Senate Bill 2024c2

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    Florida Senate - 1998           CS for CS for SB's 2024 & 2648

    By the Committees on Ways and Means; Natural Resources; and
    Senators Latvala and Laurent


  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to the Florida Forever Program;

  3         creating s. 259.202, F.S.; providing for the

  4         Florida Forever Program Act; providing

  5         legislative findings and intent relating to the

  6         acquisition of lands for conservation,

  7         ecosystem restoration, recreation, water

  8         resource and water supply development, and

  9         urban green space and recreational

10         opportunities; providing a process for

11         surplusing Florida Forever lands; authorizing

12         the sale of up to $3 billion in bonds to

13         implement the Florida Forever Program;

14         providing for alternatives to fee simple

15         acquisitions, providing a limitation on such

16         acquisitions; providing a funding mechanism for

17         the State Lands Management Trust Fund, which is

18         to be created by general law; providing for the

19         continuation of existing debt service payments

20         for prior bond issues; providing uses for the

21         State Lands Management Trust Fund; creating the

22         Preservation 2000 Program Review Study

23         Commission; providing for membership of the

24         commission and its duties; requiring a report;

25         providing an appropriation; amending s.

26         259.032, F.S.; revising eligibility

27         requirements for payments in lieu of taxes;

28         providing for payments in lieu of taxes to

29         school boards, as well as to Glades County to

30         compensate the county for its tax loss due to

31         the opening of a prison; amending s. 259.041,


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  1         F.S.; authorizing the Division of State Lands

  2         to use appraisal reports provided by nonprofit

  3         organizations or public agencies; amending s.

  4         259.101, F.S.; requiring the Department of

  5         Environmental Protection to fund certain fixed

  6         capital outlay projects; requiring the

  7         Southwest Florida Water Management District to

  8         fund water supply development activities;

  9         providing a limitation and requirements;

10         requiring the South Florida Water Management

11         District to fund Everglades restoration;

12         requiring an extraordinary vote of the Board of

13         Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund

14         before an acquisition may be made in a county

15         having more than 35 percent of its lands in

16         public ownership; providing a limitation on the

17         acquisition of projects using less than fee

18         acquisition alternatives; delaying the

19         redistribution of certain funds; revising

20         accounting procedures relating to a

21         redistribution of certain Preservation 2000

22         moneys; amending s. 373.59, F.S.; revising

23         eligibility requirements for payments in lieu

24         of taxes; providing for payments in lieu of

25         taxes to school boards; authorizing the Board

26         of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust

27         Fund to transfer specified lands to Walton

28         County at a specified price, providing

29         limitations on the use of those lands; amending

30         s. 253.82, F.S.; providing for all

31         transportation easements acquired under the


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  1         Murphy Act to be conveyed to the Department of

  2         Transportation or the governmental entity

  3         currently having title to the adjacent roadway;

  4         requiring the establishment of a procedure for

  5         review of deeds containing transportation

  6         reservations acquired under the Murphy Act;

  7         setting requirements for the review process;

  8         providing for compensation of certain property

  9         owners when the reservation denies current

10         economic use of the property; providing for

11         mediation or arbitration; amending ss. 712.04,

12         712.05, F.S.; providing for the release of

13         certain easements held by governmental

14         entities; providing for preservation of certain

15         road easement reservations pursuant to a road

16         project scheduled to begin within a specified

17         period; amending s. 201.15, F.S.; revising the

18         amounts of tax revenues to be distributed for

19         debt service on the Preservation 2000 Program

20         and the Florida Forever Program; providing an

21         effective date.


23  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


25         Section 1.  Section 259.202, Florida Statutes, is

26  created to read:

27         259.202  The Florida Forever Program Act.--

28         (1)  This section may be cited as the "Florida Forever

29  Program Act."

30         (2)  The Legislature finds and declares that:



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  1         (a)  The alteration and development of Florida's

  2  natural areas to accommodate its rapidly growing population

  3  have contributed to the degradation of water resources, the

  4  fragmentation and destruction of wildlife habitats, the loss

  5  of outdoor recreation space, and the diminishment of wetlands,

  6  forests, and public beaches.

  7         (b)  The potential development of Florida's remaining

  8  natural areas and escalation of land values require a

  9  continuation of government efforts to restore, bring under

10  public protection, or acquire lands and water areas to

11  preserve the state's invaluable quality of life.

12         (c)  Florida's ground waters, surface waters, and

13  springs are under tremendous pressure due to population growth

14  and economic expansion and require special protection and

15  restoration efforts. To ensure that sufficient quantities of

16  water are available to meet the current and future

17  reasonable-beneficial uses and needs of the natural systems,

18  and to assist in achieving the planning goals of the

19  department and the water management districts, water resource

20  development projects on public lands, where compatible with

21  the resource values of and management objectives for such

22  lands, are appropriate. All lands acquired in the future under

23  the Florida Forever Program and other state land acquisition

24  programs may be used for water supply and water resource

25  development projects compatible with their resource values and

26  management objectives. Funds provided under the Florida

27  Forever Program shall not be used for the construction of

28  wells or pipeline facilities. As used in this legislation,

29  multiple use also includes public recreation, water supply,

30  water resource development projects, and sustainable forestry

31  management, where appropriate. As provided herein, permittable


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  1  water resource development and water supply development

  2  projects may be allowed subject to complying with the

  3  following: compliance with the established minimum flows and

  4  levels, if any, for those waters potentially affected by the

  5  project; compliance with all conditions for the issuance of

  6  permits under part II of chapter 373; and consistency with the

  7  Regional Water Supply Plan of the water management district,

  8  if any.

  9         (d)  The availability of public hunting lands is being

10  reduced as more landowners are leasing their lands for private

11  hunting. Additional emphasis should be placed on the

12  acquisition and management of lands that will be open for

13  appropriate public hunting and wildlife management strategies.

14         (e)  The needs of urban Florida for high-quality

15  outdoor recreational opportunities, greenways, trails, and

16  open space have not been fully met by previous acquisition

17  programs. Through such programs as the Florida Communities

18  Trust, the state shall place additional emphasis and increase

19  funding for acquiring, protecting, preserving, and restoring

20  open space, greenways and trails, and recreation properties

21  within urban areas where pristine natural communities or water

22  bodies no longer exist because of their proximity to developed

23  property.

24         (f)  Access to public lands to support a broad range of

25  outdoor recreational opportunities and the development of

26  necessary infrastructure, where compatible with the resource

27  values of and management objectives for such lands, promotes

28  an appreciation for Florida's natural assets and improves the

29  quality of life.

30         (g)  Acquisition of lands, in fee simple or in any

31  lesser interest, should be based on a comprehensive assessment


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  1  of Florida's natural resources and planned so as to protect

  2  the integrity of ecological systems and to provide multiple

  3  benefits, including preservation of fish and wildlife habitat,

  4  recreation space for urban as well as rural areas, and water

  5  recharge.

  6         (h)  The acquisition of lands needed to complete

  7  projects undertaken under the Preservation 2000 program should

  8  be emphasized, to enhance management efficiency and protect

  9  extensive natural areas.

10         (i)  Public agencies or other entities that receive

11  funds under this act are encouraged to better coordinate their

12  expenditures so that project acquisitions, when combined with

13  acquisitions under the Preservation 2000, Save Our Rivers, the

14  Florida Communities Trust, and other public land acquisition

15  programs, will form more complete patterns of protection for

16  natural areas and functioning ecosystems, to better accomplish

17  the intent of the Florida Forever Act.

18         (j)  A long-term financial commitment to managing

19  Florida's public lands must accompany any new land acquisition

20  program to ensure that the natural resource values of such

21  lands are protected, that the public has the opportunity to

22  enjoy the lands to their fullest potential, and that the state

23  achieves the full benefits of its investment of public

24  dollars.

25         (k)  Many of Florida's unique ecosystems such as the

26  Florida Everglades are facing ecological collapse due to

27  Florida's burgeoning population. To preserve these valuable

28  ecosystems for future generations, parcels of land must be

29  acquired to facilitate ecosystem restoration.

30         (l)  An assessment of appropriate management strategies

31  for Florida Forever acquisitions should be completed early in


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  1  the acquisition process and should emphasize the development

  2  of a management prospectus detailing the management goals for

  3  the property; the conditions that will affect the intensity of

  4  management; an estimate of the revenue-generating potential of

  5  the property, if appropriate; a timetable for implementing the

  6  various stages of management and for providing access to the

  7  public, if applicable; provisions for protecting existing

  8  infrastructure and for ensuring the security of the project

  9  upon acquisition; the anticipated costs of management and

10  projected sources of revenue; and other information as

11  required pursuant to s. 259.032(9)(b)1. prior to the

12  acquisition of a project.

13         (3)(a)  Any lands acquired pursuant to this program,

14  where title is vested in the Board of Trustees of the Internal

15  Improvement Trust Fund, may be disposed of by the board in

16  accordance with the procedures set forth in s. 253.034(6).

17  Lands whose titles vest in a water management district

18  governing board may be disposed of by the owning water

19  management district in accordance with the procedures set

20  forth in ss. 373.056 and 373.089. All agencies that hold title

21  to lands acquired under the Florida Forever Program shall

22  biennially evaluate their inventory of such lands to determine

23  whether any of the properties are suitable for surplus.

24         (b)  Lands determined to be surplus pursuant to this

25  subsection shall be sold for fair market value, except that

26  the price of lands sold as surplus to a local government shall

27  not exceed the price paid by the state or a water management

28  district to originally acquire the lands and such lands shall

29  be used for public purposes.

30         (c)  Before land can be determined to be of no further

31  benefit to the public as required by s. 253.034(6), or to be


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  1  no longer required for its purposes under s. 373.056(4), there

  2  shall first be a determination by the Land Acquisition and

  3  Management Advisory Council that such land no longer needs to

  4  be preserved in furtherance of the intent of the Florida

  5  Forever Program Act.

  6         1.  For lands proposed for surplus within the original

  7  project boundaries or the core parcel there must be a finding

  8  by the council that the land has no unique or high-quality

  9  natural resources, is of low natural resource values, as

10  determined by a biological assessment or survey conducted by

11  the Florida Natural Areas Inventory or its successor, or is of

12  lower natural resource values than the land proposed to be

13  purchased with the proceeds from its sale. The board of

14  trustees shall review and approve or deny surplusing decisions

15  pursuant to this subparagraph.

16         2.  For lands proposed for surplus located outside the

17  original project boundary the council shall presume that the

18  lands are to be surplused unless:

19         a.  A biological assessment or survey conducted by the

20  Florida Natural Areas Inventory or its successor has

21  determined that the lands are of such quality that surplusing

22  should not be approved; or

23         b.  The lead managing agency can provide sufficient

24  evidence that the loss of such lands would substantially harm

25  the purposes for which the land was purchased.

26         3.  Decisions regarding surplusing pursuant to

27  subparagraph 2. shall be reviewed and approved or denied by

28  the board of trustees.

29         (d)  Requests for surplusing may be made by any public

30  or private entity or person. All requests are to be submitted

31  to the lead managing agency for review and recommendation to


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  1  the council. Lead managing agencies shall have 90 days to

  2  review such requests and make recommendations. Any surplusing

  3  requests that have not been acted upon within the requirements

  4  of this paragraph shall be immediately scheduled for hearing

  5  at the next regularly scheduled council meeting.

  6         (e)  Notwithstanding paragraphs (a)-(c), no such

  7  disposition of land shall be made if such disposition would

  8  have the effect of causing all or any portion of the interest

  9  on any revenue bonds issued to fund the Florida Forever

10  Program Act to lose the exclusion from gross income for

11  purposes of federal income taxation. Any revenue derived from

12  the disposal of such lands may not be used for any purpose

13  except for deposit into the Florida Forever Trust Fund, the

14  Water Management Lands Trust Fund, or the appropriate local

15  government trust fund, depending on the entity that held title

16  to the land, for the acquisition of new lands which meet the

17  criteria pursuant to this section.

18         (f)  Lands identified as suitable for surplus shall

19  first be offered to local governmental entities for a period

20  of 90 days. Local governmental uses for such surplus lands may

21  include public schools, public libraries, fire or law

22  enforcement substations, and recreational centers. Local

23  governmental requests for surplus lands shall be expedited

24  throughout the surplusing process. State agencies shall have

25  the subsequent opportunity to acquire the surplus lands for a

26  period not to exceed 30 days after the offer to local

27  governments expires. Surplus properties in which governmental

28  agencies have expressed no interest shall then be available

29  for sale on the private market.

30         Section 2.  The Legislature finds that the sale of

31  bonds to implement the Florida Forever Program is an


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  1  appropriate mechanism to meet the needs of future generations

  2  to enjoy the outdoors and natural resources of Florida forever

  3  and intends that the sale of up to $3 billion in bonds be

  4  authorized over the 10-year period beginning July 1, 2001, and

  5  ending July 1, 2010.

  6         Section 3.  The Legislature finds that, with the

  7  increasing pressures on the natural areas of this state, the

  8  state must develop creative techniques to maximize the use of

  9  acquisition and management moneys. The Legislature also finds

10  that the state's environmental land-buying agencies should be

11  encouraged to augment their traditional, fee simple

12  acquisition programs with the use of alternatives to fee

13  simple acquisition techniques. The Legislature also finds that

14  using alternatives to fee simple acquisition by public

15  land-buying agencies will achieve the following public policy

16  goals:

17         (1)  Allow more lands to be brought under public

18  protection for preservation, conservation, and recreational

19  purposes at less expense using public funds.

20         (2)  Retain, on local government tax rolls, some

21  portion of or interest in lands which are under public

22  protection.

23         (3)  Reduce long-term management costs by allowing

24  private property owners to continue acting as stewards of the

25  land, where appropriate.


27  Florida Forever projects to be acquired using alternatives to

28  fee simple acquisition, after meeting applicable selection

29  criteria, shall be ranked based on price, with the highest

30  priority given to projects for which the sellers are willing

31  to accept the greatest reduction below the appraised value of


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  1  the property. However, no projects using alternatives to fee

  2  simple acquisition may be undertaken if the purchase price

  3  exceeds two-thirds of the project's appraised value.

  4         Section 4.  The Legislature finds that sufficient funds

  5  must be made available for management, maintenance, capital

  6  improvements, and protection of lands acquired through the

  7  Florida Forever and Preservation 2000 programs and other

  8  programs for the acquisition of lands for conservation and

  9  recreation. Therefore, effective July 1, 2000, new funds, not

10  including bond proceeds, which are credited to the

11  Conservation and Recreation Lands Trust Fund created pursuant

12  to section 259.032(2)(a), Florida Statutes, and the Water

13  Management Lands Trust Fund created pursuant to section

14  373.59(1), Florida Statutes, after payment of debt service

15  requirements for prior bond issues, shall be transferred to

16  the State Lands Management Trust Fund which is to be created

17  pursuant to general law. Moneys in the State Lands Management

18  Trust Fund shall be used for management, maintenance, and

19  capital improvements on recreation, conservation,

20  environmental, or water management lands, including, but not

21  limited to, those lands acquired with funds from the

22  Conservation and Recreation Lands Trust Fund, the Preservation

23  2000 Trust Fund, the Water Management Lands Trust Fund, or the

24  Water Resources Development Account. The trust funds may also

25  be used for water supply development and fixed capital outlay

26  projects to implement approved Surface Water Improvement and

27  Management plans. Up to 1.5 percent of the total deposits ever

28  deposited into the Water Resources Development Account, the

29  Conservation and Recreation Lands Trust Fund, the Water

30  Management Lands Trust Fund, the Preservation 2000 Trust Fund,

31  and the Florida Forever Trust Fund shall be reserved annually


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  1  in the State Lands Management Trust Fund for management,

  2  maintenance, and capital improvements on eligible lands.

  3         Section 5.  Preservation 2000 Program Review Study

  4  Commission.--

  5         (1)(a)  There is created the Preservation 2000 Program

  6  Review Study Commission consisting of 15 members. The Governor

  7  shall appoint five members of the commission. The President of

  8  the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives

  9  each shall appoint five members, three of whom must be

10  legislative members. The membership of the commission shall

11  reflect a broad range of interests, including legislative

12  interests and expertise related to land restoration,

13  acquisition, and management, including, but not limited to,

14  persons with training in hydrogeology, wildlife biology,

15  engineering, real estate, and forestry management, and persons

16  with substantial expertise representing environmental

17  interests; agricultural and silvicultural interests; outdoor

18  recreational interests; and land development interests. Each

19  appointing authority shall consider gender and racial balance

20  in addition to particular expertise when making appointments.

21         (b)  Each member of the commission may receive per diem

22  and expenses for travel, as provided in section 112.061,

23  Florida Statutes, while carrying out the official business of

24  the commission. No person who is or has been a lobbyist as

25  defined in section 112.3148, Florida Statutes, at any time

26  during the 24 months preceding the nomination with any entity

27  whose interests could be affected by recommendations of the

28  commission, shall be appointed.

29         (c)  The commission is assigned, for administrative

30  purposes, to the Department of Environmental Protection.



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  1         (d)  Appointments must be made by September 15, 1998,

  2  and the commission's first meeting must be held by October 15,

  3  1998. The commission shall exist until August 31, 1999. The

  4  Study Commission shall designate which of its members will

  5  chair the commission.

  6         (2)  The study commission shall develop information and

  7  recommendations based on its critical review and evaluation of

  8  the Preservation 2000 Program that will assist the Legislature

  9  in implementing the Florida Forever Act by determining:

10         (a)  Appropriate modifications and funding levels for

11  the program or a similarly constituted program after June 30,

12  2000, especially for funding additional emphasis on open space

13  and recreation in urban areas.

14         (b)  Appropriate changes in legislative policies for

15  managing conservation lands purchased with bond proceeds,

16  including, but not limited to:

17         1.  Multiple uses of such lands;

18         2.  Use for water supply purposes;

19         3.  Use of state funds for management to assist local

20  governments in managing lands purchased for conservation and

21  recreation;

22         4.  Use of state funds for management for exotic plant

23  control; and

24         5.  Appropriate levels of funding to be allocated for

25  management of lands and the development of management plans.

26         (c)  Appropriate circumstances for declaring lands to

27  be surplus and returning them to private or public use.

28         (d)  Appropriate changes in legislative policies for

29  providing payment in lieu of taxes to local governments where

30  substantial public lands are removed from local tax rolls.



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  1         (e)  Appropriate changes in legislative policies for

  2  the acquisition of inholdings and additions to lands in state

  3  ownership.

  4         (f)  Appropriate changes in legislative policies

  5  relating to the involvement of local governments in

  6  acquisition decisions for purchases within their boundaries,

  7  including the possibility of allowing local governments to

  8  have veto power over acquisitions in their jurisdiction where

  9  public land ownership accounts for over 35 percent of the tax

10  roll.

11         (g)  Appropriate strategies for evaluating the state's

12  progress in the acquisition of conservation and recreation

13  lands, to be based, in part, on a review of the "Florida

14  Preservation 2000 Needs and Priorities Addendum Report"

15  published by the department in December 1997.

16         (h)  Appropriate changes in legislative policies

17  relating to land acquisition procedures.

18         (i)  Appropriate changes in legislative policies

19  relating to funding categories to be eligible to receive bond

20  proceeds, and whether such categories should receive annual

21  allocations for each year of the funding program.

22         (j)  Appropriate changes in legislative policies

23  relating to the use of the moneys for the funding of

24  alternative water supply projects by local governments and

25  regional water supply authorities, including the extent to

26  which these funds are to be matched.

27         (3)  The Preservation 2000 Program Review Study

28  Commission shall submit a report of its findings and

29  recommendations to the Governor, the President of the Senate,

30  and the Speaker of the House of Representatives by September

31  1, 1999.


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  1         (4)  There is hereby appropriated $75,000 to the

  2  Department of Environmental Protection from the Water

  3  Management Lands Trust Fund for fiscal year 1998-1999 to fund

  4  the activities of the study commission. Staff service needs of

  5  the study commission shall be provided primarily by the

  6  Department of Environmental Protection with staff assistance

  7  also provided by other agencies that have received funding

  8  from the Preservation 2000 Program.

  9         Section 6.  Subsection (12) of section 259.032, Florida

10  Statutes, is amended to read:

11         259.032  Conservation and Recreation Lands Trust Fund;

12  purpose.--

13         (12)(a)  Beginning in fiscal year 1994-1995, not more

14  than 3.75 percent of the Conservation and Recreation Lands

15  Trust Fund shall be made available annually to the department

16  for payment in lieu of taxes to qualifying counties, cities,

17  and local governments as defined in paragraph (b) for all

18  actual tax losses incurred as a result of board of trustees

19  acquisitions for state agencies under the Florida Preservation

20  2000 Program and the Florida Forever Program during any year.

21  Reserved funds not used for payments in lieu of taxes in any

22  year shall revert to the fund to be used for land acquisition

23  in accordance with the provisions of this section.

24         (b)  Payment in lieu of taxes shall be available:

25         1.  To counties which levy an ad valorem tax of at

26  least 8.25 mills or the amount of the tax loss from all

27  completed Preservation 2000 and Florida Forever acquisitions

28  in the county exceeds 0.01 percent of the county's total

29  taxable value, and have a population of 100,000 75,000 or

30  less.



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  1         2.  To counties with a population of less than 100,000

  2  which contain all or a portion of an area of critical state

  3  concern designated pursuant to chapter 380 and to local

  4  governments within such counties.

  5         3.  To school boards in counties with a population of

  6  100,000 or less which levy the maximum millage pursuant to s.

  7  236.25(1) and (2).

  8         4.3.  For the 1997-1998 fiscal year only, and

  9  Notwithstanding the limitations of paragraph (a), to Glades

10  County, where a privately owned and operated prison leased to

11  the state has been opened within the last 2 years for which no

12  other state moneys have been allocated to the county to offset

13  ad valorem revenues. This subparagraph expires July 1, 1998.


15  For the purposes of this paragraph, "local government"

16  includes municipalities, the county school board, mosquito

17  control districts, and any other local government entity which

18  levies ad valorem taxes, with the exception of a water

19  management district.

20         (c)  Payment in lieu of taxes shall be available to any

21  city which has a population of 10,000 or less and which levies

22  an ad valorem tax of at least 8.25 mills or the amount of the

23  tax loss from all completed Preservation 2000 and Florida

24  Forever acquisitions in the city exceeds 0.01 percent of the

25  city's total taxable value.

26         (d)  If insufficient funds are available in any year to

27  make full payments to all qualifying counties, cities, school

28  districts, and local governments, such counties, cities,

29  school districts, and local governments shall receive a pro

30  rata share of the moneys available.



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  1         (e)  The payment amount shall be based on the average

  2  amount of actual taxes paid on the property for the 3 years

  3  preceding acquisition. Applications for payment in lieu of

  4  taxes shall be made no later than January 31 of the year

  5  following acquisition. No payment in lieu of taxes shall be

  6  made for properties which were exempt from ad valorem taxation

  7  for the year immediately preceding acquisition.  If property

  8  which was subject to ad valorem taxation was acquired by a

  9  tax-exempt entity for ultimate conveyance to the state under

10  this chapter, payment in lieu of taxes shall be made for such

11  property based upon the average amount of taxes paid on the

12  property for the 3 years prior to its being removed from the

13  tax rolls. The department shall certify to the Department of

14  Revenue those properties that may be eligible under this

15  provision.  Payment in lieu of taxes shall be limited to a

16  total of 15 10 consecutive years of annual payments, beginning

17  the year a local government becomes eligible.

18         (f)  Payment in lieu of taxes pursuant to this

19  paragraph shall be made annually to qualifying counties,

20  cities, school districts, and local governments after

21  certification by the Department of Revenue that the amounts

22  applied for are reasonably appropriate, based on the amount of

23  actual taxes paid on the eligible property, and after the

24  Department of Environmental Protection has provided supporting

25  documents to the Comptroller and has requested that payment be

26  made in accordance with the requirements of this section.

27         (g)  If the board of trustees conveys to a local

28  government title to any land owned by the board, any payments

29  in lieu of taxes on the land made to the local government

30  shall be discontinued as of the date of the conveyance.



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  1         Section 7.  Paragraph (f) is added to subsection (7) of

  2  section 259.041, Florida Statutes, to read:

  3         259.041  Acquisition of state-owned lands for

  4  preservation, conservation, and recreation purposes.--

  5         (7)  Prior to approval by the board of trustees or,

  6  when applicable, the Department of Environmental Protection,

  7  of any agreement to purchase land pursuant to this chapter,

  8  chapter 260, or chapter 375, and prior to negotiations with

  9  the parcel owner to purchase any other land, title to which

10  will vest in the board of trustees, an appraisal of the parcel

11  shall be required as follows:

12         (f)  The Division of State Lands may use, as its own,

13  appraisals obtained by a public agency or nonprofit

14  organization, provided that the appraiser is selected from the

15  division's list of appraisers and the appraisal is reviewed

16  and approved by the division. For the purposes of this

17  chapter, the term "nonprofit organization" means an

18  organization whose purposes include the preservation of

19  natural resources and which is exempt from federal income tax

20  under s. 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

21         Section 8.  Paragraphs (a) and (b) of subsection (3) of

22  section 259.101, Florida Statutes, are amended, paragraph (h)

23  is added to subsection (4) of that section, and subsection (9)

24  of that section is amended to read:

25         259.101  Florida Preservation 2000 Act.--


27  costs of issuance, the costs of funding reserve accounts, and

28  other costs with respect to the bonds, the proceeds of bonds

29  issued pursuant to this act shall be deposited into the

30  Florida Preservation 2000 Trust Fund created by s. 375.045.

31  Ten percent of the proceeds of any bonds deposited into the


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  1  Preservation 2000 Trust Fund shall be distributed by the

  2  Department of Environmental Protection to the Department of

  3  Environmental Protection for the purchase by the South Florida

  4  Water Management District of lands in Dade, Broward, and Palm

  5  Beach Counties identified in s. 7, chapter 95-349, Laws of

  6  Florida. This distribution shall apply for any bond issue for

  7  the 1995-1996 fiscal year. For the 1997-1998 fiscal year only,

  8  $20 million per year from the proceeds of any bonds deposited

  9  into the Florida Preservation 2000 Trust Fund shall be

10  distributed by the Department of Environmental Protection to

11  the St. Johns Water Management District for the purchase of

12  lands necessary to restore Lake Apopka. The remaining proceeds

13  shall be distributed by the Department of Environmental

14  Protection in the following manner:

15         (a)  Fifty percent to the Department of Environmental

16  Protection for the purchase of public lands as described in s.

17  259.032.  Of this 50 percent, at least one-fifth shall be used

18  for the acquisition of coastal lands and one-tenth may be used

19  for fixed capital outlay projects to benefit lands acquired

20  for conservation and recreation.

21         (b)  Thirty percent to the Department of Environmental

22  Protection for the purchase of water management lands pursuant

23  to s. 373.59, to be distributed among the water management

24  districts as provided in that section. The Southwest Florida

25  Water Management District must use at least 20 percent of its

26  annual allocation for water supply development activities.

27  However, such water supply development activities shall not

28  include the construction of wellfields or distribution

29  facilities. Whenever a water management district considers the

30  purchase of lands for water supply purposes, it must establish

31  as a priority the development of minimum flows and levels for


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  1  those lands pursuant to s. 373.042. The South Florida Water

  2  Management District must use at least 20 percent of its annual

  3  allocation for Everglades restoration activities. Funds

  4  received by each district may also be used for acquisition of

  5  lands necessary to implement surface water improvement and

  6  management plans approved in accordance with s. 373.456 or for

  7  acquisition of lands necessary to implement the Everglades

  8  Construction Project authorized by s. 373.4592.


10  Local governments may use federal grants or loans, private

11  donations, or environmental mitigation funds, including

12  environmental mitigation funds required pursuant to s.

13  338.250, for any part or all of any local match required for

14  the purposes described in this subsection.  Bond proceeds

15  allocated pursuant to paragraph (c) may be used to purchase

16  lands on the priority lists developed pursuant to s. 259.035.

17  Title to lands purchased pursuant to paragraphs (a), (d), (e),

18  (f), and (g) shall be vested in the Board of Trustees of the

19  Internal Improvement Trust Fund, except that title to lands,

20  or rights or interests therein, acquired by either the

21  Southwest Florida Water Management District or the St. Johns

22  River Water Management District in furtherance of the Green

23  Swamp Land Authority's mission pursuant to s. 380.0677(3),

24  shall be vested in the district where the acquisition project

25  is located.  Title to lands purchased pursuant to paragraph

26  (c) may be vested in the Board of Trustees of the Internal

27  Improvement Trust Fund, except that title to lands, or rights

28  or interests therein, acquired by either the Southwest Florida

29  Water Management District or the St. Johns River Water

30  Management District in furtherance of the Green Swamp Land

31  Authority's mission pursuant to s. 380.0677(3), shall be


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  1  vested in the district where the acquisition project is

  2  located.  This subsection is repealed effective October 1,

  3  2000. Prior to repeal, the Legislature shall review the

  4  provisions scheduled for repeal and shall determine whether to

  5  reenact or modify the provisions or to take no action.

  6         (4)  PROJECT CRITERIA.--

  7         (h)  In recognition that the state's land acquisition

  8  programs may have a disproportionate impact on some counties,

  9  no additional acquisition under the Preservation 2000 Program

10  may be undertaken in a county having more than 35 percent of

11  its land in public ownership without the approval of at least

12  five members of the Board of Trustees of the Internal

13  Improvement Trust Fund.

14         (9)(a)  The Legislature finds that, with the increasing

15  pressures on the natural areas of this state, the state must

16  develop creative techniques to maximize the use of acquisition

17  and management moneys.  The Legislature also finds that the

18  state's environmental land-buying agencies should be

19  encouraged to augment their traditional, fee simple

20  acquisition programs with the use of alternatives to fee

21  simple acquisition techniques.  The Legislature also finds

22  that using alternatives to fee simple acquisition by public

23  land-buying agencies will achieve the following public policy

24  goals:

25         1.  Allow more lands to be brought under public

26  protection for preservation, conservation, and recreational

27  purposes at less expense using public funds.

28         2.  Retain, on local government tax rolls, some portion

29  of or interest in lands which are under public protection.




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  1         3.  Reduce long-term management costs by allowing

  2  private property owners to continue acting as stewards of the

  3  land, where appropriate.


  5  Therefore, it is the intent of the Legislature that public

  6  land-buying agencies develop programs to pursue alternatives

  7  to fee simple acquisition and to educate private landowners

  8  about such alternatives and the benefits of such alternatives.

  9  It also is the intent of the Legislature that the department

10  and the water management districts spend a portion of their

11  shares of Preservation 2000 bond proceeds to purchase eligible

12  properties using alternatives to fee simple acquisition.

13  Finally, it is the intent of the Legislature that public

14  agencies acquire lands in fee simple for public access and

15  recreational activities.  Lands protected using alternatives

16  to fee simple acquisition techniques shall not be accessible

17  to the public unless such access is negotiated with and agreed

18  to by the private landowners who retain interests in such

19  lands.

20         (b)  Projects to be acquired using alternatives to fee

21  simple acquisition, after meeting applicable selection

22  criteria, shall be ranked based on price, with the highest

23  priority given to projects for which the sellers are willing

24  to accept the greatest reduction below the appraised value of

25  the property. However, no projects using alternatives to fee

26  simple acquisition may be undertaken if the purchase price

27  exceeds two-thirds of the project's appraised value.

28         (c)(b)  The Land Acquisition Advisory Council and the

29  water management districts shall identify, within their 1997

30  acquisition plans, those projects which require a full fee

31  simple interest to achieve the public policy goals, along with


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  1  the reasons why full title is determined to be necessary.  The

  2  council and the water management districts may use

  3  alternatives to fee simple acquisition to bring the remaining

  4  projects in their acquisition plans under public protection.

  5  For the purposes of this subsection, the term "alternatives to

  6  fee simple acquisition" includes, but is not limited to:

  7  purchase of development rights; conservation easements;

  8  flowage easements; purchase of timber rights, mineral rights,

  9  or hunting rights; purchase of agricultural interests or

10  silvicultural interests; land protection agreements; fee

11  simple acquisitions with reservations; or any other

12  acquisition technique which achieves the public policy goals

13  listed in paragraph (a).  It is presumed that a private

14  landowner retains the full range of uses for all the rights or

15  interests in the landowner's land which are not specifically

16  acquired by the public agency.  Life estates and fee simple

17  acquisitions with leaseback provisions shall not qualify as an

18  alternative to fee simple acquisition under this subsection,

19  although the department and the districts are encouraged to

20  use such techniques where appropriate.

21         (d)(c)  Beginning in fiscal year 1996-1997, the

22  department and each water management district shall implement

23  initiatives to use alternatives to fee simple acquisition and

24  to educate private landowners about such alternatives. These

25  initiatives shall include at least two acquisitions a year by

26  the department and each water management district utilizing

27  alternatives to fee simple.

28         (e)(d)  The Legislature finds that the lack of direct

29  sales comparison information has served as an impediment to

30  successful implementation of alternatives to fee simple

31  acquisition.  It is the intent of the Legislature that, in the


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  1  absence of direct comparable sales information, appraisals of

  2  alternatives to fee simple acquisitions be based on the

  3  difference between the full fee simple valuation and the value

  4  of the interests remaining with the seller after acquisition.

  5         (f)(e)  The public agency which has been assigned

  6  management responsibility shall inspect and monitor any

  7  less-than-fee-simple interest according to the terms of the

  8  purchase agreement relating to such interest.

  9         (g)(f)1.  Pursuant to subsection (3) and beginning in

10  fiscal year 1999-2000 1998-1999, that portion of the

11  unencumbered balances of each program described in paragraphs

12  (3)(c), (d), (e), (f), and (g) which has been on deposit in

13  such program's Preservation 2000 account for more than two

14  fiscal years shall be redistributed equally to the Department

15  of Environmental Protection's Division of State Lands P-2000

16  subaccount for the purchase of state lands as described in s.

17  259.032 and the Water Management District P-2000 subaccount

18  for the purchase of water management lands pursuant to ss.

19  373.59, 373.456 and 373.4592 Conservation and Recreation Lands

20  Trust Fund and the Water Management Lands Trust Fund. For the

21  purposes of this subsection, the term "unencumbered balances"

22  means the portion of Preservation 2000 bond proceeds which is

23  not obligated through the signing of a purchase contract

24  between a public agency and a private landowner, except that

25  the program described in paragraph (3)(c) may not lose any

26  portion of its unencumbered funds which remain unobligated

27  because of extraordinary circumstances that hampered the

28  affected local governments' abilities to close on land

29  acquisition projects approved through the Florida Communities

30  Trust program.  Extraordinary circumstances shall be

31  determined by the Florida Communities Trust governing body and


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  1  may include such things as death or bankruptcy of the owner of

  2  property; a change in the land use designation of the

  3  property; natural disasters that affected a local government's

  4  ability to consummate the sales contract on such property; or

  5  any other condition that the Florida Communities Trust

  6  governing board determined to be extraordinary. The portion of

  7  the funds redistributed deposited in the Water Management

  8  District P-2000 subaccount Lands Trust Fund shall be

  9  distributed to the water management districts as provided in

10  s. 373.59(8) s. 373.59(7).

11         2.  The department and the water management districts

12  may enter into joint acquisition agreements to jointly fund

13  the purchase of lands using alternatives to fee simple

14  techniques.

15         (h)(g)  If the department or any water management

16  district is unable to spend the funds it receives pursuant to

17  paragraph (g)(f) within the same fiscal year, the unspent

18  funds shall be carried forward to the subsequent fiscal year.

19         (i)(h)  This subsection is repealed July 1 of the year

20  following the final authorization of Preservation 2000 bonds.

21         Section 9.  Subsection (14) of section 373.59, Florida

22  Statutes, is amended to read:

23         373.59  Water Management Lands Trust Fund.--

24         (14)(a)  Beginning in fiscal year 1992-1993, not more

25  than one-fourth of the land management funds provided for in

26  subsections (1) and (9) in any year shall be reserved annually

27  by a governing board, during the development of its annual

28  operating budget, for payment in lieu of taxes to qualifying

29  counties and school districts for actual ad valorem tax losses

30  incurred as a result of lands purchased with funds allocated

31  pursuant to s. 259.101(3)(b) and the Florida Forever Program.


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  1  In addition, the Northwest Florida Water Management District,

  2  the South Florida Water Management District, the Southwest

  3  Florida Water Management District, the St. Johns River Water

  4  Management District, and the Suwannee River Water Management

  5  District shall pay to qualifying counties and school districts

  6  payments in lieu of taxes for district lands acquired with

  7  funds allocated pursuant to subsection (8). Reserved funds

  8  that are not used for payment in lieu of taxes in any year

  9  shall revert to the fund to be used for management purposes or

10  land acquisition in accordance with this section.

11         (b)  Payment in lieu of taxes shall be available to

12  counties for each year in which the levy of ad valorem tax is

13  at least 8.25 mills or the amount of the tax loss from all

14  completed Preservation 2000 and Florida Forever acquisitions

15  in the county exceeds 0.01 percent of the county's total

16  taxable value, and the population is 100,000 75,000 or less

17  and to counties with a population of less than 100,000 which

18  contain all or a portion of an area of critical state concern

19  designated pursuant to chapter 380; and to school boards in

20  counties with a population of 100,000 or less which levy the

21  maximum millage pursuant to s. 236.25(1) and (2); and to

22  school boards in counties with a population of less than

23  100,000 which contain all or a portion of an area of critical

24  state concern designated pursuant to chapter 380 if such

25  school boards levy the maximum millage pursuant to s.

26  236.25(1) and (2).

27         (c)  If insufficient funds are available in any year to

28  make full payments to all qualifying counties and school

29  districts, such counties and school districts shall receive a

30  pro rata share of the moneys available.



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  1         (d)  The payment amount shall be based on the average

  2  amount of actual taxes paid on the property for the 3 years

  3  immediately preceding acquisition. For lands purchased prior

  4  to July 1, 1992, applications for payment in lieu of taxes

  5  shall be made to the districts by January 1, 1993. For lands

  6  purchased after July 1, 1992, applications for payment in lieu

  7  of taxes shall be made no later than January 31 of the year

  8  following acquisition.  No payment in lieu of taxes shall be

  9  made for properties which were exempt from ad valorem taxation

10  for the year immediately preceding acquisition.  Payment in

11  lieu of taxes shall be limited to a period of 15 10

12  consecutive years of annual payments.

13         (e)  Payment in lieu of taxes shall be made within 30

14  days after: certification by the Department of Revenue that

15  the amounts applied for are appropriate, certification by the

16  Department of Environmental Protection that funds are

17  available, and completion of any fund transfers to the

18  district. The governing board may reduce the amount of a

19  payment in lieu of taxes to any county or school district by

20  the amount of other payments, grants, or in-kind services

21  provided to that county or school district by the district

22  during the year. The amount of any reduction in payments shall

23  remain in the Water Management Lands Trust Fund for purposes

24  provided by law.

25         (f)  If a district governing board conveys to a local

26  government title to any land owned by the board, any payments

27  in lieu of taxes on the land made to the local government

28  shall be discontinued as of the date of the conveyance.

29         Section 10.  (1)  Notwithstanding section 259.101(6),

30  (7), and (8), Florida Statutes, the Board of Trustees of the

31  Internal Improvement Trust Fund may under chapters 93-184,


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  1  95-334, and 95-275, Laws of Florida, convey the lands located

  2  in Walton County specifically identified as the New Town,

  3  consistent with the Walton County Comprehensive Plan, to

  4  Walton County at a price not to exceed the price paid by the

  5  board for the lands plus any applicable interest, if the

  6  disposition of the land would not have the effect of causing

  7  all or any portion of the interest on any revenue bonds issued

  8  to fund the Florida Preservation 2000 Trust Act to lose their

  9  exclusion from gross income for purposes of federal income

10  taxation. Any revenue derived from the disposal of the lands

11  may not be used for any purpose except for deposit into the

12  Florida Preservation 2000 Trust Fund for recredit to the share

13  held under section 259.101(3), Florida Statutes, in which the

14  disposed of land is described.

15         (2)  The New Town Center shall be developed consistent

16  with the October 31, 1996, South Walton New Town Master Plan

17  of Development, incorporated in its entirety into the Walton

18  County Comprehensive Plan and Land Development Code.

19         (3)  If any lands acquired by Walton County pursuant to

20  subsection (1) are resold to private interests, they must be

21  sold at fair market value and the proceeds from such resale

22  must be used exclusively for development of the New Town

23  Center, including its infrastructure and related school

24  facilities.

25         Section 11.  Subsections (6), (7), and (8) are added to

26  section 253.82, Florida Statutes, to read:

27         253.82  Title of state or private owners to Murphy Act

28  lands.--

29         (6)(a)  All reservations of easements on deeds by the

30  Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund

31  conveying land acquired under chapter 18296, Laws of Florida,


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  1  1937, are hereby vested, by operation of law and without the

  2  necessity of instruments of conveyance from the Board of

  3  Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund, in the

  4  governmental entity having right and title to the road to

  5  which the reservations are adjacent. All reservations adjacent

  6  to a road that was designated as a state road at the time of

  7  the reservation, which road is currently held by the state,

  8  are conveyed to the Department of Transportation. All

  9  reservations adjacent to a road that was designated as a state

10  road at the time of the reservation, which road is located in

11  an unincorporated area of a county or owned by the county

12  within any incorporated area, are conveyed to the respective

13  county. Any other reservation within an incorporated area

14  adjacent to a road that was designated as a state road at the

15  time of the reservation, which reservation is not otherwise

16  conveyed to the state or the county, is conveyed to the

17  incorporated area. The conveyance includes all rights, title,

18  and interest in the reservation held by the Board of Trustees

19  of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund.

20         (b)  Each entity that holds title to Murphy Act

21  reservations must establish a procedure for reviewing any deed

22  that contains a reservation when a review is requested or a

23  road project is anticipated. The review process must provide

24  for:

25         1.  A determination of whether the language of the deed

26  created a reservation at the time of the original conveyance.

27         2.  A review of any release of the reservation provided

28  by the property owner.

29         3.  The recording of a notice of the nonexistence of a

30  reservation if reservation language in the deed does not

31  impact the property.


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  1         4.  A determination of whether any or all of the

  2  reservation may be released, and a form for recording the

  3  release.

  4         5.  A process to allow for review through mediation if

  5  requested by the property owner or through binding arbitration

  6  under chapter 44.


  8  Any fee charged may not exceed the actual cost to review the

  9  deed, perform an appeal, and pay any recording expenses. Any

10  such fee may not exceed $300.

11         (c)1.  Any owner of property encumbered by a Murphy Act

12  reservation who has been denied a release of all or part of

13  the reservation or who has received notice of a governmental

14  entity's intent to preserve the reservation under s. 712.05,

15  may appeal to the entity and show that the reservation

16  substantially denies the property owner the current economic

17  use of the property held by the owner. For purposes of this

18  determination, the term "current economic use" means the use

19  of the property on the date notice of the easement is filed

20  under s. 712.05.

21         2.  Upon a determination by the governmental entity

22  that the reservation substantially denies the property owner

23  the current economic use of the property held by the owner,

24  the governmental entity must purchase the real property and

25  improvements not retained by the property owner in fee simple

26  title or release all or part of the reservation as necessary

27  to allow for beneficial use of the property.

28         3.  If the governmental entity and property owner are

29  unable to agree as to whether the reservation substantially

30  denies the current economic use of the property or as to the



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  1  purchase price, the property owner may request mediation or

  2  binding arbitration under chapter 44 to resolve these issues.

  3         4.  Before the payment of any compensation, the

  4  property owner must provide to the governmental entity copies

  5  of any title insurance policies and notice of any compensation

  6  received from a title company with respect to the easement.

  7         (7)  The process for release of any road reservation

  8  covered by this section or payment for property impacted by

  9  the use of a reservation covered by this section shall be

10  solely in accordance with this section. Any action for the

11  taking of property related to road construction is separate

12  and distinct from an action under this section.

13         (8)  The governmental entity is not liable for

14  attorney's fees or costs incurred by the owner in establishing

15  the impact of the road reservation on the property.

16         Section 12.  Section 712.04, Florida Statutes, is

17  amended to read:

18         712.04  Interests extinguished by marketable record

19  title.--Subject to the matters stated in s. 712.03, such

20  marketable record title shall be free and clear of all

21  estates, interests, claims, or charges whatsoever, the

22  existence of which depends upon any act, title transaction,

23  event or omission that occurred prior to the effective date of

24  the root of title.  All such estates, interests, claims, or

25  charges, however denominated, whether such estates, interests,

26  claims, or charges are or appear to be held or asserted by a

27  person sui juris or under a disability, whether such person is

28  within or without the state, whether such person is natural or

29  corporate, or is private or governmental, are hereby declared

30  to be null and void, except that this chapter shall not be

31  deemed to affect any right, title, or interest of the United


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  1  States, Florida, or any of its officers, boards, commissions,

  2  or other agencies reserved in the patent or deed by which the

  3  United States, Florida, or any of its agencies parted with

  4  title. However, all reservations of easements in deeds by the

  5  Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund

  6  conveying land acquired under chapter 18296, Laws of Florida,

  7  1937, shall be extinguished by the Marketable Record Title Act

  8  on July 1, 2001, subject to the provisions of s. 712.03, and

  9  further subject to the right of any governmental entity that

10  holds title to the reservations to preserve such reservations

11  that are necessary for future transportation projects in

12  adopted transportation plans by filing notice under s. 712.05,

13  before July 1, 2001.

14         Section 13.  Subsection (3) is added to section 712.05,

15  Florida Statutes, to read:

16         712.05  Effect of filing notice.--

17         (3)  Any governmental entity that claims a road

18  reservation pursuant to a deed conveyed under the Murphy Act

19  may preserve the reservation, or any portion thereof,

20  necessary for future transportation projects in adopted

21  transportation plans and protect the reservation from

22  extinguishment by the operation of this chapter by filing for

23  record, prior to July 1, 2001, a notice, in writing, in

24  accordance with this chapter. The notice shall preserve the

25  reservation or portion thereof for 10 years following the date

26  of record if the reservation is used or identified by the

27  governmental entity in the final design plans of a road

28  project scheduled for construction to begin before the end of

29  the 10-year period. Any reservation used or identified in the

30  final design plans of a road project scheduled for



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  1  construction to begin before the end of the 10-year period is

  2  not extinguished.

  3         Section 14.  The Legislature finds that balancing

  4  property interests of private citizens and governmental

  5  entities is an important function of the Legislature.

  6  Therefore, the Legislature finds that sections 11, 12, 13, and

  7  14 of this act fulfill an important state interest.

  8         Section 15.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (1) of section

  9  201.15, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

10         201.15  Distribution of taxes collected.--All taxes

11  collected under this chapter shall be subject to the service

12  charge imposed in s. 215.20(1) and shall be distributed as

13  follows:

14         (1)  Sixty-two and sixty-three hundredths percent of

15  the remaining taxes collected under this chapter shall be used

16  for the following purposes:

17         (a)  Subject to the maximum amount limitations set

18  forth in this paragraph, an amount as shall be necessary to

19  pay the debt service on, or fund debt service reserve funds,

20  rebate obligations, or other amounts with respect to bonds

21  issued pursuant to s. 375.051 and payable from moneys

22  transferred to the Land Acquisition Trust Fund pursuant to

23  this paragraph shall be paid into the State Treasury to the

24  credit of the Land Acquisition Trust Fund to be used for such

25  purposes. The amount transferred to the Land Acquisition Trust

26  Fund shall not exceed $90 million in fiscal year 1992-1993,

27  $120 million in fiscal year 1993-1994, $150 million in fiscal

28  year 1994-1995, $180 million in fiscal year 1995-1996, $210

29  million in fiscal year 1996-1997, $240 million in fiscal year

30  1997-1998, $270 million in fiscal year 1998-1999, and $300

31  million in fiscal year 1999-2000 and thereafter. After July 1,


CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida Senate - 1998           CS for CS for SB's 2024 & 2648

  1  2000, the amount transferred for prior debt service for the

  2  Preservation 2000 Program and for new debt service for the

  3  Florida Forever Program shall not exceed $330 million in

  4  fiscal year 2000-2001, $360 million in fiscal year 2001-2002,

  5  $390 million in fiscal year 2002-2003, $420 million in fiscal

  6  year 2003-2004, $450 million in fiscal year 2004-2005, $480

  7  million in fiscal year 2005-2006, $510 million in fiscal year

  8  2006-2007, $540 million in fiscal year 2007-2008, $570 million

  9  in fiscal year 2008-2009, and $600 million in fiscal year

10  2009-2010 and thereafter. No individual series of bonds may be

11  issued pursuant to this paragraph unless the first year's debt

12  service for such bonds is specifically appropriated in the

13  General Appropriations Act. No moneys transferred to the Land

14  Acquisition Trust Fund pursuant to this paragraph, or earnings

15  thereon, shall be used or made available to pay debt service

16  on the Save Our Coast revenue bonds.

17         Section 16.  Sections 1, 2, 3, 4, and 15 of this act

18  shall take effect July 1, 2000, but only upon approval by the

19  electorate of a constitutional amendment permitting the sale

20  of bonds as provided by law for the purposes of conservation,

21  outdoor recreation, water resource development, restoration of

22  natural systems, and historic preservation, as provided in SB

23  528 or similar legislation. Otherwise, this act shall take

24  effect upon becoming a law.









CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida Senate - 1998           CS for CS for SB's 2024 & 2648

                       COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE FOR
  2                       CS/SB 2024 and 2648


  4  The committee substitute for committee substitute for senate
    bills 2024 and 2648 makes three substantial changes to the
  5  committee substitute, and several technical and clarifying
    changes. The substantial changes are these:
    1.   Language is added to emphasize the importance of
  7       establishing management strategies for lands acquired
         under the Florida Forever Program.
    2.   The uses of moneys in the State Lands Management Trust
  9       Fund are expanded, and include management, maintenance,
         and capital improvements on recreation, conservation,
10       environmental, or water management lands, including, but
         not limited to, those lands acquired with funds from the
11       Conservation and Recreation Lands Trust Fund, the
         Preservation 2000 Trust Fund, the Water Management Lands
12       Trust Fund, or the Water Resources Development Account.

13  3.   Section 210.15, F.S., is amended to authorize transfers
         for debt service from General Revenue to the Land
14       Acquisition Trust Fund for the Florida Forever Program.
         The amount subject to transfer is increased every year
15       until fiscal year 2009-2010, when it will reach its
         maximum level of $600 million, but only upon approval by
16       the electorate of a constitutional amendment permitting
         the sale of bonds as provided by law for the purposes of
17       conservation, outdoor recreation, water resource
         development, restoration of natural systems, and historic
18       preservation, as provided in SB 528 or similar












