CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

House Bill 2015

Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 2015 By Representative Boyd 1 A bill to be entitled 2 An act relating to the Cedar Key special water 3 and sewerage district in Levy County; amending 4 section 1 of chapter 63-1569, Laws of Florida, 5 describing the boundaries of the Cedar Key 6 special water and sewerage district; providing 7 an effective date. 8 9 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 10 11 Section 1. Section 1 of chapter 63-1569, Laws of 12 Florida, is amended to read: 13 Section 1. A public body corporate and political 14 subdivision is created and established in Levy County, to be 15 known as Cedar Key special water and sewerage district, the 16 boundaries of which shall be as follows: 17 18 For a point of reference, commence at the point 19 of intersection of the centerline of Florida 20 State Road No. 24 (a 100 foot Right-of-Way) 21 with the Easterly line of Section 3, Township 22 15 South, Range 13 East and run South 55 23 degrees 38 minutes 34 seconds West, along said 24 centerline, a distance of 435.62 feet to a 25 point of curvature in said line; continue 26 thence Southwesterly along said centerline and 27 along the arc of a curve, concave Southeasterly 28 and having a radius of 11,459.16 feet, a chord 29 distance of 332.29 feet to a point referenced 30 as Point "A", the bearing of the aforementioned 31 chord being South 54 degrees 48 minutes 44 1 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 2015 590-112-97 1 seconds West; run thence South 36 degrees 38 2 minutes 46 seconds East, a distance of 50.00 3 feet to a point in the Southeasterly 4 Right-of-Way line of said State Road No. 24 for 5 the Point of Beginning. From the Point of 6 Beginning thus described, continue South 36 7 degrees 38 minutes 46 seconds East, a distance 8 of 420.00 feet to a point; run thence South 53 9 degrees 27 minutes 24 seconds West, a distance 10 of 210.00 feet to a point; run thence North 36 11 degrees 38 minutes 46 seconds West, a distance 12 of 420.00 feet to a point in the Southeasterly 13 Right-of-Way line of said Florida State Road 14 No. 24; thence run Southwesterly along said 15 Right-of-Way line to the intersection of said 16 line with the East line of the West Half of the 17 Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of 18 Section 16, Township 15 South, Range 13 East; 19 thence run South to the Southeast corner of the 20 Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of 21 the Northwest Quarter of said Section 16; 22 thence run West to the West line of said 23 Section 16; thence run South to the Northeast 24 corner of the Southeast Quarter of the 25 Southeast Quarter of Section 17, Township 15 26 South, Range 13 East; thence run Westerly to 27 the East Right-of-Way line of State Road No. 28 24; thence run Southerly along the said 29 Right-of-Way line of State Road No. 24 to the 30 North line of Section 20, Township 15 South, 31 Range 13 East; thence run Easterly along the 2 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 2015 590-112-97 1 North line of Sections 20, 21, 22, and 23, to 2 the Southeast corner of the Southwest Quarter 3 of the Southwest Quarter of Section 14, 4 Township 15 South, Range 13 East; thence run 5 Southerly three and one-half miles to a point 6 that is East of the Southern most point of the 7 Island of Atsena Otie Key; thence run West a 8 distance of six and one-quarter miles; thence 9 run North a distance of three and one-quarter 10 miles to the Northwest corner of Section 23, 11 Township 15 South, Range 12 East; thence run 12 Easterly along the North line of Sections 23 13 and 24 of Township 15 South, Range 12 East, and 14 the North line of Sections 19 and 20, Township 15 15 South, Range 13 East, to the West 16 Right-of-Way line of State Road No. 24; thence 17 run North and Northeasterly along said 18 Right-of-Way line of State Road No. 24 to the 19 intersection of said line with the centerline 20 of Levy County Road No. 347; thence run 21 Northeast along the centerline of County Road 22 No. 347 to the South line of Section 9, in 23 Township 15 South, Range 13 East; thence 24 continue North 18 degrees 24 minutes 19 seconds 25 East, along the said centerline a distance of 26 221.24 feet to an intersection with a curve 27 concave to the Northeast, having a radius of 28 5,729.58 feet and a central angle of 03 degrees 29 46 minutes 23 seconds; thence run Northeasterly 30 along the arc of said curve a distance of 31 377.50 feet to the point of tangent of said 3 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 2015 590-112-97 1 curve; thence run North 22 degrees 10 minutes 2 42 seconds East along the said centerline a 3 distance of 2,127.25 feet; thence run North 67 4 degrees 49 minutes 18 seconds West 5 perpendicular to the said centerline a distance 6 of 50 feet to an intersection with the West 7 Right-of-Way line of said County Road No. 347; 8 thence run South 22 degrees 10 minutes 42 9 seconds West along the said West Right-of-Way 10 line a distance of 50 feet; thence run North 67 11 degrees 49 minutes 18 seconds West 12 perpendicular to said West Right-of-Way feet a 13 distance of 105.82 feet; thence run North 22 14 degrees 10 minutes 42 seconds East parallel to 15 said County Road No. 347, a distance of 100 16 feet; thence run South 67 degrees 49 minutes 18 17 seconds East perpendicular to the West 18 Right-of-Way line a distance of 105.82 feet to 19 the intersection with the West Right-of-Way 20 line of County Road No. 347; thence run 21 Southwesterly to the intersection of said 22 Westerly line of County Road No. 347 to the 23 intersection of said line with the centerline 24 of State Road No. 24; thence run Northeasterly 25 along the centerline of State Road No. 24 to 26 Point "A" as referenced hereinabove; thence run 27 South 36 degrees 38 minutes 46 seconds East to 28 the Point of Beginning. 29 30 Together with the following described parcels 31 of land: 4 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 2015 590-112-97 1 2 Parcel A: (96/227) 3 4 That part of the Southwest Quarter of Section 5 9, Township 15 South, Range 13 East, 6 particularly described as follows, to-wit: 7 8 Commence at the Southwest corner of Section 9, 9 Township 15 South, Range 13 East for a point of 10 reference; thence run South 89 degrees 32 11 minutes 55 seconds East along the South line of 12 said Section 9 a distance of 291.56 feet to an 13 intersection with the centerline of County Road 14 No. 347; thence run North 18 degrees 24 minutes 15 19 seconds East along the said centerline a 16 distance of 221.24 feet to an intersection with 17 a curve concave to the Northeast, having a 18 radius of 5,729.58 feet and a central angle of 19 03 degrees 46 minutes 23 seconds; thence run 20 Northeasterly along the arc of said curve a 21 distance of 377.50 feet to the point of tangent 22 of said curve; thence run North 22 degrees 10 23 minutes 42 seconds East along the said 24 centerline a distance of 2,127.25 feet; thence 25 run North 67 degrees 49 minutes 18 seconds West 26 perpendicular to the said centerline a distance 27 of 50 feet to an intersection with the West 28 Right-of-Way line of said County Road No. 347 29 to establish the Point of Beginning; from said 30 Point of Beginning, thence run South 22 degrees 31 10 minutes 42 seconds West along the said West 5 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 2015 590-112-97 1 Right-of-Way line a distance of 50 feet; thence 2 run North 67 degrees 49 minutes 18 seconds West 3 perpendicular to said West Right-of-Way line a 4 distance of 105.82 feet; thence run North 22 5 degrees 10 minutes 42 seconds East parallel to 6 said County Road No. 347 a distance of 100 7 feet; thence run South 67 degrees 49 minutes 18 8 seconds East perpendicular to the said West 9 Right-of-Way line a distance of 105.82 feet to 10 an intersection with the West Right-of-Way line 11 of said County Road No. 347; thence run South 12 22 degrees 10 minutes 42 seconds West along the 13 said West Right-of-Way line a distance of 50 14 feet to the Point of Beginning. 15 16 Parcel B: (96/232) 17 18 Begin at the Northeast corner of Section 17, 19 Township 15 South, Range 13 East and thence run 20 West along the North line of said Section 17 a 21 distance of 660 feet; thence run South 660 22 feet; thence run East 660 feet to a point in 23 the East line of said Section 17; thence run 24 North 660 feet to the Point of Beginning. 25 26 and (109/617) 27 28 That part of the Northeast Quarter of the 29 Northeast Quarter of Section 17, Township 15 30 South, Range 13 East, being more particularly 31 described as follows, to-wit: 6 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 2015 590-112-97 1 2 Commence at the Northeast corner of said 3 Section 17 for a point of reference; thence run 4 South 00 degrees 29 minutes 38 seconds West 5 along the East line of said Northeast Quarter 6 of the Northeast Quarter of Section 17 a 7 distance of 580.51 feet to a concrete monument 8 on the North Right-of-Way line of a 66.00 foot 9 road; thence run North 72 degrees 00 minutes 22 10 seconds West along the North line of said 66.00 11 foot road a distance of 228.38 feet to a 12 concrete monument; thence run North 83 degrees 13 03 minutes 22 seconds West along the North line 14 of said 66.00 foot road to a concrete monument 15 set on said North Right-of-Way line a distance 16 of 444.99 feet to establish the Point of 17 Beginning. From said Point of Beginning, run 18 North 00 degrees 29 minutes 38 seconds East 19 parallel with the East line of said Northeast 20 Quarter of the Northeast Quarter a distance of 21 461.94 feet; thence run North 89 degrees 30 22 minutes 20 seconds West along the North line of 23 said Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter 24 a distance of 320 feet; thence run 25 Southeasterly a distance of 500 feet, more or 26 less, to a point in the North Right-of-Way line 27 of said 66.00 foot road, which point is South 28 83 degrees 03 minutes 22 seconds East a 29 distance of 110 feet from the Point of 30 Beginning; thence run South 83 degrees 03 31 minutes 22 seconds East along the North line of 7 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 2015 590-112-97 1 said 66.00 foot road a distance of 110 feet to 2 the Point of Beginning. 3 4 and (109/619) 5 6 Together with a perpetual easement and right-of-way for 7 road, passageway, and public utilities on, over, and along 8 that certain strip, piece, and parcel of land 66.00 feet wide 9 situate and being in the County of Levy, State of Florida, 10 particularly described as follows, to-wit: 11 12 That part of the Northeast Quarter of the 13 Northeast Quarter of Section 17, Township 15 14 South, Range 13 East, further described as: 15 16 Commence at the Northeast corner of said 17 Section 17 for a point of reference; thence run 18 South 00 degrees 29 minutes 38 seconds West 19 along the East line of said Northeast Quarter 20 of the Northeast Quarter of Section 17 a 21 distance of 580.51 feet to a concrete monument 22 on the North Right-of-Way line of a 66.00 foot 23 road for the Point of Beginning. From said 24 Point of Beginning continue South 00 degrees 29 25 minutes 38 seconds West along the East line of 26 said Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter 27 of Section 17, a distance of 69.20 feet to a 28 concrete monument set on the South Right-of-Way 29 line of said 66.00 foot road; thence run North 30 72 degrees 00 minutes 22 seconds West along the 31 South line of said 66.00 foot road a distance 8 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 2015 590-112-97 1 of 242.81 feet to a concrete monument; thence 2 run North 83 degrees 03 minutes 22 seconds West 3 along the South Right-of-Way line of said 66.00 4 foot road a distance of 55.77 feet to a 5 concrete monument at the Northwesterly corner 6 of the Central Florida Electric Co-Operative, 7 Inc., Sub-station property; thence continue 8 North 83 degrees 03 minutes 22 seconds West 9 along the South Right-of-Way line of said 66.00 10 foot road a distance of 375.38 feet, to a 11 concrete monument; thence run North 00 degrees 12 29 minutes 38 seconds East parallel to the East 13 line of said Northeast Quarter of the Northeast 14 Quarter of Section 17, a distance of 66.42 feet 15 to a concrete monument set in the North line of 16 said 66.00 foot road; thence run South 83 17 degrees 03 minutes 22 seconds East a distance 18 of 444.99 feet to a concrete monument in the 19 North Right-of-Way line of said 66.00 foot 20 road; thence run South 72 degrees 00 minutes 22 21 seconds East along the North Right-of-Way line 22 a distance of 228.38 feet to a concrete 23 monument on the East line of said Northeast 24 Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of said 25 Section 17 to the Point of Beginning. 26 27 Parcel C: (96/229) 28 29 A strip of land 20 feet wide described as that 30 part of the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest 31 Quarter of Section 16, Township 15 South, Range 9 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 2015 590-112-97 1 13 East, in Levy County, Florida, being 20.00 2 feet in width and lying 10.00 feet on each side 3 of the following described centerline, to-wit: 4 5 Commence at the Northwest corner of said 6 Section 16 in Township 15 South, Range 13 East 7 for a point of reference and thence run South 8 00 degrees 29 minutes 38 seconds West, along 9 the West line of said Section 16 a distance of 10 419.60 feet to establish the Point of 11 Beginning; from the said Point of Beginning 12 thence run North 89 degrees 26 minutes 19 13 seconds East a distance of 103.96 feet to an 14 intersection with the Westerly Right-of-Way 15 line of State Road No. 347 and the point of 16 termination of the above described centerline. 17 18 and 19 20 A strip of land 40.00 feet wide described as 21 that part of the Northwest Quarter of the 22 Northwest Quarter of Section 16, Township 15 23 South, Range 13 East in Levy County, Florida, 24 being 40.00 feet in width and lying 20.00 feet 25 on each side of the following described 26 centerline, to-wit: 27 28 Commence at the Northwest corner of said 29 Section 16 in Township 15 South, Range 13 East 30 for a point of reference and thence run South 31 00 degrees 29 minutes 38 seconds West along the 10 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 2015 590-112-97 1 West line of said Section 16 a distance of 2 591.00 feet to establish the Point of 3 Beginning; from said Point of Beginning, thence 4 run South 88 degrees 34 minutes 22 seconds East 5 a distance of 47.68 feet to an intersection 6 with the Westerly Right-of-Way line of State 7 Road No. 347 and the point of termination of 8 the above described centerline. 9 10 all lying and being in Levy County, Florida. 11 12 Beginning at the Northeast corner of Section 35 13 in Township 14 South, Range 13 East and running 14 South to the Southeast corner of said Section 15 35, run thence Southwesterly to the Northeast 16 corner of W 1/2 of SW 1/4 of Section 2 in 17 Township 15 South, Range 13 East, run thence 18 South a distance of six (6) miles, more or less 19 to a point that is East of the Southern-most 20 point of the Island of Atsena Otie Key, run 21 thence West a distance of six and one quarter 22 (6 1/4 ) miles, run thence North to the 23 Northwest corner of Section 35 in Township 14 24 South, Range 12 East, run thence East along the 25 North line of Sections 35 and 36 in Township 14 26 South, Range 12 East and Sections 31, 32, 33, 27 34 and 35 in Township 14 South, Range 13 East 28 to the point of beginning. 29 Section 2. This act shall take effect upon becoming a 30 law. 31 11