Senate Bill 2284

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    Florida Senate - 1998                                  SB 2284

    By Senator Holzendorf


  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to economic development;

  3         creating s. 288.049, F.S.; defining areas of

  4         critical need for purposes of economic

  5         development; amending ss. 288.047, 288.063, and

  6         288.106, F.S.; setting aside a portion of

  7         appropriated revenues for specified economic

  8         development projects; exempting such funds from

  9         reversion at the end of the fiscal year;

10         providing an effective date.


12  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


14         Section 1.  Present subsections (6), (7), (8), and (9)

15  of section 288.047, Florida Statutes, are redesignated as

16  subsections (7), (8), (9), and (10), respectively, and new

17  subsection (6) of that section is created to read:

18         288.047  Quick-response training for economic

19  development.--

20         (6) For each fiscal year, Enterprise Florida, Inc.,

21  shall set aside 10 percent of the amount appropriated for the

22  Quick-Response Training Program by the Legislature to fund

23  instructional programs for businesses located in areas of

24  critical need as defined in s. 288.049. Notwithstanding the

25  provisions of s. 216.301, funds appropriated for the

26  Quick-Response Training Program and set aside for purposes of

27  this subsection are not subject to reversion and may be

28  expended only for the purposes for which they have been set

29  aside.

30         Section 2.  Section 288.049, Florida Statutes, is

31  created to read:


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    Florida Senate - 1998                                  SB 2284

  1         288.049  Determination of areas of critical need.--

  2         (1)  By July 31 of each fiscal year, each county may

  3  apply to the Office of Tourism, Trade, and Economic

  4  Development for designation of a portion of the county as an

  5  area of critical need. Areas proposed for the designation may

  6  be composed of contiguous property of not less than 4 square

  7  miles and not more than 25 square miles.

  8         (2)  Working with the Department of Law Enforcement and

  9  the Department of Labor and Employment Security, the Office of

10  Tourism, Trade, and Economic Development shall, no later than

11  August 30, designate no more than five proposed areas as areas

12  of critical need. In making the determination, the following

13  factors shall be considered:

14         (a)  Total amount of crime in the designated area.

15         (b)  Total amount of violent crime in the designated

16  area.

17         (c)  Total amount of unemployment in the designated

18  area.

19         Section 3.  Subsections (4) and (9) of section 288.063,

20  Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

21         288.063  Contracts for transportation projects.--

22         (4)(a)  The Office of Tourism, Trade, and Economic

23  Development may adopt criteria by which transportation

24  projects are to be specified and identified. In approving

25  transportation projects for funding, the Office of Tourism,

26  Trade, and Economic Development shall consider factors

27  including, but not limited to, the cost per job created or

28  retained considering the amount of transportation funds

29  requested; the average hourly rate of wages for jobs created;

30  the reliance on the program as an inducement for the project's

31  location decision; the amount of capital investment to be made


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    Florida Senate - 1998                                  SB 2284

  1  by the business; the demonstrated local commitment; the

  2  location of the project in an enterprise zone designated

  3  pursuant to s. 290.0055; the location of the project in a

  4  community development corporation service area as defined in

  5  s. 290.035(2); the unemployment rate of the surrounding area;

  6  the poverty rate of the community; and the adoption of an

  7  economic element as part of its local comprehensive plan in

  8  accordance with s. 163.3177(7)(j). The Office of Tourism,

  9  Trade, and Economic Development may contact any agency it

10  deems appropriate for additional input regarding the approval

11  of projects.

12         (b) For each fiscal year, the Office of Tourism, Trade,

13  and Economic Development shall set aside 10 percent of the

14  amount appropriated by the Legislature to fund economic

15  development transportation projects as authorized by this

16  section for transportation projects for businesses located in

17  areas of critical need as defined in s. 288.049.

18         (9)  Notwithstanding the provisions of s. 216.301,

19  funds appropriated for this purpose shall not be subject to

20  reversion. Funds set aside under subsection (4) are not

21  subject to reversion and may be expended only for the purposes

22  for which they were set aside.

23         Section 4.  Paragraph (e) of subsection (4) of section

24  288.106, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

25         288.106  Tax refund program for qualified target

26  industry businesses.--


28         (e)1.  Within 30 days after receipt of the office's

29  findings and evaluation, the director shall enter a final

30  order that either approves or disapproves the application of

31  the target industry business. The decision must be in writing


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    Florida Senate - 1998                                  SB 2284

  1  and must provide the justifications for approval or

  2  disapproval.

  3         2.  If appropriate, the director shall enter into a

  4  written agreement with the qualified target industry business

  5  pursuant to subsection (5).

  6         3.  Ten percent of the total amount of funds

  7  appropriated by the Legislature for qualified target industry

  8  business refund must be set aside for businesses located in

  9  areas of critical need as defined in s. 288.049. Funds set

10  aside under this subparagraph are not subject to reversion and

11  may be expended only for the purposes for which they were set

12  aside.

13         Section 5.  This act shall take effect upon becoming a

14  law.


16            *****************************************

17                          SENATE SUMMARY

18    Directs Enterprise Florida, Inc., to set aside a portion
      of appropriated funds for specified economic development
19    projects and exempts those funds from reversion at the
      end of the fiscal year. Provides criteria for the
20    determination of areas of critical need for purposes of
      economic development.










