Senate Bill 1748er

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.


    1998 Legislature                 CS for SB 1748, 1st Engrossed


  2         An act relating to funds distributed to local

  3         governments; amending s. 236.081, F.S.;

  4         amending the prerequisites to excluding from

  5         the computation of district required local

  6         effort the assessed value of property that is

  7         the subject of litigation; creating s. 218.66,

  8         F.S.; providing for a special distribution of

  9         funds from the Local Government Half-cent Sales

10         Tax Clearing Trust Fund to a county or

11         municipality under certain conditions;

12         providing an appropriation to the Columbia

13         County School District; providing a

14         contingency; providing an effective date.


16  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


18         Section 1.  Paragraph (d) of subsection (4) of section

19  236.081, Florida Statutes, as amended by section 1 of chapter

20  97-380, Laws of Florida, is amended to read:

21         236.081  Funds for operation of schools.--If the annual

22  allocation from the Florida Education Finance Program to each

23  district for operation of schools is not determined in the

24  annual appropriations act or the substantive bill implementing

25  the annual appropriations act, it shall be determined as

26  follows:


28  EFFORT.--The Legislature shall prescribe the aggregate

29  required local effort for all school districts collectively as

30  an item in the General Appropriations Act for each fiscal

31  year. The amount that each district shall provide annually


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    1998 Legislature                 CS for SB 1748, 1st Engrossed

  1  toward the cost of the Florida Education Finance Program for

  2  kindergarten through grade 12 programs shall be calculated as

  3  follows:

  4         (d)  Exclusion.--In those instances in which:

  5         1.  There is litigation either attacking the authority

  6  of the property appraiser to include certain property on the

  7  tax assessment roll as taxable property or contesting the

  8  assessed value of certain property on the tax assessment

  9  roll,; and

10         2.  The assessed value of the property in contest

11  involves more than 6 10 percent of the total nonexempt

12  assessment roll,;


14  the assessed value of the property in contest shall be

15  excluded from the taxable value for school purposes for

16  purposes of computing the district required local effort.

17         Section 2.  Section 218.66, Florida Statutes, is

18  created to read:

19         218.66  Special distributions for contested property

20  taxes.--

21         (1)  In the event that an action to contest a tax

22  assessment is brought by a taxpayer in a county or

23  municipality participating in the distribution of half-cent

24  sales tax proceeds pursuant to s. 218.61 and the difference

25  between the good-faith payment made by that taxpayer pursuant

26  to s. 194.171(3) and the taxes that would have been paid on

27  the property appraiser's tax assessment is greater than 6

28  percent of the total assessed taxes for the county or

29  municipality, the county or municipality qualifies for a

30  special distribution of funds from the Local Government



CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.


    1998 Legislature                 CS for SB 1748, 1st Engrossed

  1  Half-cent Sales Tax Clearing Trust Fund as provided in this

  2  section.

  3         (2)  The determination of eligibility for the special

  4  distribution pursuant to this section and the amount of the

  5  distribution shall be calculated based on the total of

  6  district-wide millage levies by the county or municipality.

  7  The distribution shall be made upon application to the

  8  Department of Revenue by a qualified county or municipality in

  9  which the action to contest a tax assessment has not been

10  resolved by July 1 of the year following the year in which the

11  tax was assessed. Distributions shall be made prior to

12  September 30 of that year and shall be in an amount equal to

13  95 percent of the difference between the good faith payment by

14  the taxpayer and the taxes that would have been paid on the

15  property appraiser's tax assessment. Counties or

16  municipalities receiving such distributions must use the

17  revenue in the same manner prescribed for the ad valorem

18  revenue which the distribution replaces. In calculating the

19  distribution to participating county and municipal governments

20  pursuant to s. 218.61, the amount earmarked for distribution

21  within each county pursuant to s. 218.61(2) shall be reduced

22  by a portion of the amount required for the special

23  distribution equal to its proportionate share of total moneys

24  remitted for distribution by sales tax dealers located in all

25  counties.

26         (3)  Upon resolution of the action to contest the tax

27  assessment, any county or municipality which received a

28  special distribution pursuant to this section shall

29  immediately repay to the Local Government Half-cent Sales Tax

30  Clearing Trust Fund the full amount of any tax revenues

31  received as a result of the resolution. In calculating the


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    1998 Legislature                 CS for SB 1748, 1st Engrossed

  1  distribution to participating county and municipal governments

  2  pursuant to s. 218.61, the amount earmarked for distribution

  3  within each county pursuant to s. 218.61(2) shall be increased

  4  by a portion of the amount of such repayment equal to its

  5  proportionate share of total moneys remitted for distribution

  6  by sales tax dealers located in all counties.

  7         Section 3.  The sum of $13,244,151 is appropriated for

  8  fiscal year 1998-1999 from the Public Education and Capital

  9  Outlay Debt Service Trust Fund to the Columbia County School

10  District for the Ft. White High School. No funds shall be

11  released for this project before the Special Facilities Review

12  Commission has approved said project.

13         Section 4.  This act shall take effect upon becoming a

14  law.

















