CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

House Bill 2097

Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 2097 By the Committee on General Government Appropriations and Representative K. Pruitt 1 A bill to be entitled 2 An act relating to trust funds; declaring the 3 findings of the Legislature that specified 4 trust funds in the Game and Fresh Water Fish 5 Commission and the Department of Management 6 Services are exempt from the 7 automatic-termination requirements of Section 8 19(f), Article III of the State Constitution; 9 terminating the Ringling Investment Trust Fund 10 within the Department of Management Services; 11 providing an effective date. 12 13 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 14 15 Section 1. The Legislature finds that the following 16 trust funds are exempt from termination pursuant to Section 17 19(f)(3), Article III of the State Constitution: 18 (1) Within the Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission: 19 (a) The Florida Preservation 2000 Trust Fund, Account 20 Number 772332. 21 (2) Within the Department of Management Services: 22 (a) The State Employees Disability Insurance Trust 23 Fund, Account Number 722671. 24 (b) The Public Facilities Financing Trust Fund, 25 Account Number 722495. 26 (c) The Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences 27 Supplemental Retirement Trust Fund, Account Number 722379. 28 (d) The Florida Facilities Pool Clearing Trust Fund, 29 Account Number 722313. 30 (e) The Florida Retirement System Trust Fund, Account 31 Number 722309. 1 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 2097 610-101-97 1 (f) The State Employees Savings Bond Trust Fund, 2 Account Number 722674. 3 (g) The Florida Facilities Pool Working Capital Trust 4 Fund, Account Number 722225. 5 (h) The Retiree Health Insurance Subsidy Trust Fund, 6 Account Number 722583. 7 (i) The Optional Retirement Program Trust Fund, 8 Account Number 722517. 9 (j) The Social Security Contribution Trust Fund, 10 Account Number 722638. 11 (k) The State Employees Life Insurance Trust Fund, 12 Account Number 722667. 13 (l) The Senior Management Service Optional Annuity 14 Program Trust Fund, Account Number 722515. 15 (m) The State Employees Health Insurance Trust Fund, 16 Account Number 722668. 17 (n) The Police and Firefighters' Premium Tax Trust 18 Fund, Account Number 722532. 19 Section 2. The Ringling Investment Trust Fund within 20 the Department of Management Services is terminated. 21 Section 3. This act shall take effect upon becoming a 22 law. 23 24 ***************************************** 25 HOUSE SUMMARY 26 Declares specified trust funds in the Game and Fresh 27 Water Fish Commission and the Department of Management Services to be exempt from the automatic-termination 28 requirements of the State Constitution. Terminates the Ringling Investment Trust Fund within the Department of 29 Management Services. 30 31 2