House Bill 0219c1

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    Florida House of Representatives - 1998              CS/HB 219

        By the Committee on Health Care Services and
    Representatives Greene and Dawson-White

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to neurodegenerative disorders;

  3         amending s. 430.501, F.S.; limiting terms for

  4         member of the Alzheimer's Disease Advisory

  5         Committee; creating the Parkinson's Disease

  6         Advisory Committee; providing duties and

  7         responsibilities; requiring reports; providing

  8         for membership and organization; providing for

  9         staff support; providing for expenses for

10         certain members; providing for dissolution of

11         the committee; amending s. 430.502, F.S.;

12         providing for Alzheimer's and Parkinson's

13         diseases memory disorder clinics and day care

14         and respite care programs; providing for annual

15         evaluation of the need for additional clinics;

16         authorizing, rather than requiring, the

17         Department of Elderly Affairs to contract for

18         model day care programs in conjunction with

19         such clinics; authorizing department programs

20         for persons with Parkinson's disease and

21         similar neurodegenerative disorders; providing

22         for fees; providing an effective date.


24  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


26         Section 1.  Paragraph (b) of subsection (3) of section

27  430.501, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

28         430.501  Alzheimer's Disease Advisory Committee;

29  research grants.--

30         (3)



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    Florida House of Representatives - 1998              CS/HB 219


  1         (b)1.  The Governor shall appoint members from a broad

  2  cross section of public, private, and volunteer sectors.  All

  3  nominations shall be forwarded to the Governor by the

  4  Secretary of Elderly Affairs in accordance with this

  5  subsection.

  6         2.  Members shall be appointed to 4-year staggered

  7  terms in accordance with s. 20.052.

  8         3.  Membership shall be limited to two consecutive

  9  terms.

10         4.3.  The Secretary of Elderly Affairs shall serve as

11  an ex officio member of the committee.

12         5.4.  The committee shall elect one of its members to

13  serve as chair for a term of 1 year.

14         6.5.  The committee may establish subcommittees as

15  necessary to carry out the functions of the committee.

16         7.6.  The committee shall meet quarterly, or as

17  frequently as needed.

18         8.7.  The Department of Elderly Affairs shall provide

19  staff support to assist the committee in the performance of

20  its duties.

21         9.8.  Members of the committee and subcommittees shall

22  receive no salary, but are entitled to reimbursement for

23  travel and per diem expenses, as provided in s. 112.061, while

24  performing their duties under this section.

25         Section 2.  Parkinson's Disease Advisory Committee.--

26         (1)  There is created a Parkinson's Disease Advisory

27  Committee which shall advise the Department of Elderly Affairs

28  and the Department of Health, and shall make recommendations

29  to the Legislature, regarding Parkinson's disease and similar

30  neurodegenerative disorders.  The committee shall consider the

31  elements and design of respite and specialized day care


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    Florida House of Representatives - 1998              CS/HB 219


  1  services; the extent of coordination between current public

  2  and private health programs and public awareness and training

  3  programs, and the impact establishing a state Alzheimer's and

  4  Parkinson's Disease Information Clearinghouse would have on

  5  public awareness and training; a proper role for Florida

  6  regarding research, and the relationship between research,

  7  policy development, and the provision of services; and the

  8  most effective methods to serve the long-term care needs of

  9  persons with Parkinson's disease and similar neurodegenerative

10  disorders.

11         (2)  The committee shall submit its findings to the

12  Speaker of the House of Representatives, the President of the

13  Senate, and the Secretaries of Health and Elderly Affairs.  A

14  preliminary report shall be submitted by December 1, 1999. The

15  final report shall be submitted by June 30, 2001.

16         (3)  The committee is dissolved July 1, 2001.

17         (4)(a)  The Secretary of Elderly Affairs shall appoint

18  to the committee two representatives of organizations whose

19  programs are relevant to Parkinson's disease or similar

20  neurodegenerative disorders and two consumer members who are

21  individuals with Parkinson's disease or personal or family

22  experience with Parkinson's disease.

23         (b)  The Secretary of Health shall appoint to the

24  committee two health professionals or allied health

25  professionals and two representatives of the Department of

26  Health.

27         (c)  The committee shall elect one of its members to

28  serve as chair for a term of 1 year.

29         (d)  The committee may establish subcommittees as

30  necessary to carry out the functions of the committee.



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  1         (e)  The committee may meet quarterly, or as necessary

  2  to accomplish its duties.

  3         (f)  The Department of Elderly Affairs shall provide

  4  staff support to assist the committee in the performance of

  5  its duties.

  6         (5)  Members of the committee and subcommittees shall

  7  receive no salary, but consumer members may be reimbursed for

  8  travel and per diem expenses, as provided in s. 112.061,

  9  Florida Statutes, while performing their duties under this

10  section.

11         Section 3.  Section 430.502, Florida Statutes, is

12  amended to read:

13         430.502  Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases disease;

14  memory disorder clinics and day care and respite care

15  programs.--

16         (1)  There is established:

17         (a)  A memory disorder clinic at each of the three

18  medical schools in this state;

19         (b)  A memory disorder clinic at a major private

20  nonprofit research-oriented teaching hospital, and may fund a

21  memory disorder clinic at any of the other affiliated teaching

22  hospitals;

23         (c)  A memory disorder clinic at the Mayo Clinic in

24  Jacksonville;

25         (d)  A memory disorder clinic at the West Florida

26  Regional Medical Center;

27         (e)  The East Central Florida Memory Disorder Clinic at

28  the Joint Center for Advanced Therapeutics and Biomedical

29  Research of the Florida Institute of Technology and Holmes

30  Regional Medical Center, Inc.;



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  1         (f)  A memory disorder clinic at the Orlando Regional

  2  Healthcare System, Inc.; and

  3         (g)  A memory disorder center located in a public

  4  hospital that is operated by an independent special hospital

  5  taxing district that governs multiple hospitals and is located

  6  in a county with a population greater than 800,000 persons,


  8  for the purpose of conducting research and training in a

  9  diagnostic and therapeutic setting for persons suffering from

10  Alzheimer's disease and related memory disorders.  However,

11  memory disorder clinics funded as of June 30, 1995, shall not

12  receive decreased funding due solely to subsequent additions

13  of memory disorder clinics in this subsection.

14         (2)  It is the intent of the Legislature that research

15  conducted by a memory disorder clinic and supported by state

16  funds pursuant to subsection (1) be applied research, be

17  service-related, and be selected in conjunction with the

18  department.  Such research may address, but is not limited to,

19  diagnostic technique, therapeutic interventions, and

20  supportive services for persons suffering from Alzheimer's

21  disease and related memory disorders and their caregivers.  A

22  memory disorder clinic shall conduct such research in

23  accordance with a research plan developed by the clinic which

24  establishes research objectives that are in accordance with

25  this legislative intent.  A memory disorder clinic shall also

26  complete and submit to the department a report of the

27  findings, conclusions, and recommendations of completed

28  research.  This subsection does not apply to those memory

29  disorder clinics at the three medical schools in the state or

30  at the major private nonprofit research-oriented teaching

31  hospital or other affiliated teaching hospital.


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  1         (3)  The Alzheimer's Disease Advisory Committee must

  2  annually evaluate the need for additional memory disorder

  3  clinics in the state.  The committee's evaluation and

  4  recommendation must be included in any legislative budget

  5  request submitted by the department to fund additional memory

  6  disorder clinics.  The first report will be due by December

  7  31, 1995.

  8         (4)  Pursuant to the provisions of s. 287.057, the

  9  Department of Elderly Affairs may shall contract for the

10  provision of three specialized Alzheimer's disease model day

11  care programs in conjunction with each memory disorder clinics

12  clinic.  The purpose of each model day care program must be to

13  provide service delivery to persons suffering from Alzheimer's

14  disease or a related memory disorder and training for health

15  care and social service personnel in the care of persons

16  having Alzheimer's disease or related memory disorders.

17         (5)  Pursuant to s. 287.057, the Department of Elderly

18  Affairs shall contract for the provision of respite care. All

19  funds appropriated for the provision of respite care shall be

20  distributed annually by the department to each funded county

21  according to an allocation formula.  In developing the

22  formula, the department shall consider the number and

23  proportion of the county population of individuals who are 75

24  years of age and older. Each respite care program shall be

25  used as a resource for research and statistical data by the

26  memory disorder clinics established in this part.  In

27  consultation with the memory disorder clinics, the department

28  shall specify the information to be provided by the respite

29  care programs for research purposes.

30         (6)  Notwithstanding subsection (5), the Department of

31  Elderly Affairs shall contract for the provision of


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    Florida House of Representatives - 1998              CS/HB 219


  1  specialized respite and daycare programs for persons with

  2  Parkinson's disease and similar neurodegenerative disorders.

  3  The purpose of such programs shall be to provide services to

  4  persons with Parkinson's disease and similar neurodegenerative

  5  disorders and their families, to provide training for health

  6  care and social service personnel, and to increase public

  7  awareness regarding Parkinson's disease and similar

  8  neurodegenerative disorders.  The department may assess fees

  9  consistent with the provision of s. 430.503(2).

10         (7)(6)  Each contract entered into pursuant to this

11  section must contain a requirement for a research component to

12  be completed and reported on in writing to the department

13  according to specifications and within a timeframe provided by

14  the department.

15         Section 4.  This act shall take effect July 1, 1998.
















