CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

                                                  SENATE AMENDMENT

    Bill No. SB 304

    Amendment No. 1

                            CHAMBER ACTION
              Senate                               House
 1                                 .
 2                                 .
 3                                 .







11  The Committee on Health Care recommended the following

12  amendment:


14         Senate Amendment (with title amendment) 

15         On page 12 between lines 23 and 24,


17  insert:

18         Section 13.  Subsection (1) of section 322.21, Florida

19  Statutes, is amended to read:

20         322.21  License fees; procedure for handling and

21  collecting fees.--

22         (1)  Except as otherwise provided herein, the fee for:

23         (a)  An original or renewal commercial driver's license

24  is $50, which shall include the fee for driver education

25  provided by s. 233.063; however, if an applicant has completed

26  training and is applying for employment or is currently

27  employed in a public or nonpublic school system that requires

28  the commercial license, the fee shall be the same as for a

29  Class E driver's license.  A delinquent fee of $1 shall be

30  added for a renewal made not more than 12 months after the

31  license expiration date.

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                                                  SENATE AMENDMENT

    Bill No. SB 304

    Amendment No. 1

 1         (b)  An original Class D or Class E driver's license is

 2  $20, which shall include the fee for driver's education

 3  provided by s. 233.063; however, if an applicant has completed

 4  training and is applying for employment or is currently

 5  employed in a public or nonpublic school system that requires

 6  a commercial driver license, the fee shall be the same as for

 7  a Class E license.

 8         (c)  The renewal or extension of a Class D or Class E

 9  driver's license or of a license restricted to motorcycle use

10  only is $15, except that a delinquent fee of $1 shall be added

11  for a renewal or extension made not more than 12 months after

12  the license expiration date.  The fee provided in this

13  paragraph shall include the fee for driver's education

14  provided by s. 233.063.

15         (d)  An original driver's license restricted to

16  motorcycle use only is $20, which shall include the fee for

17  driver's education provided by s. 233.063.

18         (e)  Each endorsement required by s. 322.57 is $5.


20  The fees specified in paragraphs (a) through (d) shall be

21  reduced by $5.00 for persons who make an anatomical gift upon

22  applying for or renewing a driver's license. 

23         Section 14.  Subsection (1) of section 732.921, Florida

24  Statutes, is amended to read:

25         732.921  Donations as part of driver license or

26  identification card process.--

27         (1)  The Agency for Health Care Administration and the

28  Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles shall develop

29  and implement a program encouraging and allowing persons to

30  make anatomical gifts as a part of the process of issuing

31  identification cards and issuing and renewing driver licenses.

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                                                  SENATE AMENDMENT

    Bill No. SB 304

    Amendment No. 1

 1  As an incentive for such donation, driver license fees shall

 2  be reduced as provided in s. 322.21, for persons who complete

 3  a donor registration card when applying for or renewing a

 4  driver license. The donor registration card distributed by the

 5  Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles shall include

 6  the material specified by s. 732.914(2)(b) and may require

 7  such additional information, and include such additional

 8  material, as may be deemed necessary by that department.  The

 9  Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles shall also

10  develop and implement a program to identify donors, which

11  program shall include notations on identification cards,

12  driver licenses, and driver records or such other methods as

13  the department may develop. This program shall include, after

14  an individual has completed a donor registration card, making

15  a notation on the front of the driver license or

16  identification card that clearly indicates the individual's

17  intent to donate the individual's organs or tissue. A notation

18  on an individual's driver license or identification card that

19  the individual intends to donate organs or tissues is deemed

20  sufficient to satisfy all requirements for consent to organ or

21  tissue donation. The Agency for Health Care Administration

22  shall provide the necessary supplies and forms through funds

23  appropriated from general revenue or contributions from

24  interested voluntary, nonprofit organizations.  The Department

25  of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles shall provide the

26  necessary recordkeeping system through funds appropriated from

27  general revenue.  The Department of Highway Safety and Motor

28  Vehicles and the Agency for Health Care Administration shall

29  incur no liability in connection with the performance of any

30  acts authorized herein.


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                                                  SENATE AMENDMENT

    Bill No. SB 304

    Amendment No. 1

 1  [Renumber subsequent section(s).]



 4  ================ T I T L E   A M E N D M E N T ===============

 5  And the title is amended as follows:

 6         On page 1, line 28, after the semicolon,


 8  insert:

 9         amending ss. 322.21 and 732.921, F.S.; reducing

10         driver's license fees for persons who register

11         to become organ donors when applying for or

12         renewing a driver's license;




















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