Senate Bill 2722

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida Senate - 1998        (NP)                      SR 2722

    By Senators Horne, Forman, Scott, Campbell, Myers,
    Diaz-Balart, Geller, Laurent, Clary, Casas, Turner, Kurth,
    Holzendorf, Brown-Waite, Crist, Meadows, Bronson,
    Ostalkiewicz, Cowin, Jones, Klein, Grant and Thomas

    6-2179-98                                               See HB

  1                    Senate Resolution No.     

  2         A resolution honoring Beth Doody.


  4         WHEREAS, Beth Doody, for nearly 20 years a member of

  5  the Florida legislative family, has worked for 18 legislative

  6  sessions as an advocate for business and social issues, having

  7  begun in 1980 as a governmental affairs professional with

  8  Associated Industries of Florida, and

  9         WHEREAS, Beth Doody has been proactive on issues

10  leading to legislation affecting workers' compensation, health

11  care, transportation, insurance, and education, and has

12  consistently striven to resolve issues for the mutual benefit

13  of business owners, employees, teachers, and children and

14  families, and

15         WHEREAS, Beth Doody has been a valuable member of the

16  Capital City of Tallahassee as a member of the United Way

17  Appeals Committee, the Leon County Advisory Committee of the

18  Southeastern Blood Bank, the Florida Family Visitation Task

19  Force, the Governor's Advisory Committee on the Census, the

20  Florida Education Crossroads Advisory Committee, and the Board

21  of Directors of the Tallahassee Refuge House, and

22         WHEREAS, Beth Doody has been a member of the Junior

23  League of Florida's State Public Affairs Committee Task Force

24  on Education for seven years, served as its chair for three

25  years, and served as its first legislative analyst, and

26         WHEREAS, Beth Doody has been diligent in her support of

27  the Special Olympics, has worked to curb domestic and school

28  violence, and has served her community as a member of

29  Leadership Tallahassee, Class of 1995-1996, and

30         WHEREAS, as a person who has worked tirelessly to

31  secure through legislation certain benefits for others with no


CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida Senate - 1998        (NP)                      SR 2722
    6-2179-98                                               See HB

  1  thought of possible advantage to herself, Beth Doody has

  2  served as a role model for legislative staff and lobbyists

  3  alike and has had a profound impact on the lives of

  4  legislators, staff, and lobbyists with whom she has worked,

  5  and

  6         WHEREAS, now engaged in a struggle with cancer, Beth

  7  Doody, continues to serve as a model of strength and courage

  8  in this her personal battle, NOW, THEREFORE,


10  Be It Resolved by the Senate of the State of Florida:


12         That the Florida Senate pauses in its deliberations to

13  express its heartfelt gratitude and extend its warmest

14  encouragement to Beth Doody, a remarkable lady.

15         BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution,

16  with the Seal of the Senate affixed, be presented to Beth

17  Doody as a tangible token of the sentiments of the Florida

18  Senate.













