CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

House Bill 0255er

ENROLLED 1997 Legislature HB 255, Second Engrossed 1 2 An act relating to the National Guard; amending 3 s. 250.10, F.S.; revising language with respect 4 to the appointment of the Adjutant General; 5 providing for the performance of the duties of 6 Adjutant General by certain assistants; 7 amending s. 250.10, F.S.; revising provisions 8 relating to educational benefits for Florida 9 National Guard members; authorizing payment of 10 the full cost of tuition and fees by the 11 Department of Military Affairs under certain 12 circumstances; amending ss. 240.235 and 240.35, 13 F.S.; conforming cross-references; providing an 14 effective date. 15 16 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 17 18 Section 1. Subsections (1), (4), and (6) of section 19 250.10, Florida Statutes, are amended to read: 20 250.10 Appointment and duties of the Adjutant 21 General.-- 22 (1) In case of a vacancy, the Governor shall, subject 23 to confirmation by the Senate, appoint a federally recognized 24 officer of the Florida National Guard who shall have served 25 therein as such for the preceding at least 5 years and 26 attained the rank of colonel major or higher, to be the 27 Adjutant General of the state with the rank of not less than 28 brigadier general or such higher rank as may be authorized by 29 applicable tables of organization of the Department of the 30 Army. The Adjutant General and all other officers of the 31 Florida National Guard on permanent duty with the Military 1 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. ENROLLED 1997 Legislature HB 255, Second Engrossed 1 Department of Military Affairs and who are paid from state 2 funds shall receive the pay and allowances of their respective 3 grade as prescribed by applicable pay tables of the national 4 military establishment for similar grade and period of service 5 of personnel, unless a different rate of pay and allowances be 6 specified in the appropriation bill, in which event such pay 7 shall be the amount therein specified. An officer, with his 8 or her consent, may be ordered to active state service for 9 administrative duty with the Military Department of Military 10 Affairs at a grade lower than the officer currently holds. 11 (4) The Adjutant General shall employ a federally 12 recognized officer of the Florida National Guard who shall 13 have served therein as such for the preceding at least 5 years 14 and have obtained the rank of colonel major or higher, to be 15 the Assistant Adjutant General for Army who shall perform such 16 duties as the Adjutant General may require. The Assistant 17 Adjutant General for Army is one of two senior Assistant 18 Adjutants General within the State of Florida and shall in the 19 absence of the Adjutant General be the acting Adjutant General 20 and perform the duties required of the Adjutant General. 21 (5) The Adjutant General shall employ a federally 22 recognized officer of the Florida National Guard as the state 23 quartermaster who under the direction of the Adjutant General 24 shall be accountable for all funds accruing to the Military 25 Department, receive, preserve, repair, issue, distribute, and 26 account for all State Military Department property to include 27 real estate pertaining to the State Armory Board; construct, 28 maintain, improve, and repair facilities pertaining to the 29 Military Department and the armory board; the state 30 quartermaster will be the recorder of the armory board and 31 will perform such other duties as may be required of him or 2 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. ENROLLED 1997 Legislature HB 255, Second Engrossed 1 her by the Adjutant General; the state quartermaster shall 2 give a surety bond in a surety company approved by the 3 Adjutant General in such amount as the Adjutant General may 4 determine. 5 (6) The Adjutant General shall employ a federally 6 recognized officer of the Florida National Guard, who shall 7 have served therein as such for the preceding at least 5 years 8 and have attained the rank of colonel major or higher, to be 9 the Assistant Adjutant General for Air who shall perform such 10 duties as the Adjutant General may require. The Assistant 11 Adjutant General for Air is one of two senior Assistant 12 Adjutants General within the State of Florida and shall in the 13 absence of the Adjutant General be the acting Adjutant General 14 and perform the duties required of the Adjutant General. 15 Section 2. Subsection (7) of section 250.10, Florida 16 Statutes, is amended, and subsection (8) is added to said 17 section, to read: 18 250.10 Appointment and duties of the Adjutant 19 General.-- 20 (7) The Adjutant General and representatives of the 21 Board of Regents, the State Board of Community Colleges, and 22 the State Board of Education shall design and develop a 23 tuition assistance program for members wherein a member in 24 good standing of the active Florida National Guard who is 25 enrolled, or who may enroll, in a public institution of higher 26 learning in the state in accordance with the provisions of 27 subsection (8) shall be exempt from payment of one-half of the 28 cost of tuition and fees, provided such member meets regular 29 admission requirements and is admitted on a space-available 30 basis. Such exemption shall not exceed a period of 10 years 31 from the date of enrollment in the tuition waiver program, or 3 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. ENROLLED 1997 Legislature HB 255, Second Engrossed 1 shall continue until graduation or termination of the 2 full-time or part-time student, whichever occurs earlier. 3 (a) The program shall set forth application 4 requirements which include, but are not limited to, 5 requirements that the applicant shall: 6 1. Be 17 years of age or older. 7 2. Be presently domiciled in the state. 8 3. Be a member in good standing in the active Florida 9 National Guard at the beginning of and throughout the entire 10 academic term for which benefits are received. 11 4. Maintain continuous satisfactory participation in 12 the active Florida National Guard for any school term for 13 which exemption benefits are received. 14 5. Agree in writing to serve in the active Florida 15 National Guard for 3 years after completion of the studies for 16 which an exemption is granted. 17 (b) The program shall include, but not be limited to, 18 the following penalties: 19 1. When a member of the active Florida National Guard 20 receives an exemption from tuition and fees for any academic 21 term and fails to maintain satisfactory participation in the 22 Florida National Guard during such academic term, the 23 exemption shall immediately be forfeited and the member shall 24 be required to pay to the institution all tuition charges and 25 student fees for the current academic term for which the 26 exemption has been granted. 27 2. When a member of the active Florida National Guard 28 leaves the Florida National Guard during the 3-year period 29 such member had agreed to serve after completing the courses 30 for which exemptions were granted, the member shall be 31 required to reimburse the state for all tuition charges and 4 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. ENROLLED 1997 Legislature HB 255, Second Engrossed 1 student fees for which such member received exemptions, unless 2 the Adjutant General determines there are justifiable 3 extenuating circumstances. 4 3. If the service of a member of the active Florida 5 National Guard is terminated or the member is placed on 6 scholastic probation while receiving exemption benefits, the 7 exemption shall be immediately forfeited and the member shall 8 pay to the institution all tuition charges and student fees 9 for the current academic term for which the member has 10 received an exemption. 11 (c) The program shall define those members of the 12 active Florida National Guard ineligible to participate in the 13 program and those courses of study not authorized for the 14 program. 15 1. Such members shall include, but not be limited to: 16 a. Any member, commissioned officer or warrant officer 17 or enlisted person, who has a baccalaureate degree. 18 b. Any member who has 15 years or more of total 19 military service creditable toward retirement. 20 c. Any member who has not completed basic military 21 training. 22 2. Courses not authorized include noncredit courses, 23 courses which do not meet degree requirements, or courses 24 which do not meet requirements for completion of 25 vocational-technical training. 26 (d) The Adjutant General, together with the Board of 27 Regents, the State Board of Community Colleges, and the State 28 Board of Education, shall promulgate rules for the overall 29 policy, guidance, administration, implementation, and proper 30 utilization of the program. Such rules shall include, but not 31 be limited to, guidelines for certification by the Adjutant 5 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. ENROLLED 1997 Legislature HB 255, Second Engrossed 1 General of a guard member's eligibility, procedures for 2 notification to an institution of a guard member's termination 3 of eligibility, and procedures for restitution when a guard 4 member fails to comply with the penalties described in 5 paragraph (b). 6 (e) The number of National Guard members to receive 7 waivers pursuant to this subsection shall be limited to 1,000 8 annually. 9 (8) The Department of Military Affairs is authorized 10 to administer an educational tuition assistance program for 11 members of the Florida National Guard who qualify pursuant to 12 subsection (7). 13 (a) Members of the Florida National Guard as of June 14 30, 1997, shall be exempt from payment of one-half of tuition 15 and fees subject to the following limitations: 16 1. Participation in the program shall not exceed a 17 period of 10 years from the date of enrollment in the tuition 18 assistance program, or shall continue until graduation or 19 termination of the full-time or part-time student, whichever 20 occurs earlier. 21 2. Florida National Guard members shall be admitted on 22 a space-available basis. 23 (b) Notwithstanding paragraph (a) and subject to 24 appropriations, the Department of Military Affairs may pay the 25 full cost of tuition and fees for required courses for members 26 of the Florida National Guard who were members as of June 30, 27 1997, if a member is unable to obtain admittance on a 28 space-available basis and, at least on one previous occasion, 29 the member was denied admission to the required course. 30 (c) Subject to appropriations, the Department of 31 Military Affairs may pay the full cost of tuition and fees for 6 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. ENROLLED 1997 Legislature HB 255, Second Engrossed 1 required courses for members of the Florida National Guard who 2 enlist after June 30, 1997. 3 Section 3. Subsection (8) of section 240.235, Florida 4 Statutes, is amended to read: 5 240.235 Fees.-- 6 (8) The Board of Regents shall exempt one-half of all 7 tuition and course-related fees for certain members of the 8 active Florida National Guard pursuant to the provisions of s. 9 250.10(8)(6). 10 Section 4. Paragraph (a) of subsection (4) of section 11 240.35, Florida Statutes, 1996 Supplement, is amended to read: 12 240.35 Student fees.--Unless otherwise provided, the 13 provisions of this section apply only to fees charged for 14 college credit instruction. 15 (4)(a) Fees shall be waived for certain members of the 16 active Florida National Guard pursuant to the provisions of s. 17 250.10(8)(6). 18 Section 5. This act shall take effect July 1, 1997. 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 7