CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

                                                  SENATE AMENDMENT

    Bill No. HB 1901, 1st Eng.

    Amendment No.    

                            CHAMBER ACTION
              Senate                               House
 1                                 .
 2                                 .
 3                                 .







11  Senator Holzendorf moved the following amendment:


13         Senate Amendment (with title amendment) 

14         On page 13, between lines 27 and 28,


16  insert:

17         Section 4.  Paragraph (d) is added to subsection (5) of

18  section 240.529, Florida Statutes, present subsections (6)

19  through (10) are renumbered as subsections (7) through (11),

20  respectively, and a new subsection (6) is added to that

21  section, to read:

22         240.529  Public accountability and state approval for

23  teacher preparation programs.--

24         (5)  PRESERVICE FIELD EXPERIENCE.--Beginning July 1,

25  1995, all postsecondary instructors, school district teachers,

26  and school sites preparing teachers through preservice field

27  experience courses and internships shall meet special

28  requirements.

29         (d)  Beginning with the 1998-1999 academic year, State

30  University System initial teacher preparation programs shall

31  provide all students with the option of an internship with

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                                                  SENATE AMENDMENT

    Bill No. HB 1901, 1st Eng.

    Amendment No.    

 1  multiple field experiences in schools located in socially and

 2  economically disadvantaged urban or rural areas. The

 3  experiences must provide interns with classroom experiences

 4  throughout the academic year. The internship must be designed

 5  to provide the intern with the necessary supervision and

 6  teaching methodology to become an effective teacher of

 7  students who live in a disadvantaged area.


 9  PROGRAM.--Beginning with the 1999-2000 academic year and

10  contingent upon legislative funding, teacher preparation

11  programs at State University System institutions shall

12  establish teaching residencies in partnership with public

13  school districts. Each university, in conjunction with its

14  partners, shall recruit no more than 20 teaching residents per

15  year. The total number of teaching residencies in the state is

16  not to exceed 200 in any given year at the rate of 20 per

17  university. Persons eligible to be hired as teaching residents

18  must have completed teaching internships as specified in

19  paragraph (5)(d). To be eligible to be hired as a teaching

20  resident, a person must have received his or her initial

21  license no more than 2 years before applying for a residency

22  and must have less than 5 months of full-time equivalency

23  teaching experience as a licensed teacher. The residency

24  program must include:

25         (a)  A guarantee from participating universities that

26  those who complete initial teacher preparation programs have

27  the knowledge and experience necessary to succeed in

28  residencies in urban or rural settings and that they are

29  prepared to teach in compliance with the Sunshine State

30  Standards and demonstrate skills at the beginning level of the

31  Florida Accomplished Teaching Practices;

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                                                  SENATE AMENDMENT

    Bill No. HB 1901, 1st Eng.

    Amendment No.    

 1         (b)  A mentoring team consisting of no fewer than one

 2  university faculty member and one school district clinical

 3  educator for each participating school to provide supervision

 4  of the teaching residents;

 5         (c)  One full-time-equivalent experienced classroom

 6  teacher assigned for each cluster of four teaching residents

 7  in order to provide alternative assignments for the resident

 8  teachers;

 9         (d)  Residencies lasting for a full academic year; and

10         (e)  Teaching assignments for resident teachers of no

11  more than 80 percent of the instructional time required of a

12  full-time-equivalent teacher in the district. During the

13  remaining time, a teaching resident shall participate in

14  professional development activities as identified in

15  conjunction with the school's mentoring team.


17  The resident teacher will be a member of the local bargaining

18  unit and shall be covered under the terms of the contract.

19  Upon successful completion of the teaching residency, each

20  individual who teaches in an urban or rural school in this

21  state will receive a supplemental stipend from the state of

22  $3,000 in each year he or she teaches for the duration of

23  legislative funding for the residency program.


25  (Redesignate subsequent sections.)



28  ================ T I T L E   A M E N D M E N T ===============

29  And the title is amended as follows:

30         On page 1, line 21, after the second semicolon


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                                                  SENATE AMENDMENT

    Bill No. HB 1901, 1st Eng.

    Amendment No.    

 1  insert:

 2         amending s. 240.529, F.S.; providing that,

 3         beginning in the 1998-1999 academic year, State

 4         University System initial teacher preparation

 5         programs shall include an optional teacher

 6         internship in a socially and economically

 7         disadvantaged area; providing that, beginning

 8         in the 1999-2000 academic year, State

 9         University System initial teacher preparation

10         programs, in partnership with public school

11         districts, shall establish teaching residency

12         programs in disadvantaged areas; providing for

13         annual stipends for each teacher who has

14         completed such a residency program;


















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