Senate Bill 1706

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida Senate - 1998                                  SB 1706

    By Senator Rossin


  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to the care of elderly persons

  3         (RAB); amending s. 400.424, F.S.; providing

  4         requirements for the contract executed between

  5         the licensee and the resident of an assisted

  6         living facility; authorizing the Department of

  7         Elderly Affairs to adopt rules; amending s.

  8         400.427, F.S.; revising requirements for a

  9         facility with respect to obtaining surety

10         bonds; authorizing the Department of Elderly

11         Affairs to adopt rules; providing an effective

12         date.


14  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


16         Section 1.  Subsections (1) and (2), paragraph (c) of

17  subsection (3), and subsection (5) of section 400.424, Florida

18  Statutes, are amended, and subsection (8) is added to that

19  section, to read:

20         400.424  Contracts.--

21         (1)  The presence of each resident in a facility shall

22  be covered by a contract, executed at the time of admission or

23  prior thereto, between the licensee and the resident or his or

24  her designee or legal representative. Each party to the

25  contract shall be provided with a duplicate original thereof,

26  and the licensee shall keep on file in the facility all such

27  contracts.  The licensee may shall not destroy or otherwise

28  dispose of any such contract until 5 years after its

29  expiration or such longer period as may be provided in the

30  rules of the department.



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    Florida Senate - 1998                                  SB 1706

  1         (2)  Each contract must shall contain express

  2  provisions specifically setting forth the services and

  3  accommodations to be provided by the facility; the rates or

  4  charges; provision for at least 30 days' written notice of a

  5  rate increase; the rights, duties, and obligations of the

  6  residents, other than those specified in s. 400.428; and other

  7  matters that which the parties deem appropriate. Whenever

  8  money is deposited or advanced by a resident in a contract as

  9  security for performance of the contract agreement or as

10  advance rent for other than the next immediate rental period:

11         (a)  Such funds shall be deposited held in a banking

12  institution in this state that is. Funds held shall be kept

13  separate from the funds and property of the facility; shall be

14  deposited in a bank savings association, trust company, or

15  credit union located in this state and, if possible, located,

16  if possible, in the same community district in which the

17  facility is located; shall be kept separate from the funds and

18  property of the facility; may shall not be represented as part

19  of the assets of the facility on financial statements; and

20  shall be used, or otherwise expended, only for the account of

21  the resident.

22         (b)  The licensee shall, within 30 days of receipt of

23  advance rent or a security deposit, notify the resident or

24  residents in writing of the manner in which the licensee is

25  holding the advance rent or security deposit and state the

26  name and address of the depository where the moneys are being

27  held. The licensee shall notify residents of the facility's

28  policy on advance deposits.

29         (3)

30         (c)  The purpose of any advance payment and a refund

31  policy for such payment, including any advance payment for


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    Florida Senate - 1998                                  SB 1706

  1  housing, meals, lodging, or personal services, shall be

  2  covered in the contract.

  3         (5)  Neither the No contract nor, or any provision

  4  thereof relieves, shall be construed to relieve any licensee

  5  of any requirement or obligation imposed upon it by this part

  6  or rules adopted under this part act or by standards or rules

  7  in force pursuant thereto.

  8         (8)  The department may by rule clarify terms,

  9  establish procedures, clarify refund policies and contract

10  provisions, and specify documentation as necessary to

11  administer this section.

12         Section 2.  Subsections (2), (3), and (7) of section

13  400.427, Florida Statutes, are amended, and subsection (8) is

14  added to that section, to read:

15         400.427  Property and personal affairs of residents.--

16         (2)  A facility, or an owner, administrator, employee,

17  or representative thereof, may not act as the guardian,

18  trustee, or conservator for any resident of the assisted

19  living facility or any of such resident's property.  An owner,

20  administrator, or staff member, or representative thereof, may

21  not act as a competent resident's payee for social security,

22  veteran's, or railroad benefits without the consent of the

23  resident.  Any facility whose owner, administrator, or staff,

24  or representative thereof, serves as representative payee for

25  any resident of the facility shall file a surety bond with the

26  agency in an amount equal to twice the average monthly

27  aggregate income or personal funds due to residents, or

28  expendable for their account, which are received by a

29  facility.  Any facility whose owner, administrator, or staff,

30  or a representative thereof, is granted power of attorney for

31  any resident of the facility shall file a surety bond with the


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    Florida Senate - 1998                                  SB 1706

  1  agency for each resident for whom such power of attorney is

  2  granted.  The surety bond shall be in an amount equal to twice

  3  the average monthly income of the resident, plus the value of

  4  any resident's other property of the resident, which income

  5  and property are under the control of the attorney in fact.

  6  The bond shall be executed by the facility as principal and a

  7  licensed surety company authorized and licensed to do business

  8  in the state as surety.  The bond shall be conditioned upon

  9  the faithful compliance of the facility with this section and

10  shall run to the agency for the benefit of any resident who

11  suffers a financial loss as a result of the misuse or

12  misappropriation by a facility of funds held pursuant to this

13  subsection.  Any surety company that which cancels or does not

14  renew the bond of any licensee shall notify the agency in

15  writing not less than 30 days in advance of such action,

16  giving the reason for the cancellation or nonrenewal. The

17  agency, in cooperation with insurance companies, associations,

18  and organizations representing facilities licensed under this

19  part, and the Department of Insurance shall develop procedures

20  to implement the bonding requirements of this subsection.  Any

21  facility owner, administrator, or staff, or representative

22  thereof, who is granted power of attorney for any resident of

23  the facility shall, on a monthly basis, be required to provide

24  the resident a written statement of any transaction made on

25  behalf of the resident pursuant to this subsection, and a copy

26  of such statement given to the resident shall be retained in

27  the facility in each resident's file and available for agency

28  inspection.

29         (3)  A facility, upon mutual consent with the resident,

30  shall provide for the safekeeping in the facility of personal

31  effects not in excess of $500 and funds of the resident not in


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    Florida Senate - 1998                                  SB 1706

  1  excess of $200 cash, and. A facility shall keep complete and

  2  accurate records of all such funds and personal effects

  3  received for safekeeping.  If When a resident is absent from a

  4  facility for 24 hours or more, the facility may provide for

  5  the safekeeping of the resident's personal effects in excess

  6  of $500.

  7         (7)  In the event of the death of a resident, a

  8  licensee shall return all refunds, funds, and property held in

  9  trust to the resident's personal representative, if one has

10  been appointed at the time the facility disburses such funds,

11  and, if not, to the resident's spouse or adult next of kin

12  named in a beneficiary designation form provided by the

13  facility to the resident.  If In the event the resident has no

14  spouse or adult next of kin or such person cannot be located,

15  funds due the resident shall be placed in an interest-bearing

16  account, and all property held in trust by the facility shall

17  be safeguarded until such time as the funds and property are

18  disbursed pursuant to the Florida Probate Code.  Such funds

19  shall be kept separate from the funds and property of the

20  facility and other residents of the facility. If In the event

21  the funds of the deceased resident are not disbursed pursuant

22  to the provisions of the Florida Probate Code within 2 years

23  after of the resident's death, the funds shall be deposited in

24  the Health Care Trust Fund administered by the agency as

25  provided in s. 400.418.

26         (8)  The department may by rule clarify terms and

27  specify procedures and documentation necessary to administer

28  the provisions of this section relating to the proper

29  management of residents' funds and personal property and the

30  execution of surety bonds.

31         Section 3.  This act shall take effect July 1, 1998.


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    Florida Senate - 1998                                  SB 1706

  1            *****************************************

  2                          SENATE SUMMARY

  3    Revises requirements for a contract executed between a
      licensee who operates an assisted living facility and the
  4    residents. Revises requirements for a facility with
      respect to the surety bond required if the facility holds
  5    the power of attorney for a resident. Provides rulemaking
      authority to the Department of Elderly Affairs with
  6    respect to contract provisions, the management of
      residents' property, and the execution of surety bonds.
























