Senate Bill 1730e1

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    SB 1730                                  First Engrossed (ntc)

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to the Legislature; amending s.

  3         11.111, F.S.; providing for the continuance of

  4         certain proceedings that involve a member of

  5         the Legislature and conflict with scheduled

  6         activity of a legislative committee; specifying

  7         the period of the continuance which applies

  8         when the Legislature is not in session;

  9         providing an effective date.


11  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


13         Section 1.  Section 11.111, Florida Statutes, is

14  amended to read:

15         11.111  Continuance of certain causes for term of

16  Legislature and period of time prior and subsequent thereto

17  and committee workdays.--

18         (1)  Any proceeding before any court, municipality, or

19  agency of government of this state shall stand continued,

20  without the continuance being charged against any party,

21  during any session of the Legislature and for a period of time

22  15 days prior to any session of the Legislature and 15 days

23  subsequent to the conclusion of any session of the

24  Legislature, and during any period of scheduled committee

25  activity while the Legislature is not in session required

26  committee work and for a period of time 1 day prior and 1 day

27  subsequent thereto, when either attorney representing the

28  litigants is a legislator or when a member of the Legislature

29  is a party or witness or is scheduled to appear before any

30  municipal government, administrative board, or agency, when



CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    SB 1730                                  First Engrossed (ntc)

  1  notice to that effect is given to the convening authority by

  2  such member.

  3         (2)  The time period for determining the right to a

  4  speedy trial shall be tolled during the period of the

  5  continuance, but the providing of such a continuance does

  6  shall not waive act as a waiver to the right to a speedy

  7  trial. The immunity herein granted in this section shall, upon

  8  the filing of a notice by the witness, extend to any member

  9  not an attorney who is engaged in any proceeding before any

10  court or any state, county, or municipal agency or board in a

11  representative capacity for any individual or group or as a

12  witness in any proceeding.

13         (3)  After the said notice has been filed by a member

14  of the Legislature called as a witness, the proceeding may

15  proceed notwithstanding such notice if the party calling such

16  member as a witness agrees shall agree.

17         (4)  The continuance provided for herein shall be

18  granted upon filing of a verified pleading or affidavit.

19         Section 2.  This act shall take effect upon becoming a

20  law.











