Senate Bill 2468

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    Florida Senate - 1998        (NP)                      SR 2468

    By Senator Williams


  1                    Senate Resolution No.     

  2         A resolution recognizing Tuesday, March 24,

  3         1998, as Florida Federation of Garden Clubs'

  4         Legislative Day.


  6         WHEREAS, on January 7, 1925, the Florida Federation of

  7  Garden Clubs, Inc., adopted its constitution and bylaws, and

  8         WHEREAS, the founders of the organization subsequently

  9  embarked on a program of beautification, education, and

10  scientific activities which, both then and today, reflects the

11  desire to work in harmony and unity for the good of its

12  members, the public, and the State of Florida as a whole, and

13         WHEREAS, from its inception, the Florida Federation of

14  Garden Clubs has been interested in maintaining Florida's

15  natural beauty along its roadsides and has supported scenic

16  beauty and stressed conservation of natural resources, and

17         WHEREAS, members of garden clubs have encouraged the

18  erection of memorials to veterans of the United States Armed

19  Forces, and

20         WHEREAS, more than 6,500 youth gardeners are registered

21  by garden clubs and actively involved in gardening projects,

22  and

23         WHEREAS, SEEK (Save the Earth's Environment through

24  Knowledge), an advanced-level youth environmental conference

25  for outstanding high school students who are entering the

26  10th, 11th, and 12th grades, is held annually by the

27  federation, and

28         WHEREAS, FFGC Wekiva Youth Camp, located in Wekiva

29  Springs State Park and developed through a cooperative effort

30  by the Florida Federation of Garden Clubs and the Florida

31  Department of Natural Resources in 1974, is operated for


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    Florida Senate - 1998        (NP)                      SR 2468

  1  students in grades 3 through 8 during 6 weeks each summer and

  2  has 104 campers per week, and

  3         WHEREAS, the Hurricane Andrew Tree Project has been

  4  completed with the planting of 405 eight-foot to ten-foot

  5  trees at nine Homestead schools, and

  6         WHEREAS, the 21,000 members of garden clubs throughout

  7  the Sunshine State continue to plant wildflowers on our

  8  roadsides, thus truly making our highways "Paths of Sunshine,"



11  Be It Resolved by the Senate of the State of Florida:


13         That the Florida Senate recognizes Tuesday, March 24,

14  1998, as Florida Federation of Garden Clubs' Legislative Day

15  and invites all the residents of this state to join in

16  celebrating the achievements of our garden clubs.

17         BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution,

18  with the Seal of the Senate affixed, be presented to the

19  Florida Federation of Garden Clubs as a tangible token of the

20  esteem of the Florida Senate.











