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House Bill 2047

Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HCR 2047 By the Committee on Civil Justice & Claims and Representatives Warner, Clemons, Burroughs, Bradley, Flanagan, Byrd, Thrasher, Cosgrove and Ritter 1 House Concurrent Resolution 2 A concurrent resolution proposing the adoption 3 of Joint Rule 8, Joint Rules of the Florida 4 Legislature, relating to the Joint Legislative 5 Claims Committee. 6 7 Be It Resolved by the House of Representatives of the State of 8 Florida, the Senate Concurring: 9 10 That Joint Rule 8, Joint Rules of the Florida 11 Legislature, is hereby created to read: 12 13 Joint Rule Eight 14 Joint Legislative Claims Committee 15 16 8.1--Filing Claim Bills 17 (1) All claim bills filed in the Florida Legislature 18 shall be considered through the procedure set out in this 19 joint rule. 20 (2) Claim bills shall require only one sponsor from 21 the house of the Legislature of which the sponsor is a member 22 and shall require no companion in the other house of the 23 Legislature. 24 (3) Claim bills shall be filed with the Secretary of 25 the Senate or the Clerk of the House of Representatives, as 26 the case may be. 27 (4) Claim bills may be filed or prefiled at any time, 28 during regular or special sessions of the Legislature or 29 during the interim. 30 (5) Upon filing, each claim bill shall be immediately 31 referred to the Joint Legislative Claims Committee in 1 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HCR 2047 686-108C-97 1 accordance with the rules of the house in which the bill is 2 filed. 3 (6) Prior to the filing of a claim bill, the sponsor 4 may provide a draft of the claim to the chair of the Joint 5 Legislative Claims Committee for determination by the 6 committee as to whether the appointment of a special master is 7 required, as provided in Joint Rule 8.3. If the committee 8 determines that the appointment of a special master is 9 required, the special master may conduct the proceeding based 10 on the draft legislation. However, the committee shall not 11 act further upon the claim until the claim bill is filed and 12 referred to the committee. 13 (7) After a claim bill has been voted favorably by the 14 Joint Legislative Claims Committee, the bill shall be reported 15 to the house in which it originated for referral or 16 consideration in accordance with the rules of that house. 17 (8) Claim bills reported unfavorably shall be treated 18 as provided in the rules of the house in which the claim bill 19 was filed. 20 (9) Except as inconsistent with this joint rule, the 21 rules of the house in which the claim bill is filed shall 22 govern all proceedings involving the claim bills. 23 8.2--Appointment of Members of the Joint Legislative 24 Claims Committee 25 (1) There shall be a Joint Legislative Claims 26 Committee, the membership of which shall consist of five 27 members of the House of Representatives, at least two of which 28 shall be a member of the minority party, appointed by the 29 Speaker of the House of Representatives and five members of 30 the Senate, at least two of which shall be a member of the 31 minority party, appointed by the President of the Senate. 2 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HCR 2047 686-108C-97 1 (2) Of the five members from the House of 2 Representatives, at least three shall also serve on the 3 committee of the House of Representatives having jurisdiction 4 over civil tort law and at least two shall also serve on a 5 fiscal committee of the House of Representatives. 6 (3) Of the five members from the Senate, at least 7 three shall also serve on the Senate committee having 8 jurisdiction over civil tort law and at least two shall also 9 serve on a Senate fiscal committee. 10 (4) The Joint Legislative Claims Committee shall meet 11 at times and places necessary to perform the functions 12 assigned to it. 13 (5) Action by a majority vote of the membership of the 14 joint committee shall control and be conclusive on any matter 15 considered by the Joint Legislative Claims Committee. 16 (6) The President of the Senate shall appoint the 17 chair in the odd years and the vice chair in even years, and 18 the Speaker of the House of Representatives shall appoint the 19 chair in even years and the vice chair in odd years, from 20 among the committee membership. 21 (7) Within the limitation of the approved operating 22 budget, the salaries and expenses of the staff of the Joint 23 Legislative Claims Committee shall be paid from the 24 appropriation for legislative expenses or any other moneys 25 appropriated by the Legislature for that purpose. In the 26 alternative, the Joint Legislative Claims Committee may 27 utilize the services of the staffs of the two houses. 28 8.3--Hearings 29 (1) Based upon a review of a claim bill and any 30 additional information supplied by the sponsor or any party 31 interested in the claim bill, the Joint Legislative Claims 3 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HCR 2047 686-108C-97 1 Committee shall determine whether the nature or complexity of 2 a claim bill necessitates the appointment of a special master 3 to conduct evidentiary hearings on the claim bill. 4 (2) Negotiated or stipulated claims bills in which the 5 amount of compensation is agreed upon by the parties involved 6 shall not be reviewed by a special master. 7 (3) In the case of an excess judgment claim, if there 8 is an underlying judgment, an appellate order, or a final 9 administrative order with respect to the claim, the special 10 master or, if the claim bill is not referred to a special 11 master, the Joint Legislative Claims Committee shall accept 12 the judgment or order unless the opposing party can show 13 cause, which may include newly discovered evidence, as to why 14 the judgment or order should be rejected or modified. 15 (4) The Joint Legislative Claims Committee may 16 determine that the parties involved shall bear the cost of the 17 special master and other costs incidental to such an 18 evidentiary hearing and may require that financial 19 responsibility for the costs to be incurred be made in advance 20 of the appointment of a special master. 21 (5) A special master shall have the authority to 22 control all proceedings before the special master, including 23 the authority to: 24 (a) conduct prehearing conferences and management 25 conferences; 26 (b) allow discovery if deemed beneficial to the 27 consideration of the claim bill; 28 (c) administer oaths to witnesses; 29 (d) admit or reject evidence; 30 (e) make arrangements for preparing a record of the 31 proceedings, which shall either include a transcript of the 4 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HCR 2047 686-108C-97 1 proceedings, a video recording of the proceedings, or an audio 2 tape recording of the proceedings; 3 (f) accept tangible and documentary evidence; 4 (g) issue subpoenas as provided by law; and 5 (h) take such other steps as as are reasonably 6 necessary to conduct a thorough and orderly investigation of 7 the basis for the claim bill. 8 9 In all proceedings before the special master, the provisions 10 of the Florida Rules of Civil Procedure and the Florida 11 Evidence Code shall be instructive; however, the proceedings 12 shall be as informal as necessary to achieve an equitable 13 disposition of the claim bill. The special master shall 14 provide to all parties with an interest in the claim and to 15 the sponsor of the claim bill a minimum of 15 days' notice of 16 any hearing to be conducted pursuant to this joint rule. 17 (6) Upon completion of the hearing and other 18 proceedings incidental thereto, the special master shall 19 prepare and submit a report to the Joint Legislative Claims 20 Committee, which report shall contain findings of fact, 21 conclusions of law, collateral sources of recovery and 22 subrogation rights of any party or entity, exhaustion of all 23 judicial and administrative remedies, including appeals, and 24 recommendations regarding the disposition of the claim bill, 25 including attorney's fees and costs, if appropriate. 26 (7) The claimant, if represented by counsel, shall 27 furnish the Joint Legislative Claims Committee or the special 28 master with a verified statement of the attorney's fee 29 arrangements including the actual costs of perfecting the 30 claim. Pursuant to section 768.28(8), Florida Statutes, no 31 attorney may charge, demand, receive, or collect, for services 5 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HCR 2047 686-108C-97 1 rendered, fees in excess of 25 percent of any judgment or 2 settlement. 3 (8) All final reports shall be submitted by the 4 special master to the Joint Legislative Claims Committee 5 within 15 days after the conclusion of the proceedings before 6 the special master. A copy of the report shall be served upon 7 the interested parties by certified mail, return receipt, 8 contemporaneously with the filing of the report with the 9 committee and the report shall contain the certificate of the 10 special master as to service. The special master shall be 11 reasonably available to explain the report to the committee 12 and staff as well as the interested parties. 13 (9) All interested parties shall file written 14 objections to the special master's report with the committee 15 within 10 days after service, failing in which the interested 16 parties shall have waived any objections to the correctness of 17 the findings contained in the report. 18 (10) A special master shall not initiate or consider 19 any ex parte communication relative to the merits of a claim 20 by any party to the claim or any person who, directly or 21 indirectly, would have a substantial interest in the decision 22 of the special master, or their authorized representatives or 23 counsel. 24 (11) The interested parties may appear before the 25 Joint Legislative Claims Committee to present arguments; 26 however, no additional testimony or evidence shall be 27 introduced, unless permitted by the committee. 28 (12) Stipulations as to the amount of awards entered 29 into by the parties are not binding upon special masters or 30 upon the House of Representatives, the Senate, or any member 31 or committee thereof. 6