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House Bill 0219

Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 219 By Representative Greene 1 A bill to be entitled 2 An act relating to Parkinson's disease; 3 creating the "Morris K. Udall Parkinson's 4 Research, Assistance, and Education Act of 5 1997"; providing purpose; providing for 6 establishment of programs; creating an 7 interagency coordinating committee; providing 8 duties of the committee; providing membership; 9 requiring an annual report; providing for 10 grants to research and training centers; 11 providing requirements; providing time 12 limitations; providing for review; providing 13 for data management and dissemination of 14 information; providing for grants to scientific 15 researchers; providing for a state education 16 program; providing an appropriation; providing 17 an effective date. 18 19 WHEREAS, Parkinson's disease and related neurological 20 disorders affect as many as 1.5 million Americans, and 21 WHEREAS, approximately 40 percent of persons with 22 Parkinson's disease are under the age of 60, and 23 WHEREAS, research has found that in individuals with 24 Parkinson's disease, cells that produce a neurochemical called 25 dopamine inexplicable degenerate, causing uncontrollable 26 tremors, muscle stiffness, and loss of motor function, and 27 WHEREAS, Parkinson's disease causes disability and 28 suffering, renders individuals with the disease incapable of 29 caring for themselves, and places tremendous and prolonged 30 physical, emotional, and financial strain on the families and 31 loved ones of individuals with the disease, and 1 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 219 512-144-97 1 WHEREAS, it is estimated that the disease costs society 2 nearly $6 billion annually, and 3 WHEREAS, only $26 million annually is allocated 4 specifically for research on Parkinson's disease, or only 5 about $1 for every $200 in societal costs, and 6 WHEREAS, in order to find a cure or effective treatment 7 for Parkinson's disease, the investment in research must be 8 expanded and coordination among research institutions must be 9 strengthened, NOW, THEREFORE, 10 11 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 12 13 Section 1. Parkinson's disease; research, assistance, 14 and education.-- 15 (1) SHORT TITLE.--This section may be cited as the 16 "Morris K. Udall Parkinson's Research, Assistance, and 17 Education Act of 1997." 18 (2) PURPOSE.--It is the purpose of this section to 19 provide for the expansion and coordination of research 20 concerning Parkinson's disease and to improve care and 21 assistance for individuals with the disease and their family 22 caregivers. 23 (3) ESTABLISHMENT OF PROGRAMS.--The Agency for Health 24 Care Administration, in conjunction with the Department of 25 Health, shall establish a program for the conduct and support 26 of research and training, and the dissemination of health 27 information, and may establish other programs, with respect to 28 Parkinson's disease. 29 (4) INTERAGENCY COORDINATING COMMITTEE.--The agency 30 and department shall establish a committee to be known as the 31 Interagency Coordinating Committee on Parkinson's Disease. 2 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 219 512-144-97 1 (a) The committee shall: 2 1. Provide for coordination of the activities of 3 research institutions in the state, with respect to 4 Parkinson's disease. 5 2. Coordinate state health programs and activities 6 relating to Parkinson's disease in order to assure the 7 adequacy, effectiveness, and technical soundness of these 8 programs and activities and to provide for the full 9 communication and exchange of information necessary to 10 maintain adequate coordination of the programs and activities. 11 3. Provide for coordination of state and federal 12 programs, research, assistance, and activities relating to 13 Parkinson's disease. 14 (b)1. The committee shall include: the Director of 15 Health Care Administration; the Secretary of Health; 16 representatives of divisions or agencies of the Departments of 17 Health, Children and Family Services, Elderly Affairs, and 18 Education whose programs involve health functions or 19 responsibilities relevant to Parkinson's disease; individuals 20 with Parkinson's disease and individuals with a family history 21 of Parkinson's disease; and health professionals or allied 22 health professionals. 23 2. The chair of the committee shall be the Director of 24 Health Care Administration. 25 3. The committee shall meet at the call of the chair, 26 but not less often than once each year. 27 (c) Not later than 120 days after the end of each 28 fiscal year, the committee shall prepare and submit a report 29 to the Governor, President of the Senate, and Speaker of the 30 House of Representatives detailing the activities of the 31 committee in carrying out its duties during that fiscal year. 3 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 219 512-144-97 1 (5) GRANTS TO RESEARCH AND TRAINING CENTERS.-- 2 (a) The Director of Health Care Administration shall 3 award grants to encourage the development of innovative 4 multidisciplinary research and provide training concerning 5 Parkinson's disease. The director shall award not more than 6 10 grants and shall designate each center funded under such 7 grants as a Morris K. Udall Center for Research on Parkinson's 8 Disease. 9 (b) Each center assisted under this subsection shall: 10 1. Use the facilities of a single institution or a 11 consortium of cooperating institutions and shall meet such 12 qualifications as may be prescribed by the Director of Health 13 Care Administration. 14 2. Conduct basic and clinical research and provide 15 patient care services. 16 (c) Each center assisted under this subsection may: 17 1. Conduct training programs relating to Parkinson's 18 disease for scientists and health professionals. 19 2. Conduct programs to provide information and 20 continuing education, relating to Parkinson's disease, to 21 health professionals. 22 3. Conduct programs for the dissemination of 23 information relating to Parkinson's disease to the public. 24 4. Develop and maintain, where appropriate, a brain 25 bank to collect specimens related to the research and 26 treatment of Parkinson's disease. 27 (d) A center may use funds provided under paragraph 28 (a) to provide stipends for scientists and health 29 professionals enrolled in training programs under subparagraph 30 (c)1. 31 4 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 219 512-144-97 1 (e) Support of a center under this subsection may be 2 for a period not exceeding 5 years. This period may be 3 extended by the Director of Health Care Administration for one 4 or more additional periods of not more than 5 years, if the 5 operations of such center have been reviewed by an appropriate 6 technical and scientific peer review group established by the 7 director, which has recommended that such period should be 8 extended. 9 (6) DATA MANAGEMENT; DISSEMINATION OF 10 INFORMATION.--The Department of Health shall: 11 (a) Establish a state Parkinson's Disease Data System 12 for the collection, storage, analysis, retrieval, and 13 dissemination of data derived from patient populations in the 14 state with Parkinson's disease, including, where possible, 15 data involving general populations for the purpose of 16 detection of individuals with a risk of developing the 17 disease. 18 (b) Establish a state Parkinson's Disease Information 19 Clearinghouse to facilitate and enhance knowledge and 20 understanding of the disease on the part of health 21 professionals, patients, and the public thorough the effective 22 dissemination of information. 23 (7) GRANTS TO SUPPORT SCIENTIFIC RESEARCHERS.--The 24 director shall establish a grant program to support scientists 25 who have distinguished themselves in the field of Parkinson's 26 disease research. Grants under this subsection shall be 27 utilized to enable established researchers to devote greater 28 time and resources in laboratories to conduct research on 29 Parkinson's disease and to encourage the development of a new 30 generation of researchers, with the support and guidance of 31 the most productive and innovative senior researchers. 5 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 219 512-144-97 1 (8) EDUCATION PROGRAM.--The Department of Health shall 2 establish a statewide education program designed to foster a 3 statewide focus on Parkinson's disease and the care of persons 4 with the disease. Activities under such program shall 5 include: 6 (a) Bringing together public and private organizations 7 to develop better ways to provide care to individuals with 8 Parkinson's disease and to assist the families of these 9 individuals. 10 (b) Providing technical assistance to public and 11 private organizations that offer support and aid to 12 individuals with Parkinson's disease and their families. 13 Section 2. There is hereby appropriated from the 14 General Revenue Fund to the Agency for Health Care 15 Administration and the Department of Health respective amounts 16 sufficient to carry out the provisions of this act for fiscal 17 year 1997-1998. 18 Section 3. This act shall take effect July 1, 1997. 19 20 ***************************************** 21 HOUSE SUMMARY 22 Creates the "Morris K. Udall Parkinson's Research, 23 Assistance, and Education Act of 1997." Provides for establishment and coordination of state programs for 24 research, training, assistance, and education relating to Parkinson's disease. Provides for grants to research and 25 training centers and to scientific researchers. Provides for data collection and management, dissemination of 26 information, and a statewide education program. Provides duties of the Agency for Health Care Administration and 27 the Department of Health in administering and coordinating programs under the act. Provides an 28 appropriation. 29 30 31 6