House Bill 3199c1

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida House of Representatives - 1998             CS/HB 3199

        By the Committee on Business Regulation & Consumer Affairs
    and Representatives Dockery and Putnam

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to secondhand dealers; amending

  3         s. 538.03, F.S.; revising a definition;

  4         amending s. 538.04, F.S.; exempting secondhand

  5         dealers from certain recordkeeping requirements

  6         for transactions involving secondhand sports

  7         equipment; providing an exception; providing an

  8         effective date.


10  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


12         Section 1.  Paragraph (g) of subsection (1) of section

13  538.03, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

14         538.03  Definitions; applicability.--

15         (1)  As used in this part, the term:

16         (g)  "Secondhand goods" means personal property

17  previously owned or used, which is not regulated metals

18  property regulated under part II and which is purchased,

19  consigned, or pawned as used property.  Such secondhand goods

20  shall be limited to watches; diamonds, gems, and other

21  precious stones; fishing rods, reels, and tackle; audio and

22  video electronic equipment, including television sets, compact

23  disc players, radios, amplifiers, receivers, turntables, tape

24  recorders; video tape recorders; speakers and citizens' band

25  radios; computer equipment; radar detectors; depth finders;

26  trolling motors; outboard motors; sterling silver flatware and

27  serving pieces; photographic equipment, including cameras,

28  video and film cameras, lenses, electronic flashes, tripods,

29  and developing equipment; microwave ovens; animal fur coats;

30  marine equipment; video games and cartridges; power lawn and

31  landscape equipment; office equipment such as copiers, fax


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    Florida House of Representatives - 1998             CS/HB 3199


  1  machines, and postage machines but excluding furniture; sports

  2  equipment; golf clubs; weapons, including knives, swords, and

  3  air guns; telephones, including cellular and portable;

  4  firearms; tools; calculators; musical instruments, excluding

  5  pianos and organs; lawnmowers; bicycles; typewriters; motor

  6  vehicles; gold, silver, platinum, and other precious metals

  7  excluding coins; and jewelry, excluding costume jewelry.

  8         Section 2.  Subsection (5) is added to section 538.04,

  9  Florida Statutes, to read:

10         538.04  Recordkeeping requirements; penalties.--

11         (1)  Secondhand dealers shall maintain records of all

12  transactions of secondhand goods on the premises.  Within 24

13  hours of the acquisition of any secondhand goods by purchase

14  or pledge as security for a loan, a secondhand dealer shall

15  deliver to the police department of the municipality where the

16  goods were purchased or, if the goods were purchased outside

17  of a municipality, to the sheriff's department of the county

18  where the goods were purchased, a record of the transaction on

19  a form approved by the Department of Law Enforcement.  Such

20  record shall contain:

21         (a)  The time, date, and place of the transaction.

22         (b)  A complete and accurate description of the goods

23  acquired, including any serial numbers, manufacturer's

24  numbers, or other identifying marks or characteristics.

25         (c)  A description of the person from whom the goods

26  were acquired, including:

27         1.  Full name, address, workplace, and home and work

28  phone numbers.

29         2.  Height, weight, date of birth, race, gender, hair

30  color, eye color, and any other identifying marks.



CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida House of Representatives - 1998             CS/HB 3199


  1         (d)  Any other information required by the form

  2  approved by the Department of Law Enforcement.

  3         (2)  The secondhand dealer shall require verification

  4  of the identification by the exhibition of a government-issued

  5  photographic identification card such as a driver's license or

  6  military identification card.  The record shall contain the

  7  type of identification exhibited, the issuing agency, and the

  8  number thereon.

  9         (3)  The seller shall sign a statement verifying that

10  the seller is the rightful owner of the goods or is entitled

11  to sell or pledge the goods.

12         (4)  Any person who knowingly gives false verification

13  of ownership or who gives a false or altered identification,

14  and who receives money from a secondhand dealer for goods sold

15  or pledged commits:

16         (a)  If the value of the money received is less than

17  $300, a misdemeanor of the first degree, punishable as

18  provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083.

19         (b)  If the value of the money received is $300 or

20  more, a felony of the third degree, punishable as provided in

21  s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084.

22         (5)  Secondhand dealers are exempt from the provisions

23  of this section for all transactions involving secondhand

24  sports equipment except secondhand sports equipment that is

25  permanently labeled with a serial number.

26         Section 3.  This act shall take effect upon becoming a

27  law.




