Senate Bill 1822

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida Senate - 1998                                  SB 1822

    By Senator Williams


  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to evidence of crimes, wrongs,

  3         or acts; amending s. 90.404, F.S.; revising

  4         terminology; providing for admissibility into

  5         evidence of uncharged crimes, wrongs, or acts

  6         inseparable from or inextricably intertwined

  7         with the crime charged, under certain

  8         circumstances; providing definitions; providing

  9         for admissibility of evidence of other "sexual

10         misconduct" by the defendant under certain

11         circumstances when the defendant is charged

12         with a sexual offense; providing for

13         admissibility of other "acts of domestic

14         violence" by the defendant under certain

15         circumstances when the defendant is charged

16         with an act of domestic violence; requiring the

17         state to furnish certain notice of intent to

18         the defendant or defendant's counsel regarding

19         the state's intent to offer evidence of

20         criminal offenses or sexual misconduct or

21         domestic violence committed by the defendant;

22         providing that notice is not required regarding

23         certain evidence of uncharged crimes, wrongs,

24         or acts inseparable from or inextricably

25         intertwined with the crime charged; providing

26         an effective date.


28  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


30         Section 1.  Section 90.404, Florida Statutes, is

31  amended to read:


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    Florida Senate - 1998                                  SB 1822

  1         90.404  Character evidence; when admissible.--

  2         (1)  CHARACTER EVIDENCE GENERALLY.--Evidence of a

  3  person's character or a trait of character is inadmissible to

  4  prove action in conformity with it on a particular occasion,

  5  except:

  6         (a)  Character of accused.--Evidence of a pertinent

  7  trait of character offered by an accused, or by the

  8  prosecution to rebut the trait.

  9         (b)  Character of victim.--

10         1.  Except as provided in s. 794.022, evidence of a

11  pertinent trait of character of the victim of the crime

12  offered by an accused, or by the prosecution to rebut the

13  trait; or

14         2.  Evidence of a character trait of peacefulness of

15  the victim offered by the prosecution in a homicide case to

16  rebut evidence that the victim was the aggressor.

17         (c)  Character of witness.--Evidence of the character

18  of a witness, as provided in ss. 90.608-90.610.



21         (a)  Similar fact Evidence of other crimes, wrongs, or

22  acts is admissible when relevant to prove a material fact in

23  issue, such as proof of motive, opportunity, intent,

24  preparation, plan, knowledge, identity, or absence of mistake

25  or accident, but it is inadmissible when the evidence is

26  relevant solely to prove bad character or propensity.

27         (b)  Evidence of uncharged crimes, wrongs, or acts that

28  are inseparable from or inextricably intertwined with the

29  crime charged is admissible when relevant to prove a material

30  fact in issue, such as proof of motive, opportunity, intent,

31  preparation, plan, knowledge, identity, or an absence of


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    Florida Senate - 1998                                  SB 1822

  1  mistake or when such evidence tends to assist the trier of

  2  fact in understanding the criminal conduct alleged.

  3         (c)1.  In a criminal case in which the defendant is

  4  charged with a sexual offense, evidence of the defendant's

  5  commission of other sexual misconduct is admissible and may be

  6  considered for its bearing on any matter to which it is

  7  relevant, including, but not limited to, corroboration of the

  8  victim's testimony. Such evidence is admissible under this

  9  subsection, notwithstanding the provisions of s. 90.403 when,

10  in discretion of the court, such evidence is not substantially

11  cumulative.

12         2.  For purposes of this section, "sexual misconduct"

13  means conduct proscribed by s. 794.011 or s. 800.04.

14         (d)1.  In a criminal case in which the defendant is

15  charged with an act of domestic violence, evidence of the

16  defendant's other acts of domestic violence is admissible and

17  may be considered for its bearing on any matter to which it is

18  relevant.

19         2.  For purposes of this section, "act of domestic

20  violence" means offenses described in s. 741.28.

21         (e)(b)1.  When the state in a criminal action intends

22  to offer evidence of other criminal offenses under paragraph

23  (a), paragraph (c), or paragraph (d), no fewer than 10 days

24  before trial, the state shall furnish to the defendant or to

25  the defendant's counsel accused a written statement of the

26  acts or offenses it intends to offer, describing them with the

27  particularity required of an indictment or information.  No

28  notice is required for evidence admitted under paragraph (b)

29  or for evidence of offenses used for impeachment or on

30  rebuttal.



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    Florida Senate - 1998                                  SB 1822

  1         2.  When the evidence is admitted, the court shall, if

  2  requested, charge the jury on the limited purpose for which

  3  the evidence is received and is to be considered.  After the

  4  close of the evidence, the jury shall be instructed on the

  5  limited purpose for which the evidence was received and that

  6  the defendant cannot be convicted for a charge not included in

  7  the indictment or information.

  8         (3)  Nothing in this section affects the admissibility

  9  of evidence under s. 90.610.

10         Section 2.  This act shall take effect July 1 of the

11  year in which enacted.


13            *****************************************

14                       LEGISLATIVE SUMMARY

      Revises terminology and conditions for admissibility with
16    respect to evidence of crimes, wrongs, or acts. Provides
      for admissibility into evidence of uncharged crimes,
17    wrongs, or acts inseparable from or inextricably
      intertwined with the crime charged, under certain
18    circumstances. Provides for admissibility of evidence of
      other "sexual misconduct" by the defendant under certain
19    circumstances when the defendant is charged with a sexual
      offense. Provides for admissibility of other "acts of
20    domestic violence" by the defendant in a criminal case
      under certain circumstances when the defendant is charged
21    with an act of domestic violence. Requires the state to
      furnish certain notice of intent to the defendant or
22    defendant's counsel regarding the state's intent to offer
      evidence of criminal offenses or sexual misconduct or
23    domestic violence committed by the defendant. Provides
      that notice is not required regarding certain evidence of
24    uncharged crimes, wrongs, or acts inseparable from or
      inextricably intertwined with the crime charged.






