CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

    hbd-27                Bill No. CS for CS for SB 2524, 2nd Eng.

    Amendment No.     (for drafter's use only)

                            CHAMBER ACTION
              Senate                               House
 1                                 .
 2                                 .
 3                                 .

 5                                           ORIGINAL STAMP BELOW






11  Representative(s) Barreiro offered the following:


13         Amendment to Amendment (243299) (with title amendment) 

14         On page 104, lines 12 and 13,

15  remove from the amendment:  all of said lines


17  and insert in lieu thereof:

18         Section 57.  Section 288.125, Florida Statutes, is

19  created to read:

20         288.125  Short title.--Sections 288.1251 through

21  288.1258 shall be known and may be cited as the "Florida

22  Entertainment Industry Growth Act."

23         Section 58.  Section 288.1251, Florida Statutes, is

24  created to read:

25         288.1251  Definitions.--For the purposes of this act,

26  the term:

27         (1)  "Entertainment industry" means any person engaged

28  in the operation of motion picture or television studios or

29  recording studios, or any person engaged in the production of

30  motion pictures, made-for-TV motion pictures, television

31  series, commercial advertising, music videos, or sound


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

    hbd-27                Bill No. CS for CS for SB 2524, 2nd Eng.

    Amendment No.     (for drafter's use only)

 1  recordings.

 2         (2)  "Motion picture or television studio" means a

 3  facility in which film or video tape productions or parts of

 4  productions are made and which contains the necessary

 5  equipment and personnel for this purpose and also means a

 6  mobile unit or vehicle that is equipped in much the same

 7  manner as a stationary studio and used in the making of film

 8  or video tape productions.

 9         (3)  "Motion picture" means any live-action or animated

10  feature-length or short-subject audiovisual work at any stage

11  of the production, consisting of a series of related images,

12  either on film, tape, or other embodiment, including, but not

13  limited to, all items comprising part of the work and

14  film-related products derived therefrom as well as duplicates

15  and prints thereof and all sound recordings created to

16  accompany a motion picture, which is produced, adapted, or

17  altered for exploitation in, on, or through any medium or

18  device and at any location, primarily for entertainment,

19  commercial, industrial, or educational purposes.

20         (4)  "Commercial advertising production" means any

21  film, video, audio, or photographic production that is created

22  to promote statewide, nationally, or internationally specific

23  brands, products, services, retailers, or advocacy positions

24  for commercial purposes.

25         (5)  "Recording studio" means a place where, by means

26  of mechanical or electronic devices, voices, music, or other

27  sounds are transmitted to tapes, records, or other devices

28  capable of reproducing sound.

29         (6)  "Recording industry" means any person engaged in

30  an occupation or business of making recordings embodying sound

31  for a livelihood or for a profit.


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

    hbd-27                Bill No. CS for CS for SB 2524, 2nd Eng.

    Amendment No.     (for drafter's use only)

 1         (7)  "Sound recording" means a recording of voices,

 2  music, or other sounds by mechanical or electronic

 3  transmission to tapes, records, or other devices capable of

 4  storing and reproducing sound.

 5         (8)  "Music video production" means a cohesive

 6  compilation of motion pictures with a specific sound recording

 7  product for the purpose of broadcasting on a music television

 8  network or for commercial distribution.

 9         (9)  "Production" means any production, or part

10  thereof, of motion pictures, made-for-TV motion pictures,

11  television series, commercial advertising productions, music

12  videos, or sound recordings as defined by this act.

13         (10)  "Preproduction activities" means those

14  preliminary activities performed directly in connection with

15  the production of a motion picture, made-for-TV motion

16  picture, television series, commercial advertising production,

17  music video, or sound recording, which include, but are not

18  limited to, obtaining story rights, scriptwriting,

19  storyboarding, budgeting, scheduling, and assembling the

20  financing, producers, director, and prime talent.

21         (11)  "Production activities" means those activities

22  performed in direct connection with the production, or any

23  part thereof, of a motion picture, made-for-TV motion picture,

24  television series, commercial advertising production, music

25  video, or sound recording, which include, but are not limited

26  to, location scouting and managing, set construction and

27  acquisition, props acquisition, wardrobe construction and

28  acquisition, hair and makeup design and execution,

29  cinematography, photography, videography, sound recording, and

30  personnel travel and meal acquisition and related activities.

31         (12)  "Postproduction activities" means those


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

    hbd-27                Bill No. CS for CS for SB 2524, 2nd Eng.

    Amendment No.     (for drafter's use only)

 1  activities performed directly in connection with transforming

 2  the individual images and sounds recorded during production

 3  into a cohesive body, which include, but are not limited to,

 4  editing, dubbing, creating supplementary sound tracks,

 5  automated dialogue replacement, foley stage recording, sound

 6  mixing, creating special effects, two-dimensional and

 7  three-dimensional graphics and animation, and creating credit

 8  titles.

 9         (13)  "Producer" means any person who causes to be made

10  a motion picture, made-for-TV motion picture, television

11  series, commercial advertising, music video, or sound

12  recording, or any part thereof, primarily for entertainment,

13  commercial, industrial, or educational purposes.

14         (14)  "Council" means the Entertainment Florida

15  Council.

16         (15)  These terms and the provisions of this act do not

17  include television, cable or radio companies licensed by the

18  Federal Communications Commission in their capacities as

19  broadcast companies, but may include such companies in their

20  capacities as producers of entertainment industry products

21  created primarily for entertainment, commercial, industrial,

22  or educational purposes for statewide, national, or

23  international distribution.

24         Section 59.  Section 288.1252, Florida Statutes, is

25  created to read:

26         288.1252  Entertainment Florida Council; creation;

27  purpose; membership; powers and duties.--

28         (1)  CREATION.--There is hereby created within the

29  Office of Tourism, Trade, and Economic Development of the

30  Executive Office of the Governor, for administrative purposes

31  only, the Entertainment Florida Council.


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

    hbd-27                Bill No. CS for CS for SB 2524, 2nd Eng.

    Amendment No.     (for drafter's use only)

 1         (2)  PURPOSE.--The purpose of the council shall be to

 2  serve as an advisory body to the Office of Tourism, Trade, and

 3  Economic Development and to the Office of the Entertainment

 4  Industry Commissioner to provide these offices with industry

 5  insight and expertise related to developing, promoting, and

 6  providing service to the state's entertainment industry and to

 7  provide private sector supplemental financial support to the

 8  programs of the Office of the Entertainment Industry

 9  Commissioner.

10         (3)  MEMBERSHIP.--

11         (a)  The council shall consist of 17 members, five to

12  be appointed by the Governor, six to be appointed by the

13  President of the Senate, and six to be appointed by the

14  Speaker of the House of Representatives, with the initial

15  appointments being made no later than July 1, 1998.

16         (b)  When making appointments to the council, the

17  Governor, the President of the Senate, and the Speaker of the

18  House of Representatives shall appoint persons who are

19  residents of the state and who are highly knowledgeable of,

20  active in, and recognized leaders in Florida's motion picture,

21  television, video, sound recording or other entertainment

22  industries. These persons shall include, but not be limited

23  to, representatives of local government film commissions,

24  representatives of entertainment associations, and board

25  chairs, presidents, chief executive officers, chief operating

26  officers, or persons of comparable executive position or

27  stature of leading or otherwise important entertainment

28  industry businesses.  Council members shall be appointed in

29  such a manner as to equitably represent the broadest spectrum

30  of the entertainment industry and geographic areas of the

31  state.


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

    hbd-27                Bill No. CS for CS for SB 2524, 2nd Eng.

    Amendment No.     (for drafter's use only)

 1         (c)  Council members shall serve for 4-year terms,

 2  except that the initial terms shall be staggered:

 3         1.  The Governor shall appoint one member for a 1-year

 4  term, one member for a 2-year term, one member for a 3-year

 5  term, and two members for 4-year terms.

 6         2.  The President of the Senate shall appoint one

 7  member for a 1-year term, two members for 2-year terms, two

 8  members for 3-year terms, and one member for a 4-year term.

 9         3.  The Speaker of the House of Representatives shall

10  appoint one member for a 1-year term, two members for 2-year

11  terms, two members for 3-year terms, and one member for a

12  4-year term.

13         (d)  Subsequent appointments shall be made by the

14  official who appointed the council member whose expired term

15  is to be filled.

16         (e)  Absence from three consecutive meetings shall

17  result in automatic removal from the council.

18         (f)  A vacancy on the council shall be filled for the

19  remainder of the unexpired term by the official who appointed

20  the vacating member.

21         (g)  No more than one member of the council may be an

22  employee of any one company, organization, or association.

23         (h)  Any member shall be eligible for reappointment but

24  may not serve more than two consecutive terms.

25         (i)  The council shall meet no less frequently than

26  once each quarter of the calendar year, but may meet more

27  often as set by the council.

28         (j)  The council shall annually elect one member to

29  serve as chair of the council and one member to serve as vice

30  chair.  The Office of the Entertainment Industry Commissioner

31  shall provide staff assistance to the council, which shall


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

    hbd-27                Bill No. CS for CS for SB 2524, 2nd Eng.

    Amendment No.     (for drafter's use only)

 1  include, but not be limited to, keeping records of the

 2  proceedings and financial activities of the council, and

 3  serving as custodian of all books, documents, and papers filed

 4  with the council.

 5         (k)  A majority of the members of the council shall

 6  constitute a quorum.

 7         (l)  Members of the council shall serve without

 8  compensation, but shall be entitled to reimbursement for per

 9  diem and travel expenses in accordance with s. 112.061 while

10  in performance of their duties.

11         (m)  Each member of the council shall file full and

12  public disclosure of financial interests at the times and

13  places and in the same manner required of elected

14  constitutional officers under s. 8, Art. II of the State

15  Constitution and any law implementing that provision.

16         (n)  The Entertainment Industry Commissioner shall be

17  an ex officio member of the council.

18         (4)  POWERS AND DUTIES.--Entertainment Florida Council

19  shall have all the powers necessary or convenient to carry out

20  and effectuate the purposes and provisions of this act,

21  including, but not limited to, the power to:

22         (a)  Adopt bylaws for the governance of its affairs and

23  the conduct of its business.

24         (b)  Make and execute contracts and other instruments

25  necessary or convenient for the exercise of its powers and

26  functions, including, but not limited to, a contract with a

27  direct-support organization.

28         (c)  Create a direct-support organization to raise

29  funds to provide supplemental support for the operation and

30  programs of the Office of the Entertainment Industry

31  Commissioner and serve as the board of directors of such an


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

    hbd-27                Bill No. CS for CS for SB 2524, 2nd Eng.

    Amendment No.     (for drafter's use only)

 1  organization, which shall:

 2         1.  Be a Florida corporation not for profit,

 3  incorporated under the provisions of chapter 617 and approved

 4  by the Department of State.

 5         2.  Be organized and operated exclusively to receive,

 6  hold, invest, and administer property, to raise funds and

 7  accept gifts, and to make expenditures to supplement the

 8  activities, services, functions, and programs of the Office of

 9  the Entertainment Industry Commissioner.

10         3.  Be certified annually by the Office of Tourism,

11  Trade, and Economic Development as operating in a manner

12  consistent with the goals of the approved strategic plan for

13  the Office of the Entertainment Industry Commissioner.

14         4.  Be governed by a board of directors whose

15  membership is synonymous with the membership of the

16  Entertainment Florida Council.

17         5.  Make provisions for an annual postaudit of its

18  financial accounts to be conducted by an independent certified

19  public accountant in accordance with rules promulgated by the

20  Auditor General.  The annual audit report shall include a

21  management letter and shall be submitted to the Auditor

22  General and the Office of Tourism, Trade, and Economic

23  Development for review.  The Office of Tourism, Trade, and

24  Economic Development and the Auditor General shall have the

25  authority to require and receive from the organization or its

26  independent auditor any detail or supplemental data relative

27  to the operation of the organization.

28         6.  Not be considered an agency for the purposes of

29  chapters 120, 216, and 287; ss. 255.21, 255.25, and 255.254,

30  relating to leasing of buildings; ss. 283.33 and 283.35,

31  relating to bids for printing; s. 215.31; and parts I, II, and


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

    hbd-27                Bill No. CS for CS for SB 2524, 2nd Eng.

    Amendment No.     (for drafter's use only)

 1  IV through VIII of chapter 112.

 2         (d)  Develop a 5-year strategic plan, by no later than

 3  June 30, 1999, to guide the activities of the Office of the

 4  Entertainment Industry Commissioner.  The plan shall:

 5         1.  Be annual in construction and ongoing in nature.

 6         2.  Include recommendations relating to the

 7  organizational structure of the Office of the Entertainment

 8  Industry Commissioner.

 9         3.  Include an annual budget projection for the Office

10  of the Entertainment Industry Commissioner for each year of

11  the plan.

12         4.  Include an operational model for the Office of the

13  Entertainment Industry Commissioner to use in implementing

14  programs designed to:

15         a.  Develop and promote the state's entertainment

16  industry.

17         b.  Have the office serve as a liaison between the

18  entertainment industry and other state and local governmental

19  agencies and labor organizations.

20         c.  Gather statistical information related to the

21  state's entertainment industry.

22         d.  Provide information and service to businesses,

23  communities, organizations and individuals engaged in

24  entertainment industry activities.

25         e.  Administer field offices.

26         5.  Include recommendations regarding specific

27  performance standards and measurable outcomes for the

28  programs to be implemented by the Office of the Entertainment

29  Industry Commissioner.

30         6.  Include an ongoing assessment of, and make

31  recommendations on, the feasibility of creating an alternative


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

    hbd-27                Bill No. CS for CS for SB 2524, 2nd Eng.

    Amendment No.     (for drafter's use only)

 1  public/private partnership for the purpose of contracting with

 2  such a partnership for the administration of the state's

 3  entertainment industry promotion, development, and industry

 4  service programs.

 5         (e)  Oversee the Entertainment Industry Commissioner's

 6  administration of the programs related to the approved

 7  strategic plan, and advise the Office of Tourism, Trade, and

 8  Economic Development on whether the Commissioner is

 9  effectively administering such programs.

10         (f)  Appear on its own behalf before boards,

11  commissions, departments, or other agencies of municipal,

12  county, or state government, or the Federal Government.

13         (g)  Do any and all things necessary or convenient to

14  carry out the purposes of and exercise the powers granted in

15  this act.

16         (h)  Provide financial supplements to the programs of

17  the Office of the Entertainment Industry Commissioner.

18         Section 60.  Section 288.12285, Florida Statutes, is

19  renumbered as section 288.1253, Florida Statutes, and amended

20  to read:

21         288.1253 288.12285  Promotion and development of

22  entertainment industries; direct-support organization;

23  confidentiality of donor identities.--The identity of a donor

24  or prospective donor to the direct-support organization

25  authorized under s. 288.1252 s. 288.1228 who desires to remain

26  anonymous and all information identifying such donor or

27  prospective donor are confidential and exempt from s.

28  119.07(1) and s. 24(a), Art. I of the State Constitution.

29  Such anonymity shall be maintained in audit reports.  This

30  section expires October 2, 2001, and is subject to review by

31  the Legislature under the Open Government Sunset Review Act of


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

    hbd-27                Bill No. CS for CS for SB 2524, 2nd Eng.

    Amendment No.     (for drafter's use only)

 1  1995 in accordance with s. 119.15 before that date.

 2         Section 61.  Section 288.1254, Florida Statutes, is

 3  created to read:

 4         288.1254  Promotion and development of entertainment

 5  industry; Office of the Entertainment Industry Commissioner;

 6  creation; purpose; powers and duties.--

 7         (1)  CREATION.--

 8         (a)  There is hereby created within the Office of

 9  Tourism, Trade, and Economic Development the Office of the

10  Entertainment Industry Commissioner for the purpose of

11  developing, promoting, and providing services to the state's

12  entertainment industry.

13         (b)  The Office of Tourism, Trade, and Economic

14  Development shall conduct a national search for a qualified

15  person to fill the position of Entertainment Industry

16  Commissioner, and the Executive Director of the Office of

17  Tourism, Trade, and Economic Development shall appoint the

18  Entertainment Industry Commissioner from a list of the top

19  three candidates recommended by the Entertainment Florida

20  Council.

21         (c)  The Office of the Entertainment Industry

22  Commissioner shall consist of no more than 3 state employees

23  in addition to the commissioner.

24         (2)  POWERS AND DUTIES.--

25         (a)  The Office of the Entertainment Industry

26  Commissioner, in performance of its duties, shall:

27         1.  Implement the approved 5-year strategic plan

28  developed by the Entertainment Florida Council for

29  entertainment industry development, promotion, liaison

30  services, field office administration, and information.

31         2.  Develop and facilitate a smooth working


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

    hbd-27                Bill No. CS for CS for SB 2524, 2nd Eng.

    Amendment No.     (for drafter's use only)

 1  relationship between state agencies and local governments in

 2  cooperation with local film commission offices for

 3  out-of-state and indigenous entertainment industry production

 4  entities.

 5         3.  Implement a structured methodology prescribed for

 6  coordinating activities of local offices with each other and

 7  the commissioner's office.

 8         4.  Represent the state's indigenous entertainment

 9  industry to key decisionmakers within the national and

10  international entertainment industry, and to state and local

11  officials.

12         5.  Prepare an inventory of entertainment industry

13  asset information on talent, crew, related businesses, and

14  support services and coordinate with local offices to develop

15  an information tool for common use.

16         6.  Represent key decisionmakers within the national

17  and international entertainment industry to the indigenous

18  entertainment industry and to state and local officials.

19         7.  Serve as liaison between entertainment industry

20  producers and labor organizations.

21         (b)  The Office of the Entertainment Industry

22  Commissioner, in the performance of its duties, may:

23         1.  Conduct or contract for specific promotion and

24  marketing functions, including, but not limited to, production

25  of a statewide directory, production and maintenance of an

26  Internet web site, organization of trade show participation,

27  and appropriate cooperative marketing opportunities.

28         2.  Conduct its affairs, carry on its operations,

29  establish offices, and exercise the powers granted by this act

30  in any state, territory, district, or possession of the United

31  States.


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

    hbd-27                Bill No. CS for CS for SB 2524, 2nd Eng.

    Amendment No.     (for drafter's use only)

 1         3.  Carry out any program of information, special

 2  events, or publicity designed to attract entertainment

 3  industry to Florida.

 4         4.  Encourage and cooperate with other public and

 5  private organizations or groups in their efforts to publicize

 6  to the entertainment industry in this state, other states, and

 7  other countries the depth of Florida's entertainment industry

 8  talent, crew, production companies, production equipment

 9  resources, related businesses, and support services, including

10  the establishment of and expenditure for a program of

11  cooperative advertising with these public and private

12  organizations and groups in accordance with the provisions of

13  chapter 120.

14         5.  Provide and arrange for reasonable and necessary

15  promotional items and services for such persons as the office

16  deems proper in connection with the performance of the

17  promotional and other duties of the office.

18         Section 62.  Section 288.1255, Florida Statutes, is

19  created to read:

20         288.1255  Travel and entertainment expenses.--

21         (1)  As used in this section:

22         (a)  "Business client" means any person, other than a

23  state official or state employee, who receives the services

24  of, or is the subject of solicitation by, representatives of

25  the Office of the Entertainment Industry Commissioner in

26  connection with the performance of its statutory duties,

27  including persons or representatives of entertainment industry

28  companies considering or being solicited for location,

29  relocation, or expansion of an entertainment industry business

30  within the state.

31         (b)  "Entertainment expenses" means the actual,


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

    hbd-27                Bill No. CS for CS for SB 2524, 2nd Eng.

    Amendment No.     (for drafter's use only)

 1  necessary, and reasonable costs of providing hospitality for

 2  business clients or guests, which costs are defined and

 3  prescribed by rules adopted by the Office of Tourism, Trade,

 4  and Economic Development, subject to approval by the

 5  Comptroller.

 6         (c)  "Guest" means a person, other than a state

 7  official or state employee, authorized by the Office of

 8  Tourism, Trade, and Economic Development to receive the

 9  hospitality of the Office of the Entertainment Industry

10  Commissioner in connection with the performance of its

11  statutory duties.

12         (d)  "Travel expenses" means the actual, necessary, and

13  reasonable costs of transportation, meals, lodging, and

14  incidental expenses normally incurred by a traveler, which

15  costs are defined and prescribed by rules adopted by the

16  Office of Tourism, Trade, and Economic Development, subject to

17  approval by the Comptroller.

18         (2)  Notwithstanding the provisions of s. 112.061, the

19  Office of Tourism, Trade, and Economic Development shall adopt

20  rules by which it may make expenditures by advancement or

21  reimbursement, or a combination thereof, to:

22         (a)  State officers and state employees for travel

23  expenses or entertainment expenses incurred by such officers

24  and employees in connection with the performance of the

25  statutory duties of the Office of the Entertainment Industry

26  Commissioner.

27         (b)  State officers and state employees for travel

28  expenses or entertainment expenses incurred by such officers

29  and employees on behalf of guests, business clients, or

30  authorized persons as defined in s. 112.061(2)(e) in

31  connection with the performance of the statutory duties of the


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

    hbd-27                Bill No. CS for CS for SB 2524, 2nd Eng.

    Amendment No.     (for drafter's use only)

 1  Office of the Entertainment Industry Commissioner.

 2         (c)  Third party vendors for the travel or

 3  entertainment expenses of guests, business clients, or

 4  authorized persons as defined in s. 112.061(2)(e) incurred

 5  while such persons are participating in activities or events

 6  carried out by the Office of the Entertainment Industry

 7  Commissioner in connection with that office's statutory

 8  duties.


10  The rules shall be subject to approval by the Comptroller

11  prior to promulgation.  The rules shall require the submission

12  of paid receipts, or other proof of expenditure prescribed by

13  the Comptroller, with any claim for reimbursement and shall

14  require, as a condition for any advancement of funds, an

15  agreement to submit paid receipts or other proof of

16  expenditure and to refund any unused portion of the

17  advancement within 15 days after the expense is incurred or,

18  if the advancement is made in connection with travel, within

19  10 working days after the traveler's return to headquarters.

20  However, with respect to an advancement of funds made solely

21  for travel expenses, the rules may allow paid receipts or

22  other proof of expenditure to be submitted, and any unused

23  portion of the advancement to be refunded, within 10 working

24  days after the traveler's return to headquarters. Operational

25  or promotional advancements, as defined in s. 288.35(4),

26  obtained pursuant to this section shall not be commingled with

27  any other state funds.

28         (3)  The Office of Tourism, Trade, and Economic

29  Development shall prepare an annual report of the expenditures

30  of the Office of the Entertainment Industry Commissioner and

31  provide such report to the Legislature no later than December


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

    hbd-27                Bill No. CS for CS for SB 2524, 2nd Eng.

    Amendment No.     (for drafter's use only)

 1  30 of each year for the expenditures of the previous fiscal

 2  year. The report shall consist of a summary of all travel,

 3  entertainment, and incidental expenses incurred within the

 4  United States and all travel, entertainment, and incidental

 5  expenses incurred outside the United States.

 6         (4)  The Office of the Entertainment Industry

 7  Commissioner and its employees and representatives, when

 8  authorized, may accept, and use complimentary travel,

 9  accommodations, meeting space, meals, equipment,

10  transportation, and any other goods or services necessary for

11  or beneficial to the performance of the office's duties and

12  purposes, so long as such acceptance, or use is not in

13  conflict with part III of chapter 112.  The Office of Tourism,

14  Trade, and Economic Development shall, by rule, develop

15  internal controls to ensure that such goods or services

16  accepted, or used pursuant to this subsection are limited to

17  those which will assist in the furtherance of the office's

18  goals and are in compliance with part III of chapter 112.

19         (5)  Any claim submitted under this section shall not

20  be required to be sworn to before a notary public or other

21  officer authorized to administer oaths, but any claim

22  authorized or required to be made under any provision of this

23  section shall contain a statement that the expenses were

24  actually incurred as necessary travel or entertainment

25  expenses in the performance of official duties of the Office

26  of the Entertainment Industry Commissioner and shall be

27  verified by written declaration that it is true and correct as

28  to every material matter.  Any person who willfully makes and

29  subscribes to any claim which he or she does not believe to be

30  true and correct as to every material matter or who willfully

31  aids or assists in, procures, or counsels or advises with


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    Amendment No.     (for drafter's use only)

 1  respect to, the preparation or presentation of a claim

 2  pursuant to this section that is fraudulent or false as to any

 3  material matter, whether or not such falsity or fraud is with

 4  the knowledge or consent of the person authorized or required

 5  to present the claim, is guilty of a misdemeanor of the second

 6  degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083.

 7  Whoever receives an advancement or reimbursement by means of a

 8  false claim is civilly liable, in the amount of the

 9  overpayment, for the reimbursement of the public fund from

10  which the claim was paid.

11         Section 63.  Section 288.1258, Florida Statutes, is

12  created to read:

13         288.1258  Entertainment industry qualified production

14  companies; application procedure; categories; duties of the

15  Department of Revenue.--

16         (1)(a)  Any production company engaged in this state in

17  the production of motion pictures, made-for-TV motion

18  pictures, television series, commercial advertising, music

19  videos, or music recordings, as they are defined in this act,

20  may submit an application to the Office of the Entertainment

21  Industry Commissioner to be approved as a qualified production

22  company for the purpose of receiving a sales and use tax

23  certificate of exemption from the Department of Revenue.

24         (b)  For the purposes of this section, the term

25  "qualified production company" means any production company

26  that has submitted a properly completed application to the

27  Office of the Entertainment Industry Commissioner and is

28  subsequently qualified by that office.

29         (2)  APPLICATION PROCEDURE.--

30         (a)1.  The Office of the Entertainment Industry

31  Commissioner shall establish a process by which an


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    Amendment No.     (for drafter's use only)

 1  entertainment industry production company may be approved by

 2  the office as a qualified production company and may receive a

 3  certificate of exemption from the Department of Revenue for

 4  the sales and use tax exemptions under ss. 212.031(1)(a)9.,

 5  212.06(1)(b) and 212.08(12)(a).

 6         2.  Upon determination by the Office of the

 7  Entertainment Industry Commissioner that a production company

 8  meets the established approval criteria and qualifies for

 9  exemption, the Office of the Entertainment Industry

10  Commissioner shall forward the approved application or

11  application renewal or extension to the Department of Revenue,

12  which shall issue a certificate of exemption.

13         3.  The Office of the Entertainment Industry

14  Commissioner shall deny an application or application for

15  renewal or extension from a production company if it

16  determines that the production company does not meet the

17  established approval criteria.

18         (b)  The Office of the Entertainment Industry

19  Commissioner shall develop, with the cooperation of the

20  Department of Revenue and local government entertainment

21  industry promotion agencies, a standardized application form

22  for use in approving qualified production companies.

23         1.  The application form shall include, but not be

24  limited to, production-related information on employment,

25  proposed budgets, planned purchases of items exempted from

26  sales and use taxes under ss. 212.031(1)(a)9., 212.06(1)(b),

27  and 212.08(12)(a), a signed affirmation from the applicant

28  that any items purchased for which the applicant is seeking a

29  tax exemption are intended for use exclusively as an integral

30  part of entertainment industry preproduction, production or

31  postproduction activities engaged in primarily in this state,


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    Amendment No.     (for drafter's use only)

 1  and a signed affirmation from the Office of the Entertainment

 2  Industry Commissioner that the information on the application

 3  form has been verified and is correct. In lieu of information

 4  on projected employment, proposed budgets, or planned

 5  purchases of exempted items, a production company seeking a

 6  1-year certificate of exemption may submit summary historical

 7  data on employment, production budgets, and purchases of

 8  exempted items related to production activities in this state.

 9  Any information gathered from production companies for the

10  purposes of this section shall be considered confidential

11  taxpayer information and shall be disclosed only as provided

12  in s. 213.053.

13         2.  The application form may be distributed to

14  applicants by the Office of the Entertainment Industry

15  Commissioner or local government entertainment industry

16  promotion agencies.

17         (c)  All applications, renewals, and extensions for

18  designation as a qualified production company shall be

19  processed by the Office of the Entertainment Industry

20  Commissioner.

21         (d)  In the event that the Department of Revenue

22  determines that a production company no longer qualifies for,

23  or has otherwise used, a certificate of exemption for purposes

24  other than those authorized by this section and chapter 212,

25  the Department of Revenue shall revoke the certificate of

26  exemption of that production company, and any sales or use

27  taxes exempted on items purchased or leased by the production

28  company during the time such company did not qualify for a

29  certificate of exemption or improperly used a certificate of

30  exemption, shall become immediately due to the Department of

31  Revenue, along with interest and penalty as provided by


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    Amendment No.     (for drafter's use only)

 1  section 212.12.  In addition to the other penalties imposed by

 2  this part, any person who knowingly and willfully falsifies an

 3  application, or uses a certificate of exemption for purposes

 4  other than those authorized by this section and chapter 212,

 5  commits a felony of the third degree, punishable as provided

 6  in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, and s. 775.084.

 7         (e)  The Office of the Entertainment Industry

 8  Commissioner shall develop and periodically update, in

 9  cooperation with local government entertainment industry

10  promotion agencies, entertainment industry representatives,

11  and program directors of public postsecondary institutions

12  which house and operate entertainment industry production

13  facilities, a list of products and services commonly used by

14  entertainment industry producers in connection with

15  preproduction, production, and postproduction activities

16  described in this act and in s. 212.08(12)(b), which shall be

17  made available to production companies applying for

18  designation as a qualified production company.

19         (3)  CATEGORIES.--

20         (a)1.  A production company may be qualified for

21  designation as a qualified production company for a period of

22  1 year if the company has operated a business in Florida at a

23  permanent address for a period of 12 consecutive months.  Such

24  a qualified production company shall receive a single 1-year

25  certificate of exemption from the Department of Revenue for

26  the sales and use tax exemptions under ss. 212.031(1)(a)9.,

27  212.06(1)(b), and 212.08(12)(a), which certificate shall

28  expire 1 year after issuance or upon the cessation of business

29  operations in the state, at which time the certificate shall

30  be surrendered to the Department of Revenue.

31         2.  The Office of the Entertainment Industry


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    Amendment No.     (for drafter's use only)

 1  Commissioner shall develop a method by which a qualified

 2  production company may annually renew a 1-year certificate of

 3  exemption for a period of up to 5 years without requiring the

 4  production company to resubmit a new application during that

 5  5-year period.

 6         3.  Any qualified production company may submit a new

 7  application for a 1-year certificate of exemption upon the

 8  expiration of that company's certificate of exemption.

 9         (b)1.  A production company may be qualified for

10  designation as a qualified production company for a period of

11  90-days. Such production company shall receive a single 90-day

12  certificate of exemption from the Department of Revenue for

13  the sales and use tax exemptions under ss. 212.031(1)(a)9.,

14  212.06(1)(b), and 212.08(12)(a), which certificate shall

15  expire 90 days after issuance, with extensions contingent upon

16  approval of the Office of the Entertainment Industry

17  Commissioner.  The certificate shall be surrendered to the

18  Department of Revenue upon its expiration.

19         2.  Any production company may submit a new application

20  for a 90-day certificate of exemption upon the expiration of

21  that company's certificate of exemption.


23         (a)  The Department of Revenue shall issue a numbered

24  certificate of exemption to a qualified production company

25  within 5 working days of the receipt of a properly completed

26  and approved application, application renewal, or application

27  extension from the Office of the Entertainment Industry

28  Commissioner.

29         (b)  The Department of Revenue may promulgate such

30  rules and shall prescribe and publish such forms as may be

31  necessary to effectuate the purposes of this act or any of the


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    Amendment No.     (for drafter's use only)

 1  sales tax exemptions which are reasonably related to the

 2  provisions of this act.

 3         (c)  The Department of Revenue is authorized to

 4  establish audit procedures in accordance with the provisions

 5  of ss. 212.12 and 212.13 which relate to the sales tax

 6  exemption provisions of this act.

 7         Section 64.  Florida Entertainment Industry Model

 8  Permitting Task Force; creation; membership; powers and

 9  duties; report.--There is created within the Office of the

10  Entertainment Industry Commissioner, for a period of one year,

11  a task force for the purpose of developing a model for uniform

12  permits for use by state agencies and county and municipal

13  governments.

14         (1) Members of the task force shall be appointed by the

15  Governor no later than July 1, 1998, for a period of 1 year

16  and shall include one representative from each of the

17  following:

18         (a)  The Office of Tourism, Trade, and Economic

19  Development.

20         (b)  The Department of Environmental Protection.

21         (c)  The Division of Recreation and Parks of the

22  Department of Environmental Protection.

23         (d)  The Department of Transportation.

24         (e)  The Office of the State Fire Marshall.

25         (f)  The Board of Regents.

26         (g)  The Florida League of Cities.

27         (h)  The Florida Association of Counties.

28         (i)  The Department of Highway Safety and Motor

29  Vehicles.

30         (j)  The Division of Law Enforcement of the Department

31  of Environmental Protection.


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    Amendment No.     (for drafter's use only)

 1         (k)  The Department of Community Affairs.

 2         (l)  The Department of Corrections.

 3         (m)  The Florida Film Commissioner's Association.

 4         (n)  Each of the state's two largest motion-picture

 5  production studios.

 6         (o)  The Florida Motion Picture and Television

 7  Association.

 8         (p)  The recording industry.

 9         (q)  The commercial advertising industry.

10         (2)  The task force shall meet as often as necessary to

11  develop a report which shall be given to the President of the

12  Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives no

13  later than June 30, 1999, which shall include:

14         (a)  A recommendation for model permits for use by

15  state agencies and county and municipal governments in

16  granting temporary permits to entertainment industry

17  businesses in the process of production activities.

18         (b)  Cost recommendations for use of state and local

19  government buildings, property, and personnel.

20         (c)  Recommendations for developing a timetable for

21  securing state and local environmental permits during the

22  preproduction and production stages of an entertainment

23  industry project.

24         (3)  The task force shall elect a chair who will set

25  the meeting schedules for the task force.

26         (4)  The Office of the Entertainment Industry

27  Commissioner may provide staff assistance to the task force

28  for the purpose of recording the minutes of each meeting.

29         (5)  Members of the task force shall serve without

30  compensation, but shall be entitled to reimbursement for per

31  diem and travel expenses in accordance with s. 112.061 while


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    hbd-27                Bill No. CS for CS for SB 2524, 2nd Eng.

    Amendment No.     (for drafter's use only)

 1  in the performance of their duties.

 2         Section 65.  Subsections (2) and (7) of section

 3  14.2015, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

 4         14.2015  Office of Tourism, Trade, and Economic

 5  Development; creation; powers and duties.--

 6         (2)  The purpose of the Office of Tourism, Trade, and

 7  Economic Development is to assist the Governor in working with

 8  the Legislature, state agencies, business leaders, and

 9  economic development professionals to formulate and implement

10  coherent and consistent policies and strategies designed to

11  provide economic opportunities for all Floridians.  To

12  accomplish such purposes, the Office of Tourism, Trade, and

13  Economic Development shall:

14         (a)  Contract, notwithstanding the provisions of part I

15  of chapter 287, with the direct-support organization created

16  under s. 288.1228, or a designated Florida not-for-profit

17  corporation whose board members have had prior experience in

18  promoting, throughout the state, the economic development of

19  the Florida motion picture, television, radio, video,

20  recording, and entertainment industries, to guide, stimulate,

21  and promote the entertainment industry in the state.

22         (a)(b)  Contract, notwithstanding the provisions of

23  part I of chapter 287, with the direct-support organization

24  created under s. 288.1229 to guide, stimulate, and promote the

25  sports industry in the state.

26         (b)(c)  Monitor the activities of public-private

27  partnerships and state agencies in order to avoid duplication

28  and promote coordinated and consistent implementation of

29  programs in areas including, but not limited to, tourism;

30  international trade and investment; business recruitment,

31  creation, retention, and expansion; minority and small


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    Amendment No.     (for drafter's use only)

 1  business development; and rural community development.

 2         (c)(d)  Facilitate the direct involvement of the

 3  Governor and the Lieutenant Governor in economic development

 4  projects designed to create, expand, and retain Florida

 5  businesses and to recruit worldwide business.

 6         (d)(e)  Assist the Governor, in cooperation with

 7  Enterprise Florida, Inc., and the Florida Commission on

 8  Tourism, in preparing an annual report to the Legislature on

 9  the state of the business climate in Florida and on the state

10  of economic development in Florida which will include the

11  identification of problems and the recommendation of

12  solutions.  This report shall be submitted to the President of

13  the Senate, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, the

14  Senate Minority Leader, and the House Minority Leader by

15  January 1 of each year, and it shall be in addition to the

16  Governor's message to the Legislature under the State

17  Constitution and any other economic reports required by law.

18         (e)(f)  Plan and conduct at least three meetings per

19  calendar year of leaders in business, government, and economic

20  development called by the Governor to address the business

21  climate in the state, develop a common vision for the economic

22  future of the state, and identify economic development efforts

23  to fulfill that vision.

24         (f)(g)1.  Administer the Florida Enterprise Zone Act

25  under ss. 290.001-290.016, the community contribution tax

26  credit program under ss. 220.183 and 624.5105, the tax refund

27  program for qualified target industry businesses under s.

28  288.106, contracts for transportation projects under s.

29  288.063, the sports franchise facility program under s.

30  288.1162, the professional golf hall of fame facility program

31  under s. 288.1168, the Florida Jobs Siting Act under ss.


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    Amendment No.     (for drafter's use only)

 1  403.950-403.972, the Rural Community Development Revolving

 2  Loan Fund under s. 288.065, the Regional Rural Development

 3  Grants Program under s. 288.018, the Florida State Rural

 4  Development Council, and the Rural Economic Development

 5  Initiative.

 6         2.  The office may enter into contracts in connection

 7  with the fulfillment of its duties concerning the Florida

 8  First Business Bond Pool under chapter 159, tax incentives

 9  under chapters 212 and 220, foreign offices under chapter 288,

10  the Enterprise Zone program under chapter 290, the Seaport

11  Employment Training program under chapter 311, the Florida

12  Professional Sports Team License Plates under chapter 320,

13  Spaceport Florida under chapter 331, Job Siting and Expedited

14  Permitting under chapter 403, and in carrying out other

15  functions that are specifically assigned to the office by law.

16         (g)(h)  Serve as contract administrator for the state

17  with respect to contracts with Enterprise Florida, Inc., the

18  Florida Commission on Tourism, and all direct-support

19  organizations under this act, excluding those relating to

20  tourism.  To accomplish the provisions of this act and

21  applicable provisions of chapter 288, and notwithstanding the

22  provisions of part I of chapter 287, the office shall enter

23  into specific contracts with Enterprise Florida, Inc., the

24  Florida Commission on Tourism, and other appropriate

25  direct-support organizations. Such contracts may be multiyear

26  and shall include specific performance measures for each year.

27  The office shall provide the President of the Senate and the

28  Speaker of the House of Representatives with a report by

29  February 1 of each year on the status of these contracts,

30  including the extent to which specific contract performance

31  measures have been met by these contractors.


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    Amendment No.     (for drafter's use only)

 1         (h)  Provide administrative oversight for the Office of

 2  the Entertainment Industry Commissioner, created under s.

 3  288.1254, to develop, promote, and provide services to the

 4  state's entertainment industry and to administratively house

 5  the Entertainment Florida Council created under s. 288.1252.

 6         (i)  Prepare and submit as a separate budget entity a

 7  unified budget request for tourism, trade, and economic

 8  development in accordance with chapter 216 for, and in

 9  conjunction with, Enterprise Florida, Inc., and its boards,

10  the Florida Commission on Tourism and its direct-support

11  organization, the Florida Black Business Investment Board, the

12  Office of the Entertainment Industry Commissioner, and the

13  direct-support organization organizations created to promote

14  the entertainment and sports industries.

15         (j)  Promulgate rules to carry out its functions in

16  connection with the administration of the Qualified Target

17  Industry program, the Qualified Defense Contractor program,

18  the Enterprise Zone program, and the Florida First Business

19  Bond pool.

20         (7)  The Office of Tourism, Trade, and Economic

21  Development shall develop performance measures, standards, and

22  sanctions for each program it administers under this act and,

23  in conjunction with the applicable entity, for each program

24  for which it contracts with another entity under this act.

25  The performance measures, standards, and sanctions shall be

26  developed in consultation with the legislative appropriations

27  committees and the appropriate substantive committees, and are

28  subject to the review and approval process provided in s.

29  216.177.  The approved performance measures, standards, and

30  sanctions shall be included and made a part of each strategic

31  plan or contract entered into for delivery of programs


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    Amendment No.     (for drafter's use only)

 1  authorized by this act.

 2         Section 66.  Effective January 1, 1999, paragraph (a)

 3  of subsection (1) of section 212.031, Florida Statutes, is

 4  amended to read:

 5         212.031  Lease or rental of or license in real

 6  property.--

 7         (1)(a)  It is declared to be the legislative intent

 8  that every person is exercising a taxable privilege who

 9  engages in the business of renting, leasing, letting, or

10  granting a license for the use of any real property unless

11  such property is:

12         1.  Assessed as agricultural property under s. 193.461.

13         2.  Used exclusively as dwelling units.

14         3.  Property subject to tax on parking, docking, or

15  storage spaces under s. 212.03(6).

16         4.  Recreational property or the common elements of a

17  condominium when subject to a lease between the developer or

18  owner thereof and the condominium association in its own right

19  or as agent for the owners of individual condominium units or

20  the owners of individual condominium units. However, only the

21  lease payments on such property shall be exempt from the tax

22  imposed by this chapter, and any other use made by the owner

23  or the condominium association shall be fully taxable under

24  this chapter.

25         5.  A public or private street or right-of-way occupied

26  or used by a utility for utility purposes.

27         6.  A public street or road which is used for

28  transportation purposes.

29         7.  Property used at an airport exclusively for the

30  purpose of aircraft landing or aircraft taxiing or property

31  used by an airline for the purpose of loading or unloading


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    Amendment No.     (for drafter's use only)

 1  passengers or property onto or from aircraft or for fueling

 2  aircraft.

 3         8.a.  Property used at a port authority, as defined in

 4  s. 315.02(2), exclusively for the purpose of oceangoing

 5  vessels or tugs docking, or such vessels mooring on property

 6  used by a port authority for the purpose of loading or

 7  unloading passengers or cargo onto or from such a vessel, or

 8  property used at a port authority for fueling such vessels, or

 9  to the extent that the amount paid for the use of any property

10  at the port is based on the charge for the amount of tonnage

11  actually imported or exported through the port by a tenant.

12         b.  The amount charged for the use of any property at

13  the port in excess of the amount charged for tonnage actually

14  imported or exported shall remain subject to tax except as

15  provided in sub-subparagraph a.

16         9.  Property used as an integral part of the

17  preproduction, production, and postproduction activities by a

18  qualified production company as these terms are defined in s.

19  212.08(12).  This exemption will inure to the taxpayer upon

20  presentation of the certificate of exemption issued to the

21  taxpayer under the provisions of s. 288.1258. performance of

22  qualified production services.  As used in this subparagraph,

23  the term "qualified production services" means any activity or

24  service performed directly in connection with the production

25  of a qualified motion picture, as defined in s. 212.06(1)(b),

26  and includes:

27         a.  Photography, sound and recording, casting, location

28  managing and scouting, shooting, creation of special and

29  optical effects, animation, adaptation (language, media,

30  electronic, or otherwise), technological modifications,

31  computer graphics, set and stage support (such as


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    Amendment No.     (for drafter's use only)

 1  electricians, lighting designers and operators, greensmen,

 2  prop managers and assistants, and grips), wardrobe (design,

 3  preparation, and management), hair and makeup (design,

 4  production, and application), performing (such as acting,

 5  dancing, and playing), designing and executing stunts,

 6  coaching, consulting, writing, scoring, composing,

 7  choreographing, script supervising, directing, producing,

 8  transmitting dailies, dubbing, mixing, editing, cutting,

 9  looping, printing, processing, duplicating, storing, and

10  distributing;

11         b.  The design, planning, engineering, construction,

12  alteration, repair, and maintenance of real or personal

13  property including stages, sets, props, models, paintings, and

14  facilities principally required for the performance of those

15  services listed in sub-subparagraph a.; and

16         c.  Property management services directly related to

17  property used in connection with the services described in

18  sub-subparagraphs a. and b.

19         10.  Leased, subleased, or rented to a person providing

20  food and drink concessionaire services within the premises of

21  a movie theater, a business operated under a permit issued

22  pursuant to chapter 550, or any publicly owned arena, sports

23  stadium, convention hall, exhibition hall, auditorium, or

24  recreational facility.  A person providing retail

25  concessionaire services involving the sale of food and drink

26  or other tangible personal property within the premises of an

27  airport shall be subject to tax on the rental of real property

28  used for that purpose, but shall not be subject to the tax on

29  any license to use the property.  For purposes of this

30  subparagraph, the term "sale" shall not include the leasing of

31  tangible personal property.


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    Amendment No.     (for drafter's use only)

 1         11.  Property occupied pursuant to an instrument

 2  calling for payments which the department has declared, in a

 3  Technical Assistance Advisement issued on or before March 15,

 4  1993, to be nontaxable pursuant to rule 12A-1.070(19)(c),

 5  Florida Administrative Code; provided that this subparagraph

 6  shall only apply to property occupied by the same person

 7  before and after the execution of the subject instrument and

 8  only to those payments made pursuant to such instrument,

 9  exclusive of renewals and extensions thereof occurring after

10  March 15, 1993.

11         Section 67.  Effective January 1, 1999, paragraph (b)

12  of subsection (1) of section 212.06, Florida Statutes, is

13  amended to read:

14         212.06  Sales, storage, use tax; collectible from

15  dealers; "dealer" defined; dealers to collect from purchasers;

16  legislative intent as to scope of tax.--

17         (1)

18         (b)  Except as otherwise provided, any person who

19  manufactures, produces, compounds, processes, or fabricates in

20  any manner tangible personal property for his or her own use

21  shall pay a tax upon the cost of the product manufactured,

22  produced, compounded, processed, or fabricated without any

23  deduction therefrom on account of the cost of material used,

24  labor or service costs, or transportation charges,

25  notwithstanding the provisions of s. 212.02 defining "cost

26  price."  However, the tax levied under this paragraph shall

27  not be imposed upon any person who manufactures or produces

28  electrical power or energy, steam energy, or other energy at a

29  single location, when such power or energy is used directly

30  and exclusively at such location, or at other locations if the

31  energy is transferred through facilities of the owner in the


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    Amendment No.     (for drafter's use only)

 1  operation of machinery or equipment that is used to

 2  manufacture, process, compound, produce, fabricate, or prepare

 3  for shipment tangible personal property for sale or to operate

 4  pollution control equipment, maintenance equipment, or

 5  monitoring or control equipment used in such operations.  The

 6  manufacture or production of electrical power or energy that

 7  is used for space heating, lighting, office equipment, or

 8  air-conditioning or any other nonmanufacturing, nonprocessing,

 9  noncompounding, nonproducing, nonfabricating, or nonshipping

10  activity is taxable. Electrical power or energy consumed or

11  dissipated in the transmission or distribution of electrical

12  power or energy for resale is also not taxable.  Fabrication

13  labor shall not be taxable when a person is using his or her

14  own equipment and personnel, for his or her own account, as an

15  integral part of the preproduction, production, and post

16  production activities by a qualified production company as

17  these terms are defined in s. 212.08(12).  This exemption will

18  inure to the taxpayer upon presentation of the certificate of

19  exemption issued to the taxpayer under the provisions of s.

20  288.1258. a producer, subproducer, or coproducer of a

21  qualified motion picture.  For purposes of this chapter, the

22  term "qualified motion picture" means all or any part of a

23  series of related images, either on film, tape, or other

24  embodiment, including, but not limited to, all items

25  comprising part of the original work and film-related products

26  derived therefrom as well as duplicates and prints thereof and

27  all sound recordings created to accompany a motion picture,

28  which is produced, adapted, or altered for exploitation in,

29  on, or through any medium or device and at any location,

30  primarily for entertainment, commercial, industrial, or

31  educational purposes. A person who manufactures factory-built


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    Amendment No.     (for drafter's use only)

 1  buildings for his or her own use in the performance of

 2  contracts for the construction or improvement of real property

 3  shall pay a tax only upon the person's cost price of items

 4  used in the manufacture of such buildings.

 5         Section 68.  Effective January 1, 1999, section

 6  212.0602, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

 7         212.0602  Education; limited exemption.--To facilitate

 8  investment in education and job training, there is also exempt

 9  from the taxes levied under this chapter, subject to the

10  provisions of this section, the purchase or lease of

11  materials, equipment, real or personal property, and other

12  items by any entity, institution, or organization that is

13  primarily engaged in teaching students to perform any of the

14  activities or services described in s. 212.08(12)(b)

15  212.031(1)(a)9., that conducts classes at a fixed location

16  located in this state, that is licensed under chapter 246, and

17  that has at least 500 enrolled students.  Any entity,

18  institution, or organization meeting the requirements of this

19  section shall be deemed to qualify for the exemptions afforded

20  a qualified production company as defined in s. 212.08(12)(b)

21  in ss. 212.031(1)(a)9. and 212.08(5)(f) and (12), and to

22  qualify for an exemption for its purchase or lease of

23  materials, equipment, real or personal property, and other

24  items used for education or demonstration of the school's

25  curriculum including supporting operations.  Nothing in this

26  section shall preclude an entity described in this section

27  from qualifying for any other exemption provided for in this

28  chapter.

29         Section 69.  Effective January 1, 1999, subsection (12)

30  of section 212.08, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

31         212.08  Sales, rental, use, consumption, distribution,


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    Amendment No.     (for drafter's use only)

 1  and storage tax; specified exemptions.--The sale at retail,

 2  the rental, the use, the consumption, the distribution, and

 3  the storage to be used or consumed in this state of the

 4  following are hereby specifically exempt from the tax imposed

 5  by this chapter.




 9         (a)  There are exempt from the taxes imposed by this

10  chapter:

11         1.  The gross receipts from the sale or lease of, and

12  the storage, use, or other consumption in this state of,

13  master tapes or master records embodying sound, or master

14  films or master video tapes; except that amounts paid to

15  recording studios or motion picture or television studios for

16  the tangible elements of such master tapes, records, films, or

17  video tapes are taxable as otherwise provided in this chapter.

18  This exemption will inure to the taxpayer upon presentation of

19  the certificate of exemption issued to the taxpayer under the

20  provisions of s. 288.1258.

21         2.  The gross receipts from the sale or lease of, and

22  the storage, use, or other consumption of motion picture or

23  video and sound recording equipment used as an integral part

24  of production or postproduction activities in this state by a

25  qualified production company as defined in this subsection.

26  This exemption shall inure to the taxpayer upon presentation

27  by the purchaser or lessee to the vendor of the certificate of

28  exemption issued to the taxpayer under the provisions of s.

29  288.1258.  For the purpose of the exemption provided in this

30  subparagraph, entertainment industry equipment shall be

31  categorized as belonging to one of the following five groups


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    Amendment No.     (for drafter's use only)

 1  and shall be itemized by type on a list annually compiled and

 2  published no later than November 1, commencing in the year

 3  this act is enacted, by the office of the Entertainment

 4  Industry Commissioner created under s. 288.1254:

 5         a.  Production cameras, lenses, and camera accessory

 6  equipment.

 7         b.  Production lighting and grip equipment.

 8         c.  Production audio or video recording and playback

 9  equipment.

10         d.  Postproduction editing equipment and special

11  effects programs and digitizing equipment.

12         e.  Animation and related computer equipment, computer

13  programs, audio and video recording and playback equipment,

14  and specialized artist workstations.

15         (b)  For the purposes of this subsection, the term:

16         1.  "Amounts paid for the tangible elements" does not

17  include any amounts paid for the copyrightable, artistic, or

18  other intangible elements of such master tapes, records,

19  films, or video tapes, whether designated as royalties or

20  otherwise., including, but not limited to, services rendered

21  in producing, fabricating, processing, or imprinting tangible

22  personal property or any other services or production expenses

23  in connection therewith which may otherwise be construed as

24  constituting a "sale" under s. 212.02.

25         2.  "Master films or master video tapes" means films or

26  video tapes utilized by the motion picture and television

27  production industries in making visual images for

28  reproduction.

29         3.  "Master tapes or master records embodying sound"

30  means tapes, records, and other devices utilized by the

31  recording industry in making recordings embodying sound.


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    Amendment No.     (for drafter's use only)

 1         4.  "Motion picture or television studio" means a

 2  facility in which film or video tape productions or parts of

 3  productions are made and which contains the necessary

 4  equipment and personnel for this purpose and includes a mobile

 5  unit or vehicle that is equipped in much the same manner as a

 6  stationary studio and used in the making of film or video tape

 7  productions.

 8         5.  "Recording studio" means a place where, by means of

 9  mechanical or electronic devices, voices, music, or other

10  sounds are transmitted to tapes, records, or other devices

11  capable of reproducing sound.

12         6.  "Recording industry" means any person engaged in an

13  occupation or business of making recordings embodying sound

14  for a livelihood or for a profit.

15         7.  "Sound recording" means a recording of voices,

16  music, or other sounds by mechanical or electronic

17  transmission to tapes, records, or other devices capable of

18  storing and reproducing sound.

19         7.  "Motion picture or television production industry"

20  means any person engaged in an occupation or business for a

21  livelihood or for profit of making visual motion picture or

22  television visual images for showing on screen or television

23  for theatrical, commercial, advertising, or educational

24  purposes.

25         8.  "Music video production" means a cohesive

26  compilation of motion pictures with a specific sound recording

27  product for the purpose of broadcasting on a music television

28  network or commercial distribution.

29         9.  "Motion picture" means any live-action or animated

30  feature-length or short-subject audiovisual work at any stage

31  of the production, consisting of a series of related images,


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    Amendment No.     (for drafter's use only)

 1  either on film, tape, or other embodiment, including, but not

 2  limited to, all items comprising part of the work and

 3  film-related products derived therefrom as well as duplicates

 4  and prints thereof and all sound recordings created to

 5  accompany a motion picture, which is produced, adapted, or

 6  altered for exploitation in, on, or through any medium or

 7  device and at any location, primarily for entertainment,

 8  commercial, industrial, or educational purposes.

 9         10.  "Commercial advertising production" means any

10  film, video, audio, or photographic production that is created

11  to promote statewide, nationally, or internationally specific

12  brands, products, services, retailers, or advocacy positions

13  for commercial purposes.

14         11.  "Production" means any production, or any part

15  thereof, of motion pictures, made-for-TV motion pictures,

16  television series, commercial advertising, music videos, or

17  sound recordings as defined in this subsection.

18         12.  "Preproduction activities" means those preliminary

19  activities performed directly in connection with the

20  production, or any part thereof, of a motion picture,

21  made-for-TV motion picture, television series, commercial

22  advertising production, music video, or sound recording, which

23  include, but are not limited to, obtaining story rights,

24  script writing, story boarding, budgeting, scheduling, and

25  assembling the financing, producers, director, and prime

26  talent.

27         13.  "Production activities" means those activities

28  performed directly in connection with the production, or any

29  part thereof, of a motion picture, made-for-TV motion picture,

30  television series, commercial advertising production, music

31  video, or sound recording which include, but are not limited


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    hbd-27                Bill No. CS for CS for SB 2524, 2nd Eng.

    Amendment No.     (for drafter's use only)

 1  to, location scouting and managing, set construction and

 2  acquisition, props acquisition, wardrobe construction and

 3  acquisition, hair and makeup design and execution,

 4  cinematography, photography, videography, sound recording, and

 5  personnel travel and meal acquisition and related activities.

 6         14.  "Postproduction activities" means those activities

 7  performed directly in connection with transforming the

 8  individual images and sounds recorded during production into a

 9  cohesive body, which include, but are not limited to, editing,

10  dubbing, creating supplementary soundtracks, automated

11  dialogue replacement, foley stage recording, sound mixing,

12  creating special effects, two-dimensional and

13  three-dimensional graphics and animation, and creating credit

14  titles.

15         15.  "Qualified production company" means any

16  production company that causes to be made a motion picture,

17  made-for-TV motion picture, television series, commercial

18  advertising, music video, or sound recording, or any part

19  thereof, primarily for entertainment, commercial, industrial,

20  or educational purposes and that has submitted a properly

21  completed application to the Office of the Entertainment

22  Industry Commissioner and is subsequently qualified by that

23  office.

24         16.  "Entertainment industry" means any person engaged

25  in the operation of motion picture or television studios or

26  recording studios, or any person engaged in the production of

27  motion pictures, made-for-TV motion pictures, television

28  series, commercial advertising, music videos, or sound

29  recordings.

30         17.  These terms and the provisions of this act do not

31  include television, cable or radio companies licensed by the


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    Amendment No.     (for drafter's use only)

 1  Federal Communications Commission in their capacities as

 2  broadcast companies, but may include such companies in their

 3  capacities as producers of entertainment industry products

 4  created primarily for entertainment, commercial, industrial,

 5  or educational purposes for statewide, national, or

 6  international distribution.

 7         (c)  The Office of the Entertainment Industry

 8  Commissioner shall keep annual records from the information

 9  provided on taxpayer applications for tax exemption

10  certificates beginning with the effective date of the tax

11  exemptions provided by this subsection.  These records shall

12  reflect a percentage comparison of the annual amount of funds

13  exempted to the estimated amount of funds expended in relation

14  to entertainment industry products, and shall keep data

15  showing annual growth in Florida-based entertainment industry

16  companies and entertainment industry employment and wages.

17  The Office of the Entertainment Industry Commissioner shall

18  report this information to the Legislature by no later than

19  December 1 of each year.

20         (d)  This subsection shall be repealed October 1, 2008,

21  subject to a review to be completed by the Legislature prior

22  to the conclusion of the 2008 Regular Session of the

23  Legislature.

24         Section 70.  Paragraph (o) is added to subsection (7)

25  of section 213.053, Florida Statutes, to read:

26         213.053  Confidentiality and information sharing.--

27         (7)  Notwithstanding any other provision of this

28  section, the department may provide:

29         (o)  Information relative to the tax exemptions under

30  ss. 212.031(1)(a)9., 212.06(1)(b), and 212.08(12)(a) to the

31  Office of the Entertainment Industry Commissioner. The


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    hbd-27                Bill No. CS for CS for SB 2524, 2nd Eng.

    Amendment No.     (for drafter's use only)

 1  Department of Revenue shall provide the Office of the

 2  Entertainment Industry Commissioner with information in the

 3  aggregate.


 5  Disclosure of information under this subsection shall be

 6  pursuant to a written agreement between the executive director

 7  and the agency. Such agencies, governmental or

 8  nongovernmental, shall be bound by the same requirements of

 9  confidentiality as the Department of Revenue. Breach of

10  confidentiality is a misdemeanor of the first degree,

11  punishable as provided by s. 775.082 or s. 775.083.

12         Section 71.  Paragraph (e) of subsection (6) of section

13  288.108, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

14         288.108  High-impact business.--


16  SECTORS.--

17         (e)  The study and its findings and recommendations and

18  the recommendations gathered from the sector-business network

19  must be discussed and considered during at least one of the

20  quarterly meetings required in s. 14.2015(2)(g)(h).

21         Section 72.  Subsection (7) of section 288.90152,

22  Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

23         288.90152  Pilot matching grant program.--

24         (7)  Upon completing all training funded under this

25  pilot program, the Office of Tourism, Trade, and Economic

26  Development shall report on the outputs and outcomes for this

27  program as part of the annual report prepared under s.

28  14.2015(2)(f)(g). Such report must include a recommendation on

29  whether it would be sound public policy to continue or

30  discontinue funding for the program.

31         Section 73.  Effective January 1, 1999, paragraph (f)


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    Amendment No.     (for drafter's use only)

 1  of subsection (5) of section 212.08, Florida Statutes, is

 2  repealed.

 3         Section 74.  Sections 288.051, 288.052, 288.053,

 4  288.054, 288.056, 288.057, 288.1228, and 288.12285, Florida

 5  Statutes, are repealed.

 6         Section 75.  For fiscal year 1998-1999, there is hereby

 7  appropriated $200,411 from the Tourism Promotion Trust Fund in

 8  the Office of Tourism, Trade, and Economic Development for the

 9  Office of the Entertainment Industry Commissioner.

10         Section 76.  Except as otherwise provided herein, this

11  act shall take effect July 1 of the year in which enacted.



14  ================ T I T L E   A M E N D M E N T ===============

15  And the title is amended as follows:

16         On page 112, line 24 of the amendment

17  remove from the title:  all of said lines


19  and insert in lieu thereof:

20         creating s. 288.125, F.S.; providing a short

21         title; creating s. 288.1251, F.S.; providing

22         definitions; creating s. 288.1252, F.S.;

23         creating the Entertainment Florida Council

24         within the Office of Tourism, Trade, and

25         Economic Development of the Executive Office of

26         the Governor; providing purpose, membership,

27         terms, organization, powers, and duties of the

28         council; renumbering and amending s. 288.12285,

29         F.S.; correcting a reference; creating s.

30         288.1254, F.S.; creating the Office of

31         Entertainment Industry Commissioner; providing


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    Amendment No.     (for drafter's use only)

 1         procedure for appointment of the Entertainment

 2         Industry Commissioner; providing powers and

 3         duties of the office; creating s. 288.1255,

 4         F.S.; requiring the Office of Tourism, Trade,

 5         and Economic Development to adopt rules by

 6         which it may make specified expenditures for

 7         expenses incurred in connection with the

 8         performance of the duties of the Office of the

 9         Entertainment Industry Commissioner; requiring

10         approval of such rules by the Comptroller;

11         requiring an annual report; authorizing the

12         solicitation, acceptance, and use of specified

13         goods and services by employees and

14         representatives of the Office of the

15         Entertainment Industry Commissioner; providing

16         certain requirements with respect to claims for

17         expenses; providing a penalty for false or

18         fraudulent claims; providing for civil

19         liability; creating s. 288.1256, F.S.; creating

20         s. 288.1258, F.S.; authorizing application for

21         approval by the Office of the Entertainment

22         Industry as a qualified production company for

23         purposes of receiving sales tax exemptions and

24         refunds; providing application procedure;

25         providing for denial and revocation of a

26         certificate of exemption; providing a penalty

27         for falsification or unauthorized use of an

28         application for certificate of exemption;

29         providing categories of qualification for

30         certificate of exemption; providing for renewal

31         of a certificate of exemption; providing for


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

    hbd-27                Bill No. CS for CS for SB 2524, 2nd Eng.

    Amendment No.     (for drafter's use only)

 1         duties of the Department of Revenue with

 2         respect to sales tax exemption to qualified

 3         production companies; creating the Florida

 4         Entertainment Industry Model Permitting Task

 5         Force; providing purpose of the task force;

 6         providing for appointment of members to the

 7         task force; amending s. 14.2015, F.S., revising

 8         purposes of the Office of Tourism, Trade, and

 9         Economic Development of the Executive Office of

10         the Governor; amending s. 212.031, F.S.,

11         relating to the lease or rental of or license

12         in real property; revising language with

13         respect to property used as an integral part of

14         the performance of qualified production

15         services; amending s. 212.06, F.S., relating to

16         the tax on sales, use, and other transactions;

17         revising language with respect to the exemption

18         for fabrication labor used in the production of

19         a qualified motion picture; amending s.

20         212.0602, F.S., which exempts the purchase or

21         lease of materials, equipment, and other items

22         by specified educational entities,

23         institutions, or organizations from the sales

24         and use tax under certain limited

25         circumstances; expanding the exemption to

26         include real or personal property and support

27         operations of such educational institutions;

28         conforming references; amending s. 212.08,

29         F.S.; revising the partial exemption from the

30         tax on sales, use, and other transactions for

31         master tapes, records, films, or video tapes to


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    Amendment No.     (for drafter's use only)

 1         include entertainment industry production

 2         equipment within the exemption; revising the

 3         term "amounts paid for the tangible elements";

 4         clarifying definitions; providing definitions;

 5         requiring the Office of Entertainment Industry

 6         Commissioner to keep specified records;

 7         requiring an annual report to the Legislature;

 8         repealing s. 212.08(12), F.S., on October 1,

 9         2008; providing for review by the Legislature

10         prior to repeal; amending s. 213.053, F.S.,

11         relating to confidentiality and information

12         sharing by the Department of Revenue; providing

13         for the sharing of specified information;

14         amending ss. 288.108 and 288.90152, F.S.;

15         correcting cross references; repealing s.

16         212.08(5)(f), F.S.; repealing the exemption

17         from the tax on sales use and other

18         transactions for specified motion picture or

19         video equipment, and specified sound recording

20         equipment, effective January 1, 1999; repealing

21         s. 288.051, F.S., which provides a short title;

22         repealing s. 288.052, F.S., relating to

23         legislative findings and intent with respect to

24         the "Florida Film and Television Investment

25         Act"; repealing s. 288.053, F.S., relating to

26         the Florida Film and Television Investment

27         Board; repealing s. 288.054, F.S., relating to

28         the administration and powers of the Florida

29         Film and Television Investment Board;

30         repealing s. 288.056, F.S., relating to

31         conditions for film and television investment


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    Amendment No.     (for drafter's use only)

 1         by the board; repealing s. 288.057, F.S., which

 2         requires an annual report by the board;

 3         repealing s. 288.1228, F.S., relating to the

 4         direct-support organization authorized by the

 5         Office of Tourism, Trade, and Economic

 6         Development to assist in the promotion and

 7         development of the entertainment industry;

 8         repealing s. 288.12285, F.S., relating to

 9         confidentiality of identities of donors to the

10         direct-support organization; providing

11         appropriations; providing effective dates.






















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