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Senate Bill 0020

Florida Senate - 1998 (NP) SB 20 By Senator Clary 7-104-98 1 A bill to be entitled 2 An act relating to the Department of Management 3 Services; providing for the relief of Dale R. 4 Cowie; providing an appropriation to reimburse 5 him for expenses incurred in the completion of 6 a state contract; providing an effective date. 7 8 WHEREAS, in 1991, Fire Control, Inc., a company which 9 designed and installed fire sprinkler systems, installed 10 sprinkler systems in two single-cell housing units at the 11 Jackson Correctional Institution, state project #DC-89013100, 12 and 13 WHEREAS, because the contract drawings prepared by the 14 architectural firm on the project were erroneous, Fire 15 Control, Inc., incurred an additional expense of $15,401.77 to 16 properly install the system, for which they were never 17 reimbursed, and 18 WHEREAS, Fire Control, Inc., was a subcontractor to J. 19 Kinson Cook, Inc., the general contractor for the Jackson 20 Correctional Institution project, and 21 WHEREAS, J. Kinson Cook's contract was held and 22 administered by the Department of Management Services, 23 formerly the Department of General Services, which was the 24 contracting agency for the project, and 25 WHEREAS, on September 30, 1993, J. Kinson Cook, Inc., 26 signed a release acknowledging final payment by the state and 27 releasing the Department of Corrections and the Department of 28 Management Services from all claims under the construction 29 contract and any subcontracts for the project, and 30 31 1 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida Senate - 1998 (NP) SB 20 7-104-98 1 WHEREAS, no claim for additional compensation for 2 completion of state project #DC-89013100 was filed against the 3 state by the general contractor, and 4 WHEREAS, though a payment bond was issued by a surety 5 company to cover payments to subcontractors in the event the 6 general contractor failed to pay all expenses owed, the 7 statute of limitations has expired for suits against a surety 8 company on a bond for a public project and for suits against 9 the contractor, and 10 WHEREAS, since 1991, Dale R. Cowie, formerly the 11 president of Fire Control, Inc., has attempted to obtain 12 reimbursement for his company's expenses, and 13 WHEREAS, in September 1995, Fire Control, Inc., ceased 14 operations due to financial difficulties which stemmed in 15 great part from the loss incurred in the performance of this 16 subcontract, and 17 WHEREAS, Dale R. Cowie seeks reimbursement from the 18 Department of Management Services in the amount of $15,401.77, 19 NOW, THEREFORE, 20 21 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 22 23 Section 1. The facts stated in the preamble to this 24 act are found and declared to be true. 25 Section 2. The Executive Office of the Governor is 26 directed to transfer existing spending authority or establish 27 spending authority from unappropriated trust fund balances in 28 the Department of Management Services in the amount of 29 $15,401.77 to a new category titled "Relief - Dale R. Cowie" 30 as relief for costs incurred in the performance of a state 31 contract. 2 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida Senate - 1998 (NP) SB 20 7-104-98 1 Section 3. The Comptroller is directed to draw his 2 warrant in favor of Dale R. Cowie in the sum of $15,401.77 3 upon funds of the Department of Management Services in the 4 State Treasury and the State Treasurer is directed to pay the 5 same out of such funds in the State Treasury. 6 Section 4. This act shall take effect July 1, 1998. 7 8 ***************************************** 9 HOUSE SUMMARY 10 Provides an appropriation of $15,401.77 from funds of the 11 Department of Management Services to Dale R. Cowie as reimbursement for expenses incurred in the performance of 12 a state contract. 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 3