Senate Bill 1712

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida Senate - 1998                                  SB 1712

    By Senator Holzendorf


  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to rulemaking authority with

  3         respect to services for the blind (RAB);

  4         amending s. 413.011, F.S.; authorizing

  5         rulemaking for vocational rehabilitation

  6         programs and forms; amending s. 413.051, F.S.;

  7         authorizing rulemaking for a vending facility

  8         program; providing an effective date.


10  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


12         Section 1.  Paragraphs (l) and (m) are added to

13  subsection (1) of section 413.011, Florida Statutes, to read:

14         413.011  Division of Blind Services, internal

15  organizational structure; Advisory Council for the Blind.--

16         (1)  The internal organizational structure of the

17  Division of Blind Services shall be designed for the purpose

18  of insuring the greatest possible efficiency and effectiveness

19  of services to the blind and to be consistent with chapter 20.

20  The Division of Blind Services shall plan, supervise, and

21  carry out the following activities:

22         (l)  Adopt by rule procedures for providing vocational

23  rehabilitation services for the blind.

24         (m)  Adopt by rule forms and instructions to be used by

25  the division in its general administration.

26         Section 2.  Subsection (12) of section 413.051, Florida

27  Statutes, is amended to read:

28         413.051  Eligible blind persons; operation of vending

29  stands.--

30         (12)  The Division of Blind Services may adopt is

31  authorized to promulgate rules to permit the division to


CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida Senate - 1998                                  SB 1712

  1  establish and maintain vending facilities, issue licenses,

  2  establish and maintain a vending-facility training program,

  3  provide vendors access to financial data of the program, set

  4  aside funds from net proceeds of the vending facility, provide

  5  for the transfer and promotion of vendors, establish a vendors

  6  committee, provide for an operation agreement, provide duties

  7  and responsibilities of the division with respect to the

  8  vending facility program, and provide procedures for newspaper

  9  vending sales as needed to implement the provisions of this

10  section.

11         Section 3.  This act shall take effect July 1, 1998.


13            *****************************************

14                          SENATE SUMMARY

15    Authorizes the Division of Blind Services of the
      Department of Labor and Employment Security to adopt
16    rules and forms related to vocational rehabilitation
      services and the establishment and operation of a vending
17    facilities program.














