Senate Bill 1774c1

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida Senate - 1998                           CS for SB 1774

    By the Committee on Banking and Insurance; and Senator


  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to insurance; amending s.

  3         627.624, F.S.; revising loss-of-time benefit

  4         requirements; providing definitions of the

  5         terms "earned income" and "overinsurance

  6         provisions"; requiring disclosure for

  7         overinsurance provision; authorizing the

  8         Department of Insurance to adopt rules;

  9         providing an effective date.


11  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


13         Section 1.  Section 627.624, Florida Statutes, is

14  amended to read:

15         (Substantial rewording of section. See

16         s. 627.624, F.S., for present text.)

17         627.624  Overinsurance; valid loss of time coverage.--

18         (1)  A disability income insurance policy may include

19  the following overinsurance provision:

20         "Overinsurance:  After the loss-of-time benefit of this

21  policy has been payable for 90 days, the benefit will be

22  adjusted, as provided below, if the total amount of unadjusted

23  loss-of-time benefits provided in all valid loss-of-time

24  coverage upon the insured exceeds ...(percent)... of the

25  insured's earned income.  If the information contained in the

26  application discloses that the total amount of loss-of-time

27  benefits under this policy and under all other valid

28  loss-of-time coverage expected to be effective upon the

29  insured in accordance with the application for this policy

30  exceeded ...(percent)... of the insured's earned income at the

31  time of such application, the higher percentage will be used


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    Florida Senate - 1998                           CS for SB 1774

  1  in place of ...(percent)....  The adjusted loss-of-time

  2  benefit under this policy for any month is the proportion of

  3  the loss-of-time benefit otherwise payable under this policy

  4  as the product of the insured's earned income and

  5  ...(percent)... bears to the total amount of loss-of-time

  6  benefits payable for such month under this policy and all

  7  other valid loss-of-time coverage on the insured (without

  8  giving effect to the overinsurance provision in this or any

  9  other coverage) less any amount of loss-of-time benefits

10  payable under other valid loss-of-time coverage that does not

11  contain an overinsurance provision.  In making the

12  computation, all benefits and earnings must be converted to a

13  consistent ...(weekly or monthly)... basis.  If the numerator

14  of the foregoing ratio is zero or is negative, no benefit is

15  payable under this policy.  This provision may not reduce the

16  total combined amount of loss-of-time benefits payable under

17  this policy and all other valid loss-of-time coverage below an

18  amount that is the lesser of $300 or the total combined amount

19  of loss-of-time benefits determined without giving effect to

20  any overinsurance provision.  This provision may not increase

21  the amount of benefits payable under this policy above the

22  amount that would have been paid in the absence of this

23  provision, or take into account or operate to reduce any

24  benefit other than the loss-of-time benefit."

25         (2)  For purposes of the overinsurance provision of

26  subsection (1), the term:

27         (a)  "Earned income," except where otherwise specified,

28  means the greater of monthly earnings of the insured at the

29  time disability commences or the insured's average monthly

30  earnings for a period of 2 years immediately preceding the

31  commencement of disability.  The term does not include any


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    Florida Senate - 1998                           CS for SB 1774

  1  investment income or any other income not derived from the

  2  insured's vocational activities.

  3         (b)  "Overinsurance provision" means the contract

  4  provision authorized in subsection (1) and any other provision

  5  with respect to any loss-of-time coverage which may have the

  6  effect of reducing an insurer's liability if the total amount

  7  of loss-of-time benefits under all coverage exceeds a stated

  8  relationship to the insured's earnings.

  9         (c)  "Department" means the Department of Insurance.

10         (3)  The overinsurance provision authorized in

11  subsection (1) may be inserted only in a policy that provides

12  a loss-of-time benefit that may be payable for at least 52

13  weeks, that is issued on the basis of selective underwriting

14  of each individual application, and for which the application

15  includes a question designed to elicit information necessary

16  either to determine the ratio of the total loss-of-time

17  benefits of the insured to the insured's earned income or to

18  determine that such ratio does not exceed the percentage of

19  earnings, not less than 60 percent, selected by the insurer

20  and inserted in lieu of the blank factor in the overinsurance

21  provision.  The insurer may require, as part of the proof of

22  claim, the information necessary to administer the provision.

23  If the application indicates that other loss-of-time coverage

24  is to be discontinued, the amount of such other coverage must

25  be excluded in computing the alternative percentage in the

26  overinsurance provision.  The policy must define the term

27  "valid loss-of-time coverage" as approved by the department,

28  which definition may include coverage provided by governmental

29  agencies and by organizations subject to regulation by

30  insurance law and by insurance authorities of this or any

31  other state or of any country; coverage provided for such


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    Florida Senate - 1998                           CS for SB 1774

  1  insured pursuant to any disability benefits, workers'

  2  compensation benefits, or employer's liability benefits

  3  provided by labor-management trustee plans or union welfare

  4  plans; salary continuance or pension programs; or any other

  5  coverage the inclusion of which has been approved by the

  6  department.

  7         (4)  If by any application of the overinsurance

  8  provision an insurer affects a material reduction of benefits

  9  otherwise payable under the policy, the insurer must refund,

10  for the period 2 years preceding the disability for which a

11  claim is made, any premium unearned on the policy by reason of

12  such reduction of coverage, subject to the insurer's right to

13  provide in the policy that no such reduction of benefits or

14  refund will be made unless the unearned premium to be refunded

15  amounts to $5.

16         (5)  The application for a policy containing the

17  overinsurance provision authorized by this section shall

18  include the following disclosure:

19         "The benefit payable under this policy may be reduced

20  if the total loss-of-time coverage in effect exceeds

21  ...(percent)... of your income."

22         (6)  The department may by rule prescribe definitions,

23  forms, and procedures necessary to administer this section.

24         Section 2.  This act shall take effect October 1, 1998,

25  and apply to policies issued on or after that date.








CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida Senate - 1998                           CS for SB 1774

                       COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE FOR
  2                         Senate Bill 1774


  4  Provides for an initial 90 days of unreduced benefits and a
    refund of unearned premiums, if the application of the
  5  overinsurance provision results in a material reduction of
    benefits otherwise payable of $5 or more.
    Requires an application for a policy containing such an
  7  overinsurance provision to include a statement disclosing that
    the benefits payable under the policy may be reduced, if the
  8  total loss-of-time coverage in effect exceeds a stated percent
    of the applicant's income.
    Authorizes the Department of Insurance to adopt rules
10  prescribing definitions, forms, and procedures necessary to
    administer the provisions of the bill.




















