CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

House Bill 0313c1

Florida House of Representatives - 1997 CS/HB 313 By the Committee on Utilities & Communications and Representatives Maygarden, Greene, Villalobos, Cosgrove, Andrews, Sanderson, Culp, Flanagan, Rodriguez-Chomat, Stabins and Merchant 1 A bill to be entitled 2 An act relating to telecommunications; amending 3 ss. 125.421 and 166.047, F.S.; providing for 4 accounting and payment of taxes for providing 5 telecommunications services and operations to 6 the public by counties and municipalities; 7 providing exceptions; amending s. 196.012, 8 F.S.; exempting telecommunications services 9 provided to the public for hire from a 10 governmental, municipal, or public purpose; 11 amending s. 199.183, F.S.; providing that 12 telecommunication services provided to the 13 public by a county, municipality, or other 14 political subdivision are not exempt from 15 intangible personal property taxes; amending s. 16 212.08, F.S.; providing that telecommunication 17 services provided to the public by a county, 18 municipality, or other political subdivision 19 are not exempt from sales or use taxes; 20 providing exceptions; providing an effective 21 date. 22 23 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 24 25 Section 1. Section 125.421, Florida Statutes, is 26 created to read: 27 125.421 Telecommunications services and operations.--A 28 county or other entity of local government may provide or 29 resell to the public for hire any telecommunications services 30 which are subject to chapter 364, provided such services and 31 operations: 1 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 CS/HB 313 193-127-97 1 (1) Are accounted for in a manner which separately 2 identifies the revenues, expenses, and source of investment 3 dollars associated with the provision of such services. 4 (2) Are subject, without exemption, to all local 5 requirements applicable to telecommunications companies. 6 7 This section shall not apply to a county or other entity of 8 local government which owns, controls, or operates a 9 telecommunications service for the purpose of providing 10 telecommunications services for internal operational needs. 11 This section shall not apply to a county or other entity of 12 local government which provides internal information services, 13 including, but not limited to, tax records, engineering 14 records, and property records, to the general public for a 15 fee. 16 Section 2. Section 166.047, Florida Statutes, is 17 created to read: 18 166.047 Telecommunications services and operations.--A 19 municipality or other entity of local government may provide 20 or resell to the public for hire any telecommunications 21 services which are subject to chapter 364, provided such 22 services and operations: 23 (1) Are accounted for in a manner which separately 24 identifies the revenues, expenses, and source of investment 25 dollars associated with the provision of such services. 26 (2) Are subject, without exemption, to all local 27 requirements applicable to telecommunications companies. 28 29 This section shall not apply to a municipality or other entity 30 of local government which owns, controls, or operates a 31 telecommunications service for the purpose of providing 2 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 CS/HB 313 193-127-97 1 telecommunications services for internal operational needs. 2 This section shall not apply to a municipality or other entity 3 of local government which provides internal information 4 services, including, but not limited to, tax records, 5 engineering records, and property records, to the general 6 public for a fee. 7 Section 3. Subsection (6) of section 196.012, Florida 8 Statutes, is amended to read: 9 196.012 Definitions.--For the purpose of this chapter, 10 the following terms are defined as follows, except where the 11 context clearly indicates otherwise: 12 (6) Governmental, municipal, or public purpose or 13 function shall be deemed to be served or performed when the 14 lessee under any leasehold interest created in property of the 15 United States, the state or any of its political subdivisions, 16 or any municipality, agency, authority, or other public body 17 corporate of the state is demonstrated to perform a function 18 or serve a governmental purpose which could properly be 19 performed or served by an appropriate governmental unit or 20 which is demonstrated to perform a function or serve a purpose 21 which would otherwise be a valid subject for the allocation of 22 public funds. For purposes of the preceding sentence, an 23 activity undertaken by a lessee which is permitted under the 24 terms of its lease of real property designated as an aviation 25 area on an airport layout plan which has been approved by the 26 Federal Aviation Administration and which real property is 27 used for the administration, operation, business offices and 28 activities related specifically thereto in connection with the 29 conduct of an aircraft full service fixed base operation which 30 provides goods and services to the general aviation public in 31 the promotion of air commerce shall be deemed an activity 3 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 CS/HB 313 193-127-97 1 which serves a governmental, municipal, or public purpose or 2 function. The use by a lessee, licensee, or management company 3 of real property or a portion thereof as a convention center, 4 visitor center, sports facility with permanent seating, 5 concert hall, arena, stadium, park, or beach is deemed a use 6 that serves a governmental, municipal, or public purpose or 7 function when access to the property is open to the general 8 public with or without a charge for admission. If property 9 deeded to a municipality by the United States is subject to a 10 requirement that the Federal Government, through a schedule 11 established by the Secretary of the Interior, determine that 12 the property is being maintained for public historic 13 preservation, park, or recreational purposes and if those 14 conditions are not met the property will revert back to the 15 Federal Government, then such property shall be deemed to 16 serve a municipal or public purpose. The term "governmental 17 purpose" also includes a direct use of property on federal 18 lands in connection with the Federal Government's Space 19 Exploration Program. Real property and tangible personal 20 property owned by the Federal Government and used for defense 21 and space exploration purposes or which is put to a use in 22 support thereof shall be deemed to perform an essential 23 national governmental purpose and shall be exempt. "Owned by 24 the lessee" as used in this chapter does not include personal 25 property, buildings, or other real property improvements used 26 for the administration, operation, business offices and 27 activities related specifically thereto in connection with the 28 conduct of an aircraft full service fixed based operation 29 which provides goods and services to the general aviation 30 public in the promotion of air commerce provided that the real 31 property is designated as an aviation area on an airport 4 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 CS/HB 313 193-127-97 1 layout plan approved by the Federal Aviation Administration. 2 For purposes of determination of "ownership," buildings and 3 other real property improvements which will revert to the 4 airport authority or other governmental unit upon expiration 5 of the term of the lease shall be deemed "owned" by the 6 governmental unit and not the lessee. Providing 7 telecommunications services to the public for hire does not 8 constitute an exempt use for purposes of s. 196.199. 9 Section 4. Subsection (1) of section 199.183, Florida 10 Statutes, 1996 Supplement, is amended to read: 11 199.183 Taxpayers exempt from annual and nonrecurring 12 taxes.-- 13 (1) Intangible personal property owned by this state 14 or any of its political subdivisions or municipalities shall 15 be exempt from taxation under this chapter. This exemption 16 shall not apply to any leasehold or other interest which is 17 described in s. 199.023(1)(d), nor shall the exemption apply 18 to any telecommunications-service-related property when such 19 service is provided to the public for hire by the state, a 20 county, a municipality, or other political subdivision of the 21 state. 22 Section 5. Subsection (6) of section 212.08, Florida 23 Statutes, 1996 Supplement, is amended to read: 24 212.08 Sales, rental, use, consumption, distribution, 25 and storage tax; specified exemptions.--The sale at retail, 26 the rental, the use, the consumption, the distribution, and 27 the storage to be used or consumed in this state of the 28 following are hereby specifically exempt from the tax imposed 29 by this part. 30 (6) EXEMPTIONS; POLITICAL SUBDIVISIONS.--There are 31 also exempt from the tax imposed by this chapter sales made to 5 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 CS/HB 313 193-127-97 1 the United States Government, a state, or any county, 2 municipality, or political subdivision of a state when payment 3 is made directly to the dealer by the governmental entity. 4 This exemption shall not inure to any transaction otherwise 5 taxable under this chapter when payment is made by a 6 government employee by any means, including, but not limited 7 to, cash, check, or credit card when that employee is 8 subsequently reimbursed by the governmental entity. This 9 exemption does not include sales of tangible personal property 10 made to contractors employed either directly or as agents of 11 any such government or political subdivision thereof when such 12 tangible personal property goes into or becomes a part of 13 public works owned by such government or political subdivision 14 thereof. This exemption does not include sales, rental, use, 15 consumption, or storage for use in any political subdivision 16 or municipality in this state of machines and equipment and 17 parts and accessories therefor used in the generation, 18 transmission, or distribution of electrical energy by systems 19 owned and operated by a political subdivision in this state 20 for transmission or distribution expansion. Likewise exempt 21 are charges for services rendered by radio and television 22 stations, including line charges, talent fees, or license fees 23 and charges for films, videotapes, and transcriptions used in 24 producing radio or television broadcasts. This exemption does 25 not include telecommunications services otherwise subject to 26 the imposition of any tax under this chapter when provided to 27 the public for hire by any county, municipality, or other 28 political subdivision of the state. 29 Section 6. Sections 3, 4, and 5 of this act shall not 30 apply to the operator of a public-use airport as defined by s. 31 332.004(14), Florida Statutes, for the operator's provision of 6 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 CS/HB 313 193-127-97 1 telecommunications services for the airport or tenants, 2 concessionaires, or licensees of the airport nor shall such 3 sections apply to public hospital authorities. 4 Section 7. This act shall take effect October 1, 1997. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 7