CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

House Bill 3217

Florida House of Representatives - 1998 HB 3217 By Representative Murman 1 A bill to be entitled 2 An act relating to the privatization of foster 3 care and related services; amending s. 4 409.1671, F.S.; providing legislative intent; 5 defining the terms "privatize" and "related 6 services"; requiring the Department of Children 7 and Family Services to develop a plan to 8 accomplish statewide privatization within a 9 specified time period and to submit the plan to 10 the Governor and to designated legislative 11 officials by a specified date; requiring the 12 department to state whether and why 13 privatization is infeasible in a particular 14 district and how the department will address 15 the obstacles to its feasibility; providing 16 requirements for and restrictions upon funding 17 for privatization; providing for a model 18 program to be initiated in a specified 19 district; requiring the department to contract 20 with the sheriffs in that district for the 21 provision of protective investigative services; 22 providing for funding; providing an effective 23 date. 24 25 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 26 27 Section 1. Subsections (1) and (5) and paragraph (a) 28 of subsection (3) of section 409.1671, Florida Statutes, are 29 amended to read: 30 409.1671 Foster care and related services; 31 privatization.-- 1 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1998 HB 3217 583-129-98 1 (1) It is the intent of the Legislature that to 2 encourage the Department of Children and Family Services 3 privatize the provision of to contract with competent 4 community-based agencies to provide foster care and related 5 services statewide. As used in this section, the term 6 "privatize" means to contract with competent, community-based 7 agencies. The department shall develop a strategic plan to 8 accomplish privatization statewide over a 3-year period, 9 beginning July 1, 1999. This plan is to be submitted by 10 January 1, 1999, to the President of the Senate, the Speaker 11 of the House of Representatives, the Governor, and the 12 Minority leaders of both houses. By privatizing these 13 services, the support and commitment of communities to the 14 reunification of families and care of children and their 15 families will be strengthened, and efficiencies as well as 16 increased accountability will be gained. As used in this 17 section, the term "related These services" means may include 18 family preservation, independent living, emergency shelter, 19 residential group care, foster care, therapeutic foster care, 20 intensive residential treatment, postadjudication legal 21 services, foster care supervision, postadjudication case 22 management, postplacement supervision, permanent foster care, 23 family reunification, the filing of a petition for the 24 termination of parental rights, and adoption. With respect to 25 any district in which privatization is not feasible for 26 economic or other reasons, the department must clearly state 27 in its strategic plan the reasons for the lack of feasibility 28 and the efforts that the department will undertake to 29 remediate the obstacles. 30 (3)(a) The department shall establish a quality 31 assurance program for the privatization of services. The 2 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1998 HB 3217 583-129-98 1 quality assurance program must not be funded from moneys that 2 the department currently uses to fund include standards for 3 each specific component of these services. This program must 4 be developed at a statewide level and may not be replicated in 5 each of the departmental districts. The department, in 6 consultation with the community-based agencies that are 7 undertaking the privatized projects, shall establish minimum 8 thresholds for each component. Each program operated under 9 pursuant to contract with a community-based agency must be 10 evaluated annually by the department or by an objective 11 competent entity designated by the department under the 12 provisions of the quality assurance program. The evaluation 13 must be financed from cost savings associated with the 14 privatization of services. The department shall submit an 15 annual report regarding quality performance, outcome measure 16 attainment, and cost efficiency to the President of the 17 Senate, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, the 18 Minority leader of each house of the Legislature, and the 19 Governor no later than January 31 of each year for each 20 project in operation during the preceding fiscal year, 21 beginning in 1998. The quality assurance program must be 22 funded through administrative savings generated by this act. 23 (5)(a) In fiscal year 1998-1999, the Department of 24 Children and Family Services shall privatize all foster care 25 and related services in district 5. Beginning in fiscal year 26 1996-1997, the Department of Children and Family Services 27 shall establish a minimum of five model programs. These models 28 must be established in the department's districts 1, 4, and 29 13; in subdistrict 8A; and in a fifth district to be 30 determined by the department, with the concurrence of the 31 appropriate district health and human services board. For 3 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1998 HB 3217 583-129-98 1 comparison of privatization savings, the fifth model program 2 must be contracted with a competent for-profit corporation. 3 The provider or providers of the district-5 these model 4 programs may be selected from a single source pursuant to s. 5 287.057(3)(c) and must be an established, community-based 6 organization or organizations within the state district or 7 subdistrict. Contracts with organizations responsible for the 8 model programs must shall include the management and 9 administration of all privatized services specified in 10 subsection (1), except for funds necessary to manage the 11 contract. If the community-based organization selected for a 12 model program under this subsection is not a Medicaid 13 provider, the organization shall be issued a Medicaid provider 14 number pursuant to s. 409.907 for the provision of services 15 currently authorized under the state Medicaid plan to those 16 children encompassed in this model and in a manner not to 17 exceed the current level of state expenditure. Each district 18 and subdistrict that participates in the model program effort 19 or any future privatization effort as described in this 20 section must thoroughly analyze and report the complete direct 21 and indirect costs of delivering these services through the 22 department and the full cost of privatization, including the 23 cost of monitoring and evaluating the contracted services. 24 (b) The Department of Children and Family Services 25 shall contract with the sheriffs of Pinellas County and Pasco 26 County, in district 5, for the provision of all protective 27 investigative services. Each individual who provides these 28 services under the contract must complete the training 29 provided to and required of protective investigators employed 30 by the department. The sheriff's offices in Pinellas County 31 and Pasco County are to be responsible for the initial calls 4 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1998 HB 3217 583-129-98 1 and for any subsequent investigations related to all child 2 abuse reports in their respective counties. The Department of 3 Children and Family Services shall transfer all funding for 4 the investigative responsibilities in each of those counties, 5 including all investigative, supervisory, and clerical 6 positions, to the respective sheriff. Each sheriff may require 7 all employees of the sheriff's office who provide protective 8 investigative services to meet the employment standards of the 9 sheriff's office. The state will continue to provide funding 10 for the special child-abuse investigation units. The 11 bookkeeping for these units must be kept separate from the 12 rest of the sheriffs' budgets. County funding may not be used 13 for the operation of the child-abuse investigation units, nor 14 may any funds for the child-abuse investigation units be 15 integrated into the sheriffs' regular budgets. 16 Section 2. This act shall take effect July 1, 1998. 17 18 ***************************************** 19 SENATE SUMMARY 20 Provides for the privatization of foster care and related services. Provides legislative intent. Defines the terms 21 "privatize" and "related services." Requires the Department of Children and Family Services to develop a 22 plan to accomplish statewide privatization by July 1, 2002, and to submit the plan to the Governor and to 23 designated legislative officials by January 1, 1999. Requires the department to state whether and why 24 privatization is infeasible in a particular district and how the department intends to address the obstacles to 25 its feasibility. Provides requirements for and restrictions upon funding for privatization. Provides for 26 a model program to be initiated in district 5, in fiscal year 1998-1999. Requires the department to contract with 27 the sheriffs in district 5 for the provision of all protective investigative services, and provides for 28 funding. 29 30 31 5