CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

House Bill 1777

Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HM 1777 By Representatives Constantine, K. Pruitt, Laurent, Sembler, Bronson and Rayson 1 House Memorial 2 A memorial to the Congress of the United States 3 urging appropriation of certain funds for 4 Everglades restoration. 5 6 WHEREAS, Florida's Everglades is the largest wetland 7 and subtropical wilderness in the United States, and a rare 8 ecological resource of national significance, and 9 WHEREAS, the Everglades National Park has been 10 designated an International Biosphere Reserve, an Outstanding 11 Florida Water, and a United Nations World Heritage Site, and 12 WHEREAS, the Arthur R. Marshall Loxahatchee National 13 Wildlife Refuge has been designated an Outstanding Florida 14 Water and a critical habitat for the endangered snail kite, 15 and 16 WHEREAS, the United States was a signatory to the 1993 17 Statement of Principles endorsing shared responsibility for 18 implementing Everglades restoration through a mediated 19 technical plan, and 20 WHEREAS, the Florida Legislature passed the Everglades 21 Forever Act, adopting the 1993 Statement of Principles and the 22 mediated technical plan, and providing for Everglades 23 restoration through implementation of the Everglades 24 Construction Project, and 25 WHEREAS, dedicated state and local revenues have been 26 made available to support the Everglades Construction Project, 27 and 28 WHEREAS, project components for which the Federal 29 Government is financially responsible have been funded from 30 state and local revenues, and 31 1 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HM 1777 502-161-97 1 WHEREAS, federal moneys for Everglades restoration have 2 been authorized by the 1996 Water Resources Development Act, 3 NOW, THEREFORE, 4 5 Be It Resolved by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 6 7 That the Congress of the United States is requested to 8 appropriate funds as authorized in the 1996 Water Resources 9 Development Act (Section 315) for construction of an enlarged 10 stormwater detention area, Stormwater Treatment Area 1 East, 11 generally in accordance with the plan of improvements 12 described in the February 15, 1994, report entitled 13 "Everglades Protection Project, Palm Beach County, Florida, 14 Conceptual Design." 15 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this memorial be 16 dispatched to the President of the United States, to the 17 President of the United States Senate, to the Speaker of the 18 United States House of Representatives, and to each member of 19 the Florida delegation to the United States Congress. 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 2