CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

House Bill 3189

Florida House of Representatives - 1998 HB 3189 By Representative Sembler 1 A bill to be entitled 2 An act relating to parole; creating s. 947.182, 3 F.S.; providing definitions; requiring as a 4 condition of the parole of a sex offender or a 5 murderer that the offender apply to the 6 Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles 7 for a special identification card or driver's 8 license and, if subject to motor vehicle 9 registration requirements, a special 10 color-coded license tag; requiring the 11 department in cooperation with the Department 12 of Law Enforcement to provide for special 13 designation of a sex offender or murderer on 14 any driver's license, identification card, or 15 license tag issued to the paroled offender; 16 amending s. 775.21(7), F.S.; conforming 17 provision relating to determination of the 18 feasibility of requiring sexual predators to 19 have a special designation on any 20 identification card, driver's license, or 21 license tag issued in the state; providing an 22 effective date. 23 24 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 25 26 Section 1. Section 947.182, Florida Statutes, is 27 created to read: 28 947.182 Special identification card, driver's license, 29 or license tag as condition of parole for a sex offender or 30 murderer.-- 31 (1) As used in this section, the term: 1 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1998 HB 3189 285-156-98 1 (a) "Convicted" means the person has been determined 2 guilty as a result of a plea or a trial, regardless of whether 3 adjudication is withheld. 4 (b) "Murderer" means a person who has been convicted 5 of committing, or attempting, soliciting, or conspiring to 6 commit, any of the criminal offenses proscribed in s. 782.04 7 or analogous offenses in another jurisdiction, or any similar 8 offense committed in this state which has been redesignated 9 from a former statute number to one of those listed in this 10 paragraph. 11 (c) "Sex offender" means a person who has been 12 convicted of committing, or attempting, soliciting, or 13 conspiring to commit, any of the criminal offenses proscribed 14 in the following statutes in this state or analogous offenses 15 in another jurisdiction: s. 787.025, chapter 794, s. 796.03, 16 s. 800.04, s. 827.071, s. 847.0133, s. 847.0135, s. 847.0145, 17 or any similar offense committed in this state which has been 18 redesignated from a former statute number to one of those 19 listed in this paragraph. 20 (2) The Parole Commission shall require as a condition 21 of parole for any offender who is a sex offender or murderer 22 that: 23 (a) The offender, upon being released for placement on 24 parole, shall apply to the Department of Highway Safety and 25 Motor Vehicles for a special identification card or, if 26 otherwise qualified, a special driver's license, which shall 27 designate the offender as a sex offender or murderer. 28 (b) If the offender is subject to registration 29 requirements for any motor vehicle as provided in chapter 320, 30 the offender shall apply to the department for a special 31 2 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1998 HB 3189 285-156-98 1 color-coded license tag which shall designate the offender's 2 status as a sex offender or murderer. 3 (3) The Department of Highway Safety and Motor 4 Vehicles, in cooperation with the Department of Law 5 Enforcement, shall issue to an offender who is a sex offender 6 or murderer on parole: 7 (a) A special identification card or, if the offender 8 is otherwise qualified, a special driver's license; and 9 (b) A special color-coded license tag designating the 10 offender's status as a sex offender or murderer, when the 11 offender registers a motor vehicle. 12 Section 2. Paragraph (d) of subsection (7) of section 13 775.21, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 14 775.21 The Florida Sexual Predators Act; definitions; 15 legislative findings, purpose, and intent; criteria; 16 designation; registration; community and public notification; 17 immunity; penalties.-- 18 (7) COMMUNITY AND PUBLIC NOTIFICATION.-- 19 (d) The department shall adopt a protocol to assist 20 law enforcement agencies in their efforts to notify the 21 community and the public of the presence of sexual predators. 22 Notwithstanding s. 947.182, the department, in consultation 23 and cooperation with the Department of Highway Safety and 24 Motor Vehicles, shall determine the feasibility of requiring 25 sexual predators to have a special designation on any driver's 26 license, identification card, or license tag issued in this 27 state. 28 Section 3. This act shall take effect upon becoming a 29 law. 30 31 3 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1998 HB 3189 285-156-98 1 ***************************************** 2 HOUSE SUMMARY 3 Requires as a condition of the parole of a sex offender 4 or a murderer that the offender apply to the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles for a special 5 identification card or driver's license and, if subject to motor vehicle registration requirements, a special 6 color-coded license tag. Requires the department in cooperation with the Department of Law Enforcement to 7 provide for special designation of a sex offender or murderer on any driver's license, identification card, or 8 license tag issued to the paroled offender. Conforms provision relating to determination of the feasibility of 9 requiring sexual predators to have a special designation on any identification card, driver's license, or license 10 tag issued in the state. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 4