CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

House Bill 0297c1

Florida House of Representatives - 1997 CS/HBs 297 & 325 By the Committee on Health Care Standards & Regulatory Reform and Representatives Logan, Maygarden and Saunders 1 A bill to be entitled 2 An act relating to health maintenance 3 organizations; amending s. 641.315, F.S.; 4 prohibiting provider contracts from restricting 5 a provider's ability to communicate certain 6 information to subscribers; creating s. 7 641.316, F.S.; providing for regulation of 8 fiscal intermediary services organizations; 9 providing requirements and restrictions; 10 requiring a bond; requiring registration with 11 the Department of Insurance; providing for 12 rules; creating the Commission on Health Care 13 Intermediaries; providing membership and 14 duties; requiring recommendations to the 15 Legislature; providing for future repeal; 16 amending s. 641.47, F.S.; providing 17 definitions; amending s. 641.495, F.S.; 18 requiring designation of a licensed physician 19 as medical director; amending s. 641.51, F.S.; 20 requiring development of policies relating to 21 out-of-network referrals; requiring written 22 procedures for standing referrals for 23 individuals who require ongoing specialty care 24 for chronic and disabling conditions; requiring 25 certain continued access to terminated treating 26 providers for subscribers with a 27 life-threatening or a disabling and 28 degenerative condition, and for certain 29 pregnant subscribers; providing limitations; 30 requiring report to the Agency for Health Care 31 Administration of access, quality of care, and 1 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 CS/HBs 297 & 325 601-108A-97 1 customer satisfaction data; requiring 2 publication of data; requiring adoption of 3 certain recommendations and goals for 4 preventive pediatric health care; amending s. 5 641.511, F.S.; specifying procedures, 6 requirements, and timeframes for addressing 7 subscriber grievances; requiring certain notice 8 to subscribers; providing for review of adverse 9 determinations; providing for certain referral 10 to the Statewide Provider and Subscriber 11 Assistance Program; providing for expedited 12 review of urgent grievances; authorizing 13 administrative sanctions for noncompliance with 14 grievance procedure requirements; amending s. 15 641.54, F.S.; requiring disclosure to 16 subscribers, upon request, of certain policies, 17 procedures, and processes relating to 18 authorization and referral for services, 19 determination of medical necessity, quality of 20 care, prescription drug benefits, 21 confidentiality of medical records, approval or 22 denial of experimental or investigational 23 treatments, addressing the needs of 24 non-English-speaking subscribers, and examining 25 qualifications of and the credentialing of 26 providers; requiring report to the agency of 27 changes in authorization and referral criteria 28 or the process used to determine medical 29 necessity; providing an effective date. 30 31 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 2 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 CS/HBs 297 & 325 601-108A-97 1 Section 1. Subsection (8) is added to section 641.315, 2 Florida Statutes, 1996 Supplement, to read: 3 641.315 Provider contracts.-- 4 (8) A contract between a health maintenance 5 organization and a provider of health care services shall not 6 contain any provision restricting the provider's ability to 7 communicate information to the provider's patient regarding 8 medical care or treatment options for the patient when the 9 provider deems knowledge of such information by the patient to 10 be in the best interest of the health of the patient. 11 Section 2. Section 641.316, Florida Statutes, is 12 created to read: 13 641.316 Fiscal intermediary services.-- 14 (1) It is the intent of the Legislature, through the 15 adoption of this section, to ensure the financial soundness of 16 organizations established to develop, manage, and administer 17 the business affairs of health care professional providers 18 such as medical doctors, doctors of osteopathy, doctors of 19 chiropractic, doctors of podiatric medicine, doctors of 20 dentistry, or other health professionals regulated by the 21 Department of Health. 22 (2)(a) The term "fiduciary" or "fiscal intermediary 23 services" means reimbursements received or collected on behalf 24 of health care professionals for services rendered, patient 25 and provider accounting, financial reporting and auditing, 26 receipts and collections management, compensation and 27 reimbursement disbursement services, or other related 28 fiduciary services pursuant to health care professional 29 contracts with health maintenance organizations. 30 (b) The term "fiscal intermediary services 31 organization" means a person or entity which performs 3 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 CS/HBs 297 & 325 601-108A-97 1 fiduciary or fiscal intermediary services to health care 2 professionals who contract with health maintenance 3 organizations. 4 (3) A fiscal intermediary services organization which 5 is operated for the purpose of acquiring and administering 6 provider contracts with managed care plans for professional 7 health care services, including, but not limited to, medical, 8 surgical, chiropractic, dental, and podiatric care, and which 9 performs fiduciary or fiscal intermediary services shall be 10 required to secure and maintain a fidelity bond in the minimum 11 amount of $10 million. This requirement shall apply to all 12 persons or entities engaged in the business of providing 13 fiduciary or fiscal intermediary services to any contracted 14 provider or provider panel. The fidelity bond shall provide 15 coverage against misappropriation of funds by the fiscal 16 intermediary or its officers, agents, or employees; must be 17 posted with the department for the benefit of managed care 18 plans, subscribers, and providers; and must be on a form 19 approved by the department. The fidelity bond must be 20 maintained and remain unimpaired as long as the fiscal 21 intermediary services organization continues in business in 22 this state and until the termination of its registration. 23 (4) All professional provider networks, regardless of 24 ownership status shall maintain operating records and 25 documentation in accordance with industry standards and 26 generally accepted accounting principles and shall have an 27 annual compliance review by a qualified certified public 28 accountant. A letter stating the network's compliance with 29 this provision shall be available for inspection by any panel 30 member or managed care plan. 31 4 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 CS/HBs 297 & 325 601-108A-97 1 (5) A fiscal intermediary services organization may 2 not collect from the subscriber any payment other than the 3 copayment or deductible specified in the subscriber agreement. 4 (6) Any fiscal intermediary services organization must 5 register with the department and meet the requirements of this 6 section. In order to register as a fiscal intermediary 7 services organization, the organization must comply with ss. 8 641.21(1)(c) and (d) and 641.22(6). Should the department 9 determine that the fiscal intermediary services organization 10 does not meet the requirements of this section, the 11 registration shall be denied. In the event that the registrant 12 fails to maintain compliance with the provisions of this 13 section, the department may revoke or suspend the 14 registration. In lieu of revocation or suspension of the 15 registration, the department may levy an administrative 16 penalty in accordance with s. 641.25. 17 (7) The department shall promulgate rules necessary to 18 implement the provisions of this section. 19 Section 3. (1) There is hereby created the Florida 20 Commission on Health Care Intermediaries, hereinafter referred 21 to as the "commission," consisting of nine members composed of 22 a representative of hospitals selected by the Florida Hospital 23 Association; a representative of physicians selected by the 24 Florida Medical Association; a representative of health 25 insurers selected by the Health Insurance Association of 26 America; a representative of health maintenance organizations 27 selected by the Florida Association of Health Maintenance 28 Organizations; a representative of employers selected by the 29 President of the Senate; a representative of the public 30 selected by the Speaker of the House of Representatives; a 31 representative of the Association of Managed Care; the 5 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 CS/HBs 297 & 325 601-108A-97 1 Insurance Commissioner or a designee; and the head of the 2 Agency for Health Care Administration or a designee. 3 (2) The commission shall conduct an analysis of the 4 various nontraditional mechanisms whereby entities are 5 currently contracting with insurers, health maintenance 6 organizations, and other regulated entities and, through 7 capitation and other methods, assuming varying levels of risk 8 in conjunction with the provision of medical, surgical, 9 hospital, or other health care services to residents of this 10 state. The commission shall recommend to the President of the 11 Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives, prior 12 to January 1, 1998, any legislation needed to regulate the 13 activities of these entities. 14 (3) The commission shall develop and submit draft 15 legislation to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and 16 the President of the Senate by January 1, 1998, which would 17 permit and regulate the provision of services directly to 18 residents of this state by groups of physicians and hospitals 19 which would otherwise be prohibited as the transaction of 20 insurance. The recommended legislation shall establish 21 requirements for qualification for and retention of licensure, 22 including compliance with quality of care standards similar to 23 those established by part III of chapter 641. 24 (4) The Department of Insurance shall provide any 25 necessary staff support for the commission. Private-sector 26 members of the commission are not eligible for per diem or 27 travel expenses. 28 (5) This section is repealed on the last day of the 29 1998 Regular Session of the Legislature. 30 Section 4. Section 641.47, Florida Statutes, 1996 31 Supplement, is amended to read: 6 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 CS/HBs 297 & 325 601-108A-97 1 641.47 Definitions.--As used in this part, the term: 2 (1) "Adverse determination" means a coverage 3 determination by an organization that an admission, 4 availability of care, continued stay, or other health care 5 service has been reviewed and, based upon the information 6 provided, does not meet the organization's requirements for 7 medical necessity, appropriateness, health care setting, level 8 of care or effectiveness, and coverage for the requested 9 service is therefore denied, reduced, or terminated. 10 (2)(1) "Agency" means the Agency for Health Care 11 Administration. 12 (3) "Clinical peer" means a health care professional 13 who has demonstrable expertise to review a case, whether or 14 not the reviewing professional is in the same or similar 15 specialty as the health care professional who made the initial 16 decision. 17 (4) "Clinical review criteria" means the written 18 screening procedures, decision abstracts, clinical protocols, 19 and practice guidelines used by the organization to determine, 20 for coverage purposes, the necessity and appropriateness of 21 health care services. 22 (5) "Complaint" means any expression of 23 dissatisfaction by a subscriber, including dissatisfaction 24 with the administration, claims practices, or provision of 25 services, which relates to the quality of care provided by a 26 provider pursuant to the organization's contract and which is 27 submitted to the organization or to a state agency. A 28 complaint is part of the informal steps of a grievance 29 procedure and is not part of the formal steps of a grievance 30 procedure unless it is a grievance as defined in subsection 31 (10). 7 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 CS/HBs 297 & 325 601-108A-97 1 (6) "Concurrent review" means utilization review 2 conducted during a patient's hospital stay or course of 3 treatment. 4 (7)(2) "Emergency medical condition" means: 5 (a) A medical condition manifesting itself by acute 6 symptoms of sufficient severity, which may include severe pain 7 or other acute symptoms, such that the absence of immediate 8 medical attention could reasonably be expected to result in 9 any of the following: 10 1. Serious jeopardy to the health of a patient, 11 including a pregnant woman or a fetus. 12 2. Serious impairment to bodily functions. 13 3. Serious dysfunction of any bodily organ or part. 14 (b) With respect to a pregnant woman: 15 1. That there is inadequate time to effect safe 16 transfer to another hospital prior to delivery; 17 2. That a transfer may pose a threat to the health and 18 safety of the patient or fetus; or 19 3. That there is evidence of the onset and persistence 20 of uterine contractions or rupture of the membranes. 21 (8)(3) "Emergency services and care" means medical 22 screening, examination, and evaluation by a physician or, to 23 the extent permitted by applicable law, by other appropriate 24 personnel under the supervision of a physician, to determine 25 if an emergency medical condition exists, and if it does, the 26 care, treatment, or surgery for a covered service by a 27 physician necessary to relieve or eliminate the emergency 28 medical condition within the service capability of a hospital. 29 (9)(4) "Geographic area" means the county or counties, 30 or any portion of a county or counties, within which the 31 health maintenance organization provides or arranges for 8 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 CS/HBs 297 & 325 601-108A-97 1 comprehensive health care services to be available to its 2 subscribers. 3 (10) "Grievance" means a written complaint submitted 4 by or on behalf of a subscriber to an organization or a state 5 agency regarding the: 6 (a) Availability, coverage for the delivery, or 7 quality of health care services, including a complaint 8 regarding an adverse determination made pursuant to 9 utilization review; 10 (b) Claims payment, handling, or reimbursement for 11 health care services; or 12 (c) Matters pertaining to the contractual relationship 13 between a subscriber and an organization. 14 15 A grievance does not include a written complaint submitted by 16 or on behalf of a subscriber eligible for a grievance and 17 appeals procedure provided by an organization pursuant to 18 contract with the Federal Government under Title XVIII of the 19 Social Security Act. 20 (11)(5) "Health care services" means comprehensive 21 health care services, as defined in s. 641.19, when applicable 22 to a health maintenance organization, and means basic 23 services, as defined in s. 641.402, when applicable to a 24 prepaid health clinic. 25 (12)(6) "Minimum services" includes any of the 26 following: emergency care, inpatient hospital services, 27 physician care, ambulatory diagnostic treatment, and 28 preventive health care services. 29 (13)(7) "Organization" means any health maintenance 30 organization as defined in s. 641.19 and any prepaid health 31 clinic as defined in s. 641.402. 9 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 CS/HBs 297 & 325 601-108A-97 1 (14)(8) "Provider" means any physician, hospital, or 2 other institution, organization, or person that furnishes 3 health care services and is licensed or otherwise authorized 4 to practice in the state. To submit or pursue a grievance on 5 behalf of a subscriber, a provider must previously have been 6 directly involved in the treatment or diagnosis of the 7 subscriber. 8 (15) "Retrospective review" means a review, for 9 coverage purposes, of medical necessity conducted after 10 services have been provided to a patient. 11 (16)(9) "Subscriber" means an individual who has 12 contracted, or on whose behalf a contract has been entered 13 into, with a health maintenance organization for health care 14 services. 15 (17) "Urgent grievance" means an adverse determination 16 when the standard timeframe of the grievance procedure would 17 seriously jeopardize the life or health of a subscriber or 18 would jeopardize the subscriber's ability to regain maximum 19 function. 20 Section 5. Subsection (11) is added to section 21 641.495, Florida Statutes, 1996 Supplement, to read: 22 641.495 Requirements for issuance and maintenance of 23 certificate.-- 24 (11) The organization shall designate a medical 25 director who is a physician licensed under chapter 458 or 26 chapter 459. 27 Section 6. Subsections (5), (6), (7), (8), (9), and 28 (10) are added to section 641.51, Florida Statutes, to read: 29 641.51 Quality assurance program; second medical 30 opinion requirement.-- 31 10 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 CS/HBs 297 & 325 601-108A-97 1 (5) Each organization shall develop and maintain a 2 policy to determine when exceptional referrals to 3 out-of-network specially qualified providers should be 4 provided to address the unique medical needs of a subscriber. 5 All financial arrangements for the provision of these services 6 shall be agreed to prior to the services being rendered. 7 (6) Each organization shall develop and maintain 8 written policies and procedures for the provision of standing 9 referrals to subscribers with chronic and disabling conditions 10 which require ongoing specialty care. 11 (7) Each organization shall allow subscribers to 12 continue care for 60 days with a terminated treating provider 13 when medically necessary, provided the subscriber has a 14 life-threatening condition or a disabling and degenerative 15 condition. Each organization shall allow a subscriber who is 16 in the third trimester of pregnancy to continue care with a 17 terminated treating provider until completion of postpartum 18 care. The organization and the provider shall continue to be 19 bound by the terms of the contract for such continued care. 20 This subsection shall not apply to treating providers who have 21 been terminated by the organization for cause. 22 (8) Each organization shall release to the agency data 23 which are indicators of access and quality of care. The 24 agency shall develop rules specifying data-reporting 25 requirements for these indicators. The indicators shall 26 include the following characteristics: 27 (a) They must relate to access and quality of care 28 measures. 29 (b) They must be consistent with data collected 30 pursuant to accreditation activities and standards. 31 11 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 CS/HBs 297 & 325 601-108A-97 1 (c) They must be consistent with frequency 2 requirements under the accreditation process. 3 The agency shall develop by rule a uniform format for 4 publication of the data for the public which shall contain 5 explanations of the data collected and the relevance of such 6 data. The agency shall publish such data no less frequently 7 than every 2 years. 8 (9) Each organization shall conduct a standardized 9 customer satisfaction survey, as developed by the agency by 10 rule, of its membership at intervals specified by the agency. 11 The survey shall be consistent with surveys required by 12 accrediting organizations and may contain up to 10 additional 13 questions based on concerns specific to Florida. Survey data 14 shall be submitted to the agency, which shall make comparative 15 findings available to the public. 16 (10) Each organization shall adopt recommendations for 17 preventive pediatric health care consistent with early 18 periodic screening, diagnosis, and treatment requirements 19 developed for the Medicaid program. Each organization shall 20 establish goals to achieve 80-percent compliance by July 1, 21 1998, and 90-percent compliance by July 1, 1999, for their 22 enrolled pediatric population. 23 Section 7. Section 641.511, Florida Statutes, is 24 amended to read: 25 641.511 Subscriber grievance reporting and resolution 26 requirements.-- 27 (1) Every organization must have a grievance procedure 28 available to its subscribers for the purpose of addressing 29 complaints and grievances. Every organization must notify its 30 subscribers that a subscriber must submit a grievance within 1 31 year after the date of occurrence of the action that initiated 12 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 CS/HBs 297 & 325 601-108A-97 1 the grievance, and may submit the grievance for review to the 2 Statewide Provider and Subscriber Assistance Program panel as 3 provided in s. 408.7056 after receiving a final disposition of 4 the grievance through the organization's grievance process. 5 An The health maintenance organization shall maintain records 6 of all grievances and shall report annually to the agency 7 department a description of the total number of grievances 8 handled, a categorization of the cases underlying the 9 grievances, and the final disposition resolution of the 10 grievances. 11 (2) When an organization receives an initial complaint 12 from a subscriber, the organization must respond to the 13 complaint within a reasonable time after its submission. At 14 the time of receipt of the initial complaint, the organization 15 shall inform the subscriber that the subscriber has a right to 16 file a written grievance at any time and that assistance in 17 preparing the written grievance shall be provided by the 18 organization. 19 (3) Each organization's grievance procedure, as 20 required under subsection (1), must include, at a minimum: 21 (a) An explanation of how to pursue redress of a 22 grievance. 23 (b) The names of the appropriate employees or a list 24 of grievance departments that are responsible for implementing 25 the organization's grievance procedure. The list must include 26 the address and the toll-free telephone number of each 27 grievance department, the address of the agency and its 28 toll-free telephone hotline number, and the address of the 29 Statewide Provider and Subscriber Assistance Program and its 30 toll-free telephone number. 31 13 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 CS/HBs 297 & 325 601-108A-97 1 (c) The description of the process through which a 2 subscriber may, at any time, contact the toll-free telephone 3 hotline of the agency to inform it of the unresolved 4 grievance. 5 (d) A procedure for establishing methods for 6 classifying grievances as urgent and for establishing time 7 limits for an expedited review within which such grievances 8 must be resolved. 9 (e) A notice that a subscriber may voluntarily pursue 10 binding arbitration in accordance with the terms of the 11 contract if offered by the organization, after completing the 12 organization's grievance procedure and as an alternative to 13 the Statewide Provider and Subscriber Assistance Program. 14 Such notice shall include an explanation that the subscriber 15 may incur some costs if the subscriber pursues binding 16 arbitration, depending upon the terms of the subscriber's 17 contract. 18 (f) A process whereby the grievance manager 19 acknowledges the grievance and investigates the grievance in 20 order to notify the subscriber of a final decision in writing. 21 (g) A procedure for providing individuals who are 22 unable to submit a written grievance with access to the 23 grievance process, which shall include assistance by the 24 organization in preparing the grievance and communicating back 25 to the subscriber. 26 (4)(a) With respect to a grievance concerning an 27 adverse determination, an organization shall make available to 28 the subscriber a review of the grievance by an internal review 29 panel; such review must be requested within 30 days after the 30 organization's transmittal of the final determination notice 31 of an adverse determination. A majority of the panel shall be 14 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 CS/HBs 297 & 325 601-108A-97 1 persons who previously were not involved in the initial 2 adverse determination. A person who previously was involved 3 in the adverse determination may appear before the panel to 4 present information or answer questions. The panel shall have 5 the authority to bind the organization to the panel's 6 decision. 7 (b) An organization shall ensure that a majority of 8 the persons reviewing a grievance involving an adverse 9 determination are providers who have appropriate expertise. 10 An organization shall issue a copy of the written decision of 11 the review panel to the subscriber and to the provider, if 12 any, who submits a grievance on behalf of a subscriber. In 13 cases where there has been a denial of coverage of service, 14 the reviewing provider shall not be a provider previously 15 involved with the adverse determination. 16 (c) An organization shall establish written procedures 17 for a review of an adverse determination. Review procedures 18 shall be available to the subscriber and to a provider acting 19 on behalf of a subscriber. 20 (d) In any case when the review process does not 21 resolve a difference of opinion between the organization and 22 the subscriber or the provider acting on behalf of the 23 subscriber, the subscriber or the provider acting on behalf of 24 the subscriber may submit a written grievance to the Statewide 25 Provider and Subscriber Assistance Program. 26 (5) Except as provided in subsection (6), the 27 organization shall resolve a grievance within 60 days after 28 receipt of the grievance, or within a maximum of 90 days if 29 the grievance involves the collection of information outside 30 the service area. These time limitations are tolled if the 31 organization has notified the subscriber, in writing, that 15 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 CS/HBs 297 & 325 601-108A-97 1 additional information is required for proper review of the 2 grievance and that such time limitations are tolled until such 3 information is provided. After the organization receives the 4 requested information, the time allowed for completion of the 5 grievance process resumes. 6 (6)(a) An organization shall establish written 7 procedures for the expedited review of an urgent grievance. A 8 request for an expedited review may be submitted orally or in 9 writing and shall be subject to the review procedures of this 10 section, if it meets the criteria of this section. Unless it 11 is submitted in writing, for purposes of the grievance 12 reporting requirements in subsection (1), the request shall be 13 considered an appeal of a utilization review decision and not 14 a grievance. Expedited review procedures shall be available to 15 a subscriber and to the provider acting on behalf of a 16 subscriber. For purposes of this subsection, "subscriber" 17 includes the legal representative of a subscriber. 18 (b) Expedited reviews shall be evaluated by an 19 appropriate clinical peer or peers. The clinical peer or peers 20 shall not have been involved in the initial adverse 21 determination. 22 (c) In an expedited review, all necessary information, 23 including the organization's decision, shall be transmitted 24 between the organization and the subscriber, or the provider 25 acting on behalf of the subscriber, by telephone, facsimile, 26 or the most expeditious method available. 27 (d) In an expedited review, an organization shall make 28 a decision and notify the subscriber, or the provider acting 29 on behalf of the subscriber, as expeditiously as the 30 subscriber's medical condition requires, but in no event more 31 than 72 hours after receipt of the request for review. If the 16 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 CS/HBs 297 & 325 601-108A-97 1 expedited review is a concurrent review determination, the 2 service shall be continued without liability to the subscriber 3 until the subscriber has been notified of the determination. 4 (e) An organization shall provide written confirmation 5 of its decision concerning an expedited review within 2 6 working days after providing notification of that decision, if 7 the initial notification was not in writing. 8 (f) An organization shall provide reasonable access, 9 not to exceed 24 hours after receiving a request for an 10 expedited review, to a clinical peer who can perform the 11 expedited review. 12 (g) In any case when the expedited review process does 13 not resolve a difference of opinion between the organization 14 and the subscriber or the provider acting on behalf of the 15 subscriber, the subscriber or the provider acting on behalf of 16 the subscriber may submit a written grievance to the Statewide 17 Provider and Subscriber Assistance Program. 18 (h) An organization shall not provide an expedited 19 retrospective review of an adverse determination. 20 (7)(2) Each health maintenance organization shall send 21 to the agency department a copy of its annual and quarterly 22 grievance reports submitted to the Department of Insurance 23 pursuant to s. 408.7056(2). 24 (8)(3) The agency department shall investigate all 25 reports of unresolved quality of care grievances received 26 from: 27 (a) Annual and quarterly grievance reports submitted 28 by the health maintenance organization to the Department of 29 Insurance. 30 31 17 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 CS/HBs 297 & 325 601-108A-97 1 (b) Review requests Appeals of subscribers whose 2 grievances remain unresolved after the subscriber has followed 3 the full grievance procedure of the organization. 4 (9)(a)(4) The agency department shall advise 5 subscribers with grievances to follow their organization's the 6 health maintenance organization formal grievance process for 7 resolution prior to review by the Statewide Provider and 8 Subscriber Assistance Program department. The subscriber may, 9 however, submit a copy of the grievance to the agency at any 10 time during the process. 11 (b) Requiring completion of the organization's 12 grievance process before the Statewide Provider and Subscriber 13 Assistance Program panel's review does However, this shall not 14 preclude the agency department from investigating any 15 complaint or grievance before the organization makes its final 16 determination prior to completion of the health maintenance 17 organization's formal grievance process. 18 (10)(5) Each organization must notify the subscriber 19 in a final decision letter that the subscriber may request 20 review of the organization's decision concerning the grievance 21 by the Statewide Provider and Subscriber Assistance Program, 22 as provided in s. 408.7056, if the grievance is not resolved 23 to the satisfaction of the subscriber. The final decision 24 letter must inform the subscriber that the request for review 25 must be made within 365 days after receipt of the final 26 decision letter, must explain how to initiate such a review, 27 and must include the addresses and toll-free telephone numbers 28 of the agency and the Statewide Provider and Subscriber 29 Assistance Program. A quality of care grievance which remains 30 unresolved after a subscriber has followed the full grievance 31 procedure of the organization, after review by the department, 18 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 CS/HBs 297 & 325 601-108A-97 1 may be presented to the Statewide Subscriber Assistance 2 Program Panel as set forth in s. 408.7056. 3 (11) The agency may impose administrative sanction, in 4 accordance with s. 641.52, against an organization for 5 noncompliance with this section. 6 Section 8. Subsections (3), (4), and (5) are added to 7 section 641.54, Florida Statutes, to read: 8 641.54 Hospital and physician Information 9 disclosure.-- 10 (3) The organization shall make available to 11 subscribers, upon request, a detailed description of the 12 authorization and referral process for health care services. 13 Any changes in the organization's authorization and referral 14 process shall be reported to the agency immediately. 15 (4) The organization shall make available to 16 subscribers, upon request, a detailed description of the 17 process used to determine whether health care services are 18 "medically necessary." Any change in the organization's 19 definition of "medically necessary" or the process used to 20 determine medical necessity shall be reported to the agency 21 immediately. 22 (5) Each organization shall provide to subscribers, 23 upon request, the following: 24 (a) A description of the organization's quality 25 assurance program. 26 (b) Policies and procedures relating to the 27 organization's prescription drug benefits, including the 28 disclosure, upon request of a subscriber or potential 29 subscriber, of whether the organization uses a formulary. A 30 subscriber or potential subscriber may also request 31 19 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 CS/HBs 297 & 325 601-108A-97 1 information as to whether a specific drug is covered by the 2 organization. 3 (c) Policies and procedures relating to the 4 confidentiality and disclosure of the subscriber's medical 5 records. 6 (d) The decisionmaking process used for approving or 7 denying experimental or investigational medical treatments. 8 (e) Policies and procedures for addressing the needs 9 of non-English-speaking subscribers. 10 (f) A detailed description of the process used to 11 examine qualifications of and the credentialing of all 12 providers under contract with or employed by the organization. 13 Section 9. This act shall take effect July 1, 1997. 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 20