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House Bill 0275

Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 275 By Representative Sindler 1 A bill to be entitled 2 An act relating to simulated weapons offenses; 3 amending s. 775.087, F.S., relating to felony 4 reclassification and imposition of mandatory 5 minimum term of imprisonment for certain 6 offenses involving possession or use of weapon; 7 providing for enhanced penalties for 8 threatening to use a firearm regardless of 9 actual possession, under specified 10 circumstances indicative to a reasonable person 11 of firearm possession; providing for enhanced 12 penalties except mandatory minimum sentence 13 under specified circumstances when the object 14 used to threaten is a simulation of a firearm; 15 providing for sentencing guidelines scoring of 16 certain offenses involving threats with such 17 objects; amending s. 784.021, F.S., relating to 18 aggravated assault; providing that, for 19 purposes of aggravated assault involving 20 assault with a deadly weapon without intent to 21 kill, the term "deadly weapon" includes 22 simulated weapons, under specified 23 circumstances indicative to a reasonable person 24 that a deadly weapon is being carried; 25 providing penalties; reenacting ss. 26 775.0823(10), 775.0877(1)(e), and 27 921.0012(3)(f), F.S., relating to violent 28 offenses committed against certain state 29 officials, criminal transmission of HIV, and 30 the sentencing guidelines offense levels, 31 respectively, to incorporate said amendment in 1 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 275 107-191-97 1 references; amending s. 812.13, F.S., relating 2 to robbery; providing that a defendant shall be 3 deemed to have carried a weapon, firearm, or 4 deadly weapon under specified circumstances 5 indicative to a reasonable person that the 6 respective weapon is being carried; providing 7 penalties; providing for sentencing guidelines 8 scoring of certain robbery offenses involving 9 simulation of firearms; reenacting s. 10 921.0012(3)(h) and (i), relating to the 11 sentencing guidelines offense levels, to 12 incorporate said amendment in references; 13 amending s. 812.133, F.S., relating to 14 carjacking; providing that a defendant shall be 15 deemed to have carried a weapon, firearm, or 16 deadly weapon under specified circumstances 17 indicative to a reasonable person that the 18 respective weapon is being carried; providing 19 penalties; providing for sentencing guidelines 20 scoring of certain carjacking offenses 21 involving firearms; reenacting ss. 22 39.052(3)(a), 921.0012(3)(i), and 23 943.325(1)(a), F.S., relating to transfer of 24 child for prosecution as adult, sentencing 25 guidelines offense levels, and blood specimen 26 testing required for DNA analysis, 27 respectively, to incorporate said amendment in 28 references; providing an effective date. 29 30 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 31 2 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 275 107-191-97 1 Section 1. Subsection (4) is added to section 775.087, 2 Florida Statutes, 1996 Supplement, to read: 3 775.087 Possession or use of weapon; aggravated 4 battery; felony reclassification; minimum sentence.-- 5 (4)(a) A person who threatens to use a firearm, and 6 whose words or actions would indicate to a reasonable person 7 that the person possesses a firearm at the time the threat is 8 made, shall be subject to prosecution under this section 9 whether or not the defendant actually possessed a firearm. 10 (b)1. In cases where the object used was merely a 11 simulation of a firearm but not a real firearm as defined in 12 s. 791.001(6), the object will qualify as a deadly weapon for 13 the purpose of any threat made with it. 14 2. Such object shall not qualify for purposes of 15 ordering a mandatory minimum sentence. 16 3. A crime enhanced by a threat with such object shall 17 be scored pursuant to the sentencing guidelines at one level 18 below where the conviction would score if the object qualified 19 under the definition in s. 791.001(6). 20 Section 2. Subsection (6) of section 790.001, Florida 21 Statutes, reads: 22 790.001 Definitions.--The following words and phrases, 23 when used in this chapter, shall, for the purposes of this 24 chapter, have the meanings respectively ascribed to them in 25 this chapter, except where the context otherwise requires: 26 (6) "Firearm" means any weapon (including a starter 27 gun) which will, is designed to, or may readily be converted 28 to expel a projectile by the action of an explosive; the frame 29 or receiver of any such weapon; any firearm muffler or firearm 30 silencer; any destructive device; or any machine gun. The 31 3 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 275 107-191-97 1 term "firearm" does not include an antique firearm unless the 2 antique firearm is used in the commission of a crime. 3 Section 3. Subsection (3) is added to section 784.021, 4 Florida Statutes, to read: 5 784.021 Aggravated assault.-- 6 (1) An "aggravated assault" is an assault: 7 (a) With a deadly weapon without intent to kill; or 8 (b) With an intent to commit a felony. 9 (2) Whoever commits an aggravated assault shall be 10 guilty of a felony of the third degree, punishable as provided 11 in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084. 12 (3) A "deadly weapon" includes simulated weapons if 13 the defendant intentionally implies, states, or acts in a 14 manner which would indicate to a reasonable person that a 15 deadly weapon is being carried. 16 Section 4. For the purpose of incorporating the 17 amendment to section 784.021, Florida Statutes, in references 18 thereto, the sections or subdivisions of Florida Statutes set 19 forth below are reenacted to read: 20 775.0823 Violent offenses committed against law 21 enforcement officers, correctional officers, state attorneys, 22 assistant state attorneys, justices, or judges.--Any provision 23 of law to the contrary notwithstanding, the Legislature does 24 hereby provide for an increase and certainty of penalty for 25 any person convicted of a violent offense against any law 26 enforcement or correctional officer, as defined in s. 27 943.10(1), (2), (3), (6), (7), (8), or (9); against any state 28 attorney elected pursuant to s. 27.01 or assistant state 29 attorney appointed under s. 27.181; or against any justice or 30 judge of a court described in Art. V of the State 31 Constitution, which offense arises out of or in the scope of 4 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 275 107-191-97 1 the officer's duty as a law enforcement or correctional 2 officer, the state attorney's or assistant state attorney's 3 duty as a prosecutor or investigator, or the justice's or 4 judge's duty as a judicial officer, as follows: 5 (10) For aggravated assault as described in s. 6 784.021, a sentence pursuant to the sentencing guidelines. 7 8 Notwithstanding the provisions of s. 948.01, with respect to 9 any person who is found to have violated this section, 10 adjudication of guilt or imposition of sentence shall not be 11 suspended, deferred, or withheld. 12 775.0877 Criminal transmission of HIV; procedures; 13 penalties.-- 14 (1) In any case in which a person has been convicted 15 of or has pled nolo contendere or guilty to, regardless of 16 whether adjudication is withheld, any of the following 17 offenses, or the attempt thereof, which offense or attempted 18 offense involves the transmission of body fluids from one 19 person to another: 20 (e) Sections 784.021, 784.07(2)(c), and 784.08(2)(b), 21 relating to aggravated assault, 22 23 the court shall order the offender to undergo HIV testing, to 24 be performed under the direction of the Department of Health 25 and Rehabilitative Services in accordance with s. 381.004, 26 unless the offender has undergone HIV testing voluntarily or 27 pursuant to procedures established in s. 381.004(3)(i)6. or s. 28 951.27, or any other applicable law or rule providing for HIV 29 testing of criminal offenders or inmates, subsequent to his 30 arrest for an offense enumerated in paragraphs (a)-(n) for 31 which he was convicted or to which he pled nolo contendere or 5 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 275 107-191-97 1 guilty. The results of an HIV test performed on an offender 2 pursuant to this subsection are not admissible in any criminal 3 proceeding arising out of the alleged offense. 4 921.0012 Sentencing guidelines offense levels; offense 5 severity ranking chart.-- 6 (3) OFFENSE SEVERITY RANKING CHART 7 Florida Felony 8 Statute Degree Description 9 10 (f) LEVEL 6 11 316.027(1)(b) 2nd Accident involving death, failure 12 to stop; leaving scene. 13 316.193(2)(b) 3rd Felony DUI, 4th or subsequent 14 conviction. 15 775.0875(1) 3rd Taking firearm from law 16 enforcement officer. 17 784.021(1)(a) 3rd Aggravated assault; deadly weapon 18 without intent to kill. 19 784.021(1)(b) 3rd Aggravated assault; intent to 20 commit felony. 21 784.048(3) 3rd Aggravated stalking; credible 22 threat. 23 784.07(2)(c) 2nd Aggravated assault on law 24 enforcement officer. 25 784.08(2)(b) 2nd Aggravated assault on a person 65 26 years of age or older. 27 784.081(2) 2nd Aggravated assault on specified 28 official or employee. 29 784.082(2) 2nd Aggravated assault by detained 30 person on visitor or other 31 detainee. 6 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 275 107-191-97 1 787.02(2) 3rd False imprisonment; restraining 2 with purpose other than those in 3 s. 787.01. 4 790.115(2)(d) 2nd Discharging firearm or weapon on 5 school property. 6 790.161(2) 2nd Make, possess, or throw 7 destructive device with intent to 8 do bodily harm or damage 9 property. 10 790.164(1) 2nd False report of deadly explosive 11 or act of arson or violence to 12 state property. 13 790.19 2nd Shooting or throwing deadly 14 missiles into dwellings, vessels, 15 or vehicles. 16 794.011(8)(a) 3rd Solicitation of minor to 17 participate in sexual activity by 18 custodial adult. 19 794.05(1) 2nd Unlawful sexual activity with 20 specified minor. 21 806.031(2) 2nd Arson resulting in great bodily 22 harm to firefighter or any other 23 person. 24 810.02(3)(c) 2nd Burglary of occupied structure; 25 unarmed; no assault or battery. 26 812.014(2)(b) 2nd Property stolen $20,000 or more, 27 but less than $100,000, grand 28 theft in 2nd degree. 29 812.13(2)(c) 2nd Robbery, no firearm or other 30 weapon (strong-arm robbery). 31 7 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 275 107-191-97 1 817.034(4)(a)1. 1st Communications fraud, value 2 greater than $50,000. 3 817.4821(5) 2nd Possess cloning paraphernalia 4 with intent to create cloned 5 cellular telephones. 6 825.102(1) 3rd Abuse of an elderly person or 7 disabled adult. 8 825.102(3)(c) 3rd Neglect of an elderly person or 9 disabled adult. 10 825.1025(3) 3rd Lewd or lascivious molestation of 11 an elderly person or disabled 12 adult. 13 825.103(2)(c) 3rd Exploiting an elderly person or 14 disabled adult and property is 15 valued at $100 or more, but less 16 than $20,000. 17 827.03(1) 3rd Abuse of a child. 18 827.03(3)(c) 3rd Neglect of a child. 19 827.071(2)&(3) 2nd Use or induce a child in a sexual 20 performance, or promote or direct 21 such performance. 22 836.05 2nd Threats; extortion. 23 836.10 2nd Written threats to kill or do 24 bodily injury. 25 843.12 3rd Aids or assists person to escape. 26 914.23 2nd Retaliation against a witness, 27 victim, or informant, with bodily 28 injury. 29 30 31 8 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 275 107-191-97 1 944.35(3)(a)2. 3rd Committing malicious battery upon 2 or inflicting cruel or inhuman 3 treatment on an inmate or 4 offender on community 5 supervision, resulting in great 6 bodily harm. 7 944.40 2nd Escapes. 8 944.46 3rd Harboring, concealing, aiding 9 escaped prisoners. 10 944.47(1)(a)5. 2nd Introduction of contraband 11 (firearm, weapon, or explosive) 12 into correctional facility. 13 951.22(1) 3rd Intoxicating drug, firearm, or 14 weapon introduced into county 15 facility. 16 17 Section 5. Paragraph (c) is added to subsection (3) of 18 section 812.13, Florida Statutes, to read: 19 812.13 Robbery.-- 20 (3) 21 (c) A defendant shall be deemed to have "carried" a 22 weapon, firearm, or deadly weapon if the defendant 23 intentionally implies, states, or acts in a manner which would 24 indicate to a reasonable person that a weapon, firearm, or 25 deadly weapon is being carried. In the case of a firearm, if 26 the object used was merely a simulation of a firearm but not a 27 real firearm as defined in s. 791.006(6), the conviction shall 28 be scored at one level below where it would score if the 29 firearm qualified under the definition in s. 791.001(6). 30 Section 6. For the purpose of incorporating the 31 amendment to section 812.13, Florida Statutes, in references 9 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 275 107-191-97 1 thereto, the sections or subdivisions of Florida Statutes set 2 forth below are reenacted to read: 3 921.0012 Sentencing guidelines offense levels; offense 4 severity ranking chart.-- 5 (3) OFFENSE SEVERITY RANKING CHART 6 Florida Felony 7 Statute Degree Description 8 9 (h) LEVEL 8 10 316.193 11 (3)(c)3.a. 2nd DUI manslaughter. 12 327.35(3)(c)3. 2nd Vessel BUI manslaughter. 13 777.03(2)(a) 1st Accessory after the fact, capital 14 felony. 15 782.04(4) 2nd Killing of human without design 16 when engaged in act or attempt of 17 any felony other than arson, 18 sexual battery, robbery, 19 burglary, kidnapping, aircraft 20 piracy, or unlawfully discharging 21 bomb. 22 782.071(2) 2nd Committing vehicular homicide and 23 failing to render aid or give 24 information. 25 782.072(2) 2nd Committing vessel homicide and 26 failing to render aid or give 27 information. 28 790.161(3) 1st Discharging a destructive device 29 which results in bodily harm or 30 property damage. 31 10 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 275 107-191-97 1 794.011(5) 2nd Sexual battery, victim 12 years 2 or over, offender does not use 3 physical force likely to cause 4 serious injury. 5 806.01(1) 1st Maliciously damage dwelling or 6 structure by fire or explosive, 7 believing person in structure. 8 810.02(2)(a) 1st,PBL Burglary with assault or battery. 9 810.02(2)(b) 1st,PBL Burglary; armed with explosives 10 or dangerous weapon. 11 810.02(2)(c) 1st Burglary of a dwelling or 12 structure causing structural 13 damage or $1,000 or more property 14 damage. 15 812.13(2)(b) 1st Robbery with a weapon. 16 812.135(2) 1st Home-invasion robbery. 17 825.102(2) 2nd Aggravated abuse of an elderly 18 person or disabled adult. 19 825.103(2)(a) 1st Exploiting an elderly person or 20 disabled adult and property is 21 valued at $100,000 or more. 22 827.03(2) 2nd Aggravated child abuse. 23 860.121(2)(c) 1st Shooting at or throwing any 24 object in path of railroad 25 vehicle resulting in great bodily 26 harm. 27 860.16 1st Aircraft piracy. 28 893.13(1)(b) 1st Sell or deliver in excess of 10 29 grams of any substance specified 30 in s. 893.03(1)(a) or (b). 31 11 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 275 107-191-97 1 893.13(2)(b) 1st Purchase in excess of 10 grams of 2 any substance specified in s. 3 893.03(1)(a) or (b). 4 893.13(6)(c) 1st Possess in excess of 10 grams of 5 any substance specified in s. 6 893.03(1)(a) or (b). 7 893.135(1)(a)2. 1st Trafficking in cannabis, more 8 than 2,000 lbs., less than 10,000 9 lbs. 10 893.135 11 (1)(b)1.b. 1st Trafficking in cocaine, more than 12 200 grams, less than 400 grams. 13 893.135 14 (1)(c)1.b. 1st Trafficking in illegal drugs, 15 more than 14 grams, less than 28 16 grams. 17 893.135(1)(d)2. 1st Trafficking in phencyclidine, 18 more than 200 grams, less than 19 400 grams. 20 893.135(1)(e)2. 1st Trafficking in methaqualone, more 21 than 5 kilograms, less than 25 22 kilograms. 23 893.135(1)(f)2. 1st Trafficking in amphetamine, more 24 than 28 grams, less than 200 25 grams. 26 895.03(1) 1st Use or invest proceeds derived 27 from pattern of racketeering 28 activity. 29 30 31 12 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 275 107-191-97 1 895.03(2) 1st Acquire or maintain through 2 racketeering activity any 3 interest in or control of any 4 enterprise or real property. 5 895.03(3) 1st Conduct or participate in any 6 enterprise through pattern of 7 racketeering activity. 8 9 (i) LEVEL 9 10 316.193 11 (3)(c)3.b. 1st DUI manslaughter; failing to 12 render aid or give information. 13 782.04(1) 1st Attempt, conspire, or solicit to 14 commit premeditated murder. 15 782.04(3) 1st,PBL Accomplice to murder in 16 connection with arson, sexual 17 battery, robbery, burglary, and 18 other specified felonies. 19 782.07(2) 1st Aggravated manslaughter of an 20 elderly person or disabled adult. 21 782.07(3) 1st Aggravated manslaughter of a 22 child. 23 787.01(1)(a)1. 1st,PBL Kidnapping; hold for ransom or 24 reward or as a shield or hostage. 25 787.01(1)(a)2. 1st,PBL Kidnapping with intent to commit 26 or facilitate commission of any 27 felony. 28 787.01(1)(a)4. 1st,PBL Kidnapping with intent to 29 interfere with performance of any 30 governmental or political 31 function. 13 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 275 107-191-97 1 787.02(3)(a) 1st False imprisonment; child under 2 age 13; perpetrator also commits 3 child abuse, sexual battery, 4 lewd, or lascivious act, etc. 5 790.161 1st Attempted capital destructive 6 device offense. 7 794.011(2) 1st Attempted sexual battery; victim 8 less than 12 years of age. 9 794.011(2) Life Sexual battery; offender younger 10 than 18 years and commits sexual 11 battery on a person less than 12 12 years. 13 794.011(4) 1st Sexual battery; victim 12 years 14 or older, certain circumstances. 15 794.011(8)(b) 1st Sexual battery; engage in sexual 16 conduct with minor 12 to 18 years 17 by person in familial or 18 custodial authority. 19 812.13(2)(a) 1st,PBL Robbery with firearm or other 20 deadly weapon. 21 812.133(2)(a) 1st,PBL Carjacking; firearm or other 22 deadly weapon. 23 847.0145(1) 1st Selling, or otherwise 24 transferring custody or control, 25 of a minor. 26 847.0145(2) 1st Purchasing, or otherwise 27 obtaining custody or control, of 28 a minor. 29 859.01 1st Poisoning food, drink, medicine, 30 or water with intent to kill or 31 injure another person. 14 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 275 107-191-97 1 893.135 1st Attempted capital trafficking 2 offense. 3 893.135(1)(a)3. 1st Trafficking in cannabis, more 4 than 10,000 lbs. 5 893.135 6 (1)(b)1.c. 1st Trafficking in cocaine, more than 7 400 grams, less than 150 8 kilograms. 9 893.135 10 (1)(c)1.c. 1st Trafficking in illegal drugs, 11 more than 28 grams, less than 30 12 kilograms. 13 893.135 14 (1)(d)3. 1st Trafficking in phencyclidine, 15 more than 400 grams. 16 893.135 17 (1)(e)3. 1st Trafficking in methaqualone, more 18 than 25 kilograms. 19 893.135 20 (1)(f)3. 1st Trafficking in amphetamine, more 21 than 200 grams. 22 23 Section 7. Paragraph (c) is added to subsection (3) of 24 section 812.133, Florida Statutes, to read: 25 812.133 Carjacking.-- 26 (3) 27 (c) A defendant shall be deemed to have "carried" a 28 weapon, firearm, or deadly weapon if the defendant 29 intentionally implies, states, or acts in a manner which would 30 indicate to a reasonable person that a weapon, firearm, or 31 deadly weapon is being carried. In the case of a firearm, if 15 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 275 107-191-97 1 the object used was merely a simulation of a firearm but not a 2 real firearm as defined in s. 791.006(6), the conviction shall 3 be scored at one level below where it would score if the 4 firearm qualified under the definition in s. 791.001(6). 5 Section 8. For the purpose of incorporating the 6 amendment to section 812.133, Florida Statutes, in references 7 thereto, the sections or subdivisions of Florida Statutes set 8 forth below are reenacted to read: 9 39.052 Hearings.-- 10 (3) TRANSFER OF A CHILD FOR PROSECUTION AS AN ADULT.-- 11 (a)1. The court shall transfer and certify a child's 12 criminal case for trial as an adult if the child is alleged to 13 have committed a violation of law and, prior to the 14 commencement of an adjudicatory hearing, the child, joined by 15 a parent or, in the absence of a parent, by the guardian or 16 guardian ad litem, demands in writing to be tried as an adult. 17 Once a child has been transferred for criminal prosecution 18 pursuant to a voluntary waiver hearing and has been found to 19 have committed the presenting offense or a lesser included 20 offense, the child shall be handled thereafter in every 21 respect as an adult for any subsequent violation of state law, 22 unless the court imposes juvenile sanctions under s. 23 39.059(4)(b) or (c). 24 2.a. The state attorney may file a motion requesting 25 the court to transfer the child for criminal prosecution if 26 the child was 14 years of age or older at the time the alleged 27 delinquent act or violation of law was committed. If the child 28 has been previously adjudicated delinquent for murder, sexual 29 battery, armed or strong-armed robbery, carjacking, 30 home-invasion robbery, aggravated battery, or aggravated 31 assault, and is currently charged with a second or subsequent 16 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 275 107-191-97 1 violent crime against a person, the state attorney shall file 2 a motion requesting the court to transfer and certify the 3 juvenile for prosecution as an adult, or proceed pursuant to 4 subparagraph 5. 5 b. If the child was 14 years of age or older at the 6 time of commission of a fourth or subsequent alleged felony 7 offense and the child was previously adjudicated delinquent or 8 had adjudication withheld for or was found to have committed, 9 or to have attempted or conspired to commit, three offenses 10 that are felony offenses if committed by an adult, and one or 11 more of such felony offenses involved the use or possession of 12 a firearm or violence against a person, the state attorney 13 shall request the court to transfer and certify the child for 14 prosecution as an adult or shall provide written reasons to 15 the court for not making such request, or proceed pursuant to 16 subparagraph 5. Upon the state attorney's request, the court 17 shall either enter an order transferring the case and 18 certifying the case for trial as if the child were an adult or 19 provide written reasons for not issuing such an order. 20 3. If the court finds, after a waiver hearing under 21 subsection (2), that a juvenile who was 14 years of age or 22 older at the time the alleged violation of state law was 23 committed should be charged and tried as an adult, the court 24 shall enter an order transferring the case and certifying the 25 case for trial as if the child were an adult. The child shall 26 thereafter be subject to prosecution, trial, and sentencing as 27 if the child were an adult but subject to the provisions of s. 28 39.059(7). Once a child has been transferred for criminal 29 prosecution pursuant to an involuntary waiver hearing and has 30 been found to have committed the presenting offense or a 31 lesser included offense, the child shall thereafter be handled 17 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 275 107-191-97 1 in every respect as an adult for any subsequent violation of 2 state law, unless the court imposes juvenile sanctions under 3 s. 39.059(4)(b) or (c). 4 4.a. A child of any age who is charged with a 5 violation of state law punishable by death or by life 6 imprisonment is subject to the jurisdiction of the court as 7 set forth in s. 39.049(7) unless and until an indictment on 8 the charge is returned by the grand jury. When such indictment 9 is returned, the petition for delinquency, if any, must be 10 dismissed and the child must be tried and handled in every 11 respect as an adult: 12 (I) On the offense punishable by death or by life 13 imprisonment; and 14 (II) On all other felonies or misdemeanors charged in 15 the indictment which are based on the same act or transaction 16 as the offense punishable by death or by life imprisonment or 17 on one or more acts or transactions connected with the offense 18 punishable by death or by life imprisonment. 19 b. An adjudicatory hearing may not be held until 21 20 days after the child is taken into custody and charged with 21 having committed an offense punishable by death or by life 22 imprisonment, unless the state attorney advises the court in 23 writing that he or she does not intend to present the case to 24 the grand jury, or has presented the case to the grand jury 25 and the grand jury has not returned an indictment. If the 26 court receives such a notice from the state attorney, or if 27 the grand jury fails to act within the 21-day period, the 28 court may proceed as otherwise authorized under this part. 29 c. If the child is found to have committed the offense 30 punishable by death or by life imprisonment, the child shall 31 be sentenced as an adult. If the juvenile is not found to have 18 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 275 107-191-97 1 committed the indictable offense but is found to have 2 committed a lesser included offense or any other offense for 3 which he or she was indicted as a part of the criminal 4 episode, the court may sentence as follows: 5 (I) Pursuant to s. 39.059; 6 (II) Pursuant to chapter 958, notwithstanding any 7 other provisions of that chapter to the contrary; or 8 (III) As an adult, pursuant to s. 39.059(7)(c). 9 d. Once a child has been indicted pursuant to this 10 subsection and has been found to have committed any offense 11 for which he or she was indicted as a part of the criminal 12 episode, the child shall be handled thereafter in every 13 respect as if an adult for any subsequent violation of state 14 law, unless the court imposes juvenile sanctions under s. 15 39.059. 16 5.a. Effective January 1, 1995, with respect to any 17 child who was 14 or 15 years of age at the time the alleged 18 offense was committed, the state attorney may file an 19 information when in the state attorney's judgment and 20 discretion the public interest requires that adult sanctions 21 be considered or imposed and when the offense charged is: 22 (I) Arson; 23 (II) Sexual battery; 24 (III) Robbery; 25 (IV) Kidnapping; 26 (V) Aggravated child abuse; 27 (VI) Aggravated assault; 28 (VII) Aggravated stalking; 29 (VIII) Murder; 30 (IX) Manslaughter; 31 19 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 275 107-191-97 1 (X) Unlawful throwing, placing, or discharging of a 2 destructive device or bomb; 3 (XI) Armed burglary in violation of s. 810.02(2)(b) or 4 specified burglary of a dwelling or structure in violation of 5 s. 810.02(2)(c); 6 (XII) Aggravated battery; 7 (XIII) Lewd or lascivious assault or act in the 8 presence of a child; 9 (XIV) Carrying, displaying, using, threatening, or 10 attempting to use a weapon or firearm during the commission of 11 a felony; or 12 (XV) Grand theft in violation of s. 812.014(2)(a). 13 b. With respect to any child who was 16 or 17 years of 14 age at the time the alleged offense was committed, the state 15 attorney: 16 (I) May file an information when in the state 17 attorney's judgment and discretion the public interest 18 requires that adult sanctions be considered or imposed. 19 However, the state attorney may not file an information on a 20 child charged with a misdemeanor, unless the child has had at 21 least two previous adjudications or adjudications withheld for 22 delinquent acts, one of which involved an offense classified 23 as a felony under state law. 24 (II) Shall file an information if the child has been 25 previously adjudicated delinquent for murder, sexual battery, 26 armed or strong-armed robbery, carjacking, home-invasion 27 robbery, aggravated battery, or aggravated assault, and is 28 currently charged with a second or subsequent violent crime 29 against a person. 30 c. Effective January 1, 1995, notwithstanding 31 subparagraphs 1. and 2., regardless of the child's age at the 20 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 275 107-191-97 1 time the alleged offense was committed, the state attorney 2 must file an information with respect to any child who 3 previously has been adjudicated for offenses which, if 4 committed by an adult, would be felonies and such 5 adjudications occurred at three or more separate delinquency 6 adjudicatory hearings, and three of which resulted in 7 residential commitments as defined in s. 39.01(59). 8 d. Once a child has been transferred for criminal 9 prosecution pursuant to information and has been found to have 10 committed the presenting offense or a lesser included offense, 11 the child shall be handled thereafter in every respect as if 12 an adult for any subsequent violation of state law, unless the 13 court imposes juvenile sanctions under s. 39.059(6). 14 e. Each state attorney shall develop and annually 15 update written policies and guidelines to govern 16 determinations for filing an information on a juvenile, to be 17 submitted to the Executive Office of the Governor, the 18 President of the Senate, the Speaker of the House of 19 Representatives, and the Juvenile Justice Advisory Board not 20 later than January 1 of each year. 21 f. The state attorney must file an information if a 22 child, regardless of the child's age at the time the alleged 23 offense was committed, is alleged to have committed an act 24 that would be a violation of law if the child were an adult, 25 that involves stealing a motor vehicle, including, but not 26 limited to, a violation of s. 812.133, relating to carjacking, 27 or s. 812.014(2)(c)6., relating to grand theft of a motor 28 vehicle, and while the child was in possession of the stolen 29 motor vehicle the child caused serious bodily injury to or the 30 death of a person who was not involved in the underlying 31 offense. For purposes of this section, the driver and all 21 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 275 107-191-97 1 willing passengers in the stolen motor vehicle at the time 2 such serious bodily injury or death is inflicted shall also be 3 subject to mandatory transfer to adult court. "Stolen motor 4 vehicle," for the purposes of this section, means a motor 5 vehicle that has been the subject of any criminal wrongful 6 taking. For purposes of this section, "willing passengers" 7 means all willing passengers who have participated in the 8 underlying offense. 9 921.0012 Sentencing guidelines offense levels; offense 10 severity ranking chart.-- 11 (3) OFFENSE SEVERITY RANKING CHART 12 Florida Felony 13 Statute Degree Description 14 15 16 (i) LEVEL 9 17 316.193 18 (3)(c)3.b. 1st DUI manslaughter; failing to 19 render aid or give information. 20 782.04(1) 1st Attempt, conspire, or solicit to 21 commit premeditated murder. 22 782.04(3) 1st,PBL Accomplice to murder in 23 connection with arson, sexual 24 battery, robbery, burglary, and 25 other specified felonies. 26 782.07(2) 1st Aggravated manslaughter of an 27 elderly person or disabled adult. 28 782.07(3) 1st Aggravated manslaughter of a 29 child. 30 787.01(1)(a)1. 1st,PBL Kidnapping; hold for ransom or 31 reward or as a shield or hostage. 22 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 275 107-191-97 1 787.01(1)(a)2. 1st,PBL Kidnapping with intent to commit 2 or facilitate commission of any 3 felony. 4 787.01(1)(a)4. 1st,PBL Kidnapping with intent to 5 interfere with performance of any 6 governmental or political 7 function. 8 787.02(3)(a) 1st False imprisonment; child under 9 age 13; perpetrator also commits 10 child abuse, sexual battery, 11 lewd, or lascivious act, etc. 12 790.161 1st Attempted capital destructive 13 device offense. 14 794.011(2) 1st Attempted sexual battery; victim 15 less than 12 years of age. 16 794.011(2) Life Sexual battery; offender younger 17 than 18 years and commits sexual 18 battery on a person less than 12 19 years. 20 794.011(4) 1st Sexual battery; victim 12 years 21 or older, certain circumstances. 22 794.011(8)(b) 1st Sexual battery; engage in sexual 23 conduct with minor 12 to 18 years 24 by person in familial or 25 custodial authority. 26 812.13(2)(a) 1st,PBL Robbery with firearm or other 27 deadly weapon. 28 812.133(2)(a) 1st,PBL Carjacking; firearm or other 29 deadly weapon. 30 31 23 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 275 107-191-97 1 847.0145(1) 1st Selling, or otherwise 2 transferring custody or control, 3 of a minor. 4 847.0145(2) 1st Purchasing, or otherwise 5 obtaining custody or control, of 6 a minor. 7 859.01 1st Poisoning food, drink, medicine, 8 or water with intent to kill or 9 injure another person. 10 893.135 1st Attempted capital trafficking 11 offense. 12 893.135(1)(a)3. 1st Trafficking in cannabis, more 13 than 10,000 lbs. 14 893.135 15 (1)(b)1.c. 1st Trafficking in cocaine, more than 16 400 grams, less than 150 17 kilograms. 18 893.135 19 (1)(c)1.c. 1st Trafficking in illegal drugs, 20 more than 28 grams, less than 30 21 kilograms. 22 893.135 23 (1)(d)3. 1st Trafficking in phencyclidine, 24 more than 400 grams. 25 893.135 26 (1)(e)3. 1st Trafficking in methaqualone, more 27 than 25 kilograms. 28 893.135 29 (1)(f)3. 1st Trafficking in amphetamine, more 30 than 200 grams. 31 24 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 275 107-191-97 1 943.325 Blood specimen testing for DNA analysis.-- 2 (1)(a) Any person convicted, or who was previously 3 convicted and is still incarcerated, in this state for any 4 offense or attempted offense defined in chapter 794, chapter 5 800, s. 782.04, s. 784.045, s. 812.133, or s. 812.135, and who 6 is within the confines of the legal state boundaries, shall be 7 required to submit two specimens of blood to a Department of 8 Law Enforcement designated testing facility as directed by the 9 department. 10 Section 9. This act shall take effect October 1, 1997, 11 and shall apply to offenses committed on or after that date. 12 13 ***************************************** 14 HOUSE SUMMARY 15 Provides for enhanced penalties for threatening to use a 16 firearm regardless of actual possession, under specified circumstances indicative to a reasonable person of 17 firearm possession. Provides for enhanced penalties except mandatory minimum sentence under specified 18 circumstances when the object used to threaten is a simulation of a firearm. Provides for sentencing 19 guidelines scoring of certain offenses involving threats with such objects. Provides that, for purposes of 20 aggravated assault involving assault with a deadly weapon without intent to kill, the term "deadly weapon" includes 21 simulated weapons, under specified circumstances indicative to a reasonable person that a deadly weapon is 22 being carried. Provides penalties. Provides that a robbery or carjacking defendant shall be deemed to have 23 carried a weapon, firearm, or deadly weapon under specified circumstances indicative to a reasonable person 24 that the respective weapon is being carried. Provides penalties. Provides for sentencing guidelines scoring of 25 certain robbery offenses involving simulation of firearms or carjacking offenses. 26 27 28 29 30 31 25