  9  of the municipality. Any fee imposed for such a permit must

10  not exceed the administrative cost. Alternatively:

11         (a)  If a municipality requires a telecommunications

12  company that is providing telecommunications services defined

13  in s. 203.012(3) to pay a fee as a condition for granting

14  permission to use municipal roads and rights-of-way as the

15  sites for poles, wires, and other fixtures, the fee may not

16  exceed 1 percent of the gross receipts on recurring local

17  service revenues for services that the telecommunications

18  company provides within the corporate limits of the

19  municipality; or

20         (b)  If a municipality requires any telecommunications

21  company that is providing telecommunication services defined

22  in s. 203.012(7) to pay a fee as a condition for granting

23  permission to use municipal roads and rights-of-way as the

24  sites for poles, wires, and other fixtures, the fee may not

25  exceed $500 per linear mile of any cable, fiber-optic, or

26  other pathway that makes physical use of the municipal

27  right-of-way. A telecommunications company may not be required

28  to pay more than one such fee or other consideration annually

29  for the construction, maintenance, repair, rebuilding, or

30  replacement of a parallel telecommunications route owned by

31  it, or by a subsidiary under its direct control, which makes


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    Florida Senate - 1998                                  SB 1704

  1  use of the roads or rights-of-way of any municipality that

  2  enacts an ordinance pursuant to this paragraph. The fee

  3  imposed under this paragraph is inapplicable to a

  4  telecommunications company that provides telecommunication

  5  services as defined in s. 203.012(3).

  6         (3)  Included in the fees provided for in subsection

  7  (2) are all taxes, licenses, fees, and other sums imposed by a

  8  municipality, except ad valorem taxes and assessments for

  9  special benefits, such as sidewalks, street pavings, and

10  similar improvements, and any applicable occupational license

11  taxes levied or imposed by a municipality upon the

12  telecommunications company. Except as expressly authorized or

13  allowed by general law, a municipality may not levy on a

14  telecommunications company a tax, fee, or other charge for

15  operating as a telecommunications company within the

16  jurisdiction of the municipality or that is in any way related

17  to using roads or rights-of-way. A municipality may not allow

18  a telecommunications company to pay a fee or provide

19  compensation in excess of the limits prescribed in this

20  section. A municipality may not require or accept in-kind

21  compensation in lieu of any fees imposed pursuant to this

22  section.

23         (4)  A local governmental entity may not use its

24  authority over the placement of facilities in its roads and

25  rights-of-way as a basis for asserting or exercising

26  regulatory control over a telecommunications company regarding

27  matters within the jurisdiction of the Florida Public Service

28  Commission or the Federal Communications Commission,

29  including, but not limited to, the operations, systems,

30  qualifications, services, service quality, service territory,

31  and prices of a telecommunications company. This section does


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    Florida Senate - 1998                                  SB 1704

  1  not limit or expand the authority of a local governmental

  2  entity over any person providing cable service as defined in

  3  47 U.S.C. s. 522.

  4         (5)  A telecommunications company that has obtained

  5  permission to occupy the roads and rights-of-way of an

  6  incorporated city or town or that is otherwise lawfully

  7  occupying the roads or rights-of-way of a municipality on

  8  January 1, 1998, shall not be required to obtain additional

  9  consent to continue such lawful occupation of those roads or

10  rights-of-way.

11         (6)  Except as expressly provided in this section, this

12  section does not modify the authority of local governmental

13  entities under s. 337.401 or s. 166.231, nor does this section

14  modify the duties of telecommunications companies under ss.

15  337.401-337.404. This section does not apply to private roads,

16  easements, and rights-of-way, to building permits, or to pole

17  attachments. Except as expressly provided in this section,

18  this section does not limit or expand whatever powers counties

19  may have relating to roads and rights-of-way.

20         Section 2.  Subsections (3) and (4) of section 337.401,

21  Florida Statutes, are repealed.

22         Section 3.  This act shall take effect upon becoming a

23  law.










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    Florida Senate - 1998                                  SB 1704

  1            *****************************************

  2                          SENATE SUMMARY

  3    Provides for the regulation of the use of roads and
      rights-of-way by telecommunications companies. Provides
  4    for limitations on fees for such usage. Defines the term
      "administrative cost." Limits the amounts of fees that a
  5    municipality may impose as a condition for issuing
      certain permits. Prohibits exacting in-kind compensation
  6    in lieu of prescribed fees. Prohibits local governments
      from using their authority over the placement of
  7    telecommunications facilities as a basis for regulating
      matters that are within the jurisdiction of the Florida
  8    Public Service Commission or the Federal Communications
      Commission. Provides that a telecommunications company
  9    that has permission to occupy or is occupying municipal
      roads or rights-of-way on January 1, 1998, need not
10    obtain additional consent to continue such occupation.
      Provides applicability. Repeals s. 337.401(3),(4), F.S.,
11    relating to municipalities' regulation of the use of
      municipal streets by telephone companies and
12    municipalities' entering into agreements with entities
      that provide telecommunications services to allow those
13    entities to use municipal streets, alleys, or other
      public ways.

















