Senate Bill 2218

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    Florida Senate - 1998        (NP)                      SR 2218

    By Senator Childers


  1                    Senate Resolution No.     

  2         A resolution recognizing Brigadier General

  3         Michael Lambert Ferguson as an outstanding

  4         citizen.


  6         WHEREAS, Michael Lambert Ferguson was born on September

  7  4, 1938, in Pensacola, Florida, and

  8         WHEREAS, Michael Ferguson spent his childhood in his

  9  hometown enjoying sports, hunting, fishing, public service

10  activities, and church activities, and

11         WHEREAS, Michael Ferguson graduated from the United

12  States Military Academy in 1960, and

13         WHEREAS, Michael Ferguson spent the next 26 years of

14  his life serving his country with distinction as an infantry

15  officer in the United State Army, and

16         WHEREAS, Brigadier General Michael Lambert Ferguson has

17  received more than 30 awards and decorations including the

18  Purple Heart and the Distinguished Service Medal, and

19         WHEREAS, General Michael Ferguson received both an M.A.

20  in Business Management from Central Michigan University and an

21  M.A. in International Relations from American University while

22  serving in the armed services, and

23         WHEREAS, upon retiring from the Army, Michael Ferguson

24  entered the University of Florida College of Law and received

25  his Juris Doctorate in 1989, and

26         WHEREAS, Michael Ferguson is a member of numerous

27  civic, cultural, and public service organizations, including

28  the Sheriff's Advisory Committee, the Baptist Health Care

29  Corporation, St. Michael's Cemetery Foundation, the Salvation

30  Army, the Rotary Club, Gator Boosters, Disabled American



CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida Senate - 1998        (NP)                      SR 2218

  1  Veterans, and the Advisory Council, College of Business,

  2  University of West Florida, and

  3         WHEREAS, Michael Ferguson is a member of The Florida

  4  Bar, the District of Columbia Bar, and the Escambia-Santa Rosa

  5  Bar Association, and

  6         WHEREAS, Michael Ferguson, as a partner in the law firm

  7  of McDonald, Fleming, Moorhead, and Ferguson, is a certified

  8  NFL Player Agent, licensed in Florida and Louisiana and

  9  represents some of the state's most famous athletes, NOW,



12  Be It Resolved by the Senate of the State of Florida:


14         That Brigadier General Michael Lambert Ferguson is

15  commended on a long and illustrious career as a soldier

16  serving his country, as a civic leader, and as an attorney

17  representing some of Florida's famous athletes.

18         BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution,

19  with the Seal of the Senate affixed, be presented to Brigadier

20  General Michael Lambert Ferguson as a tangible token of the

21  esteem of the Florida Senate.










