CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

    hbd-24                Bill No. CS for CS for SB 2524, 2nd Eng.

    Amendment No.     (for drafter's use only)

                            CHAMBER ACTION
              Senate                               House
 1                                 .
 2                                 .
 3                                 .

 5                                           ORIGINAL STAMP BELOW






11  Representative(s) Barreiro offered the following:


13         Amendment to Amendment (243299) (with title amendment) 

14         On page 104, between lines 11 & 12 of the amendment


16  insert:

17         Section 57.  Subsection (1) of section 288.1221,

18  Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

19         288.1221  Legislative intent.--

20         (1)  It is the intent of the Legislature to establish a

21  public-private partnership to provide policy direction to and

22  technical expertise in the promotion and marketing of the

23  state's tourism attributes. The Legislature further intends to

24  authorize this partnership to recommend the tenets of an

25  industry standard 4-year 5-year marketing plan for an annual

26  marketing plan for tourism promotion and recommend a

27  comparable organizational structure to carry out such a plan.

28  The Legislature intends to have such a plan funded by that

29  portion of the rental car surcharge annually dedicated to the

30  Tourism Promotional Trust Fund, pursuant to s. 212.0606, and

31  by the tourism industry. The Legislature intends that the


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

    hbd-24                Bill No. CS for CS for SB 2524, 2nd Eng.

    Amendment No.     (for drafter's use only)

 1  exercise of this authority by the public-private partnership

 2  shall take into consideration the recommendations made to the

 3  1992 Legislature in the report submitted by the Florida

 4  Tourism Commission created pursuant to chapter 91-31, Laws of

 5  Florida.

 6         Section 58.  Subsection (2) of section 288.1222,

 7  Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

 8         288.1222  Definitions.--For the purposes of ss.

 9  288.017, 288.121-288.1226, and 288.124, the term:

10         (2)  "Tourist" means any person who participates in

11  trade or recreation activities outside the county country of

12  his or her permanent residence or who rents or leases

13  transient living quarters or accommodations as described in s.

14  125.0104(3)(a).

15         Section 59.  Paragraph (g) of subsection (2) of section

16  288.1223, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

17         288.1223  Florida Commission on Tourism; creation;

18  purpose; membership.--

19         (2)

20         (g)  The Governor shall serve as chair of the

21  commission. The commission shall annually biennially elect one

22  of its tourism-industry-related members as vice chair, who

23  shall preside in the absence of the chair.

24         Section 60.  (1)  The Legislature finds that tourism

25  associated with the natural, cultural, and historical assets

26  of this state constitutes one of the fastest growing segments

27  of the travel and tourism industry. Such ecotourism and

28  heritage tourism hold significant potential for contributing

29  to the economic well-being of this state and its citizens

30  through the generation of revenues and the creation of jobs.

31  The Legislature further finds that there are opportunities to


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

    hbd-24                Bill No. CS for CS for SB 2524, 2nd Eng.

    Amendment No.     (for drafter's use only)

 1  promote travel experiences that link this state's traditional

 2  travel destinations with its ecotourism or heritage tourism

 3  destinations and to promote travel experiences that link

 4  ecotourism or heritage tourism destinations within a county or

 5  among multiple counties. Overarching these findings is the

 6  Legislature's recognition that the state's ecotourism and

 7  heritage tourism assets must be preserved and maintained if

 8  they are to be enjoyed by future generations. It is the intent

 9  of the Legislature to encourage the promotion of sustainable

10  ecotourism and heritage tourism in this state.

11         (2)  The Division of Recreation and Parks of the

12  Department of Environmental Protection is authorized to

13  establish an ecotourism promotion program designed to

14  encourage and facilitate visitation to state parks and to

15  other natural resources in the state, while also safeguarding

16  that such visitation does not jeopardize the environmental

17  value or the sustainability of the resources. Funds

18  appropriated for this program may be used to:

19         (a)  Make infrastructure improvements within and to, or

20  otherwise rehabilitate, state parks or other natural resources

21  under the jurisdiction of the division;

22         (b)  Develop and distribute marketing materials

23  describing ecotourism resources under the jurisdiction of the

24  division, including the proximity of the resources to

25  commercial tourism sites in a region or to other ecotourism

26  sites in a region in order to encourage travel experiences

27  that link these sites; or

28         (c)  Award ecotourism promotion grants to assist

29  localities and regions in promoting ecotourism or the economic

30  development activities related to such tourism.

31         1.  An eligible grant applicant is a governmental or


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

    hbd-24                Bill No. CS for CS for SB 2524, 2nd Eng.

    Amendment No.     (for drafter's use only)

 1  not-for-profit tourism or economic development organization in

 2  this state. An application may be submitted jointly on behalf

 3  of a combination of such organizations, in which case the

 4  organizations together shall be deemed to be one applicant. An

 5  organization may not participate in the submission of more

 6  than one application.

 7         2.  Applications submitted to the division must include

 8  a requested grant amount and a detailed plan governing the

 9  proposed use of the grant award. The division shall review

10  each application and shall submit award recommendations to the

11  Secretary of Environmental Protection for final approval.

12         3.  The division shall establish guidelines for

13  administering this program and shall establish criteria for

14  the competitive evaluation of grant applications. Evaluation

15  criteria must include, but need not be limited to, the extent

16  to which the plan submitted with the application links tourism

17  sites within the community or region or links tourism sites

18  within two or more communities or regions.

19         4.  Eligible uses of grant awards include:

20         a.  Marketing ecotourism sites;

21         b.  Marketing areas as appropriate sites for the

22  location or expansion of businesses that are engaged in or

23  that facilitate ecotourism activities; or

24         c.  Establishing local or regional ecotourism and

25  heritage tourism advisory and promotion organizations for

26  specific state parks.

27         5.  Each grant awarded to an applicant under this

28  program shall not exceed $30,000.

29         (3)  The sum of $100,000 is hereby appropriated from

30  the State Park Trust Fund for purpose of funding the

31  provisions of this section.


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

    hbd-24                Bill No. CS for CS for SB 2524, 2nd Eng.

    Amendment No.     (for drafter's use only)

 1  ================ T I T L E   A M E N D M E N T ===============

 2  And the title is amended as follows:

 3         On page 112, line 23, of the amendment


 5  after the semicolon insert:

 6         amending s. 288.1221, F.S.; conforming

 7         legislative intent on the time period covered

 8         by a tourism promotion marketing plan to the

 9         time period covered by the marketing plan

10         prepared by the Florida Commission on Tourism

11         under s. 288.1224, F.S.; amending s. 288.1222,

12         F.S.; revising the definition of "tourist" to

13         clarify that the term applies to a person

14         participating in trade or recreation activities

15         outside the county of permanent residence;

16         amending s. 288.1223, F.S.; providing that the

17         commission shall elect a vice chairman

18         annually; providing legislative findings and

19         intent on the potential economic development

20         benefits of ecotourism; authorizing the

21         Division of Recreation and Parks of the

22         Department of Environmental Protection, subject

23         to legislative appropriation, to establish an

24         ecotourism promotion program; providing for

25         eligible uses of funds under such program;

26         authorizing funds to be used to award

27         ecotourism promotion grants; prescribing grant

28         application procedures and eligible uses of

29         grant awards; providing an appropriation;




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