Senate Bill 1800e1

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    CS for CS for SB 1800                          First Engrossed

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to health insurance; amending

  3         s. 222.21, F.S.; exempting moneys paid into a

  4         Roth individual retirement account from

  5         creditors' claims; amending s. 222.22, F.S.;

  6         exempting moneys paid into a Medical Savings

  7         Account from attachment, garnishment, or legal

  8         process; amending s. 627.410, F.S.; exempting

  9         certain policies from rating requirements;

10         amending s. 627.6425, F.S.; specifying

11         exceptions to guaranteed renewability of

12         individual health insurance policies; amending

13         s. 627.6487, F.S.; redefining the term

14         "eligible individual" for purposes of

15         guaranteed-issuance of an individual health

16         insurance policy; amending s. 627.6498, F.S.;

17         requiring the Department of Insurance to

18         annually establish standard risk rates for

19         purposes of determining premium rates of

20         coverage issued by the Florida Comprehensive

21         Health Association; amending s. 627.6571, F.S.;

22         specifying exceptions to guaranteed

23         renewability of group health insurance

24         policies; amending s. 627.6575, F.S.; providing

25         that coverage may not be denied if specified

26         notice is given; amending s. 627.6415, F.S.;

27         providing that coverage may not be denied if

28         specified notice is given; amending s.

29         627.6578, F.S.; providing that coverage may not

30         be denied if specified notice is given;

31         amending s. 627.6675, F.S.; requiring the


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  1         Department of Insurance to annually establish

  2         standard risk rates for purposes of determining

  3         maximum premiums for conversion policies;

  4         revising standards for renewal of converted

  5         insurance policies; requiring the insurer to

  6         mail certain information to a person eligible

  7         for a converted policy, upon request; creating

  8         s. 627.6685, F.S.; requiring health insurers

  9         and health maintenance organizations to include

10         in their plans that offer mental health

11         coverage certain mental health benefits that

12         are not less favorable than those for medical

13         or surgical benefits covered by the plan;

14         defining terms; providing exemptions; limiting

15         applicability of this section; amending s.

16         627.6699, F.S.; redefining the term "health

17         benefit plan" as used in the Employee Health

18         Care Access Act; amending s. 627.674, F.S.;

19         revising the minimum standards for Medicare

20         Supplement policies; amending s. 627.6741,

21         F.S.; revising requirements for insurers to

22         issue, cancel, nonrenew, and replace Medicare

23         supplement policies; restricting

24         preexisting-condition exclusions; authorizing

25         the Department of Insurance to adopt rules

26         governing guaranteed issue of Medicare

27         supplement coverage for continuously covered

28         individuals; amending s. 627.9403, F.S.;

29         specifying the provisions of the Long-term Care

30         Insurance Act that apply to limited benefit

31         policies; amending s. 627.9404, F.S.; defining


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  1         the terms "limited benefit policy" and

  2         "qualified long-term care limited benefit

  3         insurance policy"; amending s. 627.9407, F.S.;

  4         revising the requirements for exclusion of

  5         coverage for preexisting conditions for

  6         long-term care policies; requiring

  7         limited-benefit policies to contain a

  8         disclosure statement regarding their

  9         qualification for favorable tax treatment;

10         amending s. 627.94073, F.S.; revising the

11         notice requirement for long-term care policies

12         regarding the right to designate a secondary

13         person to receive notice of lapse of coverage;

14         amending s. 641.225, F.S.; increasing surplus

15         requirements for health maintenance

16         organizations; amending s. 641.285, F.S.;

17         increasing deposit requirements for health

18         maintenance organizations; revising exceptions;

19         amending s. 641.26, F.S.; requiring health

20         maintenance organizations to file certain

21         reports with the Department of Insurance;

22         requiring that health maintenance organizations

23         provide additional information upon the request

24         of the department; amending s. 641.31, F.S.;

25         providing that coverage may not be denied if

26         specified notice is given; amending s.

27         641.31074, F.S.; revising requirements for

28         guaranteed renewability of a health maintenance

29         organization contract; amending s. 641.3111,

30         F.S.; requiring health maintenance organization

31         contracts to provide for an extension of


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  1         benefits upon termination of the contract;

  2         amending s. 641.316, F.S.; revising the amount

  3         of the bond that a fiscal intermediary services

  4         organization is required to maintain;

  5         specifying certain additional requirements and

  6         conditions for the bond and the intermediary;

  7         amending s. 641.3922, F.S.; revising the method

  8         for establishing the maximum premium for

  9         converted contracts issued by health

10         maintenance organizations; revising the

11         exceptions to guaranteed renewability of

12         converted health maintenance organization

13         contracts; requiring a health maintenance

14         organization to mail certain information to a

15         person eligible for a converted contract;

16         amending s. 641.495, F.S.; exempting from

17         licensure under part I of ch. 395, F.S.,

18         certain beds of a health maintenance

19         organization; providing an effective date.


21  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


23         Section 1.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (2) of section

24  222.21, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

25         222.21  Exemption of pension money and retirement or

26  profit-sharing benefits from legal processes.--

27         (2)(a)  Except as provided in paragraph (b), any money

28  or other assets payable to a participant or beneficiary from,

29  or any interest of any participant or beneficiary in, a

30  retirement or profit-sharing plan that is qualified under s.

31  401(a), s. 403(a), s. 403(b), s. 408, s. 408A, or s. 409 of


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  1  the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, is exempt from

  2  all claims of creditors of the beneficiary or participant.

  3         Section 2.  Section 222.22, Florida Statutes, is

  4  amended to read:

  5         222.22  Exemption of moneys in the Prepaid

  6  Postsecondary Education Expense Trust Fund and in a Medical

  7  Savings Account from legal process.--

  8         (1)  Moneys paid into or out of the Prepaid

  9  Postsecondary Education Expense Trust Fund by or on behalf of

10  a purchaser or qualified beneficiary pursuant to an advance

11  payment contract made under s. 240.551, which contract has not

12  been terminated, are not liable to attachment, garnishment, or

13  legal process in the state in favor of any creditor of the

14  purchaser or beneficiary of such advance payment contract.

15         (2)  Moneys paid into or out of a Medical Savings

16  Account by or on behalf of a person depositing money into such

17  account or a qualified beneficiary are not liable to

18  attachment, garnishment, or legal process in the state in

19  favor of any creditor of such person or beneficiary of such

20  Medical Savings Account.

21         Section 3.  Subsection (6) of section 627.410, Florida

22  Statutes, is amended to read:

23         627.410  Filing, approval of forms.--

24         (6)(a)  An insurer shall not deliver or issue for

25  delivery or renew in this state any health insurance policy

26  form until it has filed with the department a copy of every

27  applicable rating manual, rating schedule, change in rating

28  manual, and change in rating schedule; if rating manuals and

29  rating schedules are not applicable, the insurer must file

30  with the department applicable premium rates and any change in

31  applicable premium rates.


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  1         (b)  The department may establish by rule, for each

  2  type of health insurance form, procedures to be used in

  3  ascertaining the reasonableness of benefits in relation to

  4  premium rates and may, by rule, exempt from any requirement of

  5  paragraph (a) any health insurance policy form or type thereof

  6  (as specified in such rule) to which form or type such

  7  requirements may not be practically applied or to which form

  8  or type the application of such requirements is not desirable

  9  or necessary for the protection of the public. With respect to

10  any health insurance policy form or type thereof which is

11  exempted by rule from any requirement of paragraph (a),

12  premium rates filed pursuant to ss. 627.640 and 627.662 shall

13  be for informational purposes.

14         (c)  Every filing made pursuant to this subsection

15  shall be made within the same time period provided in, and

16  shall be deemed to be approved under the same conditions as

17  those provided in, subsection (2).

18         (d)  Every filing made pursuant to this subsection,

19  except disability income policies and accidental death

20  policies, shall be prohibited from applying the following

21  rating practices:

22         1.  Select and ultimate premium schedules.

23         2.  Premium class definitions which classify insured

24  based on year of issue or duration since issue.

25         3.  Attained age premium structures on policy forms

26  under which more than 50 percent of the policies are issued to

27  persons age 65 or over.

28         (e)  Except as provided in subparagraph 1., an insurer

29  shall continue to make available for purchase any individual

30  policy form issued on or after October 1, 1993.  A policy form

31  shall not be considered to be available for purchase unless


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  1  the insurer has actively offered it for sale in the previous

  2  12 months.

  3         1.  An insurer may discontinue the availability of a

  4  policy form if the insurer provides to the department in

  5  writing its decision at least 30 days prior to discontinuing

  6  the availability of the form of the policy or certificate.

  7  After receipt of the notice by the department, the insurer

  8  shall no longer offer for sale the policy form or certificate

  9  form in this state.

10         2.  An insurer that discontinues the availability of a

11  policy form pursuant to subparagraph 1. shall not file for

12  approval a new policy form providing similar benefits as the

13  discontinued form for a period of 5 years after the insurer

14  provides notice to the department of the discontinuance. The

15  period of discontinuance may be reduced if the department

16  determines that a shorter period is appropriate.

17         3.  The experience of all policy forms providing

18  similar benefits shall be combined for all rating purposes.

19         Section 4.  Subsection (3) of section 627.6425, Florida

20  Statutes, is amended to read:

21         627.6425  Renewability of individual coverage.--

22         (3)(a)  In any case in which an insurer decides to

23  discontinue offering a particular policy form for health

24  insurance coverage offered in the individual market, coverage

25  under such form may be discontinued by the insurer only if:

26         1.  The insurer provides notice to each covered

27  individual provided coverage under this policy form in the

28  individual market of such discontinuation at least 90 days

29  prior to the date of the nonrenewal discontinuation of such

30  coverage;



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  1         2.  The insurer offers to each individual in the

  2  individual market provided coverage under this policy form the

  3  option to purchase any other individual health insurance

  4  coverage currently being offered by the insurer for

  5  individuals in such market in the state; and

  6         3.  In exercising the option to discontinue coverage of

  7  this policy form and in offering the option of coverage under

  8  subparagraph 2., the insurer acts uniformly without regard to

  9  any health-status-related factor of enrolled individuals or

10  individuals who may become eligible for such coverage.

11         (b)1.  Subject to subparagraph (a)3., in any case in

12  which an insurer elects to discontinue offering all health

13  insurance coverage in the individual market in this state,

14  health insurance coverage may be discontinued by the insurer

15  only if:

16         a.  The insurer provides notice to the department and

17  to each individual of such discontinuation at least 180 days

18  prior to the date of the nonrenewal expiration of such

19  coverage; and

20         b.  All health insurance issued or delivered for

21  issuance in the state in the individual market is discontinued

22  and coverage under such health insurance coverage in such

23  market is not renewed.

24         2.  In the case of a discontinuation under subparagraph

25  1. in the individual market, the insurer may not provide for

26  the issuance of any individual health insurance coverage in

27  this state during the 5-year period beginning on the date of

28  the discontinuation of the last health insurance coverage not

29  so renewed.

30         Section 5.  Subsection (3) of section 627.6487, Florida

31  Statutes, is amended to read:


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  1         627.6487  Guaranteed availability of individual health

  2  insurance coverage to eligible individuals.--

  3         (3)  For the purposes of this section, the term

  4  "eligible individual" means an individual:

  5         (a)1.  For whom, as of the date on which the individual

  6  seeks coverage under this section, the aggregate of the

  7  periods of creditable coverage, as defined in s. 627.6561(5)

  8  and (6), is 18 or more months; and

  9         2.a.  Whose most recent prior creditable coverage was

10  under a group health plan, governmental plan, or church plan,

11  or health insurance coverage offered in connection with any

12  such plan; or

13         b.  Whose most recent prior creditable coverage was

14  under an individual plan issued by a health insurer or health

15  maintenance organization, which coverage is terminated due to

16  the insurer or health maintenance organization becoming

17  insolvent or discontinuing the offering of all individual

18  coverage in the state, or due to the insured no longer living

19  in the service area of the insurer or health maintenance

20  organization that provides coverage through a network plan;

21         (b)  Who is not eligible for coverage under:

22         1.  A group health plan, as defined in s. 2791 of the

23  Public Health Service Act;

24         2.  A conversion policy or contract issued by an

25  authorized insurer or health maintenance organization under s.

26  627.6675 or s. 641.3921, respectively, offered to an

27  individual who is no longer eligible for coverage under either

28  an insured or self-insured employer plan;

29         3.  Part A or part B of Title XVIII of the Social

30  Security Act; or



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  1         4.  A state plan under Title XIX of such act, or any

  2  successor program, and does not have other health insurance

  3  coverage;

  4         (c)  With respect to whom the most recent coverage

  5  within the coverage period described in paragraph (1)(a) was

  6  not terminated based on a factor described in s.

  7  627.6571(2)(a) or (b), relating to nonpayment of premiums or

  8  fraud, unless such nonpayment of premiums or fraud was due to

  9  acts of an employer or person other than the individual;

10         (d)  Who, having been offered the option of

11  continuation coverage under a COBRA continuation provision or

12  under s. 627.6692, elected such coverage; and

13         (e)  Who, if the individual elected such continuation

14  provision, has exhausted such continuation coverage under such

15  provision or program.

16         Section 6.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (4) of section

17  627.6498, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

18         627.6498  Minimum benefits coverage; exclusions;

19  premiums; deductibles.--


21         (a)  The plan shall provide for annual deductibles for

22  major medical expense coverage in the amount of $1,000 or any

23  higher amounts proposed by the board and approved by the

24  department, plus the benefits payable under any other type of

25  insurance coverage or workers' compensation.  The schedule of

26  premiums and deductibles shall be established by the

27  association. With regard to any preferred provider arrangement

28  utilized by the association, the deductibles provided in this

29  paragraph shall be the minimum deductibles applicable to the

30  preferred providers and higher deductibles, as approved by the



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  1  department, may be applied to providers who are not preferred

  2  providers.

  3         1.  Separate schedules of premium rates based on age

  4  may apply for individual risks.

  5         2.  Rates are subject to approval by the department.

  6         3.  Standard risk rates for coverages issued by the

  7  association shall be established by the department, pursuant

  8  to s. 627.6675(3) association, subject to approval by the

  9  department, using reasonable actuarial techniques, and shall

10  reflect anticipated experience and expenses of such coverages

11  for standard risks.

12         4.  The board shall establish separate premium

13  schedules for low-risk individuals, medium-risk individuals,

14  and high-risk individuals and shall revise premium schedules

15  annually pursuant to this section for each 6-month policy

16  period beginning January 1999 1992. For the calendar year 1991

17  and thereafter, No rate shall exceed 200 percent of the

18  standard risk rate for low-risk individuals, 225 percent of

19  the standard risk rate for medium-risk individuals, or 250

20  percent of the standard risk rate for high-risk individuals.

21  For the purpose of determining what constitutes a low-risk

22  individual, medium-risk individual, or high-risk individual,

23  the board shall consider the anticipated claims payment for

24  individuals based upon an individual's health condition.

25         Section 7.  Paragraphs (a) and (b) of subsection (3) of

26  section 627.6571, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

27         627.6571  Guaranteed renewability of coverage.--

28         (3)(a)  An insurer may discontinue offering a

29  particular policy form of group health insurance coverage

30  offered in the small-group market or large-group market only

31  if:


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  1         1.  The insurer provides notice to each policyholder

  2  provided coverage of this form in such market, and to

  3  participants and beneficiaries covered under such coverage, of

  4  such discontinuation at least 90 days prior to the date of the

  5  nonrenewal discontinuation of such coverage;

  6         2.  The insurer offers to each policyholder provided

  7  coverage of this form in such market the option to purchase

  8  all, or in the case of the large-group market, any other

  9  health insurance coverage currently being offered by the

10  insurer in such market; and

11         3.  In exercising the option to discontinue coverage of

12  this form and in offering the option of coverage under

13  subparagraph 2., the insurer acts uniformly without regard to

14  the claims experience of those policyholders or any

15  health-status-related factor that relates to any participants

16  or beneficiaries covered or new participants or beneficiaries

17  who may become eligible for such coverage.

18         (b)1.  In any case in which an insurer elects to

19  discontinue offering all health insurance coverage in the

20  small-group market or the large-group market, or both, in this

21  state, health insurance coverage may be discontinued by the

22  insurer only if:

23         a.  The insurer provides notice to the department and

24  to each policyholder, and participants and beneficiaries

25  covered under such coverage, of such discontinuation at least

26  180 days prior to the date of the nonrenewal discontinuation

27  of such coverage; and

28         b.  All health insurance issued or delivered for

29  issuance in this state in such market markets is discontinued

30  and coverage under such health insurance coverage in such

31  market is not renewed.


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  1         2.  In the case of a discontinuation under subparagraph

  2  1. in a market, the insurer may not provide for the issuance

  3  of any health insurance coverage in the market in this state

  4  during the 5-year period beginning on the date of the

  5  discontinuation of the last insurance coverage not renewed.

  6         Section 8.  Subsection (4) of section 627.6575, Florida

  7  Statutes, is amended to read:

  8         627.6575  Coverage for newborn children.--

  9         (4)  A policy or contract may require the insured to

10  notify the insurer of the birth of a child within a time

11  period, as specified in the policy, of not less than 30 days

12  after the birth. If timely notice is given, the insurer may

13  not charge an additional premium for coverage of the newborn

14  child for the duration of the notice period.  If timely notice

15  is not given, the insurer may charge an additional premium

16  from the date of birth. If notice is given within 60 days of

17  the birth of the child, the insurer may not deny coverage for

18  a child due to the failure of the insured to timely notify the

19  insurer of the birth of the child.

20         Section 9.  Subsection (2) of section 627.6415, Florida

21  Statutes, is amended to read:

22         627.6415  Coverage for natural-born, adopted, and

23  foster children; children in insured's custodial care.--

24         (2)  A policy may require the insured to notify the

25  insurer of the birth or placement of an adopted child within a

26  specified time period of not less than 30 days after the birth

27  or placement in the residence of a child adopted by the

28  insured.  If timely notice is given, the insurer may not

29  charge an additional premium for coverage of the child for the

30  notice period.  If timely notice is not given, the insurer may

31  charge an additional premium from the date of birth or


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  1  placement. If notice is given within 60 days of the birth of

  2  the child, the insurer may not deny coverage for the child due

  3  to the failure of the insured to timely notify the insurer of

  4  the birth or placement of the child.

  5         Section 10.  Subsection (2) of section 627.6578,

  6  Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

  7         627.6578  Coverage for natural-born, adopted, and

  8  foster children; children in insured's custodial care.--

  9         (2)  A policy or contract may require the insured to

10  notify the insurer of the birth or placement of an adopted

11  child within a specified time period of not less than 30 days

12  after the birth or placement in the residence of a child

13  adopted by the insured.  If timely notice is given, the

14  insurer may not charge an additional premium for coverage of

15  the child for the duration of the notice period.  If timely

16  notice is not given, the insurer may charge an additional

17  premium from the date of birth or placement. If notice is

18  given within 60 days of the birth of the child, the insurer

19  may not deny coverage for the child due to the failure of the

20  insured to timely notify the insurer of the birth or placement

21  of the child.

22         Section 11.  Subsection (3), paragraph (b) of

23  subsection (7), and subsection (17) of section 627.6675,

24  Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

25         627.6675  Conversion on termination of

26  eligibility.--Subject to all of the provisions of this

27  section, a group policy delivered or issued for delivery in

28  this state by an insurer or nonprofit health care services

29  plan that provides, on an expense-incurred basis, hospital,

30  surgical, or major medical expense insurance, or any

31  combination of these coverages, shall provide that an employee


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  1  or member whose insurance under the group policy has been

  2  terminated for any reason, including discontinuance of the

  3  group policy in its entirety or with respect to an insured

  4  class, and who has been continuously insured under the group

  5  policy, and under any group policy providing similar benefits

  6  that the terminated group policy replaced, for at least 3

  7  months immediately prior to termination, shall be entitled to

  8  have issued to him or her by the insurer a policy or

  9  certificate of health insurance, referred to in this section

10  as a "converted policy."  An employee or member shall not be

11  entitled to a converted policy if termination of his or her

12  insurance under the group policy occurred because he or she

13  failed to pay any required contribution, or because any

14  discontinued group coverage was replaced by similar group

15  coverage within 31 days after discontinuance.



18         (a)  The premium for the converted policy shall be

19  determined in accordance with premium rates applicable to the

20  age and class of risk of each person to be covered under the

21  converted policy and to the type and amount of insurance

22  provided.  However, the premium for the converted policy may

23  not exceed 200 percent of the standard risk rate as

24  established by the department, pursuant to this subsection

25  Florida Comprehensive Health Association, adjusted for

26  differences in benefit levels and structure between the

27  converted policy and the policy offered by the Florida

28  Comprehensive Health Association.

29         (b)  Actual or expected experience under converted

30  policies may be combined with such experience under group

31  policies for the purposes of determining premium and loss


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  1  experience and establishing premium rate levels for group

  2  coverage.

  3         (c)  The department shall annually determine standard

  4  risk rates, using reasonable actuarial techniques and

  5  standards adopted by the department by rule. The standard risk

  6  rates must be determined as follows:

  7         1.  Standard risk rates for individual coverage must be

  8  determined separately for indemnity policies, preferred

  9  provider/exclusive provider policies, and health maintenance

10  organization contracts.

11         2.  The department shall survey insurers and health

12  maintenance organizations representing at least an 80 percent

13  market share, based on premiums earned in the state for the

14  most recent calendar year, for each of the categories

15  specified in subparagraph 1.

16         3.  Standard risk rate schedules must be determined,

17  computed as the average rates charged by the carriers

18  surveyed, giving appropriate weight to each carrier's

19  statewide market share of earned premiums.

20         4.  The rate schedule shall be determined from analysis

21  of the one county with the largest market share in the state

22  of all such carriers.

23         5.  The rate for other counties must be determined by

24  using the weighted average of each carrier's county factor

25  relationship to the county determined in subparagraph 4.

26         6.  The rate schedule must be determined for different

27  age brackets and family-size brackets.


29         (b)  The converted policy may provide that the insurer

30  may refuse to renew the policy or the coverage of any person

31  only for one or more of the following reasons:


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  1         1.  Either the benefits provided under the sources

  2  referred to in subparagraphs (a)1. and 2. for the person or

  3  the benefits provided or available under the sources referred

  4  to in subparagraph (a)3. for the person, together with the

  5  benefits provided by the converted policy, would result in

  6  overinsurance according to the insurer's standards on file

  7  with the department.

  8         2.  The converted policyholder fails to provide the

  9  information requested pursuant to paragraph (a).

10         3.  Fraud or intentional material misrepresentation in

11  applying for any benefits under the converted policy.

12         4.  Eligibility of the insured person for coverage

13  under Medicare or under any other state or federal law

14  providing for benefits similar to those provided by the

15  converted policy.

16         4.5.  Other reasons approved by the department.

17         (17)  NOTIFICATION.--A notification of the conversion

18  privilege shall be included in each certificate of coverage.

19  The insurer shall mail an election and premium notice form,

20  including an outline of coverage, on a form approved by the

21  department, within 14 days after an individual who is eligible

22  for a converted policy gives notice to the insurer that the

23  individual is considering applying for the converted policy or

24  otherwise requests such information. The outline of coverage

25  must contain a description of the principal benefits and

26  coverage provided by the policy and its principal exclusions

27  and limitations, including, but not limited to, deductibles

28  and coinsurance.

29         Section 12.  Section 627.6685, Florida Statutes, is

30  created to read:

31         627.6685  Mental health coverage.--


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  1         (1)  DEFINITIONS.--As used in this section, the term:

  2         (a)  "Aggregate lifetime limit" means, with respect to

  3  benefits under a group health plan or health insurance

  4  coverage, a dollar limitation on the total amount that may be

  5  paid with respect to such benefits under the plan or health

  6  insurance coverage with respect to an individual or other

  7  coverage unit.

  8         (b)  "Annual limit" means, with respect to benefits

  9  under a group health plan or health insurance coverage, a

10  dollar limitation on the total amount of benefits that may be

11  paid with respect to such benefits in a 12-month period under

12  the plan or health insurance coverage with respect to an

13  individual or other coverage unit.

14         (c)  "Medical or surgical benefits" means benefits with

15  respect to medical or surgical services, as defined under the

16  terms of the plan or coverage, but does not include mental

17  health benefits.

18         (d)  "Mental health benefits" means benefits with

19  respect to mental health services, as defined under the terms

20  of the plan or coverage, but does not include benefits with

21  respect to treatment of substance abuse or chemical

22  dependency.

23         (e)  "Health insurance coverage" means coverage

24  provided by an authorized insurer or by a health maintenance

25  organization.

26         (2)  BENEFITS.--

27         (a)1.  In the case of a group health plan, or health

28  insurance coverage offered in connection with such a plan,

29  which provides both medical and surgical benefits and mental

30  health benefits:



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  1         a.  If the plan or coverage does not include an

  2  aggregate lifetime limit on substantially all medical and

  3  surgical benefits, the plan or coverage may not impose any

  4  aggregate lifetime limit on mental health benefits.

  5         b.  If the plan or coverage includes an aggregate

  6  lifetime limit on substantially all medical and surgical

  7  benefits, the plan or coverage must:

  8         (I)  Apply that applicable lifetime limit both to the

  9  medical and surgical benefits to which it otherwise would

10  apply and to mental health benefits and not distinguish in the

11  application of such limit between such medical and surgical

12  benefits and mental health benefits; or

13         (II)  Not include any aggregate lifetime limit on

14  mental health benefits which is less than that applicable

15  lifetime limit.

16         c.  For any plan or coverage that is not described in

17  sub-subparagraph a. or sub-subparagraph b. and that includes

18  no or different aggregate lifetime limits on different

19  categories of medical and surgical benefits, the department

20  shall establish rules under which sub-subparagraph b. is

21  applied to such plan or coverage with respect to mental health

22  benefits by substituting for the applicable lifetime limit an

23  average aggregate lifetime limit that is computed taking into

24  account the weighted average of the aggregate lifetime limits

25  applicable to such categories.

26         2.  In the case of a group health plan, or health

27  insurance coverage offered in connection with such a plan,

28  which provides both medical and surgical benefits and mental

29  health benefits:

30         a.  If the plan or coverage does not include an annual

31  limit on substantially all medical and surgical benefits, the


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  1  plan or coverage may not impose any annual limit on mental

  2  health benefits.

  3         b.  If the plan or coverage includes an annual limit on

  4  substantially all medical and surgical benefits, the plan or

  5  coverage must:

  6         (I)  Apply that applicable annual limit both to medical

  7  and surgical benefits to which it otherwise would apply and to

  8  mental health benefits and not distinguish in the application

  9  of such limit between such medical and surgical benefits and

10  mental health benefits; or

11         (II)  Not include any annual limit on mental health

12  benefits which is less than the applicable annual limit.

13         c.  For any plan or coverage that is not described in

14  sub-subparagraph a. or sub-subparagraph b. and that includes

15  no or different annual limits on different categories of

16  medical and surgical benefits, the department shall establish

17  rules under which sub-subparagraph b. is applied to such plan

18  or coverage with respect to mental health benefits by

19  substituting for the applicable annual limit an average annual

20  limit that is computed taking into account the weighted

21  average of the annual limits applicable to such categories.

22         (b)  This section may not be construed:

23         1.  As requiring a group health plan, or health

24  insurance coverage offered in connection with such a plan, to

25  provide any mental health benefits; or

26         2.  In the case of a group health plan, or health

27  insurance coverage offered in connection with such a plan,

28  which provides mental health benefits, as affecting the terms

29  and conditions, including cost-sharing, limits on numbers of

30  visits or days of coverage, and requirements relating to

31  medical necessity, relating to the amount, duration, or scope


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  1  of mental health benefits under the plan or coverage, except

  2  as specifically provided in paragraph (a) with respect to

  3  parity in the imposition of aggregate lifetime limits and

  4  annual limits for mental health benefits.

  5         (3)  EXEMPTIONS.--

  6         (a)  This section does not apply to any group health

  7  plan, or group health insurance coverage offered in connection

  8  with a group health plan, for any plan year of a small

  9  employer as defined in s. 627.6699.

10         (b)  This section does not apply with respect to a

11  group health plan, or health insurance coverage offered in

12  connection with a group health plan, if the application of

13  this section to such plan or coverage results in an increase

14  in the cost under the plan or for such coverage of at least 1

15  percent.


17  any group health plan that offers a participant or beneficiary

18  two or more benefit-package options under the plan, the

19  requirements of this section apply separately with respect to

20  each such option.

21         (5)  DURATION.--This section does not apply to benefits

22  for services furnished on or after September 30, 2001.

23         (6)  CONFLICTING PROVISIONS.--The provisions of this

24  section prevail over any conflicting provision of s. 627.668.

25         Section 13.  Paragraph (k) of subsection (3) of section

26  627.6699, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

27         627.6699  Employee Health Care Access Act.--

28         (3)  DEFINITIONS.--As used in this section, the term:

29         (k)  "Health benefit plan" means any hospital or

30  medical policy or certificate, hospital or medical service

31  plan contract, or health maintenance organization subscriber


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  1  contract. The term does not include accident-only, specified

  2  disease, individual hospital indemnity, credit, dental-only,

  3  vision-only, Medicare supplement, long-term care, or

  4  disability income insurance; similar supplemental plans

  5  provided under a separate policy, certificate, or contract of

  6  insurance, which cannot duplicate coverage under an underlying

  7  health plan and are specifically designed to fill gaps in the

  8  underlying health plan, coinsurance, or deductibles; coverage

  9  issued as a supplement to liability insurance; workers'

10  compensation or similar insurance; or automobile

11  medical-payment insurance.

12         Section 14.  Paragraphs (a) and (d) of subsection (2)

13  and subsection (3) of section 627.674, Florida Statutes, are

14  amended to read:

15         627.674  Minimum standards; filing requirements.--

16         (2)(a)  The department must adopt rules establishing

17  minimum standards for Medicare supplement policies that, taken

18  together with the requirements of this part, are no less

19  comprehensive or beneficial to persons insured or covered

20  under Medicare supplement policies issued, delivered, or

21  issued for delivery in this state, including certificates

22  under group or blanket policies issued, delivered, or issued

23  for delivery in this state, than the standards provided in 42

24  U.S.C. Section 1395ss, or the most recent version of the NAIC

25  Model Regulation To Implement the NAIC Medicare Supplement

26  Insurance Minimum Standards Model Act adopted by the National

27  Association of Insurance Commissioners on July 31, 1991, or

28  the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1990 (Pub. L. No.

29  101-508).

30         (d)  For policies issued on or after January 1, 1991,

31  the department may adopt rules to establish minimum policy


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  1  standards to authorize the types of policies specified by 42

  2  U.S.C. Section 1395ss(p)(2)(C) and any optional benefits to

  3  facilitate policy comparisons.

  4         (3)  A policy may not be filed with the department as a

  5  Medicare supplement policy unless the policy meets or exceeds,

  6  either in a single policy or, in the case of nonprofit health

  7  care services plans, in one or more policies issued in

  8  conjunction with one another, the requirements of 42 U.S.C.

  9  Section 1395ss, or the most recent version of the NAIC

10  Medicare Supplement Insurance Minimum Standards Model Act,

11  adopted by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners

12  on July 31, 1991, and the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of

13  1990 (Pub. L. No. 101-508).

14         Section 15.  Section 627.6741, Florida Statutes, is

15  amended to read:

16         627.6741  Issuance, cancellation, nonrenewal, and

17  replacement.--

18         (1)  An insurer issuing Medicare supplement policies in

19  this state shall offer the opportunity of enrolling in a

20  Medicare supplement policy, without conditioning the issuance

21  or effectiveness of the policy on, and without discriminating

22  in the price of the policy based on, the medical or health

23  status or receipt of health care by the individual:

24         (a)  To any individual who is 65 years of age or older

25  and who resides in this state, upon the request of the

26  individual during the 6-month period beginning with the first

27  month in which the individual has attained 65 years of age and

28  is enrolled in Medicare part B; or

29         (b)  To any individual who is 65 years of age or older

30  and is enrolled in Medicare part B, who resides in this state,

31  upon the request of the individual during the 2-month period


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  1  following termination of coverage under a group health

  2  insurance policy.;


  4  A Medicare supplement policy issued to an individual under

  5  paragraph (a) or paragraph (b) may not exclude benefits based

  6  on a pre-existing condition if the individual has a continuous

  7  period of creditable coverage, as defined in s. 627.6561(5),

  8  of at least 6 months as of the date of application for

  9  coverage.


11  the opportunity of enrolling in a Medicare supplement policy,

12  without conditioning the issuance or effectiveness of the

13  policy on, and without discriminating in the price of the

14  policy based on, the medical or health status or receipt of

15  health care by the individual.

16         (2)  For both individual and group Medicare supplement

17  policies:

18         (a)  An insurer shall neither cancel nor nonrenew a

19  Medicare supplement policy or certificate for any reason other

20  than nonpayment of premium or material misrepresentation.

21         (b)  If it is not replacing an existing policy, a

22  Medicare supplement policy shall not limit or preclude

23  liability under the policy for a period longer than 6 months

24  because of a health condition existing before the policy is

25  effective.  The policy may not define a preexisting condition

26  more restrictively than a condition for which medical advice

27  was given or treatment was recommended by or received from a

28  physician within 6 months before the effective date of

29  coverage.

30         (c)  If a Medicare supplement policy or certificate

31  replaces another Medicare supplement policy or certificate or


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  1  creditable coverage as defined in s. 627.6561(5) a group

  2  health insurance policy or certificate, the replacing insurer

  3  shall waive any time periods applicable to preexisting

  4  conditions, waiting periods, elimination periods, and

  5  probationary periods in the new Medicare supplement policy for

  6  similar benefits to the extent such time was spent under the

  7  original policy, subject to the requirements of s.

  8  627.6561(6)-(11).

  9         (3)  For group Medicare supplement policies:

10         (a)  If a group Medicare supplement insurance policy is

11  terminated by the group policyholder and not replaced as

12  provided in paragraph (c), the insurer shall offer

13  certificateholders an individual Medicare supplement policy.

14  The insurer shall offer the certificateholder at least the

15  following choices:

16         1.  An individual Medicare supplement policy that

17  provides for continuation of the benefits contained in the

18  group policy.

19         2.  An individual Medicare supplement policy that

20  provides only the benefits required to meet the minimum

21  standards.

22         (b)  If membership in a group is terminated, the

23  insurer shall:

24         1.  Offer the certificateholder conversion

25  opportunities specified in paragraph (a); or

26         2.  At the option of the group policyholder, offer the

27  certificateholder continuation of coverage under the group

28  policy.

29         (c)  If a group Medicare supplement policy is replaced

30  by another group Medicare supplement policy purchased by the

31  same policyholder, the succeeding insurer shall offer coverage


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  1  to all persons covered under the old group policy on its date

  2  of termination.  Coverage under the new group policy may not

  3  result in any exclusion for preexisting conditions that would

  4  have been covered under the group policy being replaced.

  5         (4)  If a policy is canceled, the insurer must return

  6  promptly the unearned portion of any premium paid.  If the

  7  insured cancels the policy, the earned premium shall be

  8  computed by the use of the short-rate table last filed with

  9  the state official having supervision of insurance in the

10  state where the insured resided when the policy was issued.

11  If the insurer cancels, the earned premium shall be computed

12  pro rata.  Cancellation shall be without prejudice to any

13  claim originating prior to the effective date of the

14  cancellation.

15         (5)  The department shall by rule prescribe standards

16  relating to the guaranteed issue of coverage, without

17  exclusions for preexisting conditions, for continuously

18  covered individuals consistent with the provisions of 42

19  U.S.C. Section 1395ss(s)(3).

20         Section 16.  Section 627.9403, Florida Statutes, is

21  amended to read:

22         627.9403  Scope.--The provisions of this part shall

23  apply to long-term care insurance policies delivered or issued

24  for delivery in this state, and to policies delivered or

25  issued for delivery outside this state to the extent provided

26  in s. 627.9406, by an insurer, a fraternal benefit society as

27  defined in s. 632.601, a health care services plan as defined

28  in s. 641.01, a health maintenance organization as defined in

29  s. 641.19, a prepaid health clinic as defined in s. 641.402,

30  or a multiple-employer welfare arrangement as defined in s.

31  624.437. A policy which is advertised, marketed, or offered as


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  1  a long-term care policy and as a Medicare supplement policy

  2  shall meet the requirements of this part and the requirements

  3  of ss. 627.671-627.675 and, to the extent of a conflict, be

  4  subject to the requirement that is more favorable to the

  5  policyholder or certificateholder.  The provisions of this

  6  part shall not apply to a continuing care contract issued

  7  pursuant to chapter 651 and shall not apply to guaranteed

  8  renewable policies issued prior to October 1, 1988.  Any

  9  limited benefit policy that limits coverage to care in a

10  nursing home or to one or more lower levels of care required

11  or authorized to be provided by this part or by department

12  rule must meet all requirements of this part that apply to

13  long-term care insurance policies, except s. 627.9407(3)(c),

14  (9), (10)(f), and (12), and s. 627.94073(2) s. 627.9407(3)(c)

15  and (9).  If the limited benefit policy does not provide

16  coverage for care in a nursing home, but does provide coverage

17  for one or more lower levels of care, the policy shall also be

18  exempt from the requirements of s. 627.9407(3)(d).

19         Section 17.  Section 627.9404, Florida Statutes, is

20  amended to read:

21         627.9404  Definitions.--For the purposes of this part:

22         (1)  "Long-term care insurance policy" means any

23  insurance policy or rider advertised, marketed, offered, or

24  designed to provide coverage on an expense-incurred,

25  indemnity, prepaid, or other basis for one or more necessary

26  or medically necessary diagnostic, preventive, therapeutic,

27  curing, treating, mitigating, rehabilitative, maintenance, or

28  personal care services provided in a setting other than an

29  acute care unit of a hospital. Long-term care insurance shall

30  not include any insurance policy which is offered primarily to

31  provide basic Medicare supplement coverage, basic hospital


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  1  expense coverage, basic medical-surgical expense coverage,

  2  hospital confinement indemnity coverage, major medical expense

  3  coverage, disability income protection coverage, accident only

  4  coverage, specified disease or specified accident coverage, or

  5  limited benefit health coverage.

  6         (2)  "Applicant" means:

  7         (a)  In the case of an individual long-term care

  8  insurance policy, the person who seeks to contract for

  9  benefits.

10         (b)  In the case of a group long-term care insurance

11  policy, the proposed certificateholder.

12         (3)  "Certificate" means any certificate issued under a

13  group long-term care insurance policy, which policy has been

14  delivered or issued for delivery in this state.

15         (4)  "Chronically ill" means certified by a licensed

16  health care practitioner as:

17         (a)  Being unable to perform, without substantial

18  assistance from another individual, at least two activities of

19  daily living for a period of at least 90 days due to a loss of

20  functional capacity; or

21         (b)  Requiring substantial supervision for protection

22  from threats to health and safety due to severe cognitive

23  impairment.

24         (5)  "Cognitive impairment" means a deficiency in a

25  person's short-term or long-term memory, orientation as to

26  person, place, and time, deductive or abstract reasoning, or

27  judgment as it relates to safety awareness.

28         (6)  "Licensed health care practitioner" means any

29  physician, nurse licensed under chapter 464, or

30  psychotherapist licensed under chapter 490 or chapter 491, or



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  1  any individual who meets any requirements prescribed by rule

  2  by the department.

  3         (7)  "Limited benefit policy" means any policy that

  4  limits coverage to care in a nursing home or to one or more

  5  lower levels of care required or authorized to be provided by

  6  this part or by department rule.

  7         (8)(7)  "Maintenance or personal care services" means

  8  any care the primary purpose of which is the provision of

  9  needed assistance with any of the disabilities as a result of

10  which the individual is a chronically ill individual,

11  including the protection from threats to health and safety due

12  to severe cognitive impairment.

13         (9)(8)  "Policy" means any policy, contract, subscriber

14  agreement, rider, or endorsement delivered or issued for

15  delivery in this state by any of the entities specified in s.

16  627.9403.

17         (10)  "Qualified limited benefit insurance policy"

18  means an accident and health insurance contract as defined in

19  s. 7702B of the Internal Revenue Code and all applicable

20  sections of this part.

21         (11)(9)  "Qualified long-term care services" means

22  necessary diagnostic, preventive, curing, treating,

23  mitigating, and rehabilitative services, and maintenance or

24  personal care services which are required by a chronically ill

25  individual and are provided pursuant to a plan of care

26  prescribed by a licensed health care practitioner.

27         (12)(10)  "Qualified long-term care insurance policy"

28  means an accident and health insurance contract as defined in

29  s. 7702B of the Internal Revenue Code and all applicable

30  sections of this part.



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  1         Section 18.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (4) of section

  2  627.9407, Florida Statutes, is amended, and subsection (13) is

  3  added to that section, to read:

  4         627.9407  Disclosure, advertising, and performance

  5  standards for long-term care insurance.--

  6         (4)  PREEXISTING CONDITION.--

  7         (a)  A long-term care insurance policy or certificate,

  8  other than a policy or certificate issued to a group referred

  9  to in s. 627.9405(1)(a), may not use a definition of

10  "preexisting condition" which is more restrictive than the

11  following: "Preexisting condition" means the existence of

12  symptoms which would cause an ordinarily prudent person to

13  seek diagnosis, care, or treatment, or a condition for which

14  medical advice or treatment was recommended by or received

15  from a provider of health care services within 6 months

16  preceding the effective date of coverage of an insured person.

17         (13)  ADDITIONAL DISCLOSURE.--A limited benefit policy

18  qualified under s. 7702B of the Internal Revenue Code must

19  include a disclosure statement within the policy and within

20  the outline of coverage that the policy is intended to be a

21  qualified limited benefit insurance contract. A limited

22  benefit policy that is not intended to be a qualified limited

23  benefit insurance contract must include a disclosure statement

24  within the policy and within the outline of coverage that the

25  policy is not intended to be a qualified limited benefit

26  insurance contract. The disclosure must be prominently

27  displayed and must read as follows: "This limited benefit

28  insurance policy is not intended to be a qualified limited

29  benefit insurance contract. You need to be aware that benefits

30  received under this policy may create unintended, adverse

31  income tax consequences to you. You may want to consult with a


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  1  knowledgeable individual about such potential income tax

  2  consequences."

  3         Section 19.  Subsection (2) of section 627.94073,

  4  Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

  5         627.94073  Notice of cancellation; grace period.--

  6         (2)  A long-term care policy may not be canceled for

  7  nonpayment of premium unless, after expiration of the grace

  8  period in subsection (1), and at least 30 days prior to the

  9  effective date of such cancellation, the insurer has mailed a

10  notification of possible lapse in coverage to the policyholder

11  and to a specified secondary addressee if such addressee has

12  been designated in writing by name and address by the

13  policyholder.  For policies issued or renewed on or after

14  October 1, 1996, the insurer shall notify the policyholder, at

15  least once every 2 years, of the right to designate a

16  secondary addressee. The applicant has the right to designate

17  at least one person who is to receive the notice of

18  termination, in addition to the insured. Designation shall not

19  constitute acceptance of any liability on the third party for

20  services provided to the insured. The form used for the

21  written designation must provide space clearly designated for

22  listing at least one person. The designation shall include

23  each person's full name and home address. In the case of an

24  applicant who elects not to designate an additional person,

25  the waiver shall state: "Protection against unintended

26  lapse.--I understand that I have the right to designate at

27  least one person other than myself to receive notice of lapse

28  or termination of this long-term care or limited benefit

29  long-term care insurance policy for nonpayment of premium. I

30  understand that notice will not be given until 30 days after a

31  premium is due and unpaid. I elect NOT to designate any person


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  1  to receive such notice." Notice shall be given by first class

  2  United States mail, postage prepaid, and notice may not be

  3  given until 30 days after a premium is due and unpaid. Notice

  4  shall be deemed to have been given as of 5 days after the date

  5  of mailing.

  6         Section 20.  Subsections (1) and (2) of section

  7  641.225, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

  8         641.225  Surplus requirements.--

  9         (1)  Each health maintenance organization shall at all

10  times maintain a minimum surplus in an amount that which is

11  the greater of $1,500,000, $500,000 or 10 percent of total

12  liabilities, or 2 percent of total annualized premium.  All

13  health maintenance organizations that which have a valid

14  certificate of authority before October 1, 1998 1988, or an

15  entity described in subsection (3), and that which do not meet

16  the minimum surplus requirement, shall increase their surplus

17  as follows:


19  Date                     Amount


21  September 30, 1998 1989  $800,000, $200,000 or 10 6 percent

22                           of total liabilities, or 1 percent

23                           of annualized premium, whichever is

24                           greater


26  September 30, 1999 1990  $1,150,000, $350,000 or 10 8

27                           percent of total liabilities, or

28                           1.25 percent of annualized premium,

29                           whichever is greater




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  1  September 30, 2000 1991  $1,500,000, $500,000 or 10 percent

  2                           of total liabilities, or 2 percent

  3                           of annualized premium, whichever is

  4                           greater


  6         (2)  The department shall not issue a certificate of

  7  authority, except as provided in subsection (3), unless the

  8  health maintenance organization has a minimum surplus in an

  9  amount which is the greater of:

10         (a)  $1,500,000;

11         (a)(b)  Ten percent of their total liabilities based on

12  their startup actuarial projection as set forth in this part;

13  or

14         (b)  Two percent of their total projected premiums

15  based on their startup projection as set forth in this part;

16  or

17         (c)  $1,500,000, $500,000 plus all startup losses,

18  excluding profits, projected to be incurred on their startup

19  actuarial projection until the projection reflects statutory

20  net profits for 12 consecutive months.

21         Section 21.  Section 641.285, Florida Statutes, is

22  amended to read:

23         641.285  Insolvency protection.--

24         (1)  Unless otherwise provided in this section, Each

25  health maintenance organization shall deposit with the

26  department cash or securities of the type eligible under s.

27  625.52, which shall have at all times a market value in the

28  amount set forth in this subsection.  The amount of the

29  deposit shall be reviewed annually, or more often, as the

30  department deems necessary.  The market value of the deposit

31  shall be a minimum of $300,000. the greater of:


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  1         (a)  Twice its reasonably estimated average monthly

  2  uncovered expenditures; or

  3         (b)  $100,000.

  4         (2)  If securities or assets deposited by a health

  5  maintenance organization under this part are subject to

  6  material fluctuations in market value, the department may, in

  7  its discretion, require the organization to deposit and

  8  maintain on deposit additional securities or assets in an

  9  amount as may be reasonably necessary to assure that the

10  deposit will at all times have a market value of not less than

11  the amount specified under this section.

12         (a)  If for any reason the market value of assets and

13  securities of a health maintenance organization held on

14  deposit in this state under this code falls below the amount

15  required, the organization shall promptly deposit other or

16  additional assets or securities eligible for deposit

17  sufficient to cure the deficiency. If the health maintenance

18  organization has failed to cure the deficiency within 30 days

19  after receipt of notice thereof by registered or certified

20  mail from the department, the department may revoke the

21  certificate of authority of the health maintenance

22  organization.

23         (b)  A health maintenance organization may, at its

24  option, deposit assets or securities in an amount exceeding

25  its deposit required or otherwise permitted under this code by

26  not more than 20 percent of the required or permitted deposit,

27  or $20,000, whichever is the larger amount, for the purpose of

28  absorbing fluctuations in the value of securities and assets

29  deposited and to facilitate the exchange and substitution of

30  securities and assets. During the solvency of the health

31  maintenance organization, any excess shall be released to the


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  1  organization upon its request. During the insolvency of the

  2  health maintenance organization, any excess deposit shall be

  3  released only as provided in s. 625.62.

  4         (3)  Whenever the department determines that the

  5  financial condition of a health maintenance organization has

  6  deteriorated to the point that the policyholders' or

  7  subscribers' best interests are not being preserved by the

  8  activities of a health maintenance organization, the

  9  department may require such health maintenance organization to

10  deposit and maintain deposited in trust with the department

11  for the protection of the health maintenance organization's

12  policyholders, subscribers, and creditors, for such time as

13  the department deems necessary, securities eligible for such

14  deposit under s. 625.52 having a market value of not less than

15  the amount that the department determines is necessary, which

16  amount must not be less than $100,000 or greater than $2

17  million.  The deposit required under this subsection is in

18  addition to any other deposits required of a health

19  maintenance organization pursuant to subsections (1) and (2).

20  The department shall waive the deposit requirements set forth

21  in subsection (1) whenever it is satisfied that:

22         (a)  The health maintenance organization has sufficient

23  surplus and an adequate history of generating net income to

24  assure its financial viability for the next year;

25         (b)  The performance and obligations of the health

26  maintenance organization are guaranteed by a guaranteeing

27  organization of the type and subject to the same provisions as

28  outlined in s. 641.225; or

29         (c)  The assets of the health maintenance organization

30  or its contracts with any insurer, health care provider,

31  governmental entity, or other person are reasonably sufficient


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  1  to assure the performance of the obligations of the

  2  organization.

  3         (4)  All income from deposits shall belong to the

  4  depositing health maintenance organization and shall be paid

  5  to it as it becomes available.  A health maintenance

  6  organization that has made a securities deposit may withdraw

  7  that deposit, or any part thereof, after making a substitute

  8  deposit of cash or eligible securities or any combination of

  9  these or other acceptable measures of equal amount and value.

10         (5)(a)  The requirements of this section do not apply

11  to an applying or licensed health maintenance organization

12  which has a plan, approved by the department, for handling

13  insolvency which provides for continuation of benefits and

14  payments to unaffiliated providers for services rendered both

15  prior to and after insolvency for the duration of the contract

16  period for which payment has been made, except that benefits

17  to members who are confined on the date of insolvency in an

18  inpatient facility shall be continued until their discharge.

19  This plan shall include at least one of the following:

20         1.  Contracts of insurance or reinsurance on file with

21  the department that will protect subscribers in the event the

22  health maintenance organization is unable to meet its

23  obligations. Each agreement between the organization and an

24  insurer shall be subject to the laws of this state regarding

25  reinsurance.  Each agreement and any modification thereto

26  shall be filed with and approved by the department.  Each

27  agreement shall remain in full force and in effect until

28  replaced or for at least 90 days following written

29  notification to the department by registered mail of

30  cancellation or termination by either party.  The department



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  1  shall be endorsed on the agreement as an additional insured

  2  party;

  3         2.  Contractual arrangements with health care providers

  4  that include a guarantee by the provider to continue providing

  5  health care services to any subscriber of the health

  6  maintenance organization, upon insolvency of the organization,

  7  until the end of the contract period for which payment by or

  8  on behalf of the subscriber has been made or the discharge of

  9  the subscriber from an inpatient facility, whichever occurs

10  later; or

11         3.  Other measures acceptable to the department.

12         (b)  The department shall reduce the deposit

13  requirements specified in subsection (1) whenever the

14  department has determined that the health maintenance

15  organization has a plan for handling insolvency which

16  partially meets the requirements of this section. The amount

17  of the deposit reduction shall be based on the extent to which

18  the organization meets the requirements of this section.

19         Section 22.  Section 641.26, Florida Statutes, is

20  amended to read:

21         641.26  Annual report.--

22         (1)  Every health maintenance organization shall,

23  annually within 3 months after the end of its fiscal year, or

24  within an extension of time therefor as the department, for

25  good cause, may grant, in a form prescribed by the department,

26  file a report with the department, verified by the oath of two

27  officers of the organization or, if not a corporation, of two

28  persons who are principal managing directors of the affairs of

29  the organization, properly notarized, showing its condition on

30  the last day of the immediately preceding reporting period.

31  Such report shall include:


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  1         (a)  A financial statement of the health maintenance

  2  organization filed on a computer diskette using a format

  3  acceptable to the department.;

  4         (b)  A financial statement of the health maintenance

  5  organization filed on forms acceptable to the department.;

  6         (c)  An audited financial statement of the health

  7  maintenance organization, including its balance sheet and a

  8  statement of operations for the preceding year certified by an

  9  independent certified public accountant, prepared in

10  accordance with statutory accounting principles.;

11         (d)  The number of health maintenance contracts issued

12  and outstanding and the number of health maintenance contracts

13  terminated.;

14         (e)  The number and amount of damage claims for medical

15  injury initiated against the health maintenance organization

16  and any of the providers engaged by it during the reporting

17  year, broken down into claims with and without formal legal

18  process, and the disposition, if any, of each such claim.;

19         (f)  An actuarial certification that:

20         1.  The health maintenance organization is actuarially

21  sound, which certification shall consider the rates, benefits,

22  and expenses of, and any other funds available for the payment

23  of obligations of, the organization.;

24         2.  The rates being charged or to be charged are

25  actuarially adequate to the end of the period for which rates

26  have been guaranteed.;

27         3.  Incurred but not reported claims and claims

28  reported but not fully paid have been adequately provided

29  for.; and

30         (g)  A report prepared by the Certified Public

31  Accountant and filed with the department describing material


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  1  weaknesses in the health maintenance organization's internal

  2  control structure as noted by the Certified Public Accountant

  3  during the audit.  The report must be filed with the annual

  4  audited financial report as required in paragraph (c).  The

  5  health maintenance organization shall provide a description of

  6  remedial actions taken or proposed to correct material

  7  weaknesses, if the actions are not described in the

  8  independent certified public accountant's report.

  9         (h)(g)  Such other information relating to the

10  performance of health maintenance organizations as is required

11  by the department.

12         (2)  The department may require updates of the

13  actuarial certification as to a particular health maintenance

14  organization if the department has reasonable cause to believe

15  that such reserves are understated to the extent of materially

16  misstating the financial position of the health maintenance

17  organization.  Workpapers in support of the statement of the

18  updated actuarial certification must be provided to the

19  department upon request.

20         (3)(2)  Every health maintenance organization shall

21  file quarterly, within 45 days after each of its quarterly

22  reporting periods, an unaudited financial statement of the

23  organization as described in paragraphs (1)(a) and (b).  The

24  quarterly report shall be verified by the oath of two officers

25  of the organization, properly notarized.

26         (4)(3)  Any health maintenance organization that which

27  neglects to file an annual report or quarterly report in the

28  form and within the time required by this section shall

29  forfeit up to $1,000 for each day for the first 10 days during

30  which the neglect continues and shall forfeit up to $2,000 for

31  each day after the first 10 days during which the neglect


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  1  continues; and, upon notice by the department to that effect,

  2  the organization's authority to enroll new subscribers or to

  3  do business in this state shall cease while such default

  4  continues.  The department shall deposit all sums collected by

  5  it under this section to the credit of the Insurance

  6  Commissioner's Regulatory Trust Fund. The department shall not

  7  collect more than $100,000 for each report.

  8         (5)(4)  Each authorized health maintenance organization

  9  shall retain an independent certified public accountant,

10  hereinafter referred to in this section as "CPA," who agrees

11  by written contract with the health maintenance organization

12  to comply with the provisions of this part.  The contract

13  shall state:

14         (a)  The CPA shall provide to the HMO audited financial

15  statements consistent with this part.

16         (b)  Any determination by the CPA that the health

17  maintenance organization does not meet minimum surplus

18  requirements as set forth in this part shall be stated by the

19  CPA, in writing, in the audited financial statement.

20         (c)  The completed work papers and any written

21  communications between the CPA firm and the health maintenance

22  organization relating to the audit of the health maintenance

23  organization shall be made available for review on a

24  visual-inspection-only basis by the department at the offices

25  of the health maintenance organization, at the department, or

26  at any other reasonable place as mutually agreed between the

27  department and the health maintenance organization.  The CPA

28  must retain for review the work papers and written

29  communications for a period of not less than 6 years.

30         (d)  The CPA shall provide to the department a written

31  report describing material weaknesses in the health


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  1  maintenance organizations's internal control structure as

  2  noted during the audit.

  3         (6)(5)  To facilitate uniformity in financial

  4  statements and to facilitate department analysis, the

  5  department may by rule adopt the form for financial statements

  6  of a health maintenance organization, including supplements as

  7  approved by the National Association of Insurance

  8  Commissioners in 1995, and may adopt subsequent amendments

  9  thereto if the methodology remains substantially consistent,

10  and may by rule require each health maintenance organization

11  to submit to the department all or part of the information

12  contained in the annual statement in a computer-readable form

13  compatible with the electronic data processing system

14  specified by the department.

15         (7)  In addition to information called for and

16  furnished in connection with its annual or quarterly

17  statements, the health maintenance organization shall furnish

18  to the department as soon as reasonably possible such

19  information as to its material transactions which, in the

20  department's opinion, may have a material adverse effect on

21  the health maintenance organizations financial condition, as

22  the department may request in writing.  All such information

23  furnished pursuant to the department's request must be

24  verified by the oath of two executive officers of the health

25  maintenance organization.

26         (8)  Each health maintenance organization shall file

27  one copy of its annual statement convention blank in

28  electronic form, along with such additional filings as

29  prescribed by the department for the preceding year, with the

30  National Association of Insurance Commissioners.  Each health

31  maintenance organization shall pay to the department a


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  1  reasonable fee to cover costs associated with the filing and

  2  analysis of the documents by the National Association of

  3  Insurance Commissioners.

  4         Section 23.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (9) of section

  5  641.31, is amended to read:

  6         641.31  Health maintenance contracts.--

  7         (9)  All health maintenance contracts that provide

  8  coverage, benefits, or services for a member of the family of

  9  the subscriber must, as to such family member's coverage,

10  benefits, or services, provide also that the coverage,

11  benefits, or services applicable for children must be provided

12  with respect to a newborn child of the subscriber, or covered

13  family member of the subscriber, from the moment of birth.

14  However, with respect to a newborn child of a covered family

15  member other than the spouse of the insured or subscriber, the

16  coverage for the newborn child terminates 18 months after the

17  birth of the newborn child. The coverage, benefits, or

18  services for newborn children must consist of coverage for

19  injury or sickness, including the necessary care or treatment

20  of medically diagnosed congenital defects, birth

21  abnormalities, or prematurity, and transportation costs of the

22  newborn to and from the nearest appropriate facility

23  appropriately staffed and equipped to treat the newborn's

24  condition, when such transportation is certified by the

25  attending physician as medically necessary to protect the

26  health and safety of the newborn child.

27         (a)  A contract may require the subscriber to notify

28  the plan of the birth of a child within a time period, as

29  specified in the contract, of not less than 30 days after the

30  birth, or a contract may require the preenrollment of a

31  newborn prior to birth.  However, if timely notice is given, a


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  1  plan may not charge an additional premium for additional

  2  coverage of the newborn child for not less than 30 days after

  3  the birth of the child. If timely notice is not given, the

  4  plan may charge an additional premium from the date of birth.

  5  If notice is given within 60 days of the birth of the child,

  6  the contract may not deny coverage of the child due to failure

  7  of the subscriber to timely notify the plan of the birth of

  8  the child or to preenroll the child.

  9         Section 24.  Paragraph (d) of subsection (2), and

10  paragraphs (a) and (b) of subsection (3) of section 641.31074,

11  Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

12         641.31074  Guaranteed renewability of coverage.--

13         (2)  A health maintenance organization may nonrenew or

14  discontinue a contract based only on one or more of the

15  following conditions:

16         (d)  The health maintenance organization is ceasing to

17  offer coverage in such a market in accordance with subsection

18  (3) and applicable state law.

19         (3)(a)  A health maintenance organization may

20  discontinue offering a particular contract form for group

21  coverage offered in the small group market or large group

22  market only if:

23         1.  The health maintenance organization provides notice

24  to each contract holder provided coverage of this form in such

25  market, and participants and beneficiaries covered under such

26  coverage, of such discontinuation at least 90 days prior to

27  the date of the nonrenewal discontinuation of such coverage;

28         2.  The health maintenance organization offers to each

29  contract holder provided coverage of this form in such market

30  the option to purchase all, or in the case of the large-group

31  market, any other health insurance coverage currently being


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  1  offered by the health maintenance organization in such market;

  2  and

  3         3.  In exercising the option to discontinue coverage of

  4  this form and in offering the option of coverage under

  5  subparagraph 2., the health maintenance organization acts

  6  uniformly without regard to the claims experience of those

  7  contract holders or any health-status-related factor that

  8  relates to any participants or beneficiaries covered or new

  9  participants or beneficiaries who may become eligible for such

10  coverage.

11         (b)1.  In any case in which a health maintenance

12  organization elects to discontinue offering all coverage in

13  the small group market or the large group market, or both, in

14  this state, coverage may be discontinued by the insurer only

15  if:

16         a.  The health maintenance organization provides notice

17  to the department and to each contract holder, and

18  participants and beneficiaries covered under such coverage, of

19  such discontinuation at least 180 days prior to the date of

20  the nonrenewal discontinuation of such coverage; and

21         b.  All health insurance issued or delivered for

22  issuance in this state in such market is markets are

23  discontinued and coverage under such health insurance coverage

24  in such market is not renewed.

25         2.  In the case of a discontinuation under subparagraph

26  1. in a market, the health maintenance organization may not

27  provide for the issuance of any health maintenance

28  organization contract coverage in the market in this state

29  during the 5-year period beginning on the date of the

30  discontinuation of the last insurance contract not renewed.



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  1         Section 25.  Section 641.3111, Florida Statutes, is

  2  amended to read:

  3         641.3111  Extension of benefits.--

  4         (1)  Every group health maintenance contract shall

  5  provide that termination of the contract by the health

  6  maintenance organization shall be without prejudice to any

  7  continuous loss which commenced while the contract was in

  8  force, but any extension of benefits beyond the period the

  9  contract was in force may be predicated upon the continuous

10  total disability of the subscriber and may be limited to

11  payment for the treatment of a specific accident or illness

12  incurred while the subscriber was a member. Such extension of

13  benefits may be limited to the occurrence of the earliest of

14  the following events:

15         (a)  The expiration of 12 months.

16         (b)  Such time as the member is no longer totally

17  disabled.

18         (c)  A succeeding carrier elects to provide replacement

19  coverage without limitation as to the disability condition.

20         (d)  The maximum benefits payable under the contract

21  have been paid.

22         (2)  For the purposes of this section, an individual is

23  totally disabled if the individual has a condition resulting

24  from an illness or injury which prevents an individual from

25  engaging in any employment or occupation for which the

26  individual is or may become qualified by reason of education,

27  training, or experience, and the individual is under the

28  regular care of a physician.

29         (3)  In the case of maternity coverage, when not

30  covered by the succeeding carrier, a reasonable extension of

31  benefits or accrued liability provision is required, which


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  1  provision provides for continuation of the contract benefits

  2  in connection with maternity expenses for a pregnancy that

  3  commenced while the policy was in effect.  The extension shall

  4  be for the period of that pregnancy and shall not be based

  5  upon total disability.

  6         (4)  Except as provided in subsection (1), no

  7  subscriber is entitled to an extension of benefits if the

  8  termination of the contract by the health maintenance

  9  organization is based upon any event referred to in s.

10  641.3922(7)(a), (b), or (e)(a)-(g).

11         Section 26.  Section 641.316, Florida Statutes, is

12  amended to read:

13         641.316  Fiscal intermediary services.--

14         (1)  It is the intent of the Legislature, through the

15  adoption of this section, to ensure the financial soundness of

16  fiscal intermediary services organizations established to

17  develop, manage, and administer the business affairs of health

18  care professional providers such as medical doctors, doctors

19  of osteopathy, doctors of chiropractic, doctors of podiatric

20  medicine, doctors of dentistry, or other health professionals

21  regulated by the Department of Health.

22         (2)(a)  The term "fiduciary" or "fiscal intermediary

23  services" means reimbursements received or collected on behalf

24  of health care professionals for services rendered, patient

25  and provider accounting, financial reporting and auditing,

26  receipts and collections management, compensation and

27  reimbursement disbursement services, or other related

28  fiduciary services pursuant to health care professional

29  contracts with health maintenance organizations.

30         (b)  The term "fiscal intermediary services

31  organization" means a person or entity which performs


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  1  fiduciary or fiscal intermediary services to health care

  2  professionals who contract with health maintenance

  3  organizations other than a fiscal intermediary services

  4  organization owned, operated, or controlled by a hospital

  5  licensed under chapter 395, an insurer licensed under chapter

  6  624, a third-party administrator licensed under chapter 626, a

  7  prepaid limited health service organization licensed under

  8  chapter 636, a health maintenance organization licensed under

  9  this chapter, or physician group practices as defined in s.

10  455.654(3)(f) s. 455.236(3)(f).

11         (3)  A fiscal intermediary services organization that

12  which is operated for the purpose of acquiring and

13  administering provider contracts with managed care plans for

14  professional health care services, including, but not limited

15  to, medical, surgical, chiropractic, dental, and podiatric

16  care, and which performs fiduciary or fiscal intermediary

17  services shall be required to secure and maintain a fidelity

18  bond in the minimum amount of 10 percent of the funds handled

19  by the intermediary in connection with its fiscal and

20  fiduciary services during the prior year or $1 million,

21  whichever is less. The minimum bond amount shall be $50,000.

22  The fidelity bond shall protect the fiscal intermediary from

23  loss caused by the dishonesty of its employees and must remain

24  unimpaired for as long as the intermediary continues in

25  business in the state. $10 million. This requirement shall

26  apply to all persons or entities engaged in the business of

27  providing fiduciary or fiscal intermediary services to any

28  contracted provider or provider panel. The fidelity bond shall

29  provide coverage against misappropriation of funds by the

30  fiscal intermediary or its officers, agents, or employees;

31  must be posted with the department for the benefit of managed


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  1  care plans, subscribers, and providers; and must be on a form

  2  approved by the department. The fidelity bond must be

  3  maintained and remain unimpaired as long as the fiscal

  4  intermediary services organization continues in business in

  5  this state and until the termination of its registration.

  6         (4)  A fiscal intermediary services organization, as

  7  described in subsection (3), shall secure and maintain a

  8  surety bond on file with the department, naming the

  9  intermediary as principal. The bond must be obtained from a

10  company authorized to write surety insurance in the state, and

11  the department shall be obligee on behalf of itself and third

12  parties. The penal sum of the bond may not be less than 5

13  percent of the funds handled by the intermediary in connection

14  with its fiscal and fiduciary services during the prior year

15  or $250,000, whichever is less. The minimum bond amount must

16  be $10,000. The condition of the bond must be that the

17  intermediary shall register with the department and shall not

18  misappropriate funds within its control or custody as a fiscal

19  intermediary or fiduciary. The aggregate liability of the

20  surety for any and all breaches of the conditions of the bond

21  may not exceed the penal sum of the bond. The bond must be

22  continuous in form, must be renewed annually by a continuation

23  certificate, and may be terminated by the surety upon its

24  giving 30 days' written notice of termination to the

25  department.

26         (5)(4)  A fiscal intermediary services organization may

27  not collect from the subscriber any payment other than the

28  copayment or deductible specified in the subscriber agreement.

29         (6)(5)  Any fiscal intermediary services organization,

30  other than a fiscal intermediary services organization owned,

31  operated, or controlled by a hospital licensed under chapter


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  1  395, an insurer licensed under chapter 624, a third-party

  2  administrator licensed under chapter 626, a prepaid limited

  3  health service organization licensed under chapter 636, a

  4  health maintenance organization licensed under this chapter,

  5  or physician group practices as defined in s. 455.654(3)(f) s.

  6  455.236(3)(f), must register with the department and meet the

  7  requirements of this section. In order to register as a fiscal

  8  intermediary services organization, the organization must

  9  comply with ss. 641.21(1)(c) and (d) and 641.22(6). Should the

10  department determine that the fiscal intermediary services

11  organization does not meet the requirements of this section,

12  the registration shall be denied. In the event that the

13  registrant fails to maintain compliance with the provisions of

14  this section, the department may revoke or suspend the

15  registration. In lieu of revocation or suspension of the

16  registration, the department may levy an administrative

17  penalty in accordance with s. 641.25.

18         (7)(6)  The department shall adopt promulgate rules

19  necessary to administer implement the provisions of this

20  section.

21         Section 27.  Subsections (3), (7), and (14) of section

22  641.3922, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

23         641.3922  Conversion contracts; conditions.--Issuance

24  of a converted contract shall be subject to the following

25  conditions:

26         (3)  CONVERSION PREMIUM.--The premium for the converted

27  contract shall be determined in accordance with premium rates

28  applicable to the age and class of risk of each person to be

29  covered under the converted contract and to the type and

30  amount of coverage provided. However, the premium for the

31  converted contract may not exceed 200 percent of the standard


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  1  risk rate, as established by the department under s.

  2  627.6675(3) Florida Comprehensive Health Association and

  3  adjusted for differences in benefit levels and structure

  4  between the converted policy and the policy offered by the

  5  Florida Comprehensive Health Association. The mode of payment

  6  for the converted contract shall be quarterly or more

  7  frequently at the option of the organization, unless otherwise

  8  mutually agreed upon between the subscriber and the

  9  organization.


11  converted health maintenance contract must contain a

12  cancellation or nonrenewability clause providing that the

13  health maintenance organization may refuse to renew the

14  contract of any person covered thereunder, but cancellation or

15  nonrenewal must be limited to one or more of the following

16  reasons:

17         (a)  Fraud or intentional material misrepresentation,

18  subject to the limitations of s. 641.31(23), in applying for

19  any benefits under the converted health maintenance contract;

20         (b)  Eligibility of the covered person for coverage

21  under Medicare, Title XVIII of the Social Security Act, as

22  added by the Social Security Amendments of 1965, or as later

23  amended or superseded, or under any other state or federal law

24  providing for benefits similar to those provided by the

25  converted health maintenance contract, except for Medicaid,

26  Title XIX of the Social Security Act, as amended by the Social

27  Security Amendments of 1965, or as later amended or

28  superseded.

29         (b)(c)  Disenrollment for cause, after following the

30  procedures outlined in s. 641.3921(4).



CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    CS for CS for SB 1800                          First Engrossed

  1         (c)(d)  Willful and knowing misuse of the health

  2  maintenance organization identification membership card by the

  3  subscriber or the willful and knowing furnishing to the

  4  organization by the subscriber of incorrect or incomplete

  5  information for the purpose of fraudulently obtaining coverage

  6  or benefits from the organization.

  7         (d)(e)  Failure, after notice, to pay required

  8  premiums.

  9         (e)(f)  The subscriber has left the geographic area of

10  the health maintenance organization with the intent to

11  relocate or establish a new residence outside the

12  organization's geographic area.

13         (f)(g)  A dependent of the subscriber has reached the

14  limiting age under the converted contract, subject to

15  subsection (12); but the refusal to renew coverage shall apply

16  only to coverage of the dependent, except in the case of

17  handicapped children.

18         (g)(h)  A change in marital status that makes a person

19  ineligible under the original terms of the converted contract,

20  subject to subsection (12).

21         (14)  NOTIFICATION.--A notification of the conversion

22  privilege shall be included in each health maintenance

23  contract and in any certificate or member's handbook. The

24  organization shall mail an election and premium notice form,

25  including an outline of coverage, on a form approved by the

26  department, within 14 days after any individual who is

27  eligible for a converted health maintenance contract gives

28  notice to the organization that the individual is considering

29  applying for the converted contract or otherwise requests such

30  information. The outline of coverage must contain a

31  description of the principal benefits and coverage provided by


CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    CS for CS for SB 1800                          First Engrossed

  1  the contract and its principal exclusions and limitations,

  2  including, but not limited to, deductibles and coinsurance.

  3         Section 28.  Subsection (12) is added to section

  4  641.495, Florida Statutes, to read:

  5         641.495  Requirements for issuance and maintenance of

  6  certificate.--

  7         (12)  The provisions of part I of chapter 395 do not

  8  apply to a health maintenance organization that, on or before

  9  January 1, 1991, provides not more than 10 outpatient holding

10  beds for short-term and hospice-type patients in an ambulatory

11  care facility for its members, provided that such health

12  maintenance organization maintains current accreditation by

13  the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Health Care

14  Organizations, the Accreditation Association for Ambulatory

15  Health Care, or the National Committee for Quality Assurance.

16         Section 29.  This act shall take effect January 1,

17  1999.














