CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.


Senator Lee moved the following amendment:

                                                  SENATE AMENDMENT

    Bill No. CS for SB 2480

    Amendment No.    

                            CHAMBER ACTION
              Senate                               House
 1                                 .
 2                                 .
 3                                 .







11  Senator Lee moved the following amendment:


13         Senate Amendment (with title amendment) 

14         Delete everything after the enacting clause


16  and insert:

17         Section 1.  Notwithstanding any other provision of law,

18  the Alternative Education Institute is abolished.

19         Section 2.  Section 230.23162, Florida Statutes, as

20  renumbered from section 985.402 and amended by chapter 97-382,

21  Laws of Florida, is amended to read:

22         (Substantial rewording of section. See

23         s. 230.23162, F.S., for present text.)

24         230.23162  Residential public education facility.--

25         (1)  Ownership of the facility and related assets

26  authorized under former s. 985.402, is transferred to the

27  Department of Management Services. The Department of

28  Management Services shall direct change orders in existing

29  construction contracts necessary to complete construction to

30  the extent necessary to stabilize assets and prepare the

31  facility for future utilization. The Department of Management

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                                                  SENATE AMENDMENT

    Bill No. CS for SB 2480

    Amendment No.    

 1  Services shall provide administrative, site inspection, and

 2  security services as necessary to carry out the provisions of

 3  this section. The Department of Management Services shall have

 4  access to all state funds previously appropriated to the

 5  Alternative Education Institute for this purpose.

 6         (2)(a)  A working group is formed to develop a plan for

 7  the use of the facility and to develop a request for proposals

 8  or request for information for operation of the program by a

 9  private contractor. The working group shall be composed of

10  eight members: one member each from the Department of

11  Education, Department of Juvenile Justice, and Department of

12  Children and Family Services; one member appointed by the

13  President of the Senate; one member appointed by the Speaker

14  of the House; one representative of the 13th judicial circuit

15  of Hillsborough County, to be appointed by the Chief Circuit

16  Judge; one representative of the Hillsborough School District,

17  and one representative from local law enforcement to be

18  appointed by the Sheriff of Hillsborough County. The

19  Department of Education shall provide administrative support

20  for the working group.

21         (b)  The group shall assess needs of categories of

22  clients served by the member agencies in evaluating possible

23  uses for the facility in meeting the needs of the clients. The

24  group shall identify client categories that may be served

25  through the use of the facility, shall outline a program

26  structure, and shall make further recommendations, including a

27  proposed private provider for implementation. The group should

28  consider previous recommendations for use of the facility, and

29  shall specifically consider the viability of prior proposals

30  submitted for use of the facility in the fiscal year

31  1997-1998. The group shall be formed and activated when this

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                                                  SENATE AMENDMENT

    Bill No. CS for SB 2480

    Amendment No.    

 1  act becomes law. The group shall make a recommendation to the

 2  President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of

 3  Representatives, no later than October 1, 1998, and shall be

 4  disbanded upon that date.

 5         (3)  The Department of Management Services shall survey

 6  state agencies, and shall invite bids and proposals from state

 7  agencies, local government agencies, federal agencies, and the

 8  private sector for use or disposition of the facility and

 9  related assets, no later than June 15, 1998. Notwithstanding

10  any law to the contrary, the Department of Management Services

11  shall set a deadline for receipt of bids and proposals of not

12  less than 3 months after the invitation for bids and proposals

13  is advertised. By October 1, 1998, the Department of

14  Management Services shall evaluate all bids and proposals and

15  make a recommendation to the President of the Senate and the

16  Speaker of the House of Representatives regarding proposed

17  uses for the facility, taking into account local and state

18  interests and concerns.

19         (4)  Upon receipt and review of the recommendations

20  from the working group and the Department of Management

21  Services, the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the

22  House of Representatives shall make a final determination

23  regarding use or disposition of the facility and related

24  assets. However, any such determination must take into account

25  local and state concerns and interests. The President of the

26  Senate, and the Speaker of the House of Representatives shall

27  notify the Governor of their determination.

28         Section 3.  There is appropriated to the Florida

29  Department of Education for fiscal year 1998-1999 from the

30  General Revenue Fund the sum of $50,000 to carry out the

31  provisions of this act.

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                                                  SENATE AMENDMENT

    Bill No. CS for SB 2480

    Amendment No.    

 1         Section 4.  This act shall take effect upon becoming a

 2  law.



 5  ================ T I T L E   A M E N D M E N T ===============

 6  And the title is amended as follows:

 7         Delete everything before the enacting clause


 9  and insert:

10                      A bill to be entitled

11         An act relating to the Alternative Education

12         Institute; amending s. 230.23162, F.S.;

13         abolishing the institute; transferring the

14         institute to the Department of Management

15         Services; providing duties of the Department of

16         Management Services; establishing a working

17         group to develop a plan for use of the

18         facility; requiring a report; requiring the

19         department to provide services and make a

20         recommendation for the disposition of the

21         facility taking account of local and state

22         concerns; providing an appropriation; providing

23         an effective date.









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