Senate Bill 1896

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida Senate - 1998                                  SB 1896

    By Senators Scott and Latvala

    31-631A-98                                      See CS/HB 1793

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to nonprofit private schools;

  3         amending s. 159.27, F.S.; redefining the term

  4         "educational facility" to include property used

  5         for the operation of certain nonprofit private

  6         schools; providing requirements relating to

  7         financing; amending s. 623.13, F.S.;

  8         authorizing financing under the Florida

  9         Industrial Development Financing Act or by

10         industrial development authorities; providing

11         an effective date.


13  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


15         Section 1.  Subsections (5) and (22) of section 159.27,

16  Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

17         159.27  Definitions.--The following words and terms,

18  unless the context clearly indicates a different meaning,

19  shall have the following meanings:

20         (5)  "Project" means any capital project comprising an

21  industrial or manufacturing plant, a research and development

22  park, an agricultural processing or storage facility, a

23  warehousing or distribution facility, a headquarters facility,

24  a tourism facility, a convention or trade show facility, an

25  urban parking facility, a trade center, a health care

26  facility, an educational facility, a correctional or detention

27  facility, a motion picture production facility, a preservation

28  or rehabilitation of a certified historic structure, an

29  airport or port facility, a commercial project in an

30  enterprise zone, a pollution-control facility, a hazardous or

31  solid waste facility, a social service center, or a mass


CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida Senate - 1998                                  SB 1896
    31-631A-98                                      See CS/HB 1793

  1  commuting facility, including one or more buildings and other

  2  structures, whether or not on the same site or sites; any

  3  rehabilitation, improvement, renovation, or enlargement of, or

  4  any addition to, any buildings or structures for use as a

  5  factory, a mill, a processing plant, an assembly plant, a

  6  fabricating plant, an industrial distribution center, a

  7  repair, overhaul, or service facility, a test facility, an

  8  agricultural processing or storage facility, a warehousing or

  9  distribution facility, a headquarters facility, a tourism

10  facility, a convention or trade show facility, an urban

11  parking facility, a trade center, a health care facility, an

12  educational facility, a correctional or detention facility, a

13  motion picture production facility, a preservation or

14  rehabilitation of a certified historic structure, an airport

15  or port facility, a commercial project in an enterprise zone,

16  a pollution-control facility, a hazardous or solid waste

17  facility, a social service center, or a mass commuting

18  facility, and other facilities, including research and

19  development facilities, for manufacturing, processing,

20  assembling, repairing, overhauling, servicing, testing, or

21  handling of any products or commodities embraced in any

22  industrial or manufacturing plant, in connection with the

23  purposes of a research and development park, or other

24  facilities for or used in connection with an agricultural

25  processing or storage facility, a warehousing or distribution

26  facility, a headquarters facility, a tourism facility, a

27  convention or trade show facility, an urban parking facility,

28  a trade center, a health care facility, an educational

29  facility, a correctional or detention facility, a motion

30  picture production facility, a preservation or rehabilitation

31  of a certified historic structure, an airport or port


CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida Senate - 1998                                  SB 1896
    31-631A-98                                      See CS/HB 1793

  1  facility, or a commercial project in an enterprise zone or for

  2  controlling air or water pollution or for the disposal,

  3  processing, conversion, or reclamation of hazardous or solid

  4  waste, a social service center, or a mass commuting facility;

  5  and including also the sites thereof and other rights in land

  6  therefor whether improved or unimproved, machinery, equipment,

  7  site preparation and landscaping, and all appurtenances and

  8  facilities incidental thereto, such as warehouses, utilities,

  9  access roads, railroad sidings, truck docking and similar

10  facilities, parking facilities, office or storage or training

11  facilities, public lodging and restaurant facilities, dockage,

12  wharfage, solar energy facilities, and other improvements

13  necessary or convenient for any manufacturing or industrial

14  plant, research and development park, agricultural processing

15  or storage facility, warehousing or distribution facility,

16  tourism facility, convention or trade show facility, urban

17  parking facility, trade center, health care facility,

18  educational facility, correctional or detention facility,

19  motion picture production facility, preservation or

20  rehabilitation of a certified historic structure, airport or

21  port facility, commercial project in an enterprise zone,

22  pollution-control facility, hazardous or solid waste facility,

23  social service center, or mass commuting facility and any one

24  or more combinations of the foregoing.

25         (22)  "Educational facility" means:

26         (a)  Property, limited to a structure suitable for use

27  as a dormitory or other housing facility or a dining facility,

28  that is operated in the public sector and used for or useful

29  in connection with the operation of an institution for higher

30  education, as defined in s. 243.20(8), which offers the

31  baccalaureate or a higher degree and that is constructed in


CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida Senate - 1998                                  SB 1896
    31-631A-98                                      See CS/HB 1793

  1  compliance with applicable codes as determined by appropriate

  2  state agencies.

  3         (b)  Property that comprises the buildings and

  4  equipment, structures, and special educational use areas that

  5  serve primarily the educational purposes of any nonprofit

  6  private preschool, kindergarten, or elementary, middle, or

  7  high school that is established under chapter 617 or chapter

  8  623, or that is owned or operated by an organization described

  9  in section 501(c)(3) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code.

10  However, the requirements of this part for the financing of

11  projects through local agencies shall also apply to such

12  schools, and bonds issued under the provisions of this part

13  for such schools shall not be deemed to constitute a debt,

14  liability, or obligation of the state or any political

15  subdivision thereof, or a pledge of the faith and credit of

16  the state or of any such political subdivision, but shall be

17  payable solely from the revenues provided therefor.

18         Section 2.  Section 623.13, Florida Statutes, is

19  amended to read:

20         623.13  Administration, supervision, and operation by

21  private persons or entities.--Any corporation organized and

22  existing under this act shall be administered, supervised,

23  operated, financed, and controlled exclusively by private

24  persons and private entities and their funds.  All persons

25  while acting in any public official capacity are hereby

26  specifically prohibited from engaging in any manner in such

27  administration, supervision, operation, financing, and control

28  of the affairs of such corporation. This section does not

29  prohibit the financing of educational facilities as provided

30  in part II of chapter 159.



CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida Senate - 1998                                  SB 1896
    31-631A-98                                      See CS/HB 1793

  1         Section 3.  This act shall take effect upon becoming a

  2  law.


  4            *****************************************

  5                          SENATE SUMMARY

  6    Redefines the term "educational facility" for purposes of
      the Industrial Development Financing Act to include
  7    nonprofit private schools. Authorizes financing of
      nonprofit private schools under the Industrial
  8    Development Financing Act or by industrial development






















