Senate Bill 0290er

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.


    1998 Legislature                  CS for SB 290, 1st Engrossed


  2         An act relating to emergency medical services;

  3         creating s. 401.272, F.S., providing for

  4         paramedics and emergency medical technicians to

  5         provide health promotion and wellness

  6         activities and blood pressure screenings;

  7         providing for paramedics to administer

  8         immunizations and requiring the verification

  9         and documentation of their qualifications to do

10         so; providing conditions to the provision of

11         such community health care; providing for

12         rulemaking; amending s. 401.265, F.S.;

13         specifying additional liability provisions for

14         medical directors under certain circumstances;

15         providing an effective date.


17  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


19         Section 1.  Section 401.272, Florida Statutes, is

20  created to read:

21         401.272  Emergency medical services community health

22  care.--

23         (1)  The purpose of this section is to encourage more

24  effective utilization of the skills of emergency medical

25  technicians and paramedics by enabling them to perform, in

26  partnership with local county health departments, specific

27  additional health care tasks that are consistent with the

28  public health and welfare.

29         (2)  Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the

30  contrary:



CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.


    1998 Legislature                  CS for SB 290, 1st Engrossed

  1         (a)  Paramedics or emergency medical technicians may

  2  perform health promotion and wellness activities and blood

  3  pressure screenings in a nonemergency environment, within the

  4  scope of their training, and under the direction of a medical

  5  director. As used in this paragraph, the term "health

  6  promotion and wellness" means the provision of public health

  7  programs pertaining to the prevention of illness and injury.

  8         (b)  Paramedics may administer immunizations in a

  9  nonemergency environment, within the scope of their training,

10  and under the direction of a medical director. There must be a

11  written agreement between the paramedic's medical director and

12  the county health department located in each county in which

13  the paramedic administers immunizations. This agreement must

14  establish the protocols, policies, and procedures under which

15  the paramedic must operate.

16         (3)  Each medical director under whose direction a

17  paramedic administers immunizations must verify and document

18  that the paramedic has received sufficient training and

19  experience to administer immunizations. The verification must

20  be documented on forms developed by the department, and the

21  completed forms must be maintained at the service location of

22  the licensee and made available to the department upon

23  request.

24         (4)  The department may adopt and enforce all rules

25  necessary to enforce the provisions relating to a paramedic's

26  administration of immunizations and the performance of health

27  promotion and wellness activities and blood pressure

28  screenings by a paramedic or emergency medical technician in a

29  nonemergency environment.

30         Section 2.  Paragraph (g) of subsection (1) of section

31  401.411, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:


CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.


    1998 Legislature                  CS for SB 290, 1st Engrossed

  1         401.411  Disciplinary action; penalties.--

  2         (1)  The department may deny, suspend, or revoke a

  3  license, certificate, or permit or may reprimand or fine any

  4  licensee, certificateholder, or other person operating under

  5  this part for any of the following grounds:

  6         (g)  Unprofessional conduct, including, but not limited

  7  to, any departure from or failure to conform to the minimal

  8  prevailing standards of acceptable practice as an emergency

  9  medical technician or paramedic, including undertaking

10  activities that the emergency medical technician or paramedic

11  is not qualified by training or experience to perform.

12         Section 3.  Subsection (4) is added to section 401.265,

13  Florida Statutes, to read:

14         401.265  Medical directors.--

15         (4)  Each medical director who uses a paramedic or

16  emergency medical technician to perform blood pressure

17  screening, health promotion, and wellness activities, or to

18  administer immunization on any patient under a protocol as

19  specified in s. 401.272, which is not in the provision of

20  emergency care, is liable for any act or omission of any

21  paramedic or emergency medical technician acting under his or

22  her supervision and control when performing such services.

23         Section 4.  This act shall take effect upon becoming a

24  law.







