Senate Bill 2294

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida Senate - 1998                                  SB 2294

    By Senator Latvala


  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to water resource management;

  3         amending s. 373.016, F.S.; declaring the policy

  4         of state and regional water management;

  5         encouraging use of water from sources nearest

  6         the area of need; amending s. 373.019, F.S.;

  7         defining the term "water source"; amending s.

  8         373.223, F.S.; allowing the Department of

  9         Environmental Protection or the water

10         management district governing boards to

11         consider additional factors when determining

12         the public interest of the transport and use of

13         water beyond overlying land; amending s.

14         373.026, F.S.; requiring legislative approval

15         prior to actions on the Central and Southern

16         Florida Flood Control Project Restudy;

17         providing an effective date.


19  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


21         Section 1.  Present subsections (4) and (5) of section

22  373.016, Florida Statutes, are redesignated as subsections (5)

23  and (6), respectively, and a new subsection (4) is added to

24  that section, to read:

25         373.016  Declaration of policy.--

26         (4)(a)  The Legislature recognizes that water is a

27  public resource benefiting the entire state, and water rights

28  are usufructuary rights conferred by the reasonable-beneficial

29  use of water and not conferred by land ownership. The

30  Legislature recognizes the need to allocate water throughout

31  the state to provide for all reasonable-beneficial uses of


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    Florida Senate - 1998                                  SB 2294

  1  water. However, the Legislature acknowledges that protection

  2  of water resources may require limitations on the transport of

  3  water outside of the source watershed, drainage basin, or

  4  other hydrologic unit. When necessary to protect the water

  5  resources of the state, the Legislature directs the Department

  6  of Environmental Protection and water management districts to

  7  encourage the use of water from sources nearest the area of

  8  use whenever practicable.

  9         (b)  The Legislature recognizes that under certain

10  circumstances the transport of water from distant sources may

11  be necessary for environmental, technical, or economic

12  reasons. Also, local governments should work cooperatively to

13  provide for local and regional public water supplies. Regional

14  water supply development and regional water resource

15  development can be essential for serving regional public water

16  supply needs. Accordingly, the Legislature does not intend the

17  policy statements in paragraph (a) to in any way limit the

18  ability of water utilities to provide safe, reliable, and

19  affordable water to the residents of the state.

20         Section 2.  Subsection (24) is added to section

21  373.019, Florida Statutes, to read:

22         373.019  Definitions.--When appearing in this chapter

23  or in any rule, regulation, or order adopted pursuant thereto,

24  the following words shall, unless the context clearly

25  indicates otherwise, mean:

26         (24)  "Water source" means any economically and

27  technically feasible source of water, including, but not

28  limited to, impoundments, streams, groundwater sources,

29  watercourses, desalination, reclaimed water, treated

30  stormwater, and aquifer storage and recovery.



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    Florida Senate - 1998                                  SB 2294

  1         Section 3.  Subsection (2) of section 373.223, Florida

  2  Statutes, is amended and present subsection (3) is

  3  redesignated as subsection (7), and new subsections (3), (4),

  4  (5) and (6) are added to that section to read:

  5         373.223  Conditions for a permit.--

  6         (2)  The governing board or the department may

  7  authorize the holder of a use permit to transport and use

  8  ground or surface water beyond overlying land, across county

  9  boundaries, or outside the watershed from which it is taken if

10  the governing board or department determines that such

11  transport and use is consistent with the public interest, and

12  no local government shall adopt or enforce any law, ordinance,

13  rule, regulation, or order to the contrary.

14         (3)  When the department or the governing board reviews

15  an application for transport and use of water beyond the

16  overlying land, the governing board or department may consider

17  the following factors when determining if the proposed use is

18  consistent with the public interest under subsection (2):

19         (a)  The proximity of the proposed water source to the

20  area of use or application.

21         (b)  Any water sources that are geographically closer

22  to the area of use or application than the proposed source

23  that have been determined by the applicant to be technically

24  and economically feasible for the proposed transport and use.

25         (c)  The potential environmental impacts that may

26  result from the transport and use of water from the proposed

27  source.

28         (d)  The potential environmental impacts that may

29  result from use of the other water sources identified in

30  paragraph (b).



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    Florida Senate - 1998                                  SB 2294

  1         (e)  Consultations with local governments affected by

  2  the proposed transport and use.

  3         (4)  In addition to the information required in s.

  4  373.229, the department or governing board may require the

  5  following additional information when determining if a

  6  proposed use is consistent with the public interest under

  7  subsection (2):

  8         (a)  A description of the proposed water source in

  9  relation to the area of use or application.

10         (b)  Identification of any water sources that are

11  geographically closer to the area of use or application than

12  the proposed source that the applicant has found to be

13  technically and economically feasible for the proposed

14  transport and use.

15         (c)  The potential environmental impacts that may

16  result from the proposed transport and use of water from the

17  proposed source.

18         (d)  The potential environmental impacts that may

19  result from the use of the water sources identified in

20  paragraph (b).

21         (5)  When local governments have voluntarily entered

22  into an interlocal agreement under s. 373.1962 and the

23  regional water supply authority is applying for a permit,

24  where the proposed water source and the proposed water use are

25  both within the regional water supply authority, the permit

26  application is not subject to subsections (2), (3), and (4).

27         (6)  The department and the governing board may adopt

28  rules to administer subsections (2), (3), and (4). Each permit

29  application considered under this section must be considered

30  on a case-by-case basis consistent with the legislative intent

31  expressed in s. 373.016(4).


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    Florida Senate - 1998                                  SB 2294

  1         Section 4.  Subsection (8) of section 373.026, Florida

  2  Statutes, is amended to read:

  3         373.026  General powers and duties of the department.--

  4         (8)(a)  Provide such coordination, cooperation, or

  5  approval necessary to the effectuation of any plan or project

  6  of the Federal Government in connection with or concerning the

  7  waters in the state. Unless otherwise provided by state or

  8  federal law, the department shall, subject to confirmation by

  9  the Legislature, have the power to approve or disapprove such

10  federal plans or projects on behalf of the state. If such plan

11  or project is for a coastal inlet, the department shall first

12  determine the impact of the plan or project on the sandy

13  beaches in the state. If the department determines that the

14  plan will have a significant adverse impact on the sandy

15  beaches, the department may not approve the plan or project

16  unless it is revised to mitigate those impacts.

17         (b)  The department, subject to confirmation by the

18  Legislature, shall act on behalf of the state in the

19  negotiation and consummation of any agreement or compact with

20  another state or states concerning waters of the state.

21         (c)  For the Central and Southern Florida Flood Control

22  Project Restudy, prior to any action of the state or the South

23  Florida Water Management District, including the decision to

24  seek congressional authority, or act as local sponsor in

25  regard to the restudy, the Legislature must approve any

26  coordination, cooperation, plan, or expenditure of funds

27  necessary to the effectuation of any project contained in the

28  Restudy and the participation by the South Florida Water

29  Management District as local sponsor in regard to the restudy.

30  In implementing this paragraph, the department and the

31  Governor shall provide appropriate recommendations to the


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    Florida Senate - 1998                                  SB 2294

  1  President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of

  2  Representatives.

  3         Section 5.  This act shall take effect October 1, 1998.


  5            *****************************************

  6                          SENATE SUMMARY

  7    Declares that the policy of state and regional water
      management is to encourage the use of water from sources
  8    nearest the area of need. Defines the term "water
      source." Authorizes the Department of Environmental
  9    Protection or water management districts to consider
      additional factors when determining the public interest
10    of the transport and use of water beyond overlying land.
      Requiring legislative approval on any coordination,
11    cooperation, plan, or expenditure of funds to effectuate
      actions relating to the restudy of the Central and
12    Southern Florida Flood Control Project.



















