CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

House Bill 3125

Florida House of Representatives - 1998 HB 3125 By Representative Smith 1 A bill to be entitled 2 An act relating to disposal of solid waste; 3 amending s. 403.707, F.S.; revising and 4 clarifying conditions under which the disposal 5 of solid waste is exempt from Department of 6 Environmental Protection permitting 7 requirements; providing an effective date. 8 9 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 10 11 Section 1. Subsection (2) of section 403.707, Florida 12 Statutes, is amended to read: 13 403.707 Permits.-- 14 (2) Except as provided in s. 403.722(6), no permit 15 under this section is required for the following, provided 16 that the activity shall not create a no public nuisance or any 17 condition adversely affecting the environment or public health 18 and shall is created and the activity does not violate other 19 state or local laws, ordinances, rules, regulations, or 20 orders: 21 (a) Disposal by persons of solid waste resulting from 22 their own activities on their own property, provided such 23 waste is either ordinary household waste from their 24 residential property or is rocks, soils, trees, tree remains, 25 and other vegetative matter which normally result from land 26 development operations. Disposal of materials which could 27 create a public nuisance or adversely affect the environment 28 or public health, such as: white goods; automotive materials, 29 such as batteries and tires; petroleum products; pesticides; 30 solvents; or hazardous substances, is not covered under this 31 exemption. 1 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1998 HB 3125 60-260-98 1 (b) Storage in containers by persons of solid waste 2 resulting from their own activities on their property, leased 3 or rented property, or property subject to a homeowners or 4 maintenance association for which the person contributes 5 association assessments, if the solid waste in such containers 6 is collected at least once a week. 7 (c) Disposal by persons of solid waste resulting from 8 their own activities on their property, provided the 9 environmental effects of such disposal on groundwater and 10 surface waters are: 11 1. Addressed or authorized by a site certification 12 order issued under part II or a permit issued by the 13 department pursuant to this chapter or rules adopted pursuant 14 thereto; or 15 2. Addressed or authorized by, or exempted from the 16 requirement to obtain, a groundwater monitoring plan approved 17 by the department. 18 (d) Disposal by persons of solid waste resulting from 19 their own activities on their own property, provided that such 20 disposal occurred prior to October 1, 1988. 21 (e) Disposal of solid waste resulting from normal 22 farming operations as defined by department rule. 23 Polyethylene agricultural plastic, damaged, nonsalvageable, 24 untreated wood pallets, and packing material that cannot be 25 feasibly recycled, which are used in connection with 26 agricultural operations related to the growing, harvesting, or 27 maintenance of crops, may be disposed of by open burning, 28 provided that no public nuisance or any condition adversely 29 affecting the environment or the public health is created 30 thereby and that state or federal ambient air quality 31 standards are not violated. 2 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1998 HB 3125 60-260-98 1 (f) The use of clean debris as fill material in any 2 area. However, this paragraph does not exempt any person from 3 obtaining any other required permits, nor does it affect a 4 person's responsibility to dispose of clean debris 5 appropriately if it is not to be used as fill material. 6 (g) Compost operations that produce less than 50 cubic 7 yards of compost per year when the compost produced is used on 8 the property where the compost operation is located. 9 Section 2. This act shall take effect July 1 of the 10 year in which enacted. 11 12 ***************************************** 13 HOUSE SUMMARY 14 Revises and clarifies conditions under which the disposal 15 of solid waste is exempt from Department of Environmental Protection permitting requirements. 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 3