CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

House Bill 0241c1

Florida House of Representatives - 1997 CS/HB 241 By the Committee on Crime & Punishment and Representatives Valdes, Ball, Bainter, Trovillion, Sembler, Tobin, Saunders, Dockery, Feeney, Heyman, Fasano and Culp 1 A bill to be entitled 2 An act relating to sentencing; repealing s. 3 921.001(1), (2), (3), (5), (6), (7), (8), (9), 4 and (4)(a), (c), and (d), F.S., relating to the 5 Sentencing Commission and sentencing 6 guidelines, generally; providing for continued 7 applicability of guidelines and provisions 8 until October 1, 1998; repealing s. 921.0011, 9 F.S., relating to definitions; repealing s. 10 921.0012, F.S., relating to sentencing 11 guidelines offense levels and offense severity 12 ranking chart; repealing s. 921.0013, F.S., 13 relating to ranking of unlisted felony 14 offenses; repealing s. 921.0014, F.S., relating 15 to sentencing guidelines worksheet computations 16 and scoresheets; repealing s. 921.0015, F.S., 17 relating to adoption and implementation of 18 revised sentencing guidelines; repealing s. 19 921.0016, F.S., relating to recommended 20 sentences, departure sentences, and aggravating 21 and mitigating circumstances; abolishing the 22 Sentencing Commission; eliminating the 23 sentencing guidelines; providing for the 24 establishment of a Sentencing Reform 25 Commission; providing for membership and 26 expenses of the reform commission; directing 27 the reform commission to provide the 28 Legislature with recommendations for sentencing 29 policy and structure; providing effective 30 dates. 31 1 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 CS/HB 241 189-814A-97 1 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 2 3 Section 1. Effective October 1, 1998, subsections (1), 4 (2), (3), (5), (6), (7), (8), and (9) and paragraphs (a), (c), 5 and (d) of subsection (4) of section 921.001, Florida 6 Statutes, as amended by chapter 95-184, Laws of Florida, are 7 hereby repealed. 8 Section 2. Effective October 1, 1998, section 9 921.0011, Florida Statutes, as amended by chapters 93-417, 10 95-184, 96-312, 96-388, and 96-393, Laws of Florida, section 11 921.0012, Florida Statutes, as amended by chapters 94-307, 12 95-158, 95-184, 96-175, 96-215, 96-260, 96-264, 96-280, 13 96-293, 96-312, 96-322, 96-330, 96-387, 96-388, 96-393, and 14 96-409, Laws of Florida, section 921.0013, Florida Statutes, 15 as amended by chapter 96-388, Laws of Florida, section 16 921.0014, Florida Statutes, as amended by chapters 95-184 and 17 96-388, Laws of Florida, section 921.0015, Florida Statutes, 18 section 921.0016, Florida Statutes, as amended by chapters 19 95-184 and 96-409, Laws of Florida, are hereby repealed. 20 Section 3. Effective October 1, 1998, paragraph (b) of 21 subsection (4) of section 921.001, Florida Statutes, is 22 renumbered as section 921.00165, Florida Statutes, to read: 23 921.00165 921.001 Applicability of certain guidelines 24 Sentencing Commission and sentencing guidelines generally.-- 25 (4) The purpose of the sentencing guidelines is to 26 establish a uniform set of standards to guide the sentencing 27 judge in the sentence decisionmaking process. The guidelines 28 represent a synthesis of current sentencing theory, historical 29 sentencing practices, and a rational approach to managing 30 correctional resources. The sentencing guidelines are 31 intended to eliminate unwarranted variation in the sentencing 2 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 CS/HB 241 189-814A-97 1 process by reducing the subjectivity in interpreting specific 2 offense-related and offender-related criteria and in defining 3 the relative importance of those criteria in the sentencing 4 decision. 5 (1)(b)1. The guidelines enacted effective October 1, 6 1983, apply to all felonies, except capital felonies, 7 committed on or after October 1, 1983, and before January 1, 8 1994; and to all felonies, except capital felonies and life 9 felonies, committed before October 1, 1983, when the defendant 10 affirmatively selects to be sentenced pursuant to such 11 provisions. 12 (2)2. The 1994 guidelines apply to sentencing for all 13 felonies, except capital felonies, committed on or after 14 January 1, 1994, and before October 1, 1998. Any revision to 15 the 1994 guidelines applies to sentencing for all felonies, 16 except capital felonies, committed on or after the effective 17 date of the revision. 18 (3)3. Felonies, except capital felonies, with 19 continuing dates of enterprise shall be sentenced under the 20 sentencing guidelines in effect on the beginning date of the 21 criminal activity. 22 (4)4. When a defendant is before the court for 23 sentencing for more than one felony and the felonies were 24 committed under more than one version or revision of the 25 guidelines, each felony shall be sentenced under the 26 guidelines in effect at the time the particular felony was 27 committed. This subsection subparagraph does not apply to 28 sentencing for any capital felony. 29 Section 4. (1) There is hereby established a 30 Sentencing Reform Commission which shall be composed of 13 31 members, as follows: 3 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 CS/HB 241 189-814A-97 1 (a) The president of the Public Defenders Association, 2 or a designee. 3 (b) The president of the Florida Prosecuting Attorneys 4 Association, or a designee. 5 (c) The chair of the Conference of Circuit Judges of 6 Florida, or a designee. 7 (d) The president of the Florida Sheriffs Association, 8 or a designee. 9 (e) The executive director of the Florida Police 10 Chiefs Association, or a designee. 11 (f) One representative of a victim advocacy group, 12 appointed by the commission at its first meeting. 13 (g) Two members appointed by the Speaker of the House 14 of Representatives, from the membership of the House of 15 Representatives. One member shall be a member of the majority 16 party, and one member shall be a member of the minority party. 17 (h) Two members appointed by the President of the 18 Senate, from the membership of the Senate. One member shall 19 be a member of the majority party, and one member shall be a 20 member of the minority party. 21 (i) One member appointed by the Governor. 22 (j) The Commissioner of the Florida Department of Law 23 Enforcement or the commissioner's designee. 24 (k) The Attorney General or a designee. 25 (2) No person who is currently serving on the 26 Sentencing Guidelines Commission may be appointed to the 27 Sentencing Reform Commission. 28 (3) Members shall serve without compensation but shall 29 be reimbursed for travel and per diem expenses as provided in 30 s. 112.061, Florida Statutes. The members shall conduct the 31 first meeting within 30 days after this act becomes law. The 4 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 CS/HB 241 189-814A-97 1 members shall elect a chairperson at the first organizational 2 meeting. The chairperson is authorized to convene such 3 commission meetings, at such times and locations within the 4 state as are most convenient to the members, as deemed 5 necessary, but no less than quarterly. The commission shall 6 be assisted by the House Justice Council staff and the Senate 7 Criminal Justice Committee staff. 8 (4) On or before January 1, 1998, the commission shall 9 provide the Legislature with recommendations for a sentencing 10 policy and structure for the state. 11 Section 5. Except as otherwise provided herein, this 12 act shall take effect upon becoming a law. 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 5