CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

House Bill 1827

Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1827 By the Committee on Criminal Justice Appropriations and Representative Villalobos 1 A bill to be entitled 2 An act relating to implementing the fiscal year 3 1997-1998 General Appropriations Act in the 4 area of criminal justice; providing legislative 5 intent; providing the Florida Department of Law 6 Enforcement performance-based program budgeting 7 incentives consistent with s. 216.163, F.S., 8 relating to the Governor's recommended budget; 9 providing for future repeal; amending s. 10 216.301, F.S.; providing for appropriation of 11 certain unexpended and unobligated balances of 12 the Supreme Court and the district courts of 13 appeal; providing for future repeal; providing 14 severability; providing an effective date. 15 16 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 17 18 Section 1. It is the intent of the Legislature that 19 the implementing and administering provisions of this act 20 apply to the fiscal year 1997-1998 General Appropriations Act 21 in the area of criminal justice. 22 Section 2. Consistent with the provisions of section 23 216.163, Florida Statutes, and notwithstanding the provisions 24 of section 216.181, Florida Statutes, the Florida Department 25 of Law Enforcement may transfer between budget entities up to 26 10 percent of the initial approved salary rate provided for in 27 Specific Appropriations 937, 946, 949, and 953 of the fiscal 28 year 1997-1998 General Appropriations Act. This transfer of 29 approved salary rate may exceed the 5-percent limit during the 30 year; however, by June 30, 1998, the total of all transfers 31 must not have increased or decreased the initial approved 1 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1827 608-100A-97 1 salary rate by more than 5 percent for any budget entity. The 2 department shall provide prior notice to the Executive Office 3 of the Governor and to the chairs of the legislative fiscal 4 committees for all transfers of salary rate. This section is 5 repealed on July 1, 1998. 6 Section 3. Consistent with the provisions of section 7 216.163, Florida Statutes, and notwithstanding the provisions 8 of section 216.262, Florida Statutes, the Florida Department 9 of Law Enforcement may, in accordance with Specific 10 Appropriations 937, 946, 949, and 954 of the fiscal year 11 1997-1998 General Appropriations Act, transfer up to 20 12 positions between budget entities without approval of the 13 Executive Office of the Governor, the Legislature, or the 14 Administration Commission. The department shall provide prior 15 notice to the Executive Office of the Governor and to the 16 chairs of the legislative fiscal committees on all position 17 transfers proposed under this authority. This section is 18 repealed on July 1, 1998. 19 Section 4. Consistent with the provisions of section 20 216.163, Florida Statutes, and notwithstanding any provision 21 of section 334.0445, Florida Statutes, to the contrary, 22 beginning July 1, 1997, the Florida Department of Law 23 Enforcement is authorized, in accordance with Specific 24 Appropriations 937, 946, 949, and 955 of the fiscal year 25 1997-1998 General Appropriations Act, to participate in the 26 Model Career Service Classification and Compensation System as 27 authorized by section 334.0445, Florida Statutes, which is 28 hereby continued through June 30, 1998, for this purpose. 29 Implementation of this section shall be subject to the notice 30 and review provisions of section 216.177, Florida Statutes. 31 This section is repealed on July 1, 1998. 2 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1827 608-100A-97 1 Section 5. In order to implement Specific 2 Appropriations 2139, 2146A, and 2154 through 2159 of the 3 1997-1998 General Appropriations Act, subsection (4) is added 4 to section 216.301, Florida Statutes, to read: 5 216.301 Appropriations; undisbursed balances.-- 6 (4) For the 1997-1998 fiscal year only, 7 notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (1), 50 percent 8 of the unexpended and unobligated balances on June 30, 1997, 9 of any appropriation from the General Revenue Fund for 10 salaries, other personal services, expenses, or operating 11 capital outlay for the Supreme Court and the district courts 12 of appeal in the 1996-1997 General Appropriations Act, are 13 hereby appropriated in fiscal year 1997-1998. Of this amount, 14 50 percent is for court improvements for the Supreme Court and 15 the district courts of appeal, and the remainder shall be 16 divided into six equal sums, one each for each of the five 17 district courts of appeal and one for the discretionary 18 spending account of the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. 19 This subsection is repealed on July 1, 1998. 20 Section 6. If any provision of this act or the 21 application thereof to any person or circumstance is held 22 invalid, the invalidity shall not affect other provisions or 23 applications of the act which can be given effect without the 24 invalid provision or application, and to this end the 25 provisions of this act are declared severable. 26 Section 7. This act shall take effect July 1, 1997, or 27 in the event this act fails to become a law until after that 28 date, it shall operate retroactively thereto. 29 30 31 3 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1827 608-100A-97 1 ***************************************** 2 HOUSE SUMMARY 3 For the purpose of implementing the fiscal year 1997-1998 4 General Appropriations Act in the area of criminal justice, provides the Florida Department of Law 5 Enforcement performance-based program budgeting incentives, consistent with s. 216.163, F.S., relating to 6 the Governor's recommended budget, which include transfer of certain salary rate between budget entities, transfer 7 of certain positions between budget entities, and participation in the Model Career Service Classification 8 and Compensation System, and provides for appropriation of certain unexpended and unobligated balances of the 9 Supreme Court and the district courts of appeal. See bill for details. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 4