Senate Bill 2350c1

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    Florida Senate - 1998                           CS for SB 2350

    By the Committee on Education and Senator Cowin


  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to education; amending s.

  3         229.57, F.S.; authorizing the Commissioner of

  4         Education to establish criteria for exempting a

  5         student from taking certain parts of the high

  6         school competency test; amending s. 232.2466,

  7         F.S.; modifying the criteria for awarding a

  8         differentiated college-ready diploma; providing

  9         an effective date.


11  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


13         Section 1.  Paragraph (c) of subsection (3) of section

14  229.57, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

15         229.57  Student assessment program.--

16         (3)  STATEWIDE ASSESSMENT PROGRAM.--The commissioner is

17  directed to design and implement a statewide program of

18  educational assessment that provides information for the

19  improvement of the operation and management of the public

20  schools. The program must be designed, as far as possible, so

21  as not to conflict with ongoing district assessment programs

22  and so as to use information obtained from district programs.

23  Pursuant to the statewide assessment program, the commissioner

24  shall:

25         (c)  Develop and implement a student achievement

26  testing program as part of the statewide assessment program,

27  to be administered at designated times at the elementary,

28  middle, and high school levels to measure reading, writing,

29  and mathematics.  The testing program must be designed so

30  that:



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    Florida Senate - 1998                           CS for SB 2350

  1         1.  The tests measure student skills and competencies

  2  adopted by the state board as specified in paragraph (a).  The

  3  tests must measure and report student proficiency levels in

  4  reading, writing, and mathematics.  Other content areas may be

  5  included as directed by the commissioner.  The commissioner

  6  shall provide for the tests to be developed or obtained, as

  7  appropriate, through contracts and project agreements with

  8  private vendors, public vendors, public agencies,

  9  postsecondary institutions, or school districts.  The

10  commissioner shall obtain input with respect to the design and

11  implementation of the testing program from state educators and

12  the public.

13         2.  The tests are criterion-referenced and include, to

14  the extent determined by the commissioner, items that require

15  the student to produce information or perform tasks in such a

16  way that the skills and competencies he or she uses can be

17  measured.

18         3.  Each testing program, whether at the elementary,

19  middle, or high school level, includes a test of writing in

20  which students are required to produce writings which are then

21  scored by appropriate methods.

22         4.  A score is designated for each subject area tested,

23  below which score a student's performance is deemed

24  inadequate.  The school districts shall provide appropriate

25  remedial instruction to students who score below these levels.

26         5.  All 11th grade students take a high school

27  competency test developed by the state board to test minimum

28  student performance skills and competencies in reading,

29  writing, and mathematics. The test must be based on the skills

30  and competencies adopted by the state board pursuant to

31  paragraph (a). Upon recommendation of the commissioner, the


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    Florida Senate - 1998                           CS for SB 2350

  1  state board shall designate a passing score for each part of

  2  the high school competency test. In establishing passing

  3  scores, the state board shall consider any possible negative

  4  impact of the test on minority students. The commissioner may

  5  establish criteria whereby a student who successfully

  6  demonstrates proficiency in either reading or mathematics or

  7  both may be exempted from taking the corresponding section of

  8  the high school competency test or the college placement test.

  9  A student must earn a passing score or have been exempted from

10  on each part of the high school competency test in order taken

11  to qualify for a regular high school diploma. The school

12  districts shall provide appropriate remedial instruction to

13  students who do not pass part of the competency test.

14         6.  Participation in the testing program is mandatory

15  for all students, except as otherwise prescribed by the

16  commissioner.  The commissioner shall recommend rules to the

17  state board for the provision of test adaptations and

18  modifications of procedures as necessary for students in

19  exceptional education programs and for students who have

20  limited English proficiency.

21         7.  A student seeking an adult high school diploma must

22  meet the same testing requirements that a regular high school

23  student must meet.


25  The commissioner may design and implement student testing

26  programs for any grade level and subject area, based on

27  procedures designated by the commissioner to monitor

28  educational achievement in the state.

29         Section 2.  Section 232.2466, Florida Statutes, is

30  amended to read:

31         232.2466  College-ready diploma program.--


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    Florida Senate - 1998                           CS for SB 2350

  1         (1)  Beginning with the 1997-1998 school year, Each

  2  school district shall award a differentiated college-ready

  3  diploma to each student who:

  4         (a)  Successfully completes the requirements for a

  5  standard high school diploma as prescribed by s. 232.246;

  6         (b)  Has achieved a 3.0 weighted grade point average,

  7  or its equivalent, in high school courses that are adopted by

  8  the Board of Regents and recommended by the State Board of

  9  Community Colleges as college-preparatory academic courses;

10  and.  Among courses taken to fulfill the 24-academic-credit

11  requirement, a student must take:

12         1.  Two credits in algebra and one credit in geometry,

13  or their equivalents, as determined by the state board.

14         2.  One credit in biology, one credit in chemistry, and

15  one credit in physics, or their equivalents, as determined by

16  the state board.

17         3.  Two credits in the same foreign language, taken for

18  elective credit. A student whose native language is not

19  English is exempt from this requirement if the student

20  demonstrates proficiency in the native language. American sign

21  language constitutes a foreign language.

22         (c)(b)  Has obtained at least the qualifying score for

23  the Florida Merit Scholars award on the combined verbal and

24  quantitative parts of the Scholastic Aptitude Test, the

25  Scholastic Assessment Test, or the recentered Scholastic

26  Assessment Test of the College Entrance Examination, or an

27  equivalent score on the American College Testing Program.

28  Takes the postsecondary education common placement test

29  prescribed in s. 240.117, or an equivalent test identified by

30  the State Board of Education, before graduation and scores at



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    Florida Senate - 1998                           CS for SB 2350

  1  or above the established statewide passing score in each test

  2  area.

  3         (2)  For purposes of calculating the grade point

  4  average to be used in determining eligibility for a

  5  college-ready diploma, the department shall assign additional

  6  weights to grades earned in courses identified in the Course

  7  Code Directory as Advanced Placement, pre-International

  8  Baccalaureate, or International Baccalaureate. The department

  9  may assign additional weights to courses, other than those

10  described in this subsection, which are identified by the

11  Articulation Coordinating Committee as containing rigorous

12  academic curriculum and performance standards. The additional

13  weight assigned to a course under this subsection must not

14  exceed 0.5 per semester per course.

15         (3)(2)  A college-ready diploma entitles a student to

16  admission without placement testing to a public postsecondary

17  education program that terminates in a technical certificate,

18  an associate in science degree, or an associate in arts

19  degree, if the student enters postsecondary education within 2

20  years after earning the college-ready diploma.

21         (3)  The Department of Education shall convene a task

22  force of educators and employers to recommend additional

23  incentives for students to pursue a college-ready diploma.

24  The incentives may include awards and recognition, preference

25  for positions in firms, and early registration privileges in

26  postsecondary education institutions.

27         Section 3.  This act shall take effect July 1, 1998.






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    Florida Senate - 1998                           CS for SB 2350

                       COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE FOR
  2                             SB 2350


  4  The committee substitute removes from the bill sections
    providing specific authority for the State Board of Education
  5  to adopt rules affecting dual-enrollment programs for high
    school students and the articulation of foreign language
  6  competency between secondary and postsecondary schools.

























