Senate Bill 2166

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    Florida Senate - 1998                                  SB 2166

    By Senator Dudley


  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to alcoholic beverages;

  3         creating the "Ryan P. Grillo Memorial Act";

  4         amending s. 561.703, F.S.; providing

  5         definitions; amending s. 561.705, F.S.;

  6         requiring that certain vendors provide courses

  7         of instruction to employees and managers who

  8         sell alcoholic beverages; requiring written

  9         policies; requiring that the vendor maintain

10         employment records; requiring that the vendor

11         post certain signs; repealing ss. 561.701,

12         561.706, F.S., relating to the Florida

13         Responsible Vendor Act, exemptions from license

14         suspension or revocation, and mitigation for

15         certain violations of the beverage law;

16         providing an effective date.


18  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


20         Section 1.  This act may be cited as the "Ryan P.

21  Grillo Memorial Act."

22         Section 2.  Section 561.703, Florida Statutes, is

23  amended to read:

24         561.703  Definitions.--As used in ss. 261.702-561.705

25  this act, the term:

26         (1)  "Division" means the Division of Alcoholic

27  Beverages and Tobacco of the Department of Business and

28  Professional Regulation.

29         (2)  "Vendor" means a person who is licensed pursuant

30  to this chapter, chapter 563, chapter 564, or chapter 565, to

31  sell or serve alcoholic beverages. However, vendors at grocery


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    Florida Senate - 1998                                  SB 2166

  1  or drug stores licensed under the provisions of s.

  2  563.02(1)(a) or s. 564.02(1)(a), whose premises are in excess

  3  of 5,000 square feet of floor space, shall be exempt from ss.

  4  561.702-561.705 the provisions of this act.

  5         Section 3.  Section 561.705, Florida Statutes, is

  6  amended to read:

  7         561.705  Vendors that sell or serve alcoholic beverages

  8  Responsible vendor qualification.--Each To qualify as a

  9  responsible vendor, the vendor must:

10         (1)  Provide a course of instruction for its employees

11  which that must include subjects dealing with alcoholic

12  beverages and may also include subjects dealing with

13  controlled substances as follows:

14         (a)  Laws covering the service of alcoholic beverages

15  and the operation of establishments serving alcoholic

16  beverages.

17         (b)  Alcohol or controlled substances or both as a drug

18  and its effects on the body and behavior, including its

19  effects on a person operating a motor vehicle.

20         (c)  Effects of alcohol in combination with commonly

21  used drugs, both legal and illegal.

22         (d)  Methods of recognizing and dealing with underaged

23  customers.

24         (e)  Methods for dealing with customers, and for

25  dealing with employees, who use or traffic in illegal drugs.

26         (2)  Provide an alcohol server management course for

27  managers of establishments that sell alcoholic beverages.  The

28  course must include subjects on alcoholic beverages and may

29  include subjects on controlled substances as follows:




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    Florida Senate - 1998                                  SB 2166

  1         (a)  Laws governing the service of alcoholic beverages

  2  and the operation of establishments serving alcoholic

  3  beverages.

  4         (b)  Development of standard operating procedures for

  5  dealing with underaged customers.

  6         (c)  Development of standard operating procedures for

  7  dealing with customers, and for dealing with employees, who

  8  use or traffic in illegal drugs.

  9         (d)  Methods of assisting employees in dealing with

10  underaged customers and in maintaining records that relate to

11  such incidents.

12         (3)  Require each nonmanagerial employee who is

13  employed to serve alcoholic beverages to complete the employee

14  training course specified in subsection (1) within 30 days

15  after commencing employment.  The vendor must provide for the

16  supervision of such an employee in the service of alcoholic

17  beverages until the employee has received such training.

18         (4)  Require each managerial employee to complete the

19  managerial training course specified in subsection (2) within

20  15 days after commencing employment.

21         (5)  Require all employees to attend one meeting every

22  4 months. Each meeting must include the dissemination of

23  information covering the applicable subjects specified in this

24  section and an explanation of the vendor's policies and

25  procedures relating to those subjects.

26         (6)  Require each employee, as a condition of her or

27  his initial employment, to complete a written questionnaire

28  providing the vendor the same information as is required by

29  the division from persons who apply for alcoholic beverage

30  licenses and to determine therefrom whether the employee is

31  precluded by law from serving or selling alcoholic beverages;


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    Florida Senate - 1998                                  SB 2166

  1  however, employees of vendors licensed under s. 563.02(1)(a)

  2  or s. 564.02(1)(a) are shall not be subject to the

  3  requirements of this subsection.

  4         (7)  Establish a written policy under which any

  5  employee who engages in the illegal use of controlled

  6  substances on the licensed premises will be immediately

  7  dismissed from employment and require each employee to

  8  acknowledge the policy in writing.

  9         (8)  Maintain employment records of the applications,

10  acknowledgments, and training of its employees required by

11  this section and records of the vendor's enforcement of the

12  policies requiring dismissal specified in subsection (7).

13         (9)  Post signs on the vendor's premises informing

14  customers of the vendor's policy against serving alcoholic

15  beverages to underaged persons and informing customers that

16  the purchase of alcoholic beverages by an underaged person or

17  the illegal use of or trafficking in controlled substances

18  will result in ejection from the premises and prosecution.

19         Section 4.  Sections 561.701 and 561.706, Florida

20  Statutes, are repealed.

21         Section 5.  This act shall take effect July 1, 1998.


23            *****************************************

24                          SENATE SUMMARY

25    Creates the "Ryan P. Grillo Memorial Act." Repeals the
      Florida Responsible Vendor Act and provides that the
26    requirements of the act be mandatory rather than
      discretionary. Requires that certain vendors provide
27    training courses for employees who serve alcoholic
      beverages. Deletes provisions that exempt a vendor from
28    certain license suspensions or revocations due to a
      violation of the beverage law.


