CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

                                                  SENATE AMENDMENT

    Bill No. CS/HB 3065

    Amendment No.    

                            CHAMBER ACTION
              Senate                               House
 1                                 .
 2                                 .
 3                                 .







11  Senator Klein moved the following amendment:


13         Senate Amendment (with title amendment) 

14         On page 4, between lines 9 and 10,


16  insert:

17         Section 4.  The tennis court complex at the University

18  of West Florida is hereby designated the "Harold 'Skeeter'

19  Carson Tennis Complex" in honor of the university's first

20  tennis coach and his untiring and extraordinary contribution

21  to the community and to his profession. 

22         Section 5.  The Lifelong Learning Center on the Boca

23  Raton Campus of Florida Atlantic University, the first

24  lifelong learning center to be constructed on any of the

25  university's seven campuses for use by the Lifelong Learning

26  Society, is hereby designated the "Barry and Florence

27  Friedberg Lifelong Learning Center" in recognition of the

28  generosity, dedication, and active support of Barry and

29  Florence Friedberg.

30         Section 6.  The swim/dive office and training facility

31  at the University of Florida is hereby designated the "Wayne

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                                                  SENATE AMENDMENT

    Bill No. CS/HB 3065

    Amendment No.    

 1  and Jimmie Carse Swimming and Diving Complex" in recognition

 2  of the generosity of Wayne and Jimmie Carse to the university

 3  and its students.

 4         Section 7.  Flint Hall at the University of Florida is

 5  hereby renamed "Keene-Flint Hall" in recognition of Kenneth K.

 6  Keene's generosity to the university and its students.

 7         Section 8.  The residence currently known as 2nd Court,

 8  Pei Residence Halls, located on the Sarasota/Manatee Campus of

 9  New College of the University of South Florida, is hereby

10  designated the "Peggy Bates Residence Hall" in recognition of

11  the tireless and dedicated services of Dr. Margaret L. Bates

12  to New College and the Sarasota/Manatee community.

13         Section 9.  The library tower located on the campus of

14  Florida International University is hereby designated the

15  "Steven and Dorothea Green Library" in recognition of the

16  generosity of Steven and Dorothea Green to the university

17  libraries and to the Art Museum.

18         Section 10.  The recording facility donated to Florida

19  State University by Echelon International Development

20  Corporation is hereby designated "Critchfield Hall" in

21  recognition of Dr. Jack Critchfield's generosity to Florida

22  State University and his philanthropic contributions to the

23  State of Florida.

24         Section 11.  The respective universities are authorized

25  to erect suitable markers for the designations made by this

26  act.

27         Section 12.  Section 240.605, Florida Statutes, is

28  amended to read:

29         240.605  The William L. Boyd, IV Florida resident

30  access grants.--

31         (1)  The Legislature finds and declares that

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                                                  SENATE AMENDMENT

    Bill No. CS/HB 3065

    Amendment No.    

 1  independent nonprofit colleges and universities eligible to

 2  participate in the William L. Boyd, IV Florida Resident Access

 3  Grant Program are an integral part of the higher education

 4  system in this state and that a significant number of state

 5  residents choose this form of higher education.  The

 6  Legislature further finds that a strong and viable system of

 7  independent nonprofit colleges and universities reduces the

 8  tax burden on the citizens of the state. Because the William

 9  L. Boyd, IV Florida Resident Access Grant Program is not

10  related to a student's financial need or other criteria upon

11  which financial aid programs are based, it is the intent of

12  the Legislature that the William L. Boyd, IV Florida Resident

13  Access Grant Program not be considered a financial aid program

14  but rather a tuition assistance program for its citizens.

15         (2)  The William L. Boyd, IV Florida Resident Access

16  Grant Program shall be administered by the Department of

17  Education.  The State Board of Education shall adopt rules for

18  the administration of the program.

19         (3)  The department shall issue through the program a

20  William L. Boyd, IV Florida resident access grant to any

21  full-time degree-seeking undergraduate student registered at

22  an independent nonprofit college or university which is

23  located in and chartered by the state; which is accredited by

24  the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of

25  Colleges and Schools; which grants baccalaureate degrees;

26  which is not a state university or state community college;

27  and which has a secular purpose, so long as the receipt of

28  state aid by students at the institution would not have the

29  primary effect of advancing or impeding religion or result in

30  an excessive entanglement between the state and any religious

31  sect. Any independent college or university that was eligible

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                                                  SENATE AMENDMENT

    Bill No. CS/HB 3065

    Amendment No.    

 1  to receive tuition vouchers on January 1, 1989, and which

 2  continues to meet the criteria under which its eligibility was

 3  established, shall remain eligible to receive William L. Boyd,

 4  IV Florida resident access grant payments.

 5         (4)  A person is eligible to receive such William L.

 6  Boyd, IV Florida resident access grant if:

 7         (a)  He or she meets the general requirements,

 8  including residency, for student eligibility as provided in s.

 9  240.404, except as otherwise provided in this section; and

10         (b)1.  He or she is enrolled as a full-time

11  undergraduate student at an eligible college or university;

12         2.  He or she is not enrolled in a program of study

13  leading to a degree in theology or divinity; and

14         3.  He or she is making satisfactory academic progress

15  as defined by the college or university in which he or she is

16  enrolled.

17         (5)(a)  Funding for the William L. Boyd, IV Florida

18  resident access grant shall be based on a formula composed of

19  planned enrollment and the state cost of funding undergraduate

20  enrollment at public institutions pursuant to s. 240.271.

21  However, the amount of the William L. Boyd, IV Florida

22  resident access grant issued to a full-time student shall be

23  30 percent in 1996-1997, 35 percent in 1997-1998, and 40

24  percent in 1998-1999 and thereafter of the full cost to the

25  state per academic year of an undergraduate student in public

26  postsecondary education established pursuant to s. 240.209 or

27  an amount as specified in the General Appropriations Act. The

28  Florida William L. Boyd, IV resident access grant may be paid

29  on a prorated basis in advance of the registration period. The

30  department shall make such payments to the college or

31  university in which the student is enrolled for credit to the

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                                                  SENATE AMENDMENT

    Bill No. CS/HB 3065

    Amendment No.    

 1  student's account for payment of tuition and fees.

 2  Institutions shall certify to the department the amount of

 3  funds disbursed to each student and shall remit to the

 4  department any undisbursed advances or refunds within 60 days

 5  of the end of regular registration. Students shall not be

 6  eligible to receive the award for more than 9 semesters or 14

 7  quarters, except as otherwise provided in s. 240.404(3).

 8         (b)  If the combined amount of the William L. Boyd, IV

 9  Florida resident access grant issued pursuant to this act and

10  all other scholarships and grants for tuition or fees exceeds

11  the amount charged to the student for tuition and fees, the

12  department shall reduce the William L. Boyd, IV Florida

13  resident access grant issued pursuant to this act by an amount

14  equal to such excess.

15         (c)  For the 1997-1998 fiscal year only, funding for

16  the William L. Boyd, IV Florida resident access grant shall be

17  the amount set forth in the General Appropriations Act.  This

18  paragraph is repealed on July 1, 1998.


20  (Redesignate subsequent sections.)



23  ================ T I T L E   A M E N D M E N T ===============

24  And the title is amended as follows:

25         On page 1, lines 2-13, delete those lines


27  and insert:

28         An act relating to the designation of

29         facilities and programs; designating the

30         Florida Department of Transportation District

31         Five headquarters building located in Volusia

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                                                  SENATE AMENDMENT

    Bill No. CS/HB 3065

    Amendment No.    

 1         County as the "Ben G. Watts Building";

 2         designating a specified bridge in Pasco County

 3         as the "Father Felix Ullrich Bridge";

 4         designating Fiske Boulevard overpass at

 5         Interstate Highway 95 in Rockledge as the "Jack

 6         I. Korenblit Overpass"; directing the

 7         Department of Transportation to erect suitable

 8         markers; designating the tennis court complex

 9         at the University of West Florida the "Harold

10         'Skeeter' Carson Tennis Complex"; designating

11         the Lifelong Learning Center on the Boca Raton

12         Campus of Florida Atlantic University the

13         "Barry and Florence Friedberg Lifelong Learning

14         Center"; designating the swim/dive office and

15         training facility at the University of Florida

16         the "Wayne and Jimmie Carse Swimming and Diving

17         Complex"; renaming Flint Hall at the University

18         of Florida as "Keene-Flint Hall"; designating

19         the residence hall known as 2nd Court, Pei

20         Residence Halls, located at New College of the

21         University of South Florida the "Peggy Bates

22         Residence Hall"; designating the library tower

23         on the campus of Florida International

24         University the "Steven and Dorothea Green

25         Library"; designating the recording facility

26         donated to Florida State University as

27         "Critchfield Hall"; authorizing the respective

28         universities to erect suitable markers;

29         amending s. 240.605, F.S.; renaming the Florida

30         Resident Access Grant Program as the William L.

31         Boyd, IV Florida Resident Access Grant Program;

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                                                  SENATE AMENDMENT

    Bill No. CS/HB 3065

    Amendment No.    

 1         providing an effective date.































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