Senate Bill 1828

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida Senate - 1998                                  SB 1828

    By Senator Williams

    25-988-98                                               See HB

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to hospitals; amending s.

  3         395.0191, F.S.; providing staff membership and

  4         clinical privileges for licensed optometrists;

  5         providing certain limitations; providing an

  6         effective date.


  8  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


10         Section 1.  Subsections (1) and (4) of section

11  395.0191, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

12         395.0191  Staff membership and clinical privileges.--

13         (1)  No licensed facility, in considering and acting

14  upon an application for staff membership or clinical

15  privileges, shall deny the application of a qualified doctor

16  of medicine licensed under chapter 458, a doctor of

17  osteopathic medicine licensed under chapter 459, a doctor of

18  dentistry licensed under chapter 466, a doctor of podiatry

19  licensed under chapter 461, a certified doctor of optometry

20  licensed under chapter 463, or a psychologist licensed under

21  chapter 490 for such staff membership or clinical privileges

22  within the scope of his or her respective licensure solely

23  because the applicant is licensed under any of such chapters.

24  Nothing in this section shall allow a doctor of optometry to

25  perform any procedures beyond the scope of practice as defined

26  in chapter 463.  Hospital staff membership granted to a

27  certified doctor of optometry shall not include admitting

28  privileges.

29         (4)  Nothing herein shall restrict in any way the

30  authority of the medical staff of a licensed facility to

31  review for approval or disapproval all applications for


CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida Senate - 1998                                  SB 1828
    25-988-98                                               See HB

  1  appointment and reappointment to all categories of staff and

  2  to make recommendations on each applicant to the governing

  3  board, including the delineation of privileges to be granted

  4  in each case.  In making such recommendations and in the

  5  delineation of privileges, each applicant shall be considered

  6  individually pursuant to criteria for a doctor licensed under

  7  chapter 458, chapter 459, chapter 461, chapter 463, or chapter

  8  466, or for an advanced registered nurse practitioner licensed

  9  and certified under chapter 464, or for a psychologist

10  licensed under chapter 490, as applicable.  The applicant's

11  eligibility for staff membership or clinical privileges shall

12  be determined by the applicant's background, experience,

13  health, training, and demonstrated competency; the applicant's

14  adherence to applicable professional ethics; the applicant's

15  reputation; and the applicant's ability to work with others

16  and by such other elements as determined by the governing

17  board, consistent with this part.

18         Section 2.  This act shall take effect October 1 of the

19  year in which enacted.


21            *****************************************

22                          HOUSE SUMMARY

      Prohibits hospitals and other facilities licensed under
24    chapter 395, F.S., from denying staff membership and
      clinical privileges to certified optometrists licensed
25    under chapter 463, F.S., within the scope of said
      licensure, solely because of said licensure. Restricts
26    such clinical privileges to the scope of practice under
      said licensure.  Provides that such staff membership does
27    not include admitting privileges.




