Senate Bill 2156

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    Florida Senate - 1998                                  SB 2156

    By Senator Horne


  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to education; creating s.

  3         236.08106, F.S., relating to the Excellent

  4         Teaching Program; providing legislative

  5         findings and intent; authorizing monetary

  6         incentives and rewards for teaching excellence;

  7         providing for annual allocations to districts;

  8         providing fee subsidies for participating in

  9         the certification program of the National Board

10         of Professional Teaching Standards; requiring

11         the distribution of certain monetary rewards to

12         teachers; providing eligibility criteria;

13         requiring release time for certain activities;

14         providing for certain stipends; requiring

15         certain district expenditures for professional

16         development of teachers; amending s. 236.081,

17         F.S.; authorizing categorical funding for the

18         Excellent Teaching Program; amending s.

19         231.173, F.S., relating to certification of

20         experienced out-of-state teachers and

21         administrators; deleting a requirement for

22         superintendents to request certification;

23         providing for issuance of a professional

24         certificate to individuals certified by the

25         National Board of Professional Teaching

26         Standards; conforming provisions; providing an

27         effective date.


29  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:




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    Florida Senate - 1998                                  SB 2156

  1         Section 1.  Section 236.08106, Florida Statutes, is

  2  created to read:

  3         236.08106  Excellent Teaching Program.--

  4         (1)  The Legislature recognizes that teachers play a

  5  critical role in preparing students to achieve the high levels

  6  of academic performance expected by the Sunshine State

  7  Standards. The Legislature further recognizes the importance

  8  of identifying and rewarding teaching excellence and of

  9  encouraging good teachers to become excellent teachers. The

10  Legislature finds that the National Board of Professional

11  Teaching Standards (NBPTS) has established high and rigorous

12  standards for accomplished teaching and has developed a

13  national voluntary system for assessing and certifying

14  teachers who demonstrate teaching excellence by meeting those

15  standards. It is therefore the Legislature's intent to provide

16  incentives for teachers to seek NBPTS certification and to

17  reward teachers who demonstrate teaching excellence by

18  attaining NBPTS certification and sharing their expertise with

19  other teachers.

20         (2)  The Excellent Teaching Program is created to

21  provide categorical funding for monetary incentives and

22  rewards for teaching excellence. The Department of Education

23  shall allocate and distribute to each school district an

24  amount as prescribed annually by the Legislature for the

25  Excellent Teaching Program. Unless otherwise provided in the

26  General Appropriations Act, each school district's annual

27  allocation shall be the sum of the amounts earned for the

28  following incentives and rewards:

29         (a)  A fee subsidy to be paid by the school district to

30  the NBPTS on behalf of each individual who is an employee of

31  the district school board or a public school within that


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    Florida Senate - 1998                                  SB 2156

  1  school district, who satisfies the prerequisites for

  2  participating in the NBPTS certification program, and who

  3  agrees, in writing, to pay 10 percent of the NBPTS

  4  participation fee and to participate in the NBPTS

  5  certification program during the school year for which the fee

  6  subsidy is provided. The fee subsidy for each eligible

  7  participant shall be an amount equal to 90 percent of the fee

  8  charged for participating in the NBPTS certification program,

  9  but not more than $1,800 per eligible participant. The fee

10  subsidy is a one-time award and may not be duplicated for any

11  individual.

12         (b)  Funding for substitute teachers' salaries to

13  provide 3 days of release time to each teacher participating

14  in the NBPTS certification program and 2 days of release time

15  to each teacher who holds NBPTS certification. The employing

16  school district or public school shall provide at least 3 days

17  of release time during the school year to allow each

18  participating teacher to prepare a portfolio and engage in

19  other activities for the NBPTS certification program and at

20  least 2 days of release time to allow each teacher with NBPTS

21  certification to mentor other teachers.

22         (c)  An annual reward equal to 10 percent of the prior

23  fiscal year's statewide average salary for classroom teachers

24  to be paid to each individual who holds NBPTS certification

25  and is employed by the district school board or by a public

26  school within that school district to teach within the area of

27  his or her NBPTS certification. The district school board

28  shall distribute the annual reward to each individual who

29  meets the requirements of this paragraph as a single payment

30  or divided into not more than three payments.



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  1         (d)  An annual reward equal to 10 percent of the prior

  2  fiscal year's statewide average salary for classroom teachers

  3  to be paid to each individual who meets the requirements of

  4  paragraph (c) and agrees, in writing, to provide the

  5  equivalent of 12 workdays of mentoring and related services to

  6  public school teachers within the district who do not hold

  7  NBPTS certification. The district school board shall

  8  distribute the annual reward in a single payment or in not

  9  more than three payments to each individual who meets the

10  requirements of this paragraph. It is not the intent of the

11  Legislature to remove excellent teachers from their assigned

12  classrooms, therefore, credit may not be granted by a school

13  district or public school for mentoring or related services

14  provided during the regular school day or during the 196 days

15  of required service for the school year.

16         (e)  An amount equal to 12 days' pay at the prior

17  year's statewide average salary for classroom teachers shall

18  be provided to the district school board or public school for

19  each NBPTS-certified teacher who provides mentoring or related

20  services to the other teachers at times other than the regular

21  school day or the 196 days of required service for the school

22  year as provided in paragraph (d). The district school board

23  or public school must use funds received under this paragraph

24  to pay stipends to the teachers who receive such mentoring or

25  related services.

26         (f)  An amount equal to 50 percent of the teacher

27  rewards provided under paragraph (c) and (d), which shall be

28  used by the district for professional development of teachers.

29  The district must use all funds received pursuant to this

30  paragraph for professional development of teachers employed at

31  schools identified as performing at critically low levels.


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  1         Section 2.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (5) of section

  2  236.081, Florida Statutes, as amended by chapter 97-380, Laws

  3  of Florida, is amended to read:

  4         236.081  Funds for operation of schools.--If the annual

  5  allocation from the Florida Education Finance Program to each

  6  district for operation of schools is not determined in the

  7  annual appropriations act or the substantive bill implementing

  8  the annual appropriations act, it shall be determined as

  9  follows:

10         (5)  CATEGORICAL PROGRAMS.--The Legislature hereby

11  provides for the establishment of selected categorical

12  programs to assist in the development and maintenance of

13  activities giving indirect support to the programs previously

14  funded.  These categorical appropriations may be funded as

15  general and transitional categorical programs.  It is the

16  intent of the Legislature that no transitional categorical

17  program be funded for more than 4 fiscal years from the date

18  of original authorization. Such programs are as follows:

19         (a)  General.--

20         1.  Comprehensive school construction and debt service

21  as provided by law.

22         2.  Community schools as provided by law.

23         3.  School lunch programs as provided by law.

24         4.  Instructional material funds as provided by law.

25         5.  Student transportation as provided by law.

26         6.  Student development services as provided by law.

27         7.  Diagnostic and learning resource centers as

28  provided by law.

29         8.  Comprehensive health education as provided by law.

30         9.  Excellent Teaching Program as provided by law.

31         (b)  Transitional.--


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  1         1.  Bilingual program as provided by law.

  2         Section 3.  Section 231.173, Florida Statutes, is

  3  amended to read:

  4         231.173  Successful experienced out-of-state teachers

  5  and administrators.--

  6         (1)  Notwithstanding the provisions of ss. 231.02,

  7  231.15, and 231.17, and 231.172 or any other provision of law

  8  or rule to the contrary, a successful, experienced, and

  9  certified out-of-state teacher or administrator qualifies

10  employed in a public school or nonpublic school in this state

11  may qualify for a professional certificate if the applicant:

12         (a)(1)  Completes the application process, including

13  the filing of a complete set of fingerprints as required by s.

14  231.02.

15         (b)(2)  Holds a valid standard certificate issued by

16  the state where the applicant most recently taught, which

17  standard certificate is equivalent to the professional

18  certificate issued by this state and for which specialization

19  coverage is based on a level of training comparable to that

20  required in this state for the specialization coverage sought

21  by the applicant applicant's area of assignment.

22         (c)(3)  Documents 5 years of appropriate successful

23  full-time teaching or administrative experience in another

24  state, including 2 continuous years during the 5-year period

25  immediately preceding the date of application for

26  certification.

27         (2)  An out-of-state applicant qualifies for a

28  professional certificate if the applicant meets the

29  requirements of paragraphs (1)(a) and (b) and holds a valid

30  certificate issued by the National Board of Professional

31  Teaching Standards.


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    Florida Senate - 1998                                  SB 2156

  1         (4)  Submits a request for issuance of the professional

  2  certificate from the superintendent of the employing school

  3  district or governing authority of the employing developmental

  4  research school, state-supported school, or nonpublic school

  5  within the first 120 days of assignment with validation of

  6  awareness of the standards of professional practice.

  7         (3)(5)  The professional certificate issued in

  8  accordance with subsection (1) these provisions shall reflect

  9  specialization coverages as follows:

10         (a)  Teachers.--An applicant A teacher appointed to an

11  academic assignment shall be eligible for the academic

12  coverage in an area in which the teacher is assigned to teach

13  in a public school or nonpublic school in this state or in the

14  area of the applicant's certification by the National Board of

15  Professional Teaching Standards.

16         (b)  Principals.--An individual appointed as an intern

17  or interim principal of a public or nonpublic K-12 school in

18  this state shall be eligible for the educational leadership

19  coverage.

20         (c)  Administrators of adult education.--An individual

21  appointed as an administrator of an adult education program at

22  a public or nonpublic school in this state shall be eligible

23  for the administration of adult education coverage.

24         (d)  Directors of career education.--An individual

25  appointed as a director of career education at a public or

26  nonpublic school in this state shall be eligible for the

27  director of career education coverage.

28         Section 4.  This act shall take effect July 1, 1998.





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    Florida Senate - 1998                                  SB 2156

  1            *****************************************

  2                          SENATE SUMMARY

  3    Creates the Excellent Teaching Program. Provides monetary
      incentives and release time for educators who participate
  4    in the National Board of Professional Teaching Standards
      certification program and provides eligibility criteria.
  5    Provides for payment of fees and authorizes categorical
      funding for the program. Provides for certification of
  6    certain out-of-state teachers and administrators. (See
      bill for details.)
























