Senate Bill 1794c1

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    Florida Senate - 1998                  CS for SB's 1794 & 2200

    By the Committee on Natural Resources and Senators Burt and


  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to boating safety and emergency

  3         responses; amending s. 316.003, F.S.;

  4         redefining the term "authorized emergency

  5         vehicles" to include reference to vehicles of

  6         the Department of Environmental Protection;

  7         amending s. 327.02, F.S.; redefining the term

  8         "operate" with respect to vessels; amending s.

  9         327.352, F.S.; revising language with respect

10         to the operation of a vessel while under the

11         influence; providing Legislative intent;

12         restoring a penalty for refusal to submit to

13         chemical or physical testing; conforming

14         provisions relating to boating under the

15         influence to driving under the influence;

16         creating s. 327.35201, F.S.; restoring a

17         penalty for refusal to submit to chemical

18         testing; amending s. 327.50, F.S.; revising

19         language with respect to vessel safety

20         regulations, equipment and lighting

21         requirements to clarify responsibility for

22         compliance; amending s. 327.731, F.S.;

23         increasing the number of convictions necessary

24         for mandatory education; clarifying compliance

25         procedures; providing effective dates.


27  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


29         Section 1.  Subsection (1) of section 316.003, Florida

30  Statutes, is amended to read:



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    Florida Senate - 1998                  CS for SB's 1794 & 2200

  1         316.003  Definitions.--The following words and phrases,

  2  when used in this chapter, shall have the meanings

  3  respectively ascribed to them in this section, except where

  4  the context otherwise requires:

  5         (1)  AUTHORIZED EMERGENCY VEHICLES.--Vehicles of the

  6  fire department (fire patrol), police vehicles, and such

  7  ambulances and emergency vehicles of municipal departments,

  8  public service corporations operated by private corporations,

  9  the Department of Environmental Protection, and the Department

10  of Transportation as are designated or authorized by their

11  respective the department or the chief of police of an

12  incorporated city or any sheriff of any of the various

13  counties.

14         Section 2.  Subsection (24) of section 327.02, Florida

15  Statutes, is amended to read:

16         327.02  Definitions of terms used in this chapter and

17  in chapter 328.--As used in this chapter and in chapter 328,

18  unless the context clearly requires a different meaning, the

19  term:

20         (24)  "Operate" means to be in charge of or in command

21  of or in the actual physical control of a vessel that is

22  underway upon the waters of this state, or to exercise control

23  over or to have responsibility for a vessel's navigation or

24  safety while the vessel is underway upon the waters of this

25  state, or to control or steer a vessel being towed by another

26  vessel upon the waters of the state.

27         Section 3.  Paragraphs (a) and (c) of subsection (1) of

28  section 327.352, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

29         327.352  Breath, blood, and urine tests for alcohol,

30  chemical substances, or controlled substances; implied

31  consent; right to refuse.--


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    Florida Senate - 1998                  CS for SB's 1794 & 2200

  1         (1)(a)  The Legislature declares that the operation of

  2  a vessel is a privilege that must be exercised in a reasonable

  3  manner. In order to protect the public health and safety, it

  4  is essential that a lawful and effective means of reducing the

  5  incidence of boating while impaired or intoxicated be

  6  established. Therefore, any person who accepts the privilege

  7  extended by the laws of this state of operating a vessel

  8  within this state is, by so operating such vessel, deemed to

  9  have given his or her consent to submit to an approved

10  chemical test or physical test including, but not limited to,

11  an infrared light test of his or her breath for the purpose of

12  determining the alcoholic content of his or her blood or

13  breath, and to a urine test for the purpose of detecting the

14  presence of chemical substances as set forth in s. 877.111 or

15  controlled substances, if the person is lawfully arrested for

16  any offense allegedly committed while the person was operating

17  a vessel while under the influence of alcoholic beverages,

18  chemical substances, or controlled substances.  The chemical

19  or physical breath test must be incidental to a lawful arrest

20  and administered at the request of a law enforcement officer

21  who has reasonable cause to believe such person was operating

22  the vessel within this state while under the influence of

23  alcoholic beverages. The urine test must be incidental to a

24  lawful arrest and administered at a detention facility or any

25  other facility, mobile or otherwise, which is equipped to

26  administer such tests at the request of a law enforcement

27  officer who has reasonable cause to believe such person was

28  operating a vessel within this state while under the influence

29  of controlled substances. The urine test shall be administered

30  at a detention facility or any other facility, mobile or

31  otherwise, which is equipped to administer such tests in a


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    Florida Senate - 1998                  CS for SB's 1794 & 2200

  1  reasonable manner that will ensure the accuracy of the

  2  specimen and maintain the privacy of the individual involved.

  3  The administration of one type of test does not preclude the

  4  administration of another type of test.  The person shall be

  5  told that his or her failure to submit to any lawful test of

  6  his or her breath or urine, or both, will result in a civil

  7  penalty of $500. The refusal to submit to a chemical or

  8  physical breath or urine test upon the request of a law

  9  enforcement officer as provided in this section is admissible

10  into evidence in any criminal proceeding.

11         (c)  Any person who accepts the privilege extended by

12  the laws of this state of operating a vessel within this state

13  is, by operating such vessel, deemed to have given his or her

14  consent to submit to an approved blood test for the purpose of

15  determining the alcoholic content of the blood or a blood test

16  for the purpose of determining the presence of chemical

17  substances or controlled substances as provided in this

18  section if there is reasonable cause to believe the person was

19  operating a vessel while under the influence of alcoholic

20  beverages or chemical or controlled substances and the person

21  appears for treatment at a hospital, clinic, or other medical

22  facility and the administration of a breath or urine test is

23  impractical or impossible. As used in this paragraph, the term

24  "other medical facility" includes an ambulance or other

25  medical emergency vehicle. The blood test shall be performed

26  in a reasonable manner.  Any person who is incapable of

27  refusal by reason of unconsciousness or other mental or

28  physical condition is deemed not to have withdrawn his or her

29  consent to such test. A blood test may be administered whether

30  or not such person is told that his or her failure to submit

31  to such a blood test will result in a civil penalty of $500.


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    Florida Senate - 1998                  CS for SB's 1794 & 2200

  1  Any person who is capable of refusal shall be told that his or

  2  her failure to submit to such a blood test will result in a

  3  civil penalty of $500. The refusal to submit to a blood test

  4  upon the request of a law enforcement officer shall be

  5  admissible in evidence in any criminal proceeding.

  6         Section 4.  Section 327.35201, Florida Statutes, is

  7  created to read:

  8         327.35201  Penalty for failure to submit to test.--

  9         (1)  A person who is lawfully arrested for an alleged

10  violation of s. 327.35 and who refuses to submit to any lawful

11  chemical or physical test pursuant to s. 327.352 is subject to

12  a civil penalty of $500.

13         (2)  When a person refuses to submit to any lawful

14  chemical or physical test pursuant to s. 327.352, a law

15  enforcement officer who is authorized to make arrests for

16  violations of this chapter shall file with the clerk of the

17  court and with the department, on a form provided by the

18  department, a certified statement that probable cause existed

19  to arrest the person for a violation of s. 327.35 and that the

20  person refused to submit to a test as required by s. 327.352.

21         (3)  The clerk of the court, upon receipt of the

22  statement from the law enforcement officer, shall officially

23  notify the person by certified mail that he or she must pay a

24  civil penalty of $500 to the clerk of the court within 30

25  calendar days after receipt of the notice.

26         (4)  A person who has received a notice pursuant to

27  subsection (3) may, within 30 days after the receipt, request

28  a hearing before a county court judge. A request for a hearing

29  tolls the period for payment of the civil penalty, and, if

30  assessment of a civil penalty is sustained by the hearing and

31  any subsequent judicial review, the civil penalty must be paid


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    Florida Senate - 1998                  CS for SB's 1794 & 2200

  1  within 30 days after final disposition. The clerk of the court

  2  shall notify the department of the final disposition of all

  3  actions filed under this section.

  4         (5)  It is unlawful for any person who has not paid a

  5  civil penalty imposed pursuant to this section, or who has not

  6  requested a hearing with respect to the civil penalty, within

  7  30 calendar days after receipt of notice of the civil penalty

  8  to operate a vessel upon the waters of this state. Violation

  9  of this subsection is a misdemeanor of the first degree,

10  punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083.

11         (6)  Moneys collected by the clerk of the court

12  pursuant to this section shall be disposed of in the following

13  manner:

14         (a)  If the arresting officer was employed or appointed

15  by a state law enforcement agency, except the Game and Fresh

16  Water Fish Commission, the money shall be deposited into the

17  Marine Resources Conservation Trust Fund.

18         (b)  If the arresting officer was employed or appointed

19  by a county or municipal law enforcement agency, the money

20  shall be deposited into the law enforcement trust fund of that

21  agency.

22         (c)  If the arresting officer was employed or appointed

23  by the Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission, the money shall

24  be deposited into the State Game Trust Fund.

25         Section 5.  Section 327.50, Florida Statutes, is

26  amended to read:

27         327.50  Vessel safety regulations; equipment and

28  lighting requirements.--

29         (1)  (a)  The owner and operator of every vessel on the

30  waters of this state shall carry, store, maintain, and use

31  safety equipment in accordance with current United States


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    Florida Senate - 1998                  CS for SB's 1794 & 2200

  1  Coast Guard safety equipment requirements as specified in the

  2  Code of Federal Regulations, unless expressly exempted by the

  3  department state law.

  4         (b)  No person shall operate a vessel less than 26 feet

  5  in length on the waters of this state unless every person

  6  under 6 years of age on board the a motorboat, sailboat, or

  7  vessel is wearing which measures less than 26 feet in length

  8  shall wear a type I, type II, or type III Coast Guard approved

  9  personal flotation device while such motorboat, sailboat, or

10  vessel is underway.  For the purpose of this section,

11  "underway" shall mean at all times except when a motorboat,

12  sailboat, or vessel is anchored, moored, made fast to the

13  shore, or aground.

14         (2)  No person shall operate a vessel on the waters of

15  this state unless said vessel is equipped with properly

16  serviceable Every vessel on the waters of this state shall

17  display the lights and shapes required by the navigation

18  rules.

19         (3)  The use of sirens or flashing, occulting, or

20  revolving red or blue emergency lights on any vessel is

21  prohibited, except as expressly provided in the navigation

22  rules or annexes thereto on a vessel operated by a law

23  enforcement officer or fire protection officer in the

24  performance of his or her official duties or on a vessel

25  engaged in emergency rescue activity.

26         Section 6.  Effective October 1, 1998, section 327.731,

27  Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

28         327.731  Mandatory education for violators.--

29         (1)  Every The court shall require any person convicted

30  of a criminal violation of this chapter, every any person

31  convicted of a noncriminal infraction under this chapter if


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  1  the infraction resulted in a reportable boating accident, and

  2  every any person convicted of two a noncriminal infractions

  3  infraction as defined in s. 327.73(1)(h) through (k), (m)

  4  through (p), (s), and (t), said infractions occurring within a

  5  12-month period, must (f) through (n), excepting (j), to:

  6         (a)  Enroll in, attend, and successfully complete, at

  7  his or her own expense, a boating safety course that meets

  8  minimum standards established by the department by rule

  9  provided that the department may provide by rule for waivers

10  of the attendance requirement for violators residing in areas

11  where classroom presentation of the course is not available;

12         (b)  File with the court and the department within 90

13  days proof of successful completion of the course;

14         (c)  Refrain from operating a vessel until he or she

15  has filed the proof of successful completion of the course

16  with the court and the department.


18  Any person who has successfully completed an approved boating

19  course shall be exempt from these provisions upon showing

20  proof to the court and the department as specified in

21  paragraph (b).

22         (2)  For the purposes of this section, "conviction"

23  means a finding of guilt, or the acceptance of a plea of

24  guilty or nolo contendere, regardless of whether or not

25  adjudication was withheld or whether imposition of sentence

26  was withheld, deferred, or suspended.  Any person who operates

27  a vessel on the waters of this state in violation of the

28  provisions of this section is guilty of a misdemeanor of the

29  second degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s.

30  775.083.



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    Florida Senate - 1998                  CS for SB's 1794 & 2200

  1         (3)  The department shall print on the reverse side of

  2  the defendant's copy of the boating citation a notice of the

  3  provisions of this section. Upon conviction, the clerk of the

  4  court shall notify the defendant that it is unlawful for him

  5  or her to operate any vessel until he or she has complied with

  6  this section, but failure of the clerk of the court to provide

  7  such a notice shall not be a defense to a charge of unlawful

  8  operation of a vessel under subsection (2).

  9         Section 7.  Except as otherwise provided in this act

10  this act shall take effect upon becoming a law.


                       COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE FOR
13                          SB 1794 & 2200


15  Section 2 of SB 1794 which provided that it is unlawful for a
    person under the age of 21 having a breath-alcohol level of
16  0.02 or higher to operate a vessel has been deleted, together
    with procedures for enforcimg the prohibition. Also deleted
17  from SB 1794 is section 3, which renamed the boating safety
    identification card, clarified that the minimum age for
18  operation of a vessel powered by a motor of 10 horsepower or
    more is 16, and revised requirements for DEP-approved boater
19  education courses.

20  The committee substitute also provides that any funds derived
    from the $500 penalty for refusal to take a test to determine
21  one's breath-alcohol level will be deposited into the State
    Game Trust Fund, if the arrest was made by a Game and Fresh
22  Water Fish Commission officer.  Finally, the definition of
    "operate" is revised to apply only when a vessel is underway.








