Senate Bill 1724er

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    1998 Legislature                                       SB 1724


  2         An act relating to unemployment compensation;

  3         amending s. 443.036, F.S.; revising definitions

  4         of employment and wages to incorporate

  5         additional exclusions; amending s. 443.091,

  6         F.S.; clarifying certain benefit eligibility

  7         conditions relating to services at educational

  8         institutions; amending s. 443.191, F.S.;

  9         limiting use of certain moneys in the

10         Unemployment Compensation Trust Fund for a time

11         certain; providing an effective date.


13  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


15         Section 1.  Paragraphs (d) and (n) of subsection (19)

16  and paragraph (b) of subsection (33) of section 443.036,

17  Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

18         443.036  Definitions.--As used in this chapter, unless

19  the context clearly requires otherwise:

20         (19)  EMPLOYMENT.--"Employment," subject to the other

21  provisions of this chapter, means any service performed by an

22  employee for the person employing him or her.

23         (d)  Exclusions from paragraphs (b) and (c).--For the

24  purposes of paragraphs (b) and (c), the term "employment" does

25  not apply to service performed:

26         1.  In the employ of:

27         a.  A church or convention or association of churches.

28         b.  An organization which is operated primarily for

29  religious purposes and which is operated, supervised,

30  controlled, or principally supported by a church or convention

31  or association of churches.


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    1998 Legislature                                       SB 1724

  1         2.  By a duly ordained, commissioned, or licensed

  2  minister of a church in the exercise of his or her ministry or

  3  by a member of a religious order in the exercise of duties

  4  required by such order.

  5         3.  Prior to January 1, 1978, in the employ of a

  6  nonprofit educational institution which is not an institution

  7  of higher education and which would otherwise be employment as

  8  defined in paragraph (c).

  9         4.  In the employ of a governmental entity referred to

10  in paragraph (b), if such service is performed by an

11  individual in the exercise of duties:

12         a.  As an elected official.

13         b.  As a member of a legislative body, or a member of

14  the judiciary, of a state or political subdivision.

15         c.  As an employee serving on a temporary basis in case

16  of fire, storm, snow, earthquake, flood, or similar emergency.

17         d.  In a position which, under or pursuant to the laws

18  of this state, is designated as a major nontenured

19  policymaking or advisory position or a policymaking or

20  advisory position, the performance of the duties of which

21  ordinarily does not require more than 8 hours per week.

22         e.  As an election official or election worker if the

23  amount of remuneration received by the individual during the

24  calendar year for such services is less than $1,000.

25         5.  In a facility conducted for the purpose of carrying

26  out a program of rehabilitation for individuals whose earning

27  capacity is impaired by age or physical or mental deficiency

28  or injury or providing remunerative work for individuals who,

29  because of their impaired physical or mental capacity, cannot

30  be readily absorbed in the competitive labor market, by an

31  individual receiving such rehabilitation or remunerative work.


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    1998 Legislature                                       SB 1724

  1         6.  As part of an unemployment work-relief or

  2  work-training program assisted or financed in whole or in part

  3  by any federal agency or an agency of a state or political

  4  subdivision thereof, by an individual receiving such work

  5  relief or work training, except that this subparagraph does

  6  not apply to unemployment work-relief or work-training

  7  programs for which unemployment compensation coverage is

  8  required under a federal law, rule, or regulation.

  9         7.  By an inmate of a custodial or penal institution.

10         (n)  Exclusions generally.--The term "employment" does

11  not include:

12         1.  Domestic service in a private home, local college

13  club, or local chapter of a college fraternity or sorority,

14  except as provided in paragraph (g).

15         2.  Service performed on or in connection with a vessel

16  or aircraft not an American vessel or American aircraft, if

17  the employee is employed on and in connection with such vessel

18  or aircraft when outside the United States.

19         3.  Service performed by an individual in, or as an

20  officer or member of the crew of a vessel while it is engaged

21  in, the catching, taking, harvesting, cultivating, or farming

22  of any kind of fish, shellfish, crustacea, sponges, seaweeds,

23  or other aquatic forms of animal and vegetable life, including

24  service performed by any such individual as an ordinary

25  incident to any such activity, except:

26         a.  Service performed in connection with the catching

27  or taking of salmon or halibut for commercial purposes.

28         b.  Service performed on, or in connection with, a

29  vessel of more than 10 net tons, determined in the manner

30  provided for determining the register tonnage of merchant

31  vessels under the laws of the United States.


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    1998 Legislature                                       SB 1724

  1         4.  Service performed by an individual in the employ of

  2  his or her son, daughter, or spouse, and service performed by

  3  a child under the age of 21 in the employ of his or her father

  4  or mother.

  5         5.  Service performed in the employ of the United

  6  States Government or of an instrumentality of the United

  7  States which is:

  8         a.  Wholly or partially owned by the United States.

  9         b.  Exempt from the tax imposed by s. 3301 of the

10  Internal Revenue Code by virtue of any provision of federal

11  law which specifically refers to such section, or the

12  corresponding section of prior law, in granting such

13  exemption; except that to the extent that the Congress shall

14  permit states to require any instrumentalities of the United

15  States to make payments into an unemployment fund under a

16  state unemployment compensation law, all of the provisions of

17  this law shall be applicable to such instrumentalities, and to

18  services performed for such instrumentalities, in the same

19  manner, to the same extent, and on the same terms as to all

20  other employers, employing units, individuals, and services.

21  If this state is not certified for any year by the Secretary

22  of Labor under s. 3304 of the federal Internal Revenue Code,

23  the payments required of such instrumentalities with respect

24  to such year shall be refunded by the division from the fund

25  in the same manner and within the same period as is provided

26  in s. 443.141(6) with respect to contributions erroneously

27  collected.

28         6.  Service performed in the employ of a state, or any

29  political subdivision thereof, or any instrumentality of any

30  one or more of the foregoing which is wholly owned by one or

31  more states or political subdivisions, except as provided in


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    1998 Legislature                                       SB 1724

  1  paragraph (b), and any service performed in the employ of any

  2  instrumentality of one or more states or political

  3  subdivisions, to the extent that the instrumentality is, with

  4  respect to such service, immune under the Constitution of the

  5  United States from the tax imposed by s. 3301 of the Internal

  6  Revenue Code.

  7         7.  Service performed in the employ of a corporation,

  8  community chest, fund, or foundation, organized and operated

  9  exclusively for religious, charitable, scientific, testing for

10  public safety, literary, or educational purposes, or for the

11  prevention of cruelty to children or animals, no part of the

12  net earnings of which inures to the benefit of any private

13  shareholder or individual, no substantial part of the

14  activities of which is carrying on propaganda or otherwise

15  attempting to influence legislation, and which does not

16  participate in, or intervene in (including the publishing or

17  distributing of statements), any political campaign on behalf

18  of any candidate for public office, except as provided in

19  paragraph (c).

20         8.  Service with respect to which unemployment

21  compensation is payable under an unemployment compensation

22  system established by an Act of Congress.

23         9.a.  Service performed in any calendar quarter in the

24  employ of any organization exempt from income tax under s.

25  501(a) of the Internal Revenue Code, other than an

26  organization described in s. 401(a), or under s. 521, if the

27  remuneration for such service is less than $50.

28         b.  Service performed in the employ of a school,

29  college, or university, if such service is performed by a

30  student who is enrolled and is regularly attending classes at

31  such school, college, or university.


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    1998 Legislature                                       SB 1724

  1         10.  Service performed in the employ of a foreign

  2  government, including service as a consular or other officer

  3  or employee of a nondiplomatic representative.

  4         11.  Service performed in the employ of an

  5  instrumentality wholly owned by a foreign government:

  6         a.  If the service is of a character similar to that

  7  performed in foreign countries by employees of the United

  8  States Government or of an instrumentality thereof; and

  9         b.  The Secretary of State shall certify to the

10  Secretary of the Treasury that the foreign government, with

11  respect to whose instrumentality exemption is claimed, grants

12  an equivalent exemption with respect to similar service

13  performed in the foreign country by employees of the United

14  States Government and of instrumentalities thereof.

15         12.  Service performed as a student nurse in the employ

16  of a hospital or a nurses' training school by an individual

17  who is enrolled and is regularly attending classes in a

18  nurses' training school chartered or approved pursuant to a

19  state law; service performed as an intern in the employ of a

20  hospital by an individual who has completed a 4-year course in

21  a medical school chartered or approved pursuant to state law;

22  and service performed by a patient of a hospital for such

23  hospital.

24         13.  Service performed by an individual for a person as

25  an insurance agent or as an insurance solicitor, if all such

26  service performed by such individual for such person is

27  performed for remuneration solely by way of commission, except

28  for such services performed in accordance with 26 U.S.C.S. s.

29  3306(c)(7) and (8).  For purposes of this subsection, those

30  benefits excluded from the definition of wages pursuant to



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    1998 Legislature                                       SB 1724

  1  subparagraphs (33)(b)2.-6., inclusive, shall not be considered

  2  remuneration.

  3         14.  Service performed by an individual for a person as

  4  a real estate salesperson or agent, if all such service

  5  performed by such individual for such person is performed for

  6  remuneration solely by way of commission.

  7         15.  Service performed by an individual under the age

  8  of 18 in the delivery or distribution of newspapers or

  9  shopping news, not including delivery or distribution to any

10  point for subsequent delivery or distribution.

11         16.  Service covered by an arrangement between the

12  division and the agency charged with the administration of any

13  other state or federal unemployment compensation law pursuant

14  to which all services performed by an individual for an

15  employing unit during the period covered by such employing

16  unit's duly approved election are deemed to be performed

17  entirely within such agency's state or under such federal law.

18         17.  Service performed by an individual who is enrolled

19  at a nonprofit or public educational institution which

20  normally maintains a regular faculty and curriculum and

21  normally has a regularly organized body of students in

22  attendance at the place where its educational activities are

23  carried on as a student in a full-time program, taken for

24  credit at such institution, which combines academic

25  instruction with work experience, if such service is an

26  integral part of such program, and such institution has so

27  certified to the employer, except that this subparagraph does

28  not apply to service performed in a program established for or

29  on behalf of an employer or group of employers.

30         18.  Service performed by an individual for a person as

31  a barber, if all such service performed by such individual for


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    1998 Legislature                                       SB 1724

  1  such person is performed for remuneration solely by way of

  2  commission.

  3         19.  Casual labor not in the course of the employer's

  4  trade or business.

  5         20.  Service performed by a speech therapist,

  6  occupational therapist, or physical therapist who is

  7  nonsalaried and working pursuant to a written contract with a

  8  home health agency as defined in s. 400.462.

  9         21.  Service performed by a direct seller. For purposes

10  of this subparagraph, the term "direct seller" means a person:

11         a.(I)  Who is engaged in the trade or business of

12  selling or soliciting the sale of consumer products to buyers

13  on a buy-sell basis or a deposit-commission basis, or on any

14  similar basis, for resale in the home or in any other place

15  that is not a permanent retail establishment; or

16         (II)  Who is engaged in the trade or business of

17  selling or soliciting the sale of consumer products in the

18  home or in any other place that is not a permanent retail

19  establishment;

20         b.  Substantially all of whose remuneration for

21  services described in sub-subparagraph a., whether or not paid

22  in cash, is directly related to sales or other output, rather

23  than to the number of hours worked; and

24         c.  Who performs such services pursuant to a written

25  contract with the person for whom the services are performed,

26  which contract provides that the person will not be treated as

27  an employee with respect to such services for federal tax

28  purposes.

29         22.  Service performed by a nonresident alien

30  individual for the period he or she is temporarily present in

31  the United States as a nonimmigrant under subparagraph (F) or


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    1998 Legislature                                       SB 1724

  1  subparagraph (J) of s. 101(a)(15) of the Immigration and

  2  Nationality Act, and which is performed to carry out the

  3  purpose specified in subparagraph (F) or subparagraph (J), as

  4  the case may be.

  5         23.  Service performed by an individual for

  6  remuneration for a private, for-profit delivery or messenger

  7  service, if the individual:

  8         a.  Is free to accept or reject jobs from the delivery

  9  or messenger service and the delivery or messenger service has

10  no control over when the individual works;

11         b.  Is remunerated for each delivery, or the

12  remuneration is based on factors that relate to the work

13  performed, including receipt of a percentage of any rate

14  schedule;

15         c.  Pays all expenses and the opportunity for profit or

16  loss rests solely with the individual;

17         d.  Is responsible for operating costs, including fuel,

18  repairs, supplies, and motor vehicle insurance;

19         e.  Determines the method of performing the service,

20  including selection of routes and order of deliveries;

21         f.  Is responsible for the completion of a specific job

22  and is liable for any failure to complete that job;

23         g.  Enters into a contract with the delivery or

24  messenger service which specifies the relationship of the

25  individual to the delivery or messenger service to be that of

26  an independent contractor and not that of an employee; and

27         h.  Provides the vehicle used to perform the service.

28         24.  Service performed in agricultural labor by an

29  individual who is an alien admitted to the United States to

30  perform service in agricultural labor pursuant to ss.



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    1998 Legislature                                       SB 1724

  1  101(a)(15)(H) and 214(c) of the Immigration and Nationality

  2  Act.

  3         25.  Service performed by a person who is an inmate of

  4  a penal institution.

  5         (33)  WAGES.--

  6         (b)  "Wages" does not include:

  7         1.  That part of remuneration which, after remuneration

  8  equal to $6,000 prior to January 1, 1983, and $7,000 after

  9  December 31, 1982, has been paid in a calendar year to an

10  individual by an employer or his or her predecessor with

11  respect to employment during any calendar year, is paid to

12  such individual by such employer during such calendar year,

13  unless that part of the remuneration is subject to a tax,

14  under a federal law imposing the tax, against which credit may

15  be taken for contributions required to be paid into a state

16  unemployment fund.  For the purposes of this subsection, the

17  term "employment" includes services constituting employment

18  under any employment security law of another state or of the

19  Federal Government.

20         2.  The amount of any payment, with respect to services

21  performed, to, or on behalf of, an individual in its employ

22  under a plan or system established by an employing unit which

23  makes provision for individuals in its employ generally or for

24  a class or classes of such individuals, including any amount

25  paid by an employing unit for insurance or annuities, or into

26  a fund, to provide for any such payment, on account of:

27         a.  Sickness or accident disability, but, in the case

28  of payments made to an employee or any of his or her

29  dependents, this subparagraph shall exclude from the term

30  "wages" only those payments received under a workers'

31  compensation law.


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    1998 Legislature                                       SB 1724

  1         b.  Medical and hospitalization expenses in connection

  2  with sickness or accident disability.

  3         c.  Death, provided the individual in its employ:

  4         (I)  Has not the option to receive, instead of

  5  provision for such death benefit, any part of such payment or,

  6  if such death benefit is insured, any part of the premiums, or

  7  contributions to premiums, paid by his or her employing unit;

  8  and

  9         (II)  Has not the right, under the provisions of the

10  plan or system or policy of insurance providing for such death

11  benefit, to assign such benefit or to receive cash

12  consideration in lieu of such benefit either upon his or her

13  withdrawal from the plan or system providing for such benefit

14  or upon termination of such plan or system or policy of

15  insurance or of his or her services with such employing unit.

16         3.  The amount of any payment on account of sickness or

17  accident disability, or medical or hospitalization expenses in

18  connection with sickness or accident disability, made by an

19  employing unit to, or on behalf of, an individual performing

20  services for it after the expiration of 6 calendar months

21  following the last calendar month in which the individual

22  performed services for such employing unit.

23         4.  The payment by an employing unit, without deduction

24  from the remuneration of the individual in its employ, of the

25  tax imposed upon an individual in its employ under s. 3101 of

26  the federal Internal Revenue Code with respect to services

27  performed.

28         5.  The value of:

29         a.  Meals furnished to an employee or the employee's

30  spouse or dependents by the employer on the business premises

31  of the employer for the convenience of the employer; or


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    1998 Legislature                                       SB 1724

  1         b.  Lodging furnished to an employee or the employee's

  2  spouse or dependents by the employer on the business premises

  3  of the employer for the convenience of the employer when such

  4  lodging is included as a condition of employment.

  5         6.  The amount of any payment made by an employing unit

  6  to, or on behalf of, an individual performing services for it

  7  or a beneficiary of such individual:

  8         a.  From or to a trust described in s. 401(a) of the

  9  Internal Revenue Code of 1954 which is exempt from tax under

10  s. 501(a) at the time of such payment unless such payment is

11  made to an employee of the trust as remuneration for services

12  rendered as such employee and not as a beneficiary of the

13  trust;

14         b.  Under or to an annuity plan which, at the time of

15  such payment, is a plan described in s. 403(a) of the Internal

16  Revenue Code of 1954;

17         c.  Under a simplified employee pension if, at the time

18  of the payment, it is reasonable to believe that the employee

19  will be entitled to a deduction under s. 219(b)(2) of the

20  Internal Revenue Code of 1954 for such payment;

21         d.  Under or to an annuity contract described in s.

22  403(b) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, other than a

23  payment for the purchase of such contract which is made by

24  reason of a salary reduction agreement, whether evidenced by a

25  written instrument or otherwise;

26         e.  Under or to an exempt governmental deferred

27  compensation plan as described in s. 3121(v)(3) of the

28  Internal Revenue Code of 1954; or

29         f.  To supplement pension benefits under a plan or

30  trust described in any of the foregoing provisions of this

31  subparagraph to take into account some portion or all of the


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    1998 Legislature                                       SB 1724

  1  increase in the cost of living, as determined by the United

  2  States Secretary of Labor, since retirement, but only if such

  3  supplemental payments are under a plan which is treated as a

  4  welfare plan under s. 3(2)(B)(ii) of the Employee Retirement

  5  Income Security Act of 1974.

  6         g.  Under a cafeteria plan, within the meaning of s.

  7  125 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, if such

  8  payment would not be treated as wages without regard to such

  9  plan and it is reasonable to believe that, if s. 125 of the

10  Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, applied for

11  purposes of this section, s. 125 of the Internal Revenue Code

12  of 1986, as amended, would not treat any wages as

13  constructively received.

14         h.  Any payment made, or benefit provided, to or for

15  the benefit of an employee if at the time of such payment or

16  provision of benefit it is reasonable to believe that the

17  employee will be able to exclude such payment or benefit from

18  income under s. 127 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as

19  amended.

20         Section 2.  Paragraph (c) of subsection (3) of section

21  443.091, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

22         443.091  Benefit eligibility conditions.--

23         (3)  Benefits based on service in employment defined in

24  s. 443.036(19)(b) and (c) shall be payable in the same amount,

25  on the same terms, and subject to the same conditions as

26  benefits payable on the basis of other service subject to this

27  chapter, except that:

28         (c)  Benefits shall not be paid, based on services

29  provided to an educational institution or institution of

30  higher learning, to any individual for any week which

31  commences during an established and customary vacation period


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    1998 Legislature                                       SB 1724

  1  or holiday recess if such individual performs any services

  2  described in paragraph (a) or paragraph (b) in the period

  3  immediately before such vacation period or holiday recess and

  4  there is a reasonable assurance that such individual will

  5  perform any such service in the period immediately following

  6  such vacation period or holiday recess.

  7         Section 3.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (5) of section

  8  443.191, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

  9         443.191  Unemployment Compensation Trust Fund;

10  establishment and control.--



13         (a)  Money credited to the account of this state in the

14  Unemployment Compensation Trust Fund by the Secretary of the

15  Treasury of the United States pursuant to s. 903 of the Social

16  Security Act may not be requisitioned from this state's

17  account or used except for the payment of benefits and for the

18  payment of expenses incurred for the administration of this

19  law.  Such money may be requisitioned pursuant to subsection

20  (3) for the payment of benefits. Such money may also be

21  requisitioned and used for the payment of expenses incurred

22  for the administration of this law but only pursuant to a

23  specific appropriation by the Legislature and only if the

24  expenses are incurred and the money is requisitioned after the

25  enactment of an appropriation law which:

26         1.  Specifies the purposes for which such money is

27  appropriated and the amounts appropriated therefor;

28         2.  Limits the period within which such money may be

29  obligated to a period ending not more than 2 years after the

30  date of the enactment of the appropriation law; and



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  1         3.  Limits the amount which may be obligated during any

  2  12-month period beginning on July 1 and ending on the next

  3  June 30 to an amount which does not exceed the amount by which

  4  the aggregate of the amounts credited to the account of this

  5  state pursuant to s. 903 of the Social Security Act during the

  6  same 12-month period and the 34 preceding 12-month periods,

  7  exceeds the aggregate of the amounts obligated for

  8  administration and paid out for benefits and charged against

  9  the amounts credited to the account of this state during such

10  35 12-month periods.

11         4.  Notwithstanding subparagraph 1., money credited

12  with respect to federal fiscal years 1999, 2000, and 2001

13  shall be used solely for the administration of the

14  unemployment compensation program and such money shall not

15  otherwise be subject to the requirements of subparagraph 1.

16  when appropriated by the Legislature.

17         Section 4.  This act shall take effect October 1 of the

18  year in which enacted.













