CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

House Bill 1785er

ENROLLED 1997 Legislature HB 1785, First Engrossed 1 2 An act relating to health insurance contracts; 3 amending ss. 627.6416, 627.6579, F.S.; amending 4 the definition of the term "child health 5 supervision services"; amending requirements 6 for such services; providing requirements for 7 the coverage of such services under health 8 insurance policies and under group, blanket, or 9 franchise health insurance policies; amending 10 s. 627.6699, F.S.; authorizing certain small 11 employer carriers to impose certain 12 requirements in participating in, 13 administering, or issuing certain health 14 benefits under certain circumstances; amending 15 s. 641.31, F.S.; providing requirements for 16 health maintenance contracts relating to 17 coverage of newborn children and premiums 18 relating thereto; requiring the continuing 19 coverage, past the usual limiting age, of 20 certain dependent children; requiring health 21 maintenance contracts relating to family 22 coverage to provide specified child health 23 supervision services; providing an effective 24 date. 25 26 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 27 28 Section 1. Section 627.6416, Florida Statutes, is 29 amended to read: 30 627.6416 Coverage for child health supervision 31 services.-- 1 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. ENROLLED 1997 Legislature HB 1785, First Engrossed 1 (1) All health insurance policies providing coverage 2 on an expense-incurred basis which provide coverage for a 3 member of a family of the insured or subscriber must shall, as 4 to such family member's coverage, also provide that the health 5 insurance benefits applicable for children include coverage 6 for child health supervision services from the moment of birth 7 to age 16 years. Such services must shall be exempt from any 8 deductible provisions that are which may be in force in such 9 policies or contracts. 10 (2) As used in For purposes of this section, the term 11 "child health supervision services" means physician-delivered 12 or physician-supervised services that which shall include, at 13 a as the minimum, benefit coverage for services delivered at 14 the intervals and scope stated in this section. 15 (a) For purposes of this section, Child health 16 supervision services must shall include periodic 18 visits 17 which shall at approximately the following age intervals: 18 birth, 2 months, 4 months, 6 months, 9 months, 12 months, 15 19 months, 18 months, 2 years, 3 years, 4 years, 5 years, 6 20 years, 8 years, 10 years, 12 years, 14 years, and 16 years. 21 Services to be covered at each visit include a history, a 22 physical examination, and a developmental assessment and 23 anticipatory guidance, and appropriate immunizations and 24 laboratory tests. Such services and periodic visits shall be 25 provided in accordance with prevailing medical standards 26 consistent with the Recommendations for Preventive Pediatric 27 Health Care of the American Academy of Pediatrics. , in 28 keeping with prevailing medical standards. 29 (b) Minimum benefits may be limited to one visit 30 payable to one provider for all of the services provided at 31 each visit cited in this section. 2 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. ENROLLED 1997 Legislature HB 1785, First Engrossed 1 (3) This section does not apply to disability income, 2 specified disease, Medicare supplement, or hospital indemnity 3 policies. 4 Section 2. Section 627.6579, Florida Statutes, is 5 amended to read: 6 627.6579 Coverage for child health supervision 7 services.-- 8 (1) All group, blanket, or franchise health insurance 9 policies providing coverage on an expense-incurred basis which 10 provide coverage for a family member of the certificateholder 11 or subscriber must shall, as to such family member's coverage, 12 also provide that the health insurance benefits applicable for 13 children include coverage for child health supervision 14 services from the moment of birth to age 16 years. Such 15 services must shall be exempt from any deductible provisions 16 that are which may be in force in such policies or contracts. 17 (2) As used in For purposes of this section, the term 18 "child health supervision services" means physician-delivered 19 or physician-supervised services that which shall include, at 20 a as the minimum, benefit coverage for services delivered at 21 the intervals and scope stated in this section. 22 (a) For purposes of this section, Child health 23 supervision services must shall include periodic 18 visits 24 which shall at approximately the following age intervals: 25 birth, 2 months, 4 months, 6 months, 9 months, 12 months, 15 26 months, 18 months, 2 years, 3 years, 4 years, 5 years, 6 27 years, 8 years, 10 years, 12 years, 14 years, and 16 years. 28 Services to be covered at each visit include a history, a 29 physical examination, and a developmental assessment and 30 anticipatory guidance, and appropriate immunizations and 31 laboratory tests. Such services and periodic visits shall be 3 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. ENROLLED 1997 Legislature HB 1785, First Engrossed 1 provided in accordance with prevailing medical standards 2 consistent with the Recommendations for Preventive Pediatric 3 Health Care of the American Academy of Pediatrics. , in 4 keeping with prevailing medical standards. 5 (b) Minimum benefits may be limited to one visit 6 payable to one provider for all of the services provided at 7 each visit cited in this section. 8 (3) This section does not apply to disability income, 9 specified disease, Medicare supplement, or hospital indemnity 10 policies. 11 Section 3. Paragraph (h) of subsection (5) of section 12 627.6699, Florida Statutes, 1996 Supplement, is amended to 13 read: 14 627.6699 Employee Health Care Access Act.-- 15 (5) AVAILABILITY OF COVERAGE.-- 16 (h) All health benefit plans issued under this section 17 must comply with the following conditions: 18 1. In determining whether a preexisting condition 19 provision applies to an eligible employee or dependent, credit 20 must be given for the time the person was covered under 21 qualifying previous coverage if the previous coverage was 22 continuous to a date not more than 30 days prior to the 23 effective date of the new coverage, exclusive of any 24 applicable waiting period under the plan. 25 2. Late enrollees may be excluded from coverage only 26 for the greater of 18 months or the period of an 18-month 27 preexisting condition exclusion; however, if both a period of 28 exclusion from coverage and a preexisting condition exclusion 29 are applicable to a late enrollee, the combined period may not 30 exceed 18 months after the effective date of coverage. For 31 employers who have fewer than three employees, a late enrollee 4 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. ENROLLED 1997 Legislature HB 1785, First Engrossed 1 may be excluded from coverage for no longer than 24 months if 2 he was not covered by qualifying previous coverage continually 3 to a date not more than 30 days before the effective date of 4 his new coverage. 5 3. Any requirement used by a small employer carrier in 6 determining whether to provide coverage to a small employer 7 group, including requirements for minimum participation of 8 eligible employees and minimum employer contributions, must be 9 applied uniformly among all small employer groups having the 10 same number of eligible employees applying for coverage or 11 receiving coverage from the small employer carrier, except 12 that a small employer carrier that participates in, 13 administers, or issues health benefits pursuant to s. 381.0406 14 which do not include a preexisting condition exclusion may 15 require as a condition of offering such benefits that the 16 employer has had no health insurance coverage for its 17 employees for a period of at least 6 months. A small employer 18 carrier may vary application of minimum participation 19 requirements and minimum employer contribution requirements 20 only by the size of the small employer group. 21 4. In applying minimum participation requirements with 22 respect to a small employer, a small employer carrier shall 23 not consider as an eligible employee employees or dependents 24 who have qualifying existing coverage in an employer-based 25 group insurance plan or an ERISA qualified self-insurance plan 26 in determining whether the applicable percentage of 27 participation is met. 28 5. A small employer carrier shall not increase any 29 requirement for minimum employee participation or any 30 requirement for minimum employer contribution applicable to a 31 small employer at any time after the small employer has been 5 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. ENROLLED 1997 Legislature HB 1785, First Engrossed 1 accepted for coverage, unless the employer size has changed, 2 in which case the small employer carrier may apply the 3 requirements that are applicable to the new group size. 4 6. If a small employer carrier offers coverage to a 5 small employer, it must offer coverage to all the small 6 employer's eligible employees and their dependents. A small 7 employer carrier may not offer coverage limited to certain 8 persons in a group or to part of a group, except with respect 9 to late enrollees. 10 7. A small employer carrier may not modify any health 11 benefit plan issued to a small employer with respect to a 12 small employer or any eligible employee or dependent through 13 riders, endorsements, or otherwise to restrict or exclude 14 coverage for certain diseases or medical conditions otherwise 15 covered by the health benefit plan. 16 8. An initial enrollment period of at least 30 days 17 must be provided. An annual 30-day open enrollment period 18 must be offered to each small employer's eligible employees 19 and their dependents. 20 Section 4. Subsection (9) of section 641.31, Florida 21 Statutes, 1996 Supplement, is amended, and subsections (29) 22 and (30) are added to that section, to read: 23 641.31 Health maintenance contracts.-- 24 (9) All health maintenance contracts that which 25 provide coverage, benefits, or services for a member of the 26 family of the subscriber must shall, as to such family 27 member's coverage, benefits, or services, provide also that 28 the coverage, benefits, or services applicable for children 29 must shall be provided with respect to a preenrolled newborn 30 child of the subscriber, or covered family member of the 31 subscriber, from the moment of birth. However, with respect 6 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. ENROLLED 1997 Legislature HB 1785, First Engrossed 1 to a newborn child of a covered family member other than the 2 spouse of the insured or subscriber, the coverage for the 3 newborn child terminates 18 months after the birth of the 4 newborn child. The coverage, benefits, or services for newborn 5 children must shall consist of coverage for injury or 6 sickness, including the necessary care or treatment of 7 medically diagnosed congenital defects, birth abnormalities, 8 or prematurity, and transportation costs of the newborn to and 9 from the nearest appropriate facility appropriately staffed 10 and equipped to treat the newborn's condition, when such 11 transportation is certified by the attending physician as 12 medically necessary to protect the health and safety of the 13 newborn child. 14 (a) A contract may require the subscriber to notify 15 the plan of the birth of a child within a time period, as 16 specified in the contract, of not less than 30 days after the 17 birth, or a contract may require the pre-enrollment of a 18 newborn prior to birth. However, if timely notice is given, a 19 plan may not charge an additional premium for additional 20 coverage of the newborn child for not less than 30 days after 21 the birth of the child. If timely notice is not given, the 22 plan may charge an additional premium from the date of birth. 23 The contract may not deny coverage of the child due to failure 24 of the subscriber to timely notify the plan of the birth of 25 the child or to pre-enroll the child. 26 (b) If the contract does not require the subscriber to 27 notify the plan of the birth of a child within a specified 28 time period, the plan may not deny coverage of the child nor 29 may it retroactively charge the subscriber an additional 30 premium for the child; however, the contract may prospectively 31 charge the member an additional premium for the child if the 7 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. ENROLLED 1997 Legislature HB 1785, First Engrossed 1 plan provides at least 45 days' notice of the additional 2 charge. 3 (29) If a health maintenance contract provides that 4 coverage of a dependent child of the subscriber will terminate 5 upon attainment of the limiting age for dependent children 6 which is specified in the contract, the contract must also 7 provide in substance that attainment of the limiting age does 8 not terminate the coverage of the child while the child 9 continues to be both: 10 (a) Incapable of self-sustaining employment by reason 11 of mental retardation or physical handicap, and 12 (b) Chiefly dependent upon the employee or member for 13 support and maintenance. 14 15 If the claim is denied under a contract for the stated reason 16 that the child has attained the limiting age for dependent 17 children specified in the contract the notice or denial must 18 state that the subscriber has the burden of establishing that 19 the child continues to meet the criteria specified in 20 paragraphs (a) and (b). 21 (30)(a) All health maintenance contracts which provide 22 coverage, benefits, or services for a member of the family of 23 the subscriber must, as to such family member's coverage, 24 benefits, or services, also provide that the benefits 25 applicable for children include coverage for child health 26 supervision services from the moment of birth to age 16 years. 27 (b) As used in this subsection, the term "child health 28 supervision services" means physician-delivered or 29 physician-supervised services that include, at a minimum, 30 services delivered at the intervals and scope stated in this 31 subsection. 8 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. ENROLLED 1997 Legislature HB 1785, First Engrossed 1 1. Child health supervision services must include 2 periodic visits which shall include a history, a physical 3 examination, a developmental assessment and anticipatory 4 guidance, and appropriate immunizations and laboratory tests. 5 Such services and periodic visits shall be provided in 6 accordance with prevailing medical standards consistent with 7 the Recommendations for Preventive Pediatric Health Care of 8 the American Academy of Pediatrics. 9 2. Minimum benefits may be limited to one visit 10 payable to one provider for all of the services provided at 11 each visit cited in this subsection. 12 Section 5. This act shall take effect July 1, 1997. 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 9