Senate Bill 0268c1

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    Florida Senate - 1998                            CS for SB 268

    By the Committee on Banking and Insurance and Senators Grant,
    Myers, Latvala, Forman, Campbell, Kurth, Casas, Rossin,
    Meadows, Sullivan, Klein and Cowin


  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to health insurance; providing

  3         a short title; amending s. 627.668, F.S.;

  4         providing that the current requirement for

  5         group insurers to offer coverage for mental

  6         health conditions does not apply to serious

  7         mental illness; creating s. 627.6681, F.S.;

  8         requiring group health insurers and health

  9         maintenance organizations to provide coverage

10         for serious mental illness; requiring benefits

11         to be the same as for physical illness

12         generally; exempting group health plans or

13         coverage for a small employer, as defined;

14         providing a definition; providing authority for

15         certain manuals to be updated by rule;

16         authorizing an insurer to require services to

17         be provided by an exclusive provider of care;

18         authorizing an insurer to enter into a

19         capitation contract with an exclusive provider

20         of care to provide benefits; providing

21         exemption for coverage; amending ss. 627.6472,

22         627.6515, 641.31, F.S., relating to exclusive

23         provider organizations, out-of-state groups,

24         and health maintenance contracts; providing

25         requirements for coverage compliance; providing

26         an appropriation; providing a description of

27         state interest; providing an effective date.


29  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:




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    Florida Senate - 1998                            CS for SB 268

  1         Section 1.  This act may be cited as the "Dianne Steele

  2  Mental Illness Insurance Parity Act."

  3         Section 2.  Section 627.668, Florida Statutes, is

  4  amended to read:

  5         627.668  Optional coverage for mental and nervous

  6  disorders required; exception.--

  7         (1)  Every insurer, health maintenance organization,

  8  and nonprofit hospital and medical service plan corporation

  9  transacting group health insurance or providing prepaid health

10  care in this state shall make available to the policyholder as

11  part of the application, for an appropriate additional premium

12  under a group hospital and medical expense-incurred insurance

13  policy, under a group prepaid health care contract, and under

14  a group hospital and medical service plan contract, the

15  benefits or level of benefits specified in subsection (2) for

16  the necessary care and treatment of mental and nervous

17  disorders, as defined in the standard nomenclature of the

18  American Psychiatric Association, except that this section

19  does not apply to coverage for serious mental illness as

20  defined in s. 627.6681. The coverage required in this section

21  is subject to the right of the applicant for a group policy or

22  contract to select any alternative benefits or level of

23  benefits as may be offered by the insurer, health maintenance

24  organization, or service plan corporation provided that, if

25  alternate inpatient, outpatient, or partial hospitalization

26  benefits are selected, such benefits shall not be less than

27  the level of benefits required under paragraph (2)(a),

28  paragraph (2)(b), or paragraph (2)(c), respectively.

29         (2)  Under group policies or contracts, inpatient

30  hospital benefits, partial hospitalization benefits, and

31  outpatient benefits provided under this section, consisting of


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    Florida Senate - 1998                            CS for SB 268

  1  durational limits, dollar amounts, deductibles, and

  2  coinsurance factors must shall not be less favorable than for

  3  physical illness generally, except that:

  4         (a)  Inpatient benefits may be limited to not less than

  5  30 days per benefit year as defined in the policy or contract.

  6  If inpatient hospital benefits are provided beyond 30 days per

  7  benefit year, the durational limits, dollar amounts, and

  8  coinsurance factors thereto need not be the same as applicable

  9  to physical illness generally.

10         (b)  Outpatient benefits may be limited to $1,000 for

11  consultations with a licensed physician, a psychologist

12  licensed pursuant to chapter 490, a mental health counselor

13  licensed pursuant to chapter 491, a marriage and family

14  therapist licensed pursuant to chapter 491, and a clinical

15  social worker licensed pursuant to chapter 491.  If benefits

16  are provided beyond the $1,000 per benefit year, the

17  durational limits, dollar amounts, and coinsurance factors

18  thereof need not be the same as applicable to physical illness

19  generally.

20         (c)  Partial hospitalization benefits shall be provided

21  under the direction of a licensed physician.  For purposes of

22  this part, the term "partial hospitalization services" is

23  defined as those services offered by a program accredited by

24  the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Hospitals (JCAH) or

25  in compliance with equivalent standards.  Alcohol

26  rehabilitation programs accredited by the Joint Commission on

27  Accreditation of Hospitals or approved by the state and

28  licensed drug abuse rehabilitation programs shall also be

29  qualified providers under this section.  In any benefit year,

30  if partial hospitalization services or a combination of

31  inpatient and partial hospitalization are utilized, the total


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    Florida Senate - 1998                            CS for SB 268

  1  benefits paid for all such services shall not exceed the cost

  2  of 30 days of inpatient hospitalization for psychiatric

  3  services, including physician fees, which prevail in the

  4  community in which the partial hospitalization services are

  5  rendered.  If partial hospitalization services benefits are

  6  provided beyond the limits set forth in this paragraph, the

  7  durational limits, dollar amounts, and coinsurance factors

  8  thereof need not be the same as those applicable to physical

  9  illness generally.

10         (3)  Insurers that provide coverage under this section

11  and s. 627.6681 must maintain strict confidentiality regarding

12  psychiatric and psychotherapeutic records submitted to an

13  insurer for the purpose of reviewing a claim for benefits

14  payable under this section.  These records submitted to an

15  insurer are subject to the limitations of s. 455.241, relating

16  to the furnishing of patient records.

17         Section 3.  Section 627.6681, Florida Statutes, is

18  created to read:

19         627.6681  Coverage for serious mental illness

20  required.--

21         (1)  Every insurer and health maintenance organization

22  transacting group health insurance or providing prepaid health

23  care in this state shall provide as part of such insurance or

24  health care under a group hospital and medical

25  expense-incurred insurance policy, under a group prepaid

26  health care contract, or under a group health maintenance

27  organization contract, coverage for the treatment of serious

28  mental illness, which treatment is determined to be medically

29  necessary.

30         (2)  Under group policies or contracts, inpatient

31  hospital benefits, partial hospitalization benefits, and


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    Florida Senate - 1998                            CS for SB 268

  1  outpatient benefits consisting of durational limits, dollar

  2  amounts, deductibles, and coinsurance factors must be the same

  3  for serious mental illness as for physical illness generally.

  4  Notwithstanding the provisions of this subsection, an insurer

  5  or health maintenance organization may limit inpatient

  6  coverage to 45 days per year and may limit outpatient coverage

  7  to 60 visits per year.

  8         (3)  This section does not apply to any group health

  9  plan, or group health insurance covered in connection with a

10  group health plan, for any plan year of a small employer as

11  defined in s. 627.6699.

12         (4)  As used in this section, the term "serious mental

13  illness" means the following psychiatric illnesses as defined

14  by the American Psychiatric Association in the most current

15  edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual:

16  schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, panic disorder,

17  bipolar affective disorder, major depressive disorder, and

18  specific obsessive-compulsive disorder.

19         (5)  Notwithstanding other provisions of this section,

20  chapter 641, s. 627.6471, or s. 627.6472, an insurer or health

21  maintenance organization may require that the covered services

22  required by this section be provided by an exclusive provider

23  of health care, or a group of exclusive providers of health

24  care, which has entered into a written agreement with the

25  insurer or health maintenance organization to provide benefits

26  under this section. The insurer or health maintenance

27  organization may condition the payment of such benefits, in

28  whole or in part, on the use of such exclusive providers.

29         (6)  The insurer or health maintenance organization may

30  directly or indirectly enter into a capitation contract with

31  an exclusive provider of health care or a group of exclusive


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    Florida Senate - 1998                            CS for SB 268

  1  providers of health care to provide benefits under this

  2  section. In providing the benefits under this section, the

  3  insurer or health maintenance organization may impose other

  4  appropriate financial incentives, peer review, and utilization

  5  requirements to reduce service costs and utilization without

  6  compromising quality of care.

  7         (7)  This section does not apply with respect to a

  8  group health plan, or health insurance coverage offered in

  9  connection with a group health plan, if the application of

10  this section to such plan or coverage results in an increase

11  in the cost under the plan or for such coverage of at least 2

12  percent, as determined by the department upon a filing by an

13  insurer or health maintenance organization demonstrating such

14  an increase based on actual claims experience of at least 6

15  months.

16         Section 4.  Subsection (17) is added to section

17  627.6472, Florida Statutes, to read:

18         627.6472  Exclusive provider organizations.--

19         (17)  Each exclusive provider organization that offers

20  a group plan within this state must comply with s. 627.6681.

21         Section 5.  Subsection (8) is added to section

22  627.6515, Florida Statutes, to read:

23         627.6515  Out-of-state groups.--

24         (8)  Each group, blanket, and franchise health

25  insurance policy that offers a group plan within this state

26  must comply with s. 627.6681.

27         Section 6.  Subsection (34) is added to section 641.31,

28  Florida Statutes, to read:

29         641.31  Health maintenance contracts.--

30         (34)  Each group health maintenance organization

31  contract offered must comply with s. 627.6681.


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    Florida Senate - 1998                            CS for SB 268

  1         Section 7.  There is appropriated to the Department of

  2  Insurance from the Insurance Commissioner's Regulatory Trust

  3  Fund for fiscal year 1998-1999 one full-time equivalent

  4  position and $38,288 to implement the provisions of this act.

  5         Section 8.  The provisions of this act fulfill an

  6  important state interest in that they promote the relief and

  7  alleviation of health or medical problems that affect

  8  significant portions of the state's population.  The act, in

  9  requiring insurance coverage, will facilitate closer scrutiny

10  of the treatment of these conditions, resulting in more

11  cost-efficient and effective treatment of such conditions.  By

12  improving the overall level and quality of health care, the

13  act will reduce total costs of medical plans under which

14  treatment is provided for these conditions, thereby reducing

15  public medical assistance benefits as well as expenditures for

16  persons covered under all medical plans.

17         Section 9.  This act shall take effect January 1, 1999,

18  and applies to any policy issued, written, or renewed in this

19  state on or after such date.














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    Florida Senate - 1998                            CS for SB 268

                       COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE FOR
  2                         Senate Bill 268


  4  Narrows the definition of "serious mental illness," to mean
    the following psychiatric illnesses as defined by the American
  5  Psychiatric Association in the most current edition of the
    Diagnostic and Statistical Manual: schizophrenia,
  6  schizoaffective disorder, panic disorder, bipolar affective
    disorder, major depressive disorder, and specific obsessive
  7  compulsive disorder.

  8  Exempts any group health plan, or group health insurance
    covered in connection with a group health plan, for any plan
  9  year of a small employer (50 employees or less), as defined in
    s. 627.6699.
    Authorizes an insurer or health maintenance organization to
11  limit inpatient coverage to 45 days per year and outpatient
    coverage to 60 visits per year.
    Authorizes an insurer or health maintenance organization to
13  require that covered services are provided by an exclusive
    provider of care and to enter into capitated contracts with
14  the exclusive provider of care.

15  Allows a group health plan or health insurance coverage to be
    exempt from the provisions of the bill, if the application of
16  the bill results in an increase in actual claims experience
    costs of at least 2 percent for at least 6 months, as
17  determined by the Department of Insurance.














