CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

House Bill 2011e2

HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 A bill to be entitled 2 An act relating to regulation of professions; 3 amending s. 177.031, F.S.; revising and 4 providing definitions relating to platting; 5 amending s. 177.041, F.S.; requiring plats and 6 replats of subdivisions submitted for approval 7 to be accompanied by a boundary survey of the 8 platted lands; amending s. 177.051, F.S.; 9 revising provisions relating to naming and 10 replatting subdivisions; amending s. 177.061, 11 F.S.; providing requirements for the recording 12 of a plat; amending s. 177.071, F.S.; revising 13 provisions relating to approval of plats by 14 governing bodies; amending s. 177.081, F.S.; 15 requiring plats to be reviewed by a 16 professional surveyor and mapper prior to 17 approval by a governing body; amending s. 18 177.091, F.S.; providing requirements for 19 monuments and revising other requirements of 20 plats made for recording; amending s. 177.141, 21 F.S.; revising provisions relating to 22 affidavits confirming errors on recorded plats; 23 amending s. 177.151, F.S.; revising provisions 24 relating to state plane coordinates; amending 25 ss. 177.021, 177.121, 177.131, 177.132, 177.27, 26 177.38, and 287.055, F.S.; conforming 27 references; amending s. 455.213, F.S., relating 28 to general licensing provisions; providing for 29 direct payment of organization-related or 30 vendor-related fees associated with the 31 examination to the organization or vendor; 1 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 providing that passing a required examination 2 does not entitle a person to licensure if the 3 person is not otherwise qualified; amending s. 4 455.217, F.S., relating to examinations; 5 authorizing the contracting for examinations 6 and services related to examinations; providing 7 requirements with respect to examinations 8 developed by the department or a contracted 9 vendor and to national examinations; amending 10 s. 455.225, F.S.; authorizing the Department of 11 Business and Professional Regulation to issue a 12 notice of noncompliance for an initial offense 13 of a minor violation when the board has failed 14 to designate such minor violation by rule; 15 amending s. 458.347, F.S.; providing 16 qualifications for certain applicants for 17 specified physician assistants; amending s. 18 468.385, F.S.; revising provisions relating to 19 the written examination required to be licensed 20 as an auctioneer; amending s. 468.386, F.S., 21 relating to fees applicable to regulation of 22 auctioneers; eliminating reference to the 23 examination fee; amending s. 468.388, F.S.; 24 eliminating exemptions from the requirement 25 that a written agreement be executed prior to 26 conducting an auction; amending s. 468.389, 27 F.S.; revising a ground for disciplinary action 28 to include reference to property belonging to 29 another; providing penalties; reenacting s. 30 468.391, F.S., relating to a criminal penalty, 31 to incorporate the amendment to s. 468.389, 2 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 F.S., in a reference thereto; amending s. 2 468.393, F.S.; reducing the level at which the 3 Auctioneer Recovery Fund must be maintained and 4 for which surcharges are levied; reenacting s. 5 468.392(5), F.S., relating to moneys in the 6 Auctioneer Recovery Fund, to incorporate the 7 amendment to s. 468.393, F.S., in a reference 8 thereto; amending s. 468.395, F.S.; revising 9 circumstances under which recovery from the 10 Auctioneer Recovery Fund may be obtained; 11 reducing the amount per claim or claims arising 12 out of the same transaction or auction and the 13 aggregate lifetime limit with respect to any 14 one licensee that may be paid from the fund; 15 amending s. 468.396, F.S., relating to claims 16 against a single licensee in excess of the 17 dollar limitation, to conform; amending s. 18 468.432, F.S.; authorizing the department to 19 adopt rules relating to licensure and 20 disciplinary requirements applicable to 21 community association management; amending s. 22 468.542, F.S.; providing definitions for 23 classes of water and wastewater operators; 24 amending s. 468.453, F.S.; requiring each 25 applicant for licensure as an athlete agent to 26 submit a full set of fingerprints for purposes 27 of the required criminal records check; 28 exempting members of The Florida Bar from 29 regulations imposed on athlete agents; amending 30 ss. 468.547 and 468.548, F.S., relating to fees 31 and requirements for licensure; eliminating or 3 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 revising references to examination and 2 reexamination; amending s. 468.607, F.S.; 3 providing that the Department of Business and 4 Professional Regulation shall be the issuing 5 body for a certificate to practice as a 6 building code administrator, plans examiner, or 7 building code inspector; amending s. 468.609, 8 F.S.; revising requirements for certification 9 as a building code administrator, plans 10 examiner, or building code inspector; amending 11 s. 468.617, F.S.; providing that local 12 governments may employ or authorize persons 13 certified or exempt from such regulation to 14 perform inspections on a contract basis; 15 amending s. 468.621, F.S.; revising 16 prohibitions; providing disciplinary actions; 17 amending s. 468.629, F.S.; revising 18 disciplinary grounds; providing penalties; 19 amending s. 469.001, F.S.; revising and 20 providing definitions relating to asbestos 21 abatement; amending s. 469.002, F.S.; revising 22 an exemption relating to asbestos-related 23 activities by governmental employees; amending 24 s. 469.004, F.S.; exempting asbestos 25 consultants from licensure under certain 26 circumstances relating to the moving, removal, 27 or disposal of asbestos-containing roofing 28 materials; amending s. 469.005, F.S.; revising 29 requirements for licensure as an asbestos 30 consultant or asbestos contractor; amending s. 31 469.006, F.S.; eliminating reference to 4 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 consultant or contractor seals, and requiring a 2 signature instead; amending s. 469.013, F.S.; 3 adding course requirements for management 4 planners; repealing s. 469.015, F.S., relating 5 to seals; amending s. 470.002, F.S.; revising 6 the definition of "legally authorized person"; 7 amending s. 470.0085, F.S., relating to the 8 embalmer apprentice program; authorizing an 9 extension of apprenticeship for certain 10 students working in funeral establishments; 11 amending s. 470.009, F.S.; reorganizing 12 provisions relating to licensure as a funeral 13 director by examination, to clarify 14 applicability of the internship requirement; 15 amending ss. 470.015 and 470.018, F.S.; 16 revising continuing education requirements for 17 renewal of a funeral director or embalmer 18 license or registration of a direct disposer; 19 amending s. 470.024, F.S.; authorizing 20 operation of visitation chapels and 21 establishing criteria therefor; providing 22 licensing limitations with respect to colocated 23 facilities; requiring the relicensure of 24 funeral establishments whose ownership has 25 changed; amending s. 470.029, F.S.; providing a 26 filing date for monthly reports on final 27 dispositions; amending s. 470.0301, F.S.; 28 providing requirements for registration of 29 centralized embalming facilities; providing for 30 biennial renewal; providing fees; creating s. 31 470.0315, F.S.; providing for the storage, 5 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 preservation, and transportation of human 2 remains; creating s. 470.0355, F.S.; providing 3 for the identification of human remains; 4 amending s. 470.036, F.S; extending 5 disciplinary actions to certain registrants and 6 licensees; creating s. 471.024, F.S.; 7 authorizing engineers to perform duties of 8 building code inspectors; amending s. 473.306, 9 F.S.; providing conditions under which the 10 Board of Accountancy may adopt an alternative 11 licensure examination for persons licensed to 12 practice public accountancy or its equivalent 13 in a foreign country; providing for appointment 14 of an Educational Advisory Council for purposes 15 of maintaining proper educational 16 qualifications for licensure of certified 17 public accountants; creating s. 473.3065, F.S.; 18 establishing the Certified Public Accountant 19 Education Minority Assistance Program; 20 providing for scholarships to eligible 21 students; providing for the funding of 22 scholarships; requiring Board of Accountancy 23 rules; providing a penalty for certain 24 violations; creating an advisory council to 25 assist in program administration; amending s. 26 473.308, F.S.; revising licensure requirements 27 relating to public accountancy experience 28 outside this state; amending s. 473.309, F.S.; 29 providing additional requirements for a 30 partnership to practice public accountancy in 31 this state; amending s. 473.312, F.S.; 6 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 providing for appointment of a Continuing 2 Professional Education Advisory Council for 3 purposes of maintaining proper continuing 4 education requirements for renewal of licensure 5 of certified public accountants; amending s. 6 474.203, F.S.; revising and providing 7 exemptions from regulation under chapter 474, 8 F.S., relating to veterinary medical practice; 9 amending s. 474.2065, F.S., relating to fees 10 applicable to regulation of veterinary medical 11 practice; eliminating reference to examination 12 and reexamination fees; amending s. 474.207, 13 F.S., relating to licensure by examination; 14 eliminating obsolete provisions; amending s. 15 474.211, F.S.; requiring criteria for providers 16 of continuing education to be approved by the 17 board; amending s. 474.2125, F.S.; exempting 18 veterinarians licensed in another state from 19 certain requirements for temporary licensure in 20 this state; correcting a cross reference; 21 amending s. 474.214, F.S.; increasing the 22 administrative fine; amending s. 474.215, F.S.; 23 requiring limited service permittees to 24 register each location and providing a 25 registration fee; providing requirements for 26 certain temporary rabies vaccination efforts; 27 providing permit and other requirements for 28 persons who are not licensed veterinarians but 29 who desire to own and operate a veterinary 30 medical establishment; providing disciplinary 31 actions applicable to holders of premises 7 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 permits; amending s. 474.217, F.S., relating to 2 licensure by endorsement; revising a reference 3 to an examination; amending s. 475.125, F.S., 4 relating to fees applicable to regulation of 5 real estate brokers, salespersons, and schools; 6 eliminating reference to examination and 7 reexamination fees; amending s. 475.15, F.S.; 8 providing registration and licensing 9 requirements for additional business entities; 10 eliminating a provision that requires the 11 automatic cancellation of the registration of a 12 real estate broker partnership upon the lapse 13 in licensure or registration of any of its 14 partners; amending s. 475.17, F.S.; providing 15 additional requirements for licensure as a real 16 estate broker; amending s. 475.175, F.S.; 17 revising provisions relating to examinations; 18 amending s. 475.183, F.S.; revising the period 19 after which involuntarily inactive licenses 20 expire; revising the time for the required 21 notice to the licensee; amending s. 475.25, 22 F.S.; increasing the administrative fine; 23 revising a ground for disciplinary action to 24 exempt licensees from the reporting of certain 25 violators; providing that violations of certain 26 standards of the Appraisal Foundation are 27 grounds for the Florida Real Estate Commission 28 to deny, revoke, or suspend the license of, or 29 to fine, real estate brokers or salespersons; 30 reenacting ss. 475.180(2)(b), 475.181(2), 31 475.22(2), 475.422(2), and 475.482(1), F.S., 8 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 relating to nonresident licenses, licensure, 2 refusal of a broker to comply with certain 3 requests or notices, furnishing of copies of 4 termite and roof inspection reports, and 5 recovery from the Real Estate Recovery Fund, to 6 incorporate the amendment to s. 475.25, F.S., 7 in references thereto; amending s. 475.278, 8 F.S.; providing for disclosure of authorized 9 brokerage relationships and the corresponding 10 duties of real estate licensees; amending s. 11 475.451, F.S.; revising provisions relating to 12 the permitting of instructors for proprietary 13 real estate schools or state institutions; 14 providing permit renewal requirements; revising 15 references relating to examinations; amending 16 s. 475.452, F.S.; providing requirements 17 applicable to advance expenses, commissions, or 18 fees for brokers auctioning real property; 19 amending s. 475.484, F.S.; providing 20 applicability with respect to a conflict with 21 federal law in the disciplining of certain 22 licensees against whom a judgment has been paid 23 from the Real Estate Recovery Fund; creating s. 24 475.5016, F.S.; granting the department 25 authority to inspect and audit brokers and 26 brokerage offices; creating s. 475.6145, F.S.; 27 providing for a seal for the Florida Real 28 Estate Appraisal Board to authenticate its 29 proceedings, records, and acts; creating s. 30 475.6147, F.S.; providing a separate section 31 relating to establishment of fees applicable to 9 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 the regulation of real estate appraisers; 2 amending s. 475.615, F.S.; providing 3 registration requirements for appraisers; 4 amending s. 475.617, F.S.; clarifying 5 continuing education and experience 6 requirements for real estate appraisers; 7 amending s. 475.624, F.S.; revising a ground 8 for disciplinary action to exempt licensees 9 from the reporting of certain violators; 10 creating s. 475.6295, F.S.; granting the 11 department authority to inspect appraisers and 12 appraisal offices; amending ss. 476.114 and 13 476.124, F.S.; revising provisions relating to 14 examination for licensure as a barber; 15 repealing s. 476.134, F.S., relating to time, 16 place, and subjects of examination; amending s. 17 476.144, F.S.; revising requirements for a 18 restricted license to practice barbering; 19 amending s. 477.013, F.S.; defining the terms 20 "hair wrapping" and "photography studio salon"; 21 amending s. 477.0132, F.S.; providing 22 registration requirements for hair wrappers; 23 providing requirements for hair braiding and 24 hair wrapping outside a cosmetology salon or 25 specialty shop; amending s. 477.0135, F.S.; 26 exempting photography studio salons from 27 licensure as a cosmetology salon or specialty 28 salon and providing requirements with respect 29 thereto; amending s. 477.019, F.S.; revising 30 provisions relating to applicants for licensure 31 by examination; providing continuing education 10 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 requirements for cosmetologists and cosmetology 2 specialists; providing for privatization of 3 such continuing education; exempting hair 4 braiders and hair wrappers from such continuing 5 education requirements; repealing s. 477.022, 6 F.S., relating to examinations; amending s. 7 477.026, F.S.; providing registration fees for 8 hair wrappers; amending s. 477.0263, F.S.; 9 authorizing the performance of cosmetology 10 services in a photography studio salon; 11 creating s. 481.2051, F.S.; authorizing 12 architects to perform duties of building code 13 inspectors; amending ss. 481.207, 481.209, and 14 481.213, F.S., relating to licensure as an 15 architect or interior designer; revising 16 provisions relating to fees and examinations; 17 amending s. 489.103, F.S.; limiting the 18 ordinances, rules, or regulations that a 19 municipality or county may adopt with respect 20 to the installation or maintenance of water 21 conditioning units; providing an exemption from 22 regulation for the sale, delivery, assembly, or 23 tie-down of prefabricated portable sheds under 24 specified circumstances; amending s. 489.105, 25 F.S.; revising and providing definitions 26 applicable to contractors; amending s. 489.107, 27 F.S.; eliminating reference to board 28 jurisdiction over examinations; requiring the 29 Construction Industry Licensing Board and the 30 Electrical Contractors' Licensing Board to each 31 appoint a committee to meet jointly at least 11 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 twice a year; amending s. 489.109, F.S.; 2 revising provisions relating to examination 3 fees; amending s. 489.111, F.S.; revising 4 provisions relating to licensure by 5 examination; amending s. 489.113, F.S.; 6 revising a provision relating to the 7 certification examination; revising provisions 8 that authorize persons who are not certified or 9 registered to perform construction work under 10 the supervision of a person who is certified or 11 registered; providing that expansion of the 12 scope of practice of any type of contractor 13 does not limit the scope of practice of any 14 existing type of contractor unless the 15 Legislature expressly provides such limitation; 16 creating s. 489.1136, F.S.; providing for 17 medical gas certification for plumbing 18 contractors who install, improve, repair, or 19 maintain conduits used to transport gaseous or 20 partly gaseous substances for medical purposes; 21 amending s. 553.06, F.S.; providing that 22 plumbing contractors who install, improve, 23 repair, or maintain such conduits shall be 24 governed by the National Fire Prevention 25 Standard 99C; amending s. 489.115, F.S.; 26 authorizing certificateholders and registrants 27 to apply continuing education courses earned 28 under other regulatory provisions under certain 29 circumstances; amending s. 489.119, F.S.; 30 detailing what constitutes an incomplete 31 contract for purposes of temporary 12 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 certification or registration of a business 2 organization; amending s. 489.127, F.S.; 3 revising and providing penalties applicable to 4 violations of construction contracting 5 provisions; amending s. 489.140, F.S.; 6 eliminating a provision that requires the 7 transfer of surplus moneys from fines into the 8 Construction Industries Recovery Fund; amending 9 s. 489.141, F.S.; clarifying provisions 10 relating to conditions for recovery from the 11 fund; eliminating a notice requirement; 12 revising a limitation on the making of a claim; 13 amending s. 489.142, F.S.; revising a provision 14 relating to powers of the Construction Industry 15 Licensing Board with respect to actions for 16 recovery from the fund, to conform; amending s. 17 489.143, F.S.; revising provisions relating to 18 payment from the fund; creating ss. 489.1455 19 and 489.5335, F.S.; providing for journeyman 20 reciprocity; amending s. 489.503, F.S., 21 relating to exemptions from part II of chapter 22 489, F.S., relating to electrical and alarm 23 system contracting; revising an exemption 24 relating to public utilities; revising an 25 exemption that applies to telecommunications, 26 community antenna television, and radio 27 distribution systems, to include cable 28 television systems; providing exemptions 29 relating to the monitoring of alarm systems by 30 law enforcement employees or officers or fire 31 department employees or officials, by employees 13 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 of state or federally chartered financial 2 institutions, or by employees of a business; 3 amending s. 489.505, F.S., and repealing 4 subsection (24), relating to the definition of 5 "limited burglar alarm system contractor"; 6 redefining terms applicable to electrical and 7 alarm system contracting; defining the term 8 "monitoring"; amending s. 489.507, F.S.; 9 requiring the Electrical Contractors' Licensing 10 Board and the Construction Industry Licensing 11 Board to each appoint a committee to meet 12 jointly at least twice a year; amending s. 13 489.509, F.S.; eliminating reference to the 14 payment date of the biennial renewal fee for 15 certificateholders and registrants; amending s. 16 489.511, F.S.; revising eligibility 17 requirements for certification as an electrical 18 or alarm system contractor; amending s. 19 489.513, F.S.; revising registration 20 requirements for electrical contractors; 21 amending s. 489.517, F.S.; authorizing 22 certificateholders and registrants to apply 23 continuing education courses earned under other 24 regulatory provisions under certain 25 circumstances; amending s. 489.519, F.S.; 26 authorizing certificateholders and registrants 27 to apply for voluntary inactive status at any 28 time during the period of certification or 29 registration; amending s. 489.521, F.S.; 30 providing conditions on qualifying agents 31 qualifying more than one business organization; 14 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 providing for revocation or suspension of such 2 qualification for improper supervision; 3 amending s. 489.525, F.S.; changing the date 4 for the Department of Business and Professional 5 Regulation to inform local boards and building 6 officials of the names of all 7 certificateholders and the status of the 8 certificates; amending s. 489.529, F.S.; 9 providing an exception to an alarm verification 10 requirement; amending s. 489.531, F.S.; 11 revising and providing penalties applicable to 12 violations of electrical and alarm system 13 contracting provisions; reenacting s. 14 489.533(1)(a) and (2), F.S., relating to 15 disciplinary proceedings, to incorporate the 16 amendment to s. 489.531, F.S., in a reference 17 thereto; amending s. 489.537, F.S.; revising 18 requirements relating to subcontracting alarm 19 system contracting; amending ss. 489.539 and 20 553.19, F.S.; adding a national code relating 21 to fire alarms to the minimum electrical and 22 alarm standards required in this state; 23 amending s. 489.553, F.S.; revising 24 qualifications for registration as a septic 25 tank contractor or master septic tank 26 contractor; creating s. 501.935, F.S.; 27 providing requirements relating to 28 home-inspection reports; providing legislative 29 intent; providing definitions; providing 30 exemptions; requiring, prior to inspection, 31 provision of inspector credentials, a caveat, a 15 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 disclosure of conflicts of interest and certain 2 relationships, and a statement or agreement of 3 scope, limitations, terms, and conditions; 4 requiring a report on the results of the 5 inspection; providing prohibited acts, for 6 which there are civil penalties; providing that 7 failure to comply is a deceptive and unfair 8 trade practice; creating s. 501.937, F.S.; 9 providing requirements for use of professional 10 titles by industrial hygienists and safety 11 professionals; providing that violation of such 12 requirements is a deceptive and unfair trade 13 practice; amending s. 553.06, F.S.; requiring 14 the Board of Building Codes and Standards to 15 adopt alternative standards for testing water 16 treatment units under certain circumstances; 17 amending s. 553.63, F.S., relating to trench 18 excavations in excess of a specified depth; 19 deleting a provision requiring contract bids to 20 include certain items; repealing s. 553.64, 21 F.S., relating to certain requirements for 22 contract bids; amending s. 553.991, F.S.; 23 limiting the purpose of the "Florida Building 24 Energy-Efficiency Rating Act" to providing for 25 a statewide uniform system for rating the 26 energy efficiency of buildings; amending s. 27 553.994, F.S.; deleting the schedule for 28 phasing in the rating system; amending s. 29 553.996, F.S.; requiring provision of an 30 information brochure to prospective purchasers 31 of certain real property; deleting a provision 16 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 authorizing such prospective purchasers to 2 receive a rating on the property upon request; 3 requiring the Office of Program Policy Analysis 4 and Government Accountability to conduct a 5 review of studies and records of the Department 6 of Business and Professional Regulation to 7 determine if mandatory continuing education is 8 the most effective method of ensuring 9 professional competence and to identify and 10 analyze alternate methods of ensuring such 11 competence; requiring a report; amending s. 12 713.01, F.S.; redefining the terms "improve," 13 "improvement," "subcontractor," and 14 "sub-subcontractor" to include reference to 15 solid-waste removal; providing an effective 16 date. providing effective dates. 17 18 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 19 20 Section 1. Section 177.021, Florida Statutes, is 21 amended to read: 22 177.021 Legal status of recorded plats.--The recording 23 of any plats made in compliance with the provisions of this 24 part chapter shall serve to establish the identity of all 25 lands shown on and being a part of such plats, and lands may 26 thenceforth be conveyed by reference to such plat. 27 Section 2. Section 177.031, Florida Statutes, is 28 amended to read: 29 177.031 Definitions.--As used in this part chapter: 30 (1) "Alley" means a right-of-way providing a secondary 31 means of access and service to abutting property. 17 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 (2) "Block" includes "tier" or "group" and means a 2 group of lots existing within well-defined and fixed 3 boundaries, usually being an area surrounded by streets or 4 other physical barriers and having an assigned number, letter, 5 or other name through which it may be identified. 6 (3) "Board" means any board appointed by a 7 municipality, county commission, or state agency, such as the 8 planning and zoning board, area planning board, or the 9 governing board of a drainage district. 10 (4) "Governing body" means the board of county 11 commissioners or the legal governing body of a county, 12 municipality, town, or village of this state. 13 (5) "Cul-de-sac" means a street terminated at the end 14 by a vehicular turnaround. 15 (6) "Developer" means the owners of record executing 16 the dedication required by s. 177.081 and applying person or 17 legal entity that applies for approval of a plat of a 18 subdivision pursuant to this part chapter. 19 (7)(a) "Easement" means any strip of land created by a 20 subdivider for public or private utilities, drainage, 21 sanitation, or other specified uses having limitations, the 22 title to which shall remain in the name of the property owner, 23 subject to the right of use designated in the reservation of 24 the servitude. 25 (b) "Public utility" includes any public or private 26 utility, such as, but not limited to, storm drainage, sanitary 27 sewers, electric power, water service, gas service, or 28 telephone line, whether underground or overhead. 29 (8) "Survey data" means all information shown on the 30 face of a plat that would delineate the physical boundaries of 31 the subdivision and any parts thereof. 18 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 (9) "Improvements" may include, but are not limited 2 to, street pavements, curbs and gutters, sidewalks, alley 3 pavements, walkway pavements, water mains, sanitary sewers, 4 storm sewers or drains, street names, signs, landscaping, 5 permanent reference monuments (P.R.M.s), permanent control 6 points (P.C.P.s), monuments, or any other improvement required 7 by a governing body. 8 (10) "Professional surveyor and mapper" means a 9 surveyor and mapper registered under chapter 472 who is in 10 good standing with the Board of Professional Surveyors and 11 Mappers. 12 (11) "Lot" includes tract or parcel and means the 13 least fractional part of subdivided lands having limited fixed 14 boundaries, and an assigned number, letter, or other name 15 through which it may be identified. 16 (12) "Municipality" means any incorporated city, town, 17 or village. 18 (13) "P.C.P." means permanent control point and shall 19 be considered a reference monument, which shall be a secondary 20 horizontal control monument and shall be a metal marker with 21 the point of reference marked thereon or a 4-inch by 4-inch 22 concrete monument a minimum of 24 inches long with the point 23 of reference marked thereon. A "P.C.P." must bear the 24 registration number of the surveyor and mapper filing the plat 25 of record; however, when the surveyor and mapper of record is 26 no longer in practice or is not available due to relocation of 27 his or her practice, or when the contractual relationship 28 between the subdivider and surveyor and mapper has been 29 terminated, any registered surveyor and mapper in good 30 standing shall be allowed to place permanent control points 31 (P.C.P.s) within the time allotted in s. 177.091(8). 19 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 (a) "P.C.P.s" set in impervious surfaces must: 2 1. Be composed of a metal marker with a point of 3 reference. 4 2. Have a metal cap or disk bearing either the Florida 5 registration number of the professional surveyor and mapper in 6 responsible charge or the certificate of authorization number 7 of the legal entity, which number shall be preceded by LS or 8 LB as applicable and the letters "P.C.P." 9 (b) "P.C.P.s" set in pervious surfaces must: 10 1. Consist of a metal rod having a minimum length of 11 18 inches and a minimum cross-section area of material of 0.2 12 square inches encased in concrete. The concrete shall have a 13 minimum cross-section area of 12.25 square inches and be a 14 minimum of 24 inches long. 15 2. Be identified with a durable marker or cap with the 16 point of reference marked thereon bearing either the Florida 17 registration number of the professional surveyor and mapper in 18 responsible charge or the certificate of authorization number 19 of the legal entity, which number shall be preceded by LS or 20 LB as applicable and the letter "P.C.P." 21 (c) "P.C.P.s" must be detectable with conventional 22 instruments for locating ferrous or magnetic objects. 23 (14) "Plat or replat" means a map or delineated 24 representation of the subdivision of lands, being a complete 25 exact representation of the subdivision and other information 26 in compliance with the requirement of all applicable sections 27 of this part chapter and of any local ordinances, and may 28 include the terms "replat," "amended plat," or "revised plat." 29 (15) "P.R.M." means a permanent reference monument 30 which must: 31 20 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 (a) Consist of a metal rod having a minimum length of 2 18 inches and a minimum cross-section area of material of 0.2 3 square inches encased in concrete. The concrete shall have a 4 minimum cross-section area of 12.25 square inches and be a 5 minimum of 24 inches long. 6 (b) Be identified with a durable marker or cap with 7 the point of reference marked thereon bearing either the 8 Florida registration number of the professional surveyor and 9 mapper in responsible charge or the certificate of 10 authorization number of the legal entity, which number shall 11 be preceded by LS or LB as applicable and the letters "P.R.M." 12 (c) Be detectable with conventional instruments for 13 locating ferrous or magnetic objects. 14 15 If the location of the "P.R.M." falls in a hard surface such 16 as asphalt or concrete, alternate monumentation may be used 17 that is durable and identifiable, which consists of a metal 18 rod a minimum of 24 inches long or a 1 1/2 -inch minimum 19 diameter metal pipe a minimum of 20 inches long, either of 20 which shall be encased in a solid block of concrete or set in 21 natural bedrock, a minimum of 6 inches in diameter, and 22 extending a minimum of 18 inches below the top of the 23 monument, or a concrete monument 4 by 4 inches, a minimum of 24 24 inches long, with the point of reference marked thereon. A 25 metal cap marker, with the point of reference marked thereon, 26 shall bear the registration number of the surveyor and mapper 27 certifying the plat of record, and the letters "PRM" shall be 28 placed in the top of the monument. 29 (16) "Right-of-way" means land dedicated, deeded, 30 used, or to be used for a street, alley, walkway, boulevard, 31 drainage facility, access for ingress and egress, or other 21 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 purpose by the public, certain designated individuals, or 2 governing bodies. 3 (17) "Street" includes any access way such as a 4 street, road, lane, highway, avenue, boulevard, alley, 5 parkway, viaduct, circle, court, terrace, place, or 6 cul-de-sac, and also includes all of the land lying between 7 the right-of-way lines as delineated on a plat showing such 8 streets, whether improved or unimproved, but shall not include 9 those access ways such as easements and rights-of-way intended 10 solely for limited utility purposes, such as for electric 11 power lines, gas lines, telephone lines, water lines, drainage 12 and sanitary sewers, and easements of ingress and egress. 13 (18) "Subdivision" means the division platting of land 14 real property into three or more lots, parcels, tracts, tiers, 15 blocks, sites, units, or any other division of land; and 16 includes establishment of new streets and alleys, additions, 17 and resubdivisions; and, when appropriate to the context, 18 relates to the process of subdividing or to the lands or area 19 subdivided. 20 (19) "State plane coordinates" means the system of 21 plane coordinates which has been established by the National 22 Ocean Service Survey for defining and stating the positions or 23 locations of points on the surface of the earth within the 24 state and shall hereinafter be known and designated as the 25 "Florida State Plane Coordinate System." For the purpose of 26 the use of this system, the zones divisions established by the 27 National Ocean Service Survey in NOAA Manual NOS NGS 5, State 28 Plane Coordinate System of 1983, Special Publication Number 29 255 shall be used, and the appropriate projection and zone 30 designation shall be indicated and included in any description 31 using the Florida State Plane Coordinate System. 22 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 (20) Surveying data: 2 (a) "Point of curvature," written "P.C.," means the 3 point where a tangent circular curve begins. 4 (b) "Point of tangency," written "P.T.," means the 5 point where a tangent circular curve ends and becomes tangent. 6 (c) "Point of compound curvature," written "P.C.C.," 7 means the point where two circular curves have a common point 8 of tangency, the curves lying on the same side of the common 9 tangent. 10 (d) "Point of reverse curvature," written "P.R.C.," 11 means the point where two circular curves have a common point 12 of tangency, the curves lying on opposite sides of the common 13 tangent. 14 (21) "Legal entity" means an entity which holds a 15 certificate of authorization issued under chapter 472, whether 16 the entity is a corporation, partnership, association, or 17 person practicing under a fictitious name. 18 (22) "Monument" means a survey marker which must: 19 (a) Be composed of a durable material. 20 (b) Have a minimum length of 18 inches. 21 (c) Have minimum cross-section area of material of 0.2 22 square inches. 23 (d) Be identified with a durable marker or cap bearing 24 either the Florida registration number of the professional 25 surveyor and mapper in responsible charge or the certificate 26 of authorization number of the legal entity, which number 27 shall be preceded by LS or LB as applicable. 28 (e) Be detectable with conventional instruments for 29 locating ferrous or magnetic objects. 30 31 23 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 If the location of the monument falls in a hard surface such a 2 asphalt or concrete, alternate monumentation may be used that 3 is durable and identifiable. 4 Section 3. Section 177.041, Florida Statutes, is 5 amended to read: 6 177.041 Boundary survey and title certification 7 required.--Every plat or replat of a subdivision submitted to 8 the approving agency of the local governing body must be 9 accompanied by: 10 (1) A boundary survey of the platted lands. However, a 11 new boundary survey for a replat is required only when the 12 replat affects any boundary of the platted property. The 13 boundary survey must be performed and prepared under the 14 responsible direction and supervision of a professional 15 surveyor and mapper preceding the initial submittal of the 16 plat to the local governing body. This subsection does not 17 restrict a legal entity from employing one professional 18 surveyor and mapper to perform and prepare the boundary survey 19 and another professional surveyor and mapper to prepare the 20 plat, except that both the boundary survey and the plat must 21 be under the same professional surveyor and mapper or legal 22 entity, whichever applies. 23 (2) A title opinion of an attorney at law licensed in 24 Florida or a certification by an abstractor or a title company 25 showing that record title to the land as described and shown 26 on the plat is in the name of the person, persons, 27 corporation, or entity executing the dedication, if any, as it 28 is shown on the plat and, if the plat does not contain a 29 dedication, that the developer has record title to the land. 30 The title opinion or certification shall also show all 31 24 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 mortgages not satisfied or released of record nor otherwise 2 terminated by law. 3 Section 4. Section 177.051, Florida Statutes, is 4 amended to read: 5 177.051 Name and replat of subdivision.-- 6 (1) Every subdivision shall be given a name by which 7 it shall be legally known. For the purpose of this section, 8 that name is the "primary name." The primary Such name shall 9 not be the same or in any way so similar to any name appearing 10 on any recorded plat in the same county as to confuse the 11 records or to mislead the public as to the identity of the 12 subdivision, except when the subdivision is further divided 13 subdivided as an additional unit or section by the same 14 developer or the developer's successors in title. In that 15 case, the additional unit, section, or phase shall be given 16 the primary name followed by the unit, section, or phase 17 number. Words such as "the," "replat," or "a" may not be used 18 as the first word of the primary name. Every subdivision's 19 name shall have legible lettering of the same size and type, 20 including the words "section," "unit," and "phase." If the 21 word "replat" is not part of the primary name, then it may be 22 of a different style and type. "replat," "amended," etc. The 23 primary name of the subdivision shall be shown in the 24 dedication and shall coincide exactly with the subdivision 25 name. 26 (2) Any change in a plat shall be labeled a "replat," 27 and a replat must conform with this part. After the effective 28 date of this act, the terms "amended plat," "revised plat," 29 "corrected plat," and "resubdivision" may not be used to 30 describe the process by which a plat is changed. 31 25 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 Section 5. Section 177.061, Florida Statutes, is 2 amended to read: 3 177.061 Qualification and statement required of person 4 making survey and plat certification.--Every plat offered for 5 recording pursuant to the provisions of this part must be 6 prepared by a professional surveyor and mapper. The plat must 7 be signed and sealed by that professional surveyor and mapper, 8 who must state on the plat that the plat was prepared under 9 his or her direction and supervision and that the plat 10 complies with all of the survey requirements of this part. 11 Every plat must also contain the printed name and registration 12 number of the professional surveyor and mapper directly below 13 the statement required by this section, along with the printed 14 name, address, and certificate of authorization number of the 15 legal entity, if any. A professional surveyor and mapper 16 practicing independently of a legal entity must include his or 17 her address. Every subdivision of lands made within the 18 provisions of this chapter shall be made under the responsible 19 direction and supervision of a surveyor and mapper who shall 20 certify on the plat that the plat is a true and correct 21 representation of the lands surveyed, that the survey was made 22 under his or her responsible direction and supervision, and 23 that the survey data complies with all of the requirements of 24 this chapter. The certification shall bear the signature, the 25 registration number, and the official seal of the surveyor and 26 mapper. 27 Section 6. Section 177.071, Florida Statutes, is 28 amended to read: 29 177.071 Approval of plat by governing bodies.-- 30 (1) Before a plat is offered for recording, it must be 31 approved by the appropriate governing body, and evidence of 26 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 such approval must shall be placed on the plat. If not 2 approved, the governing body must return the plat to the 3 professional surveyor and mapper or the legal entity offering 4 the plat for recordation. However, such examination and 5 approval for conformity to this chapter by the appropriate 6 governing body shall not include the verification of the 7 survey data, except by a surveyor and mapper either employed 8 by or under contract to the local governing body for the 9 purpose of such examination. For the purposes of this part 10 chapter: 11 (a) When the plat to be submitted for approval is 12 located wholly within the boundaries of a municipality, the 13 governing body of the municipality has exclusive jurisdiction 14 to approve the plat. 15 (b) When a plat lies wholly within the unincorporated 16 areas of a county, the governing body of the county has 17 exclusive jurisdiction to approve the plat. 18 (c) When a plat lies within the boundaries of more 19 than one governing body, two plats must be prepared and each 20 governing body has exclusive jurisdiction to approve the plat 21 within its boundaries, unless the governing bodies having said 22 jurisdiction agree that one plat is mutually acceptable. 23 (2) Any provision in a county charter, or in an 24 ordinance of any charter county or consolidated government 25 chartered under s. 6(e), Art. VIII of the State Constitution, 26 which provision is inconsistent with anything contained in 27 this section shall prevail in such charter county or 28 consolidated government to the extent of any such 29 inconsistency. 30 Section 7. Section 177.081, Florida Statutes, is 31 amended to read: 27 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 177.081 Dedication and approval.-- 2 (1) Prior to approval by the appropriate governing 3 body, the plat shall be reviewed for conformity to this 4 chapter by a professional surveyor and mapper either employed 5 by or under contract to the local governing body, the costs of 6 which shall be borne by the legal entity offering the plat for 7 recordation, and evidence of such review must be placed on 8 such plat. 9 (2) Every plat of a subdivision filed for record must 10 contain a dedication by the owners of record developer. The 11 dedication must shall be executed by all persons, 12 corporations, or entities developers having a record interest 13 in the lands subdivided, in the same manner in which deeds are 14 required to be executed. All mortgagees having a record 15 interest in the lands subdivided shall execute, in the same 16 manner in which deeds are required to be executed, either the 17 dedication contained on the plat or a separate instrument 18 joining in and ratifying the plat and all dedications and 19 reservations thereon. 20 (3)(2) When a tract or parcel of land has been 21 subdivided and a plat thereof bearing the dedication executed 22 by the owners of record developers and mortgagees having a 23 record interest in the lands subdivided, and when the approval 24 of the governing body has been secured and recorded in 25 compliance with this part chapter, all streets, alleys, 26 easements, rights-of-way, and public areas shown on such plat, 27 unless otherwise stated, shall be deemed to have been 28 dedicated to the public for the uses and purposes thereon 29 stated. However, nothing herein shall be construed as 30 creating an obligation upon any governing body to perform any 31 act of construction or maintenance within such dedicated areas 28 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 except when the obligation is voluntarily assumed by the 2 governing body. 3 Section 8. Section 177.091, Florida Statutes, is 4 amended to read: 5 177.091 Plats made for recording.--Every plat of a 6 subdivision offered for recording shall conform to the 7 following: 8 (1) It shall be: 9 (a) An original drawing made with black permanent 10 drawing ink or varitype process on a good grade linen tracing 11 cloth or with a suitable permanent black drawing ink on a 12 stable base film, a minimum of 0.003 inches thick, coated upon 13 completion with a suitable plastic material to prevent flaking 14 and to assure permanent legibility; or 15 (b) A nonadhered scaled print on a stable base film 16 made by photographic processes from a film scribing tested for 17 residual hypo testing solution to assure permanency. 18 19 Marginal lines, standard certificates and approval forms shall 20 be printed on the plat with a permanent black drawing ink. A 21 print or photographic copy of the original drawing shall be 22 submitted with the original drawing. 23 (2) The size of each sheet shall be determined by the 24 local governing body and shall be drawn with a marginal line, 25 or printed when permitted by local ordinance, completely 26 around each sheet and placed so as to leave at least a 1/2 27 -inch margin on each of three sides and a 3-inch margin on the 28 left side of the plat for binding purposes. 29 (3) When more than one sheet must be used to 30 accurately portray the lands subdivided, an index or key map 31 must be included and each sheet must show the particular 29 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 number of that sheet and the total number of sheets included, 2 as well as clearly labeled matchlines to show where other 3 sheets match or adjoin. 4 (4) In all cases, the letter size and scale used shall 5 be of sufficient size to show all detail. The scale and shall 6 be both stated and graphically illustrated by a graphic scale 7 drawn on every sheet showing any portion of the lands 8 subdivided. 9 (5) The name of the plat shall be shown in bold 10 legible letters, as stated in s. 177.051. The name of the 11 subdivision shall be shown on each sheet included. The name of 12 the professional surveyor and mapper or legal entity, along 13 with the street and mailing address, must be shown on each 14 sheet included. 15 (6) A prominent "north arrow" shall be drawn on every 16 sheet included showing any portion of the lands subdivided. 17 The bearing or azimuth reference shall be clearly stated on 18 the face of the plat in the notes or legend and, in all cases, 19 the bearings used shall be referenced to some well-established 20 and monumented line. 21 (7) Permanent reference monuments must be placed at 22 each corner or change in direction on the boundary of the 23 lands being platted and; however, "P.R.M.s" need not be set 24 closer than 310 feet, but may not be more than 1,400 1400 feet 25 apart. In all cases there must be a minimum of four "P.R.M.s" 26 placed on the boundary of the lands being platted. Where such 27 corners are in an inaccessible place, "P.R.M.s" shall be set 28 on a nearby offset within the boundary of the plat and such 29 offset shall be so noted on the plat. Where corners are found 30 to coincide with a previously set "P.R.M.," the Florida 31 registration number of the professional surveyor and mapper in 30 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 responsible charge or the certificate of authorization number 2 of the legal entity on the previously set "P.R.M." shall be 3 shown on the new plat or, if unnumbered, shall so state. 4 Permanent reference monuments shall be set before the 5 recording of the plat, and this will be so stated in the 6 surveyor and mapper's certificate on the plat. The "P.R.M.s" 7 "P.R.M." shall be shown on the plat by an appropriate symbol 8 or designation. 9 (8) Permanent control points "P.C.P.s" shall be set on 10 at the intersection of the centerline of the right-of-way at 11 the intersection and terminus of all streets, at each change 12 of direction, "P.C.s," "P.T.s," "P.R.C.s," and "P.C.C.s," and 13 no more than 1,000 feet apart, on tangent, between changes of 14 direction, or along the street right-of-way or block lines at 15 each change in direction and no more than 1,000 feet apart. 16 Such "P.C.P.s" shall be shown on the plat by an appropriate 17 symbol or designation. In those counties or municipalities 18 that do not require subdivision improvements and do not accept 19 bonds or escrow accounts to construct improvements, "P.C.P.s" 20 may be set prior to the recording of the plat and must be set 21 within 1 year of the date the plat was recorded and shall be 22 referred to in the surveyor and mapper's certificate. In the 23 counties or municipalities that require subdivision 24 improvements and have the means of insuring the construction 25 of said improvements, such as bonding requirements, "P.C.P.s" 26 must be set prior to the expiration of the bond or other 27 surety. If the professional surveyor and mapper or legal 28 entity of record is no longer in practice or is not available 29 due to relocation, or when the contractual relationship 30 between the subdivider and professional surveyor and mapper or 31 legal entity has been terminated, the subdivider shall 31 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 contract with a professional surveyor and mapper or legal 2 entity in good standing to place the "P.C.P.s" within the time 3 allotted. It is the surveyor and mapper's responsibility to 4 furnish the clerk or recording officer of the county or 5 municipality his or her certificate that the "P.C.P.s" have 6 been set and the dates the "P.C.P.s" were set. 7 (9) Monuments shall be set at all lot corners, points 8 of intersection, and changes of direction of lines within the 9 subdivision which do not require a "P.R.M." or a "P.C.P."; 10 however, a monument need not be set if a monument already 11 exists at such corner, point, or change of direction or when a 12 monument cannot be set due to a physical obstruction. In those 13 counties or municipalities that do not require subdivision 14 improvements and do not accept bonds or escrow accounts to 15 construct improvements, monuments may be set prior to the 16 recording of the plat and shall be set before the transfer of 17 any lot. In those counties or municipalities that require 18 subdivision improvements and have the means of ensuring the 19 construction of those improvements, such as bonding 20 requirements, monuments shall be set prior to the expiration 21 of the bond or other surety. If the professional surveyor and 22 mapper or legal entity of record is no longer in practice or 23 is not available due to relocation, or when the contractual 24 relationship between the subdivider and professional surveyor 25 and mapper or legal entity has been terminated, the subdivider 26 shall contract with a professional surveyor and mapper or 27 legal entity in good standing who shall be allowed to place 28 the monuments within the time allotted. 29 (10)(9) Each plat shall show The section, township, 30 and range shall appear immediately under the name of the plat 31 32 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 on each sheet included, along with as applicable, or, if in a 2 land grant, the plat will so state. 3 (10) the name of the city, town, village, county, and 4 state in which the land being platted is situated shall appear 5 under the name of the plat as applicable. 6 (11) Each plat shall show a description of the lands 7 subdivided, and the description shall be the same in the title 8 certification. The description must be so complete that from 9 it, without reference to the plat, the starting point and 10 boundary can be determined. 11 (12) The dedications and approvals required by ss. 12 177.071 and 177.081 shall be shown. 13 (13) The circuit court clerk's certificate and the 14 professional surveyor and mapper's seal and statement required 15 by s. 177.061 shall be shown certificate and seal. 16 (14) All section lines and quarter section lines 17 occurring within the subdivision in the map or plat shall be 18 indicated by lines drawn upon the map or plat, with 19 appropriate words and figures. If the description is by metes 20 and bounds, all information called for, such as the point of 21 commencement, course bearings and distances, and the point of 22 beginning, shall be indicated, together with all bearings and 23 distances of the boundary lines. If the platted lands are in 24 a land grant or are not included in the subdivision of 25 government surveys, then the boundaries are to be defined by 26 metes and bounds and courses. The initial point in the 27 description shall be tied to the nearest government corner or 28 other recorded and well established corner. 29 (15) Location, width, and names of all streets, 30 waterways, or other rights-of-way shall be shown, as 31 applicable. 33 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 (16) Location and width of proposed easements and 2 existing easements identified in the title opinion or 3 certification required by s. 177.041(2) shall be shown on the 4 plat or in the notes or legend, and their intended use shall 5 be clearly stated. Where easements are not coincident with 6 property lines, they must be labeled with bearings and 7 distances and tied to the principal lot, tract, or 8 right-of-way. 9 (17) All contiguous properties shall be identified by 10 subdivision title, plat book, and page, or, if unplatted, land 11 shall be so designated. If the subdivision platted is a 12 resubdivision of a part or the whole of a previously recorded 13 subdivision, sufficient ties shall be shown to controlling 14 lines appearing on the earlier plat to permit an overlay to be 15 made; the fact of its being a replat resubdivision shall be 16 stated as a subtitle under the name of the plat on each sheet 17 included. The subtitle must state the name of the subdivision 18 being replatted and the appropriate recording reference 19 following the name of the subdivision wherever it appears on 20 the plat. 21 (18) All lots shall be numbered either by progressive 22 numbers or, if in blocks, progressively numbered in each 23 block, and the blocks progressively numbered or lettered, 24 except that blocks in numbered additions bearing the same name 25 may be numbered consecutively throughout the several 26 additions. 27 (19) Block corner radii dimensions shall be shown. 28 (19)(20) Sufficient survey data shall be shown to 29 positively describe the bounds of every lot, block, street 30 easement, and all other areas shown on the plat. When any lot 31 or portion of the subdivision is bounded by an irregular line, 34 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 the major portion of that lot or subdivision shall be enclosed 2 by a witness line showing complete data, with distances along 3 all lines extended beyond the enclosure to the irregular 4 boundary shown with as much certainty as can be determined or 5 as "more or less," if variable. Lot, block, street, and all 6 other dimensions except to irregular boundaries, shall be 7 shown to a minimum of hundredths of feet. All measurements 8 shall refer to horizontal plane and in accordance with the 9 definition of the U.S. Survey foot or meter adopted by the 10 National Institute of Standards and Technology. All 11 measurements shall use the 39.37/12=3.28083333333 equation for 12 conversion from a U.S. foot to meters a metric foot. 13 (20)(21) Curvilinear lot lines lots shall show the 14 radii, arc distances, and central angles or radii, chord, and 15 chord bearing, or both. Radial lines will be so designated. 16 Direction of nonradial lines shall be indicated. 17 (21)(22) Sufficient angles, bearings, or azimuth to 18 show direction of all lines shall be shown, and all bearings, 19 angles, or azimuth shall be shown to the nearest second of 20 arc. 21 (22)(23) The centerlines of all streets shall be shown 22 as follows: noncurved lines: with distances together with 23 either, angles, bearings, or azimuths; azimuth, "P.C.s," 24 "P.T.s," "P.R.C.s," "P.C.C.s," curved lines: arc distances 25 distance, central angles, and tangents, radii, together with 26 chord, and chord bearing or azimuths azimuth, or both. 27 (23)(24) Park and recreation parcels as applicable 28 shall be so designated. 29 (24)(25) All interior excepted parcels as described in 30 the description of the lands being subdivided shall be clearly 31 indicated and labeled "Not a part of this plat." 35 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 (25)(26) The purpose of all areas dedicated must be 2 clearly indicated or stated on the plat. 3 (26)(27) When it is not possible to show line or curve 4 data detail information on the map, a tabular form may be 5 used. The tabular data must appear on the sheet to which it 6 applies. 7 (27)(28) The plat shall include in a prominent place 8 the following statements statement: "NOTICE: This plat, as 9 recorded in its graphic form, is the official depiction of the 10 subdivided lands described herein and will in no circumstances 11 be supplanted in authority by any other graphic or digital 12 form of the plat, whether graphic or digital. There may be 13 additional restrictions that are not recorded on this plat 14 that may be found in the public records of this county." 15 (28)(29) All platted utility easements shall provide 16 that such easements shall also be easements for the 17 construction, installation, maintenance, and operation of 18 cable television services; provided, however, no such 19 construction, installation, maintenance, and operation of 20 cable television services shall interfere with the facilities 21 and services of an electric, telephone, gas, or other public 22 utility. In the event a cable television company damages the 23 facilities of a public utility, it shall be solely responsible 24 for the damages. This section shall not apply to those private 25 easements granted to or obtained by a particular electric, 26 telephone, gas, or other public utility. Such construction, 27 installation, maintenance, and operation shall comply with the 28 National Electrical Safety Code as adopted by the Florida 29 Public Service Commission. 30 (29) A legend of all symbols and abbreviations shall 31 be shown. 36 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 Section 9. Section 177.121, Florida Statutes, is 2 amended to read: 3 177.121 Misdemeanor to molest monument or deface or 4 destroy map or plat.--It is a misdemeanor of the second 5 degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083, 6 for any person to molest any monuments established according 7 to this part chapter or to deface or destroy any map or plat 8 placed on public record. 9 Section 10. Subsection (2) of section 177.131, Florida 10 Statutes, is amended to read: 11 177.131 Recordation of the Department of 12 Transportation official right-of-way maps and other 13 governmental right-of-way maps.-- 14 (2) Sections 177.011-177.121 of this part chapter are 15 not applicable to this section. Upon request of the clerk, 16 the Department of Transportation shall furnish without charge 17 a reproducible copy of its right-of-way maps. 18 Section 11. Section 177.132, Florida Statutes, is 19 amended to read: 20 177.132 Preservation of unrecorded maps.-- 21 (1) The clerk of the circuit court of a county may 22 receive and copy, as unrecorded maps, otherwise unrecorded 23 plats and maps, including sales maps, which describe or 24 illustrate the boundaries and subdivision of parcels of land, 25 but which do not necessarily indicate proper metes and bounds 26 or otherwise comply with the recording requirements of this 27 part chapter. The receipt and copying of such documents shall 28 not affect or impair the title to the property in any manner, 29 nor shall it be construed as actual or constructive notice, 30 but shall be for informational purposes only and shall not be 31 referred to for the purpose of conveying property or for 37 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 circumventing the lawful regulation and control of subdividing 2 lands by local governing bodies. The clerk may maintain a 3 separate book or other filing process provided by the county 4 for this purpose. The clerk shall make reproductions of these 5 copies available to the public at a reasonable fee. 6 (2) Sections 177.021-177.121 of this part chapter 7 shall not apply to this section. 8 Section 12. Section 177.141, Florida Statutes, is 9 amended to read: 10 177.141 Affidavit confirming error on a recorded 11 plat.--In the event an appreciable error or omission in the 12 data shown on any plat duly recorded under the provisions of 13 this part chapter is detected by subsequent examination or 14 revealed by a retracement of the lines run during the original 15 survey of the lands shown on such recorded plat, the 16 professional surveyor and mapper or legal entity who was 17 responsible for the survey and the preparation of the plat as 18 recorded may file an affidavit confirming that such error or 19 omission was made. If applicable However, the affidavit must 20 state that the professional surveyor and mapper or legal 21 entity has made a resurvey of the subject property in the 22 recorded subdivision within the last 10 days and that no 23 evidence existed on the ground that would conflict with the 24 corrections as stated in the affidavit. The affidavit shall 25 describe the nature and extent of such error or omission and 26 the appropriate correction that in the affiant's professional 27 surveyor and mapper's opinion should be substituted for the 28 erroneous data shown on the plat or added to the data on the 29 plat. When such an affidavit is filed, it is the duty of the 30 circuit court clerk to record the affidavit, and he or she 31 must shall place in the margin of the recorded plat a notation 38 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 that the affidavit has been filed, the date of filing, and the 2 official book and page where it is recorded. The notation must 3 also be placed on all copies of the plat used for reproduction 4 purposes. The affidavit shall have no effect upon the validity 5 of the plat or on the information shown thereon. 6 Section 13. Section 177.151, Florida Statutes, is 7 amended to read: 8 177.151 State plane coordinate.-- 9 (1) Coordinates may be used to define or designate the 10 position of points on the surface of the earth within the 11 state for land descriptions and subdivision purposes, provided 12 the initial point in the description shall be tied to the 13 nearest government corner or other recorded and well 14 established corner. The state plane coordinates of a point on 15 the earth's surface, to be used in expressing the position or 16 location of such point in the appropriate projection and zone 17 system, shall consist of two distances, expressed in meters or 18 feet and decimals of the same a foot. One position distance, 19 to be known as the "Northing," shall give the position in a 20 north and south direction; the other, to be known as the 21 "Easting x-coordinate," shall give the position in an east and 22 west direction; the other, to be known as the "y-coordinate," 23 shall give the position in a north and south direction. These 24 coordinates shall be made to depend upon and conform to the 25 origins and projections on the Florida State Plane Coordinate 26 System and the geodetic control triangulation and traverse 27 stations of the National Ocean Service Survey within the 28 state, as those origins and projections have been determined 29 by such service the said survey. When any tract of land to be 30 defined by a single description extends from one into the 31 other of the above projections or zones, the positions of all 39 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 points on its boundary may be referred to either of the zones 2 or projections, with the zone and projection being used 3 specifically named in the description. 4 (2) The position of points on the Florida State Plane 5 Coordinate System shall be as marked on the ground by geodetic 6 control triangulation or traverse stations established in 7 conformity with standards adopted by the National Ocean 8 Service Survey for first-order and second-order work, the 9 geodetic positions of which have been rigidly adjusted on the 10 North American Datum of 1983, as readjusted in 1990, and the 11 coordinates of which have been computed on the Florida State 12 Plane Coordinate System herein defined. Any such station may 13 be used for establishing a survey connection with the Florida 14 State Plane Coordinate System. 15 (3) No coordinates based on the Florida Coordinate 16 System purporting to define the position of a point on a land 17 boundary may be presented to be recorded in any public land 18 records or deed records unless the point is within one-half 19 mile of a triangulation or traverse station established in 20 conformity with the standards described in s. 177.031(19). 21 However, the said one-half mile limitation may be waived when 22 coordinates shown are certified as having been established in 23 accordance with National Ocean Survey requirements and 24 procedures for first-order or second-order work by a surveyor 25 and mapper licensed in the state. This certification of 26 order-of-accuracy must be included in the description of the 27 land involved. 28 (4) The use of the term "Florida Coordinate System" on 29 any map, report of survey, or other document shall be limited 30 to coordinates based on the Florida Coordinate System as 31 defined in this chapter. 40 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 (5) Whenever coordinates based on the Florida 2 Coordinate System are used to describe a tract of land which 3 in the same document is also described by reference to any 4 subdivision, line, or corner of the United States Public Land 5 Survey, the description by coordinates shall be construed as 6 supplemental to the basic description of such subdivision, 7 line, or corner contained in the official plats and field 8 notes of record, and, in the event of any conflict, the 9 description by reference to the subdivision, line, or corner 10 of the United States Public Land Survey shall prevail over the 11 description by coordinates. 12 (6) Nothing contained in this chapter shall require 13 any purchaser or mortgagee to rely on a description any part 14 of which depends exclusively upon the Florida Coordinate 15 System. 16 Section 14. Subsection (3) of section 177.27, Florida 17 Statutes, is amended to read: 18 177.27 Definitions.--The following words, phrases, or 19 terms used herein, unless the context otherwise indicates, 20 shall have the following meanings: 21 (3) "Control tide station" means a place so designated 22 by the department or the National Ocean Service Survey at 23 which continuous tidal observations have been taken or are to 24 be taken over a minimum of 19 years to obtain basic tidal data 25 for the locality. 26 Section 15. Subsection (1) of section 177.38, Florida 27 Statutes, is amended to read: 28 177.38 Standards for establishment of local tidal 29 datums.-- 30 (1) Unless otherwise allowed by this part or 31 regulations promulgated hereunder, a local tidal datum shall 41 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 be established from a series of tide observations taken at a 2 tide station established in accordance with procedures 3 approved by the department. In establishing such procedures, 4 full consideration will be given to the national standards and 5 procedures established by the National Ocean Service Survey. 6 Section 16. Paragraph (b) of subsection (6) of section 7 287.055, Florida Statutes, 1996 Supplement, is amended to 8 read: 9 287.055 Acquisition of professional architectural, 10 engineering, landscape architectural, or surveying and mapping 11 services; definitions; procedures; contingent fees prohibited; 12 penalties.-- 13 (6) PROHIBITION AGAINST CONTINGENT FEES.-- 14 (b) Any individual, corporation, partnership, firm, or 15 company, other than a bona fide employee working solely for an 16 architect, professional engineer, or professional registered 17 land surveyor and mapper, who offers, agrees, or contracts to 18 solicit or secure agency contracts for professional services 19 for any other individual, company, corporation, partnership, 20 or firm and to be paid, or is paid, any fee, commission, 21 percentage, gift, or other consideration contingent upon, or 22 resulting from, the award or the making of a contract for 23 professional services shall, upon conviction in a competent 24 court of this state, be found guilty of a first degree 25 misdemeanor, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 26 775.083. 27 Section 17. Subsections (1) and (2) of section 28 455.213, Florida Statutes, 1996 Supplement, are amended to 29 read: 30 455.213 General licensing provisions.-- 31 42 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 (1) Any person desiring to be licensed shall apply to 2 the department in writing to take the appropriate examination. 3 The application for licensure shall be made on a form prepared 4 and furnished by the department and shall be supplemented as 5 needed to reflect any material change in any circumstance or 6 condition stated in the application which takes place between 7 the initial filing of the application and the final grant or 8 denial of the license and which might affect the decision of 9 the agency. In cases where a person applies or schedules 10 directly with a national examination organization or 11 examination vendor to take an examination required for 12 licensure, any organization-related or vendor-related fees 13 associated with the examination may be paid directly to the 14 organization or vendor. 15 (2) Before the issuance of any license, the department 16 may charge an initial license fee as determined by rule of the 17 applicable board or, if no such board exists, by rule of the 18 department. Upon receipt of the appropriate license fee, 19 except as provided in subsection (3), the department shall 20 issue a license to any person certified by the appropriate 21 board, or its designee, or the department when there is no 22 board, as having met the applicable requirements imposed by 23 law or rule. However, an applicant who is not otherwise 24 qualified for licensure is not entitled to licensure solely 25 based on a passing score on a required examination. 26 Section 18. Section 455.217, Florida Statutes, 1996 27 Supplement, is amended to read: 28 455.217 Examinations.--This section shall be read in 29 conjunction with the appropriate practice act associated with 30 each regulated profession under this chapter. 31 43 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 (1) The Division of Technology, Licensure, and Testing 2 of the Department of Business and Professional Regulation 3 shall provide, contract for, or approve services for the 4 development, preparation, and administration, scoring, score 5 reporting, and evaluation of all examinations. The division 6 shall seek the advice of the appropriate board in providing 7 such services. 8 (a) The department, acting in conjunction with the 9 Division of Technology, Licensure, and Testing and the 10 Division of Real Estate, as appropriate, shall ensure that the 11 examinations adequately and reliably measure an applicant's 12 ability to practice the profession regulated by the department 13 and shall seek the advice of the appropriate board in the 14 preparation and administration of the examinations. After an 15 examination developed or approved by the department has been 16 administered, the board or department may reject any question 17 which does not reliably measure the general areas of 18 competency specified in the rules of the board, or the 19 department when there is no board. The department shall use 20 professional testing services for the development, 21 preparation, and evaluation of to prepare, administer, grade, 22 and evaluate the examinations, when such services are 23 available and approved by the board. 24 (b) For each examination developed by the department 25 or a contracted vendor, to the extent not otherwise specified 26 by statute, the board, or, when there is no board, the 27 department when there is no board, shall by rule specify the 28 general areas of competency to be covered by the each 29 examination, the relative weight to be assigned in grading 30 each area tested, and the score necessary to achieve a passing 31 grade, and the fees, where applicable, to cover the actual 44 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 cost for any purchase, development, and administration of the 2 required examination. However, statutory fee caps in each 3 practice act shall apply. This subsection does not apply to 4 national examinations approved and administered pursuant to 5 paragraph (d). 6 (c) If a practical examination is deemed to be 7 necessary, the rules shall specify the criteria by which 8 examiners are to be selected, the grading criteria to be used 9 by the examiner, the relative weight to be assigned in grading 10 each criterion, and the score necessary to achieve a passing 11 grade. When a mandatory standardization exercise for a 12 practical examination is required by law, the board may 13 conduct such exercise. Therefore, board members may serve as 14 examiners at a practical examination with the consent of the 15 board. 16 (d)(c) A board, or the department when there is no 17 board, may approve by rule the use of any national examination 18 which the department has certified as meeting requirements of 19 national examinations and generally accepted testing standards 20 pursuant to department rules. Providers of examinations, which 21 may be either profit or nonprofit entities, seeking 22 certification by the department shall pay the actual costs 23 incurred by the department in making a determination regarding 24 the certification. The department shall use any national 25 examination which is available, certified by the department 26 and which is approved by the board. The name and number of a 27 candidate may be provided to a national contractor for the 28 limited purpose of preparing the grade tape and information to 29 be returned to the board or department or, to the extent 30 otherwise specified by rule, the candidate may apply directly 31 to the vendor of the national examination. The department may 45 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 delegate to the board the duty to provide and administer the 2 examination. Any national examination approved by a board, or 3 the department when there is no board, prior to October 1, 4 1997, is deemed certified under this paragraph. Any licensing 5 or certification examination that is not developed or 6 administered by the department in house or provided as a 7 national examination shall be competitively bid. 8 (e)(d) The department shall adopt rules regarding the 9 security and monitoring of examinations. In order to maintain 10 the security of examinations, the department may employ the 11 procedures set forth in s. 455.228 to seek fines and 12 injunctive relief against an examinee who violates the 13 provisions of s. 455.2175 or the rules adopted pursuant to 14 this paragraph. The department, or any agent thereof, may, for 15 the purposes of investigation, confiscate any written, 16 photographic, or recording material or device in the 17 possession of the examinee at the examination site which the 18 department deems necessary to enforce such provisions or 19 rules. 20 (f)(e) If the professional board with jurisdiction 21 over an examination concurs, the department may, for a fee, 22 share with any other state's licensing authority an 23 examination developed by or for the department unless 24 prohibited by a contract entered into by the department for 25 development or purchase of the examination. The department, 26 with the concurrence of the appropriate board, shall establish 27 guidelines that ensure security of a shared exam and shall 28 require that any other state's licensing authority comply with 29 those guidelines. Those guidelines shall be approved by the 30 appropriate professional board. All fees paid by the user 31 shall be applied to the department's examination and 46 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 development program for professions regulated by this chapter. 2 All fees paid by the user for professions not regulated by 3 this chapter shall be applied to offset the fees for the 4 development and administration of that profession's 5 examination. 6 (2) For each examination developed by the department 7 or a contracted vendor, the board, or the department, when 8 there is no board, the department shall make rules providing 9 for reexamination of any applicants who fail an have failed 10 the examination developed by the department or a contracted 11 vendor. If both a written and a practical examination are 12 given, an applicant shall be required to retake only the 13 portion of the examination for on which he failed to achieve a 14 passing grade, if he successfully passes that portion within a 15 reasonable time, as determined by rule of the board, or the 16 department when there is no board, of his passing the other 17 portion. 18 (3) Except for national examinations approved and 19 administered pursuant to paragraph (1)(d), the department 20 shall provide procedures for applicants who have taken and 21 failed an examination developed by the department or a 22 contracted vendor to review their examination questions, 23 answers, papers, grades, and grading key for the questions the 24 candidate answered incorrectly or, if that is not feasible, 25 the parts of the examination failed. Applicants shall bear the 26 actual cost for the department to provide examination review 27 pursuant to this subsection. The board or, when there is no 28 board, the department shall make available an examination 29 review procedure for applicants and charge an examination 30 review fee not to exceed $75 per review. Unless prohibited or 31 limited by rules implementing security or access guidelines of 47 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 national examinations, the applicant is entitled to review his 2 examination questions, answers, papers, grades, and grading 3 key. An applicant may waive in writing the confidentiality of 4 his examination grades. 5 (4)(3) For each examination developed or administered 6 by the department or a contracted vendor, The department shall 7 make an accurate record of each applicant's examination 8 questions, answers, papers, grades, and grading key. The 9 department shall be kept keep such record for a period of not 10 less than 2 years immediately following the examination, and 11 such record shall thereafter be maintained or destroyed as 12 provided in chapters 119 and 257. This subsection does not 13 apply to national examinations approved and administered 14 pursuant to paragraph (1)(d). 15 (5)(4) Meetings and records of meetings of any member 16 of the department or of any board or commission within the 17 department held for the exclusive purpose of creating or 18 reviewing licensure examination questions or proposed 19 examination questions are confidential and exempt from ss. 20 119.07(1) and 286.011. However, this exemption shall not 21 affect the right of any person to review an examination as 22 provided in subsection (3) (2). 23 (6)(5) For examinations developed by the department or 24 a contracted vendor, each board, or the department when there 25 is no board, may provide licensure examinations in an 26 applicant's native language. Applicants for examination or 27 reexamination pursuant to this subsection shall bear the full 28 cost for the department's development, preparation, 29 administration, grading, and evaluation of any examination in 30 a language other than English. Requests for translated 31 examinations must be on file in the board office, or with the 48 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 department when there is no board, at least 6 months prior to 2 the scheduled examination. When determining whether it is in 3 the public interest to allow the examination to be translated 4 into a language other than English, the board, or the 5 department when there is no board, shall consider the 6 percentage of the population who speak the applicant's native 7 language. 8 (7)(6) In addition to meeting any other requirements 9 for licensure by examination or by endorsement, an applicant 10 may be required by a board, or by the department when if there 11 is no board, to pass an examination pertaining to state laws 12 and rules applicable to the practice of the profession 13 regulated by that board or by the department. 14 Section 19. Subsection (3) of section 455.225, Florida 15 Statutes, 1996 Supplement, is amended to read: 16 455.225 Disciplinary proceedings.--Disciplinary 17 proceedings for each board shall be within the jurisdiction of 18 the department or the Agency for Health Care Administration, 19 as appropriate. 20 (3)(a) As an alternative to the provisions of 21 subsections (1) and (2), when a complaint is received, the 22 department or the agency may provide a licensee with a notice 23 of noncompliance for an initial offense of a minor violation. 24 A violation is a minor violation if it does not demonstrate a 25 serious inability to practice the profession, result in 26 economic or physical harm to a person, or adversely affect the 27 public health, safety, or welfare or create a significant 28 threat of such harm. Each board, or the department or the 29 agency if there is no board, shall establish by rule those 30 minor violations which are minor violations under this 31 provision which do not endanger the public health, safety, and 49 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 welfare and which do not demonstrate a serious inability to 2 practice the profession. Failure of a licensee to take action 3 in correcting the violation within 15 days after notice may 4 result in the institution of regular disciplinary proceedings. 5 (b) The department may issue a notice of noncompliance 6 for an initial offense of a minor violation, notwithstanding a 7 board's failure to designate a particular minor violation by 8 rule as provided in paragraph (a). 9 Section 20. Paragraph (b) of subsection (7) of section 10 458.347, Florida Statutes, 1996 Supplement, is amended to 11 read: 12 458.347 Physician assistants.-- 13 (7) PHYSICIAN ASSISTANT CERTIFICATION.-- 14 (b)1. Notwithstanding subparagraph (a)2. and 15 sub-subparagraph (a)3.a., the agency shall examine each 16 applicant who the Board of Medicine certifies: 17 a. Has completed the application form and remitted a 18 nonrefundable application fee not to exceed $500 and an 19 examination fee not to exceed $300, plus the actual cost to 20 the agency to provide the examination. The examination fee is 21 refundable if the applicant is found to be ineligible to take 22 the examination. The agency shall not require the applicant to 23 pass a practical component of the examination, provided that 24 the National Commission on Certification of Physician 25 Assistants has eliminated the practical component of its 26 examination. Competencies required for practicing physician 27 assistants shall be incorporated into the written examination 28 through a multiple-choice format. The agency shall translate 29 the examination into the native language of any applicant who 30 requests and agrees to pay all costs of such translation, 31 provided that the translation request is filed with the board 50 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 office no later than 9 months before the scheduled examination 2 and the applicant remits translation fees as specified by the 3 department no later than 6 months before the scheduled 4 examination, and provided that the applicant demonstrates to 5 the agency the ability to communicate orally in basic English. 6 If the applicant is unable to pay translation costs, the 7 applicant may take the next available examination in English 8 if the applicant submits a request in writing by the 9 application deadline and if the applicant is otherwise 10 eligible under this section. To demonstrate the ability to 11 communicate in basic English, a passing score or grade is 12 required, as determined by the department or organization that 13 developed it, on one of the following English examinations: 14 (I) The test for spoken English (TSE) by the 15 Educational Testing Service (ETS); 16 (II) The test of English as a foreign language 17 (TOEFL), by ETS; 18 (III) A high school or college level English Course; 19 or 20 (IV) The English examination for citizenship, 21 Immigration and Naturalization Service. 22 23 A notarized copy of an Educational Commission for Foreign 24 Medical Graduates (ECFMG) certificate may also be used to 25 demonstrate the ability to communicate in basic English. 26 b. Is an unlicensed physician who graduated from a 27 foreign medical school listed with the World Health 28 Organization who has not previously taken and failed the 29 examination of the National Commission on Certification of 30 Physician Assistants and who has been certified by the Board 31 of Medicine as having met the requirements for licensure as a 51 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 medical doctor by examination as set forth in s. 458.311(1), 2 (3), (4), and (5), with the exception that the applicant is 3 not required to have completed an approved residency of at 4 least 1 year and the applicant is not required to have passed 5 the licensing examination specified under s. 458.311 or hold a 6 valid, active certificate issued by the Educational Commission 7 for Foreign Medical Graduates. 8 c. Was eligible and made initial application for 9 certification as a physician assistant in this state between 10 July 1, 1990, and June 30, 1991. 11 d. Was a resident of this state on July 1, 1990, or 12 was licensed or certified in any state in the United States as 13 a physician assistant on July 1, 1990. 14 2. The agency may grant temporary certification to an 15 applicant who meets the requirements of subparagraph 1. 16 Between meetings of the council, the agency may grant 17 temporary certification to practice based on the completion of 18 all temporary certification requirements. All such 19 administratively issued certifications shall be reviewed and 20 acted on at the next regular meeting of the council. A 21 temporary certificate expires upon receipt and notice of 22 scores to the certificateholder from the first available 23 examination specified in subparagraph 1. following 24 certification by the agency. An applicant who fails the 25 proficiency examination is no longer temporarily certified, 26 but may apply for a one-time extension of temporary 27 certification after reapplying for the next available 28 examination. Extended certification shall expire upon failure 29 of the certificateholder to sit for the next available 30 examination or upon receipt and notice of scores to the 31 certificateholder from such examination. 52 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 3. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the 2 examination specified pursuant to subparagraph 1. shall be 3 administered by the agency only five times. Applicants 4 certified by the board for examination shall receive at least 5 6 months' notice of eligibility prior to the administration of 6 the initial examination. Subsequent examinations shall be 7 administered at 1-year intervals following determined by the 8 agency after the reporting of the scores of the first and 9 subsequent examinations examination. For the purposes of this 10 paragraph, the agency may develop, contract for the 11 development of, purchase, or approve an examination, including 12 a practical component, that adequately measures an applicant's 13 ability to practice with reasonable skill and safety. The 14 minimum passing score on the examination shall be established 15 by the agency, with the advice of the board. Those applicants 16 failing to pass that examination or any subsequent examination 17 shall receive notice of the administration of the next 18 examination with the notice of scores following such 19 examination. Any applicant who passes the examination and 20 meets the requirements of this section shall be certified as a 21 physician assistant with all rights defined thereby. 22 Section 21. Subsection (4) and paragraph (b) of 23 subsection (6) of section 468.385, Florida Statutes, are 24 amended to read: 25 468.385 Licenses required; qualifications; 26 examination; bond.-- 27 (4) Any person seeking a license as an auctioneer 28 shall pass a written examination approved by the board and 29 certified prepared and administered by the department which 30 tests his general knowledge of the laws of this state relating 31 53 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 to the Uniform Commercial Code bulk sales, auctions, laws of 2 agency brokerage, and the provisions of this act. 3 (6) No person shall be licensed as an auctioneer 4 unless he: 5 (b) Has passed the required an examination conducted 6 by the department; and 7 Section 22. Subsection (1) of section 468.386, Florida 8 Statutes, is amended to read: 9 468.386 Fees; local licensing requirements.-- 10 (1) The board by rule may establish application, 11 examination, licensure, renewal, and other reasonable and 12 necessary fees, based upon the department's estimate of the 13 costs to the board in administering this act. 14 Section 23. Section 468.388, Florida Statutes, is 15 amended to read: 16 468.388 Conduct of an auction.-- 17 (1) Prior to conducting an auction in this state, an 18 auctioneer or auction business shall execute a written 19 agreement with the owner, or the agent of the owner, of any 20 property to be offered for sale, stating: 21 (a) The name and address of the owner of the property; 22 (b) The name and address of the person employing the 23 auctioneer or auction business, if different from the owner; 24 and 25 (c) The terms or conditions upon which the auctioneer 26 or auction business will receive the property for sale and 27 remit the sales proceeds to the owner. 28 (2) The auctioneer or auction business shall give the 29 owner one copy of the agreement and shall keep one copy for 2 30 years after the date of the auction. 31 (3) A written agreement shall not be required if: 54 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 (a) The auction is to be conducted at an auction house 2 or similar place where the public regularly offers property 3 for sale; 4 (b) There has been no prior negotiation between the 5 owner or his agent and the auctioneer or auction business 6 involving terms or conditions pertaining to the property being 7 offered for sale; and 8 (c) The total estimated value of the property is $500 9 or less. If the actual sale price of the property exceeds 10 $550, the written agreement required by subsection (1) shall 11 be executed after the sale. 12 (3)(4) Each auctioneer or auction business shall 13 maintain a record book of all sales for which a written 14 agreement is required. The record book shall be open to 15 inspection by the board at reasonable times. 16 (4)(5) Each auctioneer or auction business shall 17 prominently display his license, or make it otherwise 18 available for inspection, at each auction in which he 19 participates. 20 (5)(6) All advertising by an auctioneer or auction 21 business shall include the name and Florida license number of 22 such auctioneer and auction business. The term "advertising" 23 shall not include articles of clothing, directional signs, or 24 other promotional novelty items. 25 Section 24. Paragraph (c) of subsection (1) of section 26 468.389, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 27 468.389 Prohibited acts; penalties.-- 28 (1) The following acts shall be grounds for the 29 disciplinary activities provided in subsections (2) and (3): 30 (c) Failure to account for or to pay, within a 31 reasonable time not to exceed 30 days, money or property 55 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 belonging to another which has come into the control of an 2 auctioneer or auction business through an auction. 3 Section 25. For the purpose of incorporating the 4 amendment to section 468.389, Florida Statutes, in a reference 5 thereto, section 468.391, Florida Statutes, is reenacted to 6 read: 7 468.391 Penalty.--Any auctioneer, apprentice, or 8 auction business or any owner or manager thereof, or, in the 9 case of corporate ownership, any substantial stockholder of 10 the corporation owning the auction business, who operates 11 without an active license or violates any provision of the 12 prohibited acts listed under s. 468.389 commits a felony of 13 the third degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 14 775.083. 15 Section 26. Subsections (2) and (3) of section 16 468.393, Florida Statutes, are amended to read: 17 468.393 Surcharge to license fee; assessments.-- 18 (2) If the total amount in the Auctioneer Recovery 19 Fund, including principal and interest, exceeds $250,000 20 $500,000 at the end of the state fiscal year after the payment 21 of all claims and expenses, the amount in excess of $250,000 22 $500,000 shall remain in the fund for benefit of the licensees 23 in tolling the surcharge until such time as the surcharge 24 shall need replenishing. 25 (3) After October 1, 1995, if the total amount in the 26 Auctioneer Recovery Fund, including principal and interest, is 27 less than $200,000 at the end of the fiscal year after the 28 payment of all claims and expenses, the board shall assess, in 29 addition to any other fees under s. 468.3852, a surcharge 30 against a licensee at the time of initial licensure or at the 31 56 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 time of license renewal, according to the following formula in 2 order to maintain the fund at $250,000 $500,000: 3 (a) Determine the amount remaining in the fund at the 4 end of the state fiscal year after all expenses and claims 5 have been paid. 6 (b) Subtract the amount determined under paragraph (a) 7 from $250,000 $500,000. 8 (c) Determine the number of initial licenses and 9 license renewals in the fiscal year that precedes the current 10 fiscal year. 11 (d) Divide the amount determined under paragraph (b) 12 by the number determined under paragraph (c). 13 Section 27. For the purpose of incorporating the 14 amendment to section 468.393, Florida Statutes, in a reference 15 thereto, subsection (5) of section 468.392, Florida Statutes, 16 is reenacted to read: 17 468.392 Auctioneer Recovery Fund.--There is created 18 the Auctioneer Recovery Fund as a separate account in the 19 Professional Regulation Trust Fund. The fund shall be 20 administered by the Florida Board of Auctioneers. 21 (5) Moneys in the fund at the end of a fiscal year 22 shall be retained in the fund and shall accrue for the benefit 23 of auctioneers and auction businesses. When the fund exceeds 24 the amount as set forth in s. 468.393(2), all surcharges shall 25 be suspended until such time as the fund is reduced below the 26 amount as set forth in s. 468.393(3). 27 Section 28. Section 468.395, Florida Statutes, is 28 amended to read: 29 468.395 Conditions of recovery; eligibility.-- 30 (1) Recovery from the Auctioneer Recovery Fund may be 31 obtained under either of the following circumstances: 57 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 (a) Any aggrieved person is eligible to receive 2 recovery from the Auctioneer Recovery Fund if the Florida 3 Board of Auctioneers has issued a final order directing an 4 offending licensee to pay restitution to the claimant as the 5 result of the licensee violating, within the State of Florida, 6 any provision of s. 468.389 or any rule adopted by the board 7 and the board determines that the order of restitution cannot 8 be enforced; or 9 (b) Any aggrieved person who obtains a final judgment 10 in any court against any licensee to recover damages for an 11 actual cash loss resulting from the violation, within the 12 State of Florida, by failure to meet the obligations of a 13 licensee, of any provision of s. 468.389 or any rule under 14 this part and the rules adopted by the board, with or without 15 findings by the board, that results in an actual cash loss to 16 the aggrieved person may, upon termination of all proceedings, 17 including appeals and proceedings supplemental to judgment for 18 collection purposes, file a verified application to the board 19 in the court in which the judgment was entered for an order 20 directing payment out of the Auctioneer Recovery Fund of the 21 amount of actual and direct loss in the transaction that 22 remains unpaid upon the judgment. Notwithstanding subsection 23 (3), any application received by the court in which the 24 judgment was entered within 6 months of termination of all 25 proceedings, including appeals and proceedings supplemental to 26 judgment for collection purposes, shall be considered timely 27 filed. The amount of actual and direct loss may include court 28 costs, but shall not include attorney's fees or punitive 29 damages awarded. 30 (2) The amount paid from the Auctioneer Recovery Fund 31 may not exceed $25,000 $50,000 per claim judgment or claims 58 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 judgments arising out of the same transaction or auction nor 2 and an aggregate lifetime limit of $50,000 $100,000 with 3 respect to any one licensee. 4 (2) At the time the action is commenced, such person 5 shall give notice thereof to the board by certified mail, 6 except that, if no notice is given to the board, the claim may 7 still be honored if, in the opinion of the board, the claim is 8 otherwise valid. 9 (3) A claim for recovery from the Auctioneer Recovery 10 Fund shall be made within 2 years from the time of the act 11 giving rise to the claim or within 2 years from the time the 12 act is discovered or should have been discovered with the 13 exercise of due diligence; however, in no event may a claim 14 for recovery be made more than 4 years after the date of the 15 act giving rise to the claim. 16 (4) The board court shall not issue an order for 17 payment of a claim from the Auctioneer Recovery Fund unless 18 the claimant has reasonably established for the board court 19 that he has taken proper and reasonable action to collect the 20 amount of his claim from the licensee licensed auctioneer 21 responsible for the loss and that any recovery made has been 22 applied to reduce the amount of the claim on the Auctioneer 23 Recovery Fund. 24 (5) Notwithstanding any other provision of this part, 25 no claim based on any act or omission occurring outside the 26 State of Florida or occurring prior to October 1, 1995, shall 27 be payable submitted for payment to or payment from the 28 Auctioneer Recovery Fund until after October 1, 1995. 29 (6) In case of payment of loss from the Auctioneer 30 Recovery Fund, the fund shall be subrogated, to the extent of 31 59 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 the amount of the payment, to all the rights of the claimant 2 against any licensee with respect to the loss. 3 Section 29. Subsections (1) and (3) of section 4 468.396, Florida Statutes, are amended to read: 5 468.396 Claims against a single licensee in excess of 6 dollar limitation; joinder of claims, payment; insufficient 7 funds.-- 8 (1) If the payment in full of two or more pending 9 valid claims that have been filed by aggrieved persons against 10 a single licensee would exceed the $25,000 $50,000 limit as 11 set forth in s. 468.395, the $25,000 $50,000 shall be 12 distributed among the aggrieved persons in the ratio that 13 their respective claims bear to the aggregate of all valid 14 claims or in any other manner that a court of record may 15 determine to be equitable. Such money shall be distributed 16 among the persons entitled to share in it without regard to 17 the order of priority in which their respective judgments have 18 been obtained or their claims have been filed. 19 (3) On June 30 and December 31 of each year, the board 20 shall identify each claim that the court orders to be paid 21 during the 6-month period that ended on that day. The board 22 shall pay the part of each claim that is so identified within 23 15 days after the end of the 6-month period in which the claim 24 is ordered paid. However, if the balance in the fund is 25 insufficient to pay the full payable amount of each claim that 26 is ordered to be paid during a 6-month period, the board shall 27 pay a prorated portion of each claim that is ordered to be 28 paid during the period. Any part of the payable amount of a 29 claim left unpaid due to the prorating of payments under this 30 subsection shall be paid, subject to the $25,000 $50,000 limit 31 60 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 described in s. 468.395, before the payment of claims ordered 2 to be paid during the following 6 months. 3 Section 30. Subsection (3) is added to section 4 468.432, Florida Statutes, 1996 Supplement, to read: 5 468.432 Licensure of community association managers; 6 exceptions; rules.-- 7 (3) The department is authorized to adopt rules 8 pursuant to chapter 120 to implement the licensure and 9 disciplinary requirements of this part and chapter 455. 10 Section 31. Subsection (4) of section 468.542, Florida 11 Statutes, is amended to read: 12 468.542 Definitions.--As used in ss. 468.540-468.552, 13 the term: 14 (4) "Operator" means any person, including the owner, 15 who is in onsite charge of the actual operation, supervision, 16 and maintenance of a water treatment plant or domestic 17 wastewater treatment plant and includes the person in onsite 18 charge of a shift or period of operation during any part of 19 the day. 20 (a) "Class A operator" means a person who is 21 authorized by certification, training, and experience to 22 operate any water or wastewater treatment facility, as defined 23 by department rule. 24 (b) "Class B operator" means a person who is 25 authorized by certification, training, and experience to 26 operate a Class B or lesser water or wastewater treatment 27 facility, as defined by department rule, and who also may be 28 authorized as a shift operator on Class A facilities, as 29 permitted by department rule. 30 (c) "Class C operator" means a person who is 31 authorized by certification, training, and experience to 61 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 operate a Class C or lesser water or wastewater treatment 2 facility, as defined by department rule, and who also may be 3 authorized as a shift operator on Class A or Class B 4 facilities, as permitted by department rule. 5 (d) "Class D operator" means a person who is 6 authorized by certification, training, and experience to 7 operate a Class D water or wastewater treatment facility, as 8 defined by department rule. 9 Section 32. Paragraph (e) of subsection (2) and 10 subsection (3) of section 468.453, Florida Statutes, are 11 amended to read: 12 468.453 Licensure required; qualifications; 13 examination; bond.-- 14 (2) A person shall be licensed as an athlete agent if 15 the applicant: 16 (e) Has provided sufficient information, and a full 17 set of the applicant's fingerprints which has been taken by an 18 authorized law enforcement officer, which must be submitted by 19 the department for a criminal records check through the 20 Federal Bureau of Investigation. 21 (3) Members of The Florida Bar are exempt from the 22 requirements of this part state laws and rules component, and 23 the fee for such, of the examination required by this section. 24 Section 33. Section 468.547, Florida Statutes, is 25 amended to read: 26 468.547 Fees.--The department shall, by rule, 27 establish fees to be paid for applications and examination, 28 reexamination, licensing and renewal, renewal of inactive 29 license, reactivation of inactive license, recordmaking, and 30 recordkeeping. The department shall establish fees adequate to 31 administer and implement ss. 468.540-468.552. 62 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 (1) The application fee may not exceed $100 and is not 2 refundable. 3 (2) The renewal fee may not exceed $100 and is not 4 refundable. 5 (3) All fees collected pursuant to ss. 468.540-468.552 6 must be deposited into the Professional Regulation Trust Fund. 7 Section 34. Subsections (1), (2), and (3) of section 8 468.548, Florida Statutes, are amended to read: 9 468.548 Requirements for licensure.-- 10 (1) Any person desiring to be licensed as a water 11 treatment plant operator or a domestic wastewater treatment 12 plant operator must apply to the department to take the 13 licensure examination. 14 (2) The department shall license examine any applicant 15 who meets the criteria established by the department for 16 licensure, submits a completed application, and remits the 17 required fee. 18 (3) The department shall license as an operator any 19 applicant who has passed the examination approved and 20 certified by the department under this section. 21 Section 35. Section 468.607, Florida Statutes, is 22 amended to read: 23 468.607 Certification of building code administration 24 and inspection personnel.--The department board shall issue a 25 certificate to any individual whom the board certifies 26 determines to be qualified, within such class and level as 27 provided in this part and with such limitations as the board 28 may place upon it. No person may be employed by a state 29 agency or local governmental authority to perform the duties 30 of a building code administrator, plans examiner, or inspector 31 after October 1, 1993, without possessing the proper valid 63 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 certificate issued in accordance with the provisions of this 2 part. 3 Section 36. Section 468.609, Florida Statutes, is 4 amended to read: 5 468.609 Administration of this part; standards for 6 certification; additional categories of certification.-- 7 (1) Except as provided in this part, any person who 8 desires to be certified shall apply to the board, in writing 9 upon forms approved and furnished by the board, to take the 10 certification examination. 11 (2) A person shall be entitled to take the examination 12 for certification as an inspector or plans examiner pursuant 13 to this part if the person: 14 (a) Is at least 18 years of age; 15 (b) Is of good moral character; and 16 (c) Meets eligibility requirements according to one of 17 the following criteria: 18 1. Demonstrates 5 years' combined experience in the 19 field of construction, or inspection, or plans review 20 corresponding to the certification category sought; or 21 2. Demonstrates a combination of postsecondary 22 education in a related field and experience which totals 4 23 years, with at least 1 year of such total being experience in 24 construction, or building inspection, or plans review.; or 25 (3) A person shall be entitled to take the examination 26 for certification as a building code administrator pursuant to 27 this part if the person: 28 (a) Is at least 18 years of age; 29 (b) Is of good moral character; and 30 (c) Meets eligibility requirements according to one of 31 the following criteria: 64 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 1.3. For certification as a building code 2 administrator or building official, Demonstrates 10 years' 3 combined experience as an architect, engineer, building 4 inspector, registered or certified contractor, or construction 5 superintendent, with at least 5 years of such experience in 6 supervisory positions; or. 7 2. Demonstrates a combination of postsecondary 8 education in a related field, no more than 5 years of which 9 may be applied, and experience as an architect, engineer, 10 building inspector, registered or certified contractor, or 11 construction superintendent which totals 10 years, with at 12 least 5 years of such total being experience in supervisory 13 positions. 14 (4)(3) No person may engage in the duties of a 15 building code administrator, plans examiner, or inspector 16 pursuant to this part after October 1, 1993, unless such 17 person possesses one of the following types of certificates, 18 currently valid, issued by the department board attesting to 19 the person's qualifications to hold such position: 20 (a) A standard certificate. 21 (b) A limited certificate. 22 (c) A provisional certificate. 23 (5)(4)(a) To obtain a standard certificate, an 24 individual must pass an examination approved by the board 25 which demonstrates that the applicant has fundamental 26 knowledge of the state laws and codes relating to the 27 construction of buildings for which the applicant has code 28 administration or inspection responsibilities. It is the 29 intent of the Legislature that the examination approved for 30 certification pursuant to this part be substantially 31 equivalent to the examinations administered by the Southern 65 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 Building Code Congress International, the Building Officials 2 Association of Florida, the South Florida Building Code (Dade 3 and Broward), and the Council of American Building Officials. 4 (b) A standard certificate shall be issued to each 5 applicant who successfully completes the examination, which 6 certificate authorizes the individual named thereon to 7 practice throughout the state as a building code 8 administrator, plans examiner, or inspector within such class 9 and level as is specified by the board. 10 (c) The board may accept proof that the applicant has 11 passed an examination which is substantially equivalent to the 12 board-approved examination set forth in this section. 13 (6)(5)(a) A building code administrator, plans 14 examiner, or inspector holding office on July 1, 1993, shall 15 not be required to possess a standard certificate as a 16 condition of tenure or continued employment, but shall be 17 required to obtain a limited certificate as described in this 18 subsection. 19 (b) By October 1, 1993, individuals who were employed 20 on July 1, 1993, as building code administrators, plans 21 examiners, or inspectors, who are not eligible for a standard 22 certificate, but who wish to continue in such employment, 23 shall submit to the board the appropriate application and 24 certification fees and shall receive a limited certificate 25 qualifying them to engage in building code administration, 26 plans examination, or inspection in the class, at the 27 performance level, and within the governmental jurisdiction in 28 which such person is employed. 29 (c) The limited certificate shall be valid only as an 30 authorization for the building code administrator, plans 31 examiner, or inspector to continue in the position held, and 66 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 to continue performing all functions assigned to that 2 position, on July 1, 1993. 3 (d) A building code administrator, plans examiner, or 4 inspector holding a limited certificate can be promoted to a 5 position requiring a higher level certificate only upon 6 issuance of a standard certificate or provisional certificate 7 appropriate for such new position. 8 (7)(6)(a) The board may provide for the issuance of 9 provisional or temporary certificates valid for such period, 10 not less than 1 year nor more than 3 years, as specified by 11 board rule, to any building code administrator, plans 12 examiner, or inspector newly employed or newly promoted who 13 lacks the qualifications prescribed by the board or by statute 14 as prerequisite to issuance of a standard certificate. 15 (b) No building code administrator, plans examiner, or 16 inspector may have a provisional or temporary certificate 17 extended beyond the specified period by renewal or otherwise. 18 (c) The board may provide for appropriate levels of 19 provisional or temporary certificates and may issue these 20 certificates with such special conditions or requirements 21 relating to the place of employment of the person holding the 22 certificate, the supervision of such person on a consulting or 23 advisory basis, or other matters as the board may deem 24 necessary to protect the public safety and health. 25 (8)(7)(a) Any individual who holds a valid certificate 26 under the provisions of s. 553.795, or who has successfully 27 completed all requirements for certification pursuant to such 28 section, shall be deemed to have satisfied the requirements 29 for receiving a standard certificate prescribed by this part. 30 (b) Any individual who holds a valid certificate 31 issued by the Southern Building Code Congress International, 67 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 the Building Officials Association of Florida, the South 2 Florida Building Code (Dade and Broward), or the Council of 3 American Building Officials certification programs, or who has 4 been approved for certification under one of those programs 5 not later than October 1, 1995, shall be deemed to have 6 satisfied the requirements for receiving a standard 7 certificate in the corresponding category prescribed by this 8 part. Employees of counties with a population of less than 9 50,000, or employees of municipalities with a population of 10 less than 3,500, shall be deemed to have satisfied the 11 requirements for standard certification where such employee is 12 approved for certification under one of the programs set forth 13 in this paragraph not later than October 1, 1998. 14 (9)(8) Any individual applying to the board may be 15 issued a certificate valid for multiple inspection classes, as 16 deemed appropriate by the board. 17 (10)(9) Certification and training classes may be 18 developed in coordination with degree career education 19 centers, community colleges, the State University System, or 20 other entities offering certification and training classes. 21 (11)(10) The board may by rule create categories of 22 certification in addition to those defined in s. 468.603(6) 23 and (7). Such certification categories shall not be mandatory 24 and shall not act to diminish the scope of any certificate 25 created by statute. 26 Section 37. Effective upon this act becoming a law, 27 subsection (2) of section 468.617, Florida Statutes, 1996 28 Supplement, is amended to read: 29 468.617 Joint inspection department; other 30 arrangements.-- 31 68 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 (2) Nothing in this part shall prohibit local 2 governments from employing or authorizing persons certified 3 pursuant to or exempt from this part to perform inspections on 4 a contract basis. 5 Section 38. Subsection (1) of section 468.621, Florida 6 Statutes, is amended to read: 7 468.621 Prohibited acts; disciplinary proceedings.-- 8 (1) The following acts are prohibited by this part and 9 constitute grounds for which the disciplinary actions in 10 subsection (2) may be taken: 11 (a) Violating or failing to comply with any provision 12 of this part, or a valid rule or lawful order of the board or 13 department pursuant thereto. 14 (b) Obtaining certification through fraud, deceit, or 15 perjury. 16 (c) Knowingly assisting any person practicing contrary 17 to the provisions of: 18 1. This part; or 19 2. The building code adopted by any the enforcement 20 authority of that person within the state; or 21 3. Chapter 455 or chapter 489. 22 (d) Having been convicted of a felony against this 23 state or the United States, or of a felony in another state 24 that would have been a felony had it been committed in this 25 state. 26 (e) Having been convicted of a crime in any 27 jurisdiction which directly relates to the practice of 28 building code administration or inspection. 29 (f) Making or filing a report or record which the 30 certificateholder knows to be false, or knowingly inducing 31 another to file a false report or record, or knowingly failing 69 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 to file a report or record required by state or local law, or 2 knowingly impeding or obstructing such filing, or knowingly 3 inducing another person to impede or obstruct such filing. 4 (g) Committing willful misconduct, gross negligence, 5 gross misconduct, repeated negligence, or negligence resulting 6 in a significant danger to life or property by failure to 7 properly enforce applicable building codes. 8 Section 39. Subsection (1) of section 468.629, Florida 9 Statutes, is amended to read: 10 468.629 Prohibitions; penalties.-- 11 (1) No person may: 12 (a) Falsely hold himself or herself out as a 13 certificateholder. 14 (b) Falsely impersonate a certificateholder. 15 (c) Present as his or her own the certificate of 16 another. 17 (d) Give false or forged evidence to the board or the 18 department, or a member, an employee, or an officer thereof, 19 for the purpose of obtaining a certificate. 20 (e) Use or attempt to use a certificate which has been 21 suspended or revoked. 22 (f) Threaten, coerce, trick, persuade, or otherwise 23 influence, or attempt to threaten, coerce, trick, persuade, or 24 otherwise influence, any certificateholder, through the 25 certificateholder's action or inaction, to commit, allow, or 26 assist in the commission of the violation of to violate any 27 provision of this part, chapter 455, or chapter 489, a local 28 building code or ordinance, or any other law of this state. 29 (g) Offer any compensation to a certificateholder in 30 order to induce a violation of this part, a local building 31 code or ordinance, or another law of this state. 70 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 (h) Engage in the duties or act in the capacity of a 2 building code administrator, plans examiner, or inspector 3 without possessing valid, active certificate issued under this 4 part. 5 Section 40. Subsection (1) of section 469.001, Florida 6 Statutes, is amended, present subsections (20) and (22) are 7 renumbered as subsections (21) and (23), respectively, present 8 subsection (21) is renumbered as subsection (22) and amended, 9 and a new subsection (20) is added to said section, to read: 10 469.001 Definitions.--As used in this chapter: 11 (1) "Abatement" means the removal, encapsulation, 12 enclosure, repair, maintenance, or disposal of asbestos. 13 (20) "Project designer" means a person who works under 14 the direction of a licensed asbestos consultant and engages in 15 the design of project specifications for asbestos abatement 16 projects. 17 (22)(21) "Survey" means the process of inspecting a 18 facility for the presence of asbestos-containing materials and 19 to determine the location and condition of asbestos-containing 20 materials prior to transfer of property, renovation, 21 demolition, or maintenance projects which may disturb 22 asbestos-containing materials. 23 Section 41. Paragraph (e) of subsection (1) of section 24 469.002, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 25 469.002 Exemptions.-- 26 (1) This chapter does not apply to: 27 (e) An authorized employee of the United States, this 28 state, or any municipality, county, or other political 29 subdivision who has completed all training required by NESHAP 30 and OSHA or by AHERA for the activities described in this 31 paragraph, while engaged in asbestos-related activities set 71 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 forth in s. 255.5535 and asbestos-related activities involving 2 the demolition of a residential building owned by that 3 governmental unit, where such activities are within the scope 4 of that employment and the employee does not hold out for hire 5 or otherwise engage in asbestos abatement, contracting, or 6 consulting. 7 Section 42. Subsection (3) of section 469.004, Florida 8 Statutes, is amended to read: 9 469.004 License; asbestos consultant; asbestos 10 contractor; exceptions.-- 11 (3) Licensure as an asbestos contractor or asbestos 12 consultant is not required for the moving, removal, or 13 disposal of asbestos-containing roofing material by a roofing 14 contractor certified or registered under part I of chapter 15 489, if all such activities are performed under the direction 16 of an onsite roofing supervisor trained as provided in s. 17 469.012. 18 Section 43. Section 469.005, Florida Statutes, is 19 amended to read: 20 469.005 License requirements.--All applicants for 21 licensure as either asbestos consultants or asbestos 22 contractors shall: 23 (1) Pay the initial licensing fee. 24 (2) When applying for licensure as an asbestos 25 consultant, successfully complete the following 26 department-approved courses, as approved by the department: 27 (a) An asbestos contractor/supervisor abatement 28 project management and supervision course. Such course shall 29 consist of not less than 5 4 days of instruction and shall 30 cover the nature of the health risks, the medical effects of 31 exposure, federal and state asbestos laws and regulations, 72 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 legal and insurance considerations, contract specifications, 2 sampling and analytical methodology, worker protection, and 3 work area protection. 4 (b) A course in building asbestos surveys and 5 mechanical systems course. Such course shall consist of not 6 less than 3 days of instruction. 7 (c) An A course in asbestos management planning 8 course. Such course shall consist of not less than 2 days of 9 instruction. 10 (d) A course in respiratory protection course. Such 11 course shall consist of not less than 3 days of instruction. 12 (e) A project designer course. Such course shall 13 consist of not less than 3 days of instruction. 14 (3) When applying for licensure as an asbestos 15 contractor, successfully complete the following 16 department-approved courses: 17 (a) An asbestos contractor/supervisor course. Such 18 course shall consist of not less than 5 days of instruction. 19 (b) A respiratory protection course. Such course 20 shall consist of not less than 3 days of instruction. 21 (4)(3) Provide evidence of satisfactory work on 10 22 asbestos projects within the last 5 years. 23 (5)(4) Provide evidence of financial stability. 24 (6)(5) Pass a department-approved examination of 25 qualifications and knowledge relating to asbestos. 26 Section 44. Paragraph (a) of subsection (5) of section 27 469.006, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 28 469.006 Licensure of business organizations; 29 qualifying agents.-- 30 (5)(a) Each asbestos consultant or contractor shall 31 affix the consultant's or contractor's signature seal, if any, 73 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 and license number to each construction document, plan, or any 2 other document prepared or approved for use by the licensee 3 which is related to any asbestos abatement project and filed 4 for public record with any governmental agency, and to any 5 offer, bid, or contract submitted to a client. 6 Section 45. Subsection (1) of section 469.013, Florida 7 Statutes, is amended to read: 8 469.013 Course requirements for asbestos surveyors, 9 management planners, and project monitors.-- 10 (1) All asbestos surveyors, management planners, and 11 project monitors must comply with the requirements set forth 12 in this section prior to commencing such activities and must 13 also complete a 1-day course of continuing education each year 14 thereafter. 15 (a) Management planners must complete all requirements 16 of s. 469.005(2)(c) and (e). 17 (b) Asbestos surveyors must complete all requirements 18 of s. 469.005(2)(b). 19 (c) Project monitors must complete all requirements of 20 s. 469.005(2)(a) and must also complete an asbestos sampling 21 course which is equivalent to NIOSH Course 582. 22 Section 46. Section 469.015, Florida Statutes, is 23 repealed. 24 Section 47. Subsection (18) of section 470.002, 25 Florida Statutes, 1996 Supplement, is amended to read: 26 470.002 Definitions.--As used in this chapter: 27 (18) "Legally authorized person" means, in the 28 priority listed, the decedent, when written inter vivos 29 authorizations and directions are provided by the decedent, 30 the surviving spouse, son or daughter who is 18 years of age 31 or older, parent, brother or sister 18 years of age or over, 74 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 grandchild who is 18 years of age or older, or grandparent; or 2 any person in the next degree of kinship. In addition, the 3 term may include, if no family exists or is available, the 4 following: the guardian of the dead person at the time of 5 death; the personal representative of the deceased; the 6 attorney-in-fact of the dead person at the time of death; the 7 health surrogate of the dead person at the time of death; a 8 public health officer; the medical examiner, county commission 9 or administrator acting under chapter 245, or other public 10 administrator; a representative of a nursing home or other 11 health care institution in charge of final disposition; or a 12 friend or other person not listed in this subsection who is 13 willing to assume the responsibility as authorized person. 14 Section 48. Section 470.0085, Florida Statutes, is 15 amended to read: 16 470.0085 Establishment of embalmer apprentice 17 program.--The board may adopt rules establishing an embalmer 18 apprentice program. An embalmer apprentice may perform only 19 those tasks, functions, and duties relating to embalming which 20 are performed under the direct supervision of a licensed 21 embalmer. An embalmer apprentice shall be eligible to serve in 22 an apprentice capacity for a period not to exceed 1 year as 23 may be determined by board rule or for a period not to exceed 24 3 years if the apprentice is attending and enrolled in a 25 course in mortuary science or funeral service education at any 26 mortuary college or funeral service education college or 27 school. An embalmer apprentice shall be registered with the 28 board upon payment of a registration fee not to exceed $50. 29 Section 49. Section 470.009, Florida Statutes, is 30 amended to read: 31 75 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 470.009 Licensure as a funeral director by 2 examination; provisional license.-- 3 (1) Any person desiring to be licensed as a funeral 4 director shall apply to the department to take the licensure 5 examination. The department shall examine each applicant who 6 has remitted an examination fee set by the board not to exceed 7 $200 plus the actual per applicant cost to the department for 8 portions of the examination and who the board certifies has: 9 (a) Completed the application form and remitted a 10 nonrefundable application fee set by the board not to exceed 11 $50. 12 (b) Submitted proof satisfactory to the board that the 13 applicant is at least 18 years of age and is a recipient of a 14 high school degree or equivalent. 15 (c) Had no conviction or finding of guilt, regardless 16 of adjudication, for a crime which directly relates to the 17 ability to practice funeral directing or the practice of 18 funeral directing. 19 (d)1. Received an associate in arts degree, associate 20 in science degree, or an associate in applied science degree 21 in mortuary science approved by the board; or 22 2. Holds an associate degree or higher from a college 23 or university accredited by a regional association of colleges 24 and schools recognized by the United States Department of 25 Education and is a graduate of at least a 1-year course in 26 mortuary science approved by the board. 27 (e) Submitted proof of completion of a board-approved 28 course on communicable diseases. 29 (f) Has completed a 1-year internship under a licensed 30 funeral director. 31 76 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 (2) The department shall license the applicant as a 2 funeral director if he the applicant: 3 (a) Passes an examination on the subjects of the 4 theory and practice of funeral directing, public health and 5 sanitation, and local, state, and federal laws and rules 6 relating to the disposition of dead human bodies; however, the 7 board by rule may adopt the use of a national examination, 8 such as the funeral service arts examination prepared by the 9 Conference of Funeral Service Examining Boards, in lieu of 10 part of this examination requirement. 11 (b) Completes a 1-year internship under a licensed 12 funeral director. 13 (3) Any applicant who has completed the required 14 1-year internship and has been approved for examination as a 15 funeral director may qualify for a provisional license to work 16 in a licensed funeral establishment, under the direct 17 supervision of a licensed funeral director for a limited 18 period of 6 months as provided by rule of the board. The fee 19 for provisional licensure shall be set by the board but may 20 not exceed $125. The fee required in this subsection shall be 21 nonrefundable and in addition to the fee required by 22 subsection (1). This provisional license may be renewed no 23 more than one time. An applicant may not be granted a license 24 until that applicant has completed a 1-year internship as 25 prescribed by rule of the board. 26 Section 50. Subsection (1) of section 470.015, Florida 27 Statutes, 1996 Supplement, is amended to read: 28 470.015 Renewal of funeral director and embalmer 29 licenses.-- 30 (1) The department shall renew a funeral director or 31 embalmer license upon receipt of the renewal application and 77 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 fee set by the board not to exceed $250. The board may 2 prescribe by rule continuing education requirements of up to 3 12 classroom hours, in addition to a board-approved course on 4 communicable diseases that includes the course on human 5 immunodeficiency virus and acquired immune deficiency syndrome 6 required by s. 455.2226, for the renewal of a funeral director 7 or embalmer license. The board may provide for the waiver of 8 continuing education requirements in circumstances that would 9 justify the waiver, such as hardship, disability, or illness. 10 The continuing education requirement is not required after 11 July 1, 1996, for a licensee who is over the age of 75 years 12 if the licensee does not qualify as the sole person in charge 13 of an establishment or facility. 14 Section 51. Subsection (2) of section 470.018, Florida 15 Statutes, is amended to read: 16 470.018 Renewal of registration of direct disposer.-- 17 (2) The department shall adopt rules establishing a 18 procedure for the biennial renewal of registrations. The 19 board shall prescribe by rule continuing education 20 requirements of up to 3 classroom hours, in addition to a 21 board-approved course on communicable diseases that includes 22 the course on human immunodeficiency virus and acquired immune 23 deficiency syndrome required by s. 455.2226, for the renewal 24 of a registration. 25 Section 52. Section 470.024, Florida Statutes, 1996 26 Supplement, is amended to read: 27 470.024 Funeral establishment; licensure.-- 28 (1) A funeral establishment shall be a place at a 29 specific street address or location consisting of at least 30 1,250 contiguous interior square feet and must maintain or 31 make arrangements for either suitable capacity for the 78 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 refrigeration and storage of dead human bodies handled and 2 stored by the establishment or a preparation room equipped 3 with necessary ventilation and drainage and containing 4 necessary instruments for embalming dead human bodies. 5 (2) Each licensed funeral establishment may operate a 6 visitation chapel at a location within the county in which the 7 funeral establishment is located. A visitation chapel must be 8 a facility of not less than 500 square feet and not more than 9 700 square feet, which may be operated only when a licensed 10 funeral director is present at the facility. A visitation 11 chapel may be used only for visitation of a deceased human 12 body and may not be used for any other activity permitted by 13 this chapter. 14 (3)(2) No person may conduct, maintain, manage, or 15 operate a funeral establishment unless an establishment 16 operating license has been issued by the department for that 17 funeral establishment. 18 (4)(3) Application for a funeral establishment license 19 shall be made on forms furnished by the department, shall be 20 accompanied by a nonrefundable fee not to exceed $300 as set 21 by board rule, and shall include the name of the licensed 22 funeral director who is in charge of that establishment. 23 (5)(4) A funeral establishment license shall be 24 renewable biennially pursuant to procedures, and upon payment 25 of a nonrefundable fee not to exceed $300, as set by board 26 rule. The board may also establish by rule a delinquency fee 27 not to exceed $50. 28 (6)(5) The practice of embalming done at a funeral 29 establishment shall only be practiced by an embalmer licensed 30 under this chapter. 31 79 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 (7)(6) Each licensed funeral establishment shall have 2 one full-time funeral director in charge and shall have a 3 licensed funeral director reasonably available to the public 4 during normal business hours for that establishment. The 5 full-time funeral director in charge must have an active 6 license and may not be the full-time funeral director in 7 charge of any other funeral establishment or of any other 8 direct disposal establishment. 9 (8)(7) The issuance of a license to operate a funeral 10 establishment to a person or entity who is not individually 11 licensed as a funeral director does not entitle the person to 12 practice funeral directing. 13 (9)(8) Each funeral establishment located at a 14 specific address shall be deemed to be a separate entity and 15 shall require separate licensing and compliance with the 16 requirements of this chapter. A No funeral establishment may 17 not shall be operated at the same location as any other 18 funeral establishment or direct disposal establishment unless 19 such establishments were licensed as colocated establishments 20 on July 1, 1997 colocated on January 1, 1993. Each 21 establishment that was licensed as a colocated establishment 22 on July 1, 1997, may continue to renew its license in the same 23 manner as other licenses are renewed, but such license renewal 24 is restricted to the facilities of the establishment as they 25 existed on July 1, 1997. No other licensing of colocated 26 establishments is permitted. 27 (10)(9) Every funeral establishment licensed under 28 this chapter shall at all times be subject to the inspection 29 of all its buildings, grounds, and vehicles used in the 30 conduct of its business, by the department or any of its 31 designated representatives or agents, or local or Department 80 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 of Health and Rehabilitative Services inspectors. The board 2 shall by rule establish requirements for inspection of funeral 3 establishments. 4 (11)(10) The board shall set by rule an annual 5 inspection fee not to exceed $100, payable upon application 6 for licensure and upon each renewal of such license. 7 (12)(11) A change in ownership of a funeral 8 establishment shall be promptly reported to the department and 9 shall may require the relicensure of the funeral 10 establishment, including reinspection and payment of 11 applicable fees. 12 (13)(12) Each application for a funeral establishment 13 license shall identify every person with the ability to direct 14 the management or policies of the establishment and must 15 identify every person having more than a 10-percent ownership 16 interest in the establishment or the business or corporation 17 which owns the establishment. The board may deny, suspend, or 18 revoke the license if any person identified in the application 19 has ever been disciplined by a regulatory agency in any 20 jurisdiction for any offense that would constitute a violation 21 of this chapter. The board may deny, suspend, or revoke the 22 license if any person identified in the application has ever 23 been convicted or found guilty of, or entered a plea of nolo 24 contendere to, regardless of adjudication, a crime in any 25 jurisdiction that directly relates to the ability to operate a 26 funeral establishment. 27 (14)(13) Each funeral establishment must display at 28 the public entrance the name of the establishment and the name 29 of the full-time funeral director in charge. A funeral 30 establishment must transact its business under the name by 31 which it is licensed. 81 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 Section 53. Subsection (1) of section 470.029, Florida 2 Statutes, is amended to read: 3 470.029 Reports of cases embalmed and bodies 4 handled.-- 5 (1) Each funeral establishment, direct disposal 6 establishment, cinerator facility, and centralized embalming 7 facility shall report on a form prescribed and furnished by 8 the department the name of the deceased and such other 9 information as may be required with respect to each dead human 10 body embalmed or otherwise handled by the establishment or 11 facility. Such forms shall be signed by the embalmer who 12 performs the embalming, if the body is embalmed, and the 13 funeral director in charge of the establishment or facility or 14 by the direct disposer who disposes of the body. The board 15 shall prescribe by rule the procedures in submitting such 16 documentation. Reports required by this subsection shall be 17 filed by the 10th day of each month for final dispositions 18 handled the preceding month. 19 Section 54. Paragraphs (f) and (g) are added to 20 subsection (2) of section 470.0301, Florida Statutes, 1996 21 Supplement, to read: 22 470.0301 Removal services; refrigeration facilities; 23 centralized embalming facilities.--In order to ensure that the 24 removal, refrigeration, and embalming of all dead human bodies 25 is conducted in a manner that properly protects the public's 26 health and safety, the board shall adopt rules to provide for 27 the registration of removal services, refrigeration 28 facilities, and centralized embalming facilities operated 29 independently of funeral establishments, direct disposal 30 establishments, and cinerator facilities. 31 82 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 (2) CENTRALIZED EMBALMING FACILITIES.--In order to 2 ensure that all funeral establishments have access to 3 embalming facilities that comply with all applicable health 4 and safety requirements, the board shall adopt rules to 5 provide for the registration of centralized embalming 6 facilities and shall require, at a minimum, the following: 7 (f) Application for registration of a centralized 8 embalming facility shall be made on forms furnished by the 9 department and shall be accompanied by a nonrefundable fee not 10 to exceed $300 as set by board rule, and registration shall be 11 renewed biennially pursuant to procedures and upon payment of 12 a nonrefundable fee not to exceed $300 as set by board rule. 13 The board may also establish by rule a late fee not to exceed 14 $50. Any registration not renewed within 30 days after the 15 renewal date shall expire without further action by the 16 department. 17 (g) The board shall set by rule an annual inspection 18 fee not to exceed $100, payable upon application for 19 registration and upon renewal of such registration. 20 Section 55. Section 470.0315, Florida Statutes, is 21 created to read: 22 470.0315 Storage, preservation, and transportation of 23 human remains.-- 24 (1) No person may store or maintain human remains at 25 any establishment or facility, except an establishment or 26 facility licensed or registered under this chapter or a health 27 care facility, medical examiner's facility, morgue, or 28 cemetery holding facility. 29 (2) No dead human body may be held in any place or in 30 transit over 24 hours after death or pending final disposition 31 unless the body is maintained under refrigeration at a 83 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 temperature of 40 degrees Fahrenheit or below or is embalmed 2 or otherwise preserved in a manner approved by the board in 3 accordance with the provisions of this chapter. 4 (3) A dead human body transported by common carrier or 5 any agency or individual authorized to carry human bodies must 6 be placed in a carrying container adequate to prevent the 7 seepage of fluids and escape of offensive odors. A dead human 8 body shall be transported only when accompanied by a properly 9 completed burial-transit permit issued in accordance with the 10 provisions of chapter 382. 11 (4) The board shall establish by rule the minimal 12 standards of acceptable and prevailing practices for the 13 handling of dead human bodies, provided that all human remains 14 transported or stored must be completely covered and at all 15 times treated with dignity and respect. 16 (5) A person who violates any provision of this 17 section commits a misdemeanor of the first degree, punishable 18 as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083. 19 Section 56. Section 470.0355, Florida Statutes, is 20 created to read: 21 470.0355 Identification of human remains.-- 22 (1) The licensee or registrant in charge of the final 23 disposition of dead human remains shall, prior to final 24 disposition of such dead human remains, affix on the ankle or 25 wrist of the deceased, or in the casket or alternative 26 container or cremation container, proper identification of the 27 dead human remains. The identification or tag shall be 28 encased in or consist of durable and long-lasting material 29 containing the name, date of birth, date of death, and social 30 security number of the deceased, if available. If the dead 31 84 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 human remains are cremated, proper identification shall be 2 placed in the container or urn containing the remains. 3 (2) Any licensee or registrant responsible for removal 4 of dead human remains to any establishment, facility, or 5 location shall ensure that the remains are identified by a tag 6 or other means of identification that is affixed to the ankle 7 or wrist of the deceased at the time the remains are removed 8 from the place of death or other location. 9 (3) Any licensee or registrant may rely on the 10 representation of a legally authorized person to establish the 11 identity of dead human remains. 12 Section 57. Section 471.024, Florida Statutes, is 13 created to read: 14 471.024 Engineers performing building code inspector 15 duties.--A person currently licensed to practice as an 16 engineer under this chapter may provide building inspection 17 services described in s. 468.603(6) and (7) to a local 18 government or state agency upon its request, without being 19 certified by the Board of Building Code Administrators and 20 Inspectors under part XIII of chapter 468. When performing 21 these building inspection services, the engineer is subject to 22 the disciplinary guidelines of this chapter and s. 23 468.621(1)(c)-(g). The complaint processing, investigation, 24 and discipline shall be conducted by the board rather than the 25 Board of Building Code Administrators and Inspectors. An 26 engineer may not perform plans review, as set forth in s. 27 468.603(2), as an employee of a local government on any job 28 that the engineer or the engineer's company designed. 29 Section 58. Paragraphs (c), (d), (e), (g), and (m) of 30 subsection (1) of section 470.036, Florida Statutes, and 31 subsection (2) of said section are amended to read: 85 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 470.036 Disciplinary proceedings.-- 2 (1) The following acts constitute grounds for which 3 the disciplinary actions in subsection (2) may be taken: 4 (c) Having a license or registration to practice 5 funeral directing or embalming, apprentice embalming, or to 6 operate a cinerator facility, funeral establishment, removal 7 service, centralized embalming facility, or refrigeration 8 service, revoked, suspended, or otherwise acted against, 9 including the denial of licensure or registration, by the 10 licensing or registering authority of another jurisdiction. 11 (d) Being convicted or found guilty of, or entering a 12 plea of nolo contendere to, regardless of adjudication, a 13 crime in any jurisdiction which directly relates to the 14 practice of embalming or funeral directing, apprentice 15 embalming, or operation of a cinerator facility, funeral 16 establishment, removal service, centralized embalming 17 facility, or refrigeration service, or the ability to practice 18 embalming or funeral directing, apprentice embalming, or 19 operate a cinerator facility, funeral establishment, removal 20 service, centralized embalming facility, or refrigeration 21 service. 22 (e) Making or filing a report or record which the 23 licensee knows to be false, intentionally or negligently 24 failing to file a report or record required by state, local, 25 or federal law, willfully impeding or obstructing such filing, 26 or inducing another person to impede or obstruct such filing. 27 Such reports or records shall include only those which are 28 signed in the capacity of a licensed funeral director, 29 embalmer, centralized embalming facility operator, or 30 cinerator facility operator. 31 86 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 (g) Fraud, deceit, negligence, incompetency, or 2 misconduct, in the practice of funeral directing or embalming, 3 apprentice embalming, funeral establishment operation, 4 centralized embalming facility operation, cinerator facility 5 operation, removal service operation, or refrigeration service 6 operation. 7 (m) Making any false or misleading statement, oral or 8 written, directly or indirectly, regarding the sale of 9 services or merchandise in connection with funeral directing, 10 embalming, funeral establishment operation, cinerator facility 11 operation, removal service operation, centralized embalming 12 service, or refrigeration operation on a preneed or at-need 13 basis. 14 (2) When the board finds any licensed embalmer, 15 apprentice embalmer, embalmer intern, funeral director, 16 funeral director intern, funeral establishment, centralized 17 embalming facility, removal service, refrigeration service, 18 cinerator facility, or cinerator facility operator guilty of 19 any of the grounds set forth in subsection (1), it may enter 20 an order imposing one or more of the following penalties: 21 (a) Denial of an application for licensure. 22 (b) Permanent revocation or suspension of a license. 23 (c) Imposition of an administrative fine not to exceed 24 $5,000 for each count or separate offense. 25 (d) Issuance of a reprimand. 26 (e) Placement of the licensee on probation for a 27 period of time and subject to such conditions as the board may 28 specify, including requiring the licensee to attend continuing 29 education courses or to work under the supervision of another 30 licensee. 31 (f) Restriction of the authorized scope of practice. 87 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 (g) Assessment of costs associated with investigation 2 and prosecution. 3 Section 59. Subsection (5) of section 473.306, Florida 4 Statutes, is amended, and subsection (6) is added to said 5 section, to read: 6 473.306 Examinations.-- 7 (5) The board may adopt an alternative licensure 8 examination for persons who have been licensed to practice 9 public accountancy or its equivalent in a foreign country so 10 long as the International Qualifications Appraisal Board of 11 the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy has 12 ratified an agreement with that country for reciprocal 13 licensure Canadian chartered accountants who have completed 14 the Canadian chartered accountant licensure examination and 15 hold a chartered accountant license from a Canadian province. 16 (6) For the purposes of maintaining the proper 17 educational qualifications for licensure under this chapter, 18 the board may appoint an Educational Advisory Council, which 19 shall be composed of one member of the board, two persons in 20 public practice who are licensed under this chapter, and four 21 academicians on faculties of universities in this state. 22 Section 60. Section 473.3065, Florida Statutes, is 23 created to read: 24 473.3065 Certified Public Accountant Education 25 Minority Assistance Program; advisory council.-- 26 (1) The Certified Public Accountant Education Minority 27 Assistance Program for Florida residents is hereby established 28 in the division for the purpose of providing scholarships to 29 minority persons, as defined in s. 288.703(3), who are 30 students enrolled in their fifth year of an accounting 31 education program at institutions in this state approved by 88 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 the board by rule. A Certified Public Accountant Education 2 Minority Assistance Advisory Council shall assist the board in 3 administering the program. 4 (2) All moneys used to provide scholarships under the 5 program shall be funded by a portion of existing license fees, 6 as set by the board, not to exceed $10 per license. Such 7 moneys shall be deposited into the Professional Regulation 8 Trust Fund in a separate account maintained for that purpose. 9 The department is authorized to spend up to $100,000 per year 10 for the program from this program account, but may not 11 allocate overhead charges to it. Moneys for scholarships 12 shall be disbursed annually upon recommendation of the 13 advisory council and approval by the board, based on the 14 adopted eligibility criteria and comparative evaluation of all 15 applicants. Funds in the program account may be invested by 16 the Treasurer under the same limitations as apply to 17 investment of other state funds, and all interest earned 18 thereon shall be credited to the program account. 19 (3) The board shall adopt rules as necessary for 20 administration of the program, including rules relating to the 21 following: 22 (a) Eligibility criteria for receipt of a scholarship, 23 which, at a minimum, shall include the following factors: 24 1. Financial need. 25 2. Ethnic, gender, or racial minority status pursuant 26 to s. 288.703(3). 27 3. Scholastic ability and performance. 28 (b) Scholarship application procedures. 29 (c) Amounts in which scholarships may be provided, the 30 total amount that may be provided, the timeframe for payments 31 89 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 or partial payments, and criteria for how scholarship funds 2 may be expended. 3 (d) The total amount of scholarships that can be made 4 each year. 5 (e) The minimum balance that must be maintained in the 6 program account. 7 (4) Determinations made by the board regarding 8 recipients of scholarship moneys shall not be considered 9 agency action for purposes of chapter 120. 10 (5) It is unlawful for any person or agent of such 11 person to knowingly file with the board any notice, statement, 12 or other document which is false or which contains any 13 material misstatement of fact. A person who violates any 14 provision of this subsection commits a misdemeanor of the 15 second degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 16 775.083. 17 (6) There is hereby created the Certified Public 18 Accountant Education Minority Assistance Advisory Council to 19 assist the board in administering the program. The council 20 shall be diverse and representative of the gender, ethnic, and 21 racial categories set forth in s. 288.703(3). 22 (a) The council shall consist of five licensed 23 Florida-certified public accountants selected by the board, of 24 whom one shall be a board member who serves as chair of the 25 council, one shall be a representative of the National 26 Association of Black Accountants, one shall be a 27 representative of the Cuban American CPA Association, and two 28 shall be selected at large. At least one member of the 29 council must be a woman. 30 (b) The board shall determine the terms for initial 31 appointments and appointments thereafter. 90 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 (c) Any vacancy on the council shall be filled in the 2 manner provided for the selection of the initial member. Any 3 member appointed to fill a vacancy of an unexpired term shall 4 be appointed for the remainder of that term. 5 (d) Three consecutive absences or absences 6 constituting 50 percent or more of the council's meetings 7 within any 12-month period shall cause the council membership 8 of the member in question to become void, and the position 9 shall be considered vacant. 10 (e) The members of the council shall serve without 11 compensation, and any necessary and actual expenses incurred 12 by a member while engaged in the business of the council shall 13 be borne by such member or by the organization or agency such 14 member represents. However, the council member who is a 15 member of the board shall be compensated in accordance with 16 the provisions of ss. 455.207(4) and 112.061. 17 Section 61. Subsection (4) of section 473.308, Florida 18 Statutes, is amended to read: 19 473.308 Licensure.-- 20 (4) If application for licensure is made prior to 21 August 1, 2000, and the applicant has 5 years of experience in 22 the practice of public accountancy, either in the United 23 States or in the practice of public accountancy or its 24 equivalent in a foreign country that the International 25 Qualifications Appraisal Board of the National Association of 26 State Boards of Accountancy has determined has licensure 27 standards that are substantially equivalent to those in the 28 United States as a licensed chartered accountant in Canada, 29 the board shall waive the requirements of s. 473.306(2)(b)2. 30 that are in excess of a baccalaureate degree. All experience 31 that is used as a basis for waiving said requirements of s. 91 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 473.306(2)(b)2. must be experience outside this state. 2 Furthermore, said experience must be after licensure as a 3 certified public accountant by another state or territory of 4 the United States or after licensure in the practice of public 5 accountancy or its equivalent in a foreign country that the 6 International Qualifications Appraisal Board of the National 7 Association of State Boards of Accountancy has determined has 8 licensure standards that are substantially equivalent to those 9 in the United States. The board shall have the authority to 10 establish the standards for experience that meet this 11 requirement. 12 Section 62. Subsection (1) of section 473.309, Florida 13 Statutes, is amended to read: 14 473.309 Practice requirements for partnerships, 15 professional service corporations, and limited liability 16 companies.-- 17 (1) A partnership shall not engage in the practice of 18 public accounting in this state unless: 19 (a) At least one general partner and each partner 20 domiciled in this state is a certified public accountant of 21 this state and holds an active license; 22 (b) Each partner is a certified public accountant in 23 some state; and 24 (c) The partnership is currently licensed as required 25 by s. 473.3101. 26 (d) It is a form of partnership recognized by Florida 27 law. 28 (e) It is in compliance with rules adopted by the 29 board pertaining to minimum capitalization and adequate public 30 liability insurance. 31 92 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 Section 63. Subsection (4) is added to section 2 473.312, Florida Statutes, to read: 3 473.312 Continuing education.--As part of the license 4 renewal procedure, the board shall by rule require licensees 5 to submit proof satisfactory to the board that during the 2 6 years prior to application for renewal, they have successfully 7 completed not less than 48 or more than 80 classroom hours of 8 continuing professional education programs in public 9 accounting subjects approved by the board. The board may 10 prescribe by rule additional continuing professional education 11 hours, not to exceed 25 percent of the total hours required, 12 for failure to complete the hours required for renewal by the 13 end of the reestablishment period. 14 (4) For the purposes of maintaining proper continuing 15 education requirements for renewal of licensure under this 16 chapter, the board may appoint a Continuing Professional 17 Education Advisory Council, which shall be composed of one 18 member of the board, one academician on the faculty of a 19 university in this state, and six certified public 20 accountants. 21 Section 64. Section 474.203, Florida Statutes, is 22 amended to read: 23 474.203 Exemptions.--This chapter shall not apply to: 24 (1) Any faculty member practicing only in conjunction 25 with teaching duties at a school or college of veterinary 26 medicine. Such school or college shall be located in this 27 state and be accredited by the American Veterinary Medical 28 Association Council on Education. However, this exemption 29 shall only apply to such a faculty member who does not hold a 30 valid license issued under this chapter but who is a graduate 31 of a school or college of veterinary medicine accredited by 93 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 the American Veterinary Medical Association Council on 2 Education or a school or college recognized by the American 3 Veterinary Medical Association Commission for Foreign 4 Veterinary Graduates. The faculty member exemption shall 5 automatically expire when such school or college terminates 6 the faculty member from such teaching duties. On July 1 7 December 31 of each year, such school or college shall provide 8 the board with a written list of all faculty who are exempt 9 from this chapter. Such school or college shall also notify 10 the board in writing of any additions or deletions to such 11 list. 12 (2) A person practicing as an intern or resident 13 veterinarian and who does not hold a valid license issued 14 under this chapter but who is a graduate in training at a 15 school or college of veterinary medicine located in this state 16 and accredited by the American Veterinary Medical Association 17 Council on Education. Such intern or resident must be a 18 graduate of a school or college of veterinary medicine 19 accredited by the American Veterinary Medical Association 20 Council on Education or a school or college recognized by the 21 American Veterinary Medical Association Commission for Foreign 22 Veterinary Graduates. This exemption shall expire when such 23 intern or resident completes or is terminated from such 24 training. Each school or college at which such intern or 25 resident is in training shall, on July 1 of each year, provide 26 the board with a written list of all such interns or residents 27 designated for this exemption, and the school or college shall 28 also notify the board of any additions to or deletions from 29 the list. 30 (3)(2) A student in a school or college of veterinary 31 medicine while in the performance of duties assigned by his 94 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 instructor or when working as a preceptor under the immediate 2 supervision of a licensee, provided that such preceptorship is 3 required for graduation from an accredited school or college 4 of veterinary medicine. The licensed veterinarian shall be 5 responsible for all acts performed by a preceptor under his 6 supervision. 7 (4)(3) Any doctor of veterinary medicine in the employ 8 of a state agency or the United States Government while 9 actually engaged in the performance of his official duties; 10 however, this exemption shall not apply to such person when he 11 is not engaged in carrying out his official duties or is not 12 working at the installations for which his services were 13 engaged. 14 (5)(4) Any person, or his regular employee, 15 administering to the ills or injuries of his own animals, 16 including, but not limited to, castration, spaying, and 17 dehorning of herd animals, unless title has been transferred 18 or employment provided for the purpose of circumventing this 19 law. This exemption shall not apply to out-of-state 20 veterinarians practicing temporarily in the state. However, 21 only a veterinarian may immunize or treat an animal for 22 diseases which are communicable to humans and which are of 23 public health significance. 24 (6)(5) State agencies, accredited schools, 25 institutions, foundations, business corporations or 26 associations, physicians licensed to practice medicine and 27 surgery in all its branches, graduate doctors of veterinary 28 medicine, or persons under the direct supervision thereof, 29 which or who conduct experiments and scientific research on 30 animals in the development of pharmaceuticals, biologicals, 31 serums, or methods of treatment, or techniques for the 95 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 diagnosis or treatment of human ailments, or when engaged in 2 the study and development of methods and techniques directly 3 or indirectly applicable to the problems of the practice of 4 veterinary medicine. 5 (7)(6) Any veterinary aide, nurse, laboratory 6 technician, preceptor, or other employee of a licensed 7 veterinarian who administers medication or who renders 8 auxiliary or supporting assistance under the responsible 9 supervision of a such licensed veterinarian practitioner, 10 including those tasks identified by rule of the board 11 requiring immediate supervision. However, the licensed 12 veterinarian shall be responsible for all such acts performed 13 under this subsection by persons under his supervision. 14 (8) A veterinarian, licensed by and actively 15 practicing veterinary medicine in another state, who is board 16 certified in a specialty recognized by the board and who 17 responds to a request of a veterinarian licensed in this state 18 to assist with the treatment on a specific case of a specific 19 animal or with the treatment on a specific case of the animals 20 of a single owner, as long as the veterinarian licensed in 21 this state requests the other veterinarian's presence. A 22 veterinarian who practices under this subsection is not 23 eligible to apply for a premises permit under s. 474.215. 24 (9) For the purposes of chapters 465 and 893, persons 25 exempt under subsection (1), subsection (2), or subsection (4) 26 shall be deemed to be duly licensed practitioners authorized 27 by the laws of this state to prescribe drugs or medicinal 28 supplies. 29 Section 65. Section 474.2065, Florida Statutes, is 30 amended to read: 31 96 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 474.2065 Fees.--The board, by rule, shall establish 2 fees for application and examination, reexamination, license 3 renewal, inactive status, renewal of inactive status, license 4 reactivation, periodic inspection of veterinary 5 establishments, and duplicate copies of licenses, 6 certificates, and permits. The fee for the initial application 7 and examination may not exceed $150, and the combined cost of 8 the application and examination may not exceed $650 plus the 9 actual per applicant cost to the department for purchase of 10 portions of the examination from the Professional Examination 11 Service for the American Veterinary Medical Association or a 12 similar national organization, if the examination is purchased 13 by the department. The fee for licensure by endorsement may 14 not exceed $500. The fee for temporary licensure may not 15 exceed $200. The board shall establish fees that are adequate 16 to ensure its continued operation and to fund the 17 proportionate expenses incurred by the department which are 18 allocated to the regulation of veterinarians. Fees shall be 19 based on departmental estimates of the revenue required to 20 administer this chapter and the provisions relating to the 21 regulation of veterinarians. 22 Section 66. Section 474.207, Florida Statutes, is 23 amended to read: 24 474.207 Licensure by examination.-- 25 (1) Any person desiring to be licensed as a 26 veterinarian shall apply to the department to take a licensure 27 examination. The board may by rule adopt use of a national 28 examination in lieu of part or all of the examination required 29 by this section, with a reasonable passing score to be set by 30 rule of the board. 31 97 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 (2) The department shall license each applicant who 2 the board certifies has: 3 (a) Completed the application form and remitted an 4 application examination fee set by the board. 5 (b)1. Graduated from a college of veterinary medicine 6 accredited by the American Veterinary Medical Association 7 Council on Education; or 8 2. Graduated from a college of veterinary medicine 9 listed in the American Veterinary Medical Association Roster 10 of Veterinary Colleges of the World and obtained a certificate 11 from the Education Commission for Foreign Veterinary 12 Graduates. 13 (c) Successfully completed the examination approved by 14 the board and certified provided by the department for this 15 purpose, or an examination determined by the board to be 16 equivalent. 17 (d) Demonstrated knowledge of the laws and rules 18 governing the practice of veterinary medicine in Florida in a 19 manner designated by rules of the board. 20 21 The department shall not issue a license to any applicant who 22 is under investigation in any state or territory of the United 23 States or in the District of Columbia for an act which would 24 constitute a violation of this chapter until the investigation 25 is complete and disciplinary proceedings have been terminated, 26 at which time the provisions of s. 474.214 shall apply. 27 (3) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 28 (2)(b), an applicant shall be deemed to have met the education 29 requirements for licensure upon submission of evidence that 30 the applicant meets one of the following: 31 98 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 (a) The applicant was certified for examination by the 2 board prior to October 1, 1989; or 3 (b) The applicant immigrated to the United States 4 after leaving his home country because of political reasons, 5 provided such country is located in the Western Hemisphere and 6 lacks diplomatic relations with the United States,; and: 7 (a)1. Was a Florida resident immediately preceding his 8 application for licensure; 9 (b)2. Demonstrates to the board, through submission of 10 documentation verified by his respective professional 11 association in exile, that he received a professional degree 12 in veterinary medicine from a college or university located in 13 the country from which he emigrated. However, the board may 14 not require receipt transcripts from the Republic of Cuba as a 15 condition of eligibility under this section; and 16 (c)3. Lawfully practiced his profession for at least 3 17 years. 18 (4) Applicants certified for examination or 19 reexamination under subsection (3) who fail or have failed the 20 examination three times subsequent to October 1, 1989, shall 21 be required to demonstrate to the board that they meet the 22 requirements of paragraph (2)(b) prior to any further 23 reexamination or certification for licensure. 24 (5) An unlicensed doctor of veterinary medicine who 25 has graduated from an approved college or school of veterinary 26 medicine and has completed all parts of the examination for 27 licensure is permitted, while awaiting the results of such 28 examination for licensure or while awaiting issuance of the 29 license, to practice under the immediate supervision of a 30 licensed veterinarian. A person who fails any part of the 31 examination may not continue to practice, except in the same 99 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 capacity as other nonlicensed veterinary employees, until he 2 passes the examination and is eligible for licensure. 3 Section 67. Subsection (3) of section 474.211, Florida 4 Statutes, is amended to read: 5 474.211 Renewal of license.-- 6 (3) The board may by rule prescribe continuing 7 education, not to exceed 30 hours biennially, as a condition 8 for renewal of a license or certificate. The criteria for such 9 programs, providers, or courses shall be approved by the 10 board. 11 Section 68. Subsection (1) of section 474.2125, 12 Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 13 474.2125 Temporary license.-- 14 (1) The board shall adopt rules providing for the 15 issuance of a temporary license to a licensed veterinarian of 16 another state for the purpose of enabling him to provide 17 veterinary medical services in this state for the animals of a 18 specific owner or, as may be needed in an emergency as defined 19 in s. 252.34(3)(2), for the animals of multiple owners, 20 provided the applicant would qualify for licensure by 21 endorsement under s. 474.217, except that the applicant is not 22 required to have demonstrated compliance with the requirements 23 of s. 474.217(1)(a) prior to issuance of the license. No 24 temporary license shall be valid for more than 30 days after 25 its issuance, and no license shall cover more than the 26 treatment of the animals of one owner except in an emergency 27 as defined in s. 252.34(3)(2). After the expiration of 30 28 days, a new license is required. 29 Section 69. Paragraph (c) of subsection (2) of section 30 474.214, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 31 474.214 Disciplinary proceedings.-- 100 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 (2) When the board finds any applicant or veterinarian 2 guilty of any of the grounds set forth in subsection (1), 3 regardless of whether the violation occurred prior to 4 licensure, it may enter an order imposing one or more of the 5 following penalties: 6 (c) Imposition of an administrative fine not to exceed 7 $5,000 $1,000 for each count or separate offense. 8 9 In determining appropriate action, the board must first 10 consider those sanctions necessary to protect the public. Only 11 after those sanctions have been imposed may the disciplining 12 authority consider and include in its order requirements 13 designed to rehabilitate the veterinarian. All costs 14 associated with compliance with any order issued under this 15 subsection are the obligation of the veterinarian. 16 Section 70. Subsection (7) of section 474.215, Florida 17 Statutes, is amended, and subsections (8) and (9) are added to 18 said section, to read: 19 474.215 Premises permits; disciplinary actions.-- 20 (7) The board by rule shall establish minimum 21 standards for the operation of limited service veterinary 22 medical practices. Such rules shall not restrict limited 23 service veterinary medical practices and shall be consistent 24 with the type of limited veterinary medical service provided. 25 (a) Any person that offers or provides limited service 26 veterinary medical practice shall obtain a biennial permit 27 from the board the cost of which shall not exceed $250. The 28 limited service permittee shall register each location where 29 limited service clinics are held and shall pay a fee set by 30 rule not to exceed $25 to register each such location. 31 101 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 (b) All permits issued under this subsection are 2 subject to the provisions of ss. 474.213 and 474.214. 3 (c) Notwithstanding any provision of this subsection 4 to the contrary, any temporary rabies vaccination effort 5 operated by a county health department in response to a public 6 health threat, as declared by the State Health Officer in 7 consultation with the State Veterinarian, shall not be subject 8 to any preregistration, time limitation, or fee requirements, 9 but shall adhere to all other requirements for limited service 10 veterinary medical practice as prescribed by rule. The fee 11 charged to the public for a rabies vaccination administered 12 during such temporary rabies vaccination effort shall not 13 exceed the actual cost of administering the rabies vaccine. 14 Such rabies vaccination efforts may not be used for any 15 purpose other than to address the public health consequences 16 of the rabies outbreak. The board shall be immediately 17 notified in writing of any temporary rabies vaccination effort 18 operated under this paragraph. 19 (8) Any person who is not a veterinarian licensed 20 under this chapter but who desires to own and operate a 21 veterinary medical establishment shall apply to the board for 22 a premises permit. If the board certifies that the applicant 23 complies with the applicable laws and rules of the board, the 24 department shall issue a premises permit. No permit shall be 25 issued unless a licensed veterinarian is designated to 26 undertake the professional supervision of the veterinary 27 medical practice and the minimum standards set by rule of the 28 board for premises where veterinary medicine is practiced. 29 Upon application, the department shall submit for a statewide 30 criminal records correspondence check through the Department 31 of Law Enforcement. The permittee shall notify the board 102 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 within 10 days after any change of the licensed veterinarian 2 responsible for such duties. Any permittee under this 3 subsection is subject to the provisions of subsection (9) and 4 s. 474.214. 5 (9)(a) The department or the board may deny, revoke, 6 or suspend the permit of any permittee under this section and 7 may fine, place on probation, or otherwise discipline any 8 permittee under this section who has: 9 1. Obtained a permit by misrepresentation or fraud or 10 through an error of the department or board; 11 2. Attempted to procure, or has procured, a permit for 12 any other person by making, or causing to be made, any false 13 representation; 14 3. Violated any of the requirements of this chapter or 15 any rule of the board; or 16 4. Been convicted or found guilty of, or entered a 17 plea of nolo contendere to, a felony in any court of this 18 state, of any other state, or of the United States. 19 (b) If the permit is revoked or suspended, the owner, 20 manager, or proprietor shall cease to operate the premises as 21 a veterinary medical practice as of the effective date of the 22 suspension or revocation. In the event of such revocation or 23 suspension, the owner, manager, or proprietor shall remove 24 from the premises all signs and symbols identifying the 25 premises as a veterinary medical practice. The period of any 26 such suspension shall be prescribed by rule of the board, but 27 in no case shall it exceed 1 year. If the permit is revoked, 28 the person owning or operating the establishment shall not be 29 entitled to make application for a permit to operate a 30 premises for a period of 1 year from the date of such 31 revocation. Upon the effective date of such revocation, the 103 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 permittee shall advise the board of the disposition of any and 2 all medicinal drugs and shall make the provision for ensuring 3 the security, confidentiality, and availability to clients of 4 all patient medical records. 5 Section 71. Section 474.217, Florida Statutes, is 6 amended to read: 7 474.217 Licensure by endorsement.-- 8 (1) The department shall issue a license by 9 endorsement to any applicant who, upon applying to the 10 department and remitting a fee set by the board, demonstrates 11 to the board that he: 12 (a) Has demonstrated, in a manner designated by rule 13 of the board, knowledge of the laws and rules governing the 14 practice of veterinary medicine in this state; and 15 (b)1. Either holds, and has held for the 3 years 16 immediately preceding the application for licensure, a valid, 17 active license to practice veterinary medicine in another 18 state of the United States, the District of Columbia, or a 19 territory of the United States, provided that the requirements 20 for licensure in the issuing state, district, or territory are 21 equivalent to or more stringent than the requirements of this 22 chapter; or 23 2. Meets the qualifications of s. 474.207(2)(b) and 24 has successfully completed a state, regional, national, or 25 other examination which is equivalent to or more stringent 26 than the examination approved by the board and certified given 27 by the department and has passed the board's clinical 28 competency examination or another clinical competency 29 examination specified by rule of the board. 30 (2) The department shall not issue a license by 31 endorsement to any applicant who is under investigation in any 104 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 state, territory, or the District of Columbia for an act which 2 would constitute a violation of this chapter until the 3 investigation is complete and disciplinary proceedings have 4 been terminated, at which time the provisions of s. 474.214 5 shall apply. 6 Section 72. Subsection (1) of section 475.125, Florida 7 Statutes, is amended to read: 8 475.125 Fees.-- 9 (1) The commission by rule may establish fees to be 10 paid for application, examination, reexamination, licensing 11 and renewal, certification and recertification, reinstatement, 12 and recordmaking and recordkeeping. The fee for initial 13 application and examination may not exceed $50, and the 14 combined cost of the application and examination may not 15 exceed $100. The initial license fee and the license renewal 16 fee may not exceed $50 for each year of the duration of the 17 license. The commission may also establish by rule a late 18 renewal penalty. The commission shall establish fees which 19 are adequate to ensure its continued operation. Fees shall be 20 based on estimates made by the department of the revenue 21 required to implement this chapter and other provisions of law 22 relating to the regulation of real estate practitioners. 23 Section 73. Section 475.15, Florida Statutes, is 24 amended to read: 25 475.15 Registration and licensing of general partners, 26 members, officers, and directors of a firm.--Each partnership, 27 limited liability partnership, limited liability company, or 28 corporation which acts as a broker shall register with the 29 commission and shall renew the licenses or registrations of 30 its members, officers, and directors for each license period. 31 The registration of a partnership is canceled automatically 105 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 during any period of time that the license or registration of 2 any one or more of its partners is not in force. However, if 3 the partnership is a limited partnership, only the general 4 partners must be licensed brokers or brokerage corporations 5 registered pursuant to this part. If the license or 6 registration of any at least one active broker member is not 7 in force, the registration of a corporation, limited liability 8 company, limited liability partnership, or partnership is 9 canceled automatically during that period of time. 10 Section 74. Paragraphs (c) and (d) are added to 11 subsection (2) of section 475.17, Florida Statutes, to read: 12 475.17 Qualifications for practice.-- 13 (2) 14 (c) A person who has been licensed as a real estate 15 salesperson in Florida during the preceding 5 years may not be 16 licensed as a real estate broker unless, in addition to the 17 other requirements of law, he or she has completed the 18 salesperson postlicensure educational requirements, if these 19 requirements have been prescribed by the commission pursuant 20 to paragraph (3)(a). 21 (d) The provisions of subsection (2)(b) do not apply 22 to a person employed as a real estate investigator by the 23 Division of Real Estate provided the person has been employed 24 as a real estate investigator for at least 24 months. The 25 person must be currently employed as a real estate 26 investigator to sit for the real estate broker's examination 27 and have held a valid and current salesperson's license for at 28 least 12 months. 29 Section 75. Subsection (1) of section 475.175, Florida 30 Statutes, is amended to read: 31 475.175 Examinations.-- 106 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 (1) A person applying to the department for licensure 2 by examination will receive an examination admissions card 3 issued by the commission upon the submission of shall be 4 entitled to take the license examination to practice in this 5 state if he: 6 (a) Submits to the department The appropriate 7 notarized application and fee, two photographs of himself 8 taken within the preceding year, and fingerprints for 9 processing through appropriate law enforcement agencies; and 10 (b) Submits at the time of examination The certificate 11 specified in subsection (2), the examination admissions card 12 issued by the commission, and proof of identification. 13 Section 76. Subsection (2) of section 475.183, Florida 14 Statutes, is amended to read: 15 475.183 Inactive status.-- 16 (2) Any license which has been involuntarily inactive 17 for more than 2 4 years shall automatically expire. Once a 18 license expires, it becomes null and void without any further 19 action by the commission or department. Ninety days Two years 20 prior to expiration of the license, the department shall give 21 notice to the licensee. The commission shall prescribe by 22 rule a fee not to exceed $100 for the late renewal of an 23 involuntarily inactive license. The department shall collect 24 the current renewal fee for each renewal period in which the 25 license was involuntarily inactive in addition to any 26 applicable late renewal fee. 27 Section 77. Subsection (1) of section 475.25, Florida 28 Statutes, is amended to read: 29 475.25 Discipline.-- 30 (1) The commission may deny an application for 31 licensure, registration, or permit, or renewal thereof; may 107 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 place a licensee, registrant, or permittee on probation; may 2 suspend a license, registration, or permit for a period not 3 exceeding 10 years; may revoke a license, registration, or 4 permit; may impose an administrative fine not to exceed $5,000 5 $1,000 for each count or separate offense; and may issue a 6 reprimand, and any or all of the foregoing, if it finds that 7 the licensee, registrant, permittee, or applicant: 8 (a) Has violated any provision of s. 455.227(1) or of 9 s. 475.42. However, licensees under this part are exempt from 10 the provisions of s. 455.227(1)(i). 11 (b) Has been guilty of fraud, misrepresentation, 12 concealment, false promises, false pretenses, dishonest 13 dealing by trick, scheme, or device, culpable negligence, or 14 breach of trust in any business transaction in this state or 15 any other state, nation, or territory; has violated a duty 16 imposed upon him by law or by the terms of a listing contract, 17 written, oral, express, or implied, in a real estate 18 transaction; has aided, assisted, or conspired with any other 19 person engaged in any such misconduct and in furtherance 20 thereof; or has formed an intent, design, or scheme to engage 21 in any such misconduct and committed an overt act in 22 furtherance of such intent, design, or scheme. It is 23 immaterial to the guilt of the licensee that the victim or 24 intended victim of the misconduct has sustained no damage or 25 loss; that the damage or loss has been settled and paid after 26 discovery of the misconduct; or that such victim or intended 27 victim was a customer or a person in confidential relation 28 with the licensee or was an identified member of the general 29 public. 30 31 108 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 (c) Has advertised property or services in a manner 2 which is fraudulent, false, deceptive, or misleading in form 3 or content. 4 (d)1. Has failed to account or deliver to any person, 5 including a licensee under this chapter, at the time which has 6 been agreed upon or is required by law or, in the absence of a 7 fixed time, upon demand of the person entitled to such 8 accounting and delivery, any personal property such as money, 9 fund, deposit, check, draft, abstract of title, mortgage, 10 conveyance, lease, or other document or thing of value, 11 including a share of a real estate commission if a civil 12 judgment relating to the practice of the licensee's profession 13 has been obtained against the licensee and said judgment has 14 not been satisfied in accordance with the terms of the 15 judgment within a reasonable time, or any secret or illegal 16 profit, or any divisible share or portion thereof, which has 17 come into his hands and which is not his property or which he 18 is not in law or equity entitled to retain under the 19 circumstances. However, if the licensee, in good faith, 20 entertains doubt as to what person is entitled to the 21 accounting and delivery of the escrowed property, or if 22 conflicting demands have been made upon him for the escrowed 23 property, which property he still maintains in his escrow or 24 trust account, the licensee shall promptly notify the 25 commission of such doubts or conflicting demands and shall 26 promptly: 27 a. Request that the commission issue an escrow 28 disbursement order determining who is entitled to the escrowed 29 property; 30 b. With the consent of all parties, submit the matter 31 to arbitration; 109 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 c. By interpleader or otherwise, seek adjudication of 2 the matter by a court; or 3 d. With the written consent of all parties, submit the 4 matter to mediation. The department may conduct mediation or 5 may contract with public or private entities for mediation 6 services. However, the mediation process must be successfully 7 completed within 90 days following the last demand or the 8 licensee shall promptly employ one of the other escape 9 procedures contained in this section. Payment for mediation 10 will be as agreed to in writing by the parties. The 11 department may adopt rules to implement this section. 12 13 If the licensee promptly employs one of the escape procedures 14 contained herein, and if he abides by the order or judgment 15 resulting therefrom, no administrative complaint may be filed 16 against the licensee for failure to account for, deliver, or 17 maintain the escrowed property. 18 2. Has failed to deposit money in an escrow account 19 when the licensee is the purchaser of real estate under a 20 contract where the contract requires the purchaser to place 21 deposit money in an escrow account to be applied to the 22 purchase price if the sale is consummated. 23 (e) Has violated any of the provisions of this chapter 24 or any lawful order or rule made or issued under the 25 provisions of this chapter or chapter 455. 26 (f) Has been convicted or found guilty of, or entered 27 a plea of nolo contendere to, regardless of adjudication, a 28 crime in any jurisdiction which directly relates to the 29 activities of a licensed broker or salesperson, or involves 30 moral turpitude or fraudulent or dishonest dealing. The record 31 of a conviction certified or authenticated in such form as to 110 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 be admissible in evidence under the laws of the state shall be 2 admissible as prima facie evidence of such guilt. 3 (g) Has had a broker's or salesperson's license 4 revoked, suspended, or otherwise acted against, or has had an 5 application for such licensure denied, by the real estate 6 licensing agency of another state, territory, or country. 7 (h) Has shared a commission with, or paid a fee or 8 other compensation to, a person not properly licensed as a 9 broker, broker-salesperson, or salesperson under the laws of 10 this state, for the referral of real estate business, clients, 11 prospects, or customers, or for any one or more of the 12 services set forth in s. 475.01(1)(c). For the purposes of 13 this section, it is immaterial that the person to whom such 14 payment or compensation is given made the referral or 15 performed the service from within this state or elsewhere; 16 however, a licensed broker of this state may pay a referral 17 fee or share a real estate brokerage commission with a broker 18 licensed or registered under the laws of a foreign state so 19 long as the foreign broker does not violate any law of this 20 state. 21 (i) Has become temporarily incapacitated from acting 22 as a broker or salesperson with safety to investors or those 23 in a fiduciary relation with him because of drunkenness, use 24 of drugs, or temporary mental derangement; but suspension of a 25 license in such a case shall be only for the period of such 26 incapacity. 27 (j) Has rendered an opinion that the title to any 28 property sold is good or merchantable, except when correctly 29 based upon a current opinion of a licensed attorney at law, or 30 has failed to advise a prospective purchaser to consult his 31 111 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 attorney on the merchantability of the title or to obtain 2 title insurance. 3 (k) Has failed, if a broker, to immediately place, 4 upon receipt, any money, fund, deposit, check, or draft 5 entrusted to him by any person dealing with him as a broker in 6 escrow with a title company, banking institution, credit 7 union, or savings and loan association located and doing 8 business in this state, or to deposit such funds in a trust or 9 escrow account maintained by him with some bank, credit union, 10 or savings and loan association located and doing business in 11 this state, wherein the funds shall be kept until disbursement 12 thereof is properly authorized; or has failed, if a 13 salesperson, to immediately place with his registered employer 14 any money, fund, deposit, check, or draft entrusted to him by 15 any person dealing with him as agent of his registered 16 employer. The commission shall establish rules to provide for 17 records to be maintained by the broker and the manner in which 18 such deposits shall be made. 19 (l) Has made or filed a report or record which the 20 licensee knows to be false, has willfully failed to file a 21 report or record required by state or federal law, has 22 willfully impeded or obstructed such filing, or has induced 23 another person to impede or obstruct such filing; but such 24 reports or records shall include only those which are signed 25 in the capacity of a licensed broker or salesperson. 26 (m) Has obtained a license by means of fraud, 27 misrepresentation, or concealment. 28 (n) Is confined in any county jail, postadjudication; 29 is confined in any state or federal prison or mental 30 institution; is under home confinement ordered in lieu of 31 institutional confinement; or, through mental disease or 112 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 deterioration, can no longer safely be entrusted to 2 competently deal with the public. 3 (o) Has been found guilty, for a second time, of any 4 misconduct that warrants his suspension or has been found 5 guilty of a course of conduct or practices which show that he 6 is so incompetent, negligent, dishonest, or untruthful that 7 the money, property, transactions, and rights of investors, or 8 those with whom he may sustain a confidential relation, may 9 not safely be entrusted to him. 10 (p) Has failed to inform the commission in writing 11 within 30 days after pleading guilty or nolo contendere to, or 12 being convicted or found guilty of, any felony. 13 (q)1. Has failed in a single agency to give written 14 notice to all parties to a sale, exchange, purchase, or lease 15 of real property or any interest in real property, revealing 16 the party or parties for whom the licensee is an agent. 17 Disclosure to the party for whom the licensee is an agent must 18 be made at or before the time an agreement for representation 19 is entered into. Disclosure to the party for whom the licensee 20 is not an agent must be made at the time of the first 21 substantive contact. 22 2. Has failed in a dual agency to obtain the informed 23 written consent of all parties to a sale, exchange, purchase, 24 or lease of real property or any interest in real property 25 that the licensee intends to operate as a disclosed dual 26 agent. Unless all parties to the transaction grant their 27 written informed consent prior to or at the time of 28 formalization of the dual agency by the licensee, the licensee 29 shall be deemed to be an undisclosed dual agent. The licensee 30 must inform all parties that the licensee is acting as agent 31 for all parties and of the effect of dual agency, including, 113 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 but not limited to, the fact that, by consenting to the dual 2 agency relationship, the parties are giving up their rights to 3 the undivided loyalty of the licensee, as required by the 4 rules of the commission. When single agency exists, the 5 licensee may change to a disclosed dual agent by making full 6 written disclosure to and obtaining the informed written 7 consent of all the parties. A disclosed dual agent may not 8 disclose among other items: 9 a. To the buyer that the seller will accept a price 10 less than the asking or listed price, unless otherwise 11 instructed in writing by the seller; 12 b. To the seller that the buyer will pay a price 13 greater than the price submitted in a written offer to the 14 seller, unless otherwise instructed in writing by the buyer; 15 c. The motivation of any party for selling, buying, or 16 leasing a property, unless otherwise instructed in writing by 17 the respective party; or 18 d. That a seller or buyer will agree to financing 19 terms other than those offered. 20 3. Has failed in a transaction brokerage capacity to 21 give written notice to all parties to a sale, exchange, 22 purchase, or lease of real property or an interest in real 23 property prior to or at the time of the licensee becoming a 24 transaction broker or first substantive contact, whichever 25 occurs first, of the licensee's role as a transaction broker. 26 Unless the buyer and seller are given written notice prior to 27 the licensee's acting in a transaction brokerage capacity, the 28 licensee is deemed to be an agent of either the buyer or 29 seller, or both. The licensee shall treat the buyer and seller 30 honestly and fairly and shall disclose all known facts 31 114 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 materially affecting the value of the property in residential 2 transactions to both the buyer and seller. 3 4 For the purposes of this paragraph, the payment or promise of 5 payment of compensation to a licensee does not determine 6 whether an agency or transactional brokerage relationship has 7 been created between any licensee and a seller, landlord, 8 buyer, or tenant. The commission shall implement this 9 paragraph by rule. For purposes of this paragraph, the 10 commission shall also define by rule forms for agency 11 disclosure. The forms provided for in this rule shall be 12 written in plain language and shall provide to the buyer or 13 seller or both, as appropriate, an explanation of the agency 14 relationships and shall offer the buyer or seller or both the 15 explicit right to choose or refuse among these agency 16 relationships. 17 (r) Has failed in any written listing agreement to 18 include a definite expiration date, description of the 19 property, price and terms, fee or commission, and a proper 20 signature of the principal(s); and has failed to give the 21 principal(s) a legible, signed, true and correct copy of the 22 listing agreement within 24 hours of obtaining the written 23 listing agreement. The written listing agreement shall 24 contain no provision requiring the person signing the listing 25 to notify the broker of the intention to cancel the listing 26 after such definite expiration date. 27 (s) Has had a registration suspended, revoked, or 28 otherwise acted against in any jurisdiction. The record of the 29 disciplinary action certified or authenticated in such form as 30 to be admissible in evidence under the laws of the state shall 31 115 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 be admissible as prima facie evidence of such disciplinary 2 action. 3 (t) Has violated any standard for the development or 4 communication of a real estate appraisal or other provision of 5 the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice, as 6 defined in s. 475.611, as approved and adopted by the 7 Appraisal Standards Board of the Appraisal Foundation, as 8 defined in s. 475.611. This paragraph does not apply to a real 9 estate broker or salesperson who, in the ordinary course of 10 business, performs a comparative market analysis. 11 Section 78. For the purpose of incorporating the 12 amendment to section 475.25, Florida Statutes, in references 13 thereto, the sections or subdivisions of Florida Statutes set 14 forth below are reenacted to read: 15 475.180 Nonresident licenses.-- 16 (2) 17 (b) Any resident licensee who becomes a nonresident 18 shall, within 60 days, notify the commission of the change in 19 residency and comply with nonresident requirements. Failure to 20 notify and comply is a violation of the license law, subject 21 to the penalties in s. 475.25. 22 475.181 Licensure.-- 23 (2) The commission shall certify for licensure any 24 applicant who satisfies the requirements of ss. 475.17, 25 475.175, and 475.180. The commission may refuse to certify any 26 applicant who has violated any of the provisions of s. 475.42 27 or who is subject to discipline under s. 475.25. The 28 application shall expire 1 year from the date received if the 29 applicant fails to take the appropriate examination. 30 31 116 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 475.22 Broker to maintain office and sign at entrance 2 of office; registered office outside state; broker required to 3 cooperate in investigation.-- 4 (2) If a broker's registered office is located outside 5 the State of Florida, prior to registering such office or 6 branch office, the broker shall agree in writing to cooperate 7 and shall cooperate with any investigation initiated in 8 accordance with this chapter or commission rules including, 9 but not limited to, the broker promptly supplying any 10 documents requested by any authorized representative of the 11 department and by personally appearing at any designated 12 office of the department or other location in the state or 13 elsewhere as reasonably requested by the department. If the 14 department sends, by certified mail to the broker at his last 15 known business address as registered with the department, a 16 notice or request to produce any documents or to appear for an 17 interview with an authorized representative of the department 18 and the broker fails to substantially comply with that request 19 or notice, then such failure by the broker is a violation of 20 the license law, subject to the penalties of s. 475.25. 21 475.422 Disclosure.-- 22 (2) Failure to comply with this section may subject 23 the licensee to disciplinary action pursuant to s. 475.25. 24 475.482 Real Estate Recovery Fund.--There is created 25 the Florida Real Estate Recovery Fund as a separate account in 26 the Professional Regulation Trust Fund. 27 (1) The Florida Real Estate Recovery Fund shall be 28 disbursed as provided in s. 475.484, on order of the 29 commission, as reimbursement to any person, partnership, or 30 corporation adjudged by a court of competent civil 31 jurisdiction in this state to have suffered monetary damages 117 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 by reason of any act committed, as a part of any real estate 2 brokerage transaction involving real property in this state, 3 by any broker or salesperson who: 4 (a) Was, at the time the alleged act was committed, 5 the holder of a current, valid, active real estate license 6 issued under this part; 7 (b) Was neither the seller, buyer, landlord, or tenant 8 in the transaction nor an officer or a director of a 9 corporation or a member of a partnership which was the seller, 10 buyer, landlord, or tenant in the transaction; and 11 (c) Was acting solely in the capacity of a real estate 12 licensee in the transaction; 13 14 provided the act was a violation proscribed in s. 475.25 or s. 15 475.42. 16 Section 79. Subsection (2) of section 475.278, Florida 17 Statutes, as created by Committee Substitute for Senate Bill 18 82, 1997 Regular Session, is amended to read: 19 475.278 Authorized brokerage relationships; required 20 disclosures.-- 21 (2) TRANSACTION BROKER RELATIONSHIP.-- 22 (a) Transaction broker - duties of limited 23 representation.--A transaction broker provides a limited form 24 of representation to a buyer, a seller, or both in a real 25 estate transaction but does not represent either in a 26 fiduciary capacity or as a single agent. The duties of the 27 real estate licensee in this limited form of representation 28 include the following: 29 1. Dealing honestly and fairly; 30 2. Accounting for all funds; 31 118 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 3. Using skill, care, and diligence in the 2 transaction; 3 4. Disclosing all known facts that materially affect 4 the value of residential real property and are not readily 5 observable to the buyer; 6 5. Presenting all offers and counteroffers in a timely 7 manner, unless a party has previously directed the licensee 8 otherwise in writing; 9 6. Limited confidentiality, unless waived in writing 10 by a party. This limited confidentiality will prevent 11 disclosure that the seller will accept a price less than the 12 asking or listed price, that the buyer will pay a price 13 greater than the price submitted in a written offer, of the 14 motivation of any party for selling or buying property, that a 15 seller or buyer will agree to financing terms other than those 16 offered, or of any other information requested by a party to 17 remain confidential; and 18 7. Any additional duties that are mutually agreed to 19 with a party. 20 (b) Disclosure requirements.--Duties of a transaction 21 broker must be fully described and disclosed in writing to a 22 buyer or seller either as a separate and distinct disclosure 23 document or included as part of another document such as a 24 listing agreement or agreement for representation. The 25 disclosure must be made before, or at the time of, entering 26 into a listing agreement or an agreement for representation. 27 When incorporated into other documents the required notice 28 must be of the same size type, or larger, as other provisions 29 of the document and must be conspicuous in its placement so as 30 to advise customers of the duties of limited representation, 31 119 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 except that the first sentence of the information identified 2 in paragraph (c) must be printed in uppercase and bold type. 3 (c) Contents of disclosure.--The required notice given 4 under paragraph (b) must include the following information in 5 the following form: 6 7 FLORIDA LAW REQUIRES THAT REAL ESTATE LICENSEES OPERATING AS 8 TRANSACTION BROKERS DISCLOSE TO BUYERS AND SELLERS THEIR ROLE 9 AND DUTIES IN PROVIDING A LIMITED FORM OF REPRESENTATION. 10 11 As a transaction broker, ................ (insert name of Real 12 Estate Firm and its Associates), provides to you a limited 13 form of representation that includes the following duties: 14 1. Dealing honestly and fairly; 15 2. Accounting for all funds; 16 3. Using skill, care, and diligence in the 17 transaction; 18 4. Disclosing all known facts that materially affect 19 the value of residential real property and are not readily 20 observable to the buyer; 21 5. Presenting all offers and counteroffers in a timely 22 manner, unless a party has previously directed the licensee 23 otherwise in writing; 24 6. Limited confidentiality, unless waived in writing 25 by a party. This limited confidentiality will prevent 26 disclosure that the seller will accept a price less than the 27 asking or listed price, that the buyer will pay a price 28 greater than the price submitted in a written offer, of the 29 motivation of any party for selling or buying property, that a 30 seller or buyer will agree to financing terms other than those 31 120 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 offered, or of any other information requested by a party to 2 remain confidential; and 3 7. Any additional duties that are entered into by this 4 or by separate written agreement. 5 6 Limited representation means that a buyer or seller is not 7 responsible for the acts of the licensee. Additionally, 8 parties are giving up their rights to the undivided loyalty of 9 the licensee. This aspect of limited representation allows a 10 licensee to facilitate a real estate transaction by assisting 11 both the buyer and the seller, but a licensee will not work to 12 represent one party to the detriment of the other party. 13 14 ........ ........................ 15 Date Signature 16 17 ........................ 18 Signature 19 Section 80. Subsections (1), (2), (3), (6), and (7) of 20 section 475.451, Florida Statutes, are amended to read: 21 475.451 Schools teaching real estate practice.-- 22 (1) Each person, school, or institution, except 23 approved and accredited colleges, universities, community 24 colleges, and area technical centers in this state, which 25 offers or conducts any course of study in real estate 26 practice, teaches any course prescribed by the commission as a 27 condition precedent to licensure or renewal of licensure as a 28 broker or salesperson, or teaches any course designed or 29 represented to enable or assist applicants for licensure as 30 brokers or salespersons to pass examinations for such 31 licensure conducted by the department shall, before commencing 121 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 or continuing further to offer or conduct such course or 2 courses, obtain a permit from the department and abide by the 3 regulations imposed upon such person, school, or institution 4 by this chapter and rules of the commission adopted pursuant 5 to this chapter. The exemption for colleges, universities, 6 community colleges, and area technical centers is limited to 7 transferable college credit courses offered by such 8 institutions. 9 (2) An applicant for a permit to operate a proprietary 10 real estate school, to be a chief administrator of a 11 proprietary real estate school or a state institution, or to 12 be an instructor for a proprietary real estate school or a 13 state institution must meet the qualifications for practice 14 set forth in s. 475.17(1) and the following minimal 15 requirements: 16 (a) "School permitholder" means the is defined as that 17 individual who is responsible for directing the overall 18 operation of a proprietary real estate school. A school 19 permitholder He must be the holder of a license as a broker, 20 either active or voluntarily inactive, or must have passed an 21 instructor's examination approved by the commission 22 administered by the department. A school permitholder must 23 also meet the requirements of a school instructor if he is 24 actively engaged in teaching. 25 (b) "Chief administrative person" means the is defined 26 as that individual who is responsible for the administration 27 of the overall policies and practices of the institution or 28 proprietary real estate school. A chief administrative person 29 He must also meet the requirements of a school instructor if 30 he is actively engaged in teaching. 31 122 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 (c) "School instructor" means an is defined as that 2 individual who actively instructs persons in the classroom in 3 noncredit college courses in a college, university, or 4 community college or courses in an area technical center or 5 proprietary real estate school. 6 1. Before commencing to provide such instruction, the 7 applicant instruct noncredit college courses in a college, 8 university, or community college, or courses in an area 9 technical center or proprietary real estate school, he must 10 certify the applicant's his competency and obtain an 11 instructor permit by meeting one of the following 12 requirements: 13 a. Hold a bachelor's degree in a business-related 14 subject, such as real estate, finance, accounting, business 15 administration, or its equivalent and hold a valid broker's 16 license in this state. 17 b. Hold a bachelor's degree, have extensive real 18 estate experience, as defined by rule, and hold a valid 19 broker's license in this state. 20 c. Pass an instructor's examination approved by the 21 commission administered by the Division of Real Estate. 22 2. Any requirement by the commission for a teaching 23 demonstration or practical examination must apply to all 24 school instructor applicants. 25 3. The department shall renew an instructor permit 26 upon receipt of a renewal application and fee. The renewal 27 application shall include proof that the permitholder has, 28 since the issuance or renewal of the current permit, Every 29 second year, each instructor must recertify his competency by 30 presenting to the commission evidence of his having 31 successfully completed a minimum of 15 classroom hours of 123 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 instruction in real estate subjects or instructional 2 techniques, as prescribed by the commission. The commission 3 shall adopt rules providing for the renewal of instructor 4 permits at least every 2 years. Any permit which is not 5 renewed at the end of the permit period established by the 6 department shall automatically revert to involuntarily 7 inactive status. 8 9 The department may require an applicant to submit names of 10 persons having knowledge concerning the applicant and the 11 enterprise; may propound interrogatories to such persons and 12 to the applicant concerning the character of the applicant, 13 including the taking of fingerprints for processing through 14 the Federal Bureau of Investigation; and shall make such 15 investigation of the applicant him or the school or 16 institution as it may deem necessary to the granting of the 17 permit. If an objection is filed, it shall be considered in 18 the same manner as objections or administrative complaints 19 against other applicants for licensure by the department. 20 (3) It is unlawful for any person, school, or 21 institution to offer the courses described in subsection (1) 22 or to conduct classes in such courses, regardless of the 23 number of pupils, whether by correspondence or otherwise, 24 without first procuring a permit, or to guarantee that its 25 pupils will pass any examinations required for licensure given 26 by the department, or to represent that the issuance of a 27 permit is any recommendation or endorsement of the person, 28 school, or institution to which it is issued or of any course 29 of instruction given thereunder. 30 (6) Any course prescribed by the commission as a 31 condition precedent to any person's becoming initially 124 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 licensed as a salesperson may be taught in any real estate 2 school through the use of a video tape of instruction by a 3 currently permitted licensed instructor from any such school. 4 The commission may require that any such video tape course 5 have a single session of live instruction by a currently 6 permitted licensed instructor from any such school; however, 7 this requirement shall not exceed 3 classroom hours. All 8 other prescribed courses, except the continuing education 9 course required by s. 475.182, shall be taught by a currently 10 permitted licensed school instructor personally in attendance 11 at such course. The continuing education course required by 12 s. 475.182 may be taught by an equivalent correspondence 13 course; however, any such course of correspondence shall be 14 required to have a final examination, prepared and 15 administered by the school issuing the correspondence course. 16 The continuing education requirements provided in this section 17 or provided in any other section in this chapter do not apply 18 with respect to any attorney who is otherwise qualified under 19 the provisions of this chapter. 20 (7) Any person holding a school instructor permit on 21 October 1, 1983, is exempt from the instructor examination 22 requirements of paragraph (2)(c) as long as the person he 23 continuously holds such a permit and complies with all other 24 requirements of this chapter. 25 Section 81. Subsection (6) is added to section 26 475.452, Florida Statutes, to read: 27 475.452 Advance fees; deposit; accounting; penalty; 28 damages.-- 29 (6) This section does not apply to a real estate 30 broker auctioning real property if in advance of the auction 31 the broker and seller have entered into a written agreement 125 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 specifically providing for anticipated expenses to be incurred 2 and paid. However, any trust funds received by the broker in 3 advance of the auction may not be disbursed or otherwise used 4 as an advance commission or fee for services without first 5 having complied with the provisions of this subsection. 6 Section 82. Subsection (7) of section 475.484, Florida 7 Statutes, is amended to read: 8 475.484 Payment from the fund.-- 9 (7) Upon the payment of any amount from the Real 10 Estate Recovery Fund in settlement of a claim in satisfaction 11 of a judgment against a broker or salesperson as described in 12 s. 475.482(1), the license of such broker or salesperson shall 13 be automatically suspended upon the date of payment from the 14 fund. The license of such broker or salesperson may not be 15 reinstated until the licensee has repaid in full, plus 16 interest, the amount paid from the fund. No further 17 administrative action is necessary. A discharge of bankruptcy 18 does not relieve a licensee from the penalties and 19 disabilities provided in this section, except to the extent 20 that this subsection conflicts with 11 U.S.C. s. 525, in which 21 case the commission may order the license not to be suspended 22 or otherwise discriminated against. 23 Section 83. Section 475.5016, Florida Statutes, is 24 created to read: 25 475.5016 Authority to inspect and audit.--Duly 26 authorized agents and employees of the department shall have 27 the power to inspect and audit in a lawful manner at all 28 reasonable hours any broker or brokerage office licensed 29 pursuant to this chapter, for the purpose of determining if 30 any of the provisions of this chapter, chapter 455, or any 31 126 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 rule promulgated under authority of either chapter is being 2 violated. 3 Section 84. Section 475.6145, Florida Statutes, is 4 created to read: 5 475.6145 Seal.--The board shall adopt a seal by which 6 it shall authenticate its proceedings, records, and acts. 7 Copies of the proceedings, records, and acts of the board, and 8 certificates purporting to relate the facts concerning such 9 proceedings, records, and acts, which are signed by the board 10 chair, the custodian of such records, or any other person 11 authorized to make such certification and which are 12 authenticated by such seal, shall be prima facie evidence of 13 such proceedings, records, and acts in all courts of this 14 state. 15 Section 85. Section 475.6147, Florida Statutes, is 16 created to read: 17 475.6147 Fees.-- 18 (1) The board by rule may establish fees to be paid 19 for application, licensing and renewal, certification and 20 recertification, reinstatement, and recordmaking and 21 recordkeeping. The fee for initial application may not exceed 22 $150, and, the combined cost of the application and 23 examination may not exceed $300. The initial license fee and 24 the license renewal fee may not exceed $150 for each year of 25 the duration of the license. The board may also establish by 26 rule a late renewal penalty. The board shall establish fees 27 which are adequate to ensure its continued operation. Fees 28 shall be based on estimates made by the department of the 29 revenue required to implement this part and other provisions 30 of law relating to the regulation of real estate appraisers. 31 127 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 (2) Application and license fees shall be refunded 2 upon a determination by the board that the state is not 3 entitled to the fees or that only a portion of the resources 4 have been expended in the processing of the application or 5 shall be refunded if for any other reason the application is 6 not completely processed. The board shall implement this 7 subsection by rule. 8 Section 86. Section 475.615, Florida Statutes, is 9 amended to read: 10 475.615 Qualifications for registration, licensure, or 11 certification.-- 12 (1) Any person desiring to act as a registered, 13 licensed, or certified appraiser must make application in 14 writing to the department in such form and detail as the board 15 shall prescribe. Each applicant must be at least 18 years of 16 age and hold a high school diploma or its equivalent. At the 17 time of application, a person must furnish evidence of 18 successful completion of required education and evidence of 19 required experience, if any. 20 (2) The board is authorized to waive or modify any 21 education, experience, or examination requirements established 22 in this section in order to conform with any such requirements 23 established by the Appraisal Qualifications Board of the 24 Appraisal Foundation and recognized by the Appraisal 25 Subcommittee or any successor body recognized by federal law. 26 (3) Appropriate fees, as set forth in the rules of the 27 board pursuant to s. 475.6147, must accompany all applications 28 for registration, licensure, and certification. 29 (4) In the event that the applicant is currently a 30 registered, licensed, or certified appraiser and is making 31 application to obtain a different status of appraisal 128 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 licensure, should such application be received by the 2 department within 180 days prior to through 180 days after the 3 applicant's scheduled renewal, the charge for the application 4 shall be established by the rules of the board pursuant to s. 5 475.6147. 6 (5)(4) At the time of filing a notarized application 7 for registration, licensure, or certification, the applicant 8 must sign a pledge to comply with the Uniform Standards of 9 Professional Appraisal Practice upon registration, licensure, 10 or certification, and must indicate in writing that he 11 understands the types of misconduct for which disciplinary 12 proceedings may be initiated. The application shall expire 1 13 year from the date received, if the applicant for 14 registration, licensure, or certification fails to take the 15 appropriate examination. 16 (6)(5) All applicants must be competent and qualified 17 to make real estate appraisals with safety to those with whom 18 they may undertake a relationship of trust and confidence and 19 the general public. If any applicant has been denied 20 registration, licensure, or certification, or has been 21 disbarred, or his registration, license, or certificate to 22 practice or conduct any regulated profession, business, or 23 vocation has been revoked or suspended by this or any other 24 state, any nation, or any possession or district of the United 25 States, or any court or lawful agency thereof, because of any 26 conduct or practices which would have warranted a like result 27 under this section, or if the applicant has been guilty of 28 conduct or practices in this state or elsewhere which would 29 have been grounds for disciplining his registration, license, 30 or certification under this section had the applicant then 31 been registered, licensed, or certified, the applicant shall 129 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 be deemed not to be qualified unless, because of lapse of time 2 and subsequent good conduct and reputation, or other reason 3 deemed sufficient, it appears to the board that the interest 4 of the public is not likely to be endangered by the granting 5 of registration, licensure, or certification. 6 (7)(6) No applicant seeking to become registered, 7 licensed, or certified under this section may be rejected 8 solely by virtue of membership or lack of membership in any 9 particular appraisal organization. 10 Section 87. Section 475.617, Florida Statutes, is 11 amended to read: 12 475.617 Education and experience requirements.-- 13 (1) To be registered as an appraiser, an applicant 14 must present evidence satisfactory to the board that he has 15 successfully completed at least up to 75 hours of approved 16 academic courses in subjects related to real estate appraisal, 17 which shall include coverage of the Uniform Standards of 18 Professional Appraisal Practice from a nationally recognized 19 or state-recognized appraisal organization, area technical 20 center, accredited community college, college, or university, 21 state or federal agency or commission, or proprietary real 22 estate school that holds a permit pursuant to s. 475.451. A 23 classroom hour is defined as 50 minutes out of each 60-minute 24 segment. Past courses may be approved on an hour-for-hour 25 basis. 26 (2) To be licensed as an appraiser, an applicant must 27 present evidence satisfactory to the board that he: 28 (a) Has at least 2 years of experience in real 29 property appraisal as defined by rule. 30 (b) Has successfully completed at least 75 classroom 31 hours, inclusive of examination, of approved academic courses 130 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 in subjects related to real estate appraisal, which shall 2 include coverage of the Uniform Standards of Professional 3 Appraisal Practice from a nationally recognized or 4 state-recognized appraisal organization, area technical 5 center, accredited community college, college, or university, 6 state or federal agency or commission, or proprietary real 7 estate school that holds a permit pursuant to s. 475.451. A 8 classroom hour is defined as 50 minutes out of each 60-minute 9 segment. Past courses may be approved by the board and 10 substituted on an hour-for-hour basis. 11 (3) To be certified as a residential appraiser, an 12 applicant must present satisfactory evidence to the board that 13 he: 14 (a) Has at least 2 years of experience in real 15 property appraisal as defined by rule. 16 (b) Has successfully completed at least 120 up to 165 17 classroom hours, inclusive of examination, of approved 18 academic courses in subjects related to real estate appraisal, 19 which shall include coverage of the Uniform Standards of 20 Professional Appraisal Practice from a nationally recognized 21 or state-recognized appraisal organization, area technical 22 center, accredited community college, college, or university, 23 state or federal agency or commission, or proprietary real 24 estate school that holds a permit pursuant to s. 475.451. A 25 classroom hour is defined as 50 minutes out of each 60-minute 26 segment. Past courses may be approved by the board and 27 substituted on an hour-for-hour basis. 28 (4) To be certified as a general appraiser, an 29 applicant must present evidence satisfactory to the board that 30 he: 31 131 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 (a) Has at least 2 years of experience in real 2 property appraisal as defined by rule. 3 (b) Has successfully completed at least 165 classroom 4 hours, inclusive of examination, of approved academic courses 5 in subjects related to real estate appraisal, which shall 6 include coverage of the Uniform Standards of Professional 7 Appraisal Practice from a nationally recognized or 8 state-recognized appraisal organization, area technical 9 center, accredited community college, college, or university, 10 state or federal agency or commission, or proprietary real 11 estate school that holds a permit pursuant to s. 475.451. A 12 classroom hour is defined as 50 minutes out of each 60-minute 13 segment. Past courses may be approved by the board and 14 substituted on an hour-for-hour basis. 15 (5) Each applicant must furnish, under oath, a 16 detailed statement of the experience for each year of 17 experience he claims. Upon request, the applicant shall 18 furnish to the board, for its examination, copies of appraisal 19 reports or file memoranda to support the claim for experience. 20 Section 88. Subsection (1) of section 475.624, Florida 21 Statutes, is amended to read: 22 475.624 Discipline.--The board may deny an application 23 for registration, licensure, or certification; investigate the 24 actions of any appraiser registered, licensed, or certified 25 under this section; and may reprimand, fine, revoke, or 26 suspend, for a period not to exceed 10 years, the 27 registration, license, or certification of any such appraiser, 28 or place any such appraiser on probation if it finds that the 29 registrant, licensee, or certificateholder: 30 31 132 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 (1) Has violated any provisions of this part or of s. 2 455.227(1); however, licensees under this part are exempt from 3 the provisions of s. 455.227(1)(i). 4 Section 89. Section 475.6295, Florida Statutes, is 5 created to read: 6 475.6295 Authority to inspect.--Duly authorized agents 7 and employees of the department shall have the power to 8 inspect in a lawful manner at all reasonable hours any 9 appraiser or appraisal office licensed pursuant to this 10 chapter, for the purpose of determining if any of the 11 provisions of this chapter, chapter 455, or any rule 12 promulgated under authority of either chapter is being 13 violated. 14 Section 90. Section 476.114, Florida Statutes, is 15 amended to read: 16 476.114 Examination; prerequisites.-- 17 (1) A person desiring to be licensed as a barber shall 18 apply to the department for licensure. 19 (2) An applicant shall be eligible for entitled to 20 take the licensure by examination to practice barbering if the 21 applicant: 22 (a) Is at least 16 years of age; 23 (b) Pays the required application fee; and 24 (c)1. Holds an active valid license to practice 25 barbering in another state, has held the license for at least 26 1 year, and does not qualify for licensure by endorsement as 27 provided for in s. 476.144(5); or 28 2. Has received a minimum of 1,200 hours of training 29 as established by the board, which shall include, but shall 30 not be limited to, the equivalent of completion of services 31 133 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 directly related to the practice of barbering at one of the 2 following: 3 a. A school of barbering licensed pursuant to chapter 4 246; 5 b. A barbering program within the public school 6 system; or 7 c. A government-operated barbering program in this 8 state. 9 10 The board shall establish by rule procedures whereby the 11 school or program may certify that a person is qualified to 12 take the required examination after the completion of a 13 minimum of 1,000 actual school hours. If the person passes the 14 examination, he shall have satisfied this requirement; but if 15 he fails the examination, he shall not be qualified to take 16 the examination again until the completion of the full 17 requirements provided by this section. 18 (3) An applicant who meets the requirements set forth 19 in subparagraphs (2)(c)1. and 2. who fails to pass the 20 examination may take subsequent examinations as many times as 21 necessary to pass, except that the board may shall specify by 22 rule reasonable timeframes for rescheduling the examination 23 and shall adopt rules specifying additional training 24 requirements for applicants who, after the third attempt, fail 25 to pass the examination. Prior to reexamination, the applicant 26 must file any the appropriate form and pay the reexamination 27 fee as required by rule. 28 Section 91. Section 476.124, Florida Statutes, is 29 amended to read: 30 31 134 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 476.124 Application for licensure by 2 examination.--Each applicant for licensure by an examination 3 shall: 4 (1) Make application to the department at least 30 5 days prior to the examination date on forms prepared and 6 furnished by the department; 7 (2) Furnish to the department two signed photographs 8 of the applicant, of sufficient size to identify the 9 applicant, one photograph to accompany the application and one 10 photograph to be provided to the Bureau of Testing returned to 11 the applicant for presentation to the examiners when the 12 applicant appears for examination; and 13 (3) Pay any the required fee to the department. 14 Section 92. Section 476.134, Florida Statutes, is 15 repealed. 16 Section 93. Subsections (2) and (6) of section 17 476.144, Florida Statutes, are amended to read: 18 476.144 Licensure.-- 19 (2) The board shall certify for licensure any 20 applicant who satisfies the requirements of s. 476.114, and 21 who passes the examination approved by the board and certified 22 administered by the department, achieving a passing grade as 23 established by board rule. 24 (6) A person may apply for a restricted license to 25 practice barbering. The board shall adopt rules specifying 26 procedures for an applicant to obtain a restricted license if 27 the applicant: 28 (a)1. Has successfully completed a restricted barber 29 course, as established by rule of the board, at a school of 30 barbering licensed pursuant to chapter 246, a barbering 31 135 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 program within the public school system, or a 2 government-operated barbering program in this state; or 3 2.a. Holds or has within the previous 5 years held 4 an active valid license to practice barbering in another state 5 or country or has held a Florida barbering license which has 6 been declared null and void for failure to renew the license 7 and the applicant fulfilled the requirements of s. 8 476.114(2)(c)2. for initial licensure; and 9 b.(b) Has not been disciplined relating to the 10 practice of barbering in the previous 5 15 years; and 11 (b)(c) Passes a written examination on the laws and 12 rules governing the practice of barbering in Florida, as 13 established by the board, and a practical examination approved 14 by the board and certified administered by the department. 15 16 The restricted license shall limit the licensee's practice to 17 those specific areas in which the applicant has demonstrated 18 competence pursuant to rules adopted by the board. 19 Section 94. Subsections (10) and (11) are added to 20 section 477.013, Florida Statutes, to read: 21 477.013 Definitions.--As used in this chapter: 22 (10) "Hair wrapping" means the wrapping of 23 manufactured materials around a strand of human hair, for 24 compensation, without cutting, coloring, permanent waving, 25 relaxing, removing, weaving, chemically treating, braiding, 26 using hair extensions, or performing any other function 27 defined as cosmetology services. 28 (11) "Photography studio salon" means an establishment 29 where the hair-arranging services and the application of 30 cosmetic products are performed solely for the purpose of 31 preparing the model or client for the photographic session 136 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 without shampooing, cutting, coloring, permanent waving, 2 relaxing, or removing of hair or performing any other service 3 defined as cosmetology. 4 Section 95. Section 477.0132, Florida Statutes, is 5 amended to read: 6 477.0132 Hair braiding and hair wrapping 7 registration.--Persons whose occupation or practice is 8 confined solely to hair braiding or hair wrapping must 9 register with the department, pay the applicable registration 10 fee, and take a two-day 16 hour course. The course shall be 11 board approved and consist of 5 hours of HIV/AIDS and other 12 communicable diseases, 5 hours of sanitation and 13 sterilization, 4 hours of disorders and diseases of the scalp, 14 and 2 hours of studies regarding laws affecting hair braiding 15 and hair wrapping cosmetology. Hair braiding and hair 16 wrapping are not required to be practiced in a cosmetology 17 salon or specialty salon. When hair braiding or hair wrapping 18 is practiced outside a cosmetology salon or specialty salon, 19 disposable implements must be used or all implements must be 20 sanitized in a disinfectant approved for hospital use or 21 approved by the federal Environmental Protection Agency. 22 Section 96. Subsection (4) is added to section 23 477.0135, Florida Statutes, to read: 24 477.0135 Exemptions.-- 25 (4) A photography studio salon is exempt from the 26 licensure provisions of this chapter. However, the 27 hair-arranging services of such salon must be performed under 28 the supervision of a licensed cosmetologist employed by the 29 salon. The salon must use disposable hair-arranging implements 30 or use a wet or dry sanitizing system approved by the federal 31 Environmental Protection Agency. 137 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 Section 97. Section 477.019, Florida Statutes, is 2 amended to read: 3 477.019 Cosmetologists; qualifications; licensure; 4 license renewal; endorsement; continuing education.-- 5 (1) A person desiring to be licensed as a 6 cosmetologist shall apply to the department for licensure. 7 (2) The board may, by rule, require a written clinical 8 examination or a performance examination, or both, in addition 9 to a written theory examination. 10 (3) (2) An applicant shall be eligible for entitled 11 to take the licensure by examination to practice cosmetology 12 if the applicant: 13 (a) Is at least 16 years of age or has received a high 14 school diploma; 15 (b) Pays the required application fee; and 16 (c)1. Holds an active valid license to practice 17 cosmetology in another state or country, has held the license 18 for at least 1 year, and does not qualify for licensure by 19 endorsement as provided for in subsection (6) (5); or 20 2. Has received a minimum of 1,200 hours of training 21 as established by the board, which shall include, but shall 22 not be limited to, the equivalent of completion of services 23 directly related to the practice of cosmetology at one of the 24 following: 25 a. A school of cosmetology licensed pursuant to 26 chapter 246. 27 b. A cosmetology program within the public school 28 system. 29 c. The Cosmetology Division of the Florida School for 30 the Deaf and the Blind, provided the division meets the 31 standards of this chapter. 138 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 d. A government-operated cosmetology program in this 2 state. 3 4 The board shall establish by rule procedures whereby the 5 school or program may certify that a person is qualified to 6 take the required examination after the completion of a 7 minimum of 1,000 actual school hours. If the person then 8 passes the examination, he shall have satisfied this 9 requirement; but if he fails the examination, he shall not be 10 qualified to take the examination again until the completion 11 of the full requirements provided by this section. 12 (4) (3) Upon an applicant receiving a passing grade, 13 as established by board rule, on the examination and paying 14 the initial licensing fee, the department shall issue a 15 license to practice cosmetology. 16 (5) (4) Renewal of license registration shall be 17 accomplished pursuant to rules adopted by the board. 18 (6) (5) The board shall adopt rules specifying 19 procedures for the licensure by endorsement of practitioners 20 desiring to be licensed in this state who hold a current 21 active license in another state and who have met 22 qualifications substantially similar to, equivalent to, or 23 greater than the qualifications required of applicants from 24 this state. 25 (7)(a) The board shall prescribe by rule continuing 26 education requirements intended to ensure protection of the 27 public through updated training of licensees and registered 28 specialists, not to exceed 16 hours biennially, as a condition 29 for renewal of a license or registration as a specialist under 30 this chapter. Continuing education courses shall include, but 31 not be limited to, the following subjects as they relate to 139 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 the practice of cosmetology: human immunodeficiency virus and 2 acquired immune deficiency syndrome; Occupational Safety and 3 Health Administration regulations; workers' compensation 4 issues; state and federal laws and rules as they pertain to 5 cosmetologists, cosmetology, salons, specialists, specialty 6 salons, and booth renters; chemical makeup as it pertains to 7 hair, skin, and nails; and environmental issues. Courses given 8 at cosmetology conferences may be counted toward the number of 9 continuing education hours required if approved by the board. 10 (b) The department may privatize provider and course 11 approval and the monitoring of continuing education 12 requirements under a contract which ensures that the services 13 will be without cost to the department or board, including the 14 cost of appropriate oversight by the department. The 15 department may contract with one or more private entities for 16 the provision of such services, including the collection of 17 fees for the services rendered. The department and board 18 shall retain final authority for licensure decisions, 19 rulemaking related to continuing education system 20 requirements, noncompliance noticing, and overall 21 implementation of any privatization project under this 22 subsection. 23 (c) Any person whose occupation or practice is 24 confined solely to hair braiding or hair wrapping is exempt 25 from the continuing education requirements of this subsection. 26 (d) Notwithstanding any provision of law to the 27 contrary, enforcement of mandatory continuing education 28 requirements pursuant to this chapter shall be accomplished 29 only as a secondary action when a person is investigated for 30 another violation. However, the board may, by rule, require 31 any licensee in violation of a continuing education 140 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 requirement to take a refresher course or refresher course and 2 examination in addition to any other penalty. The number of 3 hours for the refresher course may not exceed 48 hours. 4 Section 98. Section 477.022, Florida Statutes, is 5 repealed. 6 Section 99. Paragraph (f) of subsection (1) of section 7 477.026, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 8 477.026 Fees; disposition.-- 9 (1) The board shall set fees according to the 10 following schedule: 11 (f) For hair braiders and hair wrappers, fees for 12 registration shall not exceed $25. 13 Section 100. Subsection (3) of section 477.0263, 14 Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 15 477.0263 Cosmetology services to be performed in 16 licensed salon; exception.-- 17 (3) Any person who holds a valid cosmetology license 18 in any state or who is authorized to practice cosmetology in 19 any country, territory, or jurisdiction of the United States 20 may perform cosmetology services in a location other than a 21 licensed salon when such services are performed in connection 22 with the motion picture, fashion photography, theatrical, or 23 television industry; a photography studio salon; a 24 manufacturer trade show demonstration; or an educational 25 seminar. 26 Section 101. Section 481.207, Florida Statutes, is 27 amended to read: 28 481.207 Fees.--The board, by rule, may establish 29 separate fees for architects and interior designers, to be 30 paid for applications, examination, reexamination, licensing 31 and renewal, delinquency, reinstatement, and recordmaking and 141 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 recordkeeping. The examination fee shall be in an amount that 2 covers the cost of obtaining and administering the examination 3 and shall be refunded if the applicant is found ineligible to 4 sit for the examination. The application fee is nonrefundable. 5 The fee for initial application and examination for architects 6 and interior designers may not exceed $225, and the combined 7 cost of the application and examination may not exceed $775 8 plus the actual per applicant cost to the department for 9 purchase of the examination from the National Council of 10 Architectural Registration Boards or the National Council of 11 Interior Design Qualifications, respectively, or similar 12 national organizations, if the examination is purchased by the 13 department. The biennial renewal fee for architects may not 14 exceed $200. The biennial renewal fee for interior designers 15 may not exceed $500. The delinquency fee may not exceed the 16 biennial renewal fee established by the board for an active 17 license. The board shall establish fees that are adequate to 18 ensure the continued operation of the board and to fund the 19 proportionate expenses incurred by the department which are 20 allocated to the regulation of architects and interior 21 designers. Fees shall be based on department estimates of the 22 revenue required to implement this part and the provisions of 23 law with respect to the regulation of architects and interior 24 designers. 25 Section 102. Section 481.209, Florida Statutes, 1996 26 Supplement, is amended to read: 27 481.209 Eligibility for licensure; examinations.-- 28 (1) A person desiring to be licensed as a registered 29 architect shall be certified by the board as eligible for 30 licensure and shall pass apply to the department to take the 31 required licensure examination which has been approved by the 142 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 board and certified by the department. The board shall certify 2 as eligible for licensure by examination each applicant who 3 submits a complete application for licensure as a registered 4 architect demonstrating that the applicant The department 5 shall administer the licensure examination for architects to 6 each applicant who the board certifies: 7 (a) Has completed the application form and remitted a 8 nonrefundable application fee and an examination fee which is 9 refundable if the applicant is found to be ineligible to take 10 the examination; 11 (b)1. Has successfully completed all architectural 12 curriculum courses required by and is a graduate of a school 13 or college of architecture accredited by the National 14 Architectural Accreditation Board; or 15 2. Is a graduate of an approved architectural 16 curriculum, evidenced by a degree from an unaccredited school 17 or college of architecture approved by the board. The board 18 shall adopt rules providing for the review and approval of 19 unaccredited schools and colleges of architecture and courses 20 of architectural study based on a review and inspection by the 21 board of the curriculum of accredited schools and colleges of 22 architecture in the United States, including those schools and 23 colleges accredited by the National Architectural 24 Accreditation Board; and 25 (c) Has completed, prior to examination, 1 year of the 26 internship experience required by s. 481.211(1). 27 (2) A person desiring to be licensed as a registered 28 interior designer shall be certified by the board as eligible 29 for licensure and shall pass the required licensure 30 examination which has been approved by the board and certified 31 by the department. The board shall certify as eligible for 143 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 licensure by examination each applicant who has remitted the 2 application fee specified in s. 481.207 and has submitted a 3 complete application for licensure as a registered interior 4 designer demonstrating that the applicant apply to the 5 department for licensure. The department shall administer the 6 licensure examination for interior designers to each applicant 7 who has completed the application form and remitted the 8 application and examination fees specified in s. 481.207 and 9 who the board certifies: 10 (a) Is a graduate from an interior design program of 5 11 years or more and has completed 1 year of diversified interior 12 design experience; 13 (b) Is a graduate from an interior design program of 4 14 years or more and has completed 2 years of diversified 15 interior design experience; 16 (c) Has completed at least 3 years in an interior 17 design curriculum and has completed 3 years of diversified 18 interior design experience; 19 (d) Is a graduate from an interior design program of 20 at least 2 years and has completed 4 years of diversified 21 interior design experience; or 22 (e) Has completed 6 years of diversified interior 23 design experience, provided that at least 4 years were 24 accumulated prior to October 1, 1994. A person applying under 25 this paragraph must make application prior to April 30, 1998, 26 and may, in lieu of passage of the examination required by 27 this subsection, substitute passage of any of the following 28 examinations: a National Council of Interior Design 29 Qualifications examination, an American Institute of Design 30 examination, the building and barrier-free codes section of 31 the national examination as prepared by the National Council 144 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 of Interior Design Qualifications, or any other examination 2 approved by the board. 3 4 Subsequent to October 1, 2000, for the purpose of having the 5 educational qualification required under this subsection 6 accepted by the board, the applicant must complete his or her 7 education at a program, school, or college of interior design 8 whose curriculum has been approved by the board as of the time 9 of completion. Subsequent to October 1, 2003, all of the 10 required amount of educational credits shall have been 11 obtained in a program, school, or college of interior design 12 whose curriculum has been approved by the board, as of the 13 time each educational credit is gained. The board shall adopt 14 rules providing for the review and approval of programs, 15 schools, and colleges of interior design and courses of 16 interior design study based on a review and inspection by the 17 board of the curriculum of programs, schools, and colleges of 18 interior design in the United States, including those 19 programs, schools, and colleges accredited by the Foundation 20 for Interior Design Education Research. The board shall adopt 21 rules providing for the review and approval of diversified 22 interior design experience required by this subsection. 23 Section 103. Subsection (1) of section 481.213, 24 Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 25 481.213 Licensure.-- 26 (1) The department shall license any applicant who the 27 board certifies is qualified for licensure, who has passed the 28 prescribed licensure examination, and who has paid the initial 29 licensure fee. Licensure as an architect under this section 30 shall be deemed to include all the rights and privileges of 31 licensure as an interior designer under this section. 145 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 Section 104. Section 481.2051, Florida Statutes, is 2 created to read: 3 481.2051 Architects performing building code inspector 4 duties.--A person currently licensed to practice as an 5 architect under this part may provide building inspection 6 services described in s. 468.603(6) and (7) to a local 7 government or state agency upon its request, without being 8 certified by the Board of Building Code Administrators and 9 Inspectors under part XIII of chapter 468. When performing 10 these building inspection services, the architect is subject 11 to the disciplinary guidelines of this chapter and s. 12 468.621(1)(c)-(g). The complaint processing, investigation, 13 and discipline shall be conducted by the board rather than the 14 Board of Building Code Administrators and Inspectors. An 15 architect may not perform plans review, as set forth in s. 16 468.603(2), as an employee of a local government on any job 17 that the architect or the architect's company designed. 18 Section 105. Subsection (15) of section 489.103, 19 Florida Statutes, 1996 Supplement, is amended, and subsection 20 (17) is added to said section, to read: 21 489.103 Exemptions.--This part does not apply to: 22 (15) The installation and maintenance of water 23 conditioning units for domestic, commercial, or industrial 24 purposes by operators of water conditioning services. No 25 municipality or county may adopt an ordinance, rule, or 26 regulation which requires such an operator to become licensed, 27 certified, or registered as a plumber to perform any activity 28 associated with installation or maintenance of a water 29 conditioning unit or which otherwise prevents the installation 30 and maintenance of such water conditioning units by an 31 operator. 146 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 (17) The sale, delivery, assembly, or tie-down of 2 prefabricated portable sheds which are not more than 250 3 square feet in interior size and are not intended for use as a 4 residence or as living quarters. This exemption shall not be 5 construed to interfere with local building codes, local 6 licensure requirements, or other local ordinance provisions. 7 Section 106. Paragraphs (a), (d), (f), (g), (i), and 8 (l) of subsection (3) of section 489.105, Florida Statutes, 9 1996 Supplement, are amended, and subsection (19) is added to 10 said section, to read: 11 489.105 Definitions.--As used in this part: 12 (3) "Contractor" means the person who is qualified 13 for, and shall only be responsible for, the project contracted 14 for and means, except as exempted in this part, the person 15 who, for compensation, undertakes to, submits a bid to, or 16 does himself or by others construct, repair, alter, remodel, 17 add to, demolish, subtract from, or improve any building or 18 structure, including related improvements to real estate, for 19 others or for resale to others; and whose job scope is 20 substantially similar to the job scope described in one of the 21 subsequent paragraphs of this subsection. For the purposes of 22 regulation under this part, "demolish" applies only to 23 demolition of steel tanks over 50 feet in height; towers over 24 50 feet in height; other structures over 50 feet in height, 25 other than buildings or residences over three stories tall; 26 and buildings or residences over three stories tall. 27 Contractors are subdivided into two divisions, Division I, 28 consisting of those contractors defined in paragraphs (a)-(c), 29 and Division II, consisting of those contractors defined in 30 paragraphs (d)-(q): 31 147 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 (a) "General contractor" means a contractor whose 2 services are unlimited as to the type of work which he may do, 3 who may contract for any activity requiring licensure under 4 this part, and who may perform any work requiring licensure 5 under this part, except as otherwise expressly provided in s. 6 489.113 this part. 7 (d) "Sheet metal contractor" means a contractor whose 8 services are unlimited in the sheet metal trade and who has 9 the experience, knowledge, and skill necessary for the 10 manufacture, fabrication, assembling, handling, erection, 11 installation, dismantling, conditioning, adjustment, 12 insulation, alteration, repair, servicing, or design, when not 13 prohibited by law, of ferrous or nonferrous metal work of U.S. 14 No. 10 gauge or its equivalent or lighter gauge and of other 15 materials, including, but not limited to, fiberglass, used in 16 lieu thereof and of air-handling systems, including the 17 setting of air-handling equipment and reinforcement of same, 18 and including the balancing of air-handling systems, and any 19 duct cleaning and equipment sanitizing which requires at least 20 partial disassembling of the system. 21 (f) "Class A air-conditioning contractor" means a 22 contractor whose services are unlimited in the execution of 23 contracts requiring the experience, knowledge, and skill to 24 install, maintain, repair, fabricate, alter, extend, or 25 design, when not prohibited by law, central air-conditioning, 26 refrigeration, heating, and ventilating systems, including 27 duct work in connection with a complete system only to the 28 extent such duct work is performed by the contractor as is 29 necessary to make complete an air-distribution system, boiler 30 and unfired pressure vessel systems, and all appurtenances, 31 apparatus, or equipment used in connection therewith, and any 148 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 duct cleaning and equipment sanitizing which requires at least 2 partial disassembling of the system; to install, maintain, 3 repair, fabricate, alter, extend, or design, when not 4 prohibited by law, piping, insulation of pipes, vessels and 5 ducts, pressure and process piping, and pneumatic control 6 piping; to replace, disconnect, or reconnect power wiring on 7 the load side of the dedicated existing electrical disconnect 8 switch; to install, disconnect, and reconnect low voltage 9 heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning control wiring; and 10 to install a condensate drain from an air-conditioning unit to 11 an existing safe waste or other approved disposal other than a 12 direct connection to a sanitary system. The scope of work for 13 such contractor shall also include any excavation work 14 incidental thereto, but shall not include any work such as 15 liquefied petroleum or natural gas fuel lines within 16 buildings, potable water lines or connections thereto, 17 sanitary sewer lines, swimming pool piping and filters, or 18 electrical power wiring. 19 (g) "Class B air-conditioning contractor" means a 20 contractor whose services are limited to 25 tons of cooling 21 and 500,000 Btu of heating in any one system in the execution 22 of contracts requiring the experience, knowledge, and skill to 23 install, maintain, repair, fabricate, alter, extend, or 24 design, when not prohibited by law, central air-conditioning, 25 refrigeration, heating, and ventilating systems, including 26 duct work in connection with a complete system only to the 27 extent such duct work is performed by the contractor as is 28 necessary to make complete an air-distribution system being 29 installed under this classification, and any duct cleaning and 30 equipment sanitizing which requires at least a partial 31 disassembling of the system; to install, maintain, repair, 149 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 fabricate, alter, extend, or design, when not prohibited by 2 law, piping and insulation of pipes, vessels, and ducts; to 3 replace, disconnect, or reconnect power wiring on the load 4 side of the dedicated existing electrical disconnect switch; 5 to install, disconnect, and reconnect low voltage heating, 6 ventilating, and air-conditioning control wiring; and to 7 install a condensate drain from an air-conditioning unit to an 8 existing safe waste or other approved disposal other than a 9 direct connection to a sanitary system. The scope of work for 10 such contractor shall also include any excavation work 11 incidental thereto, but shall not include any work such as 12 liquefied petroleum or natural gas fuel lines within 13 buildings, potable water lines or connections thereto, 14 sanitary sewer lines, swimming pool piping and filters, or 15 electrical power wiring. 16 (i) "Mechanical contractor" means a contractor whose 17 services are unlimited in the execution of contracts requiring 18 the experience, knowledge, and skill to install, maintain, 19 repair, fabricate, alter, extend, or design, when not 20 prohibited by law, central air-conditioning, refrigeration, 21 heating, and ventilating systems, including duct work in 22 connection with a complete system only to the extent such duct 23 work is performed by the contractor as is necessary to make 24 complete an air-distribution system, boiler and unfired 25 pressure vessel systems, lift station equipment and piping, 26 and all appurtenances, apparatus, or equipment used in 27 connection therewith, and any duct cleaning and equipment 28 sanitizing which requires at least a partial disassembling of 29 the system; to install, maintain, repair, fabricate, alter, 30 extend, or design, when not prohibited by law, piping, 31 insulation of pipes, vessels and ducts, pressure and process 150 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 piping, pneumatic control piping, gasoline tanks and pump 2 installations and piping for same, standpipes, air piping, 3 vacuum line piping, oxygen lines, nitrous oxide piping, ink 4 and chemical lines, fuel transmission lines, and natural gas 5 fuel lines within buildings; to replace, disconnect, or 6 reconnect power wiring on the load side of the dedicated 7 existing electrical disconnect switch; to install, disconnect, 8 and reconnect low voltage heating, ventilating, and 9 air-conditioning control wiring; and to install a condensate 10 drain from an air-conditioning unit to an existing safe waste 11 or other approved disposal other than a direct connection to a 12 sanitary system. The scope of work for such contractor shall 13 also include any excavation work incidental thereto, but shall 14 not include any work such as liquefied petroleum gas fuel 15 lines within buildings, potable water lines or connections 16 thereto, sanitary sewer lines, swimming pool piping and 17 filters, or electrical power wiring. 18 (l) "Swimming pool/spa servicing contractor" means a 19 contractor whose scope of work involves the servicing and 20 repair of any swimming pool or hot tub or spa, whether public 21 or private. The scope of such work may include any necessary 22 piping and repairs, replacement and repair of existing 23 equipment, or installation of new additional equipment as 24 necessary. The scope of such work includes the reinstallation 25 of tile and coping, repair and replacement of all piping, 26 filter equipment, and chemical feeders of any type, 27 replastering, reconstruction of decks, and reinstallation or 28 addition of pool heaters. The installation, construction, 29 modification, substantial or complete disassembly, or 30 replacement of equipment permanently attached to and 31 associated with the pool or spa for the purpose of water 151 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 treatment or cleaning of the pool or spa requires licensure; 2 however, the usage of such equipment for the purposes of water 3 treatment or cleaning shall not require licensure unless the 4 usage involves construction, modification, substantial or 5 complete disassembly, or replacement of such equipment. Water 6 treatment that does not require such equipment does not 7 require a license. In addition, a license shall not be 8 required for the cleaning of the pool or spa in any way that 9 does not affect the structural integrity of the pool or spa or 10 its associated equipment. 11 (19) "Initial issuance" means the first time a 12 certificate or registration is granted to an individual or 13 business organization, including the first time an individual 14 becomes a qualifying agent for that business organization and 15 the first time a business organization is qualified by that 16 individual. 17 Section 107. Subsections (4) and (6) of section 18 489.107, Florida Statutes, are amended to read: 19 489.107 Construction Industry Licensing Board.-- 20 (4) The board shall be divided into two divisions, 21 Division I and Division II. 22 (a) Division I is comprised of the general contractor, 23 building contractor, and residential contractor members of the 24 board; one of the members appointed pursuant to paragraph 25 (2)(j); and one of the members appointed pursuant to paragraph 26 (2)(k). Division I has jurisdiction over the examination and 27 regulation of general contractors, building contractors, and 28 residential contractors. 29 (b) Division II is comprised of the roofing 30 contractor, sheet metal contractor, air-conditioning 31 contractor, mechanical contractor, pool contractor, plumbing 152 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 contractor, and underground utility and excavation contractor 2 members of the board; one of the members appointed pursuant to 3 paragraph (2)(j); and one of the members appointed pursuant to 4 paragraph (2)(k). Division II has jurisdiction over the 5 examination and regulation of contractors defined in s. 6 489.105(3)(d)-(p). 7 (c) Jurisdiction for the examination and regulation of 8 specialty contractors defined in s. 489.105(3)(q) shall lie 9 with the division having jurisdiction over the scope of work 10 of the specialty contractor as defined by board rule. 11 (6) The Construction Industry Licensing Board and the 12 Electrical Contractors' Licensing Board shall each appoint a 13 committee to meet jointly in joint session at least twice a 14 year. 15 Section 108. Subsection (1) of section 489.109, 16 Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 17 489.109 Fees.-- 18 (1) The board, by rule, shall establish reasonable 19 fees to be paid for applications, examination, certification 20 and renewal, registration and renewal, and recordmaking and 21 recordkeeping. The fees shall be established as follows: 22 (a) With respect to an applicant for a certificate, 23 the initial application and examination fee may not exceed 24 $150, and, the combined cost of the application and 25 examination may not exceed $350., and The initial 26 certification fee and the renewal fee may not exceed $200. 27 However, any applicant who seeks certification under this part 28 by taking a practical examination must pay as an examination 29 fee the actual cost incurred by the department in developing, 30 preparing, administering, scoring, score reporting, and 31 153 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 evaluating in conducting the examination, if the examination 2 is conducted by the department. 3 (b) With respect to an applicant for registration, the 4 initial application fee may not exceed $100, and the initial 5 registration fee and the renewal fee may not exceed $200. 6 (c) The board, by rule, may establish delinquency 7 fees, not to exceed the applicable renewal fee for renewal 8 applications made after the expiration date of the certificate 9 or registration. 10 (d) The board, by rule, may establish a fee for 11 transfer of a certificate or registration from one business 12 organization to another, not to exceed the applicable renewal 13 fee. 14 (e) The board, by rule, shall impose a renewal fee for 15 an inactive status certificate or registration, not to exceed 16 the renewal fee for an active status certificate or 17 registration. Neither the inactive certification fee nor the 18 inactive registration fee may exceed $50. The board, by rule, 19 may provide for a different fee for inactive status where such 20 status is sought by a building code administrator, plans 21 examiner, or inspector certified pursuant to part XIII of 22 chapter 468 who is employed by a local government and is not 23 allowed by the terms of such employment to maintain a 24 certificate on active status issued pursuant to this part. 25 (f) The board, by rule, shall impose an additional 26 late fee on a delinquent status certificateholder or 27 registrant when such certificateholder or registrant applies 28 for active or inactive status. 29 (g) The board, by rule, shall impose an additional 30 fee, not to exceed the applicable renewal fee, which 31 reasonably reflects the costs of processing a 154 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 certificateholder's or registrant's request to change 2 licensure status at any time other than at the beginning of a 3 licensure cycle. 4 Section 109. Section 489.111, Florida Statutes, is 5 amended to read: 6 489.111 Licensure by examination Examinations.-- 7 (1) Any person who desires to be certified shall apply 8 to the department in writing to take the certification 9 examination. 10 (2) A person shall be eligible for licensure by 11 entitled to take the examination for the purpose of 12 determining whether he is qualified to engage in contracting 13 throughout this state if the person: 14 (a) Is 18 years of age; 15 (b) Is of good moral character; and 16 (c) Meets eligibility requirements according to one of 17 the following criteria: 18 1. Has received a baccalaureate degree from an 19 accredited 4-year college in the appropriate field of 20 engineering, architecture, or building construction and has 1 21 year of proven experience in the category in which the person 22 seeks to qualify. For the purpose of this part, a minimum of 23 2,000 man-hours shall be used in determining full-time 24 equivalency. 25 2. Has a total of at least 4 years of active 26 experience as a workman who has learned his trade by serving 27 an apprenticeship as a skilled workman who is able to command 28 the rate of a mechanic in his particular trade or as a foreman 29 who is in charge of a group of workmen and usually is 30 responsible to a superintendent or a contractor or his 31 155 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 equivalent, provided, however, that at least 1 year of active 2 experience shall be as a foreman. 3 3. Has a combination of not less than 1 year of 4 experience as a foreman and not less than 3 years of credits 5 for any accredited college-level courses; has a combination of 6 not less than 1 year of experience as a skilled workman, 1 7 year of experience as a foreman, and not less than 2 years of 8 credits for any accredited college-level courses; or has a 9 combination of not less than 2 years of experience as a 10 skilled workman, 1 year of experience as a foreman, and not 11 less than 1 year of credits for any accredited college-level 12 courses. For the number of years of credits for any accredited 13 college-level courses, the applicant shall show completion of 14 an equal number of courses in the appropriate field of 15 engineering, architecture, or building construction. All 16 junior college or community college-level courses shall be 17 considered accredited college-level courses. 18 4.a. An active certified residential contractor is 19 eligible to take the building contractors' examination if he 20 possesses a minimum of 3 years of proven experience in the 21 classification in which he is certified. 22 b. An active certified residential contractor is 23 eligible to take the general contractors' examination if he 24 possesses a minimum of 4 years of proven experience in the 25 classification in which he is certified. 26 c. An active certified building contractor is eligible 27 to take the general contractors' examination if he possesses a 28 minimum of 4 years of proven experience in the classification 29 in which he is certified. 30 5.a. An active certified air-conditioning Class C 31 contractor is eligible to take the air-conditioning Class B 156 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 contractors' examination if he possesses a minimum of 3 years 2 of proven experience in the classification in which he is 3 certified. 4 b. An active certified air-conditioning Class C 5 contractor is eligible to take the air-conditioning Class A 6 contractors' examination if he possesses a minimum of 4 years 7 of proven experience in the classification in which he is 8 certified. 9 c. An active certified air-conditioning Class B 10 contractor is eligible to take the air-conditioning Class A 11 contractors' examination if he possesses a minimum of 1 year 12 of proven experience in the classification in which he is 13 certified. 14 6.a. An active certified swimming pool servicing 15 contractor is eligible to take the residential swimming pool 16 contractors' examination if he possesses a minimum of 3 years 17 of proven experience in the classification in which he is 18 certified. 19 b. An active certified swimming pool servicing 20 contractor is eligible to take the swimming pool commercial 21 contractors' examination if he possesses a minimum of 4 years 22 of proven experience in the classification in which he is 23 certified. 24 c. An active certified residential swimming pool 25 contractor is eligible to take the commercial swimming pool 26 contractors' examination if he possesses a minimum of 1 year 27 of proven experience in the classification in which he is 28 certified. 29 (3)(a) The board may refuse to certify an applicant 30 for failure to satisfy the requirement of good moral character 31 only if: 157 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 1. There is a substantial connection between the lack 2 of good moral character of the applicant and the professional 3 responsibilities of a certified contractor; and 4 2. The finding by the board of lack of good moral 5 character is supported by clear and convincing evidence. 6 (b) When an applicant is found to be unqualified for a 7 certificate because of a lack of good moral character, the 8 board shall furnish the applicant a statement containing the 9 findings of the board, a complete record of the evidence upon 10 which the determination was based, and a notice of the rights 11 of the applicant to a rehearing and appeal. 12 (4) The department shall ensure that a sensitivity 13 review committee has been established including 14 representatives of various ethnic/minority groups. No question 15 found by this committee to be discriminatory against any 16 ethnic/minority group shall be included in the examination. 17 Section 110. Subsections (1), (2), and (10) of section 18 489.113, Florida Statutes, are amended to read: 19 489.113 Qualifications for practice; restrictions.-- 20 (1) Any person who desires to engage in contracting on 21 a statewide basis shall, as a prerequisite thereto, establish 22 his competency and qualifications to be certified pursuant to 23 this part. To establish his competency, a person shall pass 24 the appropriate examination approved by the board and 25 certified administered by the department. Any person who 26 desires to engage in contracting on other than a statewide 27 basis shall, as a prerequisite thereto, be registered pursuant 28 to this part, unless exempted by this part. 29 (2) A No person who is not certified or registered may 30 not shall engage in the business of contracting in this state. 31 However, for purposes of complying with the provisions of this 158 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 chapter, a person who is not certified or registered may 2 perform construction work under the supervision of a person 3 who is certified or registered, provided that the work is 4 within the scope of the supervisor's license and provided that 5 the person being supervised is not engaged in construction 6 work which would require a license as a contractor under any 7 of the categories listed in s. 489.105(3)(d)-(o). However, if 8 the person being supervised is engaged in construction work 9 that would require a license as an underground utility and 10 excavation contractor, such person may be engaged on a 11 contract basis by the licensed underground utility and 12 excavation contractor to perform such work, provided the 13 person so employed is in compliance with the provisions of 14 this subsection and provided the activities of such person are 15 limited to a narrow specialty which does not have a separate 16 corresponding state or local licensure category and the narrow 17 scope of experience of which does not qualify the person to 18 take the examination for any available state or local license 19 which would allow the person to perform that activity. This 20 subsection does not affect the application of any local 21 construction licensing ordinances. To enforce this subsection: 22 (a) The department shall issue a cease and desist 23 order to prohibit any person from engaging in the business of 24 contracting who does not hold the required certification or 25 registration for the work being performed under this part. For 26 the purpose of enforcing a cease and desist order, the 27 department may file a proceeding in the name of the state 28 seeking issuance of an injunction or a writ of mandamus 29 against any person who violates any provision of such order. 30 (b) A county, municipality, or local licensing board 31 created by special act may issue a cease and desist order to 159 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 prohibit any person from engaging in the business of 2 contracting who does not hold the required certification or 3 registration for the work being performed under this part. 4 (10) The addition of a new type of contractor or the 5 expansion of the scope of practice of any type of contractor 6 under this part shall not limit the scope of practice of any 7 existing type of contractor under this part unless the 8 Legislature expressly provides such a limitation. 9 Section 111. Section 489.1136, Florida Statutes, is 10 created to read: 11 489.1136 Medical gas certification.-- 12 (1)(a) In addition to the certification or 13 registration required to engage in business as a plumbing 14 contractor, any plumbing contractor who wishes to engage in 15 the business of installation, improvement, repair, or 16 maintenance of any tubing, pipe, or similar conduit used to 17 transport gaseous or partly gaseous substances for medical 18 purposes shall take, as part of the contractor's continuing 19 education requirement, at least once during the holding of 20 such license, a course of at least of 6 hours. Such course 21 shall be given by an instructional facility or teaching entity 22 that has been approved by the board. In order for a course to 23 be approved, the board must find that the course is designed 24 to teach familiarity with the National Fire Prevention 25 Association Standard 99C (Standard on Gas and Vacuum Systems, 26 latest edition) and also designed to teach familiarity and 27 practical ability in performing and inspecting brazing duties 28 required of medical gas installation, improvement, repair, or 29 maintenance work. Such course shall issue a certificate of 30 completion to the taker of the course, which certificate shall 31 be available for inspection by any entity or person seeking to 160 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 have such contractor engage in the business of installation, 2 improvement, repair, or maintenance of a medical gas system. 3 (b) Any other natural person who is employed by a 4 licensed plumbing contractor to provide work on the 5 installation, improvement, repair, or maintenance of a medical 6 gas system, except as noted in paragraph (c), shall as a 7 prerequisite to his or her ability to provide such service 8 take a course approved by the board. Such course shall be at 9 least 8 hours and consist of both classroom and practical work 10 designed to teach familiarity with the National Fire 11 Prevention Association Standard 99C (Standard on Gas and 12 Vacuum Systems, latest edition) and also designed to teach 13 familiarity and practical ability in performing and inspecting 14 brazing duties required of medical gas installation, 15 improvement, repair, or maintenance work. Such course shall 16 also include the administration of a practical examination in 17 the skills required to perform work as outlined above, 18 including brazing, and each examination shall be reasonably 19 constructed to test for knowledge of the subject matter. The 20 person taking such course and examination must, upon 21 successful completion of both, be issued a certificate of 22 completion by the giver of such course, which certificate 23 shall be made available by the holder for inspection by any 24 person or entity seeking to have such person perform work on 25 the installation, improvement, repair, or maintenance of a 26 medical gas system. 27 (c) Any other natural person who wishes to perform 28 only brazing duties incidental to the installation, 29 improvement, repair, or maintenance of a medical gas system 30 shall pass an examination designed to show that person's 31 familiarity with and practical ability in performing brazing 161 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 duties required of medical gas installation, improvement, 2 repair, or maintenance. Such examination shall be from a test 3 approved by the board. Such examination must test for 4 knowledge of National Fire Prevention Association Standard 99C 5 (Standard on Gas and Vacuum Systems, latest edition). The 6 person taking such examination must, upon passing such 7 examination, be issued a certificate of completion by the 8 giver of such examination, and such certificate shall be made 9 available by the holder for inspection by any person or entity 10 seeking to have or employ such person to perform brazing 11 duties on a medical gas system. 12 (d) It is the responsibility of the licensed plumbing 13 contractor to ascertain whether members of his or her 14 workforce are in compliance with this subsection, and such 15 contractor is subject to discipline pursuant to s. 489.129 for 16 violation of this subsection. 17 (e) Training programs in medical gas piping 18 installation, improvement, repair, or maintenance shall be 19 reviewed annually by the board to ensure that programs have 20 been provided equitably across the state. 21 (f) Periodically, the board shall review training 22 programs in medical gas piping installation for quality in 23 content and instruction in accordance with the National Fire 24 Prevention Association Standard 99C (Standard on Gas and 25 Vacuum Systems, latest edition). The board shall also respond 26 to complaints regarding approved programs. 27 (g) Training required under this section for current 28 licensees must be met by October 1, 1999. 29 (2)(a) On any job site where a medical gas system is 30 being installed, improved, repaired, or maintained, it is 31 required that a person qualified under paragraph (1)(a) or 162 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 paragraph (1)(b) must be present. When any brazing work is 2 performed by a person qualified under paragraph (1)(c), a 3 person qualified under paragraph (1)(a) or paragraph (1)(b) 4 must be present. 5 (b) It is the responsibility of the licensed 6 contractor to ascertain whether members of his or her 7 workforce are in compliance with paragraph (a), and such 8 contractor is subject to discipline pursuant to s. 489.129 for 9 violation of this subsection. 10 (3) The term "medical" as used in this section means 11 any medicinal, life-supporting, or health-related purpose. Any 12 and all gaseous or partly gaseous substance used in medical 13 patient care and treatment shall be presumed for the purpose 14 of this section to be used for medical purposes. 15 Section 112. Subsection (4) is added to section 16 553.06, Florida Statutes, to read: 17 553.06 State Plumbing Code.-- 18 (4) All installations, improvements, maintenance, or 19 repair relating to tubing, pipe, or similar conduit used to 20 transport gaseous or partly gaseous substances for medical 21 purposes shall be governed and regulated under National Fire 22 Prevention Association Standard 99C (Standard on Gas and 23 Vacuum Systems, latest edition). Notwithstanding the 24 prohibition of s. 553.11, no county or municipality is exempt 25 or excepted from the requirements of this subsection. 26 Section 113. Paragraph (b) of subsection (4) of 27 section 489.115, Florida Statutes, is amended, and subsection 28 (7) is added to said section, to read: 29 489.115 Certification and registration; endorsement; 30 renewals; continuing education.-- 31 (4) 163 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 (b)1. Each certificateholder or registrant shall 2 provide proof, in a form established by rule of the board, 3 that the certificateholder or registrant has completed at 4 least 14 classroom hours of at least 50 minutes each of 5 continuing education courses during each biennium since the 6 issuance or renewal of the certificate or registration. The 7 board shall establish by rule that a portion of the required 8 14 hours must deal with the subject of workers' compensation, 9 business practices, and workplace safety. The board shall by 10 rule establish criteria for the approval of continuing 11 education courses and providers and may by rule establish 12 criteria for accepting alternative nonclassroom continuing 13 education on an hour-for-hour basis. 14 2. In addition, the board may approve specialized 15 continuing education courses on compliance with the wind 16 resistance provisions for one and two family dwellings 17 contained in the State Minimum Building Codes and any 18 alternate methodologies for providing such wind resistance 19 which have been approved for use by the Board of Building 20 Codes and Standards. Division I certificateholders or 21 registrants who demonstrate proficiency upon completion of 22 such specialized courses may certify plans and specifications 23 for one and two family dwellings to be in compliance with the 24 code or alternate methodologies, as appropriate, except for 25 dwellings located in floodways or coastal hazard areas as 26 defined in ss. 60.3D and E of the National Flood Insurance 27 Program. 28 (7) If a certificateholder or registrant holds a 29 license under both this part and part II and is required to 30 have continuing education courses under s. 489.517(3), the 31 certificateholder or registrant may apply those course hours 164 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 for workers' compensation, workplace safety, and business 2 practices obtained under part II to the requirements under 3 this part. 4 Section 114. Paragraph (a) of subsection (3) of 5 section 489.119, Florida Statutes, 1996 Supplement, is amended 6 to read: 7 489.119 Business organizations; qualifying agents.-- 8 (3)(a) The qualifying agent shall be certified or 9 registered under this part in order for the business 10 organization to be certified or registered in the category of 11 the business conducted for which the qualifying agent is 12 certified or registered. If any qualifying agent ceases to be 13 affiliated with such business organization, he shall so inform 14 the department. In addition, if such qualifying agent is the 15 only certified or registered contractor affiliated with the 16 business organization, the business organization shall notify 17 the department of the termination of the qualifying agent and 18 shall have 60 days from the termination of the qualifying 19 agent's affiliation with the business organization in which to 20 employ another qualifying agent. The business organization 21 may not engage in contracting until a qualifying agent is 22 employed, unless the executive director or chair of the board 23 has granted a temporary nonrenewable certificate or 24 registration to the financially responsible officer, the 25 president, a partner, or, in the case of a limited 26 partnership, the general partner, who assumes all 27 responsibilities of a primary qualifying agent for the entity. 28 This temporary certificate or registration shall only allow 29 the entity to proceed with incomplete contracts as defined in 30 s. 489.121. For the purposes of this paragraph, an incomplete 31 contract is one which has been awarded to, or entered into by, 165 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 the business organization prior to the cessation of 2 affiliation of the qualifying agent with the business 3 organization or one on which the business organization was the 4 low bidder and the contract is subsequently awarded, 5 regardless of whether any actual work has commenced under the 6 contract prior to the qualifying agent ceasing to be 7 affiliated with the business organization. 8 Section 115. Subsections (1) and (2) of section 9 489.127, Florida Statutes, 1996 Supplement, are amended to 10 read: 11 489.127 Prohibitions; penalties.-- 12 (1) No person shall: 13 (a) Falsely hold himself or a business organization 14 out as a licensee, certificateholder, or registrant; 15 (b) Falsely impersonate a certificateholder or 16 registrant; 17 (c) Present as his own the certificate or registration 18 of another; 19 (d) Knowingly give false or forged evidence to the 20 board or a member thereof; 21 (e) Use or attempt to use a certificate or 22 registration which has been suspended or revoked; 23 (f) Engage in the business or act in the capacity of a 24 contractor or advertise himself or a business organization as 25 available to engage in the business or act in the capacity of 26 a contractor without being duly registered or certified; 27 (g) Operate a business organization engaged in 28 contracting after 60 days following the termination of its 29 only qualifying agent without designating another primary 30 qualifying agent, except as provided in ss. 489.119 and 31 489.1195; 166 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 (h) Commence or perform work for which a building 2 permit is required pursuant to an adopted state minimum 3 building code without such building permit being in effect; or 4 (i) Willfully or deliberately disregard or violate any 5 municipal or county ordinance relating to uncertified or 6 unregistered contractors. 7 8 For purposes of this subsection, a person or business 9 organization operating on an inactive or suspended certificate 10 or registration, or operating beyond the scope of work or 11 geographical scope of the registration, is not duly certified 12 or registered and is considered to be unlicensed. 13 (2)(a) Any unlicensed person who violates any of the 14 provisions of subsection (1) commits a misdemeanor of the 15 first degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 16 775.083. 17 (b) Any unlicensed person who performs, offers to 18 perform, or contracts to perform work which requires licensure 19 under this part, the value of which exceeds $1,000, commits a 20 felony of the third degree, punishable as provided in s. 21 775.082 or s. 775.083. 22 (c)(b) Any unlicensed person who commits a violation 23 of paragraphs (a) through (f) of subsection (1) after having 24 been previously found guilty of such a violation, regardless 25 of adjudication thereof, commits a felony of the third degree, 26 punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083. 27 (d)(c) Any unlicensed person who commits a violation 28 of paragraphs (a) through (f) of subsection (1) during the 29 existence of a state of emergency declared by executive order 30 of the Governor commits a felony of the third degree, 31 punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083. 167 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 (e)(d) Any person who operates as a pollutant storage 2 systems contractor, precision tank tester, or internal 3 pollutant storage tank lining applicator in violation of 4 subsection (1) commits a felony of the third degree, 5 punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083. 6 (f) Any licensed contractor who willfully operates 7 outside the geographical scope of the contractor's 8 registration, or who operates outside the scope of the 9 contractor's certificate or registration, commits a 10 misdemeanor of the first degree, punishable as provided in s. 11 775.082 or s. 775.083. 12 13 The remedies set forth in this subsection are not exclusive 14 and may be imposed in addition to the remedies set forth in s. 15 489.129(2). Moreover, prosecution under this part does not 16 preclude prosecution under other applicable criminal statutes. 17 Section 116. Section 489.140, Florida Statutes, is 18 amended to read: 19 489.140 Construction Industries Recovery Fund.--There 20 is created the Florida Construction Industries Recovery Fund 21 as a separate account in the Professional Regulation Trust 22 Fund. 23 (1) The Florida Construction Industries Recovery Fund 24 shall be disbursed as provided in s. 489.143, on order of the 25 board, as reimbursement to any natural person adjudged by a 26 court of competent jurisdiction to have suffered monetary 27 damages, or to whom the licensee has been ordered to pay 28 restitution by the board, where the judgment or restitution 29 order is based on a violation of s. 489.129(1)(d), (h), (k), 30 or (l), committed by any contractor, financially responsible 31 officer, or business organization licensed under the 168 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 provisions of this part at the time the violation was 2 committed, and providing that the violation occurs after July 3 1, 1993. 4 (2) The Construction Industries Recovery Fund shall be 5 funded out of the receipts deposited in the Professional 6 Regulation Trust Fund from the one-half cent per square foot 7 surcharge on building permits collected and disbursed pursuant 8 to s. 468.631. 9 (3) In addition, any surplus of moneys collected from 10 the fines imposed by the board and collected by the department 11 shall be transferred into the Construction Industries Recovery 12 Fund. 13 Section 117. Section 489.141, Florida Statutes, is 14 amended to read: 15 489.141 Conditions for recovery; eligibility.-- 16 (1) Any person is eligible to seek recovery from the 17 Construction Industries Recovery Fund after having made a 18 claim and exhausting the limits of any available bond, cash 19 bond, surety, guarantee, warranty, letter of credit, or policy 20 of insurance, if: 21 (a) Such person has received final judgment in a court 22 of competent jurisdiction in this state in any action wherein 23 the cause of action was based on a construction contract or 24 the Construction Industry Licensing Board has issued a final 25 order directing the licensee to pay restitution to the 26 claimant based upon a violation of s. 489.129(1)(d), (h), (k), 27 or (l), where the contract was executed and the violation 28 occurred on or after July 1, 1993, and provided that: 29 1. At the time the action was commenced, such person 30 gave notice thereof to the board by certified mail; except 31 that, if no notice has been given to the board, the claim may 169 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 still be honored if the board finds good cause to waive the 2 notice requirement; 3 1.a.2. Such person has caused to be issued a writ of 4 execution upon such judgment, and the officer executing the 5 writ has made a return showing that no personal or real 6 property of the judgment debtor or licensee liable to be 7 levied upon in satisfaction of the judgment can be found or 8 that the amount realized on the sale of the judgment debtor's 9 or licensee's property pursuant to such execution was 10 insufficient to satisfy the judgment; or 11 b.3. If such person is unable to comply with 12 sub-subparagraph a. subparagraph 2. for a valid reason to be 13 determined by the board, such person has made all reasonable 14 searches and inquiries to ascertain whether the judgment 15 debtor or licensee is possessed of real or personal property 16 or other assets subject to being sold or applied in 17 satisfaction of the judgment and by his search he has 18 discovered no property or assets or he has discovered property 19 and assets and has taken all necessary action and proceedings 20 for the application thereof to the judgment but the amount 21 thereby realized was insufficient to satisfy the judgment; or 22 2.(b) The claimant has made a diligent attempt, as 23 defined by board rule, to collect the restitution awarded by 24 the board; and 25 (b)(c) A claim for recovery is made within 2 years 26 from the time of the act giving rise to the claim or within 2 27 years from the time the act is discovered or should have been 28 discovered with the exercise of due diligence; however, in no 29 event may a claim for recovery be made more than 4 years after 30 the date of the act giving rise to the claim or more than 1 31 170 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 year after the conclusion of any civil or administrative 2 action based on the act, whichever is later; and 3 (c)(d) Any amounts recovered by such person from the 4 judgment debtor or licensee, or from any other source, have 5 been applied to the damages awarded by the court or the amount 6 of restitution ordered by the board; and 7 (d)(e) Such person is not a person who is precluded by 8 this act from making a claim for recovery. 9 (2) A person is not qualified to make a claim for 10 recovery from the Construction Industries Recovery Fund, if: 11 (a) The claimant is the spouse of the judgment debtor 12 or licensee or a personal representative of such spouse; 13 (b) The claimant is a licensee certificateholder or 14 registrant who acted as the contractor in the transaction 15 which is the subject of the claim; 16 (c) Such person's claim is based upon a construction 17 contract in which the licensee certificateholder or registrant 18 was acting with respect to the property owned or controlled by 19 the licensee certificateholder or registrant; 20 (d) Such person's claim is based upon a construction 21 contract in which the contractor did not hold a valid and 22 current license at the time of the construction contract; or 23 (e) Such person was associated in a business 24 relationship with the licensee certificateholder or registrant 25 other than the contract at issue. 26 (f) Such person has suffered damages as the result of 27 making improper payments to a contractor as defined in chapter 28 713, part I. 29 Section 118. Section 489.142, Florida Statutes, is 30 amended to read: 31 171 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 489.142 Board powers relating to recovery upon 2 notification of commencement of action.--With respect to 3 actions for recovery from the Construction Industries Recovery 4 Fund When the board receives certified notice of any action, 5 as required by s. 489.141(1)(a), the board may intervene, 6 enter an appearance, file an answer, defend the action, or 7 take any action it deems appropriate and may take recourse 8 through any appropriate method of review on behalf of the 9 State of Florida. 10 Section 119. Section 489.143, Florida Statutes, 1996 11 Supplement, is amended to read: 12 489.143 Payment from the fund.-- 13 (1) Any person who meets all of the conditions 14 prescribed in s. 489.141(1) may apply to the board to cause 15 payment to be made to such person from the Construction 16 Industries Recovery Fund in an amount equal to the judgment or 17 restitution order, exclusive of postjudgment interest, against 18 the licensee certificateholder or $25,000, whichever is less, 19 or an amount equal to the unsatisfied portion of such person's 20 judgment or restitution order, exclusive of postjudgment 21 interest, or $25,000, whichever is less, but only to the 22 extent and amount reflected in the judgment or restitution 23 order as being actual or compensatory damages. The fund is not 24 obligated to pay any portion of any judgment, or any judgment 25 or restitution order, or any portion thereof, which is not 26 expressly based on one of the grounds for recovery set forth 27 in s. 489.140(1). 28 (2) Upon receipt by a claimant under subsection (1) of 29 payment from the Construction Industries Recovery Fund, the 30 claimant shall assign his additional right, title, and 31 interest in the judgment or restitution order, to the extent 172 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 of such payment, to the board, and thereupon the board shall 2 be subrogated to the right, title, and interest of the 3 claimant; and any amount subsequently recovered on the 4 judgment or restitution order by the board, to the extent of 5 the right, title, and interest of the board therein, shall be 6 for the purpose of reimbursing the Construction Industries 7 Recovery Fund. 8 (3) Payments for claims arising out of the same 9 transaction shall be limited, in the aggregate, to $25,000, 10 regardless of the number of claimants involved in the 11 transaction. 12 (4) Payments for claims against any one licensee 13 certificateholder or registrant shall not exceed, in the 14 aggregate, $100,000. 15 (5) Claims shall be paid in the order filed, up to the 16 aggregate limits for each transaction and licensee and to the 17 limits of the amount appropriated to pay claims against the 18 fund for the fiscal year in which the claims were filed. 19 (6) If the annual appropriation is exhausted with 20 claims pending, such claims shall be carried forward to the 21 next fiscal year. Any moneys in excess of pending claims 22 remaining in the Construction Industries Recovery Fund at the 23 end of the fiscal year shall be paid as provided in s. 24 468.631. 25 (5) If at any time the claims pending against the fund 26 exceed 80 percent of the fund balance plus anticipated revenue 27 for the next two quarters, the board shall accept no further 28 claims until such time as the board is given express 29 authorization and funding from the Legislature. 30 (7)(6) Upon the payment of any amount from the 31 Construction Industries Recovery Fund in settlement of a claim 173 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 in satisfaction of a judgment or restitution order against a 2 licensee certificateholder as described in s. 489.141(1), the 3 license of such licensee certificateholder shall be 4 automatically suspended, without further administrative 5 action, upon the date of payment from the fund. The license 6 of such licensee certificateholder shall not be reinstated 7 until he has repaid in full, plus interest, the amount paid 8 from the fund. A discharge of bankruptcy does not relieve a 9 person from the penalties and disabilities provided in this 10 section. 11 Section 120. Section 489.1455, Florida Statutes, is 12 created to read: 13 489.1455 Journeyman; reciprocity; standards.-- 14 (1) An individual who holds a valid, active journeyman 15 license in the plumbing/pipe fitting, mechanical, or HVAC 16 trades issued by any county or municipality in this state may 17 work as a journeyman in any other county or municipality of 18 this state without taking an additional examination or paying 19 an additional license fee, if he or she: 20 (a) Has scored at least 70 percent, or after October 21 1, 1997, at least 75 percent, on a proctored journeyman Block 22 and Associates examination or other proctored examination 23 approved by the board for the trade in which he is licensed; 24 (b) Has completed an apprenticeship program registered 25 with the Department of Labor and Employment Security and 26 demonstrates 4 years' verifiable practical experience in the 27 electrical trade, or demonstrates 6 years' verifiable 28 practical experience in the trade for which he is licensed; 29 and 30 (c) Has not had a license suspended or revoked within 31 the last 5 years. 174 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 (2) A local government may charge a registration fee 2 for reciprocity, not to exceed $25. 3 Section 118. Section 489.5335, Florida Statutes, is 4 created to read: 5 489.5335 Journeyman; reciprocity; standards.-- 6 (1) An individual who holds a valid, active journeyman 7 license in the electrical trade issued by any county or 8 municipality in this state may work as a journeyman in any 9 other county or municipality of this state without taking an 10 additional examination or paying an additional license fee, if 11 he or she: 12 (a) Has scored at least 70 percent, or after October 13 1, 1997, at least 75 percent, on a proctored journeyman Block 14 and Associates examination or other proctored examination 15 approved by the board for the electrical trade; 16 (b) Has completed an apprenticeship program registered 17 with the Department of Labor and Employment Security and 18 demonstrates 4 years' verifiable practical experience in the 19 electrical trade, or demonstrates 6 years' verifiable 20 practical experience in the electrical trade; and 21 (c) Has not had a license suspended or revoked within 22 the last 5 years. 23 (2) A local government may charge a registration fee 24 for reciprocity, not to exceed $25. 25 Section 121. Subsections (4) and (14) of section 26 489.503, Florida Statutes, 1996 Supplement, are amended, and 27 subsections (17), (18), and (19) are added to said section, to 28 read: 29 489.503 Exemptions.--This part does not apply to: 30 (4) Public utilities, on construction, maintenance, 31 and development work performed by their forces and incidental 175 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 to their facilities or incidental to the business of a 2 telecommunications company licensed under chapter 364. 3 (14) The installation of, repair of, alteration of, 4 addition to, or design of electrical wiring, fixtures, 5 appliances, thermostats, apparatus, raceways, and conduit, or 6 any part thereof, when those items are for the purpose of 7 transmitting data, voice communications, or commands as part 8 of: 9 (a) A system of telecommunications, including 10 computers, telephone customer premises equipment, or premises 11 wiring; or 12 (b) A cable television, community antenna television, 13 or radio distribution system. 14 15 The scope of this exemption is limited to electrical circuits 16 and equipment governed by the applicable provisions of 17 Articles 725 (Classes 2 and 3 circuits only), 770, 800, 810, 18 and 820 of the National Electrical Code, current edition, or 19 47 C.F.R. part 68. Additionally, a company certified under 20 chapter 364 is not subject to any local ordinance that 21 requires a permit for work performed by its employees related 22 to low voltage electrical work, including related technical 23 codes and regulations. This exemption shall apply only if such 24 work is requested by the company's customer, is required in 25 order to complete phone service, is incidental to provision of 26 telecommunication service as required by chapter 364, and is 27 not actively competitive in nature or the subject of a 28 competitive bid. The definition of "employee" established in 29 subsection (1) applies to this exemption and does not include 30 subcontractors. 31 176 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 (17) The monitoring of an alarm system without fee by 2 a direct employee of a law enforcement agency or of a county, 3 municipal, or special-district fire department or by a law 4 enforcement officer or fire official acting in an official 5 capacity. 6 (18) The monitoring of an alarm system by a direct 7 employee of any state or federally chartered financial 8 institution, as defined in s. 655.005(1)(h), or any parent, 9 affiliate, or subsidiary thereof, so long as: 10 (a) The institution is subject to, and in compliance 11 with, s. 3 of the Federal Bank Protection Act of 1968, 12 12 U.S.C. s. 1882; 13 (b) The alarm system is in compliance with all 14 applicable firesafety standards as set forth in chapter 633; 15 and 16 (c) The monitoring is limited to an alarm system 17 associated with: 18 1. The commercial property where banking operations 19 are housed or where other operations are conducted by a state 20 or federally chartered financial institution, as defined in s. 21 655.005(1)(h), or any parent, affiliate, or subsidiary 22 thereof; or 23 2. The private property occupied by the institution's 24 executive officers, as defined in s. 655.005(1)(f), 25 26 and does not otherwise extend to the monitoring of residential 27 systems. 28 (19) The monitoring of an alarm system of a business 29 by the direct employees of that business, so long as: 30 (a) The alarm system is the exclusive property of, or 31 is leased by, the business; 177 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 (b) The alarm system complies with all applicable 2 firesafety standards as set forth in chapter 633; and 3 (c) The alarm system is designed to protect only the 4 commercial premises leased by the business endeavor or 5 commercial premises owned by the business endeavor and not 6 leased to another. 7 8 This exemption is intended to allow businesses to monitor 9 their own alarm systems and is not limited to monitoring a 10 single location of that business. However, it is not intended 11 to enable the owner of any apartment complex, aggregate 12 housing, or commercial property to monitor alarm systems on 13 property leased or rented to the residents, clients, or 14 customers thereof. 15 Section 122. Subsection (24) of section 489.505, 16 Florida Statutes, 1996 Supplement, is repealed, subsections 17 (1) and (7) are amended, subsection (26) is renumbered as 18 subsection (25) and amended, present subsections (25) and (27) 19 are renumbered as subsections (24) and (26), respectively, and 20 a new subsection (27) is added to said section, to read: 21 489.505 Definitions.--As used in this part: 22 (1) "Alarm system" means any electrical device, 23 signaling device, or combination of electrical devices used to 24 signal or detect a situation which causes an alarm in the 25 event of a burglary, fire, robbery, or medical emergency, or 26 equipment failure. 27 (7) "Certified alarm system contractor" means an alarm 28 system contractor who possesses a certificate of competency 29 issued by the department. The scope of certification is 30 limited to alarm circuits originating in the alarm control 31 panel and equipment governed by the applicable provisions of 178 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 Articles 725, 760, 770, 800, and 810 of the National 2 Electrical Code, Current Edition, and National Fire Protection 3 Association Standard 72, Current Edition. The scope of 4 certification for alarm system contractors also includes the 5 installation, repair, fabrication, erection, alteration, 6 addition, or design of electrical wiring, fixtures, 7 appliances, thermostats, apparatus, raceways, and conduit, or 8 any part thereof not to exceed 77 volts, when those items are 9 for the purpose of transmitting data or proprietary video 10 (satellite systems that are not part of a community antenna 11 television or radio distribution system) or providing central 12 vacuum capability or electric locks; however, this provision 13 governing the scope of certification does not create any 14 mandatory licensure requirement. 15 (24) "Limited burglar alarm system contractor" means 16 an alarm system contractor whose business is limited to the 17 installation of burglar alarms in single-family homes and 18 two-family homes, mobile homes, and small commercial buildings 19 having a square footage of not more than 5,000 square feet and 20 who is registered with the department pursuant to s. 489.513 21 or s. 489.537(8). 22 (24)(25) "Licensure" means any type of certification 23 or registration provided for in this part. 24 (25)(26) "Alarm system agent" means a person: 25 (a) Who is employed by a licensed alarm system 26 contractor or licensed electrical contractor; 27 (b) Who is performing duties which are an element of 28 an activity which constitutes alarm system contracting 29 requiring licensure under this part; and 30 (c) Whose specific duties include any of the 31 following: altering, installing, maintaining, moving, 179 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 repairing, replacing, servicing, selling onsite, or monitoring 2 an alarm system for compensation. 3 (26)(27) "Personal emergency response system" means 4 any device which is simply plugged into a telephone jack or 5 electrical receptacle and which is designed to initiate a 6 telephone call to a person who responds to, or has a 7 responsibility to determine the proper response to, personal 8 emergencies. 9 (27) "Monitoring" means to receive electrical or 10 electronic signals, originating from any building within the 11 state, produced by any security, medical, fire, or burglar 12 alarm, closed circuit television camera, or related or similar 13 protective system and to initiate a response thereto. A 14 person shall not have committed the act of monitoring if: 15 (a) The person is an occupant of, or an employee 16 working within, protected premises; 17 (b) The person initiates emergency action in response 18 to hearing or observing an alarm signal; 19 (c) The person's action is incidental to his or her 20 primary responsibilities; and 21 (d) The person is not employed in a proprietary 22 monitoring facility, as defined by the National Fire 23 Protection Association pursuant to rule adopted under chapter 24 633. 25 Section 123. Subsection (5) of section 489.507, 26 Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 27 489.507 Electrical Contractors' Licensing Board.-- 28 (5) The Electrical Contractors' Licensing Board and 29 the Construction Industry Licensing Board shall each appoint a 30 committee to meet jointly in joint session at least twice a 31 year. 180 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 Section 124. Section 489.509, Florida Statutes, is 2 amended to read: 3 489.509 Fees.-- 4 (1) The board, by rule, shall establish fees to be 5 paid for applications, examination, reexamination, transfers, 6 licensing and renewal, reinstatement, and recordmaking and 7 recordkeeping. The examination fee shall be in an amount that 8 covers the cost of obtaining and administering the examination 9 and shall be refunded if the applicant is found ineligible to 10 sit for the examination. The application fee is 11 nonrefundable. The fee for initial application and 12 examination for certification of electrical contractors may 13 not exceed $400. The initial application fee for registration 14 may not exceed $150. The biennial renewal fee may not exceed 15 $400 for certificateholders and $200 for registrants, and 16 shall be paid by June 30 of each biennial period. The fee for 17 initial application and examination for certification of alarm 18 system contractors may not exceed $400. The biennial renewal 19 fee for certified alarm system contractors may not exceed 20 $450. The board may establish a fee for a temporary 21 certificate as an alarm system contractor not to exceed $75. 22 The board may also establish by rule a delinquency fee not to 23 exceed $50. Failure to renew an active or inactive 24 certificate or registration within 90 days after the date of 25 renewal will result in the certificate or registration 26 becoming delinquent. The fee to transfer a certificate or 27 registration from one business organization to another may not 28 exceed $200. The fee for reactivation of an inactive license 29 may not exceed $50. The board shall establish fees that are 30 adequate to ensure the continued operation of the board. Fees 31 shall be based on department estimates of the revenue required 181 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 to implement this part and the provisions of law with respect 2 to the regulation of electrical contractors and alarm system 3 contractors. 4 (2) A person who is registered or holds a valid 5 certificate from the board may go on inactive status during 6 which time he shall not engage in contracting, but may retain 7 his certificate or registration on an inactive basis, on 8 payment of a renewal fee during the inactive period, not to 9 exceed $50 per renewal period. 10 Section 125. Paragraph (a) of subsection (2) and 11 paragraph (b) of subsection (5) of section 489.511, Florida 12 Statutes, are amended to read: 13 489.511 Certification; application; examinations; 14 endorsement.-- 15 (2)(a) A person shall be entitled to take the 16 certification examination for the purpose of determining 17 whether he is qualified to engage in contracting throughout 18 the state as a contractor if the person: 19 1. Is at least 18 years of age; 20 2. Is of good moral character; and 21 3. Meets eligibility requirements according to one of 22 the following criteria: 23 a. Has, within the 6 years immediately preceding the 24 filing of the application, at least 3 years' proven management 25 experience in the trade or education equivalent thereto, or a 26 combination thereof, but not more than one-half of such 27 experience may be educational equivalent; 28 b. Has, within the 8 years immediately preceding the 29 filing of the application, at least 4 years' experience as a 30 foreman, supervisor, or contractor in the trade for which he 31 is making application; 182 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 c. Has, within the 12 years immediately preceding the 2 filing of the application, at least 6 years of comprehensive 3 training, technical education, or supervisory broad experience 4 associated with an electrical or alarm system contracting 5 business, or at least 6 years of technical experience in 6 electrical or alarm system work with the Armed Forces or a 7 governmental entity installation or servicing endeavor; or 8 d. Has, within the 12 years immediately preceding the 9 filing of the application, been licensed for 3 years as a 10 professional an engineer who is qualified by education, 11 training, or experience to practice electrical engineering; or 12 e. Has any combination of qualifications under 13 sub-subparagraphs a.-c. totaling 6 years of experience. 14 (5) 15 (b) For those specialty electrical or alarm system 16 contractors applying for certification under this part who 17 work in jurisdictions that do not require local licensure for 18 those activities for which the applicant desires to be 19 certified, the experience requirement may be met by 20 demonstrating at least 6 years of comprehensive training, 21 technical education, or supervisory broad experience, within 22 the 12 years immediately preceding the filing of the 23 application, in the type of specialty electrical or alarm 24 system work for which certification is desired. An affidavit 25 signed by the applicant's employer stating that the applicant 26 performed the work required under this paragraph shall be 27 sufficient to demonstrate to the board that the applicant has 28 met the experience requirement. 29 Section 126. Subsection (3) of section 489.513, 30 Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 31 489.513 Registration; application; requirements.-- 183 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 (3)(a) To be registered as an electrical contractor, 2 the applicant shall file evidence of holding a current 3 occupational license or a current license issued by any 4 municipality or county of the state for the type of work for 5 which registration is desired, on a form provided by the 6 department, together with evidence of successful compliance 7 with the local examination and licensing requirements, if any, 8 in the area for which registration is desired, accompanied by 9 the registration fee fixed pursuant to this part. No 10 examination may be required for registration as an electrical 11 contractor except for any examination required by a local 12 government to obtain the local licensure. 13 (b) To be registered as an electrical contractor, an 14 alarm system contractor I, an alarm system contractor II, or a 15 residential alarm system contractor, the applicant shall file 16 evidence of holding a current occupational license or a 17 current license issued by any municipality or county of the 18 state for the type of work for which registration is desired, 19 on a form provided by the department, if such a license is 20 required by that municipality or county, together with 21 evidence of having passed an appropriate local examination, 22 written or oral, designed to test skills and knowledge 23 relevant to the technical performance of the profession, 24 accompanied by the registration fee fixed pursuant to this 25 part. For any person working or wishing to work in any local 26 jurisdiction which does not issue a local license as an 27 electrical or alarm system contractor or does not require an 28 examination for its license, the applicant may apply and shall 29 be considered qualified to be issued a registration in the 30 appropriate electrical or alarm system category, provided that 31 he shows that he has scored at least 75 percent on an 184 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 examination which is substantially equivalent to the 2 examination approved by the board for certification in the 3 category and that he has had at least 3 years' technical 4 experience in the trade. The requirement to take and pass an 5 examination in order to obtain a registration shall not apply 6 to persons making application prior to the effective date of 7 this act. 8 Section 127. Subsection (4) is added to section 9 489.517, Florida Statutes, to read: 10 489.517 Renewal of certificate or registration; 11 continuing education.-- 12 (4)(a) If a certificateholder or registrant holds a 13 license under both this part and part I and is required to 14 have continuing education courses under s. 489.115(4)(b)1., 15 the certificateholder or registrant may apply those course 16 hours for workers' compensation, workplace safety, and 17 business practices obtained under part I to the requirements 18 under this part. 19 (b) Of the 14 classroom hours of continuing education 20 required, at least 7 hours must be on technical subjects, 1 21 hour on workers' compensation, 1 hour on workplace safety, and 22 1 hour on business practices. 23 Section 128. Subsection (2) of section 489.519, 24 Florida Statutes, is renumbered as subsection (3) and a new 25 subsection (2) is added to said section to read: 26 489.519 Inactive status.-- 27 (2) Notwithstanding any provision of s. 455.271 to the 28 contrary, a certificateholder or registrant may apply to the 29 department for voluntary inactive status at any time during 30 the period of certification or registration. 31 185 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 Section 129. Subsection (8) of section 489.521, 2 Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 3 489.521 Business organizations; qualifying agents.-- 4 (8) Each qualifying agent shall pay the department an 5 amount equal to the original fee for certification or 6 registration to qualify any additional business organizations. 7 If the qualifying agent for a business organization desires to 8 qualify additional business organizations, the board shall 9 require him to present evidence of supervisory ability and 10 financial responsibility of each such organization. Allowing 11 a licensee to qualify more than one business organization 12 shall be conditioned upon the licensee showing that the 13 licensee has both the capacity and intent to adequately 14 supervise each business organization. The board shall not 15 limit the number of business organizations which the licensee 16 may qualify except upon the licensee's failing to provide such 17 information as is required under this subsection or upon a 18 finding that such information or evidence as is supplied is 19 incomplete or unpersuasive in showing the licensee's ability 20 or intent to comply with the requirements of this subsection. 21 A qualification for an additional business organization may be 22 revoked or suspended upon a finding by the board that the 23 licensee has failed in the licensee's responsibility to 24 adequately supervise the operations of that business 25 organization. Failure of the responsibility to adequately 26 supervise the operations of a business organization shall be 27 grounds for denial to qualify additional business 28 organizations. The issuance of such certification or 29 registration is discretionary with the board. 30 Section 130. Subsection (1) of section 489.525, 31 Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 186 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 489.525 Reports of certified contractors to local 2 building officials.-- 3 (1) The department shall inform all local boards or 4 building officials prior to December 31 October of each year 5 of the names of all certificateholders and the status of the 6 certificates. 7 Section 131. Section 489.529, Florida Statutes, 1996 8 Supplement, is amended to read: 9 489.529 Alarm verification calls required.--All 10 residential or commercial intrusion/burglary alarms that have 11 central monitoring must have a central monitoring verification 12 call made to the premises generating the alarm signal, prior 13 to alarm monitor personnel contacting a law enforcement agency 14 for alarm dispatch. However, if the alarms have properly 15 operating visual or auditory sensors that enable the 16 monitoring personnel to verify the alarm signal, verification 17 calling is not required. 18 Section 132. Subsection (2) of section 489.531, 19 Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 20 489.531 Prohibitions; penalties.-- 21 (2)(a) Any unlicensed person who commits a violation 22 violates any provision of subsection (1) commits a misdemeanor 23 of the first degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or 24 s. 775.083. 25 (b) Any unlicensed person who commits a violation of 26 subsection (1) and the value of the contracting exceeds $1,000 27 commits a felony of the third degree, punishable as provided 28 in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084. 29 (c) Any unlicensed person who commits a violation of 30 subsection (1) after having been previously found guilty of 31 such a violation, regardless of adjudication thereof, commits 187 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 a felony of the third degree, punishable as provided in s. 2 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084. 3 (d) Any unlicensed person who commits a violation of 4 subsection (1) during the existence of a state of emergency 5 declared by executive order of the Governor commits a felony 6 of the third degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 7 775.083, or s. 775.084. 8 9 The remedies set forth in this subsection are not exclusive 10 and may be imposed in addition to the remedies set forth in s. 11 489.533(2). 12 Section 133. For the purpose of incorporating the 13 amendment to section 489.531, Florida Statutes, in a reference 14 thereto, paragraph (a) of subsection (1) and subsection (2) of 15 section 489.533, Florida Statutes, 1996 Supplement, are 16 reenacted to read: 17 489.533 Disciplinary proceedings.-- 18 (1) The following acts shall constitute grounds for 19 disciplinary actions as provided in subsection (2): 20 (a) Violating any provision of s. 489.531 or chapter 21 455. 22 23 For the purposes of this subsection, construction is 24 considered to be commenced when the contract is executed and 25 the contractor has accepted funds from the customer or lender. 26 (2) When the board finds any applicant, contractor, or 27 business organization for which the contractor is a primary 28 qualifying agent or secondary qualifying agent responsible 29 under s. 489.522 guilty of any of the grounds set forth in 30 subsection (1), it may enter an order imposing one or more of 31 the following penalties: 188 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 (a) Denial of an application for certification or 2 registration. 3 (b) Revocation or suspension of a certificate or 4 registration. 5 (c) Imposition of an administrative fine not to exceed 6 $5,000 for each count or separate offense. 7 (d) Issuance of a reprimand. 8 (e) Placement of the contractor on probation for a 9 period of time and subject to such conditions as the board may 10 specify, including requiring the contractor to attend 11 continuing education courses or to work under the supervision 12 of another contractor. 13 (f) Restriction of the authorized scope of practice by 14 the contractor. 15 Section 134. Paragraph (b) of subsection (2) of 16 section 489.537, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 17 489.537 Application of this part.-- 18 (2) 19 (b) A registered electrical contractor may bid on 20 electrical contracts which include alarm systems contracting 21 as a part of the contract, provided that the individual shall 22 subcontract such alarm systems contracting, except raceway 23 systems, to a properly certified or registered alarm system 24 contractor. However, if the registered electrical contractor 25 is properly certified or registered as an alarm system 26 contractor, the individual is not required to subcontract out 27 the alarm system contracting. 28 Section 135. Section 489.539, Florida Statutes, is 29 amended to read: 30 489.539 Adoption of electrical and alarm 31 standards.--For the purpose of establishing minimum electrical 189 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 and alarm standards in this state, the following standards are 2 adopted: 3 (1) "National Electrical Code 1990," NFPA No. 70-1990. 4 (2) Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc., "Standards for 5 Safety, Electrical Lighting Fixtures, and Portable Lamps," UL 6 57-1982, and UL 153-1983. 7 (3) Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc., "Standard for 8 Electric Signs," UL 48-1982. 9 (4) The provisions of the following which prescribe 10 minimum electrical and alarm standards: 11 (a) NFPA No. 56A-1978, "Inhalation Anesthetics 1978." 12 (b) NFPA No. 56B-1982, "Respiratory Therapy 1982." 13 (c) NFPA No. 56C-1980, "Laboratories in Health-related 14 Institutions 1980." 15 (d) NFPA No. 56D-1982, "Hyperbaric Facilities." 16 (e) NFPA No. 56F-1983, "Nonflammable Medical Gas 17 Systems 1983." 18 (f) NFPA No. 72-1993, "National Fire Alarm Code." 19 (g)(f) NFPA No. 76A-1984, "Essential Electrical 20 Systems for Health Care Facilities 1984." 21 (5) Chapter 10D-29 of the rules of the Department of 22 Health and Rehabilitative Services, entitled "Nursing Homes 23 and Related Facilities Licensure." 24 (6) The minimum standards for grounding of portable 25 electric equipment, chapter 8C-27, as recommended by the 26 Industrial Standards Section of the Division of Workers' 27 Compensation of the Department of Labor and Employment 28 Security. 29 Section 136. Subsection (4) and paragraph (a) of 30 subsection (5) of section 489.553, Florida Statutes, 1996 31 Supplement, are amended to read: 190 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 489.553 Administration of part; registration 2 qualifications; examination.-- 3 (4) To be eligible for registration by the department 4 as a septic tank contractor, the applicant must: 5 (a) Be of good moral character. In considering good 6 moral character, the department may consider any matter that 7 has a substantial connection between the good moral character 8 of the applicant and the professional responsibilities of the 9 registered contractor, including, but not limited to, the 10 applicant being found guilty of, or entering a plea of nolo 11 contendere to, regardless of adjudication, a crime in any 12 jurisdiction that directly relates to the practice of 13 contracting or the ability to practice contracting, and any 14 previous disciplinary action involving septic tank contracting 15 where all judicial reviews are complete. 16 (b) Pass an examination approved by the department 17 which demonstrates that the applicant has a fundamental 18 knowledge of the state laws relating to the installation and 19 maintenance of onsite sewage treatment and disposal systems. 20 (c) Be at least 18 years of age. 21 (d) Have a total of at least 3 years of active 22 experience as a worker who has learned a trade by serving an 23 apprenticeship as a skilled worker under the supervision and 24 control of a registered septic tank contractor or a person 25 licensed under s. 489.105(3)(m) who has provided septic tank 26 contracting services. Related work experience or educational 27 experience may be substituted for no more than 2 years of such 28 active contracting experience. For purposes of this paragraph, 29 each 30 hours of coursework approved by the department is 30 equal to 6 months of work experience. 31 191 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 (e) Have not had a registration revoked in the last 5 2 years, as determined from the effective date of the 3 revocation. 4 (5) To be eligible for registration by the department 5 as a master septic tank contractor, the applicant must: 6 (a) Have been a registered septic tank contractor in 7 Florida for at least 3 years or a certified plumber licensed 8 under s. 489.105(3)(m) who has provided septic tank 9 contracting services for at least 3 years. 10 Section 137. Section 501.935, Florida Statutes, is 11 created to read: 12 501.935 Home-inspection reports; required disclosures 13 prior to inspection; report on inspection results; prohibited 14 acts; failure to comply.-- 15 (1) INTENT.--The Legislature recognizes that the 16 performance of a home inspection requires certain skills and 17 that a home inspection should not be confused with an 18 engineering analysis. Therefore, it is necessary in the 19 interest of the public health, safety, and welfare to require 20 the disclosure of information useful to assist consumers in 21 choosing a qualified home inspector, to inform them of the 22 limitations of a home inspection, and to prohibit actions that 23 conflict with the best interests of a home inspector's client. 24 (2) DEFINITIONS.--For the purposes of this section: 25 (a) "Home inspector" means any person who provides or 26 offers to provide a home inspection on residential real 27 property for a fee. 28 (b) "Home inspection" means an examination of the 29 mechanical and physical components of residential real 30 property through visual means and operation of normal user 31 controls, without necessarily the use of any mathematical or 192 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 engineering science. The inspection may include, but is not 2 limited to, examination of the electrical, heating, and 3 central air-conditioning systems; the interior plumbing; the 4 roof and visible insulation therefor; walls, ceilings, floors, 5 windows, and doors; the foundation; and the basement or crawl 6 space. 7 (3) EXEMPTIONS.--A person licensed as a construction 8 contractor under chapter 489, an architect under chapter 481, 9 or an engineer under chapter 471 shall not be required to 10 comply with this section with regard to any report, survey, 11 evaluation, or estimate rendered within the scope of practice 12 authorized by such license. 13 (4) DISCLOSURE.--Prior to performing any home 14 inspection, a home inspector shall provide the following to 15 any person who has entered into a contract to have a home 16 inspection and who, as a client of the inspector, has 17 requested the inspection: 18 (a) A written list of the home inspector's 19 credentials. 20 (b) A caveat in 10-point or larger boldfaced type that 21 states: AN INSPECTION IS INTENDED TO ASSIST IN EVALUATION OF 22 THE OVERALL CONDITION OF A BUILDING. THE INSPECTION IS BASED 23 ON OBSERVATION OF THE VISIBLE AND APPARENT CONDITION OF THE 24 BUILDING AND ITS COMPONENTS ON THE DATE OF THE INSPECTION. 25 THE RESULTS OF THIS HOME INSPECTION ARE NOT INTENDED TO MAKE 26 ANY REPRESENTATION REGARDING LATENT OR CONCEALED DEFECTS THAT 27 MAY EXIST, AND NO WARRANTY OR GUARANTEE IS EXPRESSED OR 28 IMPLIED. IF YOUR HOME INSPECTOR IS NOT A LICENSED STRUCTURAL 29 ENGINEER OR OTHER PROFESSIONAL WHOSE LICENSE AUTHORIZES THE 30 RENDERING OF AN OPINION AS TO THE STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY OF A 31 BUILDING OR ITS OTHER COMPONENT PARTS, YOU MAY BE ADVISED TO 193 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 SEEK A PROFESSIONAL OPINION AS TO ANY DEFECTS OR CONCERNS 2 MENTIONED IN THIS REPORT. 3 (c) A written disclosure to the client of any conflict 4 of interest or relationship of the home inspector which may 5 affect the client. 6 (d) A written statement or agreement declaring the 7 home inspector's scope, limitations, terms, and conditions 8 regarding the home inspection. 9 (5) REPORT.--A home inspector shall provide to the 10 client, within 3 working days after the date of the home 11 inspection or at any other time agreed upon by both parties, a 12 written report of the results of the home inspection. 13 (6) PROHIBITIONS.--A home inspector is prohibited 14 from: 15 (a) Accepting commissions or allowances from another 16 party dealing with a client of the inspector which relate to 17 the inspection. 18 (b) Offering commissions or allowances to another 19 party dealing with a client of the inspector which relate to 20 the inspection. 21 (c) Performing, or offering to perform, remedial work 22 on a property which the inspector has inspected in the 23 preceding 12 months. 24 (d) Disclosing, without the client's consent, a home 25 inspection report to any person other than the client. 26 (7) FAILURE TO COMPLY.--Failure to comply with this 27 section constitutes a deceptive and unfair trade practice. 28 Section 138. Section 501.937, Florida Statutes, is 29 created to read: 30 31 194 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 501.937 Industrial hygienists and safety 2 professionals; use of professional titles; failure to 3 comply.-- 4 (1) Any person representing himself or herself as a 5 "safety professional" or "industrial hygienist" shall 6 accurately disclose his or her credentials. 7 (2) No person shall represent himself or herself as a 8 "certified safety professional," "associate safety 9 professional," "certified occupational health and safety 10 technologist," "industrial hygienist in training," or 11 "certified industrial hygienist" unless he or she holds a 12 current valid certificate in the field of safety or industrial 13 hygiene from either the American Board of Industrial Hygiene 14 or the Board of Certified Safety Professionals, or unless the 15 Department of Business and Professional Regulation has, upon 16 request, examined another certification program and has 17 formally concluded that the certification standards of that 18 certification program are substantially equivalent to the 19 standards for certificates issued by those organizations; nor 20 shall the person mislead or deceive anyone by the unauthorized 21 use of any certification mark that has been awarded by the 22 U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. 23 (3)(a) A "safety professional" is a person having a 24 baccalaureate degree in safety, engineering, chemistry, 25 physics, or a closely related physical or biological science 26 who has acquired competency in the field of safety. The 27 studies and training necessary to acquire such competency 28 should have been sufficient in all of the above cognate 29 sciences to provide the abilities for anticipating, 30 identifying, and evaluating hazardous conditions and 31 practices; developing hazard control designs, methods, 195 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 procedures, and programs; implementing, administering, and 2 advising others on hazard controls and hazard control 3 programs; and measuring, auditing, and evaluating the 4 effectiveness of hazard controls and hazard control programs. 5 (b) An "industrial hygienist" is a person having a 6 baccalaureate degree in engineering, chemistry, physics, or a 7 closely related physical or biological science who has 8 acquired competency in the field of industrial hygiene. The 9 studies and training necessary to acquire such competency 10 should have been sufficient in all of the above cognate 11 sciences to provide the abilities to anticipate and recognize 12 the environmental factors and stresses associated with work 13 and work operations and to understand their effects on people 14 and their well-being; to evaluate, on the basis of training 15 and experience and with the aid of quantitative measurement 16 techniques, the magnitude of these factors and stresses in 17 terms of ability to impair human health and well-being; and to 18 prescribe methods to eliminate, control, or reduce such 19 factors and stresses when necessary to alleviate their 20 effects. 21 (4) Failure to comply with this section constitutes a 22 deceptive and unfair trade practice. 23 Section 139. Subsection (1) of section 553.06, Florida 24 Statutes, is amended to read: 25 553.06 State Plumbing Code.-- 26 (1) The Board of Building Codes and Standards shall, 27 in accordance with the provisions of chapter 120 and ss. 28 553.70-553.895, adopt all or part of the Standard Plumbing 29 Code 1997 edition or the International Plumbing Code, 1997 30 edition, 1994 edition, as adopted at the October 1993 annual 31 meeting of the Southern Building Code Congress International, 196 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 as the State Plumbing Code which shall be the minimum 2 requirements statewide for all installations, repairs, and 3 alterations to plumbing. The board may, in accordance with 4 the requirements of chapter 120, adopt all or part of updated 5 or revised editions of the State Plumbing Code to keep abreast 6 of latest technological advances in plumbing and installation 7 techniques. Where testing of water treatment units is 8 required by the Standard Plumbing Code, the board shall 9 approve alternative testing standards, upon receipt of a 10 request for adoption of alternative testing standards, if the 11 board receives competent evidence that such standards 12 adequately measure the efficacy of such units for their 13 intended use. Local governments which have adopted the South 14 Florida, One and Two Family Dwelling or EPCOT Plumbing Codes 15 may continue their use provided the requirements contained 16 therein meet or exceed the requirements of the State Plumbing 17 Code. Provided, however, Nothing in this section shall alter 18 or diminish the authority of the Department of Business and 19 Professional Regulation to conduct plan reviews, issue 20 variances, and adopt rules regarding sanitary facilities in 21 public lodging and public food service establishments pursuant 22 to chapter 509, providing that such actions do not conflict 23 with the requirements for public restrooms in s. 553.141. 24 Section 140. Section 553.19, Florida Statutes, is 25 amended to read: 26 553.19 Adoption of electrical and alarm 27 standards.--For the purpose of establishing minimum electrical 28 and alarm standards in this state, the following standards are 29 adopted: 30 (1) "National Electrical Code 1990," NFPA No. 70-1990. 31 197 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 (2) Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc., "Standards for 2 Safety, Electrical Lighting Fixtures, and Portable Lamps," UL 3 57-1982 and UL 153-1983. 4 (3) Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc., "Standard for 5 Electric Signs," UL 48-1982. 6 (4) The provisions of the following which prescribe 7 minimum electrical and alarm standards: 8 (a) NFPA No. 56A-1978, "Inhalation Anesthetics 1978." 9 (b) NFPA No. 56B-1982, "Respiratory Therapy 1982." 10 (c) NFPA No. 56C-1980, "Laboratories in Health-related 11 Institutions 1980." 12 (d) NFPA No. 56D-1982, "Hyperbaric Facilities." 13 (e) NFPA No. 56F-1983, "Nonflammable Medical Gas 14 Systems 1983." 15 (f) NFPA No. 72-1993, "National Fire Alarm Code." 16 (g)(f) NFPA No. 76A-1984, "Essential Electrical 17 Systems for Health Care Facilities 1984." 18 (5) Chapter 10D-29 of the rules and regulations of the 19 Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services, entitled 20 "Nursing Homes and Related Facilities Licensure." 21 (6) The minimum standards for grounding of portable 22 electric equipment, chapter 8C-27 as recommended by the 23 Industrial Standards Section, Division of Workers' 24 Compensation, Department of Labor and Employment Security. 25 Section 141. Section 553.63, Florida Statutes, is 26 amended to read: 27 553.63 Trench excavations in excess of 5 feet deep; 28 required information.--On all specific contracts for trench 29 excavation in which such excavation will exceed a depth of 5 30 feet,: 31 198 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 (1) The contract bid submitted by the contractor who 2 will perform such excavation shall include: 3 (a) A reference to the trench safety standards that 4 will be in effect during the period of construction of the 5 project. 6 (b) Written assurance by the contractor performing the 7 trench excavation that such contractor will comply with the 8 applicable trench safety standards. 9 (c) A separate item identifying the cost of compliance 10 with the applicable trench safety standards. 11 (2) a contractor performing trench excavation shall: 12 (1)(a) At As a minimum, comply with the excavation 13 safety standards which are applicable to such a project. 14 (2)(b) Adhere to any special shoring requirements, if 15 any, of the state or other political subdivisions which may be 16 applicable to such a project. 17 (3)(c) If any geotechnical information is available 18 from the owner, the contractor, or otherwise, the contractor 19 performing trench excavation shall Consider geotechnical this 20 information, if available, in the contractor's design of the 21 trench safety system which the contractor it will employ on 22 the project. This subsection paragraph shall not require the 23 owner to obtain geotechnical information. 24 Section 142. Section 553.64, Florida Statutes, is 25 repealed. 26 Section 143. Section 553.991, Florida Statutes, is 27 amended to read: 28 553.991 Purpose.--The purpose of this part is to 29 provide for a statewide uniform system for rating the energy 30 efficiency of buildings and to ensure that those ratings are 31 disclosed to prospective purchasers at their request. It is 199 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 in the interest of the state to encourage the consideration of 2 the energy-efficiency rating system in the market so as to 3 provide market rewards for energy-efficient buildings and to 4 those persons or companies designing, building, or selling 5 energy-efficient buildings. 6 Section 144. Section 553.994, Florida Statutes, is 7 amended to read: 8 553.994 Applicability.--The rating system shall apply 9 to all public, commercial, and existing residential buildings 10 in the state. and may be applied to new residential buildings, 11 except as identified by the department by rule in accordance 12 with the procedures of chapter 120, according to the following 13 schedule: 14 (1) For new residential buildings, by January 1, 1994. 15 (2) For existing residential buildings, by January 1, 16 1995. 17 (3) For new public buildings, by January 1, 1994. 18 (4) For existing public buildings, by July 1, 1994. 19 (5) For new commercial buildings, by January 1, 1995. 20 (6) For existing commercial buildings, by January 1, 21 1996. 22 Section 145. Effective upon this act becoming a law, 23 section 553.996, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 24 553.996 Energy-efficiency rating disclosure; 25 information brochure.-- 26 (1)(a) In accordance with the schedules in s. 553.994, 27 the prospective purchaser of real property with a building for 28 occupancy located thereon shall be provided written 29 notification that the purchaser may have the building's 30 energy-efficiency rating determined. Such notice shall be 31 200 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 provided at the time of, or prior to, the purchaser's 2 execution of the contract for sale and purchase. 3 (b) The energy-efficiency rating of a residential or 4 commercial building shall be provided upon request of the 5 prospective purchaser, in writing, at the time of, or prior 6 to, the purchaser's execution of the contract for sale and 7 purchase. 8 (2) A prospective purchaser of real property with a 9 building for occupancy located thereon Concurrent with the 10 provisions of subsection (1), the prospective purchaser shall 11 be provided with a copy of an information brochure, at the 12 time of or prior to the purchaser's execution of the contract 13 for sale and purchase, notifying the purchaser of the option 14 for an energy-efficiency rating on the building. Such 15 brochure shall be prepared, made available for distribution, 16 and provided at no cost by the department. Such brochure 17 shall contain information relevant to that class of building, 18 including, but not limited to: 19 (1)(a) How to analyze the building's energy-efficiency 20 rating. 21 (2)(b) Comparisons to statewide averages for new and 22 existing construction of that class. 23 (3)(c) Information concerning methods to improve the 24 building's energy-efficiency rating. 25 (4)(d) A notice to residential purchasers that the 26 energy-efficiency rating may qualify the purchaser for an 27 energy-efficient mortgage from lending institutions. 28 Section 146. The Office of Program Policy Analysis and 29 Government Accountability shall review existing studies, and 30 perform any necessary reviews of records, of the Department of 31 Business and Professional Regulation and its boards to 201 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 determine whether there is evidence that mandatory continuing 2 education is the most effective method of ensuring 3 professional competence and to identify and analyze alternate 4 methods of ensuring professional competence. The department 5 shall prepare a report documenting such review and analysis 6 which report may focus on a subset of the professions 7 regulated by the department but should attempt to choose a 8 representative selection of professions. The report must be 9 provided to the Legislature by January 31, 1998. 10 Section 147. Subsections (12), (13), (26), and (27) of 11 section 713.01, Florida Statutes, are amended to read: 12 713.01 Definitions.--As used in this part, the term: 13 (12) "Improve" means build, erect, place, make, alter, 14 remove, repair, or demolish any improvement over, upon, 15 connected with, or beneath the surface of real property, or 16 excavate any land, or furnish materials for any of these 17 purposes, or perform any labor or services upon the 18 improvements, including the furnishing of carpet or rugs or 19 appliances that are permanently affixed to the real property 20 and final construction cleanup to prepare a structure for 21 occupancy; or perform any labor or services or furnish any 22 materials in grading, seeding, sodding, or planting for 23 landscaping purposes, including the furnishing of trees, 24 shrubs, bushes, or plants that are planted on the real 25 property, or in equipping any improvement with fixtures or 26 permanent apparatus or provide any solid-waste collection or 27 disposal on the site of the improvement. 28 (13) "Improvement" means any building, structure, 29 construction, demolition, excavation, solid-waste removal, 30 landscaping, or any part thereof existing, built, erected, 31 202 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 2011, Second Engrossed 1 placed, made, or done on land or other real property for its 2 permanent benefit. 3 (26) "Subcontractor" means a person other than a 4 materialman or laborer who enters into a contract with a 5 contractor for the performance of any part of such 6 contractor's contract, including the removal of solid waste 7 from the real property. 8 (27) "Sub-subcontractor" means a person other than a 9 materialman or laborer who enters into a contract with a 10 subcontractor for the performance of any part of such 11 subcontractor's contract, including the removal of solid waste 12 from the real property. 13 Section 148. Except as otherwise provided herein, this 14 act shall take effect July 1, 1997. 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 203